Gym is Absolute Slavery

Non gymmaxxed sub chadlites have NO sex appeal. U are a deluded incel if u think u can be non nt, sub chadlite and not gymmaxxed especially if below HTN
  • JFL
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I quit the gym 2 months ago and my 2 years of lifting physique went down the toilet, I still exercise sometimes when I feel lethargic but that's it. Life is too short for this unproductive bullshit that doesn't make me money or give me happiness
  • JFL
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The gymcels working out for 20 minutes aren’t gymcels, they are people who are against gym culture and living in the gym. An exceptional example is polarity fitness on YouTube, he works out 2x a week at home with 30 minute workouts. And has an exceptional physique.

Just peeped his Channel yeah he seems chill really down to earth,will def check out more of his content.
What he was saying towards the end of this video is facts about people focusing on superfluous details
instead of taking a broader approach which is what the Fitness Industry endorses ,mainly to push their
bogus training programs/supplements.

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Just peeped his Channel yeah he seems chill really down to earth,will def check out more of his content.
What he was saying towards the end of this video is facts about people focusing on superfluous details
instead of taking a broader approach which is what the Fitness Industry endorses ,mainly to push their
bogus training programs/supplements.

He seems to be a very honest dude, his styling of workouts make them easy to adhere to and fit into any schedule, I believe that 2x a week is optimal. But going to the gym 6x a week makes gyms more money. So it’s simply a lie made by the industry.
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This is why calisthenics mogs, it’s more of a hobby with a clear goal that also has a byproduct of an attractive physiqe. With the gym though it’s more of an ego thing.

Also stop watching Goatis the guys a retard. His diet advice is good but otherwise he’s mentally unstable.
His critiques are so funny tho, often find myself agreeing. Like a roider saying they take trt for health jfllll
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He seems to be a very honest dude, his styling of workouts make them easy to adhere to and fit into any schedule, I believe that 2x a week is optimal. But going to the gym 6x a week makes gyms more money. So it’s simply a lie made by the industry.
Many lies made by the industry, selling waste product to gym goers as “protein powder” or synthetic creatine to get a few extra reps brah at the cost of your sleep lmao.
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Nigger just go to the gym already and gain some muscle so you don’t look like a complete twink at 8% bf, and plus you can’t be a faggot twink forever imagine being a 130 pound grown man with children lol
Better than being a 225lb grown man with no children lol
  • JFL
Reactions: butterworld
You go to the gym for yourself lol

Imagine being a lanky ahh "prettyboy" and then some 100 KG ogre slaps your girl's ass in public, fuck u gon do??

Listen to @WishIwasChico ffs
When does this ever happen jfl, u guys are so delusional. Regardless you’re much better off learning how to fight than building huge muscles lmao, a skilled 80kg man would kill a 100kg ogre

Goyem of the modern age actually PAY money to perform manual labour. The slave drivers are caging in their skinny fat bodies, sleeping calm while the gymcel rolls around aching, sleeping for days at a time. Wasting his youth for a blocky ogre physique and premature aging.

Brainwashed by Hollywood with stars like Arny, Dolph and Rambo into thinking physique is king. Disregarding the face, height, frame and insertions these stars were gifted with. The last hope of a failed man, every high schooler ever that couldn’t get laid/get gf became a gymcel

i agree, cute body is life
His critiques are so funny tho, often find myself agreeing. Like a roider saying they take trt for health jflll
I do agree w Goatis when he says the most basic shit, like how bodybuilders are retards. But fitness as a whole should not be written off.

Did u hear abt his past? Wild shit tbh. Attempted murder and sexual assault iirc
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He seems to be a very honest dude, his styling of workouts make them easy to adhere to and fit into any schedule, I believe that 2x a week is optimal. But going to the gym 6x a week makes gyms more money. So it’s simply a lie made by the industry.
3x week is optimal
and gyms benefit from you not being there
3x week is optimal
and gyms benefit from you not being there
2x seems like something one would do if they work 9-5+ while having children lol. Or if they’re lazy. And yeah gyms while working with a monthly membership are technically not contingent on you being there 24/7, but members have an incentive to show up or else they feel buyers remorse.
  • Hmm...
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Just jealous people do this.

"Har har look at the superior strong aesthetic male haha I feel better now :feelswhy:"
When even a fat guys body is more functional than yours it’s over lmao
You think he's not functional? He is strong and aesthetic asf.
Buddy, guys like this are outran by toddlers lmao. How is a body that tires after minutes of constant work functional. There’s nothing aesthetic about an overmuscled body
Buddy guys like this are outran by toddlers lmao
He has an amazing aesthetic strong physique. If he need to scratch his back he can use a stick. Oh big deal.

He can learn flexibility.
  • JFL
Reactions: ShowerMaxxing
He has an amazing aesthetic strong physique. If he need to scratch his back he can use a stick. Oh big deal.

He can learn flexibility.
No flexibility, no stamina. How can he do any job lmao, even tho he looks strong he wouldn’t last in labouring
No flexibility, no stamina. How can he do any job lmao, even tho he looks strong he wouldn’t last in labouring
Are you serious? This guy would excel at labor work. Also he is probably smart he is a ceo or something or pro bodybuilder.
  • JFL
Reactions: ShowerMaxxing
I do agree w Goatis when he says the most basic shit, like how bodybuilders are retards. But fitness as a whole should not be written off.

Did u hear abt his past? Wild shit tbh. Attempted murder and sexual assault iirc
He was simply acting on his NATUREal instincts like any animal would. He wanted to end this other ANYmal who was giving him trouble permanently. In the case of SA he wants what he can’t have, so he takes it. YOU HAVE TO BE AN ABSOLUTE UTTER DELUGEEESHINALLL SLAVE to believe otherwise
He was simply acting on his NATUREal instincts like any animal would. He wanted to end this other ANYmal who was giving him trouble permanently. In the case of SA he wants what he can’t have, so he takes it. YOU HAVE TO BE AN ABSOLUTE UTTER DELUGEEESHINALLL SLAVE to believe otherwise
This is very alpha
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This is very alpha
It’s hard to say tbh, I always hear arguments for both sides that make sense in differing ways.

Acts on instinct, impulsive, self interest
- some see this as dark triad and masc others see it as weak and a lack of emotional control

It is somewhat true what keeps people “civil” unlike animals is this control of instinct. But those who live more “wild” like blacks(even Afro blacks) have higher test. So they’re inherently more manly.

But school shooters who act off pent up rage, fbi orders and synnies are low t betas
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