Got rejected by a literal subhuman. I will give up on girls now.

Deleted member 39

Deleted member 39

The Inferior
Aug 11, 2018
I got this girls snapchat from YouTube. At the beginning she called me "daddy" all the time and send me nudes for two days. Today she asked for a face pic, so I took a spontaneous snapchat photo and sent it to her. She didn't reply. I said "Do you like it?" and she responded "I don't know yet".
I knew it was over so I said "do you still want to suck my cock?" and she said "No".
I just said "you're ugly yourself, so fuck off" and deleted her.

This is the subhuman girl.
Screenshot 20191216 192903 comandroidgallery3d

And this is the pic I sent to her:
  • Ugh..
  • JFL
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Reactions: ElliotRodgerJr, Hades, Deleted member 2587 and 8 others
storytime how you got a snap from yt
I got this girls snapchat from YouTube. At the beginning she called me "daddy" all the time and send me nudes for two days. Today she asked for a face pic, so I took a spontaneous snapchat photo and sent it to her. She didn't reply. I said "Do you like it?" and she responded "I don't know yet".
I knew it was over so I said "do you still want to suck my cock?" and she said "No".
I just said "you're ugly yourself, so fuck off" and deleted her.

This is the subhuman girl.
View attachment 194912

And this is the pic I sent to her:
What in the name of flat maxilla is that picture?
holy fuck. nigga clear that skin
Ugly girls generally have the highest standards weirdly enough
Probably a coping mechanism
  • +1
Reactions: PubertyMaxxer, Hades, Deleted and 5 others
OP got rejected by Ms. Down's Syndrome. How will he ever recover?
  • JFL
Reactions: diggbicc
JFL at getting rejected by a literal drooling retard hahahahaha
  • JFL
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Reactions: Catawampus, DidntRead, Deleted member 1560 and 2 others
Jfl this is hilarious. I fucking hate women nowadays
Ugly girls generally have the highest standards weirdly enough
Probably a coping mechanism
This. The women who have approached me are in the 4-7 range and same for IoIs. Legit ugly girls have never shown interest in me. The easiest girls to get are average looking.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 39 and retard
bro i diagnose you with long midface syndrome
u look like a tall normie tbh, am really not sure what she expected jfl
i just took a look at the girl's pic and im legit disgusted,,fucking primitive zero psl repulsive beast, should be tossed into ghanges river literal human fucking trash
ithink u just gave me erectyle dysfunction for life
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  • +1
Reactions: Tony
bro i diagnose you with long midface syndrome
u look like a tall normie tbh, am really not sure what she expected jfl
i just took a look at the girl's pic and im legit disgusted,,fucking primitive zero psl repulsive beast, should be tossed into ghanges river literal human fucking trash
ithink u just gave me erectyle dysfunction for life
I'm a manlet with a long midface, just imagine the bad luck.
Hypergamy is out of fucking control nowadays. Not even @Short Ugly and Brown 's ogre-faced oneitis would kiss him for $1000 and he's a hunter-eyed chadlite.
  • +1
  • Love it
Reactions: Short Ugly and Brown, Deleted member 39 and karbo
Hypergamy is out of fucking control nowadays. Not even @Short Ugly and Brown 's ogre-faced oneitis would kiss him for $1000 and he's a hunter-eyed chadlite.
That's why MGTOW is a cozy escape. It'll be the only non-cucked thing to do soon. Giving females attention and your most valuable resource, your time, and then getting rejected, that's quite cucked.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 245 and Short Ugly and Brown
u have malemodel profile why u didnt send it
Ugly girls generally have the highest standards weirdly enough
Probably a coping mechanism
Yea. Lesson not to dumpster dive bro, better to fap instead ngl
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 39
Disgusting. Almost puked
i can't imagine how awful that is. i just don't approach any more because i'm terrified of how bad rejection feels.
Is that drool rolling down that subhuman's mouth? What the fuck? Disgusting cancer skin ape, I was eating a fucking sandwich when I saw that shit
  • JFL
Reactions: Catawampus, DidntRead and Deleted member 39
Juggernaut law
cant see your pic bro
Post pic man
Hypergamy is out of fucking control nowadays. Not even @Short Ugly and Brown 's ogre-faced oneitis would kiss him for $1000 and he's a hunter-eyed chadlite.
MY oneitis also rejected my chadpreet friend who's 6foot1 last year
IMG 2796

I don't think I'm chadlite but everyone I asked said I mog her
Pic doesn’t work homes
I got this girls snapchat from YouTube. At the beginning she called me "daddy" all the time and send me nudes for two days. Today she asked for a face pic, so I took a spontaneous snapchat photo and sent it to her. She didn't reply. I said "Do you like it?" and she responded "I don't know yet".
I knew it was over so I said "do you still want to suck my cock?" and she said "No".
I just said "you're ugly yourself, so fuck off" and deleted her.

This is the subhuman girl.
View attachment 194912

And this is the pic I sent to her:
Similar thing happened to me but she was hot. It crushed me
Should have been labeled NSFW, that's one of the most disgusting pictures I have ever seen online.
i remember this thread jfl i couldnt get hard for this bitch even if she wore a bag over her head

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