Has German leg lengthening surgeon performed on anyone who is 6'1'', 6'2''?



Sep 2, 2022
There was this top leg lengthening surgeon in Germany. And there was one in USA. I forgot the name, Paley?
Ive heard they are the best.
Have they performed on anyone who is 6'1''-6'2'' range?
I know Pajeet docs perform LL on tallfags, but they also leave you crippled and sell your femurs in the black market.
So looking for top, world class docs that would do LL on a 6'2'' to get to 6'4''-6'6''
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Paley doesn't have a maximum height limit anymore. Tallest patient of his I'm aware of (and who made him decide to stop considering patients "too tall" for LL) was 5'11 . What's your height and target height?
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Paley doesn't have a maximum height limit anymore. Tallest patient of his I'm aware of (and who made him decide to stop considering patients "too tall" for LL) was 5'11 . What's your height and target height?
6'1''-6'2'', goal height 6'5'' would be nice
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How old are you? If spinal growth plates still open why not try something there?
Paley doesn't have a maximum height limit anymore. Tallest patient of his I'm aware of (and who made him decide to stop considering patients "too tall" for LL) was 5'11 . What's your height and target height?
What made him remove his max height limit?
I don't believe for a second you're following through with this
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why the fuck would you want to have LL at 6'1. Are you seriously retarded?
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6'1''-6'2'', goal height 6'5'' would be nice
Bro, you are 6'1" and if you are not slaying at that height, you will not slay at 6'5", why would you want to waste 1 year being disabled for nothing
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you will never get LL
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What made him remove his max height limit?
He had a 5'11 patient from the Netherlands who said he felt short there, and Paley said it made him realize that everyone has different reasons for doing LL, comes from places with different average heights etc. so he shouldn't judge people and tell them if they should be happy with their current height or not.
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He had a 5'11 patient from the Netherlands who said he felt short there, and Paley said it made him realize that everyone has different reasons for doing LL, comes from places with different average heights etc. so he shouldn't judge people and tell them if they should be happy with their current height or not.
Looks like he just wanted more money lol
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Looks like he just wanted more money lol
Could be, maybe he saw where the wind was blowing and LL becoming big. That said he's been doing LL since the 80s and retiring soon so I don't think money is a big priority for him currently.
based as fuck
You're making the right decision. Height and frame decides almost your entire life. Playing God with high level hardmaxxes is a sign of how advanced our species is and how we can cheat biology, truly beautiful.
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honestly I think a shotgun would do much better than LL in OP's case (u already know the next steps)
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Where are you from actually? If you are from USA, your height is Perfect. If you live in Netherlands you height must be Average. Doing LL at 6'2 is Insane. You shouldn't do that. Height is cope, Face is more important
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Where are you from actually? If you are from USA, your height is Perfect. If you live in Netherlands you height must be Average. Doing LL at 6'2 is Insane. You shouldn't do that. Height is cope, Face is more important
I agree for legit 6'2, at that point you're officially in the ideal height range and one pair of small lifts away from looking normal next to Jacob Elordi who's 6'5 (my worst-case scenario as far as heightmogs to realistically expect irl). But 6'0-6'1 is debatable, if I was rich I'd definitely do it to go from 6'0 to 6'2-6'3.
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I agree for legit 6'2, at that point you're officially in the ideal height range and one pair of small lifts away from looking normal next to Jacob Elordi who's 6'5 (my worst-case scenario as far heightmogs to expect irl go). But 6'0-6'1 is debatable.
6 and 6'1 are also good if you have Very Good Face, you will even slay in Scandinavia. You must be just at least average height in your Country. And just being 6'5 tall is not Mogging lmao. 6 ft Chad will mog Shit Face Elordi to Death Madness. I'm myself almost 6'2 and I remember couple years ago I played basketball with my friend in the streets, he's 5'9 HTN Asian, plus Kpopnichemaxxed, and there 2 girls aproached him and asked for his number. They thursted for him so hard. I'm White 6'2 Guy and I was brutally ghosted by them, that was True Mogging. Leg lengthening at 5’9 above is extreme cope tbh, if you weren’t getting any female attention at your current height you won’t get it at your dream height lol. I even wore shoe lifts that made me 6'4, it was still the same, no women's attention. Retarded Blackpill Incels think that Being as tall as possible will get them girls Lmao. Also I have friends that are 6'5 6'7 and they are complete incels, I even showed them Black pill and said that women really like Tall guys, they laughed so hard and said that it's Bullshit. I'm not saying height is useless, sure it can help in some degrees, but the way that most guys exaggerate it is Complete Cope and Overrated
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6 and 6'1 are also good if you have Very Good Face, you will even slay in Scandinavia. You must be just at least average height in your Country. And just being 6'5 tall is not Mogging lmao. 6 ft Chad will mog Shit Face Elordi to Death Madness. I'm myself almost 6'2 and I remember couple years ago I played basketball with my friend in the streets, he's 5'9 HTN Asian, plus Kpopnichemaxxed, and there 2 girls aproached him and asked for his number. They thursted for him so hard. I'm White 6'2 Guy and I was brutally ghosted by them, that was True Mogging. Leg lengthening at 5’9 above is extreme cope tbh, if you weren’t getting any female attention at your current height you won’t get it at your dream height lol. I even wore shoe lifts that made me 6'4, it was still the same, no women's attention. Retarded Blackpill Incels think that Being as tall as possible will get them girls Lmao. Also I have friends that are 6'5 6'7 and they are complete incels, I even showed them Black pill and said that women really like Tall guys, they laughed so hard and said that it's Bullshit. I'm not saying height is useless, sure it can help in some degrees, but the way that most guys exaggerate it is Complete Cope and Overrated
for sure, only the most retarded of the retards would choose to get LL above 5'9/5'10. What makes them think that they will slay if they are taller when they are already tall jfl. Height above 6'2/6'3" is just cope. you risk your time and money and potentionally being not able to walk at 50-60(doesn't really matter though). Only get LL if you are under the height of average to become above average tall, example (5'6 to 5'9 or 5'11/6' if two surgery) big change.
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no one who has a normally functioning brain
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why the fuck would you want to have LL at 6'1. Are you seriously retarded?
6'1'' nothing in 2024 anymore. Literally zero girls have told me "wow youre so tall" recently. And when they describe what kind of guys they describe "tall" guys as if talking about someone else. Tall like 2 meters, definitely taller than 6'1''.
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6'1'' nothing in 2024 anymore. Literally zero girls have told me "wow youre so tall" recently. And when they describe what kind of guys they describe "tall" guys as if talking about someone else. Tall like 2 meters, definitely taller than 6'1''.
bro, what? why would you care if girls called you tall or not, 6'1/6'2 is the ideal ideal height, bro please I beg you, don't get LL just get face surgery to improve looks
6'1'' nothing in 2024 anymore. Literally zero girls have told me "wow youre so tall" recently. And when they describe what kind of guys they describe "tall" guys as if talking about someone else. Tall like 2 meters, definitely taller than 6'1''.
OK let's not exaggerate, things haven't gotten that bad yet. 6'3 is still very tall in the eyes of foids. At 6'4, tall even by Dutch standards, they'd see you as a giant. Not even Jacob Elordi is 2 meters/6'7. The most black pilled version I can buy is that 6'2 is the new 6'0, but no worse than that.

Personally if I was legit barefoot evening 6'1 I'd consider myself lucky (slightly above average even in the tallest countries in the world), claim 6'2, wear 1.5 inch lifts to look almost 6'3, and not think about LL again. But people could say the same about me considering LL at 6'0 so can't judge you too much.
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Could be, maybe he saw where the wind was blowing and LL becoming big. That said he's been doing LL since the 80s and retiring soon so I don't think money is a big priority for him currently.
Nooooooooo when do u think he might retire
Nooooooooo when do u think he might retire
yeah it sucks but let's be honest even we fully decided and committed to doing LL right now it's doubtful we' be able to do it before 2026-2027 minimum, so it's unlikely we'd ever get the chance to do it with him anyway. I don't know when specifically but a lot of people are saying it at the LL forum, he's 68 years old and typical retirement age is like 65 so I doubt he'll stay for more than 2 years. Plus unfortunately you gotta take age-related cognitive decline into account, smooth post-LL recovery relies a lot on a doctor who can look at the signs, anticipate potential complications and knows how to react, and as smart and experienced as Paley is he's still human and probably not as sharp as he used to be. I'm guessing the main guy in charge of his clinic would be Dr. Robbins after that, or another one from his team.
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6'1 is not even average height in the netherlands
wtf are u thinking?
There was this top leg lengthening surgeon in Germany. And there was one in USA. I forgot the name, Paley?
Ive heard they are the best.
Have they performed on anyone who is 6'1''-6'2'' range?
I know Pajeet docs perform LL on tallfags, but they also leave you crippled and sell your femurs in the black market.
So looking for top, world class docs that would do LL on a 6'2'' to get to 6'4''-6'6''
Its a good halo but worth it with today tech ud rather focus on face and body if a were you
you mean dr. betz nigga?
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OK let's not exaggerate, things haven't gotten that bad yet. 6'3 is still very tall in the eyes of foids.
It's not. I'm 6'3'' with insoles and heightmaxxed sneakers and foids don't comment on my height at all. The only few times they just say they like "tall guys", but never addressed it to me. Usually "tall guys" they mean - 2 meter+ basket ball players. I don't live in USA manlet country.
based as fuck
You're making the right decision. Height and frame decides almost your entire life. Playing God with high level hardmaxxes is a sign of how advanced our species is and how we can cheat biology, truly beautiful.
You can't cheat poverty biology, procedure is expensive.
6'1'' nothing in 2024 anymore. Literally zero girls have told me "wow youre so tall" recently. And when they describe what kind of guys they describe "tall" guys as if talking about someone else. Tall like 2 meters, definitely taller than 6'1''.
Fix your face not height 😄😄😄

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