Hello, im new here and I really want to know what can I do to improve my face, im only 15 so its not over, its never over for those who trying



Feb 9, 2025
Please, give really good tips and dont tell me to leave the site, I really wanna improve my apperance. Currently im jumping rope, do some basic exercise like push ups, pull ups, squats. Shower the face with cold water every morning, eating good food, no sugar, sugar in tea replace with honey, eating alot of apples and bananas.
Doing some facial massages, but I dont think they really work, I started doing chin tucks. Can you guys tell me, does thumb pushing, zygo pushing and everything of that is really working? Because I heard that it makes your face only worse, like thumb pushing making ur teeth grow wrong.
The main thing I wanna improve is jawline


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Get a gym membership. Lifting weights 3 times a week is much better than doing basic stuff at home. Better use of your energy.
Chew your food good, do not swallow after a few bites. Chew it down to porridge. Eat carrots and other food that makes you chew a lot.
Keep doing what you already is doing but drop the facial massage stuff etc. Just a waste of time.
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Thanks for the tip man, but the main problem is that I have scoliosis so I cant do gym, I was hitting the gym before I knew I have scoliosis, but now I cant do any lifts. Im currently healing my spine and I want to start hitting the gym again, but im afraid ill get scoliosis again
That sucks. Look up exercises to strengthen your core. Try not to sit on your ass all day, it will be tempting but make it way way worse. I have slipped discs in my back and it got so much worse after working at a office for a few years. And go for long walks, in the woods if you can - uneven surface is good for your back to walk on.
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Please, give really good tips and dont tell me to leave the site, I really wanna improve my apperance. Currently im jumping rope, do some basic exercise like push ups, pull ups, squats. Shower the face with cold water every morning, eating good food, no sugar, sugar in tea replace with honey, eating alot of apples and bananas.
Doing some facial massages, but I dont think they really work, I started doing chin tucks. Can you guys tell me, does thumb pushing, zygo pushing and everything of that is really working? Because I heard that it makes your face only worse, like thumb pushing making ur teeth grow wrong.
The main thing I wanna improve is jawline
Bro get a part time job and save everything for a rhinoplasty, that’s all you need. Your nose is ugly af and takes away from all your good features. Fixing that bolbous nose will be life changing. Gym memberships are ok but I would invest in a home gym cuz it will pay itself overtime, unless you work in a gym and they offer you a free membership.

You have tu train your neck and build muscle but never get fat.
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Your jawline is ok but you can be leaner. If it still not as sharp as you want it to be you should try a bit of filler in the jaw angles but you have to be 21 for any cosmetic procedure in the US unless your parents support you
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Please, give really good tips and dont tell me to leave the site, I really wanna improve my apperance. Currently im jumping rope, do some basic exercise like push ups, pull ups, squats.
Why? That won't give you a normal nose, which is all you need
And as a teenager your appeal lies in being pretty or athletic at max, not some walking tumor monster
Shower the face with cold water every morning
eating good food
No you aren't
That's bad. You need sugar (along with lots of micronutrients ofc) to produce growth hormones to be tall.
sugar in tea replace with honey
sugar in tea replace with sugar ??
eating alot of apples and bananas.
>no sugar
Doing some facial massages, but I dont think they really work, I started doing chin tucks. Can you guys tell me, does thumb pushing, zygo pushing and everything of that is really working?
That's all cope
Because I heard that it makes your face only worse, like thumb pushing making ur teeth grow wrong.
The main thing I wanna improve is jawline
Don't chew because you will just look like a weird chipmunk.

If you can get a rhino and the surgeon says you're eligible go for it. Besides that just eat well (which you are not doing if you don't eat raw animal products and no plants aside from fruits) spam raw milk and eat some high sugar goyslop with fruits.
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Why? That won't give you a normal nose, which is all you need
to be fit

narrowing the blood vessels, isnt it?
That's all cope
alright, gotcha
Don't chew because you will just look like a weird chipmunk.
What do you mean dont chew? How to eat food then, or you mean dont eat food with open mouth? If you mean that I dont do that, I eat with closed mouth
Besides that just eat well (which you are not doing if you don't eat raw animal products and no plants aside from fruits) spam raw milk and eat some high sugar goyslop with fruits.
is it safe to eat raw animal products? The only place I can eat it at the restaurant because man for sure I cant cook a good raw meat by myself. What plants should I eat? Avocados, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage? Is it safe to drink raw milk and what the hell is a goyslop?
Was the last sentence about high sugar goyslop with fruits a joke or real tip?
Thanks for the tips
narrowing the blood vessels, isnt it?
Why? You want more bloodflow to your face... cold showers age you too.
What do you mean dont chew? How to eat food then, or you mean dont eat food with open mouth? If you mean that I dont do that, I eat with closed mouth
I mean don't exercise your jaw with chewing :lul:
is it safe to eat raw animal products? The only place I can eat it at the restaurant because man for sure I cant cook a good raw meat by myself.
Yes. As long as you hunt it yourself or buy it from a place where the animals are free range and unvaccinated it's good
What plants should I eat? Avocados, tomatoes, carrots, cabbage?
Only fruits. Prioritize high sugar ones. Vegetables are useless and even harmful due to the antinutrients, and micronutrients are crucial for teens.
Is it safe to drink raw milk
Of course. Same rule as the raw meat.
what the hell is a goyslop?
Processed foods
Was the last sentence about high sugar goyslop with fruits a joke or real tip?
Real tip
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Cold showers is cope, will only raise your cortisol. Don’t do anything that place too much stress on your body.
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Please, give really good tips and dont tell me to leave the site, I really wanna improve my apperance. Currently im jumping rope, do some basic exercise like push ups, pull ups, squats. Shower the face with cold water every morning, eating good food, no sugar, sugar in tea replace with honey, eating alot of apples and bananas.
Doing some facial massages, but I dont think they really work, I started doing chin tucks. Can you guys tell me, does thumb pushing, zygo pushing and everything of that is really working? Because I heard that it makes your face only worse, like thumb pushing making ur teeth grow wrong.
The main thing I wanna improve is jawline
Try to fix lazy eye and lean down for nose and grow jaw muscles so nose looks smaller :p:p
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bro you're fine you might want more foward growth tho so maybe try facepulling but be safe about it
Please, give really good tips and dont tell me to leave the site, I really wanna improve my apperance. Currently im jumping rope, do some basic exercise like push ups, pull ups, squats. Shower the face with cold water every morning, eating good food, no sugar, sugar in tea replace with honey, eating alot of apples and bananas.
Doing some facial massages, but I dont think they really work, I started doing chin tucks. Can you guys tell me, does thumb pushing, zygo pushing and everything of that is really working? Because I heard that it makes your face only worse, like thumb pushing making ur teeth grow wrong.
The main thing I wanna improve is jawline
I'm not the best either but I'd say l-hmtn

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