Hair Looksmaxxing Guide: Good Hair EQUALS Good Life

  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero
Likely the both of them. Muh she stared at me and then users he go on a whole ramble on how they envision themselves together

Usually that person has low success if at all with the opposite gender

In that case it's time to looksmaxx
Keep projecting
  • JFL
Reactions: enchanted_elixir and AscendingHero
  • +1
Reactions: Racky and enchanted_elixir
3 questions


slay count


you're signed up on this site for a reason, let's not shit around
I never said it turned me into a slayer. I simply used an example to illustrate how it changed the way I was perceived and treated.
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero
I never said it turned me into a slayer. I simply used an example to illustrate how it changed the way I was perceived and treated.
I never claimed it did and my response was addressing the class, not just you. I fear you didnt even read the entirety of my response.

You're dodging my questions though
First of all son , welcome to this forum, enjoy your stay. @Korea @looksmaxxer234 @tyronelite

Second of all, mirin story.

3rd of all , this just shows that having looser curls (4a or less) and the halo. Whats your skintone? looser hair maxxing on a darkskin could look off , striking yes but off in terms of averageness.

Brutal lightskin/mulatto pill @whiteissuperior

Instead of using an S curl tho (which can/could damage ur hair overtime) among other issues using a texturizer

Hair care maxxing would've given you healthier longer lasting results but i digress

And lastly if you have any questions or need any help in any looksmaxxing endeavors just pm me bro. Im specialized in mixed/black/ethnic aesthetics.

@alienmaxxer can verify

Glooks. Would say my skin tone is like fitx or bro hunter. And thanks for the suggestion I figured that scurl could be damaging overtime but I’ve also heard that applying to new growth might not incur that much damage. Will certainly look into the natural alternatives though
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero
Way too many black users on this site claiming Tyronelite in their usernames :ogre:
Welcome though @tyronelite_11
  • JFL
Reactions: AscendingHero and Deleted member 16369
Brutal pheno pill, wouldnt have happened if you look like this
2597528 high trust high appealt tyrone insanely nt looking blue shirt white durag goals
I have noticed a lot of Afro-Filipinos don't look that ambiguous
Most Filipino/African mix I have seen could claim to be 100% African American with no Asian admixture and it would be believable.
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero
I have noticed a lot of Afro-Filipinos don't look that ambiguous
Most Filipino/African mix I have seen could claim to be 100% African American with no Asian admixture and it would be believable.
Yea Ethnic genes but even more so BLACK genes are extremely dominant
  • +1
Reactions: Racky
Way too many black users on this site claiming Tyronelite in their usernames :ogre:
Welcome though @tyronelite_11
Haha thanks. Might change mine to black_normie
  • +1
Reactions: Racky
thyroxine is improving my hair and I'm only on day 2.
what should i do to my hair bro, any tips ?
286741380 509405347606444 3992668781319673556 n
  • +1
Reactions: Kingcel32
yo man im trying to go from curly to wavy but slight change (like from 3b to 2c) any idea what type of product should i use before blow drying ? regular leave in conditioner provide mild hold and it goes back to curly shortly after i style it

idk if i need a gel or a mousse or anything else
I know it says type 1 hair dont need alot of product but if you know any product that can help you hair look more full all day please tell me. My hair looks perfect in the morning but then it gets ruined through out the day because of wind and so on
I know it says type 1 hair dont need alot of product but if you know any product that can help you hair look more full all day please tell me. My hair looks perfect in the morning but then it gets ruined through out the day because of wind and so on
Alex Costa had a volume tutorial on his channel, find it on youtube
yo man im trying to go from curly to wavy but slight change (like from 3b to 2c) any idea what type of product should i use before blow drying ? regular leave in conditioner provide mild hold and it goes back to curly shortly after i style it

idk if i need a gel or a mousse or anything else
Use any product that straightens your hair. You can find tutorials on how to straighten your hair on Alex Costa's or Teachingmensfashion's channel. They can help you more than I can

Hair Looksmaxxing Guide: Good Hair EQUALS Good Life​

Table Of Contents​

  • Introduction​
  • Hair Textures
  • Head Shapes, Haircuts, and Length
  • Maintenance
  • Coloring
  • How To Change Your Hair Texture
  • Advice
  • Conclusion​


If anyone is more black-pilled about hair, it has to be me. I was black-pilled at the ripe age of 4. On the first day of kindergarten, I was called "baldie" by this Mexican Girl and she would always make me feel insecure about my hair. My father thought it was the "clean" thing to do to shave all of my hair follicles off, this ended up shaping my entire life. I was constantly taunted (by everyone, not just her) for being bald and it left me with very few friends. Add that on top of having a peanut head and you know I was a bullying target. My father was my barber and refused to do anything otherwise and had me oblige to get a haircut every three weeks. When it was time to get my haircut, my heart dropped as I would know how differently I would get treated the next day. The top of my head felt exposed, I embodied insecurity. I would commonly wear jackets from 6th to 9th and put the hood on as much as I could to hide my head.

In sixth grade, I wore this hat to cover my shaved head in front of my crush. We were walking down the hallway (she was on the other side walking to her class, and I was on the other side of the hallway walking to my class) and our classes are right next to each other and her teacher, in front of her face, yanked and confiscated my hat, she tried to hold in her laugh but I already know what had happened...

In seventh grade, I was the grade level's #1 target for getting head slapped like this. There was a "Michael Jordan slapping trend" at the time and I was a prime target. Everyone flamed me for my bald head. I was every seventh-grade male's prime target!

In eighth grade, I got a haircut (bald) and I walked into class and she is in the class with my other crush. I kneel down near the designated backpack area, grabbed my stuff out of my backpack, and while I was doing so, I hear laughter, so I turned around and they were both staring at me, making fun of me, I knew exactly what they were doing, making fun of me. All of this was and still is the source of my low self esteem.

It got so bad that I decided to learn how to do my own hair as this was the only way I would get control of my hair the summer after 9th Grade. I did it and the way I was treated after growing my hair out slightly longer and getting taller was shocking. I was still prone to mistreatment but it went from 60 to 25.

We will go over some necessary information and then we will cover how we can apply this.

Hair Textures​

Your hair texture is obviously determined by mostly your genetics but also can be influenced by environmental factors, such as certain nutrients or nutrient deficiencies. The amount of curl, wave, or lack thereof, is dependent on the number of bonds between hair proteins found in the hair shaft. The more the curlier and the less, the straighter.

The 12 Major Hair Types:​

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Straight hair is classified as a 1. Straight hair reflects the most sheen. It is also the most resilient hair of all of the hair types. It is hard to damage and next to impossible to curl this hair texture. Because the sebum (natural oil produced in the sebaceous glands of the scalp) gently works its way from the scalp to the ends without the interference of curls or kinks, it is the oiliest hair texture of all.

Wavy hair is classified as a 2. Wavy hair lies somewhere between straight and curly hair. It also imparts sheen, more than curly hair, but less than straight hair. The further down the wavy spectrum you go the less sheen the hair will impart. Wavy hair is typically more prone to frizz. While type A waves can easily alternate between straight and curly styles, type B and C Wavy hair is resistant to styling.

Curly hair is classified as a 3. If you pull a strand of type 3 curly, you will notice it has a definite S shape. Granted, the S may be a lower case s or upper case S, or it may even resemble a Z on some occasions…however, there is a definite curl pattern in place, with or without products. This hair type is full-bodied, climate-dependent (humidity = frizz), and damage-prone. Lack of proper care renders dull curls (Which you can not afford).

Kinky hair is classified as a 4. Despite many misconceptions, this tightly coiled hair is quite fine and fragile. It is wiry, and delicate by nature. Each strand usually has a zig-zag pattern. A misconception exists that this hair type does not grow. Coily hair grows at the same rate as other textures, however, if not treated properly it breaks more than other textures. Treat this hair type like a fine silk blouse – cleanse gently, detangle softly, and avoid harsh chemicals. Coily hair is the driest hair type, thus it is more prone to breakage and requires a gentle touch. On the surface, kinky hair may seem robust, but it is actually the most fragile of all hair textures because coily hair contains the fewest cuticle layers to protect it from dryness. The main challenges oily hair women experience are lack of hair definition, dryness, tangles, shrinkage, and breakage. You can rock your beautiful coils if you take the right steps for hair health, moisture, and styling products that do not dry.


  • The higher the hair texture, the harder it is to maintain, and the worse it looks unkept.
  • Types 1A to Types 4A are good hair.
  • Type 1 hair has over-oily problems, Type 4 hair has over-dryness problems. Type 2 and Type 3 hair are in between but Type 2 may have minor oil problems and Type 3 may have more over-dryness problems.
  • I humbly believe that Type 4B and Type 4C hair is ultra-difficult to maintain and looks like subhuman dogshit when not maintained. Remember that Type 4 hair serves better protection purposes than aesthetic purposes. The hair is naturally dry as hell, frizzy as hell, coarse, fragile, irritating to work with, looks much shorter than it actually is, easy to break, shrinks in water, and is super hard to make look good, rendering it a high effort, low reward hair texture. I am NOT saying it is impossible to make it look good (check the beautiful women below with Type 4B+ Hair), but extremely, extremely, extremely difficult to make it look good. Latin Americans & Caribbeans weren't lying when they talked about "pelo bueno" (good hair) and "pelo malo" (bad hair). Anyone with these hair types should either change their hairstyle to looser textures (Type 2C/3C is the limit depending on phenotype or else you'll start looking uncanny), get waves (which is actually flattened Type 3 hair), or get a medium-long hairstyle, like braids, twists, an afro if you can properly pull it off, etc., and make sure to get them redone consistently and taken care of properly, every day, or else they'll frizz up and end up looking like subhuman shit.
  • For the people who wear poo-rags in public. Please don't do that unless you're trying to attract Shaniquas or an 8/10+ male.

Head Shapes, Haircuts, and Lengths​

This one is crucial as you'll need to achieve harmony with your hair and head shape, a failure to do that will have you looking bad or at least, not good. Here is an example

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Ideally, he would need as much hair on top of his head that he can which gives the appearance that the upper part of his head isn't rounded as well. This is an example of head shape to hair disharmony. Major occipital protrusion should also be covered in my opinion. It looks weak and ugly.

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Head Shape List and Haircut Advice​

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To know what head shape you have, I recommend you to download an app on your mobile device or find a website that can calculate your head shape, take a picture of yourself and upload it, and do it a few times (for certainty), and voila! You've found your head shape! All head-shape-specific advice can be found above.

For hair length, I personally forbid any person from getting hair past their collarbones. In this scenario, unless you can SERIOUSLY pull it off, I do not recommend doing this as this will make you look gay. Medium-length haircuts look the best in my opinion. Short and long hair are niches.


This part is crucial, once you have detected your hair type, check your advice for your specific type down below.
  • Type 1 Hair​

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1. Wash your hair regularly.​

Maintaining a regular wash schedule is critical to controlling your oil production, as this kind of hair is prone to doing. It’s recommended you wash your hair every two to three days to keep it clean and also give it some oomph. Refreshed hair always tends to look a little bit more voluminous than dirty hair. Be careful not to wash it too often, because that can actually cause your strands to produce more oil. And we don’t want that now, do we?

2. Use cold water to rinse your strands.​

When you wash your hair, cold water is best. It doesn’t need to be ice cold so make it comfortable. Washing your hair with cold water not only rids the scalp of impurities, dirt, oil, and the like but also will keep your hair cleaner for longer. This will come in handy on those days you can’t be bothered to wash your hair, even if it’s been a few days since a rise already.

3. Don’t overdo it with hair products.​

Your thin, flat, fine hair may have you reaching for all the hair products—put them down. You don’t need them. Using too many of them will actually make things worse. They’ll only weigh down your lifeless strands and can even make them appear greasier than they already are. Avoid things that increase moisture in your hair, this will actively make it worse. This kind of hair needs shampoo the most though. Once every other day is best.

4. Don’t go to bed with wet hair.​

Sleeping on wet strands is a huge no-no for those with Type 1hair. Doing so will create unnecessary (and unwanted) frizz, while also tangling your tresses. Avoid this by going to bed with dry hair. If you must go to bed with wet or damp strands, spritz on some leave-in conditioner for some added slip and protection.

5. Schedule regular hair trims.​

Trimming your dead ends will add some life and fullness back into your limp strands. The longer you go without cutting your hair, the more weighed down they’ll be. So, get trims on a regular basis. Talking to your hairstylist can help you determine what that maintenance looks like for you.

  • Type 2 Hair​

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1. Find a Shampoo for Wavy Hair.​

Over-washing curly hair can strip away the natural oils your hair needs to stay shiny and healthy-looking. Because curly and wavy hair is naturally drier than straight hair, shampooing once a week is enough to clean without stripping away too much moisture. When you do shampoo, use a shampoo for wavy (curly is fine as well) hair with a gentle and hydrating frizz-fighting formula.

2. Condition—A LOT!​

Look for a thick, deeply curl-defining conditioner infused with hydrating oils and other moisturizing ingredients like glycerin. Apply conditioner both before and after shampooing to soften and detangle your curls. On no ‘poo days, refresh your curls by just using conditioner in the shower.

3. Deep Condition Often.​

Skipping the shower today? Work in a nourishing, frizz-fighting hair oil on dry hair to keep your curls feeling soft and hydrated without losing their bounce. For extra dry, frizzy curls, try a smoothing hair mask once a week.

4. Strike a Balance Between Moisture and Strength.​

As important as it is to keep your wavy hair hydrated, it is important to protect your hair’s strength, structure, and elasticity. When looking for products for your wavy hair, look for formulas that contain vital nutrients and silk proteins. These formulas are known to strengthen and define your curls.

5. Lay off the Heat.​

When it comes to hair, heat equals dryness and damage. And as we’ve learned, curly hair is already dry by nature. Instead of using heat tools, rely on curl-defining products like air dry wave foam for your hair. And if you must blow-dry, use a diffuser on the lowest setting to disperse the heat and minimize friction. When you shower, rinse your locks with cool water to seal the cuticle and lock in moisture.

  • Type 3 Hair​

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1. Choose Shampoo Wisely​

Washing your hair is the first and foremost step in any hair care routine irrespective of the hair texture. Washing or cleaning ensures that there is no dust, excess oil, dead skin cells, and product buildup on your scalp.

Use a mild shampoo free of toxic chemicals like sulfates, silicones, alcohols, and parabens that can irritate your scalp. Sulfates are lathering agents while parabens are preservatives used in your hair care products. Switch to mild surfactants, fragrance-free, sulfate-free, silicon-free, and paraben-free formulas in your shampoos.

2. Avoid Excessive Shampooing​

Curly hair tends to become dry easily. Excessively shampooing your hair can suck out its natural moisture. Also, look for moisturizing ingredients in your conditioner. Conditioning makes sure that your hair cuticle is sealed and protected against environmental damage.

3. Pre-Shampoo Treatment​

Pre-shampoo treatment is bliss for those with curly hair. It helps in detangling and removing the frizz from your hair.

Apply a hair mask or a conditioning oil to your dry hair by separating out sections of hair. Leave in the conditioner for 20 minutes. You can put on a shower cap or a towel to trap some heat and open up the cuticle. This ensures that the conditioner penetrates your hair well.

4. Never Brush Curly Hair​

Resist the urge to brush curly hair. Use a wide-toothed comb on your curly hair before shampooing. After washing your hair, simply run your fingers through your hair. Never ever brush your wet hair as it is more prone to breakage and damage.

5. Hair Styling With Moderate Heat​

The high temperature from heat styling tools can remove the natural texture of your curls, making them dull and lifeless. Limit the use of heat styling and use a good heat protectant spray whenever you can't avoid it. Use moderate heat and a diffuser to protect your naturally beautiful curls.

Woman combing her curly hair

6. Use A Very Wide-toothed Comb​

Use a wide-toothed comb to remove the tangles in your curly hair. Comb from bottom to up to remove the knots if any. Each curl can be considered as a potential breaking point, handling gently is the way to go. A hairbrush can mess with your natural hair texture and can cause damage to your hair.

7. Always Use Cold Water For Hair​

Hot water showers strip off the natural oil or sebum from your scalp and hair. It can also open up the cuticle making the hair strands prone to frizz and breakage. Coldwater rinses are your safest bet whether you are shampooing or conditioning your hair.

8. Trim To Avoid Split Ends​

Get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks to get rid of the split ends and damaged hair. Curly hair needs to look and feel healthy.

9. Curly Hair Sleep Routine​

Haircare experts swear by the pineapple trick as part of the sleep routine for curly hair. Pile all your hair on top of your head into a bun or a loose ponytail. This way, there is less friction between your hair and the pillowcase. Switch to satin or silk pillowcases instead of cotton cases to reduce friction.

10. Try Natural Treatments For Healthy Curly Hair​

Use hair masks containing natural ingredients for your curly hair:

  • Make a mask of olive oil, eggs, vinegar, and mayonnaise and apply it to your hair. Rinse with a mild shampoo after 30 minutes. While eggs provide protein to your hair, mayonnaise adds moisture and shine to the dry curls.
  • Avocados are rich in vitamin B, E, and good fats. Mash a ripe avocado with a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply this mask on to your curly hair and leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash off with a gentle shampoo.
Apple cider vinegar, milk, fenugreek seeds, and hibiscus are all great natural treatments to have healthy curly hair.

11. Moisturize​

No matter what the hair texture or type, the basic rules of hair care remain the same. Oiling your hair improves blood circulation to the scalp and promotes healthy hair growth.

Our product development executive, Prutha B Nawale says, “Natural oils are a rich source of vitamin E and fatty acids. These fatty acids help to lock the moisture in your hair. That’s how natural oils control frizz and improve the manageability of curly hair. Massaging natural oils on the scalp boosts blood circulation and promotes hair growth.”

  • Use light and non-greasy coconut oil for curly hair. Use your fingertips to massage the oil onto your scalp. You can apply coconut oil before bedtime and wash it the morning after. Alternatively, you can also apply oil an hour before shampooing your hair.
  • Olive oil is a great treatment for your curly hair. It adds a lot of moisture to your dry locks. Take 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil in a bowl and heat for a minute. Apply evenly on your scalp and hair with your fingertips. Wrap a warm towel over your head and rinse off the oil with a mild shampoo after 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Castor oil is a lesser-known ingredient when it comes to oiling your hair. The reason is its stickiness. But castor oil is a wonder in itself. It can moisturize your curly hair and add shine. Haircare experts recommend using castor oil before bedtime and washing the next morning.

Jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, argan oil, grapeseed oil, avocado oil, rose oil, and ayurvedic oils like amla, Brahmi, neem, and bhringraj can also be used for curly hair.

What Should You Not Do With Curly Hair?​

  • Do not wash your curly hair every day as it can remove all the natural oils.
  • Never sleep on a cotton pillowcase as it can create friction between the strands.
  • Do not do heat styling often as it can strip off the moisture from your curls.
  • Do not let your hair remain in tight ponytails all the time. The pulling can cause scalp pain.
  • Never settle for one-size-fits-all products. Go for products that are created for your hair type.
  • Most importantly, do not compare your hair with straight hair or other hair types. Learn to embrace your curls.

How Often Should You Wash Your Hair If You Have Curly Hair?​

Wash your hair once every 2 or 3 days. Washing every day removes all the natural oils from your hair. If you are a gym addict, wash your hair with a conditioner in between your shampooing sessions.

How Do You Keep Your Hair Curly?​

  • You can skip the conditioner once in a while to keep those curls intact.
  • Use a curl cream on your hair to define the curls. Avoid using too much product as it can weigh down your hair.
  • Use sponge rollers or hairpins to roll up your hair.
  • Hair sprays and hair gels can also keep the curly hairstyles in place.

Gentle hair care, limited heat styling, and all the above tips are all it takes to keep your tight coils or looser waves in shape. Avoid excessive shampooing and flaunt your curly hair with the hairstyles mentioned above.

  • Type 4 Hair​

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Type 4 hair is the most delicate hair texture that exists and as such requires extra care and attention. If there is anything to take away here, is to MOISTURIZE! Caring for type 4 hair requires gentle handling and should be styled with as little manipulation as possible in order to promote length retention, volume, and growth. Natural type 4 hair should be well maintained due to its fragile state and with a little TLC and a delicate touch, your natural hair will grow longer, stronger and healthier.

Washing tips​

Shampoo infrequently, once a week tops. Ideally every two weeks. You could go for three months without shampooing and you'd be fine honestly. Experiment with your regimen to see what works for your hair. Remember that once your hair is wet it is in its most fragile state and will be more prone to tangles which lead to breakage. Handle your hair with care!

Concentrate shampoos on your scalp and not the lengths and ends of your hair. Avoid sulfates at all costs, along with any other ingredients that dry out your hair such as silicones and parabens.

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Use lots of conditioner on wet hair to help with moisture and detangling, and look for products with a lot of slip. Be gentle; your curls are fragile. Using a wide-toothed comb will help remove tangles and help disperse conditioners throughout your hair. After shampooing, use a deep moisturizing conditioner to rehydrate your hair.
Moisturize every day with a leave-in conditioner, moisturizer, or steam to keep your curls soft and hydrated at ALL TIMES!!! You can also use intense hydration products to make this work even better. You'll know if you're doing this right if your hair is NOT dry when you touch it throughout the day.

Use oils to seal moisture into your hair at the ends to enhance your curls and keep frizz at bay. Apply oils to the roots to keep them in optimal health.

Deep Conditioning​

Deep condition every 1-2 weeks to add moisture and nourishing ingredients to your hair to keep it strong and free from damage. If your hair feels weak or lacks elasticity, use a protein conditioner to strengthen the hair follicles and prevent breakage. Type 4C hair, in particular, needs to be deeply conditioned once a week to soften, strengthen and moisturize the hair. We would recommend using hair butters, natural oils, and natural moisturizers.
Ensure that you wrap your hair in a silk hair wrap or sleep on a silk pillowcase to protect your hair from rubbing against cotton, reducing bed head and tangles, and helping your hair to retain the moisture you worked so hair to put back into your hair.


For coloring, it is important to achieve harmony as well with your skin and your clothing, I will cover on this briefly but you first need to detect if you're warm-colored or cool-colored. Then follow this guide here. For more information on coloring, click here.

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How To Change Your Hair Texture

  • From Straight or Wavy to Curly
    • Get a perm + using curl activating and curling creams
  • From Straight to Wavy
    • Use curling wands lightly
    • Use curling creams and curling creams + styling creams and hold creams
  • From Wavy or Curly to Straight
    • Use a straightening brush
    • Ironing your hair
    • Keratin Treatment
    • Blow-dry + brush it straight + styling and holding cream
    • Watch Alex Costa on YouTube! He is the best at this stuff and I can attest to you on that!
  • From Curly to Wavy
    • Blow-dry + brush it straight with some waves + styling and holding cream
    • Use a straightening brush lightly
  • From Kinky to Curly (Training your Hair)
    • Hair Texturizers
    • Moisturizing, and taking care of your hair consistently! (You'll know if you're doing well if your hair is NOT dry when you touch it)
    • Training your hair to become curly (the same way people with waves train their hair by consistently brushing) by caring for it hyper-consistently, and twisting the curls onto your hair while it's moisturized (Search it up on YouTube!)

    • Now Here are more tips on how to successfully move from kinky to curly hair. Since this section was designed specifically to change hair texture, this is what will be discussed.
      • Assuming we are working on kept, moisturized, and maintained type 4 hair (Pre-Requisite), we can use curling Activators and enhancers, these products loosen the hair texture, a link to one I recommend is here (6 USD): Click Here. This won't work on dry and nappy hair!
      • Another thing I HEAVILY RECOMMEND is using this set of shampoo, conditioner, and curl enhancer smoothie. This will work wonders for your hair as you'll over time modify how the roots of your hair will grow, so you'll naturally grow curly hair with repetitive use. Also, you'll be able to define your curls using the conditioner provided in this set (making them pop out). The CURL ENHANCING SMOOTHIE IS KING! (32 USD) Click Here.
      • Using a styling cream (regardless of texture) makes everything look much better and holds the styled hair. Use this in tandem with the products above
      • Please use a detangling brush, this type of hair is severely prone to tangling and you want to make sure you get rid of all tangles!!!
      • I recommend doing this procedure for going from kinky to curly.
        • Step 1: Ensure your hair is moisturized and hydrated and that you have sufficiently long enough hair. Make sure it's conditioned as well.
        • Step 2: Apply the leave-in conditioner (8.50 USD) throughout your hair. Your hair should be very moisturized now! It MUST BE DAMP AND MOISTURIZED TO THE POINT AFRICAN CHILDREN WILL BE THIRSTY FOR THE MOISTURE IN YOUR HAIR! ABSOLUTE NECESSITY AND A PRE-REQUISITE!
        • Step 3: Apply the curling smoothie throughout your hair
        • Step 4: Use the styling cream and detangle your hair, you'll see the curls coming in nicely!
        • Step 5: From here on out, it's my recommendations. Get the curling activator and enhancer product and apply this to your hair, especially your roots!
        • Step 6: Apply this product here as the final thing to your fabulous new hair now! This product eliminates and defends against frizz, moisturizes, makes your hair SHINE, and also straightens your hair a bit as well! This will also define your curls!: Link Here (12 USD)
        • Step 7: Clean your face of any products to prevent acne.
      • For more elaboration, watch this video and plenty of other similar ones like this!
      • Note: Moisture is key! As you gradually train your hair to become curly instead of kinky, you will likely need to cut down on it since you'll no longer have the same hair texture and you'll start to need to play by type 3 rules instead of type 4 rules. You can use my type three guide above if you've ascended.
        She's actually changing her hair texture but claims she's defining type 4 curls. Great video nonetheless!

  • From Kinky To Wavy (2C)
    • All of the advice above but add a little bit of the straightening brush or straightening iron to it.
    • You must be light-skinned enough (bones + skin tone) to do this though or else you'll look a severe tryhard.


  • For haircuts, I advise you to go on Pinterest, it is your best friend. Search up "Type [Insert Number Here] Haircuts for Men" and feed off the inspiration there.
  • For haircuts, I recommend making sure it looks nice and crisp, not a weak and poorly done haircut. Go to the barber or do your haircut every two weeks.
  • Make sure your edges are well done and make sure to correct any errors in your hairline.
  • If you have dandruff, make sure to tackle that with special shampoos and conditioners as well. Reduce the oil in your hair, as dandruff feeds off of oil!
  • Use Forte Series for elite hold on your hair to create volume
  • Straight-haired people should not be moisturizing their hair, instead, they should be fighting excess moisture.
  • Wavy-haired people should be accepting of a little additional moisture, especially if it's type 2C.
  • Curly-haired people should be moisturized.
  • Kinky-haired people should literally drown their hair in as much moisture as possible, for as long as possible. Hell, wear a cap to bed to trap it all in!
  • Research styling creams that will help you get the desired result in your hair
  • Fermented rice water smells horrible but will make your hair grow so much quicker, like literally 4x growth.
  • Make sure the water you use isn't highly chemicalized, burning water. Use a water filter on your showerhead and use cold water.
  • Don't have nutritional deficiencies, stress, depression, etc. It makes you prone to hair loss, shedding, and poor hair quality.
  • If you're norwooding, get Keeps immediately, get a hair loss cap, get some minoxidil and a derma roller and start derma rolling and applying minoxidil as soon as possible! Finasteride, biotin, peppermint oil, PRP therapy, anything to keep the Norwood reaper away!
  • Trim your pubic hair, trim your excess body hair (Yes, I am looking at you, Meditteranean Genes Holder)
  • Take care of your beard, make sure it's soft and not spiky as shit!!! Use beard oils and other products to take care of it. Use a beard shaping tool, a beard kit, and razors (elite quality ones!) to optimize your beard's aesthetics
  • Derma-roller + Minoxidil Combo (peppermint oil can be added) on your beard for patchy beards, or increase your testosterone levels using Ashwagandha, steroids, or other ways to increase testosterone.
  • Curly hair must be defined! Curly hair doesn't look its best undefined. The curls have to "pop" and not look dull. This is crucial for curly-haired people!
  • You can use the same advice for eyebrows.
  • For straight-haired and wavy-haired people, you know how important volume is. Using the right brushing techniques, volume creams, etc. You can get your desired volume. Search Alex Costa on YouTube for more info. He's literally a hair god!
  • Your body should be ideally perfectly trimmed at all times, fresh haircut, fresh beard, trimmed body, trimmed pubic and ball hair, etc.
  • If you have type 4 hair, and you're growing your hair out and are in that awkward stage, I recommend accelerating the hair growth, rice water, moisturizing, etc, to get out of it and either ascend into a long hairstyle like braids or ascend to type three hair. Unkept Type 4 hair is the worst!
  • Make sure you have a good hairline, get a hair transplant to lower your hairline, or fix the sides of your hairline (if they're too far). This can ascend some people combined with good hair though.
  • Restrict dying/bleaching your hair to an absolute minimum, especially at your roots, it damages your hair
  • Restrict using texturizers that have heavy chemicals, same reason as above.
  • Avoid touching your hair, can cause damage, breakage, and strip oils away.
  • You can use colored conditioners and shampoos to change your hair color without dying it.
  • Avoid over-wetting hair, make your hair prone to hair loss due to damage to your cuticles.
  • Avoid heat damage at all costs!
  • Look into styling creams and holding creams!
  • Kinds of brushes to use based on your hair type
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Take care of your hair, get a nice haircut, get some nice coloring, and take care of extraneous hairs (beard, pubic, ball, body hair)
Please like and comment, I can't be making BOTB-worthy content so consistently and have you NOT show appreciation.
I‘ve been reading and studying chemical treatments for straightening hair and tried some already.

It’s not straightforward because there are some risks, like burning scalps, inhaling substances vapor during application, besides many ways to end up with damaged hair.

Keratin treatment seems like the most efficient in terms of lasting but it’s rather expensive and only a few professionals would apply it here. It’s also not recommended if you want to apply on your own at home.

There is also the old perm containing formaldehyde I had tried out in the past but I don’t recommend it.

Cosmetic ones containing some concentration of sodium hydroxide, one of the cheapest but it’s not worthwhile.

In the next months I’m going to try out a product made by Wella Professionals that contains ammonium thioglycolate. It looks like a good and safe choice.
  • JFL
Reactions: CyprusGD
+ Don't use a towel to dry your hair, shake off the water or use a shirt (less rough) to dry your hair, put it in your hand and scrunch your hair with it to get some of the moisture off plus it creates more curls.
First you say that all hair types need to be moisturized (oil) but then later say that type 1 hair doesn't need to be moisturized and it may even he harmful and result in it producing more oil. Which is it? Also, good guide!

Hair Looksmaxxing Guide: Good Hair EQUALS Good Life​

Table Of Contents​

  • Introduction​
  • Hair Textures
  • Head Shapes, Haircuts, and Length
  • Maintenance
  • Coloring
  • How To Change Your Hair Texture
  • Advice
  • Conclusion​


If anyone is more black-pilled about hair, it has to be me. I was black-pilled at the ripe age of 4. On the first day of kindergarten, I was called "baldie" by this Mexican Girl and she would always make me feel insecure about my hair. My father thought it was the "clean" thing to do to shave all of my hair follicles off, this ended up shaping my entire life. I was constantly taunted (by everyone, not just her) for being bald and it left me with very few friends. Add that on top of having a peanut head and you know I was a bullying target. My father was my barber and refused to do anything otherwise and had me oblige to get a haircut every three weeks. When it was time to get my haircut, my heart dropped as I would know how differently I would get treated the next day. The top of my head felt exposed, I embodied insecurity. I would commonly wear jackets from 6th to 9th and put the hood on as much as I could to hide my head.

In sixth grade, I wore this hat to cover my shaved head in front of my crush. We were walking down the hallway (she was on the other side walking to her class, and I was on the other side of the hallway walking to my class) and our classes are right next to each other and her teacher, in front of her face, yanked and confiscated my hat, she tried to hold in her laugh but I already know what had happened...

In seventh grade, I was the grade level's #1 target for getting head slapped like this. There was a "Michael Jordan slapping trend" at the time and I was a prime target. Everyone flamed me for my bald head. I was every seventh-grade male's prime target!

In eighth grade, I got a haircut (bald) and I walked into class and she is in the class with my other crush. I kneel down near the designated backpack area, grabbed my stuff out of my backpack, and while I was doing so, I hear laughter, so I turned around and they were both staring at me, making fun of me, I knew exactly what they were doing, making fun of me. All of this was and still is the source of my low self esteem.

It got so bad that I decided to learn how to do my own hair as this was the only way I would get control of my hair the summer after 9th Grade. I did it and the way I was treated after growing my hair out slightly longer and getting taller was shocking. I was still prone to mistreatment but it went from 60 to 25.

We will go over some necessary information and then we will cover how we can apply this.

Hair Textures​

Your hair texture is obviously determined by mostly your genetics but also can be influenced by environmental factors, such as certain nutrients or nutrient deficiencies. The amount of curl, wave, or lack thereof, is dependent on the number of bonds between hair proteins found in the hair shaft. The more the curlier and the less, the straighter.

The 12 Major Hair Types:​

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Straight hair is classified as a 1. Straight hair reflects the most sheen. It is also the most resilient hair of all of the hair types. It is hard to damage and next to impossible to curl this hair texture. Because the sebum (natural oil produced in the sebaceous glands of the scalp) gently works its way from the scalp to the ends without the interference of curls or kinks, it is the oiliest hair texture of all.

Wavy hair is classified as a 2. Wavy hair lies somewhere between straight and curly hair. It also imparts sheen, more than curly hair, but less than straight hair. The further down the wavy spectrum you go the less sheen the hair will impart. Wavy hair is typically more prone to frizz. While type A waves can easily alternate between straight and curly styles, type B and C Wavy hair is resistant to styling.

Curly hair is classified as a 3. If you pull a strand of type 3 curly, you will notice it has a definite S shape. Granted, the S may be a lower case s or upper case S, or it may even resemble a Z on some occasions…however, there is a definite curl pattern in place, with or without products. This hair type is full-bodied, climate-dependent (humidity = frizz), and damage-prone. Lack of proper care renders dull curls (Which you can not afford).

Kinky hair is classified as a 4. Despite many misconceptions, this tightly coiled hair is quite fine and fragile. It is wiry, and delicate by nature. Each strand usually has a zig-zag pattern. A misconception exists that this hair type does not grow. Coily hair grows at the same rate as other textures, however, if not treated properly it breaks more than other textures. Treat this hair type like a fine silk blouse – cleanse gently, detangle softly, and avoid harsh chemicals. Coily hair is the driest hair type, thus it is more prone to breakage and requires a gentle touch. On the surface, kinky hair may seem robust, but it is actually the most fragile of all hair textures because coily hair contains the fewest cuticle layers to protect it from dryness. The main challenges oily hair women experience are lack of hair definition, dryness, tangles, shrinkage, and breakage. You can rock your beautiful coils if you take the right steps for hair health, moisture, and styling products that do not dry.


  • The higher the hair texture, the harder it is to maintain, and the worse it looks unkept.
  • Types 1A to Types 4A are good hair.
  • Type 1 hair has over-oily problems, Type 4 hair has over-dryness problems. Type 2 and Type 3 hair are in between but Type 2 may have minor oil problems and Type 3 may have more over-dryness problems.
  • I humbly believe that Type 4B and Type 4C hair is ultra-difficult to maintain and looks like subhuman dogshit when not maintained. Remember that Type 4 hair serves better protection purposes than aesthetic purposes. The hair is naturally dry as hell, frizzy as hell, coarse, fragile, irritating to work with, looks much shorter than it actually is, easy to break, shrinks in water, and is super hard to make look good, rendering it a high effort, low reward hair texture. I am NOT saying it is impossible to make it look good (check the beautiful women below with Type 4B+ Hair), but extremely, extremely, extremely difficult to make it look good. Latin Americans & Caribbeans weren't lying when they talked about "pelo bueno" (good hair) and "pelo malo" (bad hair). Anyone with these hair types should either change their hairstyle to looser textures (Type 2C/3C is the limit depending on phenotype or else you'll start looking uncanny), get waves (which is actually flattened Type 3 hair), or get a medium-long hairstyle, like braids, twists, an afro if you can properly pull it off, etc., and make sure to get them redone consistently and taken care of properly, every day, or else they'll frizz up and end up looking like subhuman shit.
  • For the people who wear poo-rags in public. Please don't do that unless you're trying to attract Shaniquas or an 8/10+ male.

Head Shapes, Haircuts, and Lengths​

This one is crucial as you'll need to achieve harmony with your hair and head shape, a failure to do that will have you looking bad or at least, not good. Here is an example

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Ideally, he would need as much hair on top of his head that he can which gives the appearance that the upper part of his head isn't rounded as well. This is an example of head shape to hair disharmony. Major occipital protrusion should also be covered in my opinion. It looks weak and ugly.

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Head Shape List and Haircut Advice​

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To know what head shape you have, I recommend you to download an app on your mobile device or find a website that can calculate your head shape, take a picture of yourself and upload it, and do it a few times (for certainty), and voila! You've found your head shape! All head-shape-specific advice can be found above.

For hair length, I personally forbid any person from getting hair past their collarbones. In this scenario, unless you can SERIOUSLY pull it off, I do not recommend doing this as this will make you look gay. Medium-length haircuts look the best in my opinion. Short and long hair are niches.


This part is crucial, once you have detected your hair type, check your advice for your specific type down below.
  • Type 1 Hair​

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1. Wash your hair regularly.​

Maintaining a regular wash schedule is critical to controlling your oil production, as this kind of hair is prone to doing. It’s recommended you wash your hair every two to three days to keep it clean and also give it some oomph. Refreshed hair always tends to look a little bit more voluminous than dirty hair. Be careful not to wash it too often, because that can actually cause your strands to produce more oil. And we don’t want that now, do we?

2. Use cold water to rinse your strands.​

When you wash your hair, cold water is best. It doesn’t need to be ice cold so make it comfortable. Washing your hair with cold water not only rids the scalp of impurities, dirt, oil, and the like but also will keep your hair cleaner for longer. This will come in handy on those days you can’t be bothered to wash your hair, even if it’s been a few days since a rise already.

3. Don’t overdo it with hair products.​

Your thin, flat, fine hair may have you reaching for all the hair products—put them down. You don’t need them. Using too many of them will actually make things worse. They’ll only weigh down your lifeless strands and can even make them appear greasier than they already are. Avoid things that increase moisture in your hair, this will actively make it worse. This kind of hair needs shampoo the most though. Once every other day is best.

4. Don’t go to bed with wet hair.​

Sleeping on wet strands is a huge no-no for those with Type 1hair. Doing so will create unnecessary (and unwanted) frizz, while also tangling your tresses. Avoid this by going to bed with dry hair. If you must go to bed with wet or damp strands, spritz on some leave-in conditioner for some added slip and protection.

5. Schedule regular hair trims.​

Trimming your dead ends will add some life and fullness back into your limp strands. The longer you go without cutting your hair, the more weighed down they’ll be. So, get trims on a regular basis. Talking to your hairstylist can help you determine what that maintenance looks like for you.

  • Type 2 Hair​

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1. Find a Shampoo for Wavy Hair.​

Over-washing curly hair can strip away the natural oils your hair needs to stay shiny and healthy-looking. Because curly and wavy hair is naturally drier than straight hair, shampooing once a week is enough to clean without stripping away too much moisture. When you do shampoo, use a shampoo for wavy (curly is fine as well) hair with a gentle and hydrating frizz-fighting formula.

2. Condition—A LOT!​

Look for a thick, deeply curl-defining conditioner infused with hydrating oils and other moisturizing ingredients like glycerin. Apply conditioner both before and after shampooing to soften and detangle your curls. On no ‘poo days, refresh your curls by just using conditioner in the shower.

3. Deep Condition Often.​

Skipping the shower today? Work in a nourishing, frizz-fighting hair oil on dry hair to keep your curls feeling soft and hydrated without losing their bounce. For extra dry, frizzy curls, try a smoothing hair mask once a week.

4. Strike a Balance Between Moisture and Strength.​

As important as it is to keep your wavy hair hydrated, it is important to protect your hair’s strength, structure, and elasticity. When looking for products for your wavy hair, look for formulas that contain vital nutrients and silk proteins. These formulas are known to strengthen and define your curls.

5. Lay off the Heat.​

When it comes to hair, heat equals dryness and damage. And as we’ve learned, curly hair is already dry by nature. Instead of using heat tools, rely on curl-defining products like air dry wave foam for your hair. And if you must blow-dry, use a diffuser on the lowest setting to disperse the heat and minimize friction. When you shower, rinse your locks with cool water to seal the cuticle and lock in moisture.

  • Type 3 Hair​

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1. Choose Shampoo Wisely​

Washing your hair is the first and foremost step in any hair care routine irrespective of the hair texture. Washing or cleaning ensures that there is no dust, excess oil, dead skin cells, and product buildup on your scalp.

Use a mild shampoo free of toxic chemicals like sulfates, silicones, alcohols, and parabens that can irritate your scalp. Sulfates are lathering agents while parabens are preservatives used in your hair care products. Switch to mild surfactants, fragrance-free, sulfate-free, silicon-free, and paraben-free formulas in your shampoos.

2. Avoid Excessive Shampooing​

Curly hair tends to become dry easily. Excessively shampooing your hair can suck out its natural moisture. Also, look for moisturizing ingredients in your conditioner. Conditioning makes sure that your hair cuticle is sealed and protected against environmental damage.

3. Pre-Shampoo Treatment​

Pre-shampoo treatment is bliss for those with curly hair. It helps in detangling and removing the frizz from your hair.

Apply a hair mask or a conditioning oil to your dry hair by separating out sections of hair. Leave in the conditioner for 20 minutes. You can put on a shower cap or a towel to trap some heat and open up the cuticle. This ensures that the conditioner penetrates your hair well.

4. Never Brush Curly Hair​

Resist the urge to brush curly hair. Use a wide-toothed comb on your curly hair before shampooing. After washing your hair, simply run your fingers through your hair. Never ever brush your wet hair as it is more prone to breakage and damage.

5. Hair Styling With Moderate Heat​

The high temperature from heat styling tools can remove the natural texture of your curls, making them dull and lifeless. Limit the use of heat styling and use a good heat protectant spray whenever you can't avoid it. Use moderate heat and a diffuser to protect your naturally beautiful curls.

Woman combing her curly hair

6. Use A Very Wide-toothed Comb​

Use a wide-toothed comb to remove the tangles in your curly hair. Comb from bottom to up to remove the knots if any. Each curl can be considered as a potential breaking point, handling gently is the way to go. A hairbrush can mess with your natural hair texture and can cause damage to your hair.

7. Always Use Cold Water For Hair​

Hot water showers strip off the natural oil or sebum from your scalp and hair. It can also open up the cuticle making the hair strands prone to frizz and breakage. Coldwater rinses are your safest bet whether you are shampooing or conditioning your hair.

8. Trim To Avoid Split Ends​

Get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks to get rid of the split ends and damaged hair. Curly hair needs to look and feel healthy.

9. Curly Hair Sleep Routine​

Haircare experts swear by the pineapple trick as part of the sleep routine for curly hair. Pile all your hair on top of your head into a bun or a loose ponytail. This way, there is less friction between your hair and the pillowcase. Switch to satin or silk pillowcases instead of cotton cases to reduce friction.

10. Try Natural Treatments For Healthy Curly Hair​

Use hair masks containing natural ingredients for your curly hair:

  • Make a mask of olive oil, eggs, vinegar, and mayonnaise and apply it to your hair. Rinse with a mild shampoo after 30 minutes. While eggs provide protein to your hair, mayonnaise adds moisture and shine to the dry curls.
  • Avocados are rich in vitamin B, E, and good fats. Mash a ripe avocado with a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply this mask on to your curly hair and leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash off with a gentle shampoo.
Apple cider vinegar, milk, fenugreek seeds, and hibiscus are all great natural treatments to have healthy curly hair.

11. Moisturize​

No matter what the hair texture or type, the basic rules of hair care remain the same. Oiling your hair improves blood circulation to the scalp and promotes healthy hair growth.

Our product development executive, Prutha B Nawale says, “Natural oils are a rich source of vitamin E and fatty acids. These fatty acids help to lock the moisture in your hair. That’s how natural oils control frizz and improve the manageability of curly hair. Massaging natural oils on the scalp boosts blood circulation and promotes hair growth.”

  • Use light and non-greasy coconut oil for curly hair. Use your fingertips to massage the oil onto your scalp. You can apply coconut oil before bedtime and wash it the morning after. Alternatively, you can also apply oil an hour before shampooing your hair.
  • Olive oil is a great treatment for your curly hair. It adds a lot of moisture to your dry locks. Take 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil in a bowl and heat for a minute. Apply evenly on your scalp and hair with your fingertips. Wrap a warm towel over your head and rinse off the oil with a mild shampoo after 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Castor oil is a lesser-known ingredient when it comes to oiling your hair. The reason is its stickiness. But castor oil is a wonder in itself. It can moisturize your curly hair and add shine. Haircare experts recommend using castor oil before bedtime and washing the next morning.

Jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, argan oil, grapeseed oil, avocado oil, rose oil, and ayurvedic oils like amla, Brahmi, neem, and bhringraj can also be used for curly hair.

What Should You Not Do With Curly Hair?​

  • Do not wash your curly hair every day as it can remove all the natural oils.
  • Never sleep on a cotton pillowcase as it can create friction between the strands.
  • Do not do heat styling often as it can strip off the moisture from your curls.
  • Do not let your hair remain in tight ponytails all the time. The pulling can cause scalp pain.
  • Never settle for one-size-fits-all products. Go for products that are created for your hair type.
  • Most importantly, do not compare your hair with straight hair or other hair types. Learn to embrace your curls.

How Often Should You Wash Your Hair If You Have Curly Hair?​

Wash your hair once every 2 or 3 days. Washing every day removes all the natural oils from your hair. If you are a gym addict, wash your hair with a conditioner in between your shampooing sessions.

How Do You Keep Your Hair Curly?​

  • You can skip the conditioner once in a while to keep those curls intact.
  • Use a curl cream on your hair to define the curls. Avoid using too much product as it can weigh down your hair.
  • Use sponge rollers or hairpins to roll up your hair.
  • Hair sprays and hair gels can also keep the curly hairstyles in place.

Gentle hair care, limited heat styling, and all the above tips are all it takes to keep your tight coils or looser waves in shape. Avoid excessive shampooing and flaunt your curly hair with the hairstyles mentioned above.

  • Type 4 Hair​

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Type 4 hair is the most delicate hair texture that exists and as such requires extra care and attention. If there is anything to take away here, is to MOISTURIZE! Caring for type 4 hair requires gentle handling and should be styled with as little manipulation as possible in order to promote length retention, volume, and growth. Natural type 4 hair should be well maintained due to its fragile state and with a little TLC and a delicate touch, your natural hair will grow longer, stronger and healthier.

Washing tips​

Shampoo infrequently, once a week tops. Ideally every two weeks. You could go for three months without shampooing and you'd be fine honestly. Experiment with your regimen to see what works for your hair. Remember that once your hair is wet it is in its most fragile state and will be more prone to tangles which lead to breakage. Handle your hair with care!

Concentrate shampoos on your scalp and not the lengths and ends of your hair. Avoid sulfates at all costs, along with any other ingredients that dry out your hair such as silicones and parabens.

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Use lots of conditioner on wet hair to help with moisture and detangling, and look for products with a lot of slip. Be gentle; your curls are fragile. Using a wide-toothed comb will help remove tangles and help disperse conditioners throughout your hair. After shampooing, use a deep moisturizing conditioner to rehydrate your hair.
Moisturize every day with a leave-in conditioner, moisturizer, or steam to keep your curls soft and hydrated at ALL TIMES!!! You can also use intense hydration products to make this work even better. You'll know if you're doing this right if your hair is NOT dry when you touch it throughout the day.

Use oils to seal moisture into your hair at the ends to enhance your curls and keep frizz at bay. Apply oils to the roots to keep them in optimal health.

Deep Conditioning​

Deep condition every 1-2 weeks to add moisture and nourishing ingredients to your hair to keep it strong and free from damage. If your hair feels weak or lacks elasticity, use a protein conditioner to strengthen the hair follicles and prevent breakage. Type 4C hair, in particular, needs to be deeply conditioned once a week to soften, strengthen and moisturize the hair. We would recommend using hair butters, natural oils, and natural moisturizers.
Ensure that you wrap your hair in a silk hair wrap or sleep on a silk pillowcase to protect your hair from rubbing against cotton, reducing bed head and tangles, and helping your hair to retain the moisture you worked so hair to put back into your hair.


For coloring, it is important to achieve harmony as well with your skin and your clothing, I will cover on this briefly but you first need to detect if you're warm-colored or cool-colored. Then follow this guide here. For more information on coloring, click here.

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How To Change Your Hair Texture

  • From Straight or Wavy to Curly
    • Get a perm + using curl activating and curling creams
  • From Straight to Wavy
    • Use curling wands lightly
    • Use curling creams and curling creams + styling creams and hold creams
  • From Wavy or Curly to Straight
    • Use a straightening brush
    • Ironing your hair
    • Keratin Treatment
    • Blow-dry + brush it straight + styling and holding cream
    • Watch Alex Costa on YouTube! He is the best at this stuff and I can attest to you on that!
  • From Curly to Wavy
    • Blow-dry + brush it straight with some waves + styling and holding cream
    • Use a straightening brush lightly
  • From Kinky to Curly (Training your Hair)
    • Hair Texturizers
    • Moisturizing, and taking care of your hair consistently! (You'll know if you're doing well if your hair is NOT dry when you touch it)
    • Training your hair to become curly (the same way people with waves train their hair by consistently brushing) by caring for it hyper-consistently, and twisting the curls onto your hair while it's moisturized (Search it up on YouTube!)

    • Now Here are more tips on how to successfully move from kinky to curly hair. Since this section was designed specifically to change hair texture, this is what will be discussed.
      • Assuming we are working on kept, moisturized, and maintained type 4 hair (Pre-Requisite), we can use curling Activators and enhancers, these products loosen the hair texture, a link to one I recommend is here (6 USD): Click Here. This won't work on dry and nappy hair!
      • Another thing I HEAVILY RECOMMEND is using this set of shampoo, conditioner, and curl enhancer smoothie. This will work wonders for your hair as you'll over time modify how the roots of your hair will grow, so you'll naturally grow curly hair with repetitive use. Also, you'll be able to define your curls using the conditioner provided in this set (making them pop out). The CURL ENHANCING SMOOTHIE IS KING! (32 USD) Click Here.
      • Using a styling cream (regardless of texture) makes everything look much better and holds the styled hair. Use this in tandem with the products above
      • Please use a detangling brush, this type of hair is severely prone to tangling and you want to make sure you get rid of all tangles!!!
      • I recommend doing this procedure for going from kinky to curly.
        • Step 1: Ensure your hair is moisturized and hydrated and that you have sufficiently long enough hair. Make sure it's conditioned as well.
        • Step 2: Apply the leave-in conditioner (8.50 USD) throughout your hair. Your hair should be very moisturized now! It MUST BE DAMP AND MOISTURIZED TO THE POINT AFRICAN CHILDREN WILL BE THIRSTY FOR THE MOISTURE IN YOUR HAIR! ABSOLUTE NECESSITY AND A PRE-REQUISITE!
        • Step 3: Apply the curling smoothie throughout your hair
        • Step 4: Use the styling cream and detangle your hair, you'll see the curls coming in nicely!
        • Step 5: From here on out, it's my recommendations. Get the curling activator and enhancer product and apply this to your hair, especially your roots!
        • Step 6: Apply this product here as the final thing to your fabulous new hair now! This product eliminates and defends against frizz, moisturizes, makes your hair SHINE, and also straightens your hair a bit as well! This will also define your curls!: Link Here (12 USD)
        • Step 7: Clean your face of any products to prevent acne.
      • For more elaboration, watch this video and plenty of other similar ones like this!
      • Note: Moisture is key! As you gradually train your hair to become curly instead of kinky, you will likely need to cut down on it since you'll no longer have the same hair texture and you'll start to need to play by type 3 rules instead of type 4 rules. You can use my type three guide above if you've ascended.
        She's actually changing her hair texture but claims she's defining type 4 curls. Great video nonetheless!

  • From Kinky To Wavy (2C)
    • All of the advice above but add a little bit of the straightening brush or straightening iron to it.
    • You must be light-skinned enough (bones + skin tone) to do this though or else you'll look a severe tryhard.


  • For haircuts, I advise you to go on Pinterest, it is your best friend. Search up "Type [Insert Number Here] Haircuts for Men" and feed off the inspiration there.
  • For haircuts, I recommend making sure it looks nice and crisp, not a weak and poorly done haircut. Go to the barber or do your haircut every two weeks.
  • Make sure your edges are well done and make sure to correct any errors in your hairline.
  • If you have dandruff, make sure to tackle that with special shampoos and conditioners as well. Reduce the oil in your hair, as dandruff feeds off of oil!
  • Use Forte Series for elite hold on your hair to create volume
  • Straight-haired people should not be moisturizing their hair, instead, they should be fighting excess moisture.
  • Wavy-haired people should be accepting of a little additional moisture, especially if it's type 2C.
  • Curly-haired people should be moisturized.
  • Kinky-haired people should literally drown their hair in as much moisture as possible, for as long as possible. Hell, wear a cap to bed to trap it all in!
  • Research styling creams that will help you get the desired result in your hair
  • Fermented rice water smells horrible but will make your hair grow so much quicker, like literally 4x growth.
  • Make sure the water you use isn't highly chemicalized, burning water. Use a water filter on your showerhead and use cold water.
  • Don't have nutritional deficiencies, stress, depression, etc. It makes you prone to hair loss, shedding, and poor hair quality.
  • If you're norwooding, get Keeps immediately, get a hair loss cap, get some minoxidil and a derma roller and start derma rolling and applying minoxidil as soon as possible! Finasteride, biotin, peppermint oil, PRP therapy, anything to keep the Norwood reaper away!
  • Trim your pubic hair, trim your excess body hair (Yes, I am looking at you, Meditteranean Genes Holder)
  • Take care of your beard, make sure it's soft and not spiky as shit!!! Use beard oils and other products to take care of it. Use a beard shaping tool, a beard kit, and razors (elite quality ones!) to optimize your beard's aesthetics
  • Derma-roller + Minoxidil Combo (peppermint oil can be added) on your beard for patchy beards, or increase your testosterone levels using Ashwagandha, steroids, or other ways to increase testosterone.
  • Curly hair must be defined! Curly hair doesn't look its best undefined. The curls have to "pop" and not look dull. This is crucial for curly-haired people!
  • You can use the same advice for eyebrows.
  • For straight-haired and wavy-haired people, you know how important volume is. Using the right brushing techniques, volume creams, etc. You can get your desired volume. Search Alex Costa on YouTube for more info. He's literally a hair god!
  • Your body should be ideally perfectly trimmed at all times, fresh haircut, fresh beard, trimmed body, trimmed pubic and ball hair, etc.
  • If you have type 4 hair, and you're growing your hair out and are in that awkward stage, I recommend accelerating the hair growth, rice water, moisturizing, etc, to get out of it and either ascend into a long hairstyle like braids or ascend to type three hair. Unkept Type 4 hair is the worst!
  • Make sure you have a good hairline, get a hair transplant to lower your hairline, or fix the sides of your hairline (if they're too far). This can ascend some people combined with good hair though.
  • Restrict dying/bleaching your hair to an absolute minimum, especially at your roots, it damages your hair
  • Restrict using texturizers that have heavy chemicals, same reason as above.
  • Avoid touching your hair, can cause damage, breakage, and strip oils away.
  • You can use colored conditioners and shampoos to change your hair color without dying it.
  • Avoid over-wetting hair, make your hair prone to hair loss due to damage to your cuticles.
  • Avoid heat damage at all costs!
  • Look into styling creams and holding creams!
  • Kinds of brushes to use based on your hair type
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Take care of your hair, get a nice haircut, get some nice coloring, and take care of extraneous hairs (beard, pubic, ball, body hair)
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Hair Looksmaxxing Guide: Good Hair EQUALS Good Life​

Table Of Contents​

  • Introduction​
  • Hair Textures
  • Head Shapes, Haircuts, and Length
  • Maintenance
  • Coloring
  • How To Change Your Hair Texture
  • Advice
  • Conclusion​


If anyone is more black-pilled about hair, it has to be me. I was black-pilled at the ripe age of 4. On the first day of kindergarten, I was called "baldie" by this Mexican Girl and she would always make me feel insecure about my hair. My father thought it was the "clean" thing to do to shave all of my hair follicles off, this ended up shaping my entire life. I was constantly taunted (by everyone, not just her) for being bald and it left me with very few friends. Add that on top of having a peanut head and you know I was a bullying target. My father was my barber and refused to do anything otherwise and had me oblige to get a haircut every three weeks. When it was time to get my haircut, my heart dropped as I would know how differently I would get treated the next day. The top of my head felt exposed, I embodied insecurity. I would commonly wear jackets from 6th to 9th and put the hood on as much as I could to hide my head.

In sixth grade, I wore this hat to cover my shaved head in front of my crush. We were walking down the hallway (she was on the other side walking to her class, and I was on the other side of the hallway walking to my class) and our classes are right next to each other and her teacher, in front of her face, yanked and confiscated my hat, she tried to hold in her laugh but I already know what had happened...

In seventh grade, I was the grade level's #1 target for getting head slapped like this. There was a "Michael Jordan slapping trend" at the time and I was a prime target. Everyone flamed me for my bald head. I was every seventh-grade male's prime target!

In eighth grade, I got a haircut (bald) and I walked into class and she is in the class with my other crush. I kneel down near the designated backpack area, grabbed my stuff out of my backpack, and while I was doing so, I hear laughter, so I turned around and they were both staring at me, making fun of me, I knew exactly what they were doing, making fun of me. All of this was and still is the source of my low self esteem.

It got so bad that I decided to learn how to do my own hair as this was the only way I would get control of my hair the summer after 9th Grade. I did it and the way I was treated after growing my hair out slightly longer and getting taller was shocking. I was still prone to mistreatment but it went from 60 to 25.

We will go over some necessary information and then we will cover how we can apply this.

Hair Textures​

Your hair texture is obviously determined by mostly your genetics but also can be influenced by environmental factors, such as certain nutrients or nutrient deficiencies. The amount of curl, wave, or lack thereof, is dependent on the number of bonds between hair proteins found in the hair shaft. The more the curlier and the less, the straighter.

The 12 Major Hair Types:​

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Straight hair is classified as a 1. Straight hair reflects the most sheen. It is also the most resilient hair of all of the hair types. It is hard to damage and next to impossible to curl this hair texture. Because the sebum (natural oil produced in the sebaceous glands of the scalp) gently works its way from the scalp to the ends without the interference of curls or kinks, it is the oiliest hair texture of all.

Wavy hair is classified as a 2. Wavy hair lies somewhere between straight and curly hair. It also imparts sheen, more than curly hair, but less than straight hair. The further down the wavy spectrum you go the less sheen the hair will impart. Wavy hair is typically more prone to frizz. While type A waves can easily alternate between straight and curly styles, type B and C Wavy hair is resistant to styling.

Curly hair is classified as a 3. If you pull a strand of type 3 curly, you will notice it has a definite S shape. Granted, the S may be a lower case s or upper case S, or it may even resemble a Z on some occasions…however, there is a definite curl pattern in place, with or without products. This hair type is full-bodied, climate-dependent (humidity = frizz), and damage-prone. Lack of proper care renders dull curls (Which you can not afford).

Kinky hair is classified as a 4. Despite many misconceptions, this tightly coiled hair is quite fine and fragile. It is wiry, and delicate by nature. Each strand usually has a zig-zag pattern. A misconception exists that this hair type does not grow. Coily hair grows at the same rate as other textures, however, if not treated properly it breaks more than other textures. Treat this hair type like a fine silk blouse – cleanse gently, detangle softly, and avoid harsh chemicals. Coily hair is the driest hair type, thus it is more prone to breakage and requires a gentle touch. On the surface, kinky hair may seem robust, but it is actually the most fragile of all hair textures because coily hair contains the fewest cuticle layers to protect it from dryness. The main challenges oily hair women experience are lack of hair definition, dryness, tangles, shrinkage, and breakage. You can rock your beautiful coils if you take the right steps for hair health, moisture, and styling products that do not dry.


  • The higher the hair texture, the harder it is to maintain, and the worse it looks unkept.
  • Types 1A to Types 4A are good hair.
  • Type 1 hair has over-oily problems, Type 4 hair has over-dryness problems. Type 2 and Type 3 hair are in between but Type 2 may have minor oil problems and Type 3 may have more over-dryness problems.
  • I humbly believe that Type 4B and Type 4C hair is ultra-difficult to maintain and looks like subhuman dogshit when not maintained. Remember that Type 4 hair serves better protection purposes than aesthetic purposes. The hair is naturally dry as hell, frizzy as hell, coarse, fragile, irritating to work with, looks much shorter than it actually is, easy to break, shrinks in water, and is super hard to make look good, rendering it a high effort, low reward hair texture. I am NOT saying it is impossible to make it look good (check the beautiful women below with Type 4B+ Hair), but extremely, extremely, extremely difficult to make it look good. Latin Americans & Caribbeans weren't lying when they talked about "pelo bueno" (good hair) and "pelo malo" (bad hair). Anyone with these hair types should either change their hairstyle to looser textures (Type 2C/3C is the limit depending on phenotype or else you'll start looking uncanny), get waves (which is actually flattened Type 3 hair), or get a medium-long hairstyle, like braids, twists, an afro if you can properly pull it off, etc., and make sure to get them redone consistently and taken care of properly, every day, or else they'll frizz up and end up looking like subhuman shit.
  • For the people who wear poo-rags in public. Please don't do that unless you're trying to attract Shaniquas or an 8/10+ male.

Head Shapes, Haircuts, and Lengths​

This one is crucial as you'll need to achieve harmony with your hair and head shape, a failure to do that will have you looking bad or at least, not good. Here is an example

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Ideally, he would need as much hair on top of his head that he can which gives the appearance that the upper part of his head isn't rounded as well. This is an example of head shape to hair disharmony. Major occipital protrusion should also be covered in my opinion. It looks weak and ugly.

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Head Shape List and Haircut Advice​

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To know what head shape you have, I recommend you to download an app on your mobile device or find a website that can calculate your head shape, take a picture of yourself and upload it, and do it a few times (for certainty), and voila! You've found your head shape! All head-shape-specific advice can be found above.

For hair length, I personally forbid any person from getting hair past their collarbones. In this scenario, unless you can SERIOUSLY pull it off, I do not recommend doing this as this will make you look gay. Medium-length haircuts look the best in my opinion. Short and long hair are niches.


This part is crucial, once you have detected your hair type, check your advice for your specific type down below.
  • Type 1 Hair​

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1. Wash your hair regularly.​

Maintaining a regular wash schedule is critical to controlling your oil production, as this kind of hair is prone to doing. It’s recommended you wash your hair every two to three days to keep it clean and also give it some oomph. Refreshed hair always tends to look a little bit more voluminous than dirty hair. Be careful not to wash it too often, because that can actually cause your strands to produce more oil. And we don’t want that now, do we?

2. Use cold water to rinse your strands.​

When you wash your hair, cold water is best. It doesn’t need to be ice cold so make it comfortable. Washing your hair with cold water not only rids the scalp of impurities, dirt, oil, and the like but also will keep your hair cleaner for longer. This will come in handy on those days you can’t be bothered to wash your hair, even if it’s been a few days since a rise already.

3. Don’t overdo it with hair products.​

Your thin, flat, fine hair may have you reaching for all the hair products—put them down. You don’t need them. Using too many of them will actually make things worse. They’ll only weigh down your lifeless strands and can even make them appear greasier than they already are. Avoid things that increase moisture in your hair, this will actively make it worse. This kind of hair needs shampoo the most though. Once every other day is best.

4. Don’t go to bed with wet hair.​

Sleeping on wet strands is a huge no-no for those with Type 1hair. Doing so will create unnecessary (and unwanted) frizz, while also tangling your tresses. Avoid this by going to bed with dry hair. If you must go to bed with wet or damp strands, spritz on some leave-in conditioner for some added slip and protection.

5. Schedule regular hair trims.​

Trimming your dead ends will add some life and fullness back into your limp strands. The longer you go without cutting your hair, the more weighed down they’ll be. So, get trims on a regular basis. Talking to your hairstylist can help you determine what that maintenance looks like for you.

  • Type 2 Hair​

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1. Find a Shampoo for Wavy Hair.​

Over-washing curly hair can strip away the natural oils your hair needs to stay shiny and healthy-looking. Because curly and wavy hair is naturally drier than straight hair, shampooing once a week is enough to clean without stripping away too much moisture. When you do shampoo, use a shampoo for wavy (curly is fine as well) hair with a gentle and hydrating frizz-fighting formula.

2. Condition—A LOT!​

Look for a thick, deeply curl-defining conditioner infused with hydrating oils and other moisturizing ingredients like glycerin. Apply conditioner both before and after shampooing to soften and detangle your curls. On no ‘poo days, refresh your curls by just using conditioner in the shower.

3. Deep Condition Often.​

Skipping the shower today? Work in a nourishing, frizz-fighting hair oil on dry hair to keep your curls feeling soft and hydrated without losing their bounce. For extra dry, frizzy curls, try a smoothing hair mask once a week.

4. Strike a Balance Between Moisture and Strength.​

As important as it is to keep your wavy hair hydrated, it is important to protect your hair’s strength, structure, and elasticity. When looking for products for your wavy hair, look for formulas that contain vital nutrients and silk proteins. These formulas are known to strengthen and define your curls.

5. Lay off the Heat.​

When it comes to hair, heat equals dryness and damage. And as we’ve learned, curly hair is already dry by nature. Instead of using heat tools, rely on curl-defining products like air dry wave foam for your hair. And if you must blow-dry, use a diffuser on the lowest setting to disperse the heat and minimize friction. When you shower, rinse your locks with cool water to seal the cuticle and lock in moisture.

  • Type 3 Hair​

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1. Choose Shampoo Wisely​

Washing your hair is the first and foremost step in any hair care routine irrespective of the hair texture. Washing or cleaning ensures that there is no dust, excess oil, dead skin cells, and product buildup on your scalp.

Use a mild shampoo free of toxic chemicals like sulfates, silicones, alcohols, and parabens that can irritate your scalp. Sulfates are lathering agents while parabens are preservatives used in your hair care products. Switch to mild surfactants, fragrance-free, sulfate-free, silicon-free, and paraben-free formulas in your shampoos.

2. Avoid Excessive Shampooing​

Curly hair tends to become dry easily. Excessively shampooing your hair can suck out its natural moisture. Also, look for moisturizing ingredients in your conditioner. Conditioning makes sure that your hair cuticle is sealed and protected against environmental damage.

3. Pre-Shampoo Treatment​

Pre-shampoo treatment is bliss for those with curly hair. It helps in detangling and removing the frizz from your hair.

Apply a hair mask or a conditioning oil to your dry hair by separating out sections of hair. Leave in the conditioner for 20 minutes. You can put on a shower cap or a towel to trap some heat and open up the cuticle. This ensures that the conditioner penetrates your hair well.

4. Never Brush Curly Hair​

Resist the urge to brush curly hair. Use a wide-toothed comb on your curly hair before shampooing. After washing your hair, simply run your fingers through your hair. Never ever brush your wet hair as it is more prone to breakage and damage.

5. Hair Styling With Moderate Heat​

The high temperature from heat styling tools can remove the natural texture of your curls, making them dull and lifeless. Limit the use of heat styling and use a good heat protectant spray whenever you can't avoid it. Use moderate heat and a diffuser to protect your naturally beautiful curls.

Woman combing her curly hair

6. Use A Very Wide-toothed Comb​

Use a wide-toothed comb to remove the tangles in your curly hair. Comb from bottom to up to remove the knots if any. Each curl can be considered as a potential breaking point, handling gently is the way to go. A hairbrush can mess with your natural hair texture and can cause damage to your hair.

7. Always Use Cold Water For Hair​

Hot water showers strip off the natural oil or sebum from your scalp and hair. It can also open up the cuticle making the hair strands prone to frizz and breakage. Coldwater rinses are your safest bet whether you are shampooing or conditioning your hair.

8. Trim To Avoid Split Ends​

Get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks to get rid of the split ends and damaged hair. Curly hair needs to look and feel healthy.

9. Curly Hair Sleep Routine​

Haircare experts swear by the pineapple trick as part of the sleep routine for curly hair. Pile all your hair on top of your head into a bun or a loose ponytail. This way, there is less friction between your hair and the pillowcase. Switch to satin or silk pillowcases instead of cotton cases to reduce friction.

10. Try Natural Treatments For Healthy Curly Hair​

Use hair masks containing natural ingredients for your curly hair:

  • Make a mask of olive oil, eggs, vinegar, and mayonnaise and apply it to your hair. Rinse with a mild shampoo after 30 minutes. While eggs provide protein to your hair, mayonnaise adds moisture and shine to the dry curls.
  • Avocados are rich in vitamin B, E, and good fats. Mash a ripe avocado with a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply this mask on to your curly hair and leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash off with a gentle shampoo.
Apple cider vinegar, milk, fenugreek seeds, and hibiscus are all great natural treatments to have healthy curly hair.

11. Moisturize​

No matter what the hair texture or type, the basic rules of hair care remain the same. Oiling your hair improves blood circulation to the scalp and promotes healthy hair growth.

Our product development executive, Prutha B Nawale says, “Natural oils are a rich source of vitamin E and fatty acids. These fatty acids help to lock the moisture in your hair. That’s how natural oils control frizz and improve the manageability of curly hair. Massaging natural oils on the scalp boosts blood circulation and promotes hair growth.”

  • Use light and non-greasy coconut oil for curly hair. Use your fingertips to massage the oil onto your scalp. You can apply coconut oil before bedtime and wash it the morning after. Alternatively, you can also apply oil an hour before shampooing your hair.
  • Olive oil is a great treatment for your curly hair. It adds a lot of moisture to your dry locks. Take 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil in a bowl and heat for a minute. Apply evenly on your scalp and hair with your fingertips. Wrap a warm towel over your head and rinse off the oil with a mild shampoo after 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Castor oil is a lesser-known ingredient when it comes to oiling your hair. The reason is its stickiness. But castor oil is a wonder in itself. It can moisturize your curly hair and add shine. Haircare experts recommend using castor oil before bedtime and washing the next morning.

Jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, argan oil, grapeseed oil, avocado oil, rose oil, and ayurvedic oils like amla, Brahmi, neem, and bhringraj can also be used for curly hair.

What Should You Not Do With Curly Hair?​

  • Do not wash your curly hair every day as it can remove all the natural oils.
  • Never sleep on a cotton pillowcase as it can create friction between the strands.
  • Do not do heat styling often as it can strip off the moisture from your curls.
  • Do not let your hair remain in tight ponytails all the time. The pulling can cause scalp pain.
  • Never settle for one-size-fits-all products. Go for products that are created for your hair type.
  • Most importantly, do not compare your hair with straight hair or other hair types. Learn to embrace your curls.

How Often Should You Wash Your Hair If You Have Curly Hair?​

Wash your hair once every 2 or 3 days. Washing every day removes all the natural oils from your hair. If you are a gym addict, wash your hair with a conditioner in between your shampooing sessions.

How Do You Keep Your Hair Curly?​

  • You can skip the conditioner once in a while to keep those curls intact.
  • Use a curl cream on your hair to define the curls. Avoid using too much product as it can weigh down your hair.
  • Use sponge rollers or hairpins to roll up your hair.
  • Hair sprays and hair gels can also keep the curly hairstyles in place.

Gentle hair care, limited heat styling, and all the above tips are all it takes to keep your tight coils or looser waves in shape. Avoid excessive shampooing and flaunt your curly hair with the hairstyles mentioned above.

  • Type 4 Hair​

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Type 4 hair is the most delicate hair texture that exists and as such requires extra care and attention. If there is anything to take away here, is to MOISTURIZE! Caring for type 4 hair requires gentle handling and should be styled with as little manipulation as possible in order to promote length retention, volume, and growth. Natural type 4 hair should be well maintained due to its fragile state and with a little TLC and a delicate touch, your natural hair will grow longer, stronger and healthier.

Washing tips​

Shampoo infrequently, once a week tops. Ideally every two weeks. You could go for three months without shampooing and you'd be fine honestly. Experiment with your regimen to see what works for your hair. Remember that once your hair is wet it is in its most fragile state and will be more prone to tangles which lead to breakage. Handle your hair with care!

Concentrate shampoos on your scalp and not the lengths and ends of your hair. Avoid sulfates at all costs, along with any other ingredients that dry out your hair such as silicones and parabens.

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Use lots of conditioner on wet hair to help with moisture and detangling, and look for products with a lot of slip. Be gentle; your curls are fragile. Using a wide-toothed comb will help remove tangles and help disperse conditioners throughout your hair. After shampooing, use a deep moisturizing conditioner to rehydrate your hair.
Moisturize every day with a leave-in conditioner, moisturizer, or steam to keep your curls soft and hydrated at ALL TIMES!!! You can also use intense hydration products to make this work even better. You'll know if you're doing this right if your hair is NOT dry when you touch it throughout the day.

Use oils to seal moisture into your hair at the ends to enhance your curls and keep frizz at bay. Apply oils to the roots to keep them in optimal health.

Deep Conditioning​

Deep condition every 1-2 weeks to add moisture and nourishing ingredients to your hair to keep it strong and free from damage. If your hair feels weak or lacks elasticity, use a protein conditioner to strengthen the hair follicles and prevent breakage. Type 4C hair, in particular, needs to be deeply conditioned once a week to soften, strengthen and moisturize the hair. We would recommend using hair butters, natural oils, and natural moisturizers.
Ensure that you wrap your hair in a silk hair wrap or sleep on a silk pillowcase to protect your hair from rubbing against cotton, reducing bed head and tangles, and helping your hair to retain the moisture you worked so hair to put back into your hair.


For coloring, it is important to achieve harmony as well with your skin and your clothing, I will cover on this briefly but you first need to detect if you're warm-colored or cool-colored. Then follow this guide here. For more information on coloring, click here.

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How To Change Your Hair Texture

  • From Straight or Wavy to Curly
    • Get a perm + using curl activating and curling creams
  • From Straight to Wavy
    • Use curling wands lightly
    • Use curling creams and curling creams + styling creams and hold creams
  • From Wavy or Curly to Straight
    • Use a straightening brush
    • Ironing your hair
    • Keratin Treatment
    • Blow-dry + brush it straight + styling and holding cream
    • Watch Alex Costa on YouTube! He is the best at this stuff and I can attest to you on that!
  • From Curly to Wavy
    • Blow-dry + brush it straight with some waves + styling and holding cream
    • Use a straightening brush lightly
  • From Kinky to Curly (Training your Hair)
    • Hair Texturizers
    • Moisturizing, and taking care of your hair consistently! (You'll know if you're doing well if your hair is NOT dry when you touch it)
    • Training your hair to become curly (the same way people with waves train their hair by consistently brushing) by caring for it hyper-consistently, and twisting the curls onto your hair while it's moisturized (Search it up on YouTube!)

    • Now Here are more tips on how to successfully move from kinky to curly hair. Since this section was designed specifically to change hair texture, this is what will be discussed.
      • Assuming we are working on kept, moisturized, and maintained type 4 hair (Pre-Requisite), we can use curling Activators and enhancers, these products loosen the hair texture, a link to one I recommend is here (6 USD): Click Here. This won't work on dry and nappy hair!
      • Another thing I HEAVILY RECOMMEND is using this set of shampoo, conditioner, and curl enhancer smoothie. This will work wonders for your hair as you'll over time modify how the roots of your hair will grow, so you'll naturally grow curly hair with repetitive use. Also, you'll be able to define your curls using the conditioner provided in this set (making them pop out). The CURL ENHANCING SMOOTHIE IS KING! (32 USD) Click Here.
      • Using a styling cream (regardless of texture) makes everything look much better and holds the styled hair. Use this in tandem with the products above
      • Please use a detangling brush, this type of hair is severely prone to tangling and you want to make sure you get rid of all tangles!!!
      • I recommend doing this procedure for going from kinky to curly.
        • Step 1: Ensure your hair is moisturized and hydrated and that you have sufficiently long enough hair. Make sure it's conditioned as well.
        • Step 2: Apply the leave-in conditioner (8.50 USD) throughout your hair. Your hair should be very moisturized now! It MUST BE DAMP AND MOISTURIZED TO THE POINT AFRICAN CHILDREN WILL BE THIRSTY FOR THE MOISTURE IN YOUR HAIR! ABSOLUTE NECESSITY AND A PRE-REQUISITE!
        • Step 3: Apply the curling smoothie throughout your hair
        • Step 4: Use the styling cream and detangle your hair, you'll see the curls coming in nicely!
        • Step 5: From here on out, it's my recommendations. Get the curling activator and enhancer product and apply this to your hair, especially your roots!
        • Step 6: Apply this product here as the final thing to your fabulous new hair now! This product eliminates and defends against frizz, moisturizes, makes your hair SHINE, and also straightens your hair a bit as well! This will also define your curls!: Link Here (12 USD)
        • Step 7: Clean your face of any products to prevent acne.
      • For more elaboration, watch this video and plenty of other similar ones like this!
      • Note: Moisture is key! As you gradually train your hair to become curly instead of kinky, you will likely need to cut down on it since you'll no longer have the same hair texture and you'll start to need to play by type 3 rules instead of type 4 rules. You can use my type three guide above if you've ascended.
        She's actually changing her hair texture but claims she's defining type 4 curls. Great video nonetheless!

  • From Kinky To Wavy (2C)
    • All of the advice above but add a little bit of the straightening brush or straightening iron to it.
    • You must be light-skinned enough (bones + skin tone) to do this though or else you'll look a severe tryhard.


  • For haircuts, I advise you to go on Pinterest, it is your best friend. Search up "Type [Insert Number Here] Haircuts for Men" and feed off the inspiration there.
  • For haircuts, I recommend making sure it looks nice and crisp, not a weak and poorly done haircut. Go to the barber or do your haircut every two weeks.
  • Make sure your edges are well done and make sure to correct any errors in your hairline.
  • If you have dandruff, make sure to tackle that with special shampoos and conditioners as well. Reduce the oil in your hair, as dandruff feeds off of oil!
  • Use Forte Series for elite hold on your hair to create volume
  • Straight-haired people should not be moisturizing their hair, instead, they should be fighting excess moisture.
  • Wavy-haired people should be accepting of a little additional moisture, especially if it's type 2C.
  • Curly-haired people should be moisturized.
  • Kinky-haired people should literally drown their hair in as much moisture as possible, for as long as possible. Hell, wear a cap to bed to trap it all in!
  • Research styling creams that will help you get the desired result in your hair
  • Fermented rice water smells horrible but will make your hair grow so much quicker, like literally 4x growth.
  • Make sure the water you use isn't highly chemicalized, burning water. Use a water filter on your showerhead and use cold water.
  • Don't have nutritional deficiencies, stress, depression, etc. It makes you prone to hair loss, shedding, and poor hair quality.
  • If you're norwooding, get Keeps immediately, get a hair loss cap, get some minoxidil and a derma roller and start derma rolling and applying minoxidil as soon as possible! Finasteride, biotin, peppermint oil, PRP therapy, anything to keep the Norwood reaper away!
  • Trim your pubic hair, trim your excess body hair (Yes, I am looking at you, Meditteranean Genes Holder)
  • Take care of your beard, make sure it's soft and not spiky as shit!!! Use beard oils and other products to take care of it. Use a beard shaping tool, a beard kit, and razors (elite quality ones!) to optimize your beard's aesthetics
  • Derma-roller + Minoxidil Combo (peppermint oil can be added) on your beard for patchy beards, or increase your testosterone levels using Ashwagandha, steroids, or other ways to increase testosterone.
  • Curly hair must be defined! Curly hair doesn't look its best undefined. The curls have to "pop" and not look dull. This is crucial for curly-haired people!
  • You can use the same advice for eyebrows.
  • For straight-haired and wavy-haired people, you know how important volume is. Using the right brushing techniques, volume creams, etc. You can get your desired volume. Search Alex Costa on YouTube for more info. He's literally a hair god!
  • Your body should be ideally perfectly trimmed at all times, fresh haircut, fresh beard, trimmed body, trimmed pubic and ball hair, etc.
  • If you have type 4 hair, and you're growing your hair out and are in that awkward stage, I recommend accelerating the hair growth, rice water, moisturizing, etc, to get out of it and either ascend into a long hairstyle like braids or ascend to type three hair. Unkept Type 4 hair is the worst!
  • Make sure you have a good hairline, get a hair transplant to lower your hairline, or fix the sides of your hairline (if they're too far). This can ascend some people combined with good hair though.
  • Restrict dying/bleaching your hair to an absolute minimum, especially at your roots, it damages your hair
  • Restrict using texturizers that have heavy chemicals, same reason as above.
  • Avoid touching your hair, can cause damage, breakage, and strip oils away.
  • You can use colored conditioners and shampoos to change your hair color without dying it.
  • Avoid over-wetting hair, make your hair prone to hair loss due to damage to your cuticles.
  • Avoid heat damage at all costs!
  • Look into styling creams and holding creams!
  • Kinds of brushes to use based on your hair type
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Take care of your hair, get a nice haircut, get some nice coloring, and take care of extraneous hairs (beard, pubic, ball, body hair)
Please like and comment, I can't be making BOTB-worthy content so consistently and have you NOT show appreciation.

Why isn't this in the best of the best? It took me days to find all this knowledge and it's in this thread...
  • +1
Reactions: enchanted_elixir
If you are a man: liss hair
i hope this incomplete fucking guide didn't make it to BOTB.
Ur father rlly thought cancermaxxing would work
Type 1 hair utter shit. It falls down and makes you look like an unkempt hobo due to excess sebum. Brutal!
Type 3 hair and I still don't know what to do with it

Hair Looksmaxxing Guide: Good Hair EQUALS Good Life​

Table Of Contents​

  • Introduction
  • Hair Textures
  • Head Shapes, Haircuts, and Length
  • Maintenance
  • Coloring
  • How To Change Your Hair Texture
  • Advice
  • Conclusion​


If anyone is more black-pilled about hair, it has to be me. I was black-pilled at the ripe age of 4. On the first day of kindergarten, I was called "baldie" by this Mexican Girl and she would always make me feel insecure about my hair. My father thought it was the "clean" thing to do to shave all of my hair follicles off, this ended up shaping my entire life. I was constantly taunted (by everyone, not just her) for being bald and it left me with very few friends. Add that on top of having a peanut head and you know I was a bullying target. My father was my barber and refused to do anything otherwise and had me oblige to get a haircut every three weeks. When it was time to get my haircut, my heart dropped as I would know how differently I would get treated the next day. The top of my head felt exposed, I embodied insecurity. I would commonly wear jackets from 6th to 9th and put the hood on as much as I could to hide my head.

In sixth grade, I wore this hat to cover my shaved head in front of my crush. We were walking down the hallway (she was on the other side walking to her class, and I was on the other side of the hallway walking to my class) and our classes are right next to each other and her teacher, in front of her face, yanked and confiscated my hat, she tried to hold in her laugh but I already know what had happened...
In seventh grade, I was the grade level's #1 target for getting head slapped like this.

In eighth grade, I got a haircut (bald) and I walked into class and she is in the class with my other crush. I kneel down near the designated backpack area, grabbed my stuff out of my backpack, and while I was doing so, I hear laughter, so I turned around and they were both staring at me, making fun of me, I knew exactly what they were doing, making fun of me. All of this was and still is the source of my low self esteem.

It got so bad that I decided to learn how to do my own hair as this was the only way I would get control of my hair the summer after 9th Grade. I did it and the way I was treated after growing my hair out slightly longer and getting taller was shocking. I was still prone to mistreatment but it went from 60 to 25.
We will go over some necessary information and then we will cover how we can apply this.

Hair Textures​

Your hair texture is obviously determined by mostly your genetics but also can be influenced by environmental factors, such as certain nutrients or nutrient deficiencies. The amount of curl, wave, or lack thereof, is dependent on the number of bonds between hair proteins found in the hair shaft. The more the curlier and the less, the straighter.

The 12 Major Hair Types:​

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Straight hair is classified as a 1. Straight hair reflects the most sheen. It is also the most resilient hair of all of the hair types. It is hard to damage and next to impossible to curl this hair texture. Because the sebum (natural oil produced in the sebaceous glands of the scalp) gently works its way from the scalp to the ends without the interference of curls or kinks, it is the oiliest hair texture of all.

Wavy hair is classified as a 2. Wavy hair lies somewhere between straight and curly hair. It also imparts sheen, more than curly hair, but less than straight hair. The further down the wavy spectrum you go the less sheen the hair will impart. Wavy hair is typically more prone to frizz. While type A waves can easily alternate between straight and curly styles, type B and C Wavy hair is resistant to styling.

Curly hair is classified as a 3. If you pull a strand of type 3 curly, you will notice it has a definite S shape. Granted, the S may be a lower case s or upper case S, or it may even resemble a Z on some occasions…however, there is a definite curl pattern in place, with or without products. This hair type is full-bodied, climate-dependent (humidity = frizz), and damage-prone. Lack of proper care renders dull curls (Which you can not afford).

Kinky hair is classified as a 4. Despite many misconceptions, this tightly coiled hair is quite fine and fragile. It is wiry, and delicate by nature. Each strand usually has a zig-zag pattern. A misconception exists that this hair type does not grow. Coily hair grows at the same rate as other textures, however, if not treated properly it breaks more than other textures. Treat this hair type like a fine silk blouse – cleanse gently, detangle softly, and avoid harsh chemicals. Coily hair is the driest hair type, thus it is more prone to breakage and requires a gentle touch. On the surface, kinky hair may seem robust, but it is actually the most fragile of all hair textures because coily hair contains the fewest cuticle layers to protect it from dryness. The main challenges oily hair women experience are lack of hair definition, dryness, tangles, shrinkage, and breakage. You can rock your beautiful coils if you take the right steps for hair health, moisture, and styling products that do not dry.


  • The higher the hair texture, the harder it is to maintain, and the worse it looks unkept.
  • Types 1A to Types 4A are good hair.
  • Type 1 hair has over-oily problems, Type 4 hair has over-dryness problems. Type 2 and Type 3 hair are in between but Type 2 may have minor oil problems and Type 3 may have more over-dryness problems.
  • I humbly believe that Type 4B and Type 4C hair is ultra-difficult to maintain and looks like subhuman dogshit when not maintained. Remember that Type 4 hair serves better protection purposes than aesthetic purposes. The hair is naturally dry as hell, frizzy as hell, coarse, fragile, irritating to work with, looks much shorter than it actually is, easy to break, shrinks in water, and is super hard to make look good, rendering it a high effort, low reward hair texture. I am NOT saying it is impossible to make it look good (check the beautiful women below with Type 4B+ Hair), but extremely, extremely, extremely difficult to make it look good. Latin Americans & Caribbeans weren't lying when they talked about "pelo bueno" (good hair) and "pelo malo" (bad hair). Anyone with these hair types should either change their hairstyle to looser textures (Type 2C/3C is the limit depending on phenotype or else you'll start looking uncanny), get waves (which is actually flattened Type 3 hair), or get a medium-long hairstyle, like braids, twists, an afro if you can properly pull it off, etc., and make sure to get them redone consistently and taken care of properly, every day, or else they'll frizz up and end up looking like subhuman shit.
  • For the people who wear poo-rags in public. Please don't do that unless you're trying to attract Shaniquas or an 8/10+ male.

Head Shapes, Haircuts, and Lengths​

This one is crucial as you'll need to achieve harmony with your hair and head shape, a failure to do that will have you looking bad or at least, not good. Here is an example

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Ideally, he would need as much hair on top of his head that he can which gives the appearance that the upper part of his head isn't rounded as well. This is an example of head shape to hair disharmony. Major occipital protrusion should also be covered in my opinion. It looks weak and ugly.

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Head Shape List and Haircut Advice​

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To know what head shape you have, I recommend you to download an app on your mobile device or find a website that can calculate your head shape, take a picture of yourself and upload it, and do it a few times (for certainty), and voila! You've found your head shape! All head-shape-specific advice can be found above.

For hair length, I personally forbid any person from getting hair past their collarbones. In this scenario, unless you can SERIOUSLY pull it off, I do not recommend doing this as this will make you look gay. Medium-length haircuts look the best in my opinion. Short and long hair are niches.


This part is crucial, once you have detected your hair type, check your advice for your specific type down below.
  • Type 1 Hair​

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1. Wash your hair regularly.​

Maintaining a regular wash schedule is critical to controlling your oil production, as this kind of hair is prone to doing. It’s recommended you wash your hair every two to three days to keep it clean and also give it some oomph. Refreshed hair always tends to look a little bit more voluminous than dirty hair. Be careful not to wash it too often, because that can actually cause your strands to produce more oil. And we don’t want that now, do we?

2. Use cold water to rinse your strands.​

When you wash your hair, cold water is best. It doesn’t need to be ice cold so make it comfortable. Washing your hair with cold water not only rids the scalp of impurities, dirt, oil, and the like but also will keep your hair cleaner for longer. This will come in handy on those days you can’t be bothered to wash your hair, even if it’s been a few days since a rise already.

3. Don’t overdo it with hair products.​

Your thin, flat, fine hair may have you reaching for all the hair products—put them down. You don’t need them. Using too many of them will actually make things worse. They’ll only weigh down your lifeless strands and can even make them appear greasier than they already are. Avoid things that increase moisture in your hair, this will actively make it worse. This kind of hair needs shampoo the most though. Once every other day is best.

4. Don’t go to bed with wet hair.​

Sleeping on wet strands is a huge no-no for those with Type 1hair. Doing so will create unnecessary (and unwanted) frizz, while also tangling your tresses. Avoid this by going to bed with dry hair. If you must go to bed with wet or damp strands, spritz on some leave-in conditioner for some added slip and protection.

5. Schedule regular hair trims.​

Trimming your dead ends will add some life and fullness back into your limp strands. The longer you go without cutting your hair, the more weighed down they’ll be. So, get trims on a regular basis. Talking to your hairstylist can help you determine what that maintenance looks like for you.

  • Type 2 Hair​

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1. Find a Shampoo for Wavy Hair.​

Over-washing curly hair can strip away the natural oils your hair needs to stay shiny and healthy-looking. Because curly and wavy hair is naturally drier than straight hair, shampooing once a week is enough to clean without stripping away too much moisture. When you do shampoo, use a shampoo for wavy (curly is fine as well) hair with a gentle and hydrating frizz-fighting formula.

2. Condition—A LOT!​

Look for a thick, deeply curl-defining conditioner infused with hydrating oils and other moisturizing ingredients like glycerin. Apply conditioner both before and after shampooing to soften and detangle your curls. On no ‘poo days, refresh your curls by just using conditioner in the shower.

3. Deep Condition Often.​

Skipping the shower today? Work in a nourishing, frizz-fighting hair oil on dry hair to keep your curls feeling soft and hydrated without losing their bounce. For extra dry, frizzy curls, try a smoothing hair mask once a week.

4. Strike a Balance Between Moisture and Strength.​

As important as it is to keep your wavy hair hydrated, it is important to protect your hair’s strength, structure, and elasticity. When looking for products for your wavy hair, look for formulas that contain vital nutrients and silk proteins. These formulas are known to strengthen and define your curls.

5. Lay off the Heat.​

When it comes to hair, heat equals dryness and damage. And as we’ve learned, curly hair is already dry by nature. Instead of using heat tools, rely on curl-defining products like air dry wave foam for your hair. And if you must blow-dry, use a diffuser on the lowest setting to disperse the heat and minimize friction. When you shower, rinse your locks with cool water to seal the cuticle and lock in moisture.

  • Type 3 Hair​

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1. Choose Shampoo Wisely​

Washing your hair is the first and foremost step in any hair care routine irrespective of the hair texture. Washing or cleaning ensures that there is no dust, excess oil, dead skin cells, and product buildup on your scalp.

Use a mild shampoo free of toxic chemicals like sulfates, silicones, alcohols, and parabens that can irritate your scalp. Sulfates are lathering agents while parabens are preservatives used in your hair care products. Switch to mild surfactants, fragrance-free, sulfate-free, silicon-free, and paraben-free formulas in your shampoos.

2. Avoid Excessive Shampooing​

Curly hair tends to become dry easily. Excessively shampooing your hair can suck out its natural moisture. Also, look for moisturizing ingredients in your conditioner. Conditioning makes sure that your hair cuticle is sealed and protected against environmental damage.

3. Pre-Shampoo Treatment​

Pre-shampoo treatment is bliss for those with curly hair. It helps in detangling and removing the frizz from your hair.

Apply a hair mask or a conditioning oil to your dry hair by separating out sections of hair. Leave in the conditioner for 20 minutes. You can put on a shower cap or a towel to trap some heat and open up the cuticle. This ensures that the conditioner penetrates your hair well.

4. Never Brush Curly Hair​

Resist the urge to brush curly hair. Use a wide-toothed comb on your curly hair before shampooing. After washing your hair, simply run your fingers through your hair. Never ever brush your wet hair as it is more prone to breakage and damage.

5. Hair Styling With Moderate Heat​

The high temperature from heat styling tools can remove the natural texture of your curls, making them dull and lifeless. Limit the use of heat styling and use a good heat protectant spray whenever you can't avoid it. Use moderate heat and a diffuser to protect your naturally beautiful curls.

Woman combing her curly hair

6. Use A Very Wide-toothed Comb​

Use a wide-toothed comb to remove the tangles in your curly hair. Comb from bottom to up to remove the knots if any. Each curl can be considered as a potential breaking point, handling gently is the way to go. A hairbrush can mess with your natural hair texture and can cause damage to your hair.

7. Always Use Cold Water For Hair​

Hot water showers strip off the natural oil or sebum from your scalp and hair. It can also open up the cuticle making the hair strands prone to frizz and breakage. Coldwater rinses are your safest bet whether you are shampooing or conditioning your hair.

8. Trim To Avoid Split Ends​

Get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks to get rid of the split ends and damaged hair. Curly hair needs to look and feel healthy.

9. Curly Hair Sleep Routine​

Haircare experts swear by the pineapple trick as part of the sleep routine for curly hair. Pile all your hair on top of your head into a bun or a loose ponytail. This way, there is less friction between your hair and the pillowcase. Switch to satin or silk pillowcases instead of cotton cases to reduce friction.

10. Try Natural Treatments For Healthy Curly Hair​

Use hair masks containing natural ingredients for your curly hair:

  • Make a mask of olive oil, eggs, vinegar, and mayonnaise and apply it to your hair. Rinse with a mild shampoo after 30 minutes. While eggs provide protein to your hair, mayonnaise adds moisture and shine to the dry curls.
  • Avocados are rich in vitamin B, E, and good fats. Mash a ripe avocado with a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply this mask on to your curly hair and leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash off with a gentle shampoo.
Apple cider vinegar, milk, fenugreek seeds, and hibiscus are all great natural treatments to have healthy curly hair.

11. Moisturize​

No matter what the hair texture or type, the basic rules of hair care remain the same. Oiling your hair improves blood circulation to the scalp and promotes healthy hair growth.

Our product development executive, Prutha B Nawale says, “Natural oils are a rich source of vitamin E and fatty acids. These fatty acids help to lock the moisture in your hair. That’s how natural oils control frizz and improve the manageability of curly hair. Massaging natural oils on the scalp boosts blood circulation and promotes hair growth.”

  • Use light and non-greasy coconut oil for curly hair. Use your fingertips to massage the oil onto your scalp. You can apply coconut oil before bedtime and wash it the morning after. Alternatively, you can also apply oil an hour before shampooing your hair.
  • Olive oil is a great treatment for your curly hair. It adds a lot of moisture to your dry locks. Take 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil in a bowl and heat for a minute. Apply evenly on your scalp and hair with your fingertips. Wrap a warm towel over your head and rinse off the oil with a mild shampoo after 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Castor oil is a lesser-known ingredient when it comes to oiling your hair. The reason is its stickiness. But castor oil is a wonder in itself. It can moisturize your curly hair and add shine. Haircare experts recommend using castor oil before bedtime and washing the next morning.

Jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, argan oil, grapeseed oil, avocado oil, rose oil, and ayurvedic oils like amla, Brahmi, neem, and bhringraj can also be used for curly hair.

What Should You Not Do With Curly Hair?​

  • Do not wash your curly hair every day as it can remove all the natural oils.
  • Never sleep on a cotton pillowcase as it can create friction between the strands.
  • Do not do heat styling often as it can strip off the moisture from your curls.
  • Do not let your hair remain in tight ponytails all the time. The pulling can cause scalp pain.
  • Never settle for one-size-fits-all products. Go for products that are created for your hair type.
  • Most importantly, do not compare your hair with straight hair or other hair types. Learn to embrace your curls.

How Often Should You Wash Your Hair If You Have Curly Hair?​

Wash your hair once every 2 or 3 days. Washing every day removes all the natural oils from your hair. If you are a gym addict, wash your hair with a conditioner in between your shampooing sessions.

How Do You Keep Your Hair Curly?​

  • You can skip the conditioner once in a while to keep those curls intact.
  • Use a curl cream on your hair to define the curls. Avoid using too much product as it can weigh down your hair.
  • Use sponge rollers or hairpins to roll up your hair.
  • Hair sprays and hair gels can also keep the curly hairstyles in place.

Gentle hair care, limited heat styling, and all the above tips are all it takes to keep your tight coils or looser waves in shape. Avoid excessive shampooing and flaunt your curly hair with the hairstyles mentioned above.

  • Type 4 Hair​

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Type 4 hair is the most delicate hair texture that exists and as such requires extra care and attention. If there is anything to take away here, is to MOISTURIZE! Caring for type 4 hair requires gentle handling and should be styled with as little manipulation as possible in order to promote length retention, volume, and growth. Natural type 4 hair should be well maintained due to its fragile state and with a little TLC and a delicate touch, your natural hair will grow longer, stronger and healthier.

Washing tips​

Shampoo infrequently, once a week tops. Ideally every two weeks. You could go for three months without shampooing and you'd be fine honestly. Experiment with your regimen to see what works for your hair. Remember that once your hair is wet it is in its most fragile state and will be more prone to tangles which lead to breakage. Handle your hair with care!

Concentrate shampoos on your scalp and not the lengths and ends of your hair. Avoid sulfates at all costs, along with any other ingredients that dry out your hair such as silicones and parabens.

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Use lots of conditioner on wet hair to help with moisture and detangling, and look for products with a lot of slip. Be gentle; your curls are fragile. Using a wide-toothed comb will help remove tangles and help disperse conditioners throughout your hair. After shampooing, use a deep moisturizing conditioner to rehydrate your hair.
Moisturize every day with a leave-in conditioner, moisturizer, or steam to keep your curls soft and hydrated at ALL TIMES!!! You can also use intense hydration products to make this work even better. You'll know if you're doing this right if your hair is NOT dry when you touch it throughout the day.

Use oils to seal moisture into your hair at the ends to enhance your curls and keep frizz at bay. Apply oils to the roots to keep them in optimal health.

Deep Conditioning​

Deep condition every 1-2 weeks to add moisture and nourishing ingredients to your hair to keep it strong and free from damage. If your hair feels weak or lacks elasticity, use a protein conditioner to strengthen the hair follicles and prevent breakage. Type 4C hair, in particular, needs to be deeply conditioned once a week to soften, strengthen and moisturize the hair. We would recommend using hair butters, natural oils, and natural moisturizers.
Ensure that you wrap your hair in a silk hair wrap or sleep on a silk pillowcase to protect your hair from rubbing against cotton, reducing bed head and tangles, and helping your hair to retain the moisture you worked so hair to put back into your hair.


For coloring, it is important to achieve harmony as well with your skin and your clothing, I will cover on this briefly but you first need to detect if you're warm-colored or cool-colored. Then follow this guide here. For more information on coloring, click here.

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How To Change Your Hair Texture

  • From Straight or Wavy to Curly
    • Get a perm + using curl activating and curling creams
  • From Straight to Wavy
    • Use curling wands lightly
    • Use curling creams and curling creams + styling creams and hold creams
  • From Wavy or Curly to Straight
    • Use a straightening brush
    • Ironing your hair
    • Keratin Treatment
    • Blow-dry + brush it straight + styling and holding cream
    • Watch Alex Costa on YouTube! He is the best at this stuff and I can attest to you on that!
  • From Curly to Wavy
    • Blow-dry + brush it straight with some waves + styling and holding cream
    • Use a straightening brush lightly
  • From Kinky to Curly (Training your Hair)
    • Hair Texturizers
    • Moisturizing, and taking care of your hair consistently! (You'll know if you're doing well if your hair is NOT dry when you touch it)
    • Training your hair to become curly (the same way people with waves train their hair by consistently brushing) by caring for it hyper-consistently, and twisting the curls onto your hair while it's moisturized (Search it up on YouTube!)

    • Now Here are more tips on how to successfully move from kinky to curly hair. Since this section was designed specifically to change hair texture, this is what will be discussed.
      • Assuming we are working on kept, moisturized, and maintained type 4 hair (Pre-Requisite), we can use curling Activators and enhancers, these products loosen the hair texture, a link to one I recommend is here (6 USD): Click Here. This won't work on dry and nappy hair!
      • Another thing I HEAVILY RECOMMEND is using this set of shampoo, conditioner, and curl enhancer smoothie. This will work wonders for your hair as you'll over time modify how the roots of your hair will grow, so you'll naturally grow curly hair with repetitive use. Also, you'll be able to define your curls using the conditioner provided in this set (making them pop out). The CURL ENHANCING SMOOTHIE IS KING! (32 USD) Click Here.
      • Using a styling cream (regardless of texture) makes everything look much better and holds the styled hair. Use this in tandem with the products above
      • Please use a detangling brush, this type of hair is severely prone to tangling and you want to make sure you get rid of all tangles!!!
      • I recommend doing this procedure for going from kinky to curly.
        • Step 1: Ensure your hair is moisturized and hydrated and that you have sufficiently long enough hair. Make sure it's conditioned as well.
        • Step 2: Apply the leave-in conditioner (8.50 USD) throughout your hair. Your hair should be very moisturized now! It MUST BE DAMP AND MOISTURIZED TO THE POINT AFRICAN CHILDREN WILL BE THIRSTY FOR THE MOISTURE IN YOUR HAIR! ABSOLUTE NECESSITY AND A PRE-REQUISITE!
        • Step 3: Apply the curling smoothie throughout your hair
        • Step 4: Use the styling cream and detangle your hair, you'll see the curls coming in nicely!
        • Step 5: From here on out, it's my recommendations. Get the curling activator and enhancer product and apply this to your hair, especially your roots!
        • Step 6: Apply this product here as the final thing to your fabulous new hair now! This product eliminates and defends against frizz, moisturizes, makes your hair SHINE, and also straightens your hair a bit as well! This will also define your curls!: Link Here (12 USD)
        • Step 7: Clean your face of any products to prevent acne.
      • For more elaboration, watch this video and plenty of other similar ones like this!
      • Note: Moisture is key! As you gradually train your hair to become curly instead of kinky, you will likely need to cut down on it since you'll no longer have the same hair texture and you'll start to need to play by type 3 rules instead of type 4 rules. You can use my type three guide above if you've ascended.
        She's actually changing her hair texture but claims she's defining type 4 curls. Great video nonetheless!

  • From Kinky To Wavy (2C)
    • All of the advice above but add a little bit of the straightening brush or straightening iron to it.
    • You must be light-skinned enough (bones + skin tone) to do this though or else you'll look a severe tryhard.


  • For haircuts, I advise you to go on Pinterest, it is your best friend. Search up "Type [Insert Number Here] Haircuts for Men" and feed off the inspiration there.
  • For haircuts, I recommend making sure it looks nice and crisp, not a weak and poorly done haircut. Go to the barber or do your haircut every two weeks.
  • Make sure your edges are well done and make sure to correct any errors in your hairline.
  • If you have dandruff, make sure to tackle that with special shampoos and conditioners as well. Reduce the oil in your hair, as dandruff feeds off of oil!
  • Use Forte Series for elite hold on your hair to create volume
  • Straight-haired people should not be moisturizing their hair, instead, they should be fighting excess moisture.
  • Wavy-haired people should be accepting of a little additional moisture, especially if it's type 2C.
  • Curly-haired people should be moisturized.
  • Kinky-haired people should literally drown their hair in as much moisture as possible, for as long as possible. Hell, wear a cap to bed to trap it all in!
  • Research styling creams that will help you get the desired result in your hair
  • Fermented rice water smells horrible but will make your hair grow so much quicker, like literally 4x growth.
  • Make sure the water you use isn't highly chemicalized, burning water. Use a water filter on your showerhead and use cold water.
  • Don't have nutritional deficiencies, stress, depression, etc. It makes you prone to hair loss, shedding, and poor hair quality.
  • If you're norwooding, get Keeps immediately, get a hair loss cap, get some minoxidil and a derma roller and start derma rolling and applying minoxidil as soon as possible! Finasteride, biotin, peppermint oil, PRP therapy, anything to keep the Norwood reaper away!
  • Trim your pubic hair, trim your excess body hair (Yes, I am looking at you, Meditteranean Genes Holder)
  • Take care of your beard, make sure it's soft and not spiky as shit!!! Use beard oils and other products to take care of it. Use a beard shaping tool, a beard kit, and razors (elite quality ones!) to optimize your beard's aesthetics
  • Derma-roller + Minoxidil Combo (peppermint oil can be added) on your beard for patchy beards, or increase your testosterone levels using Ashwagandha, steroids, or other ways to increase testosterone.
  • Curly hair must be defined! Curly hair doesn't look its best undefined. The curls have to "pop" and not look dull. This is crucial for curly-haired people!
  • You can use the same advice for eyebrows.
  • For straight-haired and wavy-haired people, you know how important volume is. Using the right brushing techniques, volume creams, etc. You can get your desired volume. Search Alex Costa on YouTube for more info. He's literally a hair god!
  • Your body should be ideally perfectly trimmed at all times, fresh haircut, fresh beard, trimmed body, trimmed pubic and ball hair, etc.
  • If you have type 4 hair, and you're growing your hair out and are in that awkward stage, I recommend accelerating the hair growth, rice water, moisturizing, etc, to get out of it and either ascend into a long hairstyle like braids or ascend to type three hair. Unkept Type 4 hair is the worst!
  • Make sure you have a good hairline, get a hair transplant to lower your hairline, or fix the sides of your hairline (if they're too far). This can ascend some people combined with good hair though.
  • Restrict dying/bleaching your hair to an absolute minimum, especially at your roots, it damages your hair
  • Restrict using texturizers that have heavy chemicals, same reason as above.
  • Avoid touching your hair, can cause damage, breakage, and strip oils away.
  • You can use colored conditioners and shampoos to change your hair color without dying it.
  • Avoid over-wetting hair, make your hair prone to hair loss due to damage to your cuticles.
  • Avoid heat damage at all costs!
  • Look into styling creams and holding creams!
  • Kinds of brushes to use based on your hair type
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Take care of your hair, get a nice haircut, get some nice coloring, and take care of extraneous hairs (beard, pubic, ball, body hair)
Please like and comment, I can't be making BOTB-worthy content so consistently and have you NOT show appreciation.

Damn Syrian psycho mf copy pasted this exact same shit onto his guide.

Hair Looksmaxxing Guide: Good Hair EQUALS Good Life​

Table Of Contents​

  • Introduction
  • Hair Textures
  • Head Shapes, Haircuts, and Length
  • Maintenance
  • Coloring
  • How To Change Your Hair Texture
  • Advice
  • Conclusion​


If anyone is more black-pilled about hair, it has to be me. I was black-pilled at the ripe age of 4. On the first day of kindergarten, I was called "baldie" by this Mexican Girl and she would always make me feel insecure about my hair. My father thought it was the "clean" thing to do to shave all of my hair follicles off, this ended up shaping my entire life. I was constantly taunted (by everyone, not just her) for being bald and it left me with very few friends. Add that on top of having a peanut head and you know I was a bullying target. My father was my barber and refused to do anything otherwise and had me oblige to get a haircut every three weeks. When it was time to get my haircut, my heart dropped as I would know how differently I would get treated the next day. The top of my head felt exposed, I embodied insecurity. I would commonly wear jackets from 6th to 9th and put the hood on as much as I could to hide my head.

In sixth grade, I wore this hat to cover my shaved head in front of my crush. We were walking down the hallway (she was on the other side walking to her class, and I was on the other side of the hallway walking to my class) and our classes are right next to each other and her teacher, in front of her face, yanked and confiscated my hat, she tried to hold in her laugh but I already know what had happened...
In seventh grade, I was the grade level's #1 target for getting head slapped like this.

In eighth grade, I got a haircut (bald) and I walked into class and she is in the class with my other crush. I kneel down near the designated backpack area, grabbed my stuff out of my backpack, and while I was doing so, I hear laughter, so I turned around and they were both staring at me, making fun of me, I knew exactly what they were doing, making fun of me. All of this was and still is the source of my low self esteem.

It got so bad that I decided to learn how to do my own hair as this was the only way I would get control of my hair the summer after 9th Grade. I did it and the way I was treated after growing my hair out slightly longer and getting taller was shocking. I was still prone to mistreatment but it went from 60 to 25.
We will go over some necessary information and then we will cover how we can apply this.

Hair Textures​

Your hair texture is obviously determined by mostly your genetics but also can be influenced by environmental factors, such as certain nutrients or nutrient deficiencies. The amount of curl, wave, or lack thereof, is dependent on the number of bonds between hair proteins found in the hair shaft. The more the curlier and the less, the straighter.

The 12 Major Hair Types:​

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Straight hair is classified as a 1. Straight hair reflects the most sheen. It is also the most resilient hair of all of the hair types. It is hard to damage and next to impossible to curl this hair texture. Because the sebum (natural oil produced in the sebaceous glands of the scalp) gently works its way from the scalp to the ends without the interference of curls or kinks, it is the oiliest hair texture of all.

Wavy hair is classified as a 2. Wavy hair lies somewhere between straight and curly hair. It also imparts sheen, more than curly hair, but less than straight hair. The further down the wavy spectrum you go the less sheen the hair will impart. Wavy hair is typically more prone to frizz. While type A waves can easily alternate between straight and curly styles, type B and C Wavy hair is resistant to styling.

Curly hair is classified as a 3. If you pull a strand of type 3 curly, you will notice it has a definite S shape. Granted, the S may be a lower case s or upper case S, or it may even resemble a Z on some occasions…however, there is a definite curl pattern in place, with or without products. This hair type is full-bodied, climate-dependent (humidity = frizz), and damage-prone. Lack of proper care renders dull curls (Which you can not afford).

Kinky hair is classified as a 4. Despite many misconceptions, this tightly coiled hair is quite fine and fragile. It is wiry, and delicate by nature. Each strand usually has a zig-zag pattern. A misconception exists that this hair type does not grow. Coily hair grows at the same rate as other textures, however, if not treated properly it breaks more than other textures. Treat this hair type like a fine silk blouse – cleanse gently, detangle softly, and avoid harsh chemicals. Coily hair is the driest hair type, thus it is more prone to breakage and requires a gentle touch. On the surface, kinky hair may seem robust, but it is actually the most fragile of all hair textures because coily hair contains the fewest cuticle layers to protect it from dryness. The main challenges oily hair women experience are lack of hair definition, dryness, tangles, shrinkage, and breakage. You can rock your beautiful coils if you take the right steps for hair health, moisture, and styling products that do not dry.


  • The higher the hair texture, the harder it is to maintain, and the worse it looks unkept.
  • Types 1A to Types 4A are good hair.
  • Type 1 hair has over-oily problems, Type 4 hair has over-dryness problems. Type 2 and Type 3 hair are in between but Type 2 may have minor oil problems and Type 3 may have more over-dryness problems.
  • I humbly believe that Type 4B and Type 4C hair is ultra-difficult to maintain and looks like subhuman dogshit when not maintained. Remember that Type 4 hair serves better protection purposes than aesthetic purposes. The hair is naturally dry as hell, frizzy as hell, coarse, fragile, irritating to work with, looks much shorter than it actually is, easy to break, shrinks in water, and is super hard to make look good, rendering it a high effort, low reward hair texture. I am NOT saying it is impossible to make it look good (check the beautiful women below with Type 4B+ Hair), but extremely, extremely, extremely difficult to make it look good. Latin Americans & Caribbeans weren't lying when they talked about "pelo bueno" (good hair) and "pelo malo" (bad hair). Anyone with these hair types should either change their hairstyle to looser textures (Type 2C/3C is the limit depending on phenotype or else you'll start looking uncanny), get waves (which is actually flattened Type 3 hair), or get a medium-long hairstyle, like braids, twists, an afro if you can properly pull it off, etc., and make sure to get them redone consistently and taken care of properly, every day, or else they'll frizz up and end up looking like subhuman shit.
  • For the people who wear poo-rags in public. Please don't do that unless you're trying to attract Shaniquas or an 8/10+ male.

Head Shapes, Haircuts, and Lengths​

This one is crucial as you'll need to achieve harmony with your hair and head shape, a failure to do that will have you looking bad or at least, not good. Here is an example

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Ideally, he would need as much hair on top of his head that he can which gives the appearance that the upper part of his head isn't rounded as well. This is an example of head shape to hair disharmony. Major occipital protrusion should also be covered in my opinion. It looks weak and ugly.

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Head Shape List and Haircut Advice​

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To know what head shape you have, I recommend you to download an app on your mobile device or find a website that can calculate your head shape, take a picture of yourself and upload it, and do it a few times (for certainty), and voila! You've found your head shape! All head-shape-specific advice can be found above.

For hair length, I personally forbid any person from getting hair past their collarbones. In this scenario, unless you can SERIOUSLY pull it off, I do not recommend doing this as this will make you look gay. Medium-length haircuts look the best in my opinion. Short and long hair are niches.


This part is crucial, once you have detected your hair type, check your advice for your specific type down below.
  • Type 1 Hair​

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1. Wash your hair regularly.​

Maintaining a regular wash schedule is critical to controlling your oil production, as this kind of hair is prone to doing. It’s recommended you wash your hair every two to three days to keep it clean and also give it some oomph. Refreshed hair always tends to look a little bit more voluminous than dirty hair. Be careful not to wash it too often, because that can actually cause your strands to produce more oil. And we don’t want that now, do we?

2. Use cold water to rinse your strands.​

When you wash your hair, cold water is best. It doesn’t need to be ice cold so make it comfortable. Washing your hair with cold water not only rids the scalp of impurities, dirt, oil, and the like but also will keep your hair cleaner for longer. This will come in handy on those days you can’t be bothered to wash your hair, even if it’s been a few days since a rise already.

3. Don’t overdo it with hair products.​

Your thin, flat, fine hair may have you reaching for all the hair products—put them down. You don’t need them. Using too many of them will actually make things worse. They’ll only weigh down your lifeless strands and can even make them appear greasier than they already are. Avoid things that increase moisture in your hair, this will actively make it worse. This kind of hair needs shampoo the most though. Once every other day is best.

4. Don’t go to bed with wet hair.​

Sleeping on wet strands is a huge no-no for those with Type 1hair. Doing so will create unnecessary (and unwanted) frizz, while also tangling your tresses. Avoid this by going to bed with dry hair. If you must go to bed with wet or damp strands, spritz on some leave-in conditioner for some added slip and protection.

5. Schedule regular hair trims.​

Trimming your dead ends will add some life and fullness back into your limp strands. The longer you go without cutting your hair, the more weighed down they’ll be. So, get trims on a regular basis. Talking to your hairstylist can help you determine what that maintenance looks like for you.

  • Type 2 Hair​

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1. Find a Shampoo for Wavy Hair.​

Over-washing curly hair can strip away the natural oils your hair needs to stay shiny and healthy-looking. Because curly and wavy hair is naturally drier than straight hair, shampooing once a week is enough to clean without stripping away too much moisture. When you do shampoo, use a shampoo for wavy (curly is fine as well) hair with a gentle and hydrating frizz-fighting formula.

2. Condition—A LOT!​

Look for a thick, deeply curl-defining conditioner infused with hydrating oils and other moisturizing ingredients like glycerin. Apply conditioner both before and after shampooing to soften and detangle your curls. On no ‘poo days, refresh your curls by just using conditioner in the shower.

3. Deep Condition Often.​

Skipping the shower today? Work in a nourishing, frizz-fighting hair oil on dry hair to keep your curls feeling soft and hydrated without losing their bounce. For extra dry, frizzy curls, try a smoothing hair mask once a week.

4. Strike a Balance Between Moisture and Strength.​

As important as it is to keep your wavy hair hydrated, it is important to protect your hair’s strength, structure, and elasticity. When looking for products for your wavy hair, look for formulas that contain vital nutrients and silk proteins. These formulas are known to strengthen and define your curls.

5. Lay off the Heat.​

When it comes to hair, heat equals dryness and damage. And as we’ve learned, curly hair is already dry by nature. Instead of using heat tools, rely on curl-defining products like air dry wave foam for your hair. And if you must blow-dry, use a diffuser on the lowest setting to disperse the heat and minimize friction. When you shower, rinse your locks with cool water to seal the cuticle and lock in moisture.

  • Type 3 Hair​

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1. Choose Shampoo Wisely​

Washing your hair is the first and foremost step in any hair care routine irrespective of the hair texture. Washing or cleaning ensures that there is no dust, excess oil, dead skin cells, and product buildup on your scalp.

Use a mild shampoo free of toxic chemicals like sulfates, silicones, alcohols, and parabens that can irritate your scalp. Sulfates are lathering agents while parabens are preservatives used in your hair care products. Switch to mild surfactants, fragrance-free, sulfate-free, silicon-free, and paraben-free formulas in your shampoos.

2. Avoid Excessive Shampooing​

Curly hair tends to become dry easily. Excessively shampooing your hair can suck out its natural moisture. Also, look for moisturizing ingredients in your conditioner. Conditioning makes sure that your hair cuticle is sealed and protected against environmental damage.

3. Pre-Shampoo Treatment​

Pre-shampoo treatment is bliss for those with curly hair. It helps in detangling and removing the frizz from your hair.

Apply a hair mask or a conditioning oil to your dry hair by separating out sections of hair. Leave in the conditioner for 20 minutes. You can put on a shower cap or a towel to trap some heat and open up the cuticle. This ensures that the conditioner penetrates your hair well.

4. Never Brush Curly Hair​

Resist the urge to brush curly hair. Use a wide-toothed comb on your curly hair before shampooing. After washing your hair, simply run your fingers through your hair. Never ever brush your wet hair as it is more prone to breakage and damage.

5. Hair Styling With Moderate Heat​

The high temperature from heat styling tools can remove the natural texture of your curls, making them dull and lifeless. Limit the use of heat styling and use a good heat protectant spray whenever you can't avoid it. Use moderate heat and a diffuser to protect your naturally beautiful curls.

Woman combing her curly hair

6. Use A Very Wide-toothed Comb​

Use a wide-toothed comb to remove the tangles in your curly hair. Comb from bottom to up to remove the knots if any. Each curl can be considered as a potential breaking point, handling gently is the way to go. A hairbrush can mess with your natural hair texture and can cause damage to your hair.

7. Always Use Cold Water For Hair​

Hot water showers strip off the natural oil or sebum from your scalp and hair. It can also open up the cuticle making the hair strands prone to frizz and breakage. Coldwater rinses are your safest bet whether you are shampooing or conditioning your hair.

8. Trim To Avoid Split Ends​

Get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks to get rid of the split ends and damaged hair. Curly hair needs to look and feel healthy.

9. Curly Hair Sleep Routine​

Haircare experts swear by the pineapple trick as part of the sleep routine for curly hair. Pile all your hair on top of your head into a bun or a loose ponytail. This way, there is less friction between your hair and the pillowcase. Switch to satin or silk pillowcases instead of cotton cases to reduce friction.

10. Try Natural Treatments For Healthy Curly Hair​

Use hair masks containing natural ingredients for your curly hair:

  • Make a mask of olive oil, eggs, vinegar, and mayonnaise and apply it to your hair. Rinse with a mild shampoo after 30 minutes. While eggs provide protein to your hair, mayonnaise adds moisture and shine to the dry curls.
  • Avocados are rich in vitamin B, E, and good fats. Mash a ripe avocado with a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply this mask on to your curly hair and leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash off with a gentle shampoo.
Apple cider vinegar, milk, fenugreek seeds, and hibiscus are all great natural treatments to have healthy curly hair.

11. Moisturize​

No matter what the hair texture or type, the basic rules of hair care remain the same. Oiling your hair improves blood circulation to the scalp and promotes healthy hair growth.

Our product development executive, Prutha B Nawale says, “Natural oils are a rich source of vitamin E and fatty acids. These fatty acids help to lock the moisture in your hair. That’s how natural oils control frizz and improve the manageability of curly hair. Massaging natural oils on the scalp boosts blood circulation and promotes hair growth.”

  • Use light and non-greasy coconut oil for curly hair. Use your fingertips to massage the oil onto your scalp. You can apply coconut oil before bedtime and wash it the morning after. Alternatively, you can also apply oil an hour before shampooing your hair.
  • Olive oil is a great treatment for your curly hair. It adds a lot of moisture to your dry locks. Take 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil in a bowl and heat for a minute. Apply evenly on your scalp and hair with your fingertips. Wrap a warm towel over your head and rinse off the oil with a mild shampoo after 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Castor oil is a lesser-known ingredient when it comes to oiling your hair. The reason is its stickiness. But castor oil is a wonder in itself. It can moisturize your curly hair and add shine. Haircare experts recommend using castor oil before bedtime and washing the next morning.

Jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, argan oil, grapeseed oil, avocado oil, rose oil, and ayurvedic oils like amla, Brahmi, neem, and bhringraj can also be used for curly hair.

What Should You Not Do With Curly Hair?​

  • Do not wash your curly hair every day as it can remove all the natural oils.
  • Never sleep on a cotton pillowcase as it can create friction between the strands.
  • Do not do heat styling often as it can strip off the moisture from your curls.
  • Do not let your hair remain in tight ponytails all the time. The pulling can cause scalp pain.
  • Never settle for one-size-fits-all products. Go for products that are created for your hair type.
  • Most importantly, do not compare your hair with straight hair or other hair types. Learn to embrace your curls.

How Often Should You Wash Your Hair If You Have Curly Hair?​

Wash your hair once every 2 or 3 days. Washing every day removes all the natural oils from your hair. If you are a gym addict, wash your hair with a conditioner in between your shampooing sessions.

How Do You Keep Your Hair Curly?​

  • You can skip the conditioner once in a while to keep those curls intact.
  • Use a curl cream on your hair to define the curls. Avoid using too much product as it can weigh down your hair.
  • Use sponge rollers or hairpins to roll up your hair.
  • Hair sprays and hair gels can also keep the curly hairstyles in place.

Gentle hair care, limited heat styling, and all the above tips are all it takes to keep your tight coils or looser waves in shape. Avoid excessive shampooing and flaunt your curly hair with the hairstyles mentioned above.

  • Type 4 Hair​

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Type 4 hair is the most delicate hair texture that exists and as such requires extra care and attention. If there is anything to take away here, is to MOISTURIZE! Caring for type 4 hair requires gentle handling and should be styled with as little manipulation as possible in order to promote length retention, volume, and growth. Natural type 4 hair should be well maintained due to its fragile state and with a little TLC and a delicate touch, your natural hair will grow longer, stronger and healthier.

Washing tips​

Shampoo infrequently, once a week tops. Ideally every two weeks. You could go for three months without shampooing and you'd be fine honestly. Experiment with your regimen to see what works for your hair. Remember that once your hair is wet it is in its most fragile state and will be more prone to tangles which lead to breakage. Handle your hair with care!

Concentrate shampoos on your scalp and not the lengths and ends of your hair. Avoid sulfates at all costs, along with any other ingredients that dry out your hair such as silicones and parabens.

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Use lots of conditioner on wet hair to help with moisture and detangling, and look for products with a lot of slip. Be gentle; your curls are fragile. Using a wide-toothed comb will help remove tangles and help disperse conditioners throughout your hair. After shampooing, use a deep moisturizing conditioner to rehydrate your hair.
Moisturize every day with a leave-in conditioner, moisturizer, or steam to keep your curls soft and hydrated at ALL TIMES!!! You can also use intense hydration products to make this work even better. You'll know if you're doing this right if your hair is NOT dry when you touch it throughout the day.

Use oils to seal moisture into your hair at the ends to enhance your curls and keep frizz at bay. Apply oils to the roots to keep them in optimal health.

Deep Conditioning​

Deep condition every 1-2 weeks to add moisture and nourishing ingredients to your hair to keep it strong and free from damage. If your hair feels weak or lacks elasticity, use a protein conditioner to strengthen the hair follicles and prevent breakage. Type 4C hair, in particular, needs to be deeply conditioned once a week to soften, strengthen and moisturize the hair. We would recommend using hair butters, natural oils, and natural moisturizers.
Ensure that you wrap your hair in a silk hair wrap or sleep on a silk pillowcase to protect your hair from rubbing against cotton, reducing bed head and tangles, and helping your hair to retain the moisture you worked so hair to put back into your hair.


For coloring, it is important to achieve harmony as well with your skin and your clothing, I will cover on this briefly but you first need to detect if you're warm-colored or cool-colored. Then follow this guide here. For more information on coloring, click here.

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How To Change Your Hair Texture

  • From Straight or Wavy to Curly
    • Get a perm + using curl activating and curling creams
  • From Straight to Wavy
    • Use curling wands lightly
    • Use curling creams and curling creams + styling creams and hold creams
  • From Wavy or Curly to Straight
    • Use a straightening brush
    • Ironing your hair
    • Keratin Treatment
    • Blow-dry + brush it straight + styling and holding cream
    • Watch Alex Costa on YouTube! He is the best at this stuff and I can attest to you on that!
  • From Curly to Wavy
    • Blow-dry + brush it straight with some waves + styling and holding cream
    • Use a straightening brush lightly
  • From Kinky to Curly (Training your Hair)
    • Hair Texturizers
    • Moisturizing, and taking care of your hair consistently! (You'll know if you're doing well if your hair is NOT dry when you touch it)
    • Training your hair to become curly (the same way people with waves train their hair by consistently brushing) by caring for it hyper-consistently, and twisting the curls onto your hair while it's moisturized (Search it up on YouTube!)

    • Now Here are more tips on how to successfully move from kinky to curly hair. Since this section was designed specifically to change hair texture, this is what will be discussed.
      • Assuming we are working on kept, moisturized, and maintained type 4 hair (Pre-Requisite), we can use curling Activators and enhancers, these products loosen the hair texture, a link to one I recommend is here (6 USD): Click Here. This won't work on dry and nappy hair!
      • Another thing I HEAVILY RECOMMEND is using this set of shampoo, conditioner, and curl enhancer smoothie. This will work wonders for your hair as you'll over time modify how the roots of your hair will grow, so you'll naturally grow curly hair with repetitive use. Also, you'll be able to define your curls using the conditioner provided in this set (making them pop out). The CURL ENHANCING SMOOTHIE IS KING! (32 USD) Click Here.
      • Using a styling cream (regardless of texture) makes everything look much better and holds the styled hair. Use this in tandem with the products above
      • Please use a detangling brush, this type of hair is severely prone to tangling and you want to make sure you get rid of all tangles!!!
      • I recommend doing this procedure for going from kinky to curly.
        • Step 1: Ensure your hair is moisturized and hydrated and that you have sufficiently long enough hair. Make sure it's conditioned as well.
        • Step 2: Apply the leave-in conditioner (8.50 USD) throughout your hair. Your hair should be very moisturized now! It MUST BE DAMP AND MOISTURIZED TO THE POINT AFRICAN CHILDREN WILL BE THIRSTY FOR THE MOISTURE IN YOUR HAIR! ABSOLUTE NECESSITY AND A PRE-REQUISITE!
        • Step 3: Apply the curling smoothie throughout your hair
        • Step 4: Use the styling cream and detangle your hair, you'll see the curls coming in nicely!
        • Step 5: From here on out, it's my recommendations. Get the curling activator and enhancer product and apply this to your hair, especially your roots!
        • Step 6: Apply this product here as the final thing to your fabulous new hair now! This product eliminates and defends against frizz, moisturizes, makes your hair SHINE, and also straightens your hair a bit as well! This will also define your curls!: Link Here (12 USD)
        • Step 7: Clean your face of any products to prevent acne.
      • For more elaboration, watch this video and plenty of other similar ones like this!
      • Note: Moisture is key! As you gradually train your hair to become curly instead of kinky, you will likely need to cut down on it since you'll no longer have the same hair texture and you'll start to need to play by type 3 rules instead of type 4 rules. You can use my type three guide above if you've ascended.
        She's actually changing her hair texture but claims she's defining type 4 curls. Great video nonetheless!

  • From Kinky To Wavy (2C)
    • All of the advice above but add a little bit of the straightening brush or straightening iron to it.
    • You must be light-skinned enough (bones + skin tone) to do this though or else you'll look a severe tryhard.


  • For haircuts, I advise you to go on Pinterest, it is your best friend. Search up "Type [Insert Number Here] Haircuts for Men" and feed off the inspiration there.
  • For haircuts, I recommend making sure it looks nice and crisp, not a weak and poorly done haircut. Go to the barber or do your haircut every two weeks.
  • Make sure your edges are well done and make sure to correct any errors in your hairline.
  • If you have dandruff, make sure to tackle that with special shampoos and conditioners as well. Reduce the oil in your hair, as dandruff feeds off of oil!
  • Use Forte Series for elite hold on your hair to create volume
  • Straight-haired people should not be moisturizing their hair, instead, they should be fighting excess moisture.
  • Wavy-haired people should be accepting of a little additional moisture, especially if it's type 2C.
  • Curly-haired people should be moisturized.
  • Kinky-haired people should literally drown their hair in as much moisture as possible, for as long as possible. Hell, wear a cap to bed to trap it all in!
  • Research styling creams that will help you get the desired result in your hair
  • Fermented rice water smells horrible but will make your hair grow so much quicker, like literally 4x growth.
  • Make sure the water you use isn't highly chemicalized, burning water. Use a water filter on your showerhead and use cold water.
  • Don't have nutritional deficiencies, stress, depression, etc. It makes you prone to hair loss, shedding, and poor hair quality.
  • If you're norwooding, get Keeps immediately, get a hair loss cap, get some minoxidil and a derma roller and start derma rolling and applying minoxidil as soon as possible! Finasteride, biotin, peppermint oil, PRP therapy, anything to keep the Norwood reaper away!
  • Trim your pubic hair, trim your excess body hair (Yes, I am looking at you, Meditteranean Genes Holder)
  • Take care of your beard, make sure it's soft and not spiky as shit!!! Use beard oils and other products to take care of it. Use a beard shaping tool, a beard kit, and razors (elite quality ones!) to optimize your beard's aesthetics
  • Derma-roller + Minoxidil Combo (peppermint oil can be added) on your beard for patchy beards, or increase your testosterone levels using Ashwagandha, steroids, or other ways to increase testosterone.
  • Curly hair must be defined! Curly hair doesn't look its best undefined. The curls have to "pop" and not look dull. This is crucial for curly-haired people!
  • You can use the same advice for eyebrows.
  • For straight-haired and wavy-haired people, you know how important volume is. Using the right brushing techniques, volume creams, etc. You can get your desired volume. Search Alex Costa on YouTube for more info. He's literally a hair god!
  • Your body should be ideally perfectly trimmed at all times, fresh haircut, fresh beard, trimmed body, trimmed pubic and ball hair, etc.
  • If you have type 4 hair, and you're growing your hair out and are in that awkward stage, I recommend accelerating the hair growth, rice water, moisturizing, etc, to get out of it and either ascend into a long hairstyle like braids or ascend to type three hair. Unkept Type 4 hair is the worst!
  • Make sure you have a good hairline, get a hair transplant to lower your hairline, or fix the sides of your hairline (if they're too far). This can ascend some people combined with good hair though.
  • Restrict dying/bleaching your hair to an absolute minimum, especially at your roots, it damages your hair
  • Restrict using texturizers that have heavy chemicals, same reason as above.
  • Avoid touching your hair, can cause damage, breakage, and strip oils away.
  • You can use colored conditioners and shampoos to change your hair color without dying it.
  • Avoid over-wetting hair, make your hair prone to hair loss due to damage to your cuticles.
  • Avoid heat damage at all costs!
  • Look into styling creams and holding creams!
  • Kinds of brushes to use based on your hair type
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Take care of your hair, get a nice haircut, get some nice coloring, and take care of extraneous hairs (beard, pubic, ball, body hair)
Please like and comment, I can't be making BOTB-worthy content so consistently and have you NOT show appreciation.

buddy just stole this shit and reposted it

Hair Looksmaxxing Guide: Good Hair EQUALS Good Life​

Table Of Contents​

  • Introduction
  • Hair Textures
  • Head Shapes, Haircuts, and Length
  • Maintenance
  • Coloring
  • How To Change Your Hair Texture
  • Advice
  • Conclusion​


If anyone is more black-pilled about hair, it has to be me. I was black-pilled at the ripe age of 4. On the first day of kindergarten, I was called "baldie" by this Mexican Girl and she would always make me feel insecure about my hair. My father thought it was the "clean" thing to do to shave all of my hair follicles off, this ended up shaping my entire life. I was constantly taunted (by everyone, not just her) for being bald and it left me with very few friends. Add that on top of having a peanut head and you know I was a bullying target. My father was my barber and refused to do anything otherwise and had me oblige to get a haircut every three weeks. When it was time to get my haircut, my heart dropped as I would know how differently I would get treated the next day. The top of my head felt exposed, I embodied insecurity. I would commonly wear jackets from 6th to 9th and put the hood on as much as I could to hide my head.

In sixth grade, I wore this hat to cover my shaved head in front of my crush. We were walking down the hallway (she was on the other side walking to her class, and I was on the other side of the hallway walking to my class) and our classes are right next to each other and her teacher, in front of her face, yanked and confiscated my hat, she tried to hold in her laugh but I already know what had happened...
In seventh grade, I was the grade level's #1 target for getting head slapped like this.

In eighth grade, I got a haircut (bald) and I walked into class and she is in the class with my other crush. I kneel down near the designated backpack area, grabbed my stuff out of my backpack, and while I was doing so, I hear laughter, so I turned around and they were both staring at me, making fun of me, I knew exactly what they were doing, making fun of me. All of this was and still is the source of my low self esteem.

It got so bad that I decided to learn how to do my own hair as this was the only way I would get control of my hair the summer after 9th Grade. I did it and the way I was treated after growing my hair out slightly longer and getting taller was shocking. I was still prone to mistreatment but it went from 60 to 25.
We will go over some necessary information and then we will cover how we can apply this.

Hair Textures​

Your hair texture is obviously determined by mostly your genetics but also can be influenced by environmental factors, such as certain nutrients or nutrient deficiencies. The amount of curl, wave, or lack thereof, is dependent on the number of bonds between hair proteins found in the hair shaft. The more the curlier and the less, the straighter.

The 12 Major Hair Types:​

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Straight hair is classified as a 1. Straight hair reflects the most sheen. It is also the most resilient hair of all of the hair types. It is hard to damage and next to impossible to curl this hair texture. Because the sebum (natural oil produced in the sebaceous glands of the scalp) gently works its way from the scalp to the ends without the interference of curls or kinks, it is the oiliest hair texture of all.

Wavy hair is classified as a 2. Wavy hair lies somewhere between straight and curly hair. It also imparts sheen, more than curly hair, but less than straight hair. The further down the wavy spectrum you go the less sheen the hair will impart. Wavy hair is typically more prone to frizz. While type A waves can easily alternate between straight and curly styles, type B and C Wavy hair is resistant to styling.

Curly hair is classified as a 3. If you pull a strand of type 3 curly, you will notice it has a definite S shape. Granted, the S may be a lower case s or upper case S, or it may even resemble a Z on some occasions…however, there is a definite curl pattern in place, with or without products. This hair type is full-bodied, climate-dependent (humidity = frizz), and damage-prone. Lack of proper care renders dull curls (Which you can not afford).

Kinky hair is classified as a 4. Despite many misconceptions, this tightly coiled hair is quite fine and fragile. It is wiry, and delicate by nature. Each strand usually has a zig-zag pattern. A misconception exists that this hair type does not grow. Coily hair grows at the same rate as other textures, however, if not treated properly it breaks more than other textures. Treat this hair type like a fine silk blouse – cleanse gently, detangle softly, and avoid harsh chemicals. Coily hair is the driest hair type, thus it is more prone to breakage and requires a gentle touch. On the surface, kinky hair may seem robust, but it is actually the most fragile of all hair textures because coily hair contains the fewest cuticle layers to protect it from dryness. The main challenges oily hair women experience are lack of hair definition, dryness, tangles, shrinkage, and breakage. You can rock your beautiful coils if you take the right steps for hair health, moisture, and styling products that do not dry.


  • The higher the hair texture, the harder it is to maintain, and the worse it looks unkept.
  • Types 1A to Types 4A are good hair.
  • Type 1 hair has over-oily problems, Type 4 hair has over-dryness problems. Type 2 and Type 3 hair are in between but Type 2 may have minor oil problems and Type 3 may have more over-dryness problems.
  • I humbly believe that Type 4B and Type 4C hair is ultra-difficult to maintain and looks like subhuman dogshit when not maintained. Remember that Type 4 hair serves better protection purposes than aesthetic purposes. The hair is naturally dry as hell, frizzy as hell, coarse, fragile, irritating to work with, looks much shorter than it actually is, easy to break, shrinks in water, and is super hard to make look good, rendering it a high effort, low reward hair texture. I am NOT saying it is impossible to make it look good (check the beautiful women below with Type 4B+ Hair), but extremely, extremely, extremely difficult to make it look good. Latin Americans & Caribbeans weren't lying when they talked about "pelo bueno" (good hair) and "pelo malo" (bad hair). Anyone with these hair types should either change their hairstyle to looser textures (Type 2C/3C is the limit depending on phenotype or else you'll start looking uncanny), get waves (which is actually flattened Type 3 hair), or get a medium-long hairstyle, like braids, twists, an afro if you can properly pull it off, etc., and make sure to get them redone consistently and taken care of properly, every day, or else they'll frizz up and end up looking like subhuman shit.
  • For the people who wear poo-rags in public. Please don't do that unless you're trying to attract Shaniquas or an 8/10+ male.

Head Shapes, Haircuts, and Lengths​

This one is crucial as you'll need to achieve harmony with your hair and head shape, a failure to do that will have you looking bad or at least, not good. Here is an example

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Ideally, he would need as much hair on top of his head that he can which gives the appearance that the upper part of his head isn't rounded as well. This is an example of head shape to hair disharmony. Major occipital protrusion should also be covered in my opinion. It looks weak and ugly.

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Head Shape List and Haircut Advice​

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To know what head shape you have, I recommend you to download an app on your mobile device or find a website that can calculate your head shape, take a picture of yourself and upload it, and do it a few times (for certainty), and voila! You've found your head shape! All head-shape-specific advice can be found above.

For hair length, I personally forbid any person from getting hair past their collarbones. In this scenario, unless you can SERIOUSLY pull it off, I do not recommend doing this as this will make you look gay. Medium-length haircuts look the best in my opinion. Short and long hair are niches.


This part is crucial, once you have detected your hair type, check your advice for your specific type down below.
  • Type 1 Hair​

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1. Wash your hair regularly.​

Maintaining a regular wash schedule is critical to controlling your oil production, as this kind of hair is prone to doing. It’s recommended you wash your hair every two to three days to keep it clean and also give it some oomph. Refreshed hair always tends to look a little bit more voluminous than dirty hair. Be careful not to wash it too often, because that can actually cause your strands to produce more oil. And we don’t want that now, do we?

2. Use cold water to rinse your strands.​

When you wash your hair, cold water is best. It doesn’t need to be ice cold so make it comfortable. Washing your hair with cold water not only rids the scalp of impurities, dirt, oil, and the like but also will keep your hair cleaner for longer. This will come in handy on those days you can’t be bothered to wash your hair, even if it’s been a few days since a rise already.

3. Don’t overdo it with hair products.​

Your thin, flat, fine hair may have you reaching for all the hair products—put them down. You don’t need them. Using too many of them will actually make things worse. They’ll only weigh down your lifeless strands and can even make them appear greasier than they already are. Avoid things that increase moisture in your hair, this will actively make it worse. This kind of hair needs shampoo the most though. Once every other day is best.

4. Don’t go to bed with wet hair.​

Sleeping on wet strands is a huge no-no for those with Type 1hair. Doing so will create unnecessary (and unwanted) frizz, while also tangling your tresses. Avoid this by going to bed with dry hair. If you must go to bed with wet or damp strands, spritz on some leave-in conditioner for some added slip and protection.

5. Schedule regular hair trims.​

Trimming your dead ends will add some life and fullness back into your limp strands. The longer you go without cutting your hair, the more weighed down they’ll be. So, get trims on a regular basis. Talking to your hairstylist can help you determine what that maintenance looks like for you.

  • Type 2 Hair​

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1. Find a Shampoo for Wavy Hair.​

Over-washing curly hair can strip away the natural oils your hair needs to stay shiny and healthy-looking. Because curly and wavy hair is naturally drier than straight hair, shampooing once a week is enough to clean without stripping away too much moisture. When you do shampoo, use a shampoo for wavy (curly is fine as well) hair with a gentle and hydrating frizz-fighting formula.

2. Condition—A LOT!​

Look for a thick, deeply curl-defining conditioner infused with hydrating oils and other moisturizing ingredients like glycerin. Apply conditioner both before and after shampooing to soften and detangle your curls. On no ‘poo days, refresh your curls by just using conditioner in the shower.

3. Deep Condition Often.​

Skipping the shower today? Work in a nourishing, frizz-fighting hair oil on dry hair to keep your curls feeling soft and hydrated without losing their bounce. For extra dry, frizzy curls, try a smoothing hair mask once a week.

4. Strike a Balance Between Moisture and Strength.​

As important as it is to keep your wavy hair hydrated, it is important to protect your hair’s strength, structure, and elasticity. When looking for products for your wavy hair, look for formulas that contain vital nutrients and silk proteins. These formulas are known to strengthen and define your curls.

5. Lay off the Heat.​

When it comes to hair, heat equals dryness and damage. And as we’ve learned, curly hair is already dry by nature. Instead of using heat tools, rely on curl-defining products like air dry wave foam for your hair. And if you must blow-dry, use a diffuser on the lowest setting to disperse the heat and minimize friction. When you shower, rinse your locks with cool water to seal the cuticle and lock in moisture.

  • Type 3 Hair​

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1. Choose Shampoo Wisely​

Washing your hair is the first and foremost step in any hair care routine irrespective of the hair texture. Washing or cleaning ensures that there is no dust, excess oil, dead skin cells, and product buildup on your scalp.

Use a mild shampoo free of toxic chemicals like sulfates, silicones, alcohols, and parabens that can irritate your scalp. Sulfates are lathering agents while parabens are preservatives used in your hair care products. Switch to mild surfactants, fragrance-free, sulfate-free, silicon-free, and paraben-free formulas in your shampoos.

2. Avoid Excessive Shampooing​

Curly hair tends to become dry easily. Excessively shampooing your hair can suck out its natural moisture. Also, look for moisturizing ingredients in your conditioner. Conditioning makes sure that your hair cuticle is sealed and protected against environmental damage.

3. Pre-Shampoo Treatment​

Pre-shampoo treatment is bliss for those with curly hair. It helps in detangling and removing the frizz from your hair.

Apply a hair mask or a conditioning oil to your dry hair by separating out sections of hair. Leave in the conditioner for 20 minutes. You can put on a shower cap or a towel to trap some heat and open up the cuticle. This ensures that the conditioner penetrates your hair well.

4. Never Brush Curly Hair​

Resist the urge to brush curly hair. Use a wide-toothed comb on your curly hair before shampooing. After washing your hair, simply run your fingers through your hair. Never ever brush your wet hair as it is more prone to breakage and damage.

5. Hair Styling With Moderate Heat​

The high temperature from heat styling tools can remove the natural texture of your curls, making them dull and lifeless. Limit the use of heat styling and use a good heat protectant spray whenever you can't avoid it. Use moderate heat and a diffuser to protect your naturally beautiful curls.

Woman combing her curly hair

6. Use A Very Wide-toothed Comb​

Use a wide-toothed comb to remove the tangles in your curly hair. Comb from bottom to up to remove the knots if any. Each curl can be considered as a potential breaking point, handling gently is the way to go. A hairbrush can mess with your natural hair texture and can cause damage to your hair.

7. Always Use Cold Water For Hair​

Hot water showers strip off the natural oil or sebum from your scalp and hair. It can also open up the cuticle making the hair strands prone to frizz and breakage. Coldwater rinses are your safest bet whether you are shampooing or conditioning your hair.

8. Trim To Avoid Split Ends​

Get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks to get rid of the split ends and damaged hair. Curly hair needs to look and feel healthy.

9. Curly Hair Sleep Routine​

Haircare experts swear by the pineapple trick as part of the sleep routine for curly hair. Pile all your hair on top of your head into a bun or a loose ponytail. This way, there is less friction between your hair and the pillowcase. Switch to satin or silk pillowcases instead of cotton cases to reduce friction.

10. Try Natural Treatments For Healthy Curly Hair​

Use hair masks containing natural ingredients for your curly hair:

  • Make a mask of olive oil, eggs, vinegar, and mayonnaise and apply it to your hair. Rinse with a mild shampoo after 30 minutes. While eggs provide protein to your hair, mayonnaise adds moisture and shine to the dry curls.
  • Avocados are rich in vitamin B, E, and good fats. Mash a ripe avocado with a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply this mask on to your curly hair and leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash off with a gentle shampoo.
Apple cider vinegar, milk, fenugreek seeds, and hibiscus are all great natural treatments to have healthy curly hair.

11. Moisturize​

No matter what the hair texture or type, the basic rules of hair care remain the same. Oiling your hair improves blood circulation to the scalp and promotes healthy hair growth.

Our product development executive, Prutha B Nawale says, “Natural oils are a rich source of vitamin E and fatty acids. These fatty acids help to lock the moisture in your hair. That’s how natural oils control frizz and improve the manageability of curly hair. Massaging natural oils on the scalp boosts blood circulation and promotes hair growth.”

  • Use light and non-greasy coconut oil for curly hair. Use your fingertips to massage the oil onto your scalp. You can apply coconut oil before bedtime and wash it the morning after. Alternatively, you can also apply oil an hour before shampooing your hair.
  • Olive oil is a great treatment for your curly hair. It adds a lot of moisture to your dry locks. Take 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil in a bowl and heat for a minute. Apply evenly on your scalp and hair with your fingertips. Wrap a warm towel over your head and rinse off the oil with a mild shampoo after 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Castor oil is a lesser-known ingredient when it comes to oiling your hair. The reason is its stickiness. But castor oil is a wonder in itself. It can moisturize your curly hair and add shine. Haircare experts recommend using castor oil before bedtime and washing the next morning.

Jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, argan oil, grapeseed oil, avocado oil, rose oil, and ayurvedic oils like amla, Brahmi, neem, and bhringraj can also be used for curly hair.

What Should You Not Do With Curly Hair?​

  • Do not wash your curly hair every day as it can remove all the natural oils.
  • Never sleep on a cotton pillowcase as it can create friction between the strands.
  • Do not do heat styling often as it can strip off the moisture from your curls.
  • Do not let your hair remain in tight ponytails all the time. The pulling can cause scalp pain.
  • Never settle for one-size-fits-all products. Go for products that are created for your hair type.
  • Most importantly, do not compare your hair with straight hair or other hair types. Learn to embrace your curls.

How Often Should You Wash Your Hair If You Have Curly Hair?​

Wash your hair once every 2 or 3 days. Washing every day removes all the natural oils from your hair. If you are a gym addict, wash your hair with a conditioner in between your shampooing sessions.

How Do You Keep Your Hair Curly?​

  • You can skip the conditioner once in a while to keep those curls intact.
  • Use a curl cream on your hair to define the curls. Avoid using too much product as it can weigh down your hair.
  • Use sponge rollers or hairpins to roll up your hair.
  • Hair sprays and hair gels can also keep the curly hairstyles in place.

Gentle hair care, limited heat styling, and all the above tips are all it takes to keep your tight coils or looser waves in shape. Avoid excessive shampooing and flaunt your curly hair with the hairstyles mentioned above.

  • Type 4 Hair​

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Type 4 hair is the most delicate hair texture that exists and as such requires extra care and attention. If there is anything to take away here, is to MOISTURIZE! Caring for type 4 hair requires gentle handling and should be styled with as little manipulation as possible in order to promote length retention, volume, and growth. Natural type 4 hair should be well maintained due to its fragile state and with a little TLC and a delicate touch, your natural hair will grow longer, stronger and healthier.

Washing tips​

Shampoo infrequently, once a week tops. Ideally every two weeks. You could go for three months without shampooing and you'd be fine honestly. Experiment with your regimen to see what works for your hair. Remember that once your hair is wet it is in its most fragile state and will be more prone to tangles which lead to breakage. Handle your hair with care!

Concentrate shampoos on your scalp and not the lengths and ends of your hair. Avoid sulfates at all costs, along with any other ingredients that dry out your hair such as silicones and parabens.

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Use lots of conditioner on wet hair to help with moisture and detangling, and look for products with a lot of slip. Be gentle; your curls are fragile. Using a wide-toothed comb will help remove tangles and help disperse conditioners throughout your hair. After shampooing, use a deep moisturizing conditioner to rehydrate your hair.
Moisturize every day with a leave-in conditioner, moisturizer, or steam to keep your curls soft and hydrated at ALL TIMES!!! You can also use intense hydration products to make this work even better. You'll know if you're doing this right if your hair is NOT dry when you touch it throughout the day.

Use oils to seal moisture into your hair at the ends to enhance your curls and keep frizz at bay. Apply oils to the roots to keep them in optimal health.

Deep Conditioning​

Deep condition every 1-2 weeks to add moisture and nourishing ingredients to your hair to keep it strong and free from damage. If your hair feels weak or lacks elasticity, use a protein conditioner to strengthen the hair follicles and prevent breakage. Type 4C hair, in particular, needs to be deeply conditioned once a week to soften, strengthen and moisturize the hair. We would recommend using hair butters, natural oils, and natural moisturizers.
Ensure that you wrap your hair in a silk hair wrap or sleep on a silk pillowcase to protect your hair from rubbing against cotton, reducing bed head and tangles, and helping your hair to retain the moisture you worked so hair to put back into your hair.


For coloring, it is important to achieve harmony as well with your skin and your clothing, I will cover on this briefly but you first need to detect if you're warm-colored or cool-colored. Then follow this guide here. For more information on coloring, click here.

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How To Change Your Hair Texture

  • From Straight or Wavy to Curly
    • Get a perm + using curl activating and curling creams
  • From Straight to Wavy
    • Use curling wands lightly
    • Use curling creams and curling creams + styling creams and hold creams
  • From Wavy or Curly to Straight
    • Use a straightening brush
    • Ironing your hair
    • Keratin Treatment
    • Blow-dry + brush it straight + styling and holding cream
    • Watch Alex Costa on YouTube! He is the best at this stuff and I can attest to you on that!
  • From Curly to Wavy
    • Blow-dry + brush it straight with some waves + styling and holding cream
    • Use a straightening brush lightly
  • From Kinky to Curly (Training your Hair)
    • Hair Texturizers
    • Moisturizing, and taking care of your hair consistently! (You'll know if you're doing well if your hair is NOT dry when you touch it)
    • Training your hair to become curly (the same way people with waves train their hair by consistently brushing) by caring for it hyper-consistently, and twisting the curls onto your hair while it's moisturized (Search it up on YouTube!)

    • Now Here are more tips on how to successfully move from kinky to curly hair. Since this section was designed specifically to change hair texture, this is what will be discussed.
      • Assuming we are working on kept, moisturized, and maintained type 4 hair (Pre-Requisite), we can use curling Activators and enhancers, these products loosen the hair texture, a link to one I recommend is here (6 USD): Click Here. This won't work on dry and nappy hair!
      • Another thing I HEAVILY RECOMMEND is using this set of shampoo, conditioner, and curl enhancer smoothie. This will work wonders for your hair as you'll over time modify how the roots of your hair will grow, so you'll naturally grow curly hair with repetitive use. Also, you'll be able to define your curls using the conditioner provided in this set (making them pop out). The CURL ENHANCING SMOOTHIE IS KING! (32 USD) Click Here.
      • Using a styling cream (regardless of texture) makes everything look much better and holds the styled hair. Use this in tandem with the products above
      • Please use a detangling brush, this type of hair is severely prone to tangling and you want to make sure you get rid of all tangles!!!
      • I recommend doing this procedure for going from kinky to curly.
        • Step 1: Ensure your hair is moisturized and hydrated and that you have sufficiently long enough hair. Make sure it's conditioned as well.
        • Step 2: Apply the leave-in conditioner (8.50 USD) throughout your hair. Your hair should be very moisturized now! It MUST BE DAMP AND MOISTURIZED TO THE POINT AFRICAN CHILDREN WILL BE THIRSTY FOR THE MOISTURE IN YOUR HAIR! ABSOLUTE NECESSITY AND A PRE-REQUISITE!
        • Step 3: Apply the curling smoothie throughout your hair
        • Step 4: Use the styling cream and detangle your hair, you'll see the curls coming in nicely!
        • Step 5: From here on out, it's my recommendations. Get the curling activator and enhancer product and apply this to your hair, especially your roots!
        • Step 6: Apply this product here as the final thing to your fabulous new hair now! This product eliminates and defends against frizz, moisturizes, makes your hair SHINE, and also straightens your hair a bit as well! This will also define your curls!: Link Here (12 USD)
        • Step 7: Clean your face of any products to prevent acne.
      • For more elaboration, watch this video and plenty of other similar ones like this!
      • Note: Moisture is key! As you gradually train your hair to become curly instead of kinky, you will likely need to cut down on it since you'll no longer have the same hair texture and you'll start to need to play by type 3 rules instead of type 4 rules. You can use my type three guide above if you've ascended.
        She's actually changing her hair texture but claims she's defining type 4 curls. Great video nonetheless!

  • From Kinky To Wavy (2C)
    • All of the advice above but add a little bit of the straightening brush or straightening iron to it.
    • You must be light-skinned enough (bones + skin tone) to do this though or else you'll look a severe tryhard.


  • For haircuts, I advise you to go on Pinterest, it is your best friend. Search up "Type [Insert Number Here] Haircuts for Men" and feed off the inspiration there.
  • For haircuts, I recommend making sure it looks nice and crisp, not a weak and poorly done haircut. Go to the barber or do your haircut every two weeks.
  • Make sure your edges are well done and make sure to correct any errors in your hairline.
  • If you have dandruff, make sure to tackle that with special shampoos and conditioners as well. Reduce the oil in your hair, as dandruff feeds off of oil!
  • Use Forte Series for elite hold on your hair to create volume
  • Straight-haired people should not be moisturizing their hair, instead, they should be fighting excess moisture.
  • Wavy-haired people should be accepting of a little additional moisture, especially if it's type 2C.
  • Curly-haired people should be moisturized.
  • Kinky-haired people should literally drown their hair in as much moisture as possible, for as long as possible. Hell, wear a cap to bed to trap it all in!
  • Research styling creams that will help you get the desired result in your hair
  • Fermented rice water smells horrible but will make your hair grow so much quicker, like literally 4x growth.
  • Make sure the water you use isn't highly chemicalized, burning water. Use a water filter on your showerhead and use cold water.
  • Don't have nutritional deficiencies, stress, depression, etc. It makes you prone to hair loss, shedding, and poor hair quality.
  • If you're norwooding, get Keeps immediately, get a hair loss cap, get some minoxidil and a derma roller and start derma rolling and applying minoxidil as soon as possible! Finasteride, biotin, peppermint oil, PRP therapy, anything to keep the Norwood reaper away!
  • Trim your pubic hair, trim your excess body hair (Yes, I am looking at you, Meditteranean Genes Holder)
  • Take care of your beard, make sure it's soft and not spiky as shit!!! Use beard oils and other products to take care of it. Use a beard shaping tool, a beard kit, and razors (elite quality ones!) to optimize your beard's aesthetics
  • Derma-roller + Minoxidil Combo (peppermint oil can be added) on your beard for patchy beards, or increase your testosterone levels using Ashwagandha, steroids, or other ways to increase testosterone.
  • Curly hair must be defined! Curly hair doesn't look its best undefined. The curls have to "pop" and not look dull. This is crucial for curly-haired people!
  • You can use the same advice for eyebrows.
  • For straight-haired and wavy-haired people, you know how important volume is. Using the right brushing techniques, volume creams, etc. You can get your desired volume. Search Alex Costa on YouTube for more info. He's literally a hair god!
  • Your body should be ideally perfectly trimmed at all times, fresh haircut, fresh beard, trimmed body, trimmed pubic and ball hair, etc.
  • If you have type 4 hair, and you're growing your hair out and are in that awkward stage, I recommend accelerating the hair growth, rice water, moisturizing, etc, to get out of it and either ascend into a long hairstyle like braids or ascend to type three hair. Unkept Type 4 hair is the worst!
  • Make sure you have a good hairline, get a hair transplant to lower your hairline, or fix the sides of your hairline (if they're too far). This can ascend some people combined with good hair though.
  • Restrict dying/bleaching your hair to an absolute minimum, especially at your roots, it damages your hair
  • Restrict using texturizers that have heavy chemicals, same reason as above.
  • Avoid touching your hair, can cause damage, breakage, and strip oils away.
  • You can use colored conditioners and shampoos to change your hair color without dying it.
  • Avoid over-wetting hair, make your hair prone to hair loss due to damage to your cuticles.
  • Avoid heat damage at all costs!
  • Look into styling creams and holding creams!
  • Kinds of brushes to use based on your hair type
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Take care of your hair, get a nice haircut, get some nice coloring, and take care of extraneous hairs (beard, pubic, ball, body hair)
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Dogshit thread,
No hair for your face
IMG 5387
  • WTF
Reactions: JohnBaza

Hair Looksmaxxing Guide: Good Hair EQUALS Good Life​

Table Of Contents​

  • Introduction
  • Hair Textures
  • Head Shapes, Haircuts, and Length
  • Maintenance
  • Coloring
  • How To Change Your Hair Texture
  • Advice
  • Conclusion​


If anyone is more black-pilled about hair, it has to be me. I was black-pilled at the ripe age of 4. On the first day of kindergarten, I was called "baldie" by this Mexican Girl and she would always make me feel insecure about my hair. My father thought it was the "clean" thing to do to shave all of my hair follicles off, this ended up shaping my entire life. I was constantly taunted (by everyone, not just her) for being bald and it left me with very few friends. Add that on top of having a peanut head and you know I was a bullying target. My father was my barber and refused to do anything otherwise and had me oblige to get a haircut every three weeks. When it was time to get my haircut, my heart dropped as I would know how differently I would get treated the next day. The top of my head felt exposed, I embodied insecurity. I would commonly wear jackets from 6th to 9th and put the hood on as much as I could to hide my head.

In sixth grade, I wore this hat to cover my shaved head in front of my crush. We were walking down the hallway (she was on the other side walking to her class, and I was on the other side of the hallway walking to my class) and our classes are right next to each other and her teacher, in front of her face, yanked and confiscated my hat, she tried to hold in her laugh but I already know what had happened...
In seventh grade, I was the grade level's #1 target for getting head slapped like this.

In eighth grade, I got a haircut (bald) and I walked into class and she is in the class with my other crush. I kneel down near the designated backpack area, grabbed my stuff out of my backpack, and while I was doing so, I hear laughter, so I turned around and they were both staring at me, making fun of me, I knew exactly what they were doing, making fun of me. All of this was and still is the source of my low self esteem.

It got so bad that I decided to learn how to do my own hair as this was the only way I would get control of my hair the summer after 9th Grade. I did it and the way I was treated after growing my hair out slightly longer and getting taller was shocking. I was still prone to mistreatment but it went from 60 to 25.
We will go over some necessary information and then we will cover how we can apply this.

Hair Textures​

Your hair texture is obviously determined by mostly your genetics but also can be influenced by environmental factors, such as certain nutrients or nutrient deficiencies. The amount of curl, wave, or lack thereof, is dependent on the number of bonds between hair proteins found in the hair shaft. The more the curlier and the less, the straighter.

The 12 Major Hair Types:​

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Straight hair is classified as a 1. Straight hair reflects the most sheen. It is also the most resilient hair of all of the hair types. It is hard to damage and next to impossible to curl this hair texture. Because the sebum (natural oil produced in the sebaceous glands of the scalp) gently works its way from the scalp to the ends without the interference of curls or kinks, it is the oiliest hair texture of all.

Wavy hair is classified as a 2. Wavy hair lies somewhere between straight and curly hair. It also imparts sheen, more than curly hair, but less than straight hair. The further down the wavy spectrum you go the less sheen the hair will impart. Wavy hair is typically more prone to frizz. While type A waves can easily alternate between straight and curly styles, type B and C Wavy hair is resistant to styling.

Curly hair is classified as a 3. If you pull a strand of type 3 curly, you will notice it has a definite S shape. Granted, the S may be a lower case s or upper case S, or it may even resemble a Z on some occasions…however, there is a definite curl pattern in place, with or without products. This hair type is full-bodied, climate-dependent (humidity = frizz), and damage-prone. Lack of proper care renders dull curls (Which you can not afford).

Kinky hair is classified as a 4. Despite many misconceptions, this tightly coiled hair is quite fine and fragile. It is wiry, and delicate by nature. Each strand usually has a zig-zag pattern. A misconception exists that this hair type does not grow. Coily hair grows at the same rate as other textures, however, if not treated properly it breaks more than other textures. Treat this hair type like a fine silk blouse – cleanse gently, detangle softly, and avoid harsh chemicals. Coily hair is the driest hair type, thus it is more prone to breakage and requires a gentle touch. On the surface, kinky hair may seem robust, but it is actually the most fragile of all hair textures because coily hair contains the fewest cuticle layers to protect it from dryness. The main challenges oily hair women experience are lack of hair definition, dryness, tangles, shrinkage, and breakage. You can rock your beautiful coils if you take the right steps for hair health, moisture, and styling products that do not dry.


  • The higher the hair texture, the harder it is to maintain, and the worse it looks unkept.
  • Types 1A to Types 4A are good hair.
  • Type 1 hair has over-oily problems, Type 4 hair has over-dryness problems. Type 2 and Type 3 hair are in between but Type 2 may have minor oil problems and Type 3 may have more over-dryness problems.
  • I humbly believe that Type 4B and Type 4C hair is ultra-difficult to maintain and looks like subhuman dogshit when not maintained. Remember that Type 4 hair serves better protection purposes than aesthetic purposes. The hair is naturally dry as hell, frizzy as hell, coarse, fragile, irritating to work with, looks much shorter than it actually is, easy to break, shrinks in water, and is super hard to make look good, rendering it a high effort, low reward hair texture. I am NOT saying it is impossible to make it look good (check the beautiful women below with Type 4B+ Hair), but extremely, extremely, extremely difficult to make it look good. Latin Americans & Caribbeans weren't lying when they talked about "pelo bueno" (good hair) and "pelo malo" (bad hair). Anyone with these hair types should either change their hairstyle to looser textures (Type 2C/3C is the limit depending on phenotype or else you'll start looking uncanny), get waves (which is actually flattened Type 3 hair), or get a medium-long hairstyle, like braids, twists, an afro if you can properly pull it off, etc., and make sure to get them redone consistently and taken care of properly, every day, or else they'll frizz up and end up looking like subhuman shit.
  • For the people who wear poo-rags in public. Please don't do that unless you're trying to attract Shaniquas or an 8/10+ male.

Head Shapes, Haircuts, and Lengths​

This one is crucial as you'll need to achieve harmony with your hair and head shape, a failure to do that will have you looking bad or at least, not good. Here is an example

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Ideally, he would need as much hair on top of his head that he can which gives the appearance that the upper part of his head isn't rounded as well. This is an example of head shape to hair disharmony. Major occipital protrusion should also be covered in my opinion. It looks weak and ugly.

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Head Shape List and Haircut Advice​

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To know what head shape you have, I recommend you to download an app on your mobile device or find a website that can calculate your head shape, take a picture of yourself and upload it, and do it a few times (for certainty), and voila! You've found your head shape! All head-shape-specific advice can be found above.

For hair length, I personally forbid any person from getting hair past their collarbones. In this scenario, unless you can SERIOUSLY pull it off, I do not recommend doing this as this will make you look gay. Medium-length haircuts look the best in my opinion. Short and long hair are niches.


This part is crucial, once you have detected your hair type, check your advice for your specific type down below.
  • Type 1 Hair​

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1. Wash your hair regularly.​

Maintaining a regular wash schedule is critical to controlling your oil production, as this kind of hair is prone to doing. It’s recommended you wash your hair every two to three days to keep it clean and also give it some oomph. Refreshed hair always tends to look a little bit more voluminous than dirty hair. Be careful not to wash it too often, because that can actually cause your strands to produce more oil. And we don’t want that now, do we?

2. Use cold water to rinse your strands.​

When you wash your hair, cold water is best. It doesn’t need to be ice cold so make it comfortable. Washing your hair with cold water not only rids the scalp of impurities, dirt, oil, and the like but also will keep your hair cleaner for longer. This will come in handy on those days you can’t be bothered to wash your hair, even if it’s been a few days since a rise already.

3. Don’t overdo it with hair products.​

Your thin, flat, fine hair may have you reaching for all the hair products—put them down. You don’t need them. Using too many of them will actually make things worse. They’ll only weigh down your lifeless strands and can even make them appear greasier than they already are. Avoid things that increase moisture in your hair, this will actively make it worse. This kind of hair needs shampoo the most though. Once every other day is best.

4. Don’t go to bed with wet hair.​

Sleeping on wet strands is a huge no-no for those with Type 1hair. Doing so will create unnecessary (and unwanted) frizz, while also tangling your tresses. Avoid this by going to bed with dry hair. If you must go to bed with wet or damp strands, spritz on some leave-in conditioner for some added slip and protection.

5. Schedule regular hair trims.​

Trimming your dead ends will add some life and fullness back into your limp strands. The longer you go without cutting your hair, the more weighed down they’ll be. So, get trims on a regular basis. Talking to your hairstylist can help you determine what that maintenance looks like for you.

  • Type 2 Hair​

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1. Find a Shampoo for Wavy Hair.​

Over-washing curly hair can strip away the natural oils your hair needs to stay shiny and healthy-looking. Because curly and wavy hair is naturally drier than straight hair, shampooing once a week is enough to clean without stripping away too much moisture. When you do shampoo, use a shampoo for wavy (curly is fine as well) hair with a gentle and hydrating frizz-fighting formula.

2. Condition—A LOT!​

Look for a thick, deeply curl-defining conditioner infused with hydrating oils and other moisturizing ingredients like glycerin. Apply conditioner both before and after shampooing to soften and detangle your curls. On no ‘poo days, refresh your curls by just using conditioner in the shower.

3. Deep Condition Often.​

Skipping the shower today? Work in a nourishing, frizz-fighting hair oil on dry hair to keep your curls feeling soft and hydrated without losing their bounce. For extra dry, frizzy curls, try a smoothing hair mask once a week.

4. Strike a Balance Between Moisture and Strength.​

As important as it is to keep your wavy hair hydrated, it is important to protect your hair’s strength, structure, and elasticity. When looking for products for your wavy hair, look for formulas that contain vital nutrients and silk proteins. These formulas are known to strengthen and define your curls.

5. Lay off the Heat.​

When it comes to hair, heat equals dryness and damage. And as we’ve learned, curly hair is already dry by nature. Instead of using heat tools, rely on curl-defining products like air dry wave foam for your hair. And if you must blow-dry, use a diffuser on the lowest setting to disperse the heat and minimize friction. When you shower, rinse your locks with cool water to seal the cuticle and lock in moisture.

  • Type 3 Hair​

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1. Choose Shampoo Wisely​

Washing your hair is the first and foremost step in any hair care routine irrespective of the hair texture. Washing or cleaning ensures that there is no dust, excess oil, dead skin cells, and product buildup on your scalp.

Use a mild shampoo free of toxic chemicals like sulfates, silicones, alcohols, and parabens that can irritate your scalp. Sulfates are lathering agents while parabens are preservatives used in your hair care products. Switch to mild surfactants, fragrance-free, sulfate-free, silicon-free, and paraben-free formulas in your shampoos.

2. Avoid Excessive Shampooing​

Curly hair tends to become dry easily. Excessively shampooing your hair can suck out its natural moisture. Also, look for moisturizing ingredients in your conditioner. Conditioning makes sure that your hair cuticle is sealed and protected against environmental damage.

3. Pre-Shampoo Treatment​

Pre-shampoo treatment is bliss for those with curly hair. It helps in detangling and removing the frizz from your hair.

Apply a hair mask or a conditioning oil to your dry hair by separating out sections of hair. Leave in the conditioner for 20 minutes. You can put on a shower cap or a towel to trap some heat and open up the cuticle. This ensures that the conditioner penetrates your hair well.

4. Never Brush Curly Hair​

Resist the urge to brush curly hair. Use a wide-toothed comb on your curly hair before shampooing. After washing your hair, simply run your fingers through your hair. Never ever brush your wet hair as it is more prone to breakage and damage.

5. Hair Styling With Moderate Heat​

The high temperature from heat styling tools can remove the natural texture of your curls, making them dull and lifeless. Limit the use of heat styling and use a good heat protectant spray whenever you can't avoid it. Use moderate heat and a diffuser to protect your naturally beautiful curls.

Woman combing her curly hair

6. Use A Very Wide-toothed Comb​

Use a wide-toothed comb to remove the tangles in your curly hair. Comb from bottom to up to remove the knots if any. Each curl can be considered as a potential breaking point, handling gently is the way to go. A hairbrush can mess with your natural hair texture and can cause damage to your hair.

7. Always Use Cold Water For Hair​

Hot water showers strip off the natural oil or sebum from your scalp and hair. It can also open up the cuticle making the hair strands prone to frizz and breakage. Coldwater rinses are your safest bet whether you are shampooing or conditioning your hair.

8. Trim To Avoid Split Ends​

Get your hair trimmed every 6-8 weeks to get rid of the split ends and damaged hair. Curly hair needs to look and feel healthy.

9. Curly Hair Sleep Routine​

Haircare experts swear by the pineapple trick as part of the sleep routine for curly hair. Pile all your hair on top of your head into a bun or a loose ponytail. This way, there is less friction between your hair and the pillowcase. Switch to satin or silk pillowcases instead of cotton cases to reduce friction.

10. Try Natural Treatments For Healthy Curly Hair​

Use hair masks containing natural ingredients for your curly hair:

  • Make a mask of olive oil, eggs, vinegar, and mayonnaise and apply it to your hair. Rinse with a mild shampoo after 30 minutes. While eggs provide protein to your hair, mayonnaise adds moisture and shine to the dry curls.
  • Avocados are rich in vitamin B, E, and good fats. Mash a ripe avocado with a tablespoon of honey and two tablespoons of olive oil. Apply this mask on to your curly hair and leave it on for 30 minutes. Wash off with a gentle shampoo.
Apple cider vinegar, milk, fenugreek seeds, and hibiscus are all great natural treatments to have healthy curly hair.

11. Moisturize​

No matter what the hair texture or type, the basic rules of hair care remain the same. Oiling your hair improves blood circulation to the scalp and promotes healthy hair growth.

Our product development executive, Prutha B Nawale says, “Natural oils are a rich source of vitamin E and fatty acids. These fatty acids help to lock the moisture in your hair. That’s how natural oils control frizz and improve the manageability of curly hair. Massaging natural oils on the scalp boosts blood circulation and promotes hair growth.”

  • Use light and non-greasy coconut oil for curly hair. Use your fingertips to massage the oil onto your scalp. You can apply coconut oil before bedtime and wash it the morning after. Alternatively, you can also apply oil an hour before shampooing your hair.
  • Olive oil is a great treatment for your curly hair. It adds a lot of moisture to your dry locks. Take 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil in a bowl and heat for a minute. Apply evenly on your scalp and hair with your fingertips. Wrap a warm towel over your head and rinse off the oil with a mild shampoo after 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  • Castor oil is a lesser-known ingredient when it comes to oiling your hair. The reason is its stickiness. But castor oil is a wonder in itself. It can moisturize your curly hair and add shine. Haircare experts recommend using castor oil before bedtime and washing the next morning.

Jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, argan oil, grapeseed oil, avocado oil, rose oil, and ayurvedic oils like amla, Brahmi, neem, and bhringraj can also be used for curly hair.

What Should You Not Do With Curly Hair?​

  • Do not wash your curly hair every day as it can remove all the natural oils.
  • Never sleep on a cotton pillowcase as it can create friction between the strands.
  • Do not do heat styling often as it can strip off the moisture from your curls.
  • Do not let your hair remain in tight ponytails all the time. The pulling can cause scalp pain.
  • Never settle for one-size-fits-all products. Go for products that are created for your hair type.
  • Most importantly, do not compare your hair with straight hair or other hair types. Learn to embrace your curls.

How Often Should You Wash Your Hair If You Have Curly Hair?​

Wash your hair once every 2 or 3 days. Washing every day removes all the natural oils from your hair. If you are a gym addict, wash your hair with a conditioner in between your shampooing sessions.

How Do You Keep Your Hair Curly?​

  • You can skip the conditioner once in a while to keep those curls intact.
  • Use a curl cream on your hair to define the curls. Avoid using too much product as it can weigh down your hair.
  • Use sponge rollers or hairpins to roll up your hair.
  • Hair sprays and hair gels can also keep the curly hairstyles in place.

Gentle hair care, limited heat styling, and all the above tips are all it takes to keep your tight coils or looser waves in shape. Avoid excessive shampooing and flaunt your curly hair with the hairstyles mentioned above.

  • Type 4 Hair​

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Type 4 hair is the most delicate hair texture that exists and as such requires extra care and attention. If there is anything to take away here, is to MOISTURIZE! Caring for type 4 hair requires gentle handling and should be styled with as little manipulation as possible in order to promote length retention, volume, and growth. Natural type 4 hair should be well maintained due to its fragile state and with a little TLC and a delicate touch, your natural hair will grow longer, stronger and healthier.

Washing tips​

Shampoo infrequently, once a week tops. Ideally every two weeks. You could go for three months without shampooing and you'd be fine honestly. Experiment with your regimen to see what works for your hair. Remember that once your hair is wet it is in its most fragile state and will be more prone to tangles which lead to breakage. Handle your hair with care!

Concentrate shampoos on your scalp and not the lengths and ends of your hair. Avoid sulfates at all costs, along with any other ingredients that dry out your hair such as silicones and parabens.

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Use lots of conditioner on wet hair to help with moisture and detangling, and look for products with a lot of slip. Be gentle; your curls are fragile. Using a wide-toothed comb will help remove tangles and help disperse conditioners throughout your hair. After shampooing, use a deep moisturizing conditioner to rehydrate your hair.
Moisturize every day with a leave-in conditioner, moisturizer, or steam to keep your curls soft and hydrated at ALL TIMES!!! You can also use intense hydration products to make this work even better. You'll know if you're doing this right if your hair is NOT dry when you touch it throughout the day.

Use oils to seal moisture into your hair at the ends to enhance your curls and keep frizz at bay. Apply oils to the roots to keep them in optimal health.

Deep Conditioning​

Deep condition every 1-2 weeks to add moisture and nourishing ingredients to your hair to keep it strong and free from damage. If your hair feels weak or lacks elasticity, use a protein conditioner to strengthen the hair follicles and prevent breakage. Type 4C hair, in particular, needs to be deeply conditioned once a week to soften, strengthen and moisturize the hair. We would recommend using hair butters, natural oils, and natural moisturizers.
Ensure that you wrap your hair in a silk hair wrap or sleep on a silk pillowcase to protect your hair from rubbing against cotton, reducing bed head and tangles, and helping your hair to retain the moisture you worked so hair to put back into your hair.


For coloring, it is important to achieve harmony as well with your skin and your clothing, I will cover on this briefly but you first need to detect if you're warm-colored or cool-colored. Then follow this guide here. For more information on coloring, click here.

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How To Change Your Hair Texture

  • From Straight or Wavy to Curly
    • Get a perm + using curl activating and curling creams
  • From Straight to Wavy
    • Use curling wands lightly
    • Use curling creams and curling creams + styling creams and hold creams
  • From Wavy or Curly to Straight
    • Use a straightening brush
    • Ironing your hair
    • Keratin Treatment
    • Blow-dry + brush it straight + styling and holding cream
    • Watch Alex Costa on YouTube! He is the best at this stuff and I can attest to you on that!
  • From Curly to Wavy
    • Blow-dry + brush it straight with some waves + styling and holding cream
    • Use a straightening brush lightly
  • From Kinky to Curly (Training your Hair)
    • Hair Texturizers
    • Moisturizing, and taking care of your hair consistently! (You'll know if you're doing well if your hair is NOT dry when you touch it)
    • Training your hair to become curly (the same way people with waves train their hair by consistently brushing) by caring for it hyper-consistently, and twisting the curls onto your hair while it's moisturized (Search it up on YouTube!)

    • Now Here are more tips on how to successfully move from kinky to curly hair. Since this section was designed specifically to change hair texture, this is what will be discussed.
      • Assuming we are working on kept, moisturized, and maintained type 4 hair (Pre-Requisite), we can use curling Activators and enhancers, these products loosen the hair texture, a link to one I recommend is here (6 USD): Click Here. This won't work on dry and nappy hair!
      • Another thing I HEAVILY RECOMMEND is using this set of shampoo, conditioner, and curl enhancer smoothie. This will work wonders for your hair as you'll over time modify how the roots of your hair will grow, so you'll naturally grow curly hair with repetitive use. Also, you'll be able to define your curls using the conditioner provided in this set (making them pop out). The CURL ENHANCING SMOOTHIE IS KING! (32 USD) Click Here.
      • Using a styling cream (regardless of texture) makes everything look much better and holds the styled hair. Use this in tandem with the products above
      • Please use a detangling brush, this type of hair is severely prone to tangling and you want to make sure you get rid of all tangles!!!
      • I recommend doing this procedure for going from kinky to curly.
        • Step 1: Ensure your hair is moisturized and hydrated and that you have sufficiently long enough hair. Make sure it's conditioned as well.
        • Step 2: Apply the leave-in conditioner (8.50 USD) throughout your hair. Your hair should be very moisturized now! It MUST BE DAMP AND MOISTURIZED TO THE POINT AFRICAN CHILDREN WILL BE THIRSTY FOR THE MOISTURE IN YOUR HAIR! ABSOLUTE NECESSITY AND A PRE-REQUISITE!
        • Step 3: Apply the curling smoothie throughout your hair
        • Step 4: Use the styling cream and detangle your hair, you'll see the curls coming in nicely!
        • Step 5: From here on out, it's my recommendations. Get the curling activator and enhancer product and apply this to your hair, especially your roots!
        • Step 6: Apply this product here as the final thing to your fabulous new hair now! This product eliminates and defends against frizz, moisturizes, makes your hair SHINE, and also straightens your hair a bit as well! This will also define your curls!: Link Here (12 USD)
        • Step 7: Clean your face of any products to prevent acne.
      • For more elaboration, watch this video and plenty of other similar ones like this!
      • Note: Moisture is key! As you gradually train your hair to become curly instead of kinky, you will likely need to cut down on it since you'll no longer have the same hair texture and you'll start to need to play by type 3 rules instead of type 4 rules. You can use my type three guide above if you've ascended.
        She's actually changing her hair texture but claims she's defining type 4 curls. Great video nonetheless!

  • From Kinky To Wavy (2C)
    • All of the advice above but add a little bit of the straightening brush or straightening iron to it.
    • You must be light-skinned enough (bones + skin tone) to do this though or else you'll look a severe tryhard.


  • For haircuts, I advise you to go on Pinterest, it is your best friend. Search up "Type [Insert Number Here] Haircuts for Men" and feed off the inspiration there.
  • For haircuts, I recommend making sure it looks nice and crisp, not a weak and poorly done haircut. Go to the barber or do your haircut every two weeks.
  • Make sure your edges are well done and make sure to correct any errors in your hairline.
  • If you have dandruff, make sure to tackle that with special shampoos and conditioners as well. Reduce the oil in your hair, as dandruff feeds off of oil!
  • Use Forte Series for elite hold on your hair to create volume
  • Straight-haired people should not be moisturizing their hair, instead, they should be fighting excess moisture.
  • Wavy-haired people should be accepting of a little additional moisture, especially if it's type 2C.
  • Curly-haired people should be moisturized.
  • Kinky-haired people should literally drown their hair in as much moisture as possible, for as long as possible. Hell, wear a cap to bed to trap it all in!
  • Research styling creams that will help you get the desired result in your hair
  • Fermented rice water smells horrible but will make your hair grow so much quicker, like literally 4x growth.
  • Make sure the water you use isn't highly chemicalized, burning water. Use a water filter on your showerhead and use cold water.
  • Don't have nutritional deficiencies, stress, depression, etc. It makes you prone to hair loss, shedding, and poor hair quality.
  • If you're norwooding, get Keeps immediately, get a hair loss cap, get some minoxidil and a derma roller and start derma rolling and applying minoxidil as soon as possible! Finasteride, biotin, peppermint oil, PRP therapy, anything to keep the Norwood reaper away!
  • Trim your pubic hair, trim your excess body hair (Yes, I am looking at you, Meditteranean Genes Holder)
  • Take care of your beard, make sure it's soft and not spiky as shit!!! Use beard oils and other products to take care of it. Use a beard shaping tool, a beard kit, and razors (elite quality ones!) to optimize your beard's aesthetics
  • Derma-roller + Minoxidil Combo (peppermint oil can be added) on your beard for patchy beards, or increase your testosterone levels using Ashwagandha, steroids, or other ways to increase testosterone.
  • Curly hair must be defined! Curly hair doesn't look its best undefined. The curls have to "pop" and not look dull. This is crucial for curly-haired people!
  • You can use the same advice for eyebrows.
  • For straight-haired and wavy-haired people, you know how important volume is. Using the right brushing techniques, volume creams, etc. You can get your desired volume. Search Alex Costa on YouTube for more info. He's literally a hair god!
  • Your body should be ideally perfectly trimmed at all times, fresh haircut, fresh beard, trimmed body, trimmed pubic and ball hair, etc.
  • If you have type 4 hair, and you're growing your hair out and are in that awkward stage, I recommend accelerating the hair growth, rice water, moisturizing, etc, to get out of it and either ascend into a long hairstyle like braids or ascend to type three hair. Unkept Type 4 hair is the worst!
  • Make sure you have a good hairline, get a hair transplant to lower your hairline, or fix the sides of your hairline (if they're too far). This can ascend some people combined with good hair though.
  • Restrict dying/bleaching your hair to an absolute minimum, especially at your roots, it damages your hair
  • Restrict using texturizers that have heavy chemicals, same reason as above.
  • Avoid touching your hair, can cause damage, breakage, and strip oils away.
  • You can use colored conditioners and shampoos to change your hair color without dying it.
  • Avoid over-wetting hair, make your hair prone to hair loss due to damage to your cuticles.
  • Avoid heat damage at all costs!
  • Look into styling creams and holding creams!
  • Kinds of brushes to use based on your hair type
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Take care of your hair, get a nice haircut, get some nice coloring, and take care of extraneous hairs (beard, pubic, ball, body hair)
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how do you fix frizzy hair?
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