Funny how the people who trash personality are the ones who don't get any girls



Kess mah ess
Oct 18, 2020
I find it funny how guys who have girls say that personality and game matter while guys who have never seen a naked woman say that it's a myth and that only looks matter. What's even funnier is that most of them have the looks to get some action but because of ??? I guess autism and single moms they choose to live in a make believe world.
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Personality only matters for normies to chadlites.

Having game and confidence is irrelevant for subhumans and Chads.
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As a high tier normie who doesn't struggle sexually i can confirm this thread is utter dogshit.
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Personality only matters when it comes to being able to keep a girl in a relationship. Sexual attraction is quite literally based on physical looks, because physical looks are a gauge of one's genetics and sex is quite literally the act of reproduction and passing on said genetics.
I find it funny how guys who have girls say that personality and game matter while guys who have never seen a naked woman say that it's a myth and that only looks matter. What's even funnier is that most of them have the looks to get some action but because of ??? I guess autism and single moms they choose to live in a make believe world.
I believe NT only matters and I’m incel. :feelswhy:
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Personality only matters for normies to chadlites.

Having game and confidence is irrelevant for subhumans and Chads.
Women DO approach and they make moves aswell. This stacylite/high tier becky (depending on who you ask) girl was talking abat how she i had nice facial structure, called me a flirt and moved closer untill she was uncomfortably close to me despite being 5 people in a couch for 10 etc etc. This was from them approaching me and my friend from us sending them a snap. Meaning the soul reason for even meeting them was LOOKS.

This whole "personality is everything" and "medium uglies rule :soy:" is retarded but its just as retarded to say you should basement rot and become chad.
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I honestly can't stand the hardcore black piller types who believe looks account for 100% of your success with women. This forum is nothing but celebrity worship and hyperfixation on super good looking statistical outliers. Ofc super good looking men are going to be drowning in pussy. No fucking shit. What a groundbreaking discovery. It's Nobel prize time for you buddy boyo.
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Women DO approach and they make moves aswell. This stacylite/high tier becky (depending on who you ask) girl was talking abat how she i had nice facial structure, called me a flirt and moved closer untill she was uncomfortably close to me despite being 5 people in a couch for 10 etc etc. This was from them approaching me and my friend from us sending them a snap. Meaning the soul reason for even meeting them was LOOKS.

This whole "personality is everything" and "medium uglies rule :soy:" is retarded but its just as retarded to say you should basement rot and become chad.
My point was also about looks tho lol.

If you’re a chad she will like you no matter how retarded of socially awkward you are.

If you’re ugly as shit there’s no amount of game and personality that would make her like you.

Personality and game is only useful for normies
everyone who has decent experiences with women know that personality means dogshit, i've said so many weird things to women but got away with because they thought i was handsom
I honestly can't stand the hardcore black piller types who believe looks account for 100% of your success with women. This forum is nothing but celebrity worship and hyperfixation on super good looking statistical outliers. Ofc super good looking men are going to be drowning in pussy. No fucking shit. What a groundbreaking discovery. It's Nobel prize time for you buddy boyo.
Maybe then don't brainwash men for the first 18 years of their lives into believing muh personality, muh kindness, muh confidence is what gets you laid. Maybe tell men from the beginning that women only want to fuck tall men with heads full of hair with good facial structure and are in shape.
everyone who has decent experiences with women know that personality means dogshit, i've said so many weird things to women but got away with because they thought i was handsom
I never said that more good looking people don't get away with worse things, but it has its limits. You don't have that much experience anyway if you're under 25 and on this website
I honestly can't stand the hardcore black piller types who believe looks account for 100% of your success with women. This forum is nothing but celebrity worship and hyperfixation on super good looking statistical outliers. Ofc super good looking men are going to be drowning in pussy. No fucking shit. What a groundbreaking discovery. It's Nobel prize time for you buddy boyo.
Personality means jack shit for a normie if a chadlite is in the same room.
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Personality means jack shit for a normie if a chadlite is in the same room.
Keep living in make believe world. If chadlite is aspie and can't communicate and crack jokes he won't get shit. Girls won't try to entertain you and make things happen.
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Maybe then don't brainwash men for the first 18 years of their lives into believing muh personality, muh kindness, muh confidence is what gets you laid. Maybe tell men from the beginning that women only want to fuck tall men with heads full of hair with good facial structure and are in shape.
Because the reality is that most men who go through the motions of life and make an effort to socialize will eventually land themselves a girlfriend. Only truly irredeemable subhumans need to be blackpilled.
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Because the reality is that most men who go through the motions of life and make an effort to socialize will eventually land themselves a girlfriend. Only truly irredeemable subhumans need to be blackpilled.
Normie men who go through their lives with probably a handful of relationships and eventually marry their foid looksmatch who is SETTLING for them who has had trains ran on her, who had the whole football team rawdog her, has has had more bodies buried into her than a fucking graveyard. Yeah lmao, some fucking life to look forward to. :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::sick::sick::sick:

And I agree with you, subhumans need to be blackpilled, so again why aren't we teaching the blackpill in school again? Where else are subhumans going to learn this information from? Or I'm sure you are content with letting subhumans languish away brainwashed with the bluepill until they become adults and then eventually realize the truth on their own, and realize they were lied to their whole lives.
  • JFL
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Personality only matters for normies to chadlites.

Having game and confidence is irrelevant for subhumans and Chads.
It doesn't matter for anybody. Consider the graph posted at the beginning of the thread. Different behaviors are interpreted differently depending on what you look like.

Arrogant as incel: Total prick
Arrogant as normie: Unlikable
Arrogant as chadlite: Flawed
Arrogant as chad: Assertive

So-called negative personality traits are only seen as such if you lack the looks. It's questionable if personalities even exist as we think of them.
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Normie men who go through their lives with probably a handful of relationships and eventually marry their foid looksmatch who is SETTLING for them who has had trains ran on her, who had the whole football team rawdog her, has has had more bodies buried into her than a fucking graveyard. Yeah lmao, some fucking life to look forward to. :feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::sick::sick::sick:

And I agree with you, subhumans need to be blackpilled, so again why aren't we teaching the blackpill in school again? Where else are subhumans going to learn this information from? Or I'm sure you are content with letting subhumans languish away brainwashed with the bluepill until they become adults and then eventually realize the truth on their own, and realize they were lied to their whole lives.
Do you ever leave your basement? I see looksmatched couples all the time irl. And I see them in high school and college too. It’s not just women “settling” for them after getting plowed by the football team. Do degenerate whore women exist? Ofc, but it’s not all women, and if genuinely believe that, you’ve completely given into your own pessimism and might as well just rope right now. Most ugly people do not need to be “blackpilled”. The whole idea of the “blackpill” is just autistic cope. Most ugly people know they are ugly through life experience and adjust their own expectations accordingly and move on with their lives. This forum is full of overgrown children, narcissists, and autists who can’t accept the hand they were dealt and feel the need vent with other disgruntled people like them. At the end of the day, good looking people live easier lives. Water is wet. That’s life. There are many people who don’t look like super models who live happy fulfilling lives and have happy healthy relationships with the opposite sex and there are also many good looking people living in dissatisfaction and regret. Just focus on what you are good at and try to make something of your life. That’s all you can really do at the end of the day
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Personality doesnt matter at all, i would even say it doesnt exist.
Do you ever leave your basement? I see looksmatched couples all the time irl. And I see them in high school and college too. It’s not just women “settling” for them after getting plowed by the football team. Do degenerate whore women exist? Ofc, but it’s not all women, and if genuinely believe that, you’ve completely given into your own pessimism and might as well just rope right now. Most ugly people do not need to be “blackpilled”. The whole idea of the “blackpill” is just autistic cope. Most ugly people know they are ugly through life experience and adjust their own expectations accordingly and move on with their lives. This forum is full of overgrown children, narcissists, and autists who can’t accept the hand they were dealt and feel the need vent with other disgruntled people like them. At the end of the day, good looking people live easier lives. Water is wet. That’s life. There are many people who don’t look like super models who live happy fulfilling lives and have happy healthy relationships with the opposite sex and there are also many good looking people living in dissatisfaction and regret. Just focus on what you are good at and try to make something of your life. That’s all you can really do at the end of the day

Do you ever leave your basement? I see looksmatched couples all the time irl. And I see them in high school and college too. It’s not just women “settling” for them after getting plowed by the football team. Do degenerate whore women exist? Ofc, but it’s not all women, and if genuinely believe that, you’ve completely given into your own pessimism and might as well just rope right now.

No I'm a neckbeard inkwell talking out of my ass. No, in never went through public schooling for 13 years and observed how women behaved. No, I never went to college for 4 semesters and observed how women behaved there. No, I never enlisted into the military for 4 years and saw how women behaved there. Nope im just a neckbeard inkwell that has rotted in his mama's basement from the very moment he was born. 👌


I'm sorry lmao but one of the most basic pillars of the blackpill is AWALT. You call it women being "degenerate whores", I just call it women being women. We now live in a society where women are free to express their natural instinctual sexuality, and that is the be hypergamous monkey branchers or ONS pussy for random chads who they meet at the club 🤷‍♂️

We do not live in a society where men are free to express their natural sexual instincts where it's harem fucking for chads, and raping for lower smv men who can't generate sexual attraction from women based off their looks.

The reason why I haven't roped YET, is because I plan on having multiple surgeries soon throughout my 20s so I can hopefully reach the threshold of becoming physically attractive enough for ONS. If this DOESN'T work out, then I'll give serious consideration to committing suicide, so don't you worry.

Most ugly people do not need to be “blackpilled”. The whole idea of the “blackpill” is just autistic cope. Most ugly people know they are ugly through life experience and adjust their own expectations accordingly and move on with their lives
If this was the case then the bluepill narrative wouldn't be mainstream. You and me both know that if we were in a conversation with a bunch of normies and the discussion was about how to get someone of the opposite sex, then those cucks would go on about muh personality and muh confidence and muh alphaness WAAAAAAY before they would ever talk about actual physical looks, if they would even have the balls to do that anyway.

This forum is full of overgrown children, narcissists, and autists who can’t accept the hand they were dealt and feel the need vent with other disgruntled people like them.
Ok and what is so wrong about feeling shitty about something that completely affects the overall quality of your life, that you had no choice or say in? Perhaps you wish for us to keep all this suffering pent up inside and finally explode and go ER on normie cucks? I'm sure you would just love for that to happen, so that it can further play into your "evil dangerous inkwell" narrative.

Also we are practically blameless for the way we act actually, and psychology itself sanctifies our behavior (I'm a psychology major):feelshah::feelshah::feelshah:

"Overgrown children", yes we might be, as we weren't allowed to reach our certain developmental milestones by our peers simply because of the way we look, and therefore have become stagnated to where we were at before we were prevented from moving on.

Again how is that our fault, we had no say in the looks we were born with, but yet we were punished for them as if it were our fault.

Narcissists? I have yet to ever see a single narcissistic thing said on this forum. The only genuinely narcissistic people on here are the actual chads, who can get away with being narcissistic because of the looks halo society provides for them. Everyone else would be happy with their loyal looksmatched virgin waifus. ;)

At the end of the day, good looking people live easier lives. Water is wet. That’s life. There are many people who don’t look like super models who live happy fulfilling lives and have happy healthy relationships with the opposite sex and there are also many good looking people living in dissatisfaction and regret.
Happy fulfilling lives because they are brainwashed on the bluepill. :forcedsmile: Normie cucks who are with their looksmatches who are settling for them and see then as nothing more secure safe atm machines. Who are SETTLING with them after spending their youth getting their backs blown out by countless tyrones and chads, and wouldve never given their own looksmatches the time of day in their prime. Who now gives their betabuxx looksmatches once a month starfish sex. Yes. So "happy". So "fulfilling". :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile: I rather be a good looking "dissatisfied" single chad then a "happy fulfilled normie cuck" in a betabuxx "relationship" . Atleast then I wouldnt have to pull out my wallet to get women to want to fuck me :lul::lul::lul:.

Just focus on what you are good at and try to make something of your life. That’s all you can really do at the end of the day

I am good at treating women like the worthless holes that they are. Now I just need to acquire the physical looks in order to give my behavior its legitimacy, as only good looking men, are taken seriously :p.
  • Woah
Reactions: GetShrekt
I find it funny how guys who have girls say that personality and game matter while guys who have never seen a naked woman say that it's a myth and that only looks matter. What's even funnier is that most of them have the looks to get some action but because of ??? I guess autism and single moms they choose to live in a make believe world.
Interesting to see how this was the first reply you got that you didn't respond to. Thoughts, Mr. Personalitycoper? :lul:
  • Woah
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No I'm a neckbeard inkwell talking out of my ass. No, in never went through public schooling for 13 years and observed how women behaved. No, I never went to college for 4 semesters and observed how women behaved there. No, I never enlisted into the military for 4 years and saw how women behaved there. Nope im just a neckbeard inkwell that has rotted in his mama's basement from the very moment he was born. 👌


I'm sorry lmao but one of the most basic pillars of the blackpill is AWALT. You call it women being "degenerate whores", I just call it women being women. We now live in a society where women are free to express their natural instinctual sexuality, and that is the be hypergamous monkey branchers or ONS pussy for random chads who they meet at the club 🤷‍♂️

We do not live in a society where men are free to express their natural sexual instincts where it's harem fucking for chads, and raping for lower smv men who can't generate sexual attraction from women based off their looks.

The reason why I haven't roped YET, is because I plan on having multiple surgeries soon throughout my 20s so I can hopefully reach the threshold of becoming physically attractive enough for ONS. If this DOESN'T work out, then I'll give serious consideration to committing suicide, so don't you worry.

If this was the case then the bluepill narrative wouldn't be mainstream. You and me both know that if we were in a conversation with a bunch of normies and the discussion was about how to get someone of the opposite sex, then those cucks would go on about muh personality and muh confidence and muh alphaness WAAAAAAY before they would ever talk about actual physical looks, if they would even have the balls to do that anyway.

Ok and what is so wrong about feeling shitty about something that completely affects the overall quality of your life, that you had no choice or say in? Perhaps you wish for us to keep all this suffering pent up inside and finally explode and go ER on normie cucks? I'm sure you would just love for that to happen, so that it can further play into your "evil dangerous inkwell" narrative.

Also we are practically blameless for the way we act actually, and psychology itself sanctifies our behavior (I'm a psychology major):feelshah::feelshah::feelshah:

"Overgrown children", yes we might be, as we weren't allowed to reach our certain developmental milestones by our peers simply because of the way we look, and therefore have become stagnated to where we were at before we were prevented from moving on.

Again how is that our fault, we had no say in the looks we were born with, but yet we were punished for them as if it were our fault.

Narcissists? I have yet to ever see a single narcissistic thing said on this forum. The only genuinely narcissistic people on here are the actual chads, who can get away with being narcissistic because of the looks halo society provides for them. Everyone else would be happy with their loyal looksmatched virgin waifus. ;)

Happy fulfilling lives because they are brainwashed on the bluepill. :forcedsmile: Normie cucks who are with their looksmatches who are settling for them and see then as nothing more secure safe atm machines. Who are SETTLING with them after spending their youth getting their backs blown out by countless tyrones and chads, and wouldve never given their own looksmatches the time of day in their prime. Who now gives their betabuxx looksmatches once a month starfish sex. Yes. So "happy". So "fulfilling". :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile: I rather be a good looking "dissatisfied" single chad then a "happy fulfilled normie cuck" in a betabuxx "relationship" . Atleast then I wouldnt have to pull out my wallet to get women to want to fuck me :lul::lul::lul:.

I am good at treating women like the worthless holes that they are. Now I just need to acquire the physical looks in order to give my behavior its legitimacy, as only good looking men, are taken seriously :p.
Wel I respect the fact that you stand by your opinion and are actually going to do something in accordance with what you believe. Most here just rot in the basement 24/7 and use the blackpill as an excuse to justify that.
Indeed. Personality is always preferred among women.
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Keep living in make believe world. If chadlite is aspie and can't communicate and crack jokes he won't get shit. Girls won't try to entertain you and make things happen.
This happens to me all the time...
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Another day another bluepill thread
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I believe NT only matters and I’m incel. :feelswhy:
It's over, it's literally over. Unless, you look like a Chad, the chances of surviving in the dating world is close to zero. I live in Turkey and everyone here is confident as fuck, I have only seen one guy that was SOMEWHAT as awkward as me, and he never had a gf either, and I am even more awkward than him.
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That's perfectly logical. There is no chad comedians.
Do you ever leave your basement? I see looksmatched couples all the time irl. And I see them in high school and college too. It’s not just women “settling” for them after getting plowed by the football team. Do degenerate whore women exist? Ofc, but it’s not all women, and if genuinely believe that, you’ve completely given into your own pessimism and might as well just rope right now. Most ugly people do not need to be “blackpilled”. The whole idea of the “blackpill” is just autistic cope. Most ugly people know they are ugly through life experience and adjust their own expectations accordingly and move on with their lives. This forum is full of overgrown children, narcissists, and autists who can’t accept the hand they were dealt and feel the need vent with other disgruntled people like them. At the end of the day, good looking people live easier lives. Water is wet. That’s life. There are many people who don’t look like super models who live happy fulfilling lives and have happy healthy relationships with the opposite sex and there are also many good looking people living in dissatisfaction and regret. Just focus on what you are good at and try to make something of your life. That’s all you can really do at the end of the day
All because they are NT! :feelswhy:
It's over, it's literally over. Unless, you look like a Chad, the chances of surviving in the dating world is close to zero. I live in Turkey and everyone here is confident as fuck, I have only seen one guy that was SOMEWHAT as awkward as me, and he never had a gf either, and I am even more awkward than him.
Ooo gardaşım hoş geldin :lul:.
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Women DO approach and they make moves aswell. This stacylite/high tier becky (depending on who you ask) girl was talking abat how she i had nice facial structure, called me a flirt and moved closer untill she was uncomfortably close to me despite being 5 people in a couch for 10 etc etc. This was from them approaching me and my friend from us sending them a snap. Meaning the soul reason for even meeting them was LOOKS.

This whole "personality is everything" and "medium uglies rule :soy:" is retarded but its just as retarded to say you should basement rot and become chad.
Bruh you medium ugly obviously she approached you

If a girl is in same room as you and a real chad like amnesia she’s more likely to approach you
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