Have you've ever felt blood lust? (Dont come in thread ruined by ritalincel)

Have you've ever felt blood lust?

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    Votes: 7 38.9%
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    Votes: 11 61.1%

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it is high t, high t men have a higher chance to be agressive and violent. This is basic knowledge tbh
It is stupid, vile and animalistic. Enjoy being flayed by a sand nigger with raging T levels buddy.
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I can go from a 4/10 to a 5.5/10 with no nct and the right hairstyle
Got rated by multiple girls as a 6/10 jfl
NCT gives off creepy retarded virgin vibes
nct is usally not as bad as people rate it jaw is law tbh
It is stupid, vile and animalistic. Enjoy being flayed by a sand nigger with raging T levels buddy.
true but they are top of the food chain
nct is usally not as bad as people rate it jaw is law tbh
I have a round jaw now that I'm overweight.
But even back then when i was lean my jaw sucked. Need a better one
I have a round jaw now that I'm overweight.
But even back then when i was lean my jaw sucked. Need a better one
my jaw sucks too im trying soo hard to get hollow cheeks
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I'd be traumatized and neurotic for life if I did watch it. Killing another animal or watching a guilty person get executed doesn't strike me much, but murdering someone ruthlessly is horrific. It's not like I cry after watching it, but I start praying and become really sensitive inside.

Imagine if this happened to you... or you did this to a brother who you grew up with-

Some brainlets over here call this "High T". Senseless, brainwashed bigots they are.
are you vegan?
i enjoy killing animals but i dont think of killing humans nor do i feel id be mentally sane if i did
but animals are kinda fun to kill ngl (with respect ofc)
true but they are top of the food chain
There's a ton of birds and domestic animals in this world for consumption.
My problem isn't really the fact that it requires high T. The problem is that - you're an animalistic braindead nigger if you function on hormones alone... and can't have a bit of control on your anger/desire to destroy or kill. It benefits no one. Humans are the highest of all beings with superior intelligence. We rely on conscience and not instinct alone. Negotiations are diplomatic, but murdering sounds terrible.
I wouldn't just mercilessly kill some dude who stole stuff off me or made me lose a fortune. Forgiveness has no value in this kike controlled world.
are you vegan?
i enjoy killing animals but i dont think of killing humans nor do i feel id be mentally sane if i did
but animals are kinda fun to kill ngl (with respect ofc)
Nah mate, I'm omnivorous. I hate killing humans ofc and yeah I don't feel there is a need to (unless it is capital punishment).
I got to admit that I've tortured animals for fun. But it's unnecessary unless you're in danger yourself. The less pain someone experiences, the better. This is why I have no problem in boiling lobsters cause they don't experience the amount of pain a human can comprehend.
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it is high t, high t men have a higher chance to be agressive and violent. This is basic knowledge tbh
You're right but killing anyone doesn't all depend on hormones all the time. Every low T soy cuck from burgerland has a gun to protect himself from a wild lunatic now. All he has to do is pull the trigger. But it requires responsibility and you need to be sure about the decision of killing someone, cause once a guy is dead, he is dead. The fact is that - only people with high T have a higher CHANCE of killing someone. If anyone uses his wit/brain he can either avoid killing a person or kill him in self defense. It all just really depends, I believe.
I actually rubbed off my scabs and tasted some of my blood.
There's a ton of birds and domestic animals in this world for consumption.
My problem isn't really the fact that it requires high T. The problem is that - you're an animalistic braindead nigger if you function on hormones alone... and can't have a bit of control on your anger/desire to destroy or kill. It benefits no one. Humans are the highest of all beings with superior intelligence. We rely on conscience and not instinct alone. Negotiations are diplomatic, but murdering sounds terrible.
I wouldn't just mercilessly kill some dude who stole stuff off me or made me lose a fortune. Forgiveness has no value in this kike controlled world.

Nah mate, I'm omnivorous. I hate killing humans ofc and yeah I don't feel there is a need to (unless it is capital punishment).
I got to admit that I've tortured animals for fun. But it's unnecessary unless you're in danger yourself. The less pain someone experiences, the better. This is why I have no problem in boiling lobsters cause they don't experience the amount of pain a human can comprehend.
they are braindead niggers yes, but that can still do whatever they please in this world. A normie works on his social skills and talks to a girl for 5 months to get a bit of pussy, when these rats could just kill you and rape your girlfriend instantly.

They are low iq af but they got the most power outside of politics etc
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No, I am sane. Murder is the worst thing you can probably do.
Ur a 5'3 dalit, stop spreading bullshit ,ur a worthless cuck

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