God doesn't exist.

Religion is fake but God is slightly real but he isn’t what u think he is
Prove to me God doesn't exist. You can't.
What you said shows that you haven't surrendered to God and therefore you are resisting and will never be conclusively at ease because it is literally impossible to resist and overcome the divine power. All these powers are energies and surrendering to the divine power isn't a flaw, it's a strength because you just aren't better or bigger than it. You can accept it and let it guide you but if you are a sinner that's why you'll never be one with yourself.

You should look into energetics and chakra energy bc even though it seems like I'm taking the piss, I'm actually not.

Why do you think back in the day it was taboo for someone to have struggles with mental health and it was literally less than 1 in 100, when now, even rich celebs kill themselves due to depression; which tbh is real depression no matter what way you try angle it. Lets not speak on anyone who isn't in the top 0.0000000000000001% of everything having depression coz that's literally commonplace. Back decades ago there was very little depression and drugs. Now there's oodles of drugs and uncured depression even though the drugs are supposed to help get rid of it.

God actually fucking exists. Stop resisting. Nothing will save you. Not all the money in the world. You can be the #1 celeb, #1 richest person and #1 everything and still have depression and you'll wonder what the fuck is going on. It's resistance to divinity. Energy can't be created or destroyed but it can be transformed and passed on. There IS EVIL IN THE WORLD, AND THERE IS GOOD IN THE WORLD. Neither will disappear, and sadly, some people will manifest and bear the evil and all the negatives it brings. Just fucking surrender your ego to god; I know it sounds cringe but it's actually true. Just accept any blockages and fears that are holding you back and use your energy in a way that betters yourself and the world. If some bullshit blackpill shit happens to you along the way; atleast you'll know why someone treated you badly, and you'll think they can fuck themselves and aren't even shit themselves, and you won't feel as bad. If you keep resisting, you're so fuckin fucked man
His miracles weren't true though.
His biggest miracle (which he eventually had to do according to the prophecies) was his resurrection and there's no trace of his physical body since then on this Earth. Christianity is built on his successful resurrection proven through eye-witnesses and people who saw and touched him after his resurrection. Anyone can write a book of morality and preach on it. But the Jesus' teachings were of his own since he is God and he fulfilled the prophecies which he promised in the beginning to Abraham. Nobody would have taken him seriously if it wasn't for the resurrection. The Jews are in denial because they claim Jesus died ultimately and didn't live forever like it was mentioned. But he still exists eternally. I've seen many wishful thinkers of the 20th century cherry-pick verses and commandments about morality to either live by them or impose them as law. There's too many people here who'll call the Bible based for telling women to shut up and not preach in churches or keep them in their place. But those same people will deny and mock anyone for believing in an eternal hell for the unrighteous... as it was mentioned in the Bible & even talked about by Jesus himself more than 30 times when he was in this world preaching to his apostles. I've personally experienced a dream/OBE where I saw God before I was truly a believer... but I'll leave all this supernatural stuff aside since you probably won't even believe in that since there's no 'scientific evidence' for such a thing to ever happen and that i'm simply lying to you about this. Christianity was never intended or created for political control over people and status. That wasn't and still isn't it's purpose anyways. It's the Catholic Church that has done that before and even waged a crusade against the Muslims. Christians believe in Jesus' work on the cross in order to be saved and have eternal life and not be separated from God's presence after death. Its about salvation and redemption, not living a quality/successful life and enjoying the world. Heck even Jesus was clear about this that it's hard for the rich to be saved and it's impossible for the worldly people who idolize enjoyment, fleshly desires, their greed + lust; to be saved too.
God made you a subhuman because he knew you’d become an atheist

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