Goth/emo foids are the easiest to make racist

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morality is literally, by definition, gay as fuck
You’re telling me you have no moral thoughts at all? The only thing stopping you from murdering, raping etc is the law?
You’re telling me you have no moral thoughts at all? The only thing stopping you from murdering, raping etc is the law?
Morality holds Whites back as a race. I believe in morality designated for Whites only. I believe in in-group altruism, not out of group altruism or empathy
  • Ugh..
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Morality holds Whites back as a race. I believe in morality designated for Whites only. I believe in in-group altruism, not out of group altruism or empathy
I should be a politician. Just like Bowden. So based teenagers can put nightcore over 1 minute clips of my speeches
Morality holds Whites back as a race
Morality holds everyone back, that’s the point.

I believe in morality designated for Whites only. I believe in in-group altruism, not out of group altruism or empathy
This is just what animals, do. So white people are animals?
all foids with autism are racist
If that’s what you want to label us
There’s no “label” to it, it’s just if the world were to work as you want. White people couldn’t be considered as humans
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Think about it

They are just as neurodivergent as us racists, just simply more susceptible to brainwashing.

This is a good thing though. We can easily reverse their brain-implanting by the Jews with our ideals.

What this results in: more bases White woman producing White babies and being racially aware

I might start employing this tactic, and see how it goes.

Also they can easily be reverted out of their retarded aesthetic as well into a more preferable fashion.

@Debetro @Madridista @6ft4 Thoughts on this?
Notice how its the incel men who talk about race bullshit never chads
  • JFL
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  • Hmm...
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just doesnt work hand in hand

like trying to put a square puzzle piece in a circle slot

doesnt work
Elaborate in a way that can be applied to every single individual in any group otherwise this doesn’t make sense
Elaborate in a way that can be applied to every single individual in any group otherwise this doesn’t make sense
how doesnt it make sense
even the good ones inherently are not made for white society
we are so different from eachother, in every way, including genetic distance, that multiculturalism literally just does not work
I mean....look at this goth aesthetic:
Images   2024 07 02T091235987

Images   2024 07 02T091108756

Images   2024 07 02T091142908

Images   2024 07 02T091226174

The fact that they try to keep themselves as pale as possible shows that they know Aryan is superior.
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Nowadays the only white woman who are mostly "white men" only are alt bitches.
So you guys can call them bipolar whores all u want.

A woman that has fucked 20 white guys is Mother Teresa compared to a woman who has fcked one shitskin ethnic though. :sick:
High iq post
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Think about it

They are just as neurodivergent as us racists, just simply more susceptible to brainwashing.

This is a good thing though. We can easily reverse their brain-implanting by the Jews with our ideals.

What this results in: more bases White woman producing White babies and being racially aware

I might start employing this tactic, and see how it goes.

Also they can easily be reverted out of their retarded aesthetic as well into a more preferable fashion.

@Debetro @Madridista @6ft4 Thoughts on this?
Most white women are racist in their dating life anyways.

Also i think goth women are already pretty consciously racist.
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I saw a goth who was communist
  • Love it
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Btw your goth/emo fetish is clouding your logical thinking. Goths are a subculture that is very very left leaning. It was made in the 80’s (racism was still more normalized) and the entire goth culture is about going against the status quo. Most goth people are feminist and against racism. A good chunk of them are also LGBTQ
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  • Woah
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Btw your goth/emo fetish is clouding your logical thinking. Goths are a subculture that is very very left leaning. It was made in the 80’s (racism was still more normalized) and the entire goth culture is about going against the status quo. Most goth people are feminist and against racism. A good chunk of them are also LGBTQ
You guys seem to ignore what I said entirely

Going against the status quo. You’re right. They essentially just wanna be different.

But now that all of their LGBTQ hippie bullshit is normal…what will they push for?

That’s where i swoop in.

“Hey…Betsy. I know you love going against society and it’s evilness…so have ya thought about racism?”

boom. She’s racist

Simple as. A White baby factory has been established.
  • +1
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Btw your goth/emo fetish is clouding your logical thinking. Goths are a subculture that is very very left leaning. It was made in the 80’s (racism was still more normalized) and the entire goth culture is about going against the status quo. Most goth people are feminist and against racism. A good chunk of them are also LGBTQ
Teach them about nazbol. Seize means of production against jewish ownership class
IMG 5792
  • JFL
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do these foids use forums
maybe go on there posing as another goth foid and make threads about dislike for ethnics
You guys seem to ignore what I said entirely

Going against the status quo. You’re right. They essentially just wanna be different.

But now that all of their LGBTQ hippie bullshit is normal…what will they push for?

That’s where i swoop in.

“Hey…Betsy. I know you love going against society and it’s evilness…so have ya thought about racism?”

boom. She’s racist

Simple as. A White baby factory has been established.
Do that and they’ll post you on TikTok calling you a racist Nazi jfl.
Goth/emo are left leaning they’re least likely to be racist
Btw your goth/emo fetish is clouding your logical thinking. Goths are a subculture that is very very left leaning. It was made in the 80’s (racism was still more normalized) and the entire goth culture is about going against the status quo. Most goth people are feminist and against racism. A good chunk of them are also LGBTQ
Nowadays the status quo is nigger workship, are you dumb?

They literally bully black goths, dude.
You can't listen at what they claim to be jfl thought we learned by now that woman should be judged based on their actions.

That being said, yes many of them are "bi" and lesbian but that's just attwhoring. And those are usually the fat ugly ones too.
OP is 13 btw
@ConnorTheMogger thoughts nigger ?
Most racist foid I've ever met was emo, they're definitely more susceptable yo manipulatemaxxing than normoids and hippe festivoids but overall they are a pretty non racist group as is.
  • Woah
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emo bitches hate black people, i used to date one, she would always say jokes about slavery and sheit, all of these females are mentally ill and retarded, they’re fun at first but as the relationship goes on, it definitely turns sour
I thought they were giga progressive and liberal tbh
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Go up to a goth girls and be racist dude, please. Especially if theyre white with tattoos and piercings, they will blow up in this country more than ethnics themselves

This is the white feminist archetype you are all pretending doesnt exist, and guess what it tends to exist witj goth and alternative women who fall into subcultures that favour feminism traditionally. Theres one girl from my highschool (and her group) leme find a pic if u want
Yea, thats the image i have always had and my experience is the exact opposite to what this thread says

But I also have limited experience with alternative people
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