Genes= everything

at 14 I can still mew if I know about it. We had anti mouth breathing campaigns at our school
okay but do you trust a 14 year old to have the intelligence to mew? what if hes just like "nah sounds dumb"

or what if your school doesnt even have that campaign

life is determined at conception
I’ve noticed GL guys have GL moms. And GL girls have Chad dads.
bro please
its about luck, dont blame your parents or any other that someone is bad looking or good looking, it was always luck
Do you really think male models mewed? Go to the hood and find me a Tyrone who mews. 90% genetics, 10% environment. There’s fat people who lose the weight and turn out to be GL. Food barely plays a role unless you legit eat soy and estrogen infused food in your childhood and teen years then MAYBE you will be SLIGHTLY less masculine, but it doesn’t play a big enough part to base your whole argument off of “environment isn’t cope”.

There’s no point in bringing up prenatal T because there’s nothing you could have done to control that. If you’re LEGITIMATELY good lucking, like 6psl+, it doesn’t mater what you ate in childhood or if you mouth breathed. There’s plenty of GL people who mouth breathed in childhood and turned out GL (ask @Pietrosiek [on this football team]).

Unless you’re legitimately recessed or have severe downward growth in your face, your “if I would have mewed in childhood” is a cope. I don’t know your face or growth pattern but I would guess it’s average so EVEN if you did mew, it would have barely made an impact.
i will say gl people tend to do sports and mouth breath. Being good at sports is coraleted with genetics.
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okay but do you trust a 14 year old to have the intelligence to mew? what if hes just like "nah sounds dumb"

or what if your school doesnt even have that campaign

life is determined at conception
Half the people commentinfg unde mews videos are 14
  • JFL
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He is a genetic mutation. He is as rare as a legitimate 5’2, 12” bideltoid, NW6, recessed, hook nosed man.
  • JFL
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bro please
its about luck, dont blame your parents or any other that someone is bad looking or good looking, it was always luck


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oh yeah, you ran half marathons effectively lowering muscle mass and testosterone? Probably mouth breathed for 2h per race? no wayyyy.....
I ran a couple that lasting for hours at a time stupid fucking faggot you actually think running has any detrimental effects it’s legit all good effects increases hgh and helps heart etc you can’t even lower your test at that age you prob one of those people who think lifting weights and no fap is going to increase test and make you Connor Mcgregor pernamently like it doesn’t go back down shorty after . Every young white kid in my suburban neighborhood is skinny running around hours a day mouth open playing football but yeah they are prob just fucjing their lives up lowering muscle mass and test at 11 years old .


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You guys on here act like if you fucking mewed when you were a kid you would of been more tier. FUCKING NO. Everything is fucking genetic and your development barely plays a role . I’m not coping because I was very active as a kid running half marathons in 6th grade and ate a lot of protein as a kid. Still grew to be built like my father with my mothers phenotype and grandpas bone structure. This shit is out of your control . Your development has minimal effect on attractiveness you couldn’t of done anything to fucking rebuild your face like it’s play dough
Yeah you're right, cause running half marathons during 6th grade and eating alot of protein (not even mentioned wether it's meat protein or plant protein) obviously ensures proper facial development.
Forward growth comes from environment
there is so much more to food than just estrogen induced food, and soy lowering t is a myth which has long been disproved. But lots of spices like turmeric have been shown to raise t, lots of fruits can inhibit e (honey, grapes...) some foods inhibit conversion of t to dht (pomegranate) you seriously underestimate the importance of nutrition, you are what you eat. Also, maybe tyrone from the hood didn't mew consciously, but he certainly didn't mouth breathe and likely even had good tongue posture. 60 percent of people have ok tongue posture anyway, its not like its some secret chit only pal fags know about.

Ceterum censeo mouthbreathing is a killer for good looks.

As about the mewing in the childhood part, you say it only helps if I had "strong downward growth", but if it helps to make a strong downward grown face more forward grown, why can't it make an average face forward grown. Ever looked at native tribes, they got great maxillas because the mums teach them during breastfeeding where to keep their tongue.
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Yeah you're right, cause running half marathons during 6th grade and eating alot of protein (not even mentioned wether it's meat protein or plant protein) obviously ensures proper facial development.
I thought that diet and exercise were main factors in development? But Alright so basically proper facial development solely ===== fucjing mewing 24/7 all your life. Fucjing mike mew is ugly as shit and his dad practically discovered good oral posture XD. Nobody even knows to mew they just have their tounge down mouth closed they develop according to their genetic blueprint
Forward growth comes from environment

And so does ramus size, prenatal testosterone, pubertal testosterone, facial width, skull shape and many things.

Not gonna bother fighting over it anymore tho 🤭🤭 I have my studies while they can come up with their anecdotes and some gene common among genetic elites
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And so does ramus size, prenatal testosterone, pubertal testosterone, facial width, skull shape and many things.

Not gonna bother fighting over it anymore tho 🤭🤭 I have my studies while they can come up with their anecdotes and some gene common among genetic elites
show me ur studies
I thought that diet and exercise were main factors in development? But Alright so basically proper facial development solely ===== fucjing mewing 24/7 all your life. Fucjing mike mew is ugly as shit and his dad practically discovered good oral posture XD. Nobody even knows to mew they just have their tounge down mouth closed they develop according to their genetic blueprint

Yeah I think we found the retard here
show me ur studies
Not gonna bother sharing them anymore. This is all my knowledge now. I've won multiple discussions regarding this with multiple members to the point where it's become boring.
And so does ramus size, prenatal testosterone, pubertal testosterone, facial width, skull shape and many things.

Not gonna bother fighting over it anymore tho 🤭🤭 I have my studies while they can come up with their anecdotes and some gene common among genetic elites
Ok I agree with what you said genetics= base and environment is how you reach potential. But you over estimate the effect environment has . Those Africans have been like that for many many years it’s not like they differ drastically from their parents. 99% of people face roadblocks in development id say in this day of age but develop just fine I really don’t think if they mewed or did anything different they would be unrecognizable chad compared to what they developed as .
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even people who cope with environment are dumb. you literally cannot control your environment for the first 18 years of your life. everything that you are or did is not your fault
18 years? Bruh
This is why I will genetically engineer my kids if I ever have them, it’s been possible to do that for decades now but normies placed a worldwide ban on it but thankfully China doesn’t follow their bullshit and neither does Russia.

Why gamble with the lives of your kids just like your parents gambled with yours.

Edit their genes
Give them tall height, perfect face, skin, immune to diseases, hair, intellect, strength etc
Make a supersoldier instead of rolling a dice
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Yeah I think we found the retard here

Not gonna bother sharing them anymore. This is all my knowledge now. I've won multiple discussions regarding this with multiple members to the point where it's become boring.
How is this retarded. Is diet not important to growth like you fucjing aspies who claim it is 35% of height and frame. And the people who claim exercise and playing team sports will someone shape you into chad just bc chad also play these sports . Hard meat for jaw and encouraging bone growth? Vitamin d and calcium for bones? Running for hgh and test?
Ok I agree with what you said genetics= base and environment is how you reach potential. But you over estimate the effect environment has . Those Africans have been like that for many many years it’s not like they differ drastically from their parents. 99% of people face roadblocks in development id say in this day of age but develop just fine I really don’t think if they mewed or did anything different they would be unrecognizable chad compared to what they developed as .
Read Physical Degeneration, long term chewing has a massive effect on your overal ramus size and it's a known thing among researchers that vitamin k2 deficiency can make kids end up with less developed/smaller jaws.

Also you didn't cite a single study proving any of your claims, the burden of proof is on you since you made the claim.
Saying you can’t control your development for the first 18 years of your life, Just saying that’s a bit extreme
  • +1
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stop acting like its all genetics. with perfect posture and strong tongue from young age I would be fucking gl, but I mouth breathed and take full responsibility for that. With higher prenatal t Id probably have better proportions, but I maxed my t during puberty so I look more masculine. I could have eaten like crap and gotten fat with unhealthy lifestyle and shit hormones but I didn't. I could have roped, but I didn't
I had a 1 percentile upbringing. Mouth breathed since early childhood, abused since I were a kiddo. I had the worst possible diet including bread with ketchup and was breast fed only for a few months. Many older people complimented me on my looks (they were judging pheno, not hotness). I developed extremely stunted and recessed with a decent pheno. I was supposed to be decent looking. I can't cope at all.
  • +1
  • So Sad
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How is this retarded. Is diet not important to growth like you fucjing aspies who claim it is 35% of height and frame. And the people who claim exercise and playing team sports will someone shape you into chad just bc chad also play these sports . Hard meat for jaw and encouraging bone growth? Vitamin d and calcium for bones? Running for hgh and test?
Nobody here said diet isn't important, what most normies consider as good diets isn't the ideal anyways. Btw frame isn't just determined by diet, as a matter of fact I don't think I've ever heard a single guy here say so. Yes those last are legit but they're merely pieces for the puzzle to fit, except of the hard foods encouraging bone growth though, that's literally scientifically logical considering bone adapts to forces pretty much regardless of the place.

This is what i find
I dont know shit about reading studies
“Environmental contribution to facial variation is the greatest in the mandibular ramus height and horizontal facial asymmetry. This heritability study may inform future genetic studies which facial traits should be focused on.”
Didn’t read it all but I infer this has to do with chewing as child and it’s effect on mandible I don’t know if they discuss maxilla prominence or any of that shit
I had a 1 percentile upbringing. Mouth breathed since early childhood, abused since I were a kiddo. I had the worst possible diet including bread with ketchup and was breast fed only for a few months. Many older people complimented me on my looks (they were judging pheno, not hotness). I developed extremely stunted and recessed with a decent pheno. I was supposed to be decent looking. I can't cope at all.
I love how literally every single argument used by guys like this is anecdotal. LITERALLY EVERY SINGLE TIME HAHAHA
This is why I will genetically engineer my kids if I ever have them, it’s been possible to do that for decades now but normies placed a worldwide ban on it but thankfully China doesn’t follow their bullshit and neither does Russia.

Why gamble with the lives of your kids just like your parents gambled with yours.

Edit their genes
Give them tall height, perfect face, skin, immune to diseases, hair, intellect, strength etc
Make a supersoldier instead of rolling a dice
We literally don't even know that many genes that are involved in facial aesthetics except of some groups that are responsible for nasal shape, masculinity etc

This is what i find
I dont know shit about reading studies
How is this of any value? You quickly found one random study like it has any value on it's own among hundreds of studies?
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I agree chads will always be chads even if they are super obese
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  • JFL
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Proper oral posture thumb2

her fucking twin on the left has every symptom of mouthbreathing, downwardly grown, lips affected, nose affected, chin affected, mandible affected, and lastly, eyes' upper eyelid exposure are affected due to lack of bone support by the maxilla

every single document of mouthbreathing symptoms displayed the exact issues, the one on the right if I believe was said to have no complications related to her twin sister, she fucking nose breathed and swallowed correctly that's what, which is usually more than enough for growth to properly be guided in the right direction (forwards, upwards rather than downwards) so it combats against gravity, when you are mouthbreathing, you are quite literally speeding up the process for gravity to shit on you even more when you're going through intense growth spurts ever since you were born.

we learned that the MAXILLA is EVERYTHING and that it must be protected and well-supported ideally with the tongue for it to provide support to the rest of the face as well and bring balance, this is natural, this is the way your body works faggots holy shit this should be basic shit with the studies on monkeys, like fucking use the search engine
I had a 1 percentile upbringing. Mouth breathed since early childhood, abused since I were a kiddo. I had the worst possible diet including bread with ketchup and was breast fed only for a few months. Many older people complimented me on my looks (they were judging pheno, not hotness). I developed extremely stunted and recessed with a decent pheno. I was supposed to be decent looking. I can't cope at all.
It is what it is. I'm also recessed

Yeah I think we found the retard here

Not gonna bother sharing them anymore. This is all my knowledge now. I've won multiple discussions regarding this with multiple members to the point where it's become boring.
You are the dumbest user in this thread rn. I mean that too. “I have studies but I won’t show them.”

“Genes are likely to influence more than one facial trait. For instance, PAX3 gene is associated with eye to nasion distance, prominence of the nasion and eye width, sides of the walls of the nose, and the prominence of the nose tip. Similarity, the naso-labial angle will be associated with the nose prominence and DCHS2 is linked to both traits.”

“Some reported genes appear to influence different parts of the genes. PRDM16 is linked to the length and prominence of the nose as well as the width of the altar. SOX9 is thought to be related to the shape of the ala and nose tip, variation in SUPT3H is thought to influence naso-labial angle and shape of the bridge of the nose, while centroid size and allometry have been linked to PDE8A and SCHIP17 genes. Eye width and ear - nasion distance and nasion zygoma - eyes distance are linked to C50rf50. A significant number of genes are integrally involved in cranial neural crest cells and patternation of the craniofacial complex.”

“Generally, most modifiable environmental factors have only SUBTLE EFFECTS ON THE FACE.”

Here’s the link to the article with over 140 sources.
  • +1
  • JFL
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You are the dumbest user in this thread rn. I mean that too. “I have studies but I won’t show them.”

“Genes are likely to influence more than one facial trait. For instance, PAX3 gene is associated with eye to nasion distance, prominence of the nasion and eye width, sides of the walls of the nose, and the prominence of the nose tip. Similarity, the naso-labial angle will be associated with the nose prominence and DCHS2 is linked to both traits.”

“Some reported genes appear to influence different parts of the genes. PRDM16 is linked to the length and prominence of the nose as well as the width of the altar. SOX9 is thought to be related to the shape of the ala and nose tip, variation in SUPT3H is thought to influence naso-labial angle and shape of the bridge of the nose, while centroid size and allometry have been linked to PDE8A and SCHIP17 genes. Eye width and ear - nasion distance and nasion zygoma - eyes distance are linked to C50rf50. A significant number of genes are integrally involved in cranial neural crest cells and patternation of the craniofacial complex.”

“Generally, most modifiable environmental factors have only SUBTLE EFFECTS ON THE FACE.”

Here’s the link to the article with over 140 sources.
The reason I said I wasn't gonna link studies is because I have about 30 sitting in my folder you low IQ dumbass. And the thing you quoted literally talks about the thing I mentioned regarding nasal shape(only didn't mention the IPD being talked about), you're fighting a strawman here.
stop acting like its all genetics. with perfect posture and strong tongue from young age I would be fucking gl, but I mouth breathed and take full responsibility for that. With higher prenatal t Id probably have better proportions, but I maxed my t during puberty so I look more masculine. I could have eaten like crap and gotten fat with unhealthy lifestyle and shit hormones but I didn't. I could have roped, but I didn't
Coping hard
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View attachment 156864

her fucking twin on the left has every symptom of mouthbreathing, downwardly grown, lips affected, nose affected, chin affected, mandible affected, and lastly, eyes' upper eyelid exposure are affected due to lack of bone support by the maxilla

every single document of mouthbreathing symptoms displayed the exact issues, the one on the right if I believe was said to have no complications related to her twin sister, she fucking nose breathed and swallowed correctly that's what, which is usually more than enough for growth to properly be guided in the right direction (forwards, upwards rather than downwards) so it combats against gravity, when you are mouthbreathing, you are quite literally speeding up the process for gravity to shit on you even more when you're going through intense growth spurts ever since you were born.

we learned that the MAXILLA is EVERYTHING and that it must be protected and well-supported ideally with the tongue for it to provide support to the rest of the face as well and bring balance, this is natural, this is the way your body works faggots holy shit this should be basic shit with the studies on monkeys, like fucking use the search engine
Yeah but it isn’t stressed enough nobody knows to mew
You are the dumbest user in this thread rn. I mean that too. “I have studies but I won’t show them.”

“Genes are likely to influence more than one facial trait. For instance, PAX3 gene is associated with eye to nasion distance, prominence of the nasion and eye width, sides of the walls of the nose, and the prominence of the nose tip. Similarity, the naso-labial angle will be associated with the nose prominence and DCHS2 is linked to both traits.”

“Some reported genes appear to influence different parts of the genes. PRDM16 is linked to the length and prominence of the nose as well as the width of the altar. SOX9 is thought to be related to the shape of the ala and nose tip, variation in SUPT3H is thought to influence naso-labial angle and shape of the bridge of the nose, while centroid size and allometry have been linked to PDE8A and SCHIP17 genes. Eye width and ear - nasion distance and nasion zygoma - eyes distance are linked to C50rf50. A significant number of genes are integrally involved in cranial neural crest cells and patternation of the craniofacial complex.”

“Generally, most modifiable environmental factors have only SUBTLE EFFECTS ON THE FACE.”

Here’s the link to the article with over 140 sources.
Do you actually think you're anywhere close to being smart? Your entire existance on this site is an emberassment and you're just introducing self torment with all the shit threads you decide to post.
The reason I said I wasn't gonna link studies is because I have about 30 sitting in my folder you low IQ dumbass. And the thing you quoted literally talks about the thing I mentioned regarding nasal shape(only didn't mention the IPD being talked about), you're fighting a strawman here.
then post them if u have them all neatly organized in a folder jesus christ. they can’t be hard to get if all of them are in one place. I didn’t purposely mention things you talked about. I quoted shit that’s related to genetics>environment. i didn’t see where u talked about nasal shape.
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  • JFL
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Good lucking people

by the way

a lot of people can change, adapt, and "win" at least partially if become aware of the rules of the game
Do you actually think you're anywhere close to being smart? Your entire existance on this site is an emberassment and you're just introducing self torment with all the shit threads you decide to post.
i called you out for being dumb and you come at me for thinking that i think i’m smart. looks like i hit a nerve :forcedsmile:

“do you actually think i’m gonna waste my time going to a folder where i have all my evidence?”

BTW nice straw man jfl. you know it’s over when they attack u instead of the message.
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  • JFL
  • +1
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Genetics matter a lot but you can fuck up your genetics by having a shitty upbringing and there are certainly things you can change. I was a kinda chad kid until my parents divorced when I was 9 and I became fat. I had no self esteem, was fat, had no romantic interest from girls. I lost a fuck ton weight and groomed myself without any help. I fixed my shyness and my confidence and got my first gf at 15. After that, I continued to improve myself. Today, I can go clubbing and in 80% I will dance and make out with a cute girl (6-8/10). I still suffer under some mental problems because I became sort of good looking after years of being a intel type kid. I lack the approval and validation that grooms chad into being confident as fuck. But if didn't took those steps and changed things up, I wouldn't have any experience with girls. Of course, you can only move in certain ways that your genes allows. You can't expect to become a 6'5 chad if you dont have those height genes. Try to make the best of it and for most guys here, its possible as long as you have at least average genetics. Life is hard man, you can't just do nothing because some guys are more gifted or have a easier life. Work on your strength, chase your dreams and dont make everything about women. If you have to, you can just use escorts. Real love doesn't exist anyways and you dodged a bullet if you never fell truly in love with a girl. There are many guys who didn't recover from their first break up.
  • +1
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Yeah but it isn’t stressed enough nobody knows to mew
it's not even that, like you dont even have to mew, swallowing correctly is enough to produce force on your maxilla and a very good % of the world population already do that and of course most likely breath through their noses

it's a natural instinct, that's the point, it isn't artificially created hence why it was found to be going on for ages, but yeah, should be stressed more otherwise death
Genetics matter a lot but you can fuck up your genetics by having a shitty upbringing and there are certainly things you can change. I was a kinda chad kid until my parents divorced when I was 9 and I became fat. I had no self esteem, was fat, had no romantic interest from girls. I lost a fuck ton weight and groomed myself without any help. I fixed my shyness and my confidence and got my first gf at 15. After that, I continued to improve myself. Today, I can go clubbing and in 80% I will dance and make out with a cute girl (6-8/10). I still suffer under some mental problems because I became sort of good looking after years of being a intel type kid. I lack the approval and validation that grooms chad into being confident as fuck. But if didn't took those steps and changed things up, I wouldn't have any experience with girls. Of course, you can only move in certain ways that your genes allows. You can't expect to become a 6'5 chad if you dont have those height genes. Try to make the best of it and for most guys here, its possible as long as you have at least average genetics. Life is hard man, you can't just do nothing because some guys are more gifted or have a easier life. Work on your strength, chase your dreams and dont make everything about women. If you have to, you can just use escorts. Real love doesn't exist anyways and you dodged a bullet if you never fell truly in love with a girl. There are many guys who didn't recover from their first break up.
so u were a GL kid and you’re now a GL adult
  • JFL
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it's not even that, like you dont even have to mew, swallowing correctly is enough to produce force on your maxilla and a very good % of the world population already do that and of course most likely breath through their noses

it's a natural instinct, that's the point, it isn't artificially created hence why it was found to be going on for ages, but yeah, should be stressed more otherwise death
Yeah that’s why I’m saying it’s mostly genetics because most people develop fine
so u were a GL kid and you’re now a GL adult
I agree that I have more or less good genetics but saying that there wasn't any work I have done for it is just wrong.
i called you out for being dumb and you come at me for thinking that i think i’m smart. looks like i hit a nerve :forcedsmile:

“do you actually think i’m gonna waste my time going to a folder where i have all my evidence?”
also there is evidence, there isn't proof, but there is evidence, search it mate it's on the front page

this is just one example shown many times, right was treated by the Mews
  • +1
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also there is evidence, there isn't proof, but there is evidence, search it mate it's on the front page

View attachment 156874 this is just one example shown many times, right was treated by the Mews
“the mews” lol

idk what this is telling me.
Saying you can’t control your development for the first 18 years of your life, Just saying that’s a bit extreme
many kids dont even give a fuck about "proper development" so why would they take action in that age bracket
also there is evidence, there isn't proof, but there is evidence, search it mate it's on the front page

View attachment 156874 this is just one example shown many times, right was treated by the Mews
im pretty sure thats not from mewing, the left had teeth extractions, the right didnt
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