Hello I was bored so I decided ill make a thread on how to increase bone mass/density, as you might know bone mass is mostly genetics but there are some very good things you can do to maintain/increase ur bone density.
Your bones keeps growing everyday, so dont listen to the monkeys. For example a humans bones will grow bigger every single day, you can check your fathers hand (if you have one) and see how ogre like it is, if it isnt ogre like your father is a sissy boy that sat around and did nothing during his youth and you likely have shitty genetics.
Proof —-> Study
For the low iq humans out there bone mass is not only about your face but your skeletal bone density. AND this is not some sort of thread that will make you superhuman chad so do not complain. I know its a bit shitty thread but i tried my best on mobile.
And be cautious with what you use, accutane fin dut minoxidil mk677 gh sarms steroids anything could fuck up your genetic potential.
And remember bones is ur destiny, if nothing works go inject tren.
Your bones keeps growing everyday, so dont listen to the monkeys. For example a humans bones will grow bigger every single day, you can check your fathers hand (if you have one) and see how ogre like it is, if it isnt ogre like your father is a sissy boy that sat around and did nothing during his youth and you likely have shitty genetics.
Proof —-> Study
For the low iq humans out there bone mass is not only about your face but your skeletal bone density. AND this is not some sort of thread that will make you superhuman chad so do not complain. I know its a bit shitty thread but i tried my best on mobile.
And be cautious with what you use, accutane fin dut minoxidil mk677 gh sarms steroids anything could fuck up your genetic potential.
I dont even have to say this but sleep 8h++ lol
Growth Hormone
- Growth Hormone (GH): Produced by the pituitary gland, growth hormone stimulates the growth of bones and other tissues during childhood and adolescence. It promotes the proliferation and differentiation of chondrocytes (cells responsible for bone growth) in the growth plates of long bones.
- Insulin-like Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1): Produced mainly in the liver in response to growth hormone stimulation, IGF-1 mediates many of the growth-promoting effects of growth hormone. It acts directly on bone cells to stimulate bone growth and mineralization.
- Thyroid Hormones (T3 and T4): Thyroid hormones, produced by the thyroid gland, play crucial roles in skeletal development and growth. They regulate bone turnover, stimulate bone formation, and influence bone density. Hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone levels) in children can lead to growth retardation and delayed bone development.
- Sex Hormones (Estrogen and Testosterone): Estrogen and testosterone play significant roles in bone growth and maintenance, particularly during puberty. Estrogen promotes closure of the growth plates, leading to the cessation of longitudinal bone growth, while testosterone supports bone mineralization and maintenance of bone density.
- Parathyroid Hormone (PTH): Produced by the parathyroid glands, parathyroid hormone regulates calcium and phosphate levels in the blood by acting on bone, kidney, and intestine. It stimulates bone resorption, releasing calcium into the bloodstream, and indirectly promotes bone formation through its effects on other hormones like vitamin D.
- Calcitonin: Produced by the thyroid gland, calcitonin helps regulate calcium levels in the blood by inhibiting bone resorption. While its role in bone growth is less significant compared to other hormones, it contributes to overall bone remodeling and maintenance.
Your genetic profile plays a crucial role in various aspects of your health. For instance, it can affect how much vitamin D you absorb from sunlight, your protein requirements for growth, and even how much rest your body needs to support growth. Since everyone's genetic profile is different, what works for one person may not necessarily work for another. It's essential to experiment and find what works best for you, rather than blindly following advice from .org or tiktok. If something is effective for you, then that's what matters most.
You could do a dna test to figure out your genetic strong points and weak points, check it out —>Here
You could do a dna test to figure out your genetic strong points and weak points, check it out —>Here
Sugar/Carbohydrate is one of the most important factors for bone growth, children and teenagers crave it because of the steroid like effect glycogen has on your hormones (Particularly IGF-1) which indirectly causes bone growth.
Sugar is not the harmful and dangerous chemical that the mainstream media has made u believe it is, as long as you dont consume too much and use the energy you consume. Also most of you may not know but carbohydrates are literally just sugar.
1 —> Study
2 —> Study
Sugar is not the harmful and dangerous chemical that the mainstream media has made u believe it is, as long as you dont consume too much and use the energy you consume. Also most of you may not know but carbohydrates are literally just sugar.
1 —> Study
2 —> Study
Breastfeeding during infancy is a critical factor in building bone mass. If your mother breastfed you for only a year go and yell on her.
Ideally, your mother should have breastfed you for at least two years; that's the minimum recommended duration. There's a significant correlation between the length of lactation and bone density.
—> Study
Ideally, your mother should have breastfed you for at least two years; that's the minimum recommended duration. There's a significant correlation between the length of lactation and bone density.
—> Study
Vitamins may not have significant effects, especially if you're not deficient. I recommend getting tested to determine your specific needs. If your levels are low, consider supplementing with Vitamin D3 + K2. Keep in mind, it's not a magical solution and will only benefit you if you're deficient, although it may still offer some minor benefits.
Regarding diet for growth, restricting your food intake, especially focusing solely on protein, won't support optimal growth. In my opinion and based on my experience, it's best to eat a variety of foods and listen to your cravings, while being mindful not to overeat. Include dairy, animal meat, and fatty foods like salmon, beef, and eggs in your diet.
Don't overlook fats and sugars, as they are essential for growth. Sugar, in particular, is crucial for supporting growth. However, if being overweight affects your health negatively, losing weight should be prioritized over eating excessively.
Richard Ramirez living in a farm house likely contributed to his good bone mass. He consumed organic eggs, dairy, meat, and other animal products, which supported his bone development during childhood. While his bone growth didnt slow much after puberty, his use of hard drugs in his late teens likely altered his facial appearance, emphasizing his bone mass.
Regarding diet for growth, restricting your food intake, especially focusing solely on protein, won't support optimal growth. In my opinion and based on my experience, it's best to eat a variety of foods and listen to your cravings, while being mindful not to overeat. Include dairy, animal meat, and fatty foods like salmon, beef, and eggs in your diet.
Don't overlook fats and sugars, as they are essential for growth. Sugar, in particular, is crucial for supporting growth. However, if being overweight affects your health negatively, losing weight should be prioritized over eating excessively.
Richard Ramirez living in a farm house likely contributed to his good bone mass. He consumed organic eggs, dairy, meat, and other animal products, which supported his bone development during childhood. While his bone growth didnt slow much after puberty, his use of hard drugs in his late teens likely altered his facial appearance, emphasizing his bone mass.

Testosterone maxxing lookism thread
https://lookism.net/threads/testosterone-the-male-hormone.581828/ In this thread I will discuss how to increase and optimize your natural testosterone production. So the methods that I will discuss to increase masculinity are as follows: Environment Diet Habits Routine Supplements and...
Engaging in strength training using moderate weights or your body weight, along with cardio and sprinting, can boost levels of growth hormone (GH) and testosterone, which directly contribute to increased bone mass. However, excessive exercise can elevate cortisol levels, so it's important to exercise in moderation. These workouts are highly effective, especially when executed with proper form and intensity.
Make it a priority to include at least one hour of cardio daily and incorporate two to three sets of sprints into your routine twice a week
Do this bodyweight workout if you want or do ur own, spread it out in a week dont do everything in a day or youll fkn die and its too much stress for ur body to handle.
2x10 push ups
2x10 wide push ups
1x12 decline pushups
3x12 Pull ups
3x10 shoulder taps. If you have dumbells do shoulder presses instead
Core once every month
2x20 situps
2x20 crunches
3x1min plank
2x15 Squats
2x8 jumping squats
2x10 lunges
This is just an example that will help your body strengthen ur bone density and also help with muscle growth nothing too special, if it feels too easy increase ur intensity.
Make it a priority to include at least one hour of cardio daily and incorporate two to three sets of sprints into your routine twice a week
Do this bodyweight workout if you want or do ur own, spread it out in a week dont do everything in a day or youll fkn die and its too much stress for ur body to handle.
2x10 push ups
2x10 wide push ups
1x12 decline pushups
3x12 Pull ups
3x10 shoulder taps. If you have dumbells do shoulder presses instead
Core once every month
2x20 situps
2x20 crunches
3x1min plank
2x15 Squats
2x8 jumping squats
2x10 lunges
This is just an example that will help your body strengthen ur bone density and also help with muscle growth nothing too special, if it feels too easy increase ur intensity.
There is no studies or proof that shows that bonesmashing works, it might cause a temporary swelling but will go away, also ur bones might actually grow due to the placebo effect of your brain. Anyways I punch my cheekbones and chin just for the swelling and endorphine.
And remember bones is ur destiny, if nothing works go inject tren.
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