Has anyone actually seen a single female at a bar?



Mar 16, 2019
We've all seen the scene depicted on tv shows or movies...
The single lonely female drinking at a bar... gets approached by a guy.. "hey, can i get you a drink", -.. "sure, you had a good day?"

When the fuck has that ever happened in my entire life? NEVER

Maybe it happened in the 90s? Maybe it only happens in America?

Actually, I was in New York City a few months ago and was in an Irish bar in Manhattan. sat at the bar and some girl comes and sits at the bar near me... I pluck up the courage to say "hi you just finished work?" .. and she instantly says "Yeah i'm reception at the hotel over the road... oh ... I'm waiting for someone".. sure enough, some old dude came and joined her shortly afterwards.
it's hard to find females alone anywhere tbh
She was probably an escort

pretty rare to find a female all by herself at the bar bro
When you see a group of girls...
They are always in packs or just opt for Netflix night with the gurls
he public space is pointless after social media. why go out when you can just order dinner+chad+netflix+sex with one botton?
females are never alone in public unless they're old or fat. brutal blackpill
Run social circle game asap

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