Highest appeal face (not real and unmoggable)

Maybe because you said multiple times that cavills coloring mogs and the hair color is the biggest difference they have after their skin tone.

Looks so smooth because it’s a morph

Clean shaven so invalid

big lips if they aren’t too big are masculine

jfl his eyes aren’t big. They just have a wide pfl which is ideal and masculine. So Gandys eye area isn’t masculine as well or what?:lul:

Not really round just more smooth on the edges. Too blocky looks bad

no comment jfl

as said he is maesthetic but you said he isn’t masc which is just wrong. His face can be described as a masculine face
Jfl at this cope round jaw,big eyes:forcedsmile::forcedsmile: cavill can mog this guy tbh
bro he also claims to be a chadlite so can u really take him seriously?
  • JFL
Reactions: germanlooks and Haven
bro he also claims to be a chadlite so can u really take him seriously?
He is in top 10 in looksmax 814454 84120c18ce302690d271f1d96f17c910 20210905 141812 look at this chadlite slayer
  • JFL
Reactions: germanlooks and Biiyo03
Hexum has better pheno, colouring and lower third than this morph. His eyes are better tho
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero and RODEBLUR
Another huge cope from this subhuman nigga chad1212s lips looks worse +looks alike a subhuman nigger lips this morph haves similar lips to ideal
Nah Chad1212 has good lips they're a defining halo for him
  • +1
Reactions: Haven
bro he also claims to be a chadlite so can u really take him seriously?
That's something i've cemented after contacting multiple people to rate my looks, i get Chadlite most of the time so i think i can say i'm Chadlite
  • JFL
Reactions: Haven and germanlooks
  • +1
Reactions: Biiyo03 and germanlooks
That's something i've cemented after contacting multiple people to rate my looks, i get Chadlite most of the time so i think i can say i'm Chadlite
:lul::lul::lul: who tf rated u nigga
:lul::lul::lul: who tf rated u nigga
Multiple people, actual knowledgeable users with a decent amount of time here instead of irrelevant greycel #14192, so don't be surprised you didn't make the cut.
  • JFL
Reactions: Haven
Multiple people, actual knowledgeable users with a decent amount of time here instead of irrelevant greycel #14192, so don't be surprised you didn't make the cut.
Decent amount of time=shitrater mostly
  • JFL
Reactions: Biiyo03
Multiple people, actual knowledgeable users with a decent amount of time here instead of irrelevant greycel #14192, so don't be surprised you didn't make the cut.
so sad i didnt get to rate u bro fuck.. 😢



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  • JFL
Reactions: Haven
Maybe because you said multiple times that cavills coloring mogs and the hair color is the biggest difference they have after their skin tone.

Looks so smooth because it’s a morph

Clean shaven so invalid

big lips if they aren’t too big are masculine

jfl his eyes aren’t big. They just have a wide pfl which is ideal and masculine. So Gandys eye area isn’t masculine as well or what?:lul:

Not really round just more smooth on the edges. Too blocky looks bad

no comment jfl

as said he is maesthetic but you said he isn’t masc which is just wrong. His face can be described as a masculine face
''because is a morph'' is an invalid argument, i am judging the picture as-is and not trying to sugarcoat anything about it.


This is next level clean shaven, spotless. And for actual masc people they would have a very defined jaw clean shaven, he doesn't.

his lips are neutral

his eyes aren't <<big>>, but they're not the size of masculine eyes either you know. And i'm not talking about pfl

chin area is rounded too

anyways all in all i wouldn't say he has a MASCULINE face, it's the face of a male, sure, but it's not really one that screams MASCULINE
he already looked like all that, the morph didn't do anything

also rofl if this is twink body
View attachment 1314200
cavill's colouring is objectively better, darker hair and lighter eyes.

and i did him a favour with that haircut lol. if i kept him the way it is... he wouldn't escape the normie zone

his face expression isn't what makes him look autistic, it's the eye area, it's too much and the rest of his face isn't catching up

all of those guys mog, even the cuck one, because girls would rather go with them than this guy.

now, if we had to keep his current form and hair...

View attachment 1314222
let's just say, things ain't looking too well for him. hemsworth tier at best. he simply isn't that special mate
what app did use for morphing the hair?
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: RODEBLUR and Biiyo03
@germanlooks @Biiyo03 that whole bullshit circus of a thread just because i didn't think your dumb ass morph was as good looking as you made it out to be

fucking 12 year old brain capacity tbh
His pheno is ideal and who cares about 16 year old girls.
No tiktok chad stand a chance unfrauded against this chad
Who care about 15-16 year old girls ? :lul::lul: They are literally female peak gigs cope.

He has potential if he was youthful he would be top tier.But as he is in that pic Chico mogs him in jb appeal for jb appeal you need boyish youtful look more angelic with just touch of masculinity. That amount of masculinity makes you appealing to older women
He preaches about jbs religiously the nigga is obsessed with them
Giga cope I'm not obsessed with them I'm only saying what all men are afraid to admit to themselves 15/16 mogs everything and it's not even close
3 page thread of which there's only one page actually discussing the morph's looks. Mirin autism
  • JFL
Reactions: Biiyo03 and SadLivwr
Who care about 15-16 year old girls ? :lul::lul: They are literally female peak gigs cope.
No they aren’t. Peak and ideal is around 18-20y.
With 15 most girls aren’t even fully developed jfl. And I also don’t know where you live but for most men it’s illegal to fuck girls under 18y
He has potential if he was youthful he would be top tier.But as he is in that pic Chico mogs him in jb appeal for jb appeal you need boyish youtful look more angelic with just touch of masculinity. That amount of masculinity makes you appealing to older women
yes maybe prime Chico mogs in jb appeal but in overall appeal the morph mogs hard
No they aren’t. Peak and ideal is around 18-20y.
With 15 most girls aren’t even fully developed jfl. And I also don’t know where you live but for most men it’s illegal to fuck girls under 18y

yes maybe prime Chico mogs in jb appeal but in overall appeal the morph mogs hard
For older yes he mogs. But who cares about roasties :feelskek: Jb appeal is most important because they are objectively hottest

Giga cope 15/16 underdeveloped :lul: maybe some rare subhuman examples. They are most fertile of any age group there is countless evidence for that. You are obviously new on this forum if you don't know this and you cope with blue pill muh 18-20 are best
  • JFL
Reactions: SadLivwr
For older yes he mogs. But who cares about roasties :feelskek: Jb appeal is most important because they are objectively hottest
Sure buddy girls above 15/16 are roasties.
Will Ferrell Reaction GIF

And no they aren’t hotter. Most of them don’t even have their end size of tits and ass.
Giga cope 15/16 underdeveloped :lul: maybe some rare subhuman examples. They are most fertile of any age group there is countless evidence for that. You are obviously new on this forum if you don't know this and you cope with blue pill muh 18-20 are best
Your obsession with muh jbs is getting out of control. Caging at your autism rn
  • +1
Reactions: Biiyo03
Sure buddy girls above 15/16 are roasties.
Will Ferrell Reaction GIF

And no they aren’t hotter. Most of them don’t even have their end size of tits and ass.

Your obsession with muh jbs is getting out of control. Caging at your autism rn
Giga cope if they are underdeveloped why are they most fertile and why billionaires who have all the power in the world go for them then? Why Amnesia says all of his slays are nothing compared to time when he slayed youth maxxed jbs?

Not to mention only time when realistically hot stacy girl can be virgin is if she is jb. And you call me autist :feelskek:
Giga cope if they are underdeveloped why are they most fertile and why billionaires who have all the power in the world go for them then?

Sure who doesn’t know it. Billionaires who date 15 year old girls jfl
View attachment 1315073
Sure who doesn’t know it. Billionaires who date 15 year old girls jfl
Bro you will overdose on copium dead srs.

Who said date?Most billionaires are pedo circles for that jb pussy.

And jfl at you for ignoring my two major arguments.

How can they be underdeveloped if they are most fertile doesn't make any sense.

Plus what about Amnesia? He is slayer who slayed countless older women and says only lays worth something were jbs and nothing compares to them
looks like @Xangsane
  • JFL
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