Full-Time Student & Part Time NEET (Ascension Update)



Aug 11, 2018
Today I quit my job at the grocery store, which was the biggest detriment to my freedom. Every day I would get bullied and treated like I was lower scum. It degraded my health quite a bit, for I'd work early shifts after completing night-shifts. I never had time to sleep, make dinner every night, or even breakfast sometimes.

So I quit my job and became a full-time student. I found a room-for-rent for $350 a month, which is close to my school. I am getting financial aid as well as neetbux from my parents, who agreed to help me buy things like food, gas, and etc if I became a full-time student. Altogether I will be making around $1000 a month, $650 of which is mine for food, water, gas, etc.

I am very blessed by this and hope to never leave the house except for when going to class. I no longer have to deal with so many shitty people every day. I will show up to class every day, work my ass off, and not talk to a single soul. I will be able to eat healthy dinners every day, make time for exercise, and maybe even pick up a hobby on the side.

I will post updates to this keystone to my ascension.
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Thats great man, I'm really really happy for you. I can kinda of understand how you feel. It must suck to be treated so bad your this desperate on the inside to just be fucking left alone man. I worked in a factory once where everyone treated me like shit for being younger, the actual place put a stress on me sooo bad I literally felt heavier. And every shift I swore I would never come back but I had to because bills dont pay themselves. Hopefully, you will be able to do new things with your education in a better enviorment. Maybe people will treat you the way you deserve to be treated, maybe not. But if you can at least be left the fuck alone, go home, have a good, healthy meal, relax and go to sleep comfortably, and have peace of mind, then thats great. If you make friends you make friends, but if you dont you dont. Simple as that. Good luck, keep posting here.
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I am very blessed by this and hope to never leave the house except for when going to class.
Not good for your social life. Try to make atleast 1 good friend because loneliness can affect your mood and health.

Removing the people out of your life that make you feel like shit is 1 big step for your mental health and you'll feel better so this is something great you have done. Your mental health is more important than some extra money
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+hit the gym
+eat well
+save money for when your parents stop supporting you.
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401, Peruvian, God and 1 other person
Today I quit my job at the grocery store, which was the biggest detriment to my freedom. Every day I would get bullied and treated like I was lower scum. It degraded my health quite a bit, for I'd work early shifts after completing night-shifts. I never had time to sleep, make dinner every night, or even breakfast sometimes.

So I quit my job and became a full-time student. I found a room-for-rent for $350 a month, which is close to my school. I am getting financial aid as well as neetbux from my parents, who agreed to help me buy things like food, gas, and etc if I became a full-time student. Altogether I will be making around $1000 a month, $650 of which is mine for food, water, gas, etc.

I am very blessed by this and hope to never leave the house except for when going to class. I no longer have to deal with so many shitty people every day. I will show up to class every day, work my ass off, and not talk to a single soul. I will be able to eat healthy dinners every day, make time for exercise, and maybe even pick up a hobby on the side.

I will post updates to this keystone to my ascension.
Keep us updated man. Good luck on mental ascension as well as physical
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and God
Thats great man, I'm really really happy for you. I can kinda of understand how you feel. It must suck to be treated so bad your this desperate on the inside to just be fucking left alone man. I worked in a factory once where everyone treated me like shit for being younger, the actual place put a stress on me sooo bad I literally felt heavier. And every shift I swore I would never come back but I had to because bills dont pay themselves. Hopefully, you will be able to do new things with your education in a better enviorment. Maybe people will treat you the way you deserve to be treated, maybe not. But if you can at least be left the fuck alone, go home, have a good, healthy meal, relax and go to sleep comfortably, and have peace of mind, then thats great. If you make friends you make friends, but if you dont you dont. Simple as that. Good luck, keep posting here.
It's just the chad mentality of picking on a weaker target. It sucks going through that
Not good for your social life. Try to make atleast 1 good friend because loneliness can affect your mood and health.

Removing the people out of your life that make you feel like shit is 1 big step for your mental health and you'll feel better so this is something great you have done. Your mental health is more important than some extra money

I start my first day tomorrow and will hopefully get to meet at least 1 friend. You're right about the whole social isolation thing, I find it really difficult to make friends probably due to mental trauma from my past, but I have friends in other states that I get along with pretty well, so I'm sure I will find someone.
+hit the gym
+eat well
+save money for when your parents stop supporting you.
I've completely cut unhealthy sugar from my diet, but I relapsed in the past few days and started eating fast food. I hope to start eating right once I get some more money from my parents. Right now I'm broke as hell. Will definitely save money too.

As far as socializing goes, I am socially retarded and have a hard time keeping up a conversation with anybody (even the closest people I know). I go to therapy twice a week so hopefully that will help me get better + the anti-depressants.
Keep us updated man. Good luck on mental ascension as well as physical
Thank you, I plan to make an ascension update at least once a week.
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