Has anyone actually had results through heightmaxing or is it just cope? Curious

Pocket money
You sure? The sources I've seen are running for hundreds of dollars. Also aren't you supposed to keep buying it as well
i would like to reach 195 but thats just delusional
195 is a crazy goal. I'll be glad enough to reach 184 (just as delusional ngl + if I don't I'll just kms)
You sure? The sources I've seen are running for hundreds of dollars. Also aren't you supposed to keep buying it as well
i get 500 money every month
I successfully boosted my height by 2 inches as an adult but I’m not giving out that secret for free
I grew 3 inches from aromasin by stalling my plates
Never hearf of any of that
ky19385 inhibits the cxxc5 gene which basically regulates the wnt signaling pathway. the wnt signaling pathway plays a significant role in the regulation of chondrocyte proliferation, chondrocyte differentiation, and bone remodeling.

basically its like what myostatin does to muscles.

and vosoritide/bmn111 does this:
"Vosoritide is a C-type natriuretic peptide analog which binds its receptor on chondrocytes, leading to increased chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation via its inhibition of the ERK1/2-MAPK pathway. It was recently approved for increasing linear growth in children with achondroplasia."

it is literallly fda approved and like the only drug that is shown to be able to increase height IF YOU HAVE OPEN GROWTH PLATES

"Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Voxzogo (vosoritide) injection to improve growth in children five years of age and older with achondroplasia and open epiphyses (growth plates), meaning these children still have the potential to grow. Achondroplasia is the most common form of dwarfism.Nov 19, 2021"
ky19385 inhibits the cxxc5 gene which basically regulates the wnt signaling pathway. the wnt signaling pathway plays a significant role in the regulation of chondrocyte proliferation, chondrocyte differentiation, and bone remodeling.

basically its like what myostatin does to muscles.

and vosoritide/bmn111 does this:
"Vosoritide is a C-type natriuretic peptide analog which binds its receptor on chondrocytes, leading to increased chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation via its inhibition of the ERK1/2-MAPK pathway. It was recently approved for increasing linear growth in children with achondroplasia."

it is literallly fda approved and like the only drug that is shown to be able to increase height IF YOU HAVE OPEN GROWTH PLATES

"Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Voxzogo (vosoritide) injection to improve growth in children five years of age and older with achondroplasia and open epiphyses (growth plates), meaning these children still have the potential to grow. Achondroplasia is the most common form of dwarfism.Nov 19, 2021"
is it expensive? how much can i expect?
is it expensive? how much can i expect?
Last time I checked it was, but that’s for the injections and all that other bs like how they increase the price for normies to buy and etc.

In madchemexpress they told me they could give me a quote if I wanted but I had to fill some info out (I filled fake info out)

Im thinking it’ll be expensive but not too much. It costs like $10,000+ for a treatment of 30 injections of 0.4mg so Im not really sure how much 50mg would cost
It costs like $10,000+ for a treatment of 30 injections of 0.4mg so Im not really sure how much 50mg would cost

300px Shocked Black Guy
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3cm in 2 months is not massive blud
thats good fym, even during the peak of my puberty i was growing maybe 1cm every 2 months, i did grow 9cm in one month randomly but even then that was a fluke, i wish i had the ability to heightmaxx right now since i think my plates are near closed (havent grown in 10 months) since id like to get another 5cm
about 3cm with 600 iu,my igf1 is about 900 and my estrodial is 18
hgh is 8 iu and aromasin is 12.5 mg
Age? and growth plates open?
i would say aromasin if youre young and letrozole when youre old+some good peptide should be good
does letrozole work for closed plates?
Curious, why did you choose only to run aromatase inhibitor? Also, did you get your plates scanned - if so, were they open/closed prior to running AI?
i would say aromasin if youre young and letrozole when youre old+some good peptide should be good
What about anastrozole
every ai does the same thing some are just stronger
Do you recommend Aromasin or Anastrozole? How much did you lower your E2 with Asin? And what was your dosage?
Do you recommend Aromasin or Anastrozole? How much did you lower your E2 with Asin? And what was your dosage?
on 12.5 mg it lowered my e2 to 18,thats still too high and its the most expensive ai
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How many ius daily?
about 3cm with 600 iu,my igf1 is about 900 and my estrodial is 18
hgh is 8 iu and aromasin is 12.5 mg
on 12.5 mg it lowered my e2 to 18,thats still too high and its the most expensive ai
Isn't anything below 20 good enough?
if ur plates are open and u take an AI u will continue growing forever very slowly. it is not cope, add HGH and u will easily mog.
i was too Bluepilled at that age.

5,7 for Lyf
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Yea im still growing and im 26
can i grow taller without buying any of these drugs? I'm poor i can't afford.

I never had Height spurt and I'm going to be 17 this year's November. 😐

I'm currently 5 feet 7 inches (170cm)
Idk u could just end up like me. I took this stuff at 16, and it rly deformed my face brutally, and I didn’t even grow in height. It sucks.
Idk u could just end up like me. I took this stuff at 16, and it rly deformed my face brutally, and I didn’t even grow in height. It sucks.
Damn. Can you go into more detail what you took for how long? Ig it's a risk at the end
Damn. Can you go into more detail what you took for how long? Ig it's a risk at the end
You can just look at my posts man. I’ll be needed surgery when I’m 18 and my moms helping me. It sucks so bad. I can’t even live anymore bro knowing if I never touched GH or heightmaxxing I would have been a normal healthy kid. Stupid .org made me feel insecure about my height. My waist and hips grew to, and my clavicles didn’t. I had decent genetics before I started. I don’t even know if I’m going to live longer, I’m so depressed from this. I have to go to therapy now just so I don’t rope.
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