girl i was obsessed with just blocked me



Jun 10, 2023
probably no one will bother to read this as I'm a greycel, but alas, i will write it.

i first met this girl in school, let's call her Claire, her hair being a curly dirty blonde, her eyes green. i was significantly older than her as i was in high school and she was in middle school and normally we wouldn't have met. But we did meet due to after school activities. In the beginning, i thought she was an annoying brat, as she would constantly tease me but i came to warm up to her as a person the more time i spent with her. Based on some things that she did, i have reason to believe she used to have a crush on me, but at that time she was a kid so nothing would've happened. Eventually i went off to college and the only connection i had with her, was social media. I didn't think i'd ever see her again.

She for some reason followed me with her private account and i followed back without thinking much of it. After this, i would be periodically updated about her life as she would post a lot, i mean a lot, on it. Over the years I watched her mature into an attractive girl. Fast forward a few years later, she's finishing high school and im finishing college. She is now very attractive.

She was living in a completely different state now, and one of my best friends was graduating in that same area. He invited me to party with him after his graduation and I decided to go. So I took a deep breath and messaged her saying something like: "Hi Claire, it's been forever! Are you still living in -her city-?" She said: yes, i am
me: im going there next month to see my friend graduating, we should do something! "she: yes we can go out to a cafe"

First we were just texting, but one day i randomly called her. We clicked instantly and talked for over an hour, we wouldn't run out of things to talk about. Mind you, im a fucking incel, i had never facetimed a girl, an attractive one at that for that long. I was in a bliss. After that day, we started facetiming daily for a couple of weeks in anticipation for when we'd meet. As you can imagine, that made me fall for her head over heels. There is a major problem tho, she was in a long distance relationship with a guy from her home country. Even knowing this, I was still falling for her hard, i didn't care about some random guy across the planet.

At the end, we ended up meeting at a shopping mall. When I saw her in real life for the first time in years, we hugged and went out to eat together at sushi place, after that we spent the entire afternoon together window shopping, eating ice cream and talking. At the end of the day, we sat on a few benches outside of the mall during the sunset and she started singing songs to me really close to my face, i just know in that moment i could've kissed her, but i didn't. she was still underage and she was in a relationship, as much as i wanted to, i was too much of a coward and didn't do it.

the next day, we stopped talking. she actually ghosted me when i invited her to do something else the next day which was my last day in her city. so i flew back home. that was it. a dissapointment. i felt regret and frustration over not having kissed her and i started obsessing over her more and more. i formulated this absurd plan to go back to her state to see her with the excuse that i had a job interview there. I was going to wait until after the summer to do it though as she was travelling to her home country during the summer.

During the summer, i went even beyond insane and i started learning her language on duolingo. i was studying in such an unhinged way that i finished the whole duolingo course in 2 months. after that, i looked for people to start practicing with online and i made very fast progress in the language, now, the reason this is not as insane as it sounds is because languages are my passion and i actually know a variety of languages already. So adding a new one wouldn't be necessarily something weird that i was doing just for her.

At the end of the summer, i had already bought the plane ticket to go to my fake "job interview" and as i was texting her that i was going to see her, she made a live on instagram. i joined the live. in the live, she specifically called me and asked me where i live again. i told her where. she said: i'm moving there! I couldn't believe my ears. I was going to travel to her, but now she's moving to my city? it was too good to be true.

After that, i was taking a shower that night and she texted me "hey, wanna call?" i got out of the shower immediately and called her. we facetimed for 2 hours this time! I revealed to her that i had been learning her language and she reacted really positively, even wanting to teach me some words. She talked about us doing all sorts of stuff together, like swimming in her pool, going on clubs, you name it. I was very excited to see her. The day that she moved here, we face timed again and we agreed to meet the next day.

The next day she comes to my apartment and we spend the afternoon together again, only this time, we were in my apartment, we swam together, went to the sauna together, we went to the nearby shopping center and even went on a Ferris Wheel together. I was the happiest man alive. But there's one thing I did that ruined it all.

if anyone actually read until now and wants to know the rest, leave a reaction and i will tag you on the next.
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Reactions: oxymoron, TsarTsar444, Joe Rogancel and 33 others
dnr but the title happened to me too
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didn’t read but you should drop everything and fly to singapore
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You’re cuck
Just fuck and block them after
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Reactions: socialcel, It'snotover and Nick.Harte
tag me next
Now to tell the truth, I still don't know exactly why she started to dislike me, but i did a lot of little stupid things, i dont know which one exactly was responsible for fucking it up, or if it was a combination of them.

On that day that she was visiting me, before getting in the Ferris wheel, i got us ice cream. Once we were inside the gondola, we were talking and enjoying the view, she was taking pictures of the ocean from there. We were sitting across from each other and chilling, then, some of her ice cream fell on top of her foot, she was wearing flipflops and raised her foot up towards me to show me that it had fallen on her. Now, in retrospective, that was a really retarded thing for me to do, but at the time it felt natural, so i just licked the ice cream off her foot. (It wasn't even smooth as the ice cream didn't immediately come off and i had to lick it for a couple more seconds and wipe it with my hand)

She seemed a bit weirded out but she just laughed and said "no one ever did that before haha" and she didn't seem to care much at the time. After that, we went on to go to my apartment, in it, at some point we were talking about her her instagram and i told her her current pictures look too hoeish and that her old pictures were better. Again, it was out of place for me to say that given that i'm not her boyfriend, so maybe that was also part of it.

I felt very comfortable talking about any subject with her, even controversial ones as she didn't mind racist or homophobic jokes at all, if anything, she was also against trans ideology and she particularly hated arab immigrants in her country and would be openly racist towards them. One time when i jokingly pointed at a ridiculous feminine outfit on a store and joked about me wearing it, she said that i'd get beaten the f up in her country for wearing it, she said that's just how it is in her country. (made me like her more). But i think i took it too far as i used the n-word a lot with her jokingly, she pointed out that i shouldn't say it while in public especially when near blacks (im kinda socially stupid so i have no filter)

Later, we were reminiscing our days in the old school and we talked about the other girls that were in her grade. I unfortunately was feeling too comfortable with her and i commented that most of them were looking hot now (big mistake) she didn't seem to like that i said that.

Anyhow, regardless of what it was that made her upset, you'd never know it on the day, because even at the end of it, she was still totally cool with me. The next day, i realized she had forgotten her make up on my apartment, so i texted her about it. she said she needed it back and we were arranging to see each other so i could give it back to her, we were going to meet again but she canceled because she was "busy" that day helping her dad prepare for an event (that she had invited me to before and i was kinda looking forward to going)

After that day i sent her some more messages trying to set up another date, but she became increasingly drier and eventually stopped responding. I didn't want to triple text her after the initial ghost, so i just gave her space, maybe she was busy with other stuff, who knows :forcedsmile:

A week after, i pretended it was all good and just texted her again like she hadn't ghosted me the previous week. she ghosts me again. i try calling her. she doesn't pick it up. she also removes me from her stories of her private account. At that point i was really confused because the last time we saw each other we were cool, i didn't understand why she turned so cold out of nowhere.

the day of the event that her family was organizing finally came, and i didn't go as we weren't talking anymore. On that day, she took me off her stories even from her normal account. the only reason i was able to see it is because i have another account. at this point, i was feeling dread inside me, all this effort and all of this emotional investment i had put into her.... the last time we saw each other i remember her smiling at me as if everything was alright. i couldn't and still can't pinpoint what exactly made her hate me.

on the day before halloween, i put her private account on my close friends and i post a story about halloween (hoping that she'd want to hang out for halloween) she removes me as a follower on her private account entirely. (i also noticed she removed about half of her private followers along with me, weird....) i couldn't believe what was happening. anything i tried to do was only pushing her further away. It was at this moment i should've understood that for whatever reason she's done with me and moved on, but i didn't.

Everyday i would pass by my kitchen and look at the bag with her make up on my counter, that i didn't get to give back to her because she wouldn't meet with me. It was driving me crazy. I thought about going to her house and giving it to her so i could at least get some closure. but that would be too invasive, i can't go to her house uninvited. Especially because her house is quite far from mine. So i went to her dad's workplace instead which was very close to where i live and dropped off the bag there saying it's to give it to her. I also put a special chocolate in the bag that she hadn't had in ages and that she commented she missed. It was a friendly gesture intended to get her to warm back up to me. The entire day passes and she doesn't send me anything on social media. I don't even know if she got the package i left for her.

I eventually stop trying to get to her but i continue to learn her language. Again, languages are my passion and at this point i already like the language itself too, so i was looking for some cultural events of this country and i found one online to attend. It was yesterday, so friday in the morning. I didn't have any physical classes that day, but her being in high school, i assumed that she'd have class that day and be at school. So i had zero expectations of seeing her there. But upon arriving, there she was.

I debated if i should even walk over as i didn't want her to think that i was stalking her, but i took a deep breath and said to myself "i've come all this way, i might as well say hi". I walked over to where she was and when she saw me, she froze. she was shocked to see me and visibly uncomfortable.

She turned around and walked the opposite way, i went after her and said "wait, let's talk" she stopped and greeted me although she was avoiding eye contact and clearly felt uncomfortable and awkward. I tried lightening the mood and specially said that i liked going to various country's cultural events and that i didn't think she'd be there and acted like it was chill but i asked her what was going on as things had gotten awkward and if it was something i said or did. She said it was nothing to do with me and that it was personal stuff but she wanted to be alone. I said to her she can tell me what's going on, she said if she were to tell me she'd cry. I didn't push her further and tried lightening the mood speaking her language with her. She didn't seem pleased anymore with me trying to speak her language.

In any case, i talked to some other people at the event, and even her father who was there and whom i had previously met, i greeted him and he seemed to still be fond of me (so whatever happened for her to hate me, she didn't tell her dad). i also asked her if she got the package i left for her and she said that she did. i was happy that she did, but i forgot to ask her about the chocolates, if she liked them or not, now that's something i will never know.

This time was nothing like the other two times i saw her. She was cold to me in real life for the first time and it felt so brutal. I joined a group that she was talking and after a while she just walked off, i thought she was just heading out for a moment so i didn't go after her. But that was the last time i'd see her. she just dipped after that.

upon getting back home, i debated if i should text her, but i thought it was better to just leave it. seeing her acting so cold to me in person made me lose a lot of my passion for her as i hadn't seen it in person yet and was still remembering her warm smile and hug since the last time we had seen each other. I was sad.

Then, yesterday night, i noticed she had blocked me on everything. On both her instagram accounts as well as snapchat. (i still have her on tiktok and whatsapp but i will never text her again, because she clearly hates me now and i finally stopped coping)

This was heartbreaking for me, even though she was not my girlfriend, even though we ended up never even kissing, it was a very special relationship for me. that's it, that's the full story, i could give more details, but this is the gist of it.

It's over.

@RAMU KAKA @positivecoper @Donkeyballs @Mewton @thw7 @thecel
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Reactions: TsarTsar444, Joe Rogancel, ducktruck and 16 others
probably no one will bother to read this as I'm a greycel, but alas, i will write it.

i first met this girl in school, let's call her Claire, her hair being a curly dirty blonde, her eyes green. i was significantly older than her as i was in high school and she was in middle school and normally we wouldn't have met. But we did meet due to after school activities. In the beginning, i thought she was an annoying brat, as she would constantly tease me but i came to warm up to her as a person the more time i spent with her. Based on some things that she did, i have reason to believe she used to have a crush on me, but at that time she was a kid so nothing would've happened. Eventually i went off to college and the only connection i had with her, was social media. I didn't think i'd ever see her again.

She for some reason followed me with her private account and i followed back without thinking much of it. After this, i would be periodically updated about her life as she would post a lot, i mean a lot, on it. Over the years I watched her mature into an attractive girl. Fast forward a few years later, she's finishing high school and im finishing college. She is now very attractive.

She was living in a completely different state now, and one of my best friends was graduating in that same area. He invited me to party with him after his graduation and I decided to go. So I took a deep breath and messaged her saying something like: "Hi Claire, it's been forever! Are you still living in -her city-?" She said: yes, i am
me: im going there next month to see my friend graduating, we should do something! "she: yes we can go out to a cafe"

First we were just texting, but one day i randomly called her. We clicked instantly and talked for over an hour, we wouldn't run out of things to talk about. Mind you, im a fucking incel, i had never facetimed a girl, an attractive one at that for that long. I was in a bliss. After that day, we started facetiming daily for a couple of weeks in anticipation for when we'd meet. As you can imagine, that made me fall for her head over heels. There is a major problem tho, she was in a long distance relationship with a guy from her home country. Even knowing this, I was still falling for her hard, i didn't care about some random guy across the planet.

At the end, we ended up meeting at a shopping mall. When I saw her in real life for the first time in years, we hugged and went out to eat together at sushi place, after that we spent the entire afternoon together window shopping, eating ice cream and talking. At the end of the day, we sat on a few benches outside of the mall during the sunset and she started singing songs to me really close to my face, i just know in that moment i could've kissed her, but i didn't. she was still underage and she was in a relationship, as much as i wanted to, i was too much of a coward and didn't do it.

the next day, we stopped talking. she actually ghosted me when i invited her to do something else the next day which was my last day in her city. so i flew back home. that was it. a dissapointment. i felt regret and frustration over not having kissed her and i started obsessing over her more and more. i formulated this absurd plan to go back to her state to see her with the excuse that i had a job interview there. I was going to wait until after the summer to do it though as she was travelling to her home country during the summer.

During the summer, i went even beyond insane and i started learning her language on duolingo. i was studying in such an unhinged way that i finished the whole duolingo course in 2 months. after that, i looked for people to start practicing with online and i made very fast progress in the language, now, the reason this is not as insane as it sounds is because languages are my passion and i actually know a variety of languages already. So adding a new one wouldn't be necessarily something weird that i was doing just for her.

At the end of the summer, i had already bought the plane ticket to go to my fake "job interview" and as i was texting her that i was going to see her, she made a live on instagram. i joined the live. in the live, she specifically called me and asked me where i live again. i told her where. she said: i'm moving there! I couldn't believe my ears. I was going to travel to her, but now she's moving to my city? it was too good to be true.

After that, i was taking a shower that night and she texted me "hey, wanna call?" i got out of the shower immediately and called her. we facetimed for 2 hours this time! I revealed to her that i had been learning her language and she reacted really positively, even wanting to teach me some words. She talked about us doing all sorts of stuff together, like swimming in her pool, going on clubs, you name it. I was very excited to see her. The day that she moved here, we face timed again and we agreed to meet the next day.

The next day she comes to my apartment and we spend the afternoon together again, only this time, we were in my apartment, we swam together, went to the sauna together, we went to the nearby shopping center and even went on a Ferris Wheel together. I was the happiest man alive. But there's one thing I did that ruined it all.

if anyone actually read until now and wants to know the rest, leave a reaction and i will tag you on the next.
Obsessing over a chick is cringe this is what being bluepilled gets you.
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Reactions: anthony111553, Joe Rogancel, BitchBoy and 10 others
Now to tell the truth, I still don't know exactly why she started to dislike me, but i did a lot of little stupid things, i dont know which one exactly was responsible for fucking it up, or if it was a combination of them.

On that day that she was visiting me, before getting in the Ferris wheel, i got us ice cream. Once we were inside the gondola, we were talking and enjoying the view, she was taking pictures of the ocean from there. We were sitting across from each other and chilling, then, some of her ice cream fell on top of her foot, she was wearing flipflops and raised her foot up towards me to show me that it had fallen on her. Now, in retrospective, that was a really retarded thing for me to do, but at the time it felt natural, so i just licked the ice cream off her foot. (It wasn't even smooth as the ice cream didn't immediately come off and i had to lick it for a couple more seconds and wipe it with my hand)

She seemed a bit weirded out but she just laughed and said "no one ever did that before haha" and she didn't seem to care much at the time. After that, we went on to go to my apartment, in it, at some point we were talking about her her instagram and i told her her current pictures look too hoeish and that her old pictures were better. Again, it was out of place for me to say that given that i'm not her boyfriend, so maybe that was also part of it.

I felt very comfortable talking about any subject with her, even controversial ones as she didn't mind racist or homophobic jokes at all, if anything, she was also against trans ideology and she particularly hated arab immigrants in her country and would be openly racist towards them. One time when i jokingly pointed at a ridiculous feminine outfit on a store and joked about me wearing it, she said that i'd get beaten the f up in her country for wearing it, she said that's just how it is in her country. (made me like her more). But i think i took it too far as i used the n-word a lot with her jokingly, she pointed out that i shouldn't say it while in public especially when near blacks (im kinda socially stupid so i have no filter)

Later, we were reminiscing our days in the old school and we talked about the other girls that were in her grade. I unfortunately was feeling too comfortable with her and i commented that most of them were looking hot now (big mistake) she didn't seem to like that i said that.

Anyhow, regardless of what it was that made her upset, you'd never know it on the day, because even at the end of it, she was still totally cool with me. The next day, i realized she had forgotten her make up on my apartment, so i texted her about it. she said she needed it back and we were arranging to see each other so i could give it back to her, we were going to meet again but she canceled because she was "busy" that day helping her dad prepare for an event (that she had invited me to before and i was kinda looking forward to going)

After that day i sent her some more messages trying to set up another date, but she became increasingly drier and eventually stopped responding. I didn't want to triple text her after the initial ghost, so i just gave her space, maybe she was busy with other stuff, who knows :forcedsmile:

A week after, i pretended it was all good and just texted her again like she hadn't ghosted me the previous week. she ghosts me again. i try calling her. she doesn't pick it up. she also removes me from her stories of her private account. At that point i was really confused because the last time we saw each other we were cool, i didn't understand why she turned so cold out of nowhere.

the day of the event that her family was organizing finally came, and i didn't go as we weren't talking anymore. On that day, she took me off her stories even from her normal account. the only reason i was able to see it is because i have another account. at this point, i was feeling dread inside me, all this effort and all of this emotional investment i had put into her.... the last time we saw each other i remember her smiling at me as if everything was alright. i couldn't and still can't pinpoint what exactly made her hate me.

on the day before halloween, i put her private account on my close friends and i post a story about halloween (hoping that she'd want to hang out for halloween) she removes me as a follower on her private account entirely. (i also noticed she removed about half of her private followers along with me, weird....) i couldn't believe what was happening. anything i tried to do was only pushing her further away. It was at this moment i should've understood that for whatever reason she's done with me and moved on, but i didn't.

Everyday i would pass by my kitchen and look at the bag with her make up on my counter, that i didn't get to give back to her because she wouldn't meet with me. It was driving me crazy. I thought about going to her house and giving it to her so i could at least get some closure. but that would be too invasive, i can't go to her house uninvited. Especially because her house is quite far from mine. So i went to her dad's workplace instead which was very close to where i live and dropped off the bag there saying it's to give it to her. I also put a special chocolate in the bag that she hadn't had in ages and that she commented she missed. It was a friendly gesture intended to get her to warm back up to me. The entire day passes and she doesn't send me anything on social media. I don't even know if she got the package i left for her.

I eventually stop trying to get to her but i continue to learn her language. Again, languages are my passion and at this point i already like the language itself too, so i was looking for some cultural events of this country and i found one online to attend. It was yesterday, so friday in the morning. I didn't have any physical classes that day, but her being in high school, i assumed that she'd have class that day and be at school. So i had zero expectations of seeing her there. But upon arriving, there she was.

I debated if i should even walk over as i didn't want her to think that i was stalking her, but i took a deep breath and said to myself "i've come all this way, i might as well say hi". I walked over to where she was and when she saw me, she froze. she was shocked to see me and visibly uncomfortable.

She turned around and walked the opposite way, i went after her and said "wait, let's talk" she stopped and greeted me although she was avoiding eye contact and clearly felt uncomfortable and awkward. I tried lightening the mood and specially said that i liked going to various country's cultural events and that i didn't think she'd be there and acted like it was chill but i asked her what was going on as things had gotten awkward and if it was something i said or did. She said it was nothing to do with me and that it was personal stuff but she wanted to be alone. I said to her she can tell me what's going on, she said if she were to tell me she'd cry. I didn't push her further and tried lightening the mood speaking her language with her. She didn't seem pleased anymore with me trying to speak her language.

In any case, i talked to some other people at the event, and even her father who was there and whom i had previously met, i greeted him and he seemed to still be fond of me (so whatever happened for her to hate me, she didn't tell her dad). i also asked her if she got the package i left for her and she said that she did. i was happy that she did, but i forgot to ask her about the chocolates, if she liked them or not, now that's something i will never know.

This time was nothing like the other two times i saw her. She was cold to me in real life for the first time and it felt so brutal. I joined a group that she was talking and after a while she just walked off, i thought she was just heading out for a moment so i didn't go after her. But that was the last time i'd see her. she just dipped after that.

upon getting back home, i debated if i should text her, but i thought it was better to just leave it. seeing her acting so cold to me in person made me lose a lot of my passion for her as i hadn't seen it in person yet and was still remembering her warm smile and hug since the last time we had seen each other. I was sad.

Then, yesterday night, i noticed she had blocked me on everything. On both her instagram accounts as well as snapchat. (i still have her on tiktok and whatsapp but i will never text her again, because she clearly hates me now and i finally stopped coping)

This was heartbreaking for me, even though she was not my girlfriend, even though we ended up never even kissing, it was a very special relationship for me. that's it, that's the full story, i could give more details, but this is the gist of it.

It's over.

@RAMU KAKA @positivecoper @Donkeyballs @Mewton @thw7 @thecel
nigga wtf no way you licked ice cream off her foot jfl

is she east european?

maybe she got a boyfriend and he told her to block you off or something
  • JFL
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: TsarTsar444, PickleTheSlayer, anthony111553 and 12 others
i was significantly older than her as i was in high school and she was in middle school
Bookmarked to read later. keep the spirit up, i'm already proud
nigga wtf no way you licked ice cream off her foot jfl
i know.... idk why i did that. she probably thinks im a weirdo with a foot fetish, i was really just cleaning it tho. i wish i hadn't done that. maybe we'd still be cool even now :feelswah:
is she east european?
she's turk / greek, dont wanna give details tho
maybe she got a boyfriend and he told her to block you off or something
i honestly hope it was that, maybe that's how it started, but based on the way she acted towards me yesterday, it seems she genuinely dislikes me now :(
Last edited:
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i know.... idk why i did that. she probably thinks im a weirdo with a foot fetish, i was really just cleaning it tho. i wish i hadn't done that. maybe we'd still be cool even now :feelswah:

she's turk / greek, dont wanna give details tho

i honestly hope it was that, maybe that's how it started, but based on the way she acted towards me yesterday, it seems she genuinely dislikes me now :(

whats your looks level

either she was already pretending with you at first and finally gave up
or her friends convinced her that ur pedo groomer

or she got bf
  • +1
Reactions: jacky hanma

whats your looks level
manlet 6/10 face (i think?)
either she was already pretending with you at first and finally gave up
You think she was doing what? i didn't understand
or her friends convinced her that ur pedo groomer
that might've happened. anyone who doesn't understand our dynamic and just hears about the age difference would probably not react positively. she probably told her friends how the day had gone and they must've said i was a weirdo / groomer you name it. When in reality she has a lot more experience than me and isn't less mature than me mentally based on the conversations we had.
or she got bf
she does. maybe she just wants to be loyal and realized she was crossing a line by hanging out with me. But she is kind of a hoe and it's a long distance relationship so idk, i think if it was a chad she would've cheated.
  • JFL
Reactions: fikki
All of this just for 1 girl. Couldn’t you just find another, there’s plenty of girl out there
  • +1
Reactions: It'snotover
All of this just for 1 girl. Couldn’t you just find another, there’s plenty of girl out there
Did you forget the fact that im a socially inept manlet incel? This girl was a green eyed blonde beauty that was facetiming me on the daily and giving me lots of attention and affection.

This isn’t something i can just come across whenever i want, it was the only time in my life it happened.
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Reactions: TsarTsar444, Joe Rogancel, ducktruck and 3 others
It's over. Be glad it didn't happen later.
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Reactions: Joe Rogancel, 3virtues and Nick.Harte
Holy shit you wrote an entire essay about a foid who I could tell just from her description was taking Chad dick daily. Its over man
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Reactions: anthony111553, efidescontinuado, Joe Rogancel and 4 others
You and I are pretty much in the same boat. Mine also gave me the cold shoulder and I don't know why.
  • +1
Reactions: TURK-KUN
Holy shit you wrote an entire essay about a foid who I could tell just from her description was taking Chad dick daily. Its over man
Writing essays is the only way to get over her.
  • +1
Reactions: TURK-KUN
I don't know what to say man other than I've been there too. It hurts but it'll just get better with time
Onenitisism is a sadistic disease that you can't really help

The only solution is getting to know more girls and increase your options instead of obsessing over one (which doesn't really exist as the bluepill told us). I know its not easy at all.
Every one is temporary, every bond between people will break sooner or later. No one is there for anyone forever till the end
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Now to tell the truth, I still don't know exactly why she started to dislike me, but i did a lot of little stupid things, i dont know which one exactly was responsible for fucking it up, or if it was a combination of them.

On that day that she was visiting me, before getting in the Ferris wheel, i got us ice cream. Once we were inside the gondola, we were talking and enjoying the view, she was taking pictures of the ocean from there. We were sitting across from each other and chilling, then, some of her ice cream fell on top of her foot, she was wearing flipflops and raised her foot up towards me to show me that it had fallen on her. Now, in retrospective, that was a really retarded thing for me to do, but at the time it felt natural, so i just licked the ice cream off her foot. (It wasn't even smooth as the ice cream didn't immediately come off and i had to lick it for a couple more seconds and wipe it with my hand)

She seemed a bit weirded out but she just laughed and said "no one ever did that before haha" and she didn't seem to care much at the time. After that, we went on to go to my apartment, in it, at some point we were talking about her her instagram and i told her her current pictures look too hoeish and that her old pictures were better. Again, it was out of place for me to say that given that i'm not her boyfriend, so maybe that was also part of it.

I felt very comfortable talking about any subject with her, even controversial ones as she didn't mind racist or homophobic jokes at all, if anything, she was also against trans ideology and she particularly hated arab immigrants in her country and would be openly racist towards them. One time when i jokingly pointed at a ridiculous feminine outfit on a store and joked about me wearing it, she said that i'd get beaten the f up in her country for wearing it, she said that's just how it is in her country. (made me like her more). But i think i took it too far as i used the n-word a lot with her jokingly, she pointed out that i shouldn't say it while in public especially when near blacks (im kinda socially stupid so i have no filter)

Later, we were reminiscing our days in the old school and we talked about the other girls that were in her grade. I unfortunately was feeling too comfortable with her and i commented that most of them were looking hot now (big mistake) she didn't seem to like that i said that.

Anyhow, regardless of what it was that made her upset, you'd never know it on the day, because even at the end of it, she was still totally cool with me. The next day, i realized she had forgotten her make up on my apartment, so i texted her about it. she said she needed it back and we were arranging to see each other so i could give it back to her, we were going to meet again but she canceled because she was "busy" that day helping her dad prepare for an event (that she had invited me to before and i was kinda looking forward to going)

After that day i sent her some more messages trying to set up another date, but she became increasingly drier and eventually stopped responding. I didn't want to triple text her after the initial ghost, so i just gave her space, maybe she was busy with other stuff, who knows :forcedsmile:

A week after, i pretended it was all good and just texted her again like she hadn't ghosted me the previous week. she ghosts me again. i try calling her. she doesn't pick it up. she also removes me from her stories of her private account. At that point i was really confused because the last time we saw each other we were cool, i didn't understand why she turned so cold out of nowhere.

the day of the event that her family was organizing finally came, and i didn't go as we weren't talking anymore. On that day, she took me off her stories even from her normal account. the only reason i was able to see it is because i have another account. at this point, i was feeling dread inside me, all this effort and all of this emotional investment i had put into her.... the last time we saw each other i remember her smiling at me as if everything was alright. i couldn't and still can't pinpoint what exactly made her hate me.

on the day before halloween, i put her private account on my close friends and i post a story about halloween (hoping that she'd want to hang out for halloween) she removes me as a follower on her private account entirely. (i also noticed she removed about half of her private followers along with me, weird....) i couldn't believe what was happening. anything i tried to do was only pushing her further away. It was at this moment i should've understood that for whatever reason she's done with me and moved on, but i didn't.

Everyday i would pass by my kitchen and look at the bag with her make up on my counter, that i didn't get to give back to her because she wouldn't meet with me. It was driving me crazy. I thought about going to her house and giving it to her so i could at least get some closure. but that would be too invasive, i can't go to her house uninvited. Especially because her house is quite far from mine. So i went to her dad's workplace instead which was very close to where i live and dropped off the bag there saying it's to give it to her. I also put a special chocolate in the bag that she hadn't had in ages and that she commented she missed. It was a friendly gesture intended to get her to warm back up to me. The entire day passes and she doesn't send me anything on social media. I don't even know if she got the package i left for her.

I eventually stop trying to get to her but i continue to learn her language. Again, languages are my passion and at this point i already like the language itself too, so i was looking for some cultural events of this country and i found one online to attend. It was yesterday, so friday in the morning. I didn't have any physical classes that day, but her being in high school, i assumed that she'd have class that day and be at school. So i had zero expectations of seeing her there. But upon arriving, there she was.

I debated if i should even walk over as i didn't want her to think that i was stalking her, but i took a deep breath and said to myself "i've come all this way, i might as well say hi". I walked over to where she was and when she saw me, she froze. she was shocked to see me and visibly uncomfortable.

She turned around and walked the opposite way, i went after her and said "wait, let's talk" she stopped and greeted me although she was avoiding eye contact and clearly felt uncomfortable and awkward. I tried lightening the mood and specially said that i liked going to various country's cultural events and that i didn't think she'd be there and acted like it was chill but i asked her what was going on as things had gotten awkward and if it was something i said or did. She said it was nothing to do with me and that it was personal stuff but she wanted to be alone. I said to her she can tell me what's going on, she said if she were to tell me she'd cry. I didn't push her further and tried lightening the mood speaking her language with her. She didn't seem pleased anymore with me trying to speak her language.

In any case, i talked to some other people at the event, and even her father who was there and whom i had previously met, i greeted him and he seemed to still be fond of me (so whatever happened for her to hate me, she didn't tell her dad). i also asked her if she got the package i left for her and she said that she did. i was happy that she did, but i forgot to ask her about the chocolates, if she liked them or not, now that's something i will never know.

This time was nothing like the other two times i saw her. She was cold to me in real life for the first time and it felt so brutal. I joined a group that she was talking and after a while she just walked off, i thought she was just heading out for a moment so i didn't go after her. But that was the last time i'd see her. she just dipped after that.

upon getting back home, i debated if i should text her, but i thought it was better to just leave it. seeing her acting so cold to me in person made me lose a lot of my passion for her as i hadn't seen it in person yet and was still remembering her warm smile and hug since the last time we had seen each other. I was sad.

Then, yesterday night, i noticed she had blocked me on everything. On both her instagram accounts as well as snapchat. (i still have her on tiktok and whatsapp but i will never text her again, because she clearly hates me now and i finally stopped coping)

This was heartbreaking for me, even though she was not my girlfriend, even though we ended up never even kissing, it was a very special relationship for me. that's it, that's the full story, i could give more details, but this is the gist of it.

It's over.

@RAMU KAKA @positivecoper @Donkeyballs @Mewton @thw7 @thecel
I know this could easily fit onto but try to have the mentality of "I wanted her" not "I loved her" if you haven't already
Like @Mewton said the solution is getting other girls.
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I know this could easily fit onto but try to have the mentality of "I wanted her" not "I loved her" if you haven't already
Like @Mewton said the solution is getting other girls.
Yes, you guys are right. But there are some who will always have a special place in your heart
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Nigger i am high on ketamine but this was the most pathetic story

You blasted through duolingo

A 19 month program

In two months

All because your tiny ass weiner felt hyperactive over a random bitch you met on yubo

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Just stop thinking about her and send her to auschwitz asap
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Least obvious larp OAT, wym you licked her ice cream of off her foot whose gonna believe this sht jfl :lul:
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Least obvious larp OAT, wym you licked her ice cream of off her foot whose gonna believe this sht jfl :lul:
It happened man. It did happen. I wish I hadn’t done that but I am not lying to you.
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Hey man I can relate to the way you feel. Guys who are laughing and talking shit to you here just haven't experienced such heartbreak. Once you guys experience it, OPs post would not seem so crazy. It sounds stupid in text if you never had this but I know the pain you feel and to tell you the brutal truth it WILL linger. It will last for some months for sure but you will feel better as months go by.

My story was different and not as extreme as yours but when it ended it felt like an awful drug withdrawal. I think what you did wrong was that you were too pushy at showing her your affection and it gives pretty girls an ick. You may not see it but you became too easy for her and the emotions became weird, I am not sure how to explain it. All you can do now is move on and do not even consider reaching out to her. Let her be and move on. Also now you know that at the very least you can pull pretty blonde chicks so you should feel some sort of confidence boost. Hope this post helped you,
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Hey man I can relate to the way you feel. Guys who are laughing and talking shit to you here just haven't experienced such heartbreak. Once you guys experience it, OPs post would not seem so crazy. It sounds stupid in text if you never had this but I know the pain you feel and to tell you the brutal truth it WILL linger. It will last for some months for sure but you will feel better as months go by.

My story was different and not as extreme as yours but when it ended it felt like an awful drug withdrawal. I think what you did wrong was that you were too pushy at showing her your affection and it gives pretty girls an ick. You may not see it but you became too easy for her and the emotions became weird, I am not sure how to explain it. All you can do now is move on and do not even consider reaching out to her. Let her be and move on. Also now you know that at the very least you can pull pretty blonde chicks so you should feel some sort of confidence boost. Hope this post helped you,
you're right. maybe if i hadn't done anything like learning her language or whatnot she would've liked me more. im so stupid
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probably no one will bother to read this as I'm a greycel, but alas, i will write it.

i first met this girl in school, let's call her Claire, her hair being a curly dirty blonde, her eyes green. i was significantly older than her as i was in high school and she was in middle school and normally we wouldn't have met. But we did meet due to after school activities. In the beginning, i thought she was an annoying brat, as she would constantly tease me but i came to warm up to her as a person the more time i spent with her. Based on some things that she did, i have reason to believe she used to have a crush on me, but at that time she was a kid so nothing would've happened. Eventually i went off to college and the only connection i had with her, was social media. I didn't think i'd ever see her again.

She for some reason followed me with her private account and i followed back without thinking much of it. After this, i would be periodically updated about her life as she would post a lot, i mean a lot, on it. Over the years I watched her mature into an attractive girl. Fast forward a few years later, she's finishing high school and im finishing college. She is now very attractive.

She was living in a completely different state now, and one of my best friends was graduating in that same area. He invited me to party with him after his graduation and I decided to go. So I took a deep breath and messaged her saying something like: "Hi Claire, it's been forever! Are you still living in -her city-?" She said: yes, i am
me: im going there next month to see my friend graduating, we should do something! "she: yes we can go out to a cafe"

First we were just texting, but one day i randomly called her. We clicked instantly and talked for over an hour, we wouldn't run out of things to talk about. Mind you, im a fucking incel, i had never facetimed a girl, an attractive one at that for that long. I was in a bliss. After that day, we started facetiming daily for a couple of weeks in anticipation for when we'd meet. As you can imagine, that made me fall for her head over heels. There is a major problem tho, she was in a long distance relationship with a guy from her home country. Even knowing this, I was still falling for her hard, i didn't care about some random guy across the planet.

At the end, we ended up meeting at a shopping mall. When I saw her in real life for the first time in years, we hugged and went out to eat together at sushi place, after that we spent the entire afternoon together window shopping, eating ice cream and talking. At the end of the day, we sat on a few benches outside of the mall during the sunset and she started singing songs to me really close to my face, i just know in that moment i could've kissed her, but i didn't. she was still underage and she was in a relationship, as much as i wanted to, i was too much of a coward and didn't do it.

the next day, we stopped talking. she actually ghosted me when i invited her to do something else the next day which was my last day in her city. so i flew back home. that was it. a dissapointment. i felt regret and frustration over not having kissed her and i started obsessing over her more and more. i formulated this absurd plan to go back to her state to see her with the excuse that i had a job interview there. I was going to wait until after the summer to do it though as she was travelling to her home country during the summer.

During the summer, i went even beyond insane and i started learning her language on duolingo. i was studying in such an unhinged way that i finished the whole duolingo course in 2 months. after that, i looked for people to start practicing with online and i made very fast progress in the language, now, the reason this is not as insane as it sounds is because languages are my passion and i actually know a variety of languages already. So adding a new one wouldn't be necessarily something weird that i was doing just for her.

At the end of the summer, i had already bought the plane ticket to go to my fake "job interview" and as i was texting her that i was going to see her, she made a live on instagram. i joined the live. in the live, she specifically called me and asked me where i live again. i told her where. she said: i'm moving there! I couldn't believe my ears. I was going to travel to her, but now she's moving to my city? it was too good to be true.

After that, i was taking a shower that night and she texted me "hey, wanna call?" i got out of the shower immediately and called her. we facetimed for 2 hours this time! I revealed to her that i had been learning her language and she reacted really positively, even wanting to teach me some words. She talked about us doing all sorts of stuff together, like swimming in her pool, going on clubs, you name it. I was very excited to see her. The day that she moved here, we face timed again and we agreed to meet the next day.

The next day she comes to my apartment and we spend the afternoon together again, only this time, we were in my apartment, we swam together, went to the sauna together, we went to the nearby shopping center and even went on a Ferris Wheel together. I was the happiest man alive. But there's one thing I did that ruined it all.

if anyone actually read until now and wants to know the rest, leave a reaction and i will tag you on the next.
who cares fuck that bitch
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Didn’t read but that must feel bad

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Now, in retrospective, that was a really retarded thing for me to do, but at the time it felt natural, so i just licked the ice cream off her foot. (It wasn't even smooth as the ice cream didn't immediately come off and i had to lick it for a couple more seconds and wipe it with my hand)
non NT

After that, we went on to go to my apartment, in it, at some point we were talking about her her instagram and i told her her current pictures look too hoeish and that her old pictures were better. Again, it was out of place for me to say that given that i'm not her boyfriend, so maybe that was also part of it.
mistake to criticize the gram. My friend told me he got blocked by a chick he had been on good terms with for telling her that some of her pics were too slutty

But i think i took it too far as i used the n-word a lot with her jokingly, she pointed out that i shouldn't say it while in public especially when near blacks (im kinda socially stupid so i have no filter)
be classy not crude. also lack of social etiquette here

I unfortunately was feeling too comfortable with her and i commented that most of them were looking hot now (big mistake) she didn't seem to like that i said that.
ya you invoked jealousy. that’s why it’s best not to talk about or post about other girls too much

A week after, i pretended it was all good and just texted her again like she hadn't ghosted me the previous week. she ghosts me again. i try calling her. she doesn't pick it up. she also removes me from her stories of her private account. At that point i was really confused because the last time we saw each other we were cool, i didn't understand why she turned so cold out of nowhere.

the day of the event that her family was organizing finally came, and i didn't go as we weren't talking anymore. On that day, she took me off her stories even from her normal account. the only reason i was able to see it is because i have another account. at this point, i was feeling dread inside me, all this effort and all of this emotional investment i had put into her.... the last time we saw each other i remember her smiling at me as if everything was alright. i couldn't and still can't pinpoint what exactly made her hate me.
aw man that sucks i hate when girls do that and don’t provide any closure:( i feel for ya
i couldn't believe what was happening. anything i tried to do was only pushing her further away.
whenever you are chased the natural inclination is to run away. the only thing you could have done is asked for closure or give her space

Then, yesterday night, i noticed she had blocked me on everything. On both her instagram accounts as well as snapchat. (i still have her on tiktok and whatsapp but i will never text her again, because she clearly hates me now and i finally stopped coping)

This was heartbreaking for me, even though she was not my girlfriend, even though we ended up never even kissing, it was a very special relationship for me. that's it, that's the full story, i could give more details, but this is the gist of it.
eh forget her man, you can do better anyways. i’ve got something to send you in PM
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You behaved like a total retard no wonder why this foid blocked you, plus you were giving too much attention to her to begin with (would she learn a language for you, I think not), she either wanted to use you as her lil dog but you demonstrated to be a weird cuck not fit for the role, or, she wanted you to pound her ass, but you demonstrated to be a weird cuck not fit for the role anyways enough bullying, lesson learned move on and grow from this shit
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whats your looks level

either she was already pretending with you at first and finally gave up
or her friends convinced her that ur pedo groomer

or she got bf
This and also because you were obsessed with her broski, It’s a huge turn off for women when you’re clingy(even if you’re good looking). And yo if the guy was that she got with is more attractive than you, then that’s reason why she ghosted you bhai
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probably no one will bother to read this as I'm a greycel, but alas, i will write it.

i first met this girl in school, let's call her Claire, her hair being a curly dirty blonde, her eyes green. i was significantly older than her as i was in high school and she was in middle school and normally we wouldn't have met. But we did meet due to after school activities. In the beginning, i thought she was an annoying brat, as she would constantly tease me but i came to warm up to her as a person the more time i spent with her. Based on some things that she did, i have reason to believe she used to have a crush on me, but at that time she was a kid so nothing would've happened. Eventually i went off to college and the only connection i had with her, was social media. I didn't think i'd ever see her again.

She for some reason followed me with her private account and i followed back without thinking much of it. After this, i would be periodically updated about her life as she would post a lot, i mean a lot, on it. Over the years I watched her mature into an attractive girl. Fast forward a few years later, she's finishing high school and im finishing college. She is now very attractive.

She was living in a completely different state now, and one of my best friends was graduating in that same area. He invited me to party with him after his graduation and I decided to go. So I took a deep breath and messaged her saying something like: "Hi Claire, it's been forever! Are you still living in -her city-?" She said: yes, i am
me: im going there next month to see my friend graduating, we should do something! "she: yes we can go out to a cafe"

First we were just texting, but one day i randomly called her. We clicked instantly and talked for over an hour, we wouldn't run out of things to talk about. Mind you, im a fucking incel, i had never facetimed a girl, an attractive one at that for that long. I was in a bliss. After that day, we started facetiming daily for a couple of weeks in anticipation for when we'd meet. As you can imagine, that made me fall for her head over heels. There is a major problem tho, she was in a long distance relationship with a guy from her home country. Even knowing this, I was still falling for her hard, i didn't care about some random guy across the planet.

At the end, we ended up meeting at a shopping mall. When I saw her in real life for the first time in years, we hugged and went out to eat together at sushi place, after that we spent the entire afternoon together window shopping, eating ice cream and talking. At the end of the day, we sat on a few benches outside of the mall during the sunset and she started singing songs to me really close to my face, i just know in that moment i could've kissed her, but i didn't. she was still underage and she was in a relationship, as much as i wanted to, i was too much of a coward and didn't do it.

the next day, we stopped talking. she actually ghosted me when i invited her to do something else the next day which was my last day in her city. so i flew back home. that was it. a dissapointment. i felt regret and frustration over not having kissed her and i started obsessing over her more and more. i formulated this absurd plan to go back to her state to see her with the excuse that i had a job interview there. I was going to wait until after the summer to do it though as she was travelling to her home country during the summer.

During the summer, i went even beyond insane and i started learning her language on duolingo. i was studying in such an unhinged way that i finished the whole duolingo course in 2 months. after that, i looked for people to start practicing with online and i made very fast progress in the language, now, the reason this is not as insane as it sounds is because languages are my passion and i actually know a variety of languages already. So adding a new one wouldn't be necessarily something weird that i was doing just for her.

At the end of the summer, i had already bought the plane ticket to go to my fake "job interview" and as i was texting her that i was going to see her, she made a live on instagram. i joined the live. in the live, she specifically called me and asked me where i live again. i told her where. she said: i'm moving there! I couldn't believe my ears. I was going to travel to her, but now she's moving to my city? it was too good to be true.

After that, i was taking a shower that night and she texted me "hey, wanna call?" i got out of the shower immediately and called her. we facetimed for 2 hours this time! I revealed to her that i had been learning her language and she reacted really positively, even wanting to teach me some words. She talked about us doing all sorts of stuff together, like swimming in her pool, going on clubs, you name it. I was very excited to see her. The day that she moved here, we face timed again and we agreed to meet the next day.

The next day she comes to my apartment and we spend the afternoon together again, only this time, we were in my apartment, we swam together, went to the sauna together, we went to the nearby shopping center and even went on a Ferris Wheel together. I was the happiest man alive. But there's one thing I did that ruined it all.

if anyone actually read until now and wants to know the rest, leave a reaction and i will tag you on the next.
fake and gay I wasted my time on this bullshit story
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most blue pilled thing iv seen on .org ngl
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I wouldn't bother even if you were a coloredcel
Learn to formatmaxx
I wouldn't bother even if you were a coloredcel
Learn to formatmaxx
formatmaxx? i already wrote it in neatly separated easy-to-read paragraphs. What else do you want lol
Same thing happened to me man, im plan to dm her for closure and say goodbye
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Well you acted weird af nigga. Licked her foot, simped over her. And if the way you baited out reacts in your first post before posting the full story is a hint to your personality, then you also seem to be manipulative. All this combined with being non chad and her becoming attractive, all of this was inevitable
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didn't read but tough luck brother
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