Height Matters more than Face

"hand and hand" dumb nigger has his brain clogged with "muh bbc" better learn how to write,
Hand and hand is the regional colloquialism used in my area which white anglos popularized retard
if the premise that we judge women by what they fuck instead is true then it means that personality tops, and its true that women mostly fuck for personality/inhib/nt
Fucking isn’t the only piece of the puzzle, dating and romance plays a role in what women do. If we looked at the population of short htns+ and tall ltns, we’d clearly see there’s more women that are interested romantically and sexually in attractive men. You don’t see women gravitating around oofie doofies unless they’re rich, at least I don’t.
youre too easy to insult youre just a loser 😆adios
Yeah your only insult is that I’m 5’8 which isn’t terrible in my ethnic area and also youre KHHV brooootal
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the same way women may reject a tall guy with not a good face

or even a guy who is tall and has somerhalder face but is a mcdonalds toilet cleaner, like i already said, women have their standards and vary significantly
No woman would give up a man in the 99.99th percentile of appearance over being the average male height
In less hyperbolic phrasing, the existence of women whose height standard precedes all other criteria for partnership to an extent they'd reject a man like Somerhalder for his facial appearance is numerically null; You could make the same argument about women rejecting 6'1-3 'dudes (Universally recognized as the most attractive height by this forum) being rejected for their height, of which the argument would have merit since there are legitimate female gnomes, usually on birth control that prefer men in the average/below average height deciles.
You're appealing to a virtually nonexistent minority to solidify the standard of height.
Facial appearance is more of a determinant than height, height is primarily a threshold considering it's a numerical/physical value that can be analyzed objectively as opposed to facial aesthetics.
(In risk of sounding hypocritical, add a man in the 90th decile of appearance instead of 99.99th and the same would nearly remain true for a woman rejecting him for his height)
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yeah right when russia is in a trading bloc with china, mongols
Russia has an economic union with China from which both benefit, when you have received only complete dependence from the union with the United States
  • So Sad
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Hand and hand is the regional colloquialism used in my area which white anglos popularized retard
it means that they are interdependent, god you are a fucking dumb nigger.
Fucking isn’t the only piece of the puzzle, dating and romance plays a role in what women do. If we looked at the population of short htns+ and tall ltns, we’d clearly see there’s more women that are interested romantically and sexually in attractive men. You don’t see women gravitating around oofie doofies unless they’re rich, at least I don’t.
Ok I have the face too and?
Yeah your only insult is that I’m 5’8 which isn’t terrible in my ethnic area and also youre KHHV brooootal
And I lose my virginity in 1-2 months, then what? I dick/height/race mog you mentally ill nigger-creature.
  • So Sad
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Russia has an economic union with China from which both benefit, when you have received only complete dependence from the union with the United States
russia is not independent and if anything thats a bad thing that just means usa can defeat it easily
  • So Sad
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No woman would give up a man in the 99.99th percentile of appearance over being the average male height
In less hyperbolic phrasing, the existence of women whose height standard precedes all other criteria for partnership to an extent they'd reject a man like Somerhalder for his facial appearance is numerically null; You could make the same argument about women rejecting 6'1-3 'dudes (Universally recognized as the most attractive height by this forum) being rejected for their height, of which the argument would have merit since there are legitimate female gnomes, usually on birth control that prefer men in the average/below average height deciles.
You're appealing to a virtually nonexistent minority to solidify the standard of height.
Facial appearance is more of a determinant than height, height is primarily a threshold considering it's a numerical/physical value that can be analyzed objectively as opposed to facial aesthetics.
(In risk of sounding hypocritical, add a man in the 90th decile of appearance instead of 99.99th and the same would nearly remain true for a woman rejecting him for his height)
somerhalder isnt a very muscular nor tall dude (and we dont know his dick size) but what we know is that women want to be "used up" in bed, just because you have a nice face okay you can still be a turn off, height shields you more from how you act since women see you as masculine anyway
russia is not independent
your cope goes hard
and if anything thats a bad thing that just means usa can defeat it easily
The USA cannot defeat Russia because the USA is weaker. Nato was created only to create military competition for Russia, because they cannot cope alone
your cope goes hard

The USA cannot defeat Russia because the USA is weaker. Nato was created only to create military competition for Russia, because they cannot cope alone
russia would disagree with you, putin wanted to join nato at some point so they dont exactly see it as a competition, only because they got rejected :lul:
somerhalder isnt a very muscular nor tall dude (and we dont know his dick size) but what we know is that women want to be "used up" in bed, just because you have a nice face okay you can still be a turn off, height shields you more from how you act since women see you as masculine anyway
That's for one night stands, it's not universal of all women.
He has the perfect appearance for a one night stand considering he's the personification of a masculine dark-triad figure.
Height doesn't entirely shield you lol, imagine the 6'4 "Never give up dude" acting like an asshole to women, he'd be clowned

Doesn't address my point regardless, but on the issue of one night stands/being tossed around this could easily be achieved with tattoos and a muscular body, height wouldn't play too much of a role after 5'9 considering the scarcity of these types of men
not to diminish the importance of height either lol, not what i'm stating
russia would disagree with you, putin wanted to join nato at some point so they dont exactly see it as a competition, only because they got rejected :lul:
Just start lying theory
it means that they are interdependent, god you are a fucking dumb nigger.
Not necessarily faggot, it doesn’t have to be interdependent it can also means something that’s closely correlated/seemingly connected.. Brutal Eastern European IQ….
Ok I have the face too and?
Height and good face is optimal, I doubt you’re htn because you’re a huge height coper. All I am saying is a good face is enough for abundant female attraction, people with height usually have to pair it with an average face to be competitive in overall female interactions
And I lose my virginity in 1-2 months, then what? I dick/height/race mog you mentally ill nigger-creature.
No race mog for Slavic ogres, not in the US at least. Keep coping on .org to keep your brain in check so I can farm you
That's for one night stands, it's not universal of all women.
He has the perfect appearance for a one night stand considering he's the personification of a masculine dark-triad figure.
Height doesn't entirely shield you lol, imagine the 6'4 "Never give up dude" acting like an asshole to women, he'd be clowned

Doesn't address my point regardless, but on the issue of one night stands/being tossed around this could easily be achieved with tattoos and a muscular body, height wouldn't play too much of a role after 5'9 considering the scarcity of these types of men
not to diminish the importance of height either lol, not what i'm stating
interesting points, though my point specifically was that even if you act sort of autistic during fucking as a tall dude, women play it off because they see you as a god (not literally but hyperbolically) still literally to an extent it matters.

i think what matters exactly is relative to your base, manlets will say height matters most, skinny fat dudes will say muscle is law etc it goes on forever, i think objectively for any man its important to be tall, for one thats a necessity.
Women see men as objects the same way men see women, why tf your face matters if most people are trying to slay?
Face matters more because it contains the most amount of biological information. Height is obv law, but the combination of height + frame + leanness is way more potent tho, because you rule out people with kleines.

In regards to the 'dominating' aspect, I think it's kinda bullshit in most cases. A 5'9 male could easily (even a dyel) overpower a 5'9 female in all ways, and in the same capacity that a 6'2 guy would. But if you put these guys against each other, then ofc the taller one will probably have the edge. This makes me think that height is more of an intrasexual measure rather than something that the woman compares to her own body, altho the closer you are to her height the less dominant you will appear obviously.
Not necessarily faggot, it doesn’t have to be interdependent it can also means something that’s closely correlated/seemingly connected.. Brutal Eastern European IQ….
connections and correlations are both semantical proper subsets of interdependence, but whatever you say nigger idk.
Height and good face is optimal, I doubt you’re htn because you’re a huge height coper. All I am saying is a good face is enough for abundant female attraction, people with height usually have to pair it with an average face to be competitive in overall female interactions

No race mog for Slavic ogres, not in the US at least. Keep coping on .org to keep your brain in check so I can farm you
im not a height coper, im just a person who appreciates having it, am i not allowed to? the same way people with good face may appreciate it or a lot of money, if I had a lot of money id appreciate it for damn sure.

im not a slavic ogre lol i collagen mog you i have a prettyboy clean skin face than some ooga booga 5'8 dicklet mentally ill nigger tongue click talking shitskin in his bathtub taking a dickpic for incels
  • JFL
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then why am I KHHV at white 6'4 22 inch bideltoid 8x5
You’ve made countless threads about the importance of height, but then admit you are 6’4 and KHHV? Clearly it’s not doing you any favours. It’s funny how you claim to have top stats but rot on here and get 0 pussy
Face matters more because it contains the most amount of biological information. Height is obv law, but the combination of height + frame + leanness is way more potent tho, because you rule out people with kleines.
google "bodybuilders with klinefelter" you will have your "ruling out" (I don't have it I just recall looking it up so you're wrong)
In regards to the 'dominating' aspect, I think it's kinda bullshit in most cases. A 5'9 male could easily (even a dyel) overpower a 5'9 female in all ways, and in the same capacity that a 6'2 guy would. But if you put these guys against each other, then ofc the taller one will probably have the edge. This makes me think that height is more of an intrasexual measure rather than something that the woman compares to her own body, altho the closer you are to her height the less dominant you will appear obviously.
women quite often (ish) fantasize about being raped or fucked by a guy where it's up to him on what happens next and if she said no then he could not let her, this turns women on from experience even the ones that are innocent, it's in their biologically hardwired brain to want this.
You’ve made countless threads about the importance of height, but then admit you are 6’4 and KHHV? Clearly it’s not doing you any favours. It’s funny how you claim to have top stats but rot on here and get 0 pussy
i dont claim to have top stats, also why do you click on my threads then you can just leave
It's funny that you ignore the fact that Russia then had good relations with NATO and then the countries of Europe were not yet puppets of the United States. In any case, Putin did not apply to NATO, even though he wanted to
cope like the pope
i dont claim to have top stats,

Yeah these aren’t top stats are they, nice one.

also why do you click on my threads then you can just leave
I just find it funny how much you larp, how can you talk about height so much when you are supposedly 6’4 and admit to being KHHV. Does that not prove to you that you over exaggerate about height?
google "bodybuilders with klinefelter" you will have your "ruling out" (I don't have it I just recall looking it up so you're wrong)

women quite often (ish) fantasize about being raped or fucked by a guy where it's up to him on what happens next and if she said no then he could not let her, this turns women on from experience even the ones that are innocent, it's in their biologically hardwired brain to want this.
raping has nothing do with being tall lmfao, it's all inhib and how aggressive you can be

and when i said frame rules out people with kleines, its because actual people who have klinefelters tend to not only have a bad frame, but also bad dimorphism and facial bones, so you'll basically be a big baby with an overgrown, estrogenic looking body.
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Yeah these aren’t top stats are they, nice one.
i dont slay because im poor
I just find it funny how much you larp, how can you talk about height so much when you are supposedly 6’4 and admit to being KHHV. Does that not prove to you that you over exaggerate about height?
no it doesnt because im also really poor so i dont even use my stats at all
  • JFL
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raping has nothing do with being tall lmfao, it's all inhib and how aggressive you can be

and when i said frame rules out people with kleines, its because actual people who have klinefelters tend to not only have a bad frame, but also bad dimorphism and facial bones, so you'll basically be a big baby with an overgrown, estrogenic looking body.
"its all inhib", yeah and being tall plays a part to how your inhib is portrayed, interdependence is strong with height, its common sense height is attractive.
  • JFL
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cope like the pope
I see you have no arguments left. In 2000, NATO tried to imitate friendship with Russia out of fear, they failed because Russia still did not apply to them
I see you have no arguments left. In 2000, NATO tried to imitate friendship with Russia out of fear, they failed because Russia still did not apply to them
trust me nato has nothing to worry about they mog in manpower+weapon advancement and low inhib that they bombed yugoslavia
then why am I KHHV at white 6'4 22 inch bideltoid 8x5
I love towering over girls while I fuck them raw from behind in a primal way
nigga stick to one story lmfao

inb4 you meant to say 'i would love to fuck them raw'
good to see how your humble stats of 6'4 white htn are working for you then
  • JFL
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trust me nato has nothing to worry about they mog in manpower+weapon advancement and low inhib that they bombed yugoslavia
They mog in terms of dick sucking
USA is weaker than Russia.
If the United States were stronger, it would not have to create NATO.
nigga stick to one story lmfao

inb4 you meant to say 'i would love to fuck them raw'
good to see how your humble stats of 6'4 white htn are working for you then
just because theyre not working doesnt mean they dont matter, i already told you why im not "slaying" despite not wanting to anyway.

I do stick to one story, i dont lie about anything, the fact youre making personal attacks makes me think youre coping with your manletism
"its all inhib", yeah and being tall plays a part to how your inhib is portrayed, interdependence is strong with height, its common sense height is attractive.
height has no correlation to inhib or propensity to violence at all lmfao. If anything, it would be negatively correlated from your perspective, because if you have height you wouldn't need to resort to rape.

Also lol at saying 'its common sense height is attractive' like anyone would disagree with a fountain of water like that
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They mog in terms of dick sucking
USA is weaker than Russia.
If the United States were stronger, it would not have to create NATO.
remember when russia said "kyiv in 3 days" now how many day has it been more than 1 thousand or something :lul:
height has no correlation to inhib or propensity to violence at all lmfao. If anything, it would be negatively correlated from your perspective, because if you have height you wouldn't need to resort to rape.
youre basically denying that girls fantasize about the chad who rapes them being tall, please... no woman fantasizes being raped by a manlet what? :lul:
Also lol at saying 'its common sense height is attractive' like anyone would disagree with a fountain of water like that
so why tf are you disagreeing with me?
just because theyre not working doesnt mean they dont matter, i already told you why im not "slaying" despite not wanting to anyway.

I do stick to one story, i dont lie about anything, the fact youre making personal attacks makes me think youre coping with your manletism
oh so in the OP you meant to say that you would like to fuck them raw? Honest mistake, ig haha

the funny thing is, you're right in that i'm a manlet, but even if i was 6'6 and somehow stumbled upon your post, i would have done the same thing, because i care much more abt tearing down stupid arguments than to compare stats with random niggas on an obscure internet forum
  • +1
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oh so in the OP you meant to say that you would like to fuck them raw? Honest mistake, ig haha
I could, Ive talked to a lot of girls and they compliment me for my looks.
the funny thing is, you're right in that i'm a manlet, but even if i was 6'6 and somehow stumbled upon your post, i would have done the same thing, because i care much more abt tearing down stupid arguments than to compare stats with random niggas on an obscure internet forum
well youre not 6'6 so i guess we can finish here
  • JFL
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oh so in the OP you meant to say that you would like to fuck them raw? Honest mistake, ig haha
I actually said this on purpose so insecure incels like you can try correct me only to reveal your coping mechanism that you will never have a girl biting her lips over your height, but youve probably accepted that by now, its a lifestyle ;)
remember when russia said "kyiv in 3 days" now how many day has it been more than 1 thousand or something :lul:
That's what American military analysts said, you dumb shit. At the same time, Russia reached Kiev in 3 days, but there were no plans to capture it.
youre basically denying that girls fantasize about the chad who rapes them being tall, please... no woman fantasizes being raped by a manlet what? :lul:
they fantasize abt being raped by a tall chad because height is a good thing to have, not because height correlates to how likely you are to be a rapist lmfao

so why tf are you disagreeing with me?
because you said some dumb shit in the OP, which i already talked abt in the first post i did in this thread
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they fantasize abt being raped by a tall chad because height is a good thing to have, not because height correlates to how likely you are to be a rapist lmfao
i didnt even claim the latter do you have reading comprehension issues.
because you said some dumb shit in the OP, which i already talked abt in the first post i did in this thread
height matters more, so?
I could, Ive talked to a lot of girls and they compliment me for my looks.
just because theyre not working doesnt mean they dont matter
nigga you can't go more than two sentences without contradicting yourself i'm caging giga hard

@Magnum Opus @HarrierDuBois
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That's what American military analysts said, you dumb shit. At the same time, Russia reached Kiev in 3 days, but there were no plans to capture it.
you mad asf low russian iq showing
i didnt even claim the latter do you have reading comprehension issues.
"its all inhib", yeah and being tall plays a part to how your inhib is portrayed, interdependence is strong with height, its common sense height is attractive.
you tried to claim it by making an association between inhib and height

and why did you do that? because i made an association between inhib and rape, and you wanted to bridge the two via a implies b, b implies c, a implies c

you can't even comprehend the points that you make accidentally, brutal that i have to spell it out for you
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you tried to claim it by making an association between inhib and height
and why did you do that? because i made an association between inhib and rape, and you wanted to bridge the two via a implies b, b implies c, a implies c
the association wasn't that the taller/lower inhib you are the more likely you are to rape, despite that it may be true, i dont see the contradiction.
you can't even comprehend the points that you make accidentally, brutal that i have to spell it out for you
you mad asf low russian iq showing
You have no arguments left LOL
Russia is fighting whole NATO on Ukrainian territories and still winning (it's 1 vs. 40+ countries). you are losing more and more territories and to cope with this, you commit terrorist attacks on our territories killing civilians, you are real subhumans

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