GIGA Eugene trait: being HTN+ and never been to a NYE party

Eugene or htn pick one
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Story of my life.

Right now I'm just rotting in a dark room listening to Chapterhouse and Pale Saints.
boogie2988 probably mogs you
  • JFL
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I was always socially awkward
People were reluctant to want to make friends with me.
NTpill is brutal. Even a non nt chad will somewhat struggle more
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all parties are low iq and irrational, especially the ones that celebrate an individual's birthday. seasonal festivals, feasts, gatherings are high iq
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all parties are low iq and irrational, especially the ones that celebrate an individual's birthday. seasonal festivals, feasts, gatherings are high iq
I rarely get invited to anything NT
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Story of my life.

Right now I'm just rotting in a dark room listening to Chapterhouse and Pale Saints.
Probably ur not even HTN+ if u dont party out
  • Hmm...
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do you find most topics that most normies have boring?

I actually believe chadlite+ struggle socially
i’m fs not chadlite+ but same for me. literally only had 1 friend so far who was intellectual enough to actually discuss shit while not being a geek.
I’m copemaxxing. I’m not invited anywhere either but I choose to ghost every person I come in contact with

Texts with my boy who I go to school with:
View attachment 2643159

Idk I just don’t like people tbh all I care about is making money. Andrew Tate redpilled me hard in 2021 and listening to zherka blackpilled me so I treat all women with no respect so any girl I fuck I never fuck again except the absolute whore
I’m copemaxxing. I’m not invited anywhere either but I choose to ghost every person I come in contact with

Texts with my boy who I go to school with:
View attachment 2643159

Idk I just don’t like people tbh all I care about is making money. Andrew Tate redpilled me hard in 2021 and listening to zherka blackpilled me so I treat all women with no respect so any girl I fuck I never fuck again except the absolute whore
Yes, I live in the UK too.
Ironically the people I got on the most with were truecels, non-NT people and Chadlite+
But never anyone NT and in the middle

The biggest slayers here are always normies who are NT and popular. It's all about status and NT here.
living in the UK is probably why we can't relate to most incels/looksmaxxers, because they constantly go on about stuff like hypergamy when it's the opposite here, popular slayers in my school were mostly ltn/mtn but some were legit subhuman tier facially and also short with bad frame to top it all off.

if we say i am somehow not a chadlite and actually a HTN then whatever, a htn is still taller and way better looking than these freaks. this is part of the reason why i hate this country, it doesn't reward being good looking or smart or being a good person at all, it only rewards NTmaxxed idiots and thugs
That’s why ugly niggers outslay me. I mogg them to the grave and back and yet I’m treucel bur an 2/10 African can steal an 6/10 Becky from me. In a just world that made sense he’d never be able to do that to me cos I mogg him
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Story of my life.

Right now I'm just rotting in a dark room listening to Chapterhouse and Pale Saints.
Yeah and there isn’t shit we can do about it
Whats a eugene
That’s why ugly niggers outslay me. I mogg them to the grave and back and yet I’m treucel bur an 2/10 African can steal an 6/10 Becky from me. In a just world that made sense he’d never be able to do that to me cos I mogg him
good to see other UKcels here who get that this country is extremely fucked in terms of how much nt matters compared to looks
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good to see other UKcels here who get that this country is extremely fucked in terms of how much nt matters compared to looks
I hate it so fucking much here I’ll never not have a form of mild depression due to this shithole swamp.

The swamp of Britian ruined my NYE celebration I was going. To go clubbing to slay hoes but the rains were so bad I got caught in it and fucked hard by it my clothes hair and coat were soaked I jsut went home and sulked all night. This island is a cancer, a blight upon my soul it has ruined and taken all that is sacred from me. I must evacuate from Europe before it consumes me
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I hate it so fucking much here I’ll never not have a form of mild depression due to this shithole swamp.

The swamp of Britian ruined my NYE celebration I was going. To go clubbing to slay hoes but the rains were so bad I got caught in it and fucked hard by it my clothes hair and coat were soaked I jsut went home and sulked all night. This island is a cancer, a blight upon my soul it has ruined and taken all that is sacred from me. I must evacuate from Europe before it consumes me
reminds me of the time i went clubbing in feb 2023, my hair was perfect, completely shaved, very well dressed, was ready to slay then i got to the club and didn't even approach once because all of the girls were either skinny as fuck or just ugly facially... then the next day as i was driving outside i see guys much younger than me, uglier, shorter, holding hands with girls 3-4 points above them who would instantly reject me just due to age. i thought fuck this shit and i haven't been to a club since.
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reminds me of the time i went clubbing in feb 2023, my hair was perfect, completely shaved, very well dressed, was ready to slay then i got to the club and didn't even approach once because all of the girls were either skinny as fuck or just ugly facially... then the next day as i was driving outside i see guys much younger than me, uglier, shorter, holding hands with girls 3-4 points above them who would instantly reject me just due to age. i thought fuck this shit and i haven't been to a club since.
Yep that’s also why I stayed in, I figured only fatties would go out in that weather and I won’t fuck no fatty or girl below a 5 ion care call me Volcel ion care. It sucks that I’m incel and I have 0 hope of getting a bitch to the point I no longer care much abt it as it’s as impossible for me as it is for a human to sprout wings and fly so why dwell on bygones? Even if I do get a bitch she will levee anyways so what’s the point.

There’s just no pleasing these creatures
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Yep that’s also why I stayed in, I figured only fatties would go out in that weather and I won’t fuck no fatty or girl below a 5 ion care call me Volcel ion care. It sucks that I’m incel and I have 0 hope of getting a bitch to the point I no longer care much abt it as it’s as impossible for me as it is for a human to sprout wings and fly so why dwell on bygones? Even if I do get a bitch she will levee anyways so what’s the point.

There’s just no pleasing these creatures
i rot on this site with you even though most people who saw my face rated me chadlite while people like this guy (one in the post below) fuck hot girls and never have any incel thoughts, man fuck this country

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Reactions: PrinceLuenLeoncur
i rot on this site with you even though most people who saw my face rated me chadlite while people like this guy (one in the post below) fuck hot girls and never have any incel thoughts, man fuck this country

My theory is so underrated like you I’m also non NT but have freinds unironically due to my physical appearance.x I have noticed even when I went to uni the cool guys immediately gravitated to me due to how I look.

Women have openly told me they “expected you to be different” I guess how I look doesn’t display my personality, I suppose nuance is lost on normies, maybe this is why uglies are upset because an ugly who is cool is treated like shit out of the gate
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Reactions: smashingdirty6s and Deleted member 54067
My theory is so underrated like you I’m also non NT but have freinds unironically due to my physical appearance.x I have noticed even when I went to uni the cool guys immediately gravitated to me due to how I look.

Women have openly told me they “expected you to be different” I guess how I look doesn’t display my personality, I suppose nuance is lost on normies, maybe this is why uglies are upset because an ugly who is cool is treated like shit out of the gate
i previously had friends but i ditched them in 2021 because the social circle was male only so it wasnt getting me any girls, and i drifted away from them personality wise, they all became borderline alcoholics while i think all alcohol is disgusting tasting so i never drink it.
Story of my life.

Right now I'm just rotting in a dark room listening to Chapterhouse and Pale Saints.
Because you are not htn
Secondly you are low iQ naive and a Muslimcuck

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