Heightmax or Roidmaxx. High IQ Users GTFIH



God Make My Personality Great .Inc
Dec 3, 2023
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bro honestly if u can do it go for it but try not fuck up ur puberty or shutdown test production
shutdown while happen on cycle anyway
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Reactions: roider72 and AverageCurryEnjoyer
bro honestly if u can do it go for it but try not fuck up ur puberty or shutdown test production
This or ultimate copestack with shit ton of supplements and pray to gandy
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im gonna blast next year at 20
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im gonna blast next year at 20
Woul wait but Almost at the end of puberty. Shouldve done earlier tbh but its the final shot to ascend
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Hey man that cycle is definitely sub optimal if your looking to pubertymax. Dm me on telegram @ barnmatrix and i'll share a much better one with you.
Could I just dm you here
bump/ Best way to not norwood and loosehair while running a cycle.
I'll give you a few different types of advice.

A. At 16 you should be at a point where your test and gh levels are near optimal. I would highly recommend focusing on exercise, diet, and sleep until 18-21 before adding in exogenous compounds.

B. Mk677 is unfortunately one of the worst when it comes to the Gh secretegogues. It works by binding to and agonizing ghrelin which makes you extremely hungry, but has the downstream effect of releasing gh and igf-1. The main problem here is this mechanism will fuck with insulin sensitivity and you will probably feel like shit at some point while one it. Plus the odds that you gain height from it are relatively slim, but the odds of excess water and lethargy are a lot higher. I wouldnt recommend doing anything, but if you are I would look into compounds like Ipamorelin or ghrp-2 for gh type compounds.

C. Ideally not until you turn 18, but I really couldn't care less what you do, I would do something closer to trt/slightly higher to maximize muscle gains and masculine features. 200 mg of test per week and maybe 100 primo for estrogen control would be plenty. Note: Being lean is more important than mass generally, the main point of gear is to be able to be consistently lean while maintaining mass and strength and most importantly to not feel like shit from the hormone shifts that happen when you're really lean.

D. I joined this forum 7 years ago in high school around when I was 16. My advice to you is to come here to find some good information and insights and then avoid coming on here for a long time. I haven't been on here since high school and there is nothing that I have missed out on by not coming on here. A lot of people on here will give semi-crude, honest, and hurtful opinions, and sometimes will make you feel hopeless. To give the opposite advice, if you exercise (lift, run, etc) everyday, get 8 hrs of sleep (I recommend a watch or something to track it... And by 8 hours I mean 8 hours asleep not in bed), and eat a relatively clean diet (70% clean to 30% junk or so) (clean: ideally not highly processed, but most important are macros and calories... Ex. Meat, eggs, dairy, protein shakes, etc.); you will be in the top 1% of people and you're face will look better than 95 percent of people who are overweight and obese, even if it is "subhuman" or whatever people on here call it. Plus, in high school a lot of people play sports and are active. Go to college and you start to see that all those obesity and addiction numbers are pretty accurate; you'll find a lot of people you're in school with now will look significantly worse in the next 5-8 years from these factors.

E. Find some hobbies. In college people drink and party all weekend (depending on the school). If you spent that time working on hobbies you will impress many more people with that than you will impress at a bar on a Friday night.
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I'll give you a few different types of advice.

A. At 16 you should be at a point where your test and gh levels are near optimal. I would highly recommend focusing on exercise, diet, and sleep until 18-21 before adding in exogenous compounds.

B. Mk677 is unfortunately one of the worst when it comes to the Gh secretegogues. It works by binding to and agonizing ghrelin which makes you extremely hungry, but has the downstream effect of releasing gh and igf-1. The main problem here is this mechanism will fuck with insulin sensitivity and you will probably feel like shit at some point while one it. Plus the odds that you gain height from it are relatively slim, but the odds of excess water and lethargy are a lot higher. I wouldnt recommend doing anything, but if you are I would look into compounds like Ipamorelin or ghrp-2 for gh type compounds.

C. Ideally not until you turn 18, but I really couldn't care less what you do, I would do something closer to trt/slightly higher to maximize muscle gains and masculine features. 200 mg of test per week and maybe 100 primo for estrogen control would be plenty. Note: Being lean is more important than mass generally, the main point of gear is to be able to be consistently lean while maintaining mass and strength and most importantly to not feel like shit from the hormone shifts that happen when you're really lean.

D. I joined this forum 7 years ago in high school around when I was 16. My advice to you is to come here to find some good information and insights and then avoid coming on here for a long time. I haven't been on here since high school and there is nothing that I have missed out on by not coming on here. A lot of people on here will give semi-crude, honest, and hurtful opinions, and sometimes will make you feel hopeless. To give the opposite advice, if you exercise (lift, run, etc) everyday, get 8 hrs of sleep (I recommend a watch or something to track it... And by 8 hours I mean 8 hours asleep not in bed), and eat a relatively clean diet (70% clean to 30% junk or so) (clean: ideally not highly processed, but most important are macros and calories... Ex. Meat, eggs, dairy, protein shakes, etc.); you will be in the top 1% of people and you're face will look better than 95 percent of people who are overweight and obese, even if it is "subhuman" or whatever people on here call it. Plus, in high school a lot of people play sports and are active. Go to college and you start to see that all those obesity and addiction numbers are pretty accurate; you'll find a lot of people you're in school with now will look significantly worse in the next 5-8 years from these factors.

E. Find some hobbies. In college people drink and party all weekend (depending on the school). If you spent that time working on hobbies you will impress many more people with that than you will impress at a bar on a Friday night.
I hear you, and I agree for you the most part. Ive already had my face change a lot by pure puberty by a year when I first logged on here. I'm aiming for a one and done stack to get a bit more juice at the end of puberty to maximise it and keep the growth plates open for just enough time and maximise my potential. Hence I would prolly be running TRT levels of 100 to 200mg of test a week. Granted, Ive also looked into Anavar and it seems like a great side compound to pubertymaxx.

I am borderline prediabetic so I avoided taking mk677 for a long time. I did see someone elses results of Ipamorelin amd cjc dac for a year so peptides wouldnt be a bad choice for the most part.

I did take a blood test like a month ago and the results were that my test was like 297 ng/dl and free test was like 18. My gh levels were basically nonexistent so I highly doubt this is my full potential. I was a fat fuck during puberty and had low ass test kevels at the start. I had a blood test at like 12.

I also agree that this forum will barely give better advise as I essentially made the mistake of rotting here for a whole ass year while barely doing anything. I want to change that
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I hear you, and I agree for you the most part. Ive already had my face change a lot by pure puberty by a year when I first logged on here. I'm aiming for a one and done stack to get a bit more juice at the end of puberty to maximise it and keep the growth plates open for just enough time and maximise my potential. Hence I would prolly be running TRT levels of 100 to 200mg of test a week. Granted, Ive also looked into Anavar and it seems like a great side compound to pubertymaxx.

I am borderline prediabetic so I avoided taking mk677 for a long time. I did see someone elses results of Ipamorelin amd cjc dac for a year so peptides wouldnt be a bad choice for the most part.

I did take a blood test like a month ago and the results were that my test was like 297 ng/dl and free test was like 18. My gh levels were basically nonexistent so I highly doubt this is my full potential. I was a fat fuck during puberty and had low ass test kevels at the start. I had a blood test at like 12.

I also agree that this forum will barely give better advise as I essentially made the mistake of rotting here for a whole ass year while barely doing anything. I want to change that
Thanks for the info, if your test came back at those levels then I'd definitely recommend getting on it sooner rather than later. Not to discourage a one and done, but I would advise you to consider this.
Once you make those gains if your original test levels are that low, you will come off cycle and will revert back to those levels and will lose most of that mass. Secondly, in order to come off of a cycle and recover, you likely will need a host of "PCT" drugs to help your balls start producing test again. This essentially turns a single 16 week cycle into a 20+ week ordeal with 5-10 different drugs depending on cycle and PCT.

Since you may have a natural problem with test production, it wouldn't be a bad idea to think about doing trt soon and not having an end date. It definitely sounds scary, but it's going to be a lot easier and healthier in the long run. The biggest upside of this aside from muscle gain and facial changes over time is going to be the motivation, drive, and confidence. Just doing 100-200 mg of test for 3 months will have you looking and feeling like a different person. Even though your libido will be pretty high for a while, you surprisingly will slowly think about girls and getting laid less and less. You'll find pleasure in other things and will be busy doing shit and will completely forget about this place. Once you start forgetting about all this looksmax shit is when girls will find you attractive.

Side note: once you get jacked, guys want to be your friend no matter what your face looks like. You gain tons of respect from everyone. Use it to your advantage and make a few friend groups. Over time your friend group will include girls and some will find you attractive.

FYI: that's what happened to me in high school. I didn't use gear I hs, but I also didn't have low T and was an athlete. Once you get to college you'll see obese guys with hot girls and it's not that uncommon. You then will realize that although there is some truth in this forum and it was "technically" developed to help guys become the best versions of themselves, there's more than just physical attractiveness that girls look for (especially after high school). Some of it is simply being in the right places at the right times.
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Thanks for the info, if your test came back at those levels then I'd definitely recommend getting on it sooner rather than later. Not to discourage a one and done, but I would advise you to consider this.
Once you make those gains if your original test levels are that low, you will come off cycle and will revert back to those levels and will lose most of that mass. Secondly, in order to come off of a cycle and recover, you likely will need a host of "PCT" drugs to help your balls start producing test again. This essentially turns a single 16 week cycle into a 20+ week ordeal with 5-10 different drugs depending on cycle and PCT.

Since you may have a natural problem with test production, it wouldn't be a bad idea to think about doing trt soon and not having an end date. It definitely sounds scary, but it's going to be a lot easier and healthier in the long run. The biggest upside of this aside from muscle gain and facial changes over time is going to be the motivation, drive, and confidence. Just doing 100-200 mg of test for 3 months will have you looking and feeling like a different person. Even though your libido will be pretty high for a while, you surprisingly will slowly think about girls and getting laid less and less. You'll find pleasure in other things and will be busy doing shit and will completely forget about this place. Once you start forgetting about all this looksmax shit is when girls will find you attractive.

Side note: once you get jacked, guys want to be your friend no matter what your face looks like. You gain tons of respect from everyone. Use it to your advantage and make a few friend groups. Over time your friend group will include girls and some will find you attractive.

FYI: that's what happened to me in high school. I didn't use gear I hs, but I also didn't have low T and was an athlete. Once you get to college you'll see obese guys with hot girls and it's not that uncommon. You then will realize that although there is some truth in this forum and it was "technically" developed to help guys become the best versions of themselves, there's more than just physical attractiveness that girls look for (especially after high school). Some of it is simply being in the right places at the right times.
Imma change as I go tbh. Ill see once I come of the pct, that my normal test levels remain high, otherwise I will keep blasting and cruising otherwise.The plan is for the anavar and test to give me a boost and then I gradually elevate my test through more sustainable practices.

Im giving myself around a year to ascend and do everything, as O should've the year before but what can I do.
Imma change as I go tbh. Ill see once I come of the pct, that my normal test levels remain high, otherwise I will keep blasting and cruising otherwise.The plan is for the anavar and test to give me a boost and then I gradually elevate my test through more sustainable practices.

Im giving myself around a year to ascend and do everything, as O should've the year before but what can I do.
This guy gave you the best advice ever
You should follow it bro
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Reactions: Lonzoball69 and AverageCurryEnjoyer
This guy gave you the best advice ever
You should follow it bro
Mign running me through more f what indefinte trt cruise would mean.
Mign running me through more f what indefinte trt cruise would mean.
Essentially running TRT dosages of test indefinitely and then maybe playing around with other compounds over time for certain goals.

Ideally if it was easy to recover and then maintain that mass after a cycle then most people would do a few cycles and call it quits. Recovery after at a minimum will play around with you mentally for the better part of a month (min).

The more important part is that once you start taking steroids, you will never get that feeling in the gym again as a natty. Lifting natty and lifting on gear are essentially 2 different sports. Lifting as a natty is great and feels great and you can make a ton of progress. Once you take gear you will make 6-8+ weeks of natty progress in one week and you'll be fully recovered for every training session pretty much all the time. It's kind of like pre workout, lifting without any caffeine was great and fine until you had pre and then you literally couldn't workout without it.
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Essentially running TRT dosages of test indefinitely and then maybe playing around with other compounds over time for certain goals.

Ideally if it was easy to recover and then maintain that mass after a cycle then most people would do a few cycles and call it quits. Recovery after at a minimum will play around with you mentally for the better part of a month (min).

The more important part is that once you start taking steroids, you will never get that feeling in the gym again as a natty. Lifting natty and lifting on gear are essentially 2 different sports. Lifting as a natty is great and feels great and you can make a ton of progress. Once you take gear you will make 6-8+ weeks of natty progress in one week and you'll be fully recovered for every training session pretty much all the time. It's kind of like pre workout, lifting without any caffeine was great and fine until you had pre and then you literally couldn't workout without it.
so it basically superhuman. I can barely workout normally as natty so I guess it will cripple me once I hop of, but I still want to try ngl. How about an anavar only stack. Letrozole and mk677. Im almost prediabetic so I will get a glucose monitor and respond woth berberine accordingly. I know im playing around with my body but I dont see any other way. might be able ro save up for hgh tho
Thinking of either running a basic stack of https://looksmax.org/threads/first-steroid-cycle.10771/ along with a bit of dht gel for penile gains at 16. Or I could run some peptides HGH AI or MK677. for heightmaxxing or Should I try both. Stats are 16.5 and 176cm.
if your growth plates are still open then run hgh but that shit is expensive asf so you might want to check of your plates are still open before, also idk if dht gel would make your penis bigger, i dont think you can make it bigger in anyway except increasing your blood flow, other than that all methods to make yo dick bigger are cope (imo)
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if your growth plates are still open then run hgh but that shit is expensive asf so you might want to check of your plates are still open before, also idk if dht gel would make your penis bigger, i dont think you can make it bigger in anyway except increasing your blood flow, other than that all methods to make yo dick bigger are cope (imo)
you can if you're in puberty. HGH expensive af. How much IU needed per day. Penis enlargement aint cope tho.
so it basically superhuman. I can barely workout normally as natty so I guess it will cripple me once I hop of, but I still want to try ngl. How about an anavar only stack. Letrozole and mk677. Im almost prediabetic so I will get a glucose monitor and respond woth berberine accordingly. I know im playing around with my body but I dont see any other way. might be able ro save up for hgh tho
Anavar only is a bad idea. Good rule of thumb with steroids is you always need a "test base". This means you need to take testosterone with any other steroid pretty much including sarms. For example with anavar, it is a "DHT" class of compound so it is essentially an analog of dht. Your body senses this foreign compound as dht/androgen since it binds strongly to androgen receptors and then down regulates testosterone production as a result. You will then feel like shit because you have a foreign substance tricking your body into producing less test, but that substance can't perform all the same tasks that test does, especially the more complex interplay that test has with the dopaminergic system.

As for the stack, I understand this forum has a high opinion of AI's (letrozole, etc.) for height growth, and the logic does have merit. The problem is nuking your estrogen is maybe one of the worst feelings on the planet mentally (super tired, depressed, demotivated), and is terrible for your joints if you're constantly nuking it. If you look at the literature most AI will stop 90-99% conversion to oestrogen for multiple days, which essentially will really lower estrogen by the end. On a trt dose of test, you probably don't need an AI at all. Primobolan has an AI effect, but is a lot less harsh than an AI for binding affinity, plus it is a dry steroid and helps gaining mass. I would recommend if you are doing trt levels of test to get some primo and use that as an AI instead. 2:1 T:p ratio works pretty well but definitely person specific.

Finally, for mk-677, I personally would do ghrp-2 or maybe a sermorelin. For me, mk spiking my ghrelin makes me eat all day long, feel lethargic, and really increased my anxiety. If you are going to use mk, look into the actual science on it and not what people recommend. With pretty much everything in pharmacy, increasing the dose comes with diminishing returns. For example with mk, I believe it's something like 5mg a day gives you a 50-60% increase in gh and a 30-40% in igf 1 and a 25 mg dose gives like 100% and 110% or something like that. Point is 5x the dose for maybe about double the effect, and 5x-ing the dose doesn't come without sides. If you are gonna use it id prolly just start with 5mg before bed every night.
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you can if you're in puberty. HGH expensive af. How much IU needed per day. Penis enlargement aint cope tho.
There's a medical condition called ISSS (idiopathic short stature syndrome), it's probably one of the dumber medical conditions out there but it's essentially when you are shorter than the average height of your parents. They will then prescribe Gh to people diagnosed. The doses they use for that are like 40 IU per week, which you probably could do less, but that's a medical example. That's also like 100$ a week of gh, but I'm sure you could do way less and maybe get results.
As for results, you most likely (95%) will not actually notice increases because they will be so small. Expecting to actually gain multiple inches just from using gh is probably not gonna happen (unless you're prescribed it from like age 10-18). Some people just have random growth spurts for a million different reasons all the way up until 25. A lot of people on here think that it's because they did something to make that happen, as if the 6'7 weird guy in your class that hasnt ever been outside tried to get taller.

Stretch well everyday (2x a day if always stiff or bad ROM), and get a pair of running shoes (usually have large cushioning) and maybe even a large insert. You'll probably gain more from that (1-2 inches) than from other shit. Plus I can't really think of many instances where I'm around girls with my shoes off on a daily basis.
  • +1
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so it basically superhuman. I can barely workout normally as natty so I guess it will cripple me once I hop of, but I still want to try ngl. How about an anavar only stack. Letrozole and mk677. Im almost prediabetic so I will get a glucose monitor and respond woth berberine accordingly. I know im playing around with my body but I dont see any other way. might be able ro save up for hgh tho
Also my bad didn't read everything well the first time through.

A. If your almost prediabetic definitely do not take mk677. It can literally put a 170 lb, 12% body fat, runner and lifter (basically ideal physique with great cardiovascular endurance) into a prediabetic state. Plus test will make you hungry anyways, and mk literally binds to ghrelin which is the hunger hormone, so you might get fat (and huge).

B. I wouldn't say crippled, it's not like its impossible to recover and then lift then, but you'll make progress so much faster and the dopamine spikes you get while on are just way better and so it just makes it really hard mentally to adjust to going back to natty status. Being so young, you will likely recover pretty quick and back to baseline, the main question would be what is baseline.

C. You'll laugh now at me saying this, but in 3 years you'll wander back here and agree, the best part is going to be the mental benefits. Even doing 100 mg/week will get you from hypogonadal (280 ng/dl) to 600-1000 and on the higher end of natty range. Dont be confused here, bein in the natty range on gear is still wayyyy different than having naturally high test. Naturally you have a diurnal rhythm where test is released in a pulsatile fashion (think a graph with peaks and trophs) where your test in a given day can be 300 at a low and 700 at a high. On gear it's almost constantly like a horizontal line on a daily basis where its 700 all day. That part aside, within 6 months you will start to think differently and act differently. Generally this is in a good way where you are more goal oriented with things that matter (grades, gym, social life, hobbies, etc). You will even walk differently with more confidence, and trust me people will notice that (maybe subconsciously idrk or care). After the 6 months you might literally flrget this site ever existed for months/years, and then may finally come back juat to check in and see if you missed out on anything (you never will its always the same shit over and over again).
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“high iq users gtfih”

IMG 1086
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bro honestly if u can do it go for it but try not fuck up ur puberty or shutdown test production
He’s Indian he’s dumb and retarded obviously he’s gonna fuck everything up + he’s really short because he’s Indian. At this point he may as well just unalive himself this is clearly just a massive cope
There's a medical condition called ISSS (idiopathic short stature syndrome), it's probably one of the dumber medical conditions out there but it's essentially when you are shorter than the average height of your parents. They will then prescribe Gh to people diagnosed. The doses they use for that are like 40 IU per week, which you probably could do less, but that's a medical example. That's also like 100$ a week of gh, but I'm sure you could do way less and maybe get results.
As for results, you most likely (95%) will not actually notice increases because they will be so small. Expecting to actually gain multiple inches just from using gh is probably not gonna happen (unless you're prescribed it from like age 10-18). Some people just have random growth spurts for a million different reasons all the way up until 25. A lot of people on here think that it's because they did something to make that happen, as if the 6'7 weird guy in your class that hasnt ever been outside tried to get taller.

Stretch well everyday (2x a day if always stiff or bad ROM), and get a pair of running shoes (usually have large cushioning) and maybe even a large insert. You'll probably gain more from that (1-2 inches) than from other shit. Plus I can't really think of many instances where I'm around girls with my shoes off on a daily basis.
yeah i got like a pair of jordans so I got a straight inch/2cm when I wear that shit. Literally, taking glucosamaine for morning height along with torso and spine streching would give me an inch. If I fix my posture becuase i prolly have some bowleggedness, then I could gain another inc. This along with simply shoe frauding could give me 6 foot. But I want a little more guarantee hence the stacks.
He’s Indian he’s dumb and retarded obviously he’s gonna fuck everything up + he’s really short because he’s Indian. At this point he may as well just unalive himself this is clearly just a massive cope
JoinedJan 5, 2025 Posts76 Reputation36 . Nigger

Also my bad didn't read everything well the first time through.

A. If your almost prediabetic definitely do not take mk677. It can literally put a 170 lb, 12% body fat, runner and lifter (basically ideal physique with great cardiovascular endurance) into a prediabetic state. Plus test will make you hungry anyways, and mk literally binds to ghrelin which is the hunger hormone, so you might get fat (and huge).

B. I wouldn't say crippled, it's not like its impossible to recover and then lift then, but you'll make progress so much faster and the dopamine spikes you get while on are just way better and so it just makes it really hard mentally to adjust to going back to natty status. Being so young, you will likely recover pretty quick and back to baseline, the main question would be what is baseline.

C. You'll laugh now at me saying this, but in 3 years you'll wander back here and agree, the best part is going to be the mental benefits. Even doing 100 mg/week will get you from hypogonadal (280 ng/dl) to 600-1000 and on the higher end of natty range. Dont be confused here, bein in the natty range on gear is still wayyyy different than having naturally high test. Naturally you have a diurnal rhythm where test is released in a pulsatile fashion (think a graph with peaks and trophs) where your test in a given day can be 300 at a low and 700 at a high. On gear it's almost constantly like a horizontal line on a daily basis where its 700 all day. That part aside, within 6 months you will start to think differently and act differently. Generally this is in a good way where you are more goal oriented with things that matter (grades, gym, social life, hobbies, etc). You will even walk differently with more confidence, and trust me people will notice that (maybe subconsciously idrk or care). After the 6 months you might literally flrget this site ever existed for months/years, and then may finally come back juat to check in and see if you missed out on anything (you never will its always the same shit over and over again).
Ill keep your advice in mind definitely. Thanks for taking vthe time out of your day to help me dude. Opinion on berberine to mitigate the insulin resistence that mk677 provides. Anything I could take for some growth. Otherwise would anavar help me with it overall ( along with a test base at trt levels. https://looksmax.org/threads/the-most-underrated-pubertymaxxing-compound-anavar.1196403/
Thinking of either running a basic stack of https://looksmax.org/threads/first-steroid-cycle.10771/ along with a bit of dht gel for penile gains at 16. Or I could run some peptides HGH AI or MK677. for heightmaxxing or Should I try both. Stats are 16.5 and 176cm.
test cycle + aromasin? say goodbye to your hair.

but for actual advice, your test levels are already high so dont fuck with it, but you could do HCG since it doesnt shut down your natural production.

but your main priority should be HGH, and i would use armidex
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test cycle + aromasin? say goodbye to your hair.

but for actual advice, your test levels are already high so dont fuck with it, but you could do HCG since it doesnt shut down your natural production.

but your main priority should be HGH, and i would use armidex
brootal 297 ng/dl test. Im basically low T. Im getting the haior thing covered with dermarolling and Ru55841 possibly. minoxodil as well and if it get bad then dht blockers. My hairline is the one good thing about my face so I gotta take care of it ngl.
yeah i got like a pair of jordans so I got a straight inch/2cm when I wear that shit. Literally, taking glucosamaine for morning height along with torso and spine streching would give me an inch. If I fix my posture becuase i prolly have some bowleggedness, then I could gain another inc. This along with simply shoe frauding could give me 6 foot. But I want a little more guarantee hence the stacks.

JoinedJan 5, 2025 Posts76 Reputation36 . Nigger
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Ill keep your advice in mind definitely. Thanks for taking vthe time out of your day to help me dude. Opinion on berberine to mitigate the insulin resistence that mk677 provides. Anything I could take for some growth. Otherwise would anavar help me with it overall ( along with a test base at trt levels. https://looksmax.org/threads/the-most-underrated-pubertymaxxing-compound-anavar.1196403/
Yeah no problem, I used to fall for all the advice on here and then over time realized 95% of it was a big cope and most changes were just anomalies or puberty/generic/lifestyle factors.

Berberine definitely wouldn't hurt, the problem is gonna be more of how your body responds to the addition of multiple compounds. Test and var will both, especially var, will fuck your lipids up (ie. bad cholesterol high, low cholesterol low). Your blood may also get thicker from RBC production increasing. These all can have indirect effects on blood glucose and insulin sensitivity. Technically if you've got a blood glucose monitor and you monitor it regularly you should be fine. Although not 100 percent necessary a blood pressure cuff/monitor wouldn't be bad either bc hypertension can be pretty rough depending on the person.

People say var is a "weak/mild" compound. In terms of oral compounds it probably is, but it's pretty fuckin Strong. In terms of muscle gain and strength you will be wayyyy stronger and will look pretty fuckin different pretty quick. It helps especially to keep you dry, which will be important bc you can get really bloated on mk676 (think 10+lbs of extra water weight) and test too.

For height growth, gh and maybe secretegogous of it (mk, etc) is pretty much the only way that MAY have an effect.

"Imaging what Rudy could've accomplished if he put all that time and effort into something he was good at"- my dad idk where he got it but it's a great quote to remember
... Focus on the things you are good at and in this context basically what you can control.
You 100 can and will get a great physique and that will impact how you look wayyyy more than anything else.
2. Skincare, cologne, general hygiene (teeth whitening, etc) , and clothing are also all things you can control. Yeah, a girl probably isn't hit you up just because she loves your cologne, but she may never come near you again if you smell bad. All these little things add up, and they really matter over time. Rn you're super young and so is everyone else, get to my age (end of college/going to grad school) and people who didn't take care of themselves well have terrible skin, hair loss (this looks really bad), fat, general unhealthiness etc.
3. I majored in chemistry and exercise science, in chemistry there are a ton of foreign ethnicities. I was good friends with a lot of Indians. People on here say some wild shit about it, but the same exact principles apply to everyone. Some of them got really into the gym and did well in school and they were consistently with hot girls. Others didn't take care of themselves and weren't, just like with every other fuckin ethnicity.
4. Your hair should be fine on low testosterone and anavar. I probably wouldn't mess with anything unless you really notice hair loss (like 30+ hairs in your hands in the shower, if you pull out chunks idk what to do then maybe go to a doctor lol).
  • +1
Reactions: AverageCurryEnjoyer
Yeah no problem, I used to fall for all the advice on here and then over time realized 95% of it was a big cope and most changes were just anomalies or puberty/generic/lifestyle factors.

Berberine definitely wouldn't hurt, the problem is gonna be more of how your body responds to the addition of multiple compounds. Test and var will both, especially var, will fuck your lipids up (ie. bad cholesterol high, low cholesterol low). Your blood may also get thicker from RBC production increasing. These all can have indirect effects on blood glucose and insulin sensitivity. Technically if you've got a blood glucose monitor and you monitor it regularly you should be fine. Although not 100 percent necessary a blood pressure cuff/monitor wouldn't be bad either bc hypertension can be pretty rough depending on the person.

People say var is a "weak/mild" compound. In terms of oral compounds it probably is, but it's pretty fuckin Strong. In terms of muscle gain and strength you will be wayyyy stronger and will look pretty fuckin different pretty quick. It helps especially to keep you dry, which will be important bc you can get really bloated on mk676 (think 10+lbs of extra water weight) and test too.

For height growth, gh and maybe secretegogous of it (mk, etc) is pretty much the only way that MAY have an effect.

"Imaging what Rudy could've accomplished if he put all that time and effort into something he was good at"- my dad idk where he got it but it's a great quote to remember
... Focus on the things you are good at and in this context basically what you can control.
You 100 can and will get a great physique and that will impact how you look wayyyy more than anything else.
2. Skincare, cologne, general hygiene (teeth whitening, etc) , and clothing are also all things you can control. Yeah, a girl probably isn't hit you up just because she loves your cologne, but she may never come near you again if you smell bad. All these little things add up, and they really matter over time. Rn you're super young and so is everyone else, get to my age (end of college/going to grad school) and people who didn't take care of themselves well have terrible skin, hair loss (this looks really bad), fat, general unhealthiness etc.
3. I majored in chemistry and exercise science, in chemistry there are a ton of foreign ethnicities. I was good friends with a lot of Indians. People on here say some wild shit about it, but the same exact principles apply to everyone. Some of them got really into the gym and did well in school and they were consistently with hot girls. Others didn't take care of themselves and weren't, just like with every other fuckin ethnicity.
4. Your hair should be fine on low testosterone and anavar. I probably wouldn't mess with anything unless you really notice hair loss (like 30+ hairs in your hands in the shower, if you pull out chunks idk what to do then maybe go to a doctor lol).
Alright Ill probably order a glucose monitor ngl. Im starting to do other looksmaxxes rn. Gonna start skin lightening to smooth out hyperpigmentation, Do shit for hyoid and thumpbull to slightly induce facial growth and just count on roids. Getting a lip expander for my small mouth. These sort of things.. I have slightly gotten my teeth to look better by whitening them with hydrogen peroxide 6% regularly and yeah thats basically it. Worst comes to worst I could just ask my uncle who is a doctor.

Dm me bro I have same stats as you and I am gonna hop on too
Alright Ill probably order a glucose monitor ngl. Im starting to do other looksmaxxes rn. Gonna start skin lightening to smooth out hyperpigmentation, Do shit for hyoid and thumpbull to slightly induce facial growth and just count on roids. Getting a lip expander for my small mouth. These sort of things.. I have slightly gotten my teeth to look better by whitening them with hydrogen peroxide 6% regularly and yeah thats basically it. Worst comes to worst I could just ask my uncle who is a doctor.

Good shit.
Last word of advice unless you got other questions.

I found this place by seeing a YouTube video on mewing and kind of rabbit holed into all this shit. Constantly had my tongue in good posture, all sorts of thumb pulling and even did like rubber bands on my old retainer at night on a bootleg Amazon device. I did this shit religiously for the better part of 2.5 years. It probably didn't hurt me, but for the amount of work I put in, I did not get much in return, if anything other than body dysmorphia and low self esteem.

Then I took gear, started at 150 test e per week for like 12-16 weeks and then eventually went to 200 test and 10mg var a day for 6-8 weeks, back down to 125-150, now I'm on 200 test and 100 primo.

Pm me if you want pictures or whatever to help, but I started at around 25% body fat, could've been more like 28 but basically pretty chubby and 200 lbs. After those 24 weeks (when I ended the var), I looked completely different. Like 12 percent body fat and 175-185 lbs. My face changed more probably per week than it did in those 2.5 years for the better and the only thing I still did was mew (literally just because it was engrained and my tongue is now naturally on the roof). All the problems I thought I had with my face turned out to mostly just be low muscle mass, high body fat, and body dysmorphia/thinking that there's something wrong if not every single girl likes you or you ever get rejected. Crazy how after that time frame my eyes suddenly looked way better, face looked more masculine, face muscles strengthen (this is probably one of the main things that caused the facial dif. Bone changes probably happen over years but that's over a long ass time. )

Essentially my main point can be summed up into one experience I had.

There was a girl I liked in high school and we were in similar friend groups (small private high school). Never thought she was into me (because how could anyone with my asymmetric eyes, low cheekbones, bad jaw, etc.)

Fast forward and we both went to different colleges. Saw her during freshman year of college and she basically told me she always wondered why I never talked to her or asked her out because she did like me.

Once you get diet, exercise, sleep in check (+steroids), get the hell off this site and maybe come back in a few years to help people who are in your current situation to do the same thing I'm doing rn. You can prob check somewhere but besides the last 3-4 days, I haven't gone in this site since 2021 I think maybe early 2022.
  • +1
Reactions: AverageCurryEnjoyer
Good shit.
Last word of advice unless you got other questions.

I found this place by seeing a YouTube video on mewing and kind of rabbit holed into all this shit. Constantly had my tongue in good posture, all sorts of thumb pulling and even did like rubber bands on my old retainer at night on a bootleg Amazon device. I did this shit religiously for the better part of 2.5 years. It probably didn't hurt me, but for the amount of work I put in, I did not get much in return, if anything other than body dysmorphia and low self esteem.

Then I took gear, started at 150 test e per week for like 12-16 weeks and then eventually went to 200 test and 10mg var a day for 6-8 weeks, back down to 125-150, now I'm on 200 test and 100 primo.

Pm me if you want pictures or whatever to help, but I started at around 25% body fat, could've been more like 28 but basically pretty chubby and 200 lbs. After those 24 weeks (when I ended the var), I looked completely different. Like 12 percent body fat and 175-185 lbs. My face changed more probably per week than it did in those 2.5 years for the better and the only thing I still did was mew (literally just because it was engrained and my tongue is now naturally on the roof). All the problems I thought I had with my face turned out to mostly just be low muscle mass, high body fat, and body dysmorphia/thinking that there's something wrong if not every single girl likes you or you ever get rejected. Crazy how after that time frame my eyes suddenly looked way better, face looked more masculine, face muscles strengthen (this is probably one of the main things that caused the facial dif. Bone changes probably happen over years but that's over a long ass time. )

Essentially my main point can be summed up into one experience I had.

There was a girl I liked in high school and we were in similar friend groups (small private high school). Never thought she was into me (because how could anyone with my asymmetric eyes, low cheekbones, bad jaw, etc.)

Fast forward and we both went to different colleges. Saw her during freshman year of college and she basically told me she always wondered why I never talked to her or asked her out because she did like me.

Once you get diet, exercise, sleep in check (+steroids), get the hell off this site and maybe come back in a few years to help people who are in your current situation to do the same thing I'm doing rn. You can prob check somewhere but besides the last 3-4 days, I haven't gone in this site since 2021 I think maybe early 2022.
crazy how you and I seem to be in such a similar situation.
why not run both
why not run both
why not.
how long is that on cycle and what drugs r u runnning
inderinite trt level dose of enthanate probs like 20 weeks. Anavar 10mg everyday alongside that. Aromasin alongside this with 5 mg of mk677 as a little boost. Anavar is gonna help in heightmaxxing and shit over a long time. Test is trst. Everything is self explantory. Ill get a blood glucose monitor and shit. Cant afford hgh like that yet but Ill cope with other things.
Thinking of either running a basic stack of https://looksmax.org/threads/first-steroid-cycle.10771/ along with a bit of dht gel for penile gains at 16. Or I could run some peptides HGH AI or MK677. for heightmaxxing or Should I try both. Stats are 16.5 and 176cm.
If that's so then stay away from any PCT (clomid, nolvadex, and etc) as they will close your growth plates in weeks, but guess what you need PCT retard so ... hmm

You're 16 just run some half-ass "ped" like MK677 and workout natty, unless you want to be 176cm forever
If that's so then stay away from any PCT (clomid, nolvadex, and etc) as they will close your growth plates in weeks, but guess what you need PCT retard so ... hmm

You're 16 just run some half-ass "ped" like MK677 and workout natty, unless you want to be 176cm forever
Just blast and cruise theory

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