Height is separate from PSL and very important

Height to women is like boobs and ass to men, an average looking woman with a fat ass and big tits will be sexually attractive anyways but a beautiful woman with a bad body is a lot less attractive. Same with height in men, it’s a completely separate variable of attraction that is not a multiplier of looks, dumbasses who cope still post thisbut instead is one of the two major points of attraction men have as an asset along with face. Frame is good but is kind of a piece of the whole height variable and is a lot less important than height unless you have massive hips and small shoulders or something

Women talk about height so much with each other because it’s like men discussing how big a girl’s ass is, but even more important

women are often directly attracted to very tall men regardless of their face because it would be like a man going after a woman with the best butt in the world even if she was very average looking. IMO height is more important to women than ass or tits are to men, women will overlook a lot of face for height, just like they will overlook you being a manlet if you are very goodlooking. If you’re 6’8” and repulsive or 5’4” and chad though obviously this doesn’t work but a 6’3” normie is the male equivalent of a butterfaced Brazilian butt goddess

assuming you’re in the west and not the Netherlands or Portugal or other outlier countries then

5’4 and below = PSL1
5’5-5’6 = PSL2
5’7-5’8 = PSL3
5’9-5’10 = PSL4
5’11 = PSL4.5
6’ = PSL5
6’1-6’2” = PSL6
6’3-6’4 = PSL7
6’5-6’6’ = PSL8

After 6’6 this declines because you will attract a lot of height fetish women but others will think you’re just a freak. You’re still going to stay at least PSL5+ if you’re over 6’6 tho. It’s not something almost anyone ever has to worry about since there are so few men that even reach 6’3 in the west that a real 6’6 is seen maybe once a year or less by most people

being Height PSL5 is the minimum to be a chad from height. Combine this with a 5PSL face and the whole package is actually more like 6PSL. Same with 6’2” and 6 PSL, the combined package is more like 7PSL. Chris Hemsworth is gigachad because he’s at least 7 PSL on both criteria and for that reason his irl appeal is more like 8 PSL

TLDR height isn’t a cope it’s something that women are attracted to that doesn’t have a comparasion to men’s attraction to women, the closest comparison is ass and tits, anyone who has been around women enough for real knows this is a accurate statement
You have it backwards, as long as your height is average range or more, then frame is INFINITELY more important. The actual equivalent to tits and ass is SHOULDER WIDTH (aka frame) and that’s backed by studies

A tall guy with a small frame is a niche, not universally attractive. Average height guy with broad shoulders is going to be pretty universally attractive (all of this is assuming face is good enough of course)

to get away with tall + small frame you pretty much have to fall into the “skinny white boy with drug problem” niche and have a decent face

obviously short + small frame is over unless you’re a giga prettyboy
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My face is same PSL on this chart as my height, like I said I went from 5’9 to 6’1 years ago and became much more attractive to women immediately. No cope I just understand how women work and vast majority care about height more than everything other than face but even then sometimes even more than face

5’9 doesn’t make you feel short but let me say this, I doubt you ever feel tall, it’s not about not only not being short but also about being tall, women don’t have a positive reaction just because you’re not-short, they only have a positive one to tallness which starts between 5’11 and 6’ and goes up exponentially per inch
almost everyone is lying on this forum btw. I met @subhuman incel irl, he claimed 5'11 but we were the same height and i was wearing flats. So many who claim 6'1 are prob 5'11 max
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Height doesn’t have a cutoff where it becomes less important. If it did it’s about at 6’4 where any taller doesn’t really make you hotter to them because you’re already a massive giant and tower over all other men and make them feel small and feminine. 5’9” is very far from that cutoff since 5’9 will not make many or possibly any women respond positively to your height and for every inch taller you become more attractive to them
At 5'9" plus height becomes less important to your dating success because most women will not dismiss you for your height alone. We will all agree that a lot of women will not date a 5'5" man even if he has Chad tier face so it is safe to say that height is more important for a man's dating success at 5'5" than at 5'10". I also think that height becomes a significant halo at 6'2 - 6'6" - even then, I think most women will choose a 5'10" over a 6'6" normie.
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almost everyone is lying on this forum btw. I met @subhuman incel irl, he claimed 5'11 but we were the same height and i was wearing flats. So many who claim 6'1 are prob 5'11 max
True i was lying about my height. But later i realized being 5’9 is actually more attractive to women and now im happy with my height. I got brainwashed by so many height copers in this forum.
@delphabot why do u think Portugal is an outlier country ? Because there are so many manlets here ?
That sounds like a fair comparison, something that matters a lot but is clearly secondary to face

my argument is that height is exactly as important to face and isn’t a multiplier it’s something that men don’t understand because we aren’t attracted to anything in women equally other than face, whereas women immediately find tall men much more attractive regardless of face, in a way you could even say face is a multiplier of height because they’re both so necessary to have and if you don’t have one you must have the other
Isnt frame and reach what women look for in height in the first place? Those are the fighting success traits that come when described for height (big, powerful, towering, etc). Take someone with the same face, make him 6'2 with 5'6 wingspan and narrow frame vs 5'6 and 6'2 wingspan and wide frame. I cant really see height doing anything if youre not wide with long arms tbh, it definitely creates the difference between lanklet and imposing.
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My friend who is 170cm, all woman think he is 190 because he got 177cm wingspan

IMG 20210914 063315

While most of 170cm looks like this

IMG 20210908 054053


It's all about arm length.
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Isnt frame and reach what women look for in height in the first place? Those are the fighting success traits that come when described for height (big, powerful, towering, etc). Take someone with the same face, make him 6'2 with 5'6 wingspan and narrow frame vs 5'6 and 6'2 wingspan and wide frame. I cant really see height doing anything if youre not wide with long arms tbh, it definitely creates the difference between lanklet and imposing.

But the lanklet still mog the Manlet tho

If both are normal frame

The lanklet can use roids and hit the gym to be normal

The Manlet what u gonna do?
But the lanklet still mog the Manlet tho

If both are normal frame

The lanklet can use roids and hit the gym to be normal

The Manlet what u gonna do?
Thats not similar to the logic i used. No shit if you make two things the same and one thing better the dude with the better quality would win out. Thing is though, the lanklet with normal frame wont get halo nor failo, you can see how much more determining frame is than height. Also if the manlet roids he'll prob have a better physique due to smaller waist/hips anyways
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Thats not similar to the logic i used. No shit if you make two things the same and one thing better the dude with the better quality would win out. Thing is though, the lanklet with normal frame wont get halo nor failo, you can see how much more determining frame is than height. Also if the manlet roids he'll prob have a better physique due to smaller waist/hips anyways

2 tinder bio

"I'm 5'4 with long arm and wide shoulder's, I have a good frame"

"I'm 6'0"

All woman will choose 6'0 guy
2 tinder bio

"I'm 5'4 with long arm and wide shoulder's, I have a good frame"

"I'm 6'0"

All woman will choose 6'0 guy
What about no bio and pics instead? Who will women choose? Also 5'4 with those is virtually impossible jfl

Thing is, tall people will tend to have wider shoulders and longer arms, like 90% of the time. But outliers for manlets who have those will also share the same benefits i believe
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Isnt frame and reach what women look for in height in the first place? Those are the fighting success traits that come when described for height (big, powerful, towering, etc). Take someone with the same face, make him 6'2 with 5'6 wingspan and narrow frame vs 5'6 and 6'2 wingspan and wide frame. I cant really see height doing anything if youre not wide with long arms tbh, it definitely creates the difference between lanklet and imposing.
Height is more important than frame and even 6’2 lanklets have an inch for inch better frame than average 5’9 guy

wingspan is usually similar or longer than height, you will be hard pressed to find tall men with negative ape indices so even if this theory was true (it’s not, women don’t GAF about wingspan) it’s not a real life scenario. 99% of men will have a wingspan 1 inch less than their height or longer anyways, vast majority of men are 2 to 3 inches wider wingspan than their height. In fact lanklets usually have massive wingspans compared to height
What about no bio and pics instead? Who will women choose? Also 5'4 with those is virtually impossible jfl

Thing is, tall people will tend to have wider shoulders and longer arms, like 90% of the time. But outliers for manlets who have those will also share the same benefits i believe
They will choose the 5’4” man until they ask how tall he is later and then ghost him and if he shows up to the date without telling them they’ll walk out or stay and let him pay and then ghost him

99% of women ask for height before first date
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@delphabot why do u think Portugal is an outlier country ? Because there are so many manlets here ?
Average height there is 173 for young men. Netherlands is another outlier since they are 182 (not 184 since that’s a frauded height, most good studies show 182-183 for young men, but they’re still giants compared to rest of Europe)
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Average height there is 173 for young men. Netherlands is another outlier since they are 182 (not 184 since that’s a frauded height, most good studies show 182-183 for young men, but they’re still giants compared to rest of Europe)
Im 195 cm tall and still an incel fuark :feelswhy::feelswhy::feelswhy:
You have it backwards, as long as your height is average range or more, then frame is INFINITELY more important. The actual equivalent to tits and ass is SHOULDER WIDTH (aka frame) and that’s backed by studies

A tall guy with a small frame is a niche, not universally attractive. Average height guy with broad shoulders is going to be pretty universally attractive (all of this is assuming face is good enough of course)

to get away with tall + small frame you pretty much have to fall into the “skinny white boy with drug problem” niche and have a decent face

obviously short + small frame is over unless you’re a giga prettyboy
Average tall guy has a great frame

calling all tall guys lanklets and assuming they all are is cope

most tall men also have massive frame

height is by far more important since you will probably have a massive frame next to manlets who think they have a great frame but actually are just too compact to look lanklet
Height is more important than frame and even 6’2 lanklets have an inch for inch better frame than average 5’9 guy

wingspan is usually similar or longer than height, you will be hard pressed to find tall men with negative ape indices so even if this theory was true (it’s not, women don’t GAF about wingspan) it’s not a real life scenario. 99% of men will have a wingspan 1 inch less than their height or longer anyways, vast majority of men are 2 to 3 inches wider wingspan than their height. In fact lanklets usually have massive wingspans compared to height
Thing is, im not talking about averages, my point is is that when girls talk about height they subconsciously mean frame and wingspan. Its the shit that actually creates sexual attraction, can height stand on its own with narrow shoulders and long arms? No its a joke. What im saying is for the likely scenario of a 5'8 guy having 6'-6'1 wingspan and broad shoulders, they will def have the same benefits as someone 6' and 6'1 wingspan. You notice how black smv is higher than whites even tho theyre shorter and usually uglier? Their broad shoulders and narrow hips with long arms creates the raw sexual attraction that women desire. Not muh propaganda either white women would fuck the slaves back in the day too and kept it secret.
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Thing is, im not talking about averages, my point is is that when girls talk about height they subconsciously mean frame and wingspan. Its the shit that actually creates sexual attraction, can height stand on its own with narrow shoulders and long arms? No its a joke. What im saying is for the likely scenario of a 5'8 guy having 6'-6'1 wingspan and broad shoulders, they will def have the same benefits as someone 6' and 6'1 wingspan. You notice how black smv is higher than whites even tho theyre shorter and usually uglier? Their broad shoulders and narrow hips with long arms creates the raw sexual attraction that women desire. Not muh propaganda either white women would fuck the slaves back in the day too and kept it secret.

So LL is a cope arm length and shoulder lenthening
Is ideal
Height to women is like boobs and ass to men, an average looking woman with a fat ass and big tits will be sexually attractive anyways but a beautiful woman with a bad body is a lot less attractive. Same with height in men, it’s a completely separate variable of attraction that is not a multiplier of looks, dumbasses who cope still post thisbut instead is one of the two major points of attraction men have as an asset along with face. Frame is good but is kind of a piece of the whole height variable and is a lot less important than height unless you have massive hips and small shoulders or something

Women talk about height so much with each other because it’s like men discussing how big a girl’s ass is, but even more important

women are often directly attracted to very tall men regardless of their face because it would be like a man going after a woman with the best butt in the world even if she was very average looking. IMO height is more important to women than ass or tits are to men, women will overlook a lot of face for height, just like they will overlook you being a manlet if you are very goodlooking. If you’re 6’8” and repulsive or 5’4” and chad though obviously this doesn’t work but a 6’3” normie is the male equivalent of a butterfaced Brazilian butt goddess

assuming you’re in the west and not the Netherlands or Portugal or other outlier countries then

5’4 and below = PSL1
5’5-5’6 = PSL2
5’7-5’8 = PSL3
5’9-5’10 = PSL4
5’11 = PSL4.5
6’ = PSL5
6’1-6’2” = PSL6
6’3-6’4 = PSL7
6’5-6’6’ = PSL8

After 6’6 this declines because you will attract a lot of height fetish women but others will think you’re just a freak. You’re still going to stay at least PSL5+ if you’re over 6’6 tho. It’s not something almost anyone ever has to worry about since there are so few men that even reach 6’3 in the west that a real 6’6 is seen maybe once a year or less by most people

being Height PSL5 is the minimum to be a chad from height. Combine this with a 5PSL face and the whole package is actually more like 6PSL. Same with 6’2” and 6 PSL, the combined package is more like 7PSL. Chris Hemsworth is gigachad because he’s at least 7 PSL on both criteria and for that reason his irl appeal is more like 8 PSL

TLDR height isn’t a cope it’s something that women are attracted to that doesn’t have a comparasion to men’s attraction to women, the closest comparison is ass and tits, anyone who has been around women enough for real knows this is a accurate statement
I am 6ft and am still hated by women jfl
Thing is, im not talking about averages, my point is is that when girls talk about height they subconsciously mean frame and wingspan. Its the shit that actually creates sexual attraction, can height stand on its own with narrow shoulders and long arms? No its a joke. What im saying is for the likely scenario of a 5'8 guy having 6'-6'1 wingspan and broad shoulders, they will def have the same benefits as someone 6' and 6'1 wingspan. You notice how black smv is higher than whites even tho theyre shorter and usually uglier? Their broad shoulders and narrow hips with long arms creates the raw sexual attraction that women desire. Not muh propaganda either white women would fuck the slaves back in the day too and kept it secret.
This is weird ass shit I tell you what

none of this is remotely true

This is weird ass shit I tell you what

none of this is remotely true

cuz u live in albania, no one wants to go there roflll
only usa is relevant
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Height to women is like boobs and ass to men, an average looking woman with a fat ass and big tits will be sexually attractive anyways but a beautiful woman with a bad body is a lot less attractive. Same with height in men, it’s a completely separate variable of attraction that is not a multiplier of looks, dumbasses who cope still post thisbut instead is one of the two major points of attraction men have as an asset along with face. Frame is good but is kind of a piece of the whole height variable and is a lot less important than height unless you have massive hips and small shoulders or something

Women talk about height so much with each other because it’s like men discussing how big a girl’s ass is, but even more important

women are often directly attracted to very tall men regardless of their face because it would be like a man going after a woman with the best butt in the world even if she was very average looking. IMO height is more important to women than ass or tits are to men, women will overlook a lot of face for height, just like they will overlook you being a manlet if you are very goodlooking. If you’re 6’8” and repulsive or 5’4” and chad though obviously this doesn’t work but a 6’3” normie is the male equivalent of a butterfaced Brazilian butt goddess

assuming you’re in the west and not the Netherlands or Portugal or other outlier countries then

5’4 and below = PSL1
5’5-5’6 = PSL2
5’7-5’8 = PSL3
5’9-5’10 = PSL4
5’11 = PSL4.5
6’ = PSL5
6’1-6’2” = PSL6
6’3-6’4 = PSL7
6’5-6’6’ = PSL8

After 6’6 this declines because you will attract a lot of height fetish women but others will think you’re just a freak. You’re still going to stay at least PSL5+ if you’re over 6’6 tho. It’s not something almost anyone ever has to worry about since there are so few men that even reach 6’3 in the west that a real 6’6 is seen maybe once a year or less by most people

being Height PSL5 is the minimum to be a chad from height. Combine this with a 5PSL face and the whole package is actually more like 6PSL. Same with 6’2” and 6 PSL, the combined package is more like 7PSL. Chris Hemsworth is gigachad because he’s at least 7 PSL on both criteria and for that reason his irl appeal is more like 8 PSL

TLDR height isn’t a cope it’s something that women are attracted to that doesn’t have a comparasion to men’s attraction to women, the closest comparison is ass and tits, anyone who has been around women enough for real knows this is a accurate statement
Leg lengthening 2022
Average tall guy has a great frame

calling all tall guys lanklets and assuming they all are is cope

most tall men also have massive frame

height is by far more important since you will probably have a massive frame next to manlets who think they have a great frame but actually are just too compact to look lanklet
Not even close

Many many many lanklets out there, average tall guy is not tall and wide framed, that’s pure fantasy. At best the average tall guy has average frame which since he’s taller will likely look smaller, and at worst he’s flightreacts or some shit.

Average height guy with wide frame > tall guy with bad frame and potentially even tall guy with average frame depending on the girl.

Height alone will never ever save you regardless of copes, frame mogs height girls just don’t consciously know that, they ALWAYS instinctually know it though. Think about the #1 reason girls say they like height, “it makes me feel so small teehee” you think skeletor makes her feel small? Keep dreaming
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Height to women is like boobs and ass to men, an average looking woman with a fat ass and big tits will be sexually attractive anyways but a beautiful woman with a bad body is a lot less attractive. Same with height in men, it’s a completely separate variable of attraction that is not a multiplier of looks, dumbasses who cope still post thisbut instead is one of the two major points of attraction men have as an asset along with face. Frame is good but is kind of a piece of the whole height variable and is a lot less important than height unless you have massive hips and small shoulders or something

Women talk about height so much with each other because it’s like men discussing how big a girl’s ass is, but even more important

women are often directly attracted to very tall men regardless of their face because it would be like a man going after a woman with the best butt in the world even if she was very average looking. IMO height is more important to women than ass or tits are to men, women will overlook a lot of face for height, just like they will overlook you being a manlet if you are very goodlooking. If you’re 6’8” and repulsive or 5’4” and chad though obviously this doesn’t work but a 6’3” normie is the male equivalent of a butterfaced Brazilian butt goddess

assuming you’re in the west and not the Netherlands or Portugal or other outlier countries then

5’4 and below = PSL1
5’5-5’6 = PSL2
5’7-5’8 = PSL3
5’9-5’10 = PSL4
5’11 = PSL4.5
6’ = PSL5
6’1-6’2” = PSL6
6’3-6’4 = PSL7
6’5-6’6’ = PSL8

After 6’6 this declines because you will attract a lot of height fetish women but others will think you’re just a freak. You’re still going to stay at least PSL5+ if you’re over 6’6 tho. It’s not something almost anyone ever has to worry about since there are so few men that even reach 6’3 in the west that a real 6’6 is seen maybe once a year or less by most people

being Height PSL5 is the minimum to be a chad from height. Combine this with a 5PSL face and the whole package is actually more like 6PSL. Same with 6’2” and 6 PSL, the combined package is more like 7PSL. Chris Hemsworth is gigachad because he’s at least 7 PSL on both criteria and for that reason his irl appeal is more like 8 PSL

TLDR height isn’t a cope it’s something that women are attracted to that doesn’t have a comparasion to men’s attraction to women, the closest comparison is ass and tits, anyone who has been around women enough for real knows this is a accurate statement
Cope , only with a shit face do u need to be some 6’5 freak. 5’9 and up is fine as long as ur cute
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Hear me out.
A pretty face is much more rare than being tall.

Face matters more for slaying. Height matters more for relationship / betabuxx.
A 6'3'' guy with a normie face will have a good percentage of women wanting to get into a relationship with him just because he is tall and she can show off to her friends.

For slaying a lot of women, face is everything and a good height helps too.
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Not even close

Many many many lanklets out there, average tall guy is not tall and wide framed, that’s pure fantasy. At best the average tall guy has average frame which since he’s taller will likely look smaller, and at worst he’s flightreacts or some shit.

Average height guy with wide frame > tall guy with bad frame and potentially even tall guy with average frame depending on the girl.

Height alone will never ever save you regardless of copes, frame mogs height girls just don’t consciously know that, they ALWAYS instinctually know it though. Think about the #1 reason girls say they like height, “it makes me feel so small teehee” you think skeletor makes her feel small? Keep dreaming
Ye and notice how the tall guys without wide frame are viewed as creepy people/nerds? Frame is what makes a man, there are many foids taller than men, but rare as fuck for a foid to be wider, maybe possible if the dude is like sub 5' or has some deformity
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lmao at those height copers are everywhere. i am 5'9 and always walk barefoot and never feel short. Probably because of my frame and Stallone tier face
sounds like cope. i have 23 inch bideltoid and 5'9 height, i feel short.

are you in india or smth ?
  • +1
Reactions: subhuman incel and Deleted member 5786
sounds like cope. i have 23 inch bideltoid and 5'9 height, i feel short.

are you in india or smth ?
Hear me out.
A pretty face is much more rare than being tall.

Face matters more for slaying. Height matters more for relationship / betabuxx.
A 6'3'' guy with a normie face will have a good percentage of women wanting to get into a relationship with him just because he is tall and she can show off to her friends.

For slaying a lot of women, face is everything and a good height helps too.
That is correct. 5'9 wide framed muscular Stallone with masculine face will make pussy wet for ons. Lanky 6'6 normie is great for relationship.
@copingvolcel is 6'6 and confirmed it.
@subhuman incel
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  • +1
Reactions: subhuman incel
sounds like cope. i have 23 inch bideltoid and 5'9 height, i feel short.

are you in india or smth ?
Avg where i live is 177 cm, just never felt short at 174-175 cm whereas its manlet tier on this forum
  • +1
Reactions: subhuman incel
Ye and notice how the tall guys without wide frame are viewed as creepy people/nerds? Frame is what makes a man, there are many foids taller than men, but rare as fuck for a foid to be wider, maybe possible if the dude is like sub 5' or has some deformity
That is correct. 5'9 wide framed muscular Stallone with masculine face will make pussy wet for ons. Lanky 6'6 normie is great for relationship.
@copingvolcel is 6'6 and confirmed it.
subhuman incel
@subhuman incel
  • +1
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Not even close

Many many many lanklets out there, average tall guy is not tall and wide framed, that’s pure fantasy. At best the average tall guy has average frame which since he’s taller will likely look smaller, and at worst he’s flightreacts or some shit.

Average height guy with wide frame > tall guy with bad frame and potentially even tall guy with average frame depending on the girl.

Height alone will never ever save you regardless of copes, frame mogs height girls just don’t consciously know that, they ALWAYS instinctually know it though. Think about the #1 reason girls say they like height, “it makes me feel so small teehee” you think skeletor makes her feel small? Keep dreaming
Cope , only with a shit face do u need to be some 6’5 freak. 5’9 and up is fine as long as ur cute
That is correct. 5'9 wide framed muscular Stallone with masculine face will make pussy wet for ons. Lanky 6'6 normie is great for relationship.
@copingvolcel is 6'6 and confirmed it.
@subhuman incel
  • +1
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It’s not like the only options are 5’9” big frame and big muscles and 6’6 lanklet jfl (also many women would prefer the lanklet for height alone :lul:), there are millions of men 5’11-6’4 with amazing builds and who are absolutely the ideal man that women want

talking in extremes is a good way to cope around the fact that there are proportionally just as many attractive and wide framed tall men as there are manlets or normies, you are all taking 6’6 but a realistic common height range is 6’ to 6’2 which makes up 10% of western men, in some countries like the Netherlands it’s more like 40% of men, half of them probably have a good body and good frame just like normies and manlets do. That 5% of the western male gene pool is the sweet spot that actually exists, don’t try to avoid it by talking in extremes about 6’6 hypothetical lanklets :lul::lul::lul:

I know the height pill is depressing for those who aren’t tall but use it as an excuse to start wearing lifts or get some confidence if you are tall, tallness as you get older is the most important aspect and actually becomes more important than face by late 20s for women
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Also wanted to say that the height pill is one of the harsher truths because it’s another attraction variable and it’s already hard to swallow the truth of how much face matters, some people here are super ass :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill: about height because they’re 5’9” and know they can’t change their height and the easiest cope is “well 5’9” is a cutoff height above that it doesn’t matter or is a multiplier”, that would be as stupid as saying “face doesn’t matter above 4PSL it’s all about personality and shit”

I know it’s fucking rough but anyone who has been around women for long enough knows that they love tall men and that taller is only better within reason
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Also wanted to say that the height pill is one of the harsher truths because it’s another attraction variable and it’s already hard to swallow the truth of how much face matters, some people here are super ass :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill: about height because they’re 5’9” and know they can’t change their height and the easiest cope is “well 5’9” is a cutoff height above that it doesn’t matter or is a multiplier”, that would be as stupid as saying “face doesn’t matter above 4PSL it’s all about personality and shit”

I know it’s fucking rough but anyone who has been around women for long enough knows that they love tall men and that taller is only better within reason

Why are you seem obsessed about being tall?
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5’4 Latino niggas with 7 kids from 3 different baby moms looking at this:😐
Why are you seem obsessed about being tall?
Why is everyone here obsessed about being facially ugly/hot? Really dumb question on a looksmaxxing forum

I’m not obsessed I’m just trying to change the dialogue here that height is a multiplier of looks or that height is okay if you’re at least average. Neither of these things are true and they’re spouted here by short or average copers who are :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill: about the real world necessity and attractability of raw height

5’4 Latino niggas with 7 kids from 3 different baby moms looking at this:😐

cope, they’re also sleeping around with fat 4’11” Latinas in their 30s usually

most chad Latinos of mixed race are at least tall for their race, like 5’8 and above, which for them is like being 6’0 for a white European since they just are much shorter on average. I don’t doubt 5’9 is a slayer height in Mexico or whatever
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Why is everyone here obsessed about being facially ugly/hot? Really dumb question on a looksmaxxing forum

I’m not obsessed I’m just trying to change the dialogue here that height is a multiplier of looks or that height is okay if you’re at least average. Neither of these things are true and they’re spouted here by short or average copers who are :bluepill::bluepill::bluepill: about the real world necessity and attractability of raw height

cope, they’re also sleeping around with fat 4’11” Latinas in their 30s usually

most chad Latinos of mixed race are at least tall for their race, like 5’8 and above, which for them is like being 6’0 for a white European since they just are much shorter on average. I don’t doubt 5’9 is a slayer height in Mexico or whatever

Do you think someone will read your whole essay?
Do you think someone will read your whole essay?
They have :lul: that’s why there’s 100 posts in this thread discussing this topic furiously back and forth

Are you short and offended or some shit?
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They have :lul: that’s why there’s 100 posts in this thread discussing this topic furiously back and forth

Are you short and offended or some shit?

No, I just feel cringe you are writing essay like literally every post and acting like hundred of people is reading it right now when literally no one care.
women like men taller than them , this is basic natural wiring in them in term of height , but problem is that because of better nutrition and health facilities women are growing taller and they also wear heels so with 5 ft 5 bare foot , you have this 3 inches heel that take it to 5 ft 8 and guy have to be couple of inches an this will take desirable height to 5 ft 11.

So height cuttoff has become lot tougher than it was actually .

Personally to me beyond 6 ft its quite redundent.
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No, I just feel cringe you are writing essay like literally every post and acting like hundred of people is reading it right now when literally no one care.
you care enough to post three times about how much you don’t care :lul::lul::lul:
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women like men taller than them , this is basic natural wiring in them in term of height , but problem is that because of better nutrition and health facilities women are growing taller and they also wear heels so with 5 ft 5 bare foot , you have this 3 inches heel that take it to 5 ft 8 and guy have to be couple of inches an this will take desirable height to 5 ft 11.

So height cuttoff has become lot tougher than it was actually .

Personally to me beyond 6 ft its quite redundent.
To you it is, but you’re also not a woman and you have to take an L like I’ve learned to and realize that logic doesn’t work when it comes to things like height

I agree about 5’11 being the height at which desire starts but I disagree that 6’ is redundant, girls go crazy over men who are at least 6’ and even crazier over men that are at least 6’2
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