"Gymcelling is cope bro. Nobody cares about body bro"

How many times do I have to post this
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jesus... roids on a manlet = freak
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Gymcelling is a looks multiplier tbh if your face is good enough.
Dont think if you have a below average face gymcelling will ascend but if u have above average face it will halo u
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20, training consistently 3x a week.

Irl I have gotten a ton of iois but it has never led anywhere. It makes some difference but it shouldn't be an end-all fix like some copers here claim. If your face is 5+ PSL then yes you'll probably slay hard but if your face is average - below average it really won't make a difference. People with a bad base will just go from "ugly guy" to "ugly guy with a good body".
What about ugly masculine orges will itt hell them?



Still better than nothing. I see a lot of ogre maxed guys with nice girlfriends in the summer
What about ugly masculine orges will itt hell them?

Masc. ogres will get respect from other men + they have an opportunity to niche-maxx and get with a potential gym-obsessed becky. It might indirectly make them more NT from the self-esteem boost as well.

I don't want to deny the benefits of gym-maxxing. Yes, it will make a difference but it's not the holy grail. It's also getting more saturated over time. Just look at gym memberships globally and you'll see it's exploding. We can cope and say some will give up or won't have the discipline to be consistent but the trend is that more and more normies are gym-maxxing.

At the end of the day, it's part of the multiplier in the looks equation but FACE will always be the most important aspect. Water is wet but it's much more likely for a man to overlook a butter face in favour of a good body vs the other way around.
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Still better than nothing. I see a lot of ogre maxed guys with nice girlfriends in the summer

He is under 170 cm and before his account on reddit was suspended I read a lot of post where him talking about his being incel
lol I will attach some pics. Mogging this whole forum is an exaggeration but I have extremely good insertions. As I said, 23.5 inch bideltoid and a shoulder-waist ratio over 2.
You look like shit, JFL @ you thinking you mog anything.
You look like shit, JFL @ you thinking you mog anything.

It's a work in progress. I will hopefully fill out more in the next 3 years. It's defo not elite tier like @Tellem--t but I feel like the progress I have made is above average.

Got someone to measure my bideltoid for me and turns out it's only 22.7 inches @streege . The measurement was done with my arms closed. I tried to get it on camera but no tripod or stand to put the phone camera on while someone measured it so here's a back pic for perspective.

IMG 20200426 005655
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It's a work in progress. I will hopefully fill out more in the next 3 years. It's defo not elite tier like @Tellem--t but I feel like the progress I have made is above average.

Got someone to measure my bideltoid for me and turns out it's only 22.7 inches @streege . The measurement was done with my arms closed. I tried to get it on camera but no tripod or stand to put the phone camera on while someone measured it so here's a back pic for perspective.

View attachment 374944
what psl is your face ?
what psl is your face ?

Realistically probably PSL 4 imo. I have decent harmony but lacking bones.

Good eye area ( strong positive canthal tilt, hooded, strong brow ridge, no UEE) basically hunter eyes but my other features just seem neotenous tbh. Nose is slightly bulbous and feminine and the bottom lip is too thick + lacking width. Narrow jaw is my other big failo.

No noticeable recession in the lower third so I'll say it's average, midface is below average even if it's compact because of the nose and upper third is above average.

I could probably climb +1.5PSL points with a rhinoplasty, lip reduction and genioplasty but I am too high inhib to surgery-maxx at this point...
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Realistically probably PSL 4 imo. I have decent harmony but lacking bones.

Good eye area ( strong positive canthal tilt, hooded, strong brow ridge, no UEE) basically hunter eyes but my other features just seem neotenous tbh. Nose is slightly bulbous and feminine and the bottom lip is too thick + lacking width. Narrow jaw is my other big failo.

No noticeable recession in the lower third so I'll say it's average, midface is below average even if it's compact because of the nose and upper third is above average.

I could probably climb +1.5PSL points with a rhinoplasty, lip reduction and genioplasty but I am too high inhib to surgery-maxx at this point...
still odd you had so little matches.
@Moggy any explanation ?
still odd you had so little matches.
@Moggy any explanation ?
He isn't 22.7 inch bidetoid that is laughably wide. Nor his is body at the level to slay on Tinder. He has a good base, a couple cycles and he can slay with ease. Thick low Norwood 1, lean gymcelled roided physique, above average height, and average face is all that is needed to slay on Tinder as long as you're not Native American, Dravidian, Gook.
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Realistically probably PSL 4 imo. I have decent harmony but lacking bones.

Good eye area ( strong positive canthal tilt, hooded, strong brow ridge, no UEE) basically hunter eyes but my other features just seem neotenous tbh. Nose is slightly bulbous and feminine and the bottom lip is too thick + lacking width. Narrow jaw is my other big failo.

No noticeable recession in the lower third so I'll say it's average, midface is below average even if it's compact because of the nose and upper third is above average.

I could probably climb +1.5PSL points with a rhinoplasty, lip reduction and genioplasty but I am too high inhib to surgery-maxx at this point...

Dude your face looks 5psl or even a bit higher. You must have very bad pics on tinder to not get any matches.
Gym is cope. My greycel body mogs 99% of this forum and it's a bunch of copium.

I got a 0.06% match rate on Tinder with "body halo". 6000+ swipes and a handful of matches, even after superliking 30 300lb+ landwhales. My bideltoid is 23 inches and my biacromial width is 18 inches. I got visible abs and under 10% bf from 18 months of training. I will attach the pics I used. It's over tbh. I can't take how over it is. Why I wasted 18 months gymcelling 3x a week
show us the pics
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lol I will attach some pics. Mogging this whole forum is an exaggeration but I have extremely good insertions. As I said, 23.5 inch bideltoid and a shoulder-waist ratio over 2.
Ur body doesnt even look good. U have no traps or chest and bad arm separation.
Ur body doesnt even look good. U have no traps or chest and bad arm separation.

For 18 months it's not bad though. Traps and chest will develop with time.
For 18 months it's not bad though. Traps and chest will develop with time.
Ur muscle insertions arent good, they are average. U have a really small chest area, short traps and short biceps/triceps. that chest is really bad ngl.

Only thing u have is shoulder width and good arm size, abs. but 23 inch shoulders is huge if its unflexed.
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Ur muscle insertions arent good, they are average. U have a really small chest area, short traps and short biceps/triceps. that chest is really bad ngl.

Only thing u have is shoulder width and good arm size, abs. but 23 inch shoulders is huge if its unflexed.

Hmm, are you talking about muscle bellies for biceps and triceps?

Isn't the lack of peak indicative of a long muscle belly rather than short? Also, from an aesthetics point of view, there doesn't seem to be consensus on whether long or short muscle bellies are good for arms. Short muscle bellies = better flexed. Long muscle bellies = better unflexed.

This is a good vid on the topic.

Chest I agree with you is bad. I guess it's one of those things I'll have to work hard extra hard on. I have been benching with a barbell for a month now and am definitely feeling more of a pump in the chest. Traps I am not too concerned about. Girls don't really care too much about traps.
gym, is one of the few things a man can do, to ascend.
Most dudes will asend decently, with 10% range bodyfat and good muscles.

Thetype of musles like Brad Pitt had in that Fight Club movie.

Here an example of % popular body types where with female:
lmfao if u think only 1 percent liked frank zane

women lie all the time
Hmm, are you talking about muscle bellies for biceps and triceps?

Isn't the lack of peak indicative of a long muscle belly rather than short? Also, from an aesthetics point of view, there doesn't seem to be consensus on whether long or short muscle bellies are good for arms. Short muscle bellies = better flexed. Long muscle bellies = better unflexed.

This is a good vid on the topic.

Chest I agree with you is bad. I guess it's one of those things I'll have to work hard extra hard on. I have been benching with a barbell for a month now and am definitely feeling more of a pump in the chest. Traps I am not too concerned about. Girls don't really care too much about traps.

Long is better flexed and unflexed. Look at how patheric jeff seids biceps is.

traps and upper chest are really important, they are the most dimorphic muscles in the body and hallmark of high androgens.

anyway ur body isnt goodlooking despite wide shoulders and idk why u talk about your experience with body game since you arent big enough to run body game.
lol I will attach some pics. Mogging this whole forum is an exaggeration but I have extremely good insertions. As I said, 23.5 inch bideltoid and a shoulder-waist ratio over 2.

You absolute coping retard. You dont measure bideltoid width while flaring your lats. Thats the only way you could have gotten that coping measurement

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