Nar I disagree with your 2nd statement: every person who says they are Christian belives in god and Jesus as god. But they are secular and not very practicing I myself fell in this category at one point.

Still over for western Christianity, esp Protestantism which is full of this shit
They don't believe in God though. And belief in God is declining at a insanely fast rate even amongst these "Christians". They've watered down Christianity so bad you can be Christian and not believe in God, just like the atheist Jews.

Tbh If most Muslims were like Kazakhs or Turks I'd probably takfir them too. The bar for being Muslim is much higher. Lots of Turks and Kazakhs believe in God and Mohammed as the messenger. That's technically enough to be Muslim. But they don't believe in the Shariah, they will deny clear parts of the Quran or reject hadiths completely. Whether they pray or not isn't the issue. So like you idc is they're secular (even though you're not supposed to be).
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You protescucks have made us Christian’s a laughing stock I fucking hate Martin Luther and his faggot reformation
Ironically he was a fundamentalist who probably squirming in his grave seeing what he unlocked.

Tbh I consider some of these "wahhabi" and "Salafis" the same as the "progressives". Both of them are also 'reformist' in Islam.
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They don't believe in God though. And belief in God is declining at a insanely fast rate even amongst these "Christians". They've watered down Christianity so bad you can be Christian and not believe in God, just like the atheist Jews.

Tbh If most Muslims were like Kazakhs or Turks I'd probably takfir them too. The bar for being Muslim is much higher. Lots of Turks and Kazakhs believe in God and Mohammed as the messenger. That's technically enough to be Muslim. But they don't believe in the Shariah, they will deny clear parts of the Quran or reject hadiths completely. Whether they pray or not isn't the issue. So like you idc is they're secular (even though you're not supposed to be).
Nar they do belive in god… I’ve never met a “Christian” in my life who said they were “Christian” and never belived in Jesus as god.

And we live in the same country. Now agnostics and atheists also celebrate Easter and Christmas but they never identify as Christian if asked is my point. yes most Christian’s aren’t practicing myself until recently but we still espouse Christ and god.

Yeah secularism is a cancer but, the bar for Muslim == Mohamed == prophet. “Allah is only god you are his slave”

If they accept this they are Muslim. Doesn’t mean good Muslim but still Muslim inshallah
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Ironically he was a fundamentalist who probably squirming in his grave seeing what he unlocked.

Tbh I consider some of these "wahhabi" and "Salafis" the same as the "progressives". Both of them are also 'reformist' in Islam.
He’s a heretic, he’s probably in hell for his crimes of creating multiple heresies like Mormonism and JW (actaul Polythiests who have multiple gods) through his nonsense. Salafis and Wahabis are extemists usually very trad.

I usually debate with Salafis I like their Islamic devour and Zeal I respect Muslims for their zealotry that’s why I debate them cos I think they’d make better Christian’s than current Christian’s :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
Nar they do belive in god… I’ve never met a “Christian” in my life who said they were “Christian” and never belived in Jesus as god.
I see plenty. But even the nominally Christians they don't go church - maybe even never been at all. Except maybe a wedding or something. Kinda disgraceful.
And we live in the same country. Now agnostics and atheists also celebrate Easter and Christmas but they never identify as Christian if asked is my point. yes most Christian’s aren’t practicing myself until recently but we still espouse Christ and god.
I actually visited a community church last week as I had to attend an event I was facilitating. I saw some pics of their Sunday church service 95% of people were like 50+

Yeah secularism is a cancer but, the bar for Muslim == Mohamed == prophet. “Allah is only god you are his slave”

If they accept this they are Muslim. Doesn’t mean good Muslim but still Muslim inshallah
That's true but lots of Muslims while believing this still says / do some heretic stuff. I'm not talking about sinning. Rather justifying sin and saying something clearly prohibited isn't. Yeah that's a basis for excommunication from Islam.
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He’s a heretic, he’s probably in hell for his crimes of creating multiple heresies like Mormonism and JW (actaul Polythiests who have multiple gods) through his nonsense.
Exactly. This is why Islam was from the very beginning resistant to change and saw itself as a reformist religion - anyway that's another topic.
Salafis and Wahabis are extemists usually very trad.

I usually debate with Salafis I like their Islamic devour and Zeal I respect Muslims for their zealotry that’s why I debate them cos I think they’d make better Christian’s than current Christian’s :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:
Idk whatever their outward religiosity they can be counterproductive. I have sympathy for Salafis because sometimes they call out things other Muslims don't (nationalism) and they take no bullshit. But other times they're retarded.
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Exactly. This is why Islam was from the very beginning resistant to change and saw itself as a reformist religion - anyway that's another topic.

Idk whatever their outward religiosity they can be counterproductive. I have sympathy for Salafis because sometimes they call out things other Muslims don't (nationalism) and they take no bullshit. But other times they're retarded.
I have just been researching your aqeedia. A lot less than us Christian’s have (we have toooooooooo many sects 😢) deep and insightful none the less.

Yeah I’m Eastern Orthodox and we are agaisnt change and our claim is that we are the orginal church as we have adhered to the founding fathers and apostles unlike the western churches that keep changing things. We would probably fall within the mutaridi mindset probably. Considering we take a lot of things rationally and not literally.

The Protestants rebelled due to Roman Catholics changing shit (again JFL :ROFLMAO:) people began to click on and got upset and rebelled in Western Europe. Sad thing is all the protescucks had to do is become Eastern Orthodox :feelstastyman::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn:

Yeah Salafi-Wahabi are the jihadi types of the Anthari. I respect these guys the most. I view them like the warrior class in a video game :ROFLMAO:. Unfortunately their literal interpretation of passages in Hadith and Quran make their philosophy weak and theology easy to pick apart. Maturidi would be much harder for Christian’s and atheists pick apart due to it’s metaphorical understanding and how Allahs actions are outside space and time.
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I have just been researching your aqeedia. A lot less than us Christian’s have (we have toooooooooo many sects 😢) deep and insightful none the less.
Yeah I’m Eastern Orthodox and we are agaisnt change and our claim is that we are the orginal church as we have adhered to the founding fathers and apostles unlike the western churches that keep changing things. We would probably fall within the mutaridi mindset probably. Considering we take a lot of things rationally and not literally.

The Protestants rebelled due to Roman Catholics changing shit (again JFL :ROFLMAO:) people began to click on and got upset and rebelled in Western Europe. Sad thing is all the protescucks had to do is become Eastern Orthodox :feelstastyman::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn:
Well Christians in the east need to drain the swamp with those cuck Christians in the West tbh. Whenever I visit or go to Balkan states it's obvious they're far more self-respecting and religious despite westernisation. How often do you see a nun in the UK? I never have. In Greece and Italy very common.

Well in today's day and age we may be seeing something akin to that. Ask any Muslim is there a need for a Muslim Martin Luther they would say no. Precisely because of what happened to Christianity and with those retarded portestant sects.

Thankfully even some of these "progressives" shoot themselves in the foot.
Yeah Salafi-Wahabi are the jihadi types of the Anthari. I respect these guys the most. I view them like the warrior class in a video game :ROFLMAO:. Unfortunately their literal interpretation of passages in Hadith and Quran make their philosophy weak and theology easy to pick apart. Maturidi would be much harder for Christian’s and atheists pick apart due to it’s metaphorical understanding and how Allahs actions are outside space and time.
The only 'sect' in Sunni Islam are Salafis but even most Sunnis accept them even though they're not part of mainstream of all the major schools of law and theology.

Yeah it's philosophically weak - although Ibn Taymiyyah or his student Al jawziyya are not in anyway simple minded nutters. Their followers certainly are...
  • +1
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Well Christians in the east need to drain the swamp with those cuck Christians in the West tbh. Whenever I visit or go to Balkan states it's obvious they're far more self-respecting and religious despite westernisation. How often do you see a nun in the UK? I never have. In Greece and Italy very common.

Well in today's day and age we may be seeing something akin to that. Ask any Muslim is there a need for a Muslim Martin Luther they would say no. Precisely because of what happened to Christianity and with those retarded portestant sects.

Thankfully even some of these "progressives" shoot themselves in the foot.

The only 'sect' in Sunni Islam are Salafis but even most Sunnis accept them even though they're not part of mainstream of all the major schools of law and theology.

Yeah it's philosophically weak - although Ibn Taymiyyah or his student Al jawziyya are not in anyway simple minded nutters. Their followers certainly are...
Ironically Islam almsot had one…. But their reformers lost.

Eastern and oriental Christian’s never had an reformation and thus our churches remain and as you have noticed our women aren’t as whore as western Christian women from Protestant and Catholic background(Cathwomen are more chaste but not by much)

Yeah your scholars weren’t stupid but I find the mutazilas the most sensible Islamic sect… shame they were wiped out their philosophy and theology is heavily inspired by Eastern Orthodox and Ancient Greek ;( why u kill dem brooooo.

Ironically the west is fucked due to them being like a mix of Anthari and Ashari. All Christians have a mix of rationalism for textual interpretations. The west tried to understand god they tried to RATIONALISE and LITERALISE god and understand him we eastenr snd orientals said this is impossible so we never did this and we focused on meditating. But the stupid westerners tried to do this

St Gregory Palmas a great highly revered saint in Eastern Orthodoxy PREDICTED THAT THIS WOULD LEAD TO MASS APOSTACY (Athism) IN THE WESTERN CHURCH AND THEY DIDNT LISTEN NOW LOOK AT THE WEST 🤣😂 they rage quitted out of god lol.

Western Catholics try and chastise Gregory in favour of their saint Thomas Aquinas who is like their Aristotle but BUT BUT eastern Catholics have been venerating and Cannonising Gregory palmas for century’s LOL :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: CATHOLICS TAKE ANOTHER L. Also eastern catholics are more trad due to influence from Orthodox.

Funny how Anthariesque literalism fucked Christian’s over but worked for Islam and how Mutazilah worked for Christianity but not for Islam
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Ironically Islam almsot had one…. But their reformers lost.
Wdym? The Mutazilites? Lmao they weren't reformers. You can be forgiven if modernists readings paint them as reformists but at the time they definitely weren't. They were religious and would behead you if you disagreed with them.
Eastern and oriental Christian’s never had an reformation and thus our churches remain and as you have noticed our women aren’t as whore as western Christian women from Protestant and Catholic background(Cathwomen are more chaste but not by much)

Yeah your scholars weren’t stupid but I find the mutazilas the most sensible Islamic sect… shame they were wiped out their philosophy and theology is heavily inspired by Eastern Orthodox and Ancient Greek ;( why u kill dem brooooo.
Oh you're aware of them. They are retrospectively considered kafir although they are well respected.

Ironically the west is fucked due to them being like a mix of Anthari and Ashari. All Christians have a mix of rationalism for textual interpretations. The west tried to understand god they tried to RATIONALISE and LITERALISE god and understand him we eastenr snd orientals said this is impossible so we never did this and we focused on meditating. But the stupid westerners tried to do this

St Gregory Palmas a great highly revered saint in Eastern Orthodoxy PREDICTED THAT THIS WOULD LEAD TO MASS APOSTACY (Athism) IN THE WESTERN CHURCH AND THEY DIDNT LISTEN NOW LOOK AT THE WEST 🤣😂 they rage quitted out of god lol.
Where can I find good readings on reason vs revelation debate in Christianity? There is a lot in Islam.
Western Catholics try and chastise Gregory in favour of their saint Thomas Aquinas who is like their Aristotle but BUT BUT eastern Catholics have been venerating and Cannonising Gregory palmas for century’s LOL :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: CATHOLICS TAKE ANOTHER L. Also eastern catholics are more trad due to influence from Orthodox.

Funny how Anthariesque literalism fucked Christian’s over but worked for Islam and how Mutazilah worked for Christianity but not for Islam
Maybe because positions of power in Christianity were occupied by these literalists while the Mutazilites were the ones in positions of power in the medieval ages until Asharism unseated them.
I just came home from confirmation school and today and infront of me was sitting this giga whore who was wearing thongs and i saw her look at me and then deliberately pull her pants down so i could almost see her ass

I got so fucking hard right there and I wanted to fuck her so bad

Maybe im just schizo and she didnt do it for me or she did it as an accident but

1. She did look at me first and make eye contact
2. She didnt look at anyone else
3. She pulled her pants down so I could see her thongs and ass
4. No one was behind me so she couldnt have flashed it to anyone else

Does this mean something and do I have a chance at fucking her when im at my confirmation school camp? Or is all this explainable by something retarded like she did it on an accident and looked at me because she thought I accidently kicked her chair or something

Tales from the nest of Haitian cannibals
Wdym? The Mutazilites? Lmao they weren't reformers. You can be forgiven if modernists readings paint them as reformists but at the time they definitely weren't. They were religious and would behead you if you disagreed with them.

Oh you're aware of them. They are retrospectively considered kafir although they are well respected.

Where can I find good readings on reason vs revelation debate in Christianity? There is a lot in Islam.

Maybe because positions of power in Christianity were occupied by these literalists while the Mutazilites were the ones in positions of power in the medieval ages until Asharism unseated them.
No I didn’t mean the mutazilites, I meant some other reformist group but their name alludes me. I forgot their name. Reformers are usually very religious and aggressive look up the 30 years war :forcedsmile: it was the WW1 before WW1 millions in Europe died during the Protestant reformation they would murder you for not being Protestant :hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn:

What do you mean ? Reason vs revelation? Do you mean how we interpret the bible and how we view God? Because it does vary from the main sects as a whole but we essentially share very similar ways to interpret bible passages, the changes are more in our theology and philosophy regarding salvation. That’s why Muslims meme on protescucks who assume all Christian’s are saved by faith alone, but the ancient churches belive your saved by your faith and WORKS. Because faith without works is dead

Western Christendom’s giants of philosophy and theology were thomistic which made them literalists and Catholics were very advanced tech wise hence why they ended up colonising the world before Protestants. Also orthodox groups were having to fight off Muslim jihads on a regular basis unlike Catholics
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Ask her and find out you will have no useful answers here
Ask her and find out you will have no useful answers here
Noway im getting the confidence to ask her, if it was an accident and she didnt actually mean to do it im going to be a perv for my confirmation school camp and I dont want that:feelscry:
No I didn’t mean the mutazilites, I meant some other reformist group but their name alludes me. I forgot their name.
🤔 What group? Unless it's some obscure salfi sect...
Reformers are usually very religious and aggressive look up the 30 years war :forcedsmile: it was the WW1 before WW1 millions in Europe died during the Protestant reformation they would murder you for not being Protestant :hnghn::hnghn::hnghn::hnghn:
I'm aware of that. Then gave birth to cuck modern states with peace of Westphalia. Then came liberalism and cuck secularism which slowly watered them down. It's amazing how the initial ideas didn't seem to bad to begin with but it became slippery slope. This is why when you speak to conservative scholars they say if you allow X it will lead to Y. It is a fallacy but not wrong. The problem isn't X it's Y.
What do you mean ? Reason vs revelation? Do you mean how we interpret the bible and how we view God?
There doesn't seem to be a lot of theological debates akin to Muslims on the nature of God. Or the place of when religion contradicts science (reason). This debate was very lively in the Muslim world 1000 years ago but died down after Asharism.
Because it does vary from the main sects as a whole but we essentially share very similar ways to interpret bible passages, the changes are more in our theology and philosophy regarding salvation. That’s why Muslims meme on protescucks who assume all Christian’s are saved by faith alone, but the ancient churches belive your saved by your faith and WORKS. Because faith without works is dead
Faith alone is cucked. It's the theology of those 'only god can judge' crowd.
Western Christendom’s giants of philosophy and theology were thomistic which made them literalists and Catholics were very advanced tech wise hence why they ended up colonising the world before Protestants. Also orthodox groups were having to fight off Muslim jihads on a regular basis unlike Catholics
Are ther any ELI5 beginner resources on this? Idk if you use

It's a good resource.
🤔 What group? Unless it's some obscure salfi sect...

I'm aware of that. Then gave birth to cuck modern states with peace of Westphalia. Then came liberalism and cuck secularism which slowly watered them down. It's amazing how the initial ideas didn't seem to bad to begin with but it became slippery slope. This is why when you speak to conservative scholars they say if you allow X it will lead to Y. It is a fallacy but not wrong. The problem isn't X it's Y.

There doesn't seem to be a lot of theological debates akin to Muslims on the nature of God. Or the place of when religion contradicts science (reason). This debate was very lively in the Muslim world 1000 years ago but died down after Asharism.

Faith alone is cucked. It's the theology of those 'only god can judge' crowd.

Are ther any ELI5 beginner resources on this? Idk if you use

It's a good resource.
Once I find out I’ll tell you hit the group alludes me.

This is all the problem of western Thomistic mindset. like Muslims they have a divine transcendent god that is distant. Unlike Anthari/salafi who can accept this and move on or like Ashari who can accept this and philosophically make some concessions. The west couldn’t they needed to go the route of the Maturidi (this led to them having issues with gods philosophical imminence and transcendence but they can’t ignore it like the Anthari so they had to compromise with MUCH ADS (absolute divine simplicity) Muslims have the same issue with Taweed

And thus this led to the schisms and to one of the worst events in human history, the enlightenment.

No faith alone is mainly these protescucks think by being Christian they go to heaven due to that alone… :feelstastyman::feelsuhh: level shit like what saint said this? What person said this. Now maybe I’m wrong with the view as I never cared to search into it deeply but everybody else agrees this is retarded and it’s one of the issues we agree with Muslims on regarding protescucks.

Oh no we have a lot of debates on the issue regarding gods nature his role and how he plays in the world. The problem is Islamic theology is limited simple and therefore messy and irreconcilable with Philosophy for more literal Aqeeedah (ironically Mutazilah school didn’t have this issue due to how their perceived god)

The main differnce between east and west Christendom is due to our philosophical and theological differences and creeds. We easterners have essentially found a way to solve the issue of god and his connection with the world whislt remaining outside of it unlike other groups. The west tried to reconcile science and religion and in the process failed and created atheism due to reformations too many Deviations of doctrine and the Protestants obession of reading text literally (Protestants are the Christian version of Anthari and Salafi but they aren’t traditionalists but they are literalists)

A book ima buy is called the trinity by St Gregory Palmas he essentially confirmed Christianity as the only true religion with his thesis of essence energy distinction and how it’s the only way we can explain gods action in temporality and in his transcendence.
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Once I find out I’ll tell you hit the group alludes me.

This is all the problem of western Thomistic mindset. like Muslims they have a divine transcendent god that is distant. Unlike Anthari/salafi who can accept this and move on or like Ashari who can accept this and philosophically make some concessions. The west couldn’t they needed to go the route of the Maturidi (this led to them having issues with gods philosophical imminence and transcendence but they can’t ignore it like the Anthari so they had to compromise with MUCH ADS (absolute divine simplicity) Muslims have the same issue with Taweed

And thus this led to the schisms and to one of the worst events in human history, the enlightenment.

No faith alone is mainly these protescucks think by being Christian they go to heaven due to that alone… :feelstastyman::feelsuhh: level shit like what saint said this? What person said this. Now maybe I’m wrong with the view as I never cared to search into it deeply but everybody else agrees this is retarded and it’s one of the issues we agree with Muslims on regarding protescucks.

Oh no we have a lot of debates on the issue regarding gods nature his role and how he plays in the world. The problem is Islamic theology is limited simple and therefore messy and irreconcilable with Philosophy for more literal Aqeeedah (ironically Mutazilah school didn’t have this issue due to how their perceived god)

The main differnce between east and west Christendom is due to our philosophical and theological differences and creeds. We easterners have essentially found a way to solve the issue of god and his connection with the world whislt remaining outside of it unlike other groups. The west tried to reconcile science and religion and in the process failed and created atheism due to reformations too many Deviations of doctrine and the Protestants obession of reading text literally (Protestants are the Christian version of Anthari and Salafi but they aren’t traditionalists but they are literalists)

A book ima buy is called the trinity by St Gregory Palmas he essentially confirmed Christianity as the only true religion with his thesis of essence energy distinction and how it’s the only way we can explain gods action in temporality and in his transcendence.
Fucking dissertation. Will reply later. Been up all night.
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