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its over if a normie looks like that

Tattoos make him look low class
brutal..... i tought there are shit ton of gigachad , pentamoggers on these type of apps but it turns out the average men on dating apps are truly average. very interesteing thanks for doing it bhai it is a great experiment. u can try tinder, bumble with a different but believable foidfish and see the results there
There are chads and chadlites on the app but not a single one of them matched with Gilma. I wonder why.
this as gay as andrew tate making men ejaculate by text 10 hours a day for years
Makes sense cuz hacker is a normie
Normie in oslo
Here's some girls who I matched with recently, on the higher end. I'm white, 6'2", I'd say MTN.
Do you get lots of likes? I heard MTNs with good photos and fraud can unironically slay off hinge
I'd say those 2 guys are a little bit closer to HTN than me, or maybe on the old 1-9 scale from 2019 (which I prefer) I'm 5.5-5.75 and they're 6.
They have better harmony than me, I have a very robust face but they have a slightly better arrangement.
You’re harmonypilled?
Seems htbish
It would help if your foidfish had more normal pictures, like those, doing some activity or even just selfies in her room would be ok.
Why even selfies in her room and why activity?
These pics with her tits almost out that look like they might've been taken at some rich guy's house just makes her look like a potential whore or sugarbabe,
I wonder why some women that luxe looks make them believe it’s more high class and hence will attract Chad
which I'd say is more ethnic magnet than white HQNP guy magnet, but she got matches with plenty of decent loo
Is it because they’re more nuevo riche?
king white guys so it can't be that big of a problem.
Thing is she doesn’t want them, she wants HTN+ like most women
She seems above average for her pheno, maybe like a second or third tier Russian/Belarusian/Ukrainian girl from what I've seen. She definitely fogs the Russian and Ukrainian girls I've seen in my area. Like I said, I would swipe right, just not expecting a relationship because of how she presents herself and because I might have better options.
Gotcha, is she too trashy and expecting too much kinda looking?
Tattoos make him look low class

There are chads and chadlites on the app but not a single one of them matched with Gilma. I wonder why.


Normie in oslo
do u have screenshots of chadlites and chads ? maybe they were just chadfish just like ur foidfish jfl
  • +1
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do u have screenshots of chadlites and chads ? maybe they were just chadfish just like ur foidfish jfl
Also how tf were these niggas standouts in London??

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becasue obviously u show us some better looking dudes but everyone knows dating apps are ONLY care about money jfl. it is also prooven in the algorithm when u register ur profile OR when u get tinder plus or premium are the most active time. I remember I bought tinder premium and got shit ton of matches just because i paid for the app
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  • +1
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becasue obviously u show us some better looking dudes but everyone knows dating apps are ONLY care about money jfl. it is also prooven in the algorithm when u register ur profile OR when u get tinder plus or premium are the most active time. I remember I bought tinder premium and got shit ton of matches just because i paid for the app
Do you also think “rose jail” humbles women?
If your white and MTN and lean max you still get a lot of opportunities.

Meanwhile a GL ethnic or latino will get thrown out even if GL in a lot of countries just due. to pheno.
Even if white looking ethnic?
If your white and MTN and lean max you still get a lot of opportunities.

Meanwhile a GL ethnic or latino will get thrown out even if GL in a lot of countries just due. to pheno.
exactly especially in our country we have gypsies hungarians hate GYPSIES deep from their heart i bet a 10/10 lean chadfaced gypsy would do terrible in hungary on tinder or bumble
exactly especially in our country we have gypsies hungarians hate GYPSIES deep from their heart i bet a 10/10 lean chadfaced gypsy would do terrible in hungary on tinder or bumble
Yea GL Arabs should not bother with OLD in areas of high gysy population, but oddly enough this Curry did well in Serbia. I know the gypsy population is a lot less then Bulgaria but their is still some over their .

Their was a thread posted of him
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They weren’t matches

@AscensionMan98 why didn’t she get HTN plus white matches?
@AscensionMan98 i sent likes to white HTN-Chad and none of them matched her
@AscensionMan98 i sent likes to white HTN-Chad and none of them matched her
The experiment is flawed, of Course a reasonably attractive foid woudl get like 95%+ likes.

You need to use a chad and see what women you get. Do with different pheno
  • +1
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Yea GL Arabs should not bother with OLD in areas of high gysy population, but oddly enough this Curry did well in Serbia. I know the gypsy population is a lot less then Bulgaria but their is still some over their .

Their was a thread posted of him
yea usually arabs, gypsies, curries are doing the worst overall no matter how gl they are or literaly definition of a PSL Chad face or even high appeal fortunately/unfortunately still white skin is the mogger one
yea usually arabs, gypsies, curries are doing the worst overall no matter how gl they are or literaly definition of a PSL Chad face or even high appeal fortunately/unfortunately still white skin is the mogger one
I did run good looking Arabs and Indians in places like Poland and russia and Serbia, did better then Bulgaria but even Bulgaria was like noticeably better then america.

America= not for ethnics
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The experiment is flawed, of Course a reasonably attractive foid woudl get like 95%+ likes.

You need to use a chad and see what women you get. Do with different pheno
I got banned on hinge for saying skibidi Ohio rizzler
  • JFL
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Do you get lots of likes? I heard MTNs with good photos and fraud can unironically slay off hinge


You’re harmonypilled?

Seems htbish

Why even selfies in her room and why activity?

I wonder why some women that luxe looks make them believe it’s more high class and hence will attract Chad

Is it because they’re more nuevo riche?

Thing is she doesn’t want them, she wants HTN+ like most women

Gotcha, is she too trashy and expecting too much kinda looking?

No, I get almost no incoming likes on Hinge, 2 MTBs that I accepted as a match and like 3 or 4 other instant reject subhumans. All of the HTBs+ that I've matched with, I sent the like first. HTBs liked me on Bumble, but I'd say to match with HTBs+ on Hinge, the guy has to do the swiping, because as proven by this experiment any halfway desirable girl gets so many likes that all she has to do is swipe through those, she doesn't have to send any. Whereas on Bumble the matches time out so it discourages this huge collection that she probably won't even look all the way through. But on both, to actually get a date it seems like you need to either mog all of her other matches, or get lucky by messaging her something that rubs her the right way at just the right time. So the more attractive your matches are, the more and better your competition and the more difficult this whole thing becomes.

I'm not frauding and my pictures are nothing special, maybe I'm pushing HTN in 2 of them, but my main one shows my face with my flat under eye, deformed nasal tip, small mouth, imperfect ratios yet I match with HTBs. I think HTBs and Stacys care more about pheno than face. I'm harmony pilled, I'm sure I would do better on the apps if my face was more harmonious, but I think facial harmony mostly exists in photos and then irl it's more about forwards growth and phenotypical features. I only notice harmony irl on the guys with the most perfectly harmonious, top 1% faces.

Where the girl's pictures are taken (and this goes both ways) can give you the sense of what she wants to do on a date, and maybe from now on where/how I'll ask her out. If she has selfies in her room, I'll ask to come over. If she has pictures outdoors, I'll ask her out on a hike. I'm actually new to OLD. With this foidfish's pictures having a gold digger vibe, it makes her look like that's what she expects on a date, money thrown at her at some luxe restaurant or something. The better looking Slavic girls seem to be into that. But white HTNs and Chads here in the US and maybe the UK too are more low key with their girls at first, so it's also something of a cultural difference.
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