Hinduism is closer to Islam than Christianity

  • JFL
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There are some "shia" who do it.
There are some "sunni" who do it.
Both are condemned by orthodoxy of shiism and sunnism.
But cow dung eating, bathing, is not condemned in Hinduism.

Is pronouncing the names of God polytheism/heresy? Does God have His own language; Arabic?

Languages are words interpreted by human brains.

Does God speak with a voice making sounds?

If you pronounce words with your voice making a sound to worship God in order to get closer to God.

How is worshipping idols/forms different then?

When both use the senses. One hearing, the other vision.

Words are symbolisms just like forms.
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You are still yet to give theological arguments as to why idol worship is Polytheism wrong.

Can God manifest Himself in the temporal world of spacetime as a form. Yes or no?
Is pronouncing the names of God polytheism/heresy? Does God have His own language; Arabic?

Languages are words interpreted by human brains.

Does God speak with a voice making sounds?

If you pronounce words with your voice making a sound to worship God in order to get closer to God.

How is worshipping idols/forms different then?

When both use the senses. One hearing, the other vision.

Words are symbolisms just like forms.
My freind, is this word:
And this picture the same thing?

You are still yet to give theological arguments as to why idol worship is Polytheism wrong.

Can God manifest Himself in the temporal world of spacetime as a form. Yes or no?
It is against God's nature. And God does not contridict his nature.
For example, lying is not in God's nature, so he does not lie. Similarly, taking a form is against God's nature, so he does not.
It is against God's nature. And God does not contridict his nature.
For example, lying is not in God's nature, so he does not lie. Similarly, taking a form is against God's nature, so he does not.

How do you know that taking a form is not against the nature of God?
But are the same exact thing?
Would us humans, react to this absolutely the same?

No. One is reference. The other the actual object that it refers to.

Why is speech acceptable but form not so?
How do you know that taking a form is not against the nature of God?
If God is
And if he is outside time and matter
If he is outside reality
Then talking a form and entering reality as a being in time and matter would conflict all of the qualities I listed. He is no longer outside time, space, matter, omniscient or omnipotent.
No. One is reference. The other the actual object that it refers to.

Why is speech acceptable but form not so?
We react differently to them. That's why.
If you read the word naked. Would you get erotic? No
If you see a naked person? Yes
That is why imagery is bad. We would worship the image
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Arabic is a language invented by the Semitic people. Would Allah refer to Himself as Al-Fattah, a name from Arabic, which was invented by Arabs in this world after He Created this universe before He even Created this universe.

Granted Allah is Omniscient and therefore knows who He is. But why would He reference Himself something that was created within the progression of time?
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Arabic is a language invented by the Semitic people. Would Allah refer to Himself as Al-Fattah, a name from Arabic, which was invented by Arabs in this world after He Created this universe before He even Created this universe.

Granted Allah is Omniscient and therefore knows who He is. But why would He reference Himself something that was created within the progression of time?
He sent the book to us humans. Not to himself. He knows he is "Al-Fattah". And he tells us in our language, for us to understand he is "Al-Fattah"
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If God is
And if he is outside time and matter
If he is outside reality
Then talking a form and entering reality as a being in time and matter would conflict all of the qualities I listed. He is no longer outside time, space, matter, omniscient or omnipotent.

Then Him revealing Himself to Muhammad, a creature within spacetime at a specific time in history is also a contradiction. You just shot yourself in the foot. Can't blame your stupidity because you're Muslim.

In Hinduism God interacts with humans through answering of their prayers that doesn't mean He is bound by spacetime even though He is acting within spacetime.
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Then Him revealing Himself to Muhammad, a creature within spacetime at a specific time in history is also a contradiction. You just shot yourself in the foot. Can't blame your stupidity because you're Muslim.

In Hinduism God interacts with humans through answering of their prayers that doesn't mean He is bound by spacetime even though He is acting within spacetime.
I think your dense.
Did he take a form? (I just shot myself in the foot) hahaha
Muhammad is bound to time and matter, God is not. God did not come to Muhammad. He sent his book to him by an angel. You are not bright my freind.
  • JFL
Reactions: JasGews69x
He sent the book to us humans. Not to himself. He knows he is "Al-Fattah". And he tells us in our language, for us to understand he is "Al-Fattah"

Forms are also matters of reference.

God is ultimately Formless but He can also assume forms within spacetime.
Forms are also matters of reference.

God is ultimately Formless but He can also assume forms within spacetime.
That's your opinion. You believe in a hindu God, with 33 million forms/images. Some of them being
1. cows
2. elephant head boy who got his real head cut off by another God.
3. Many handed monster with her tongue out.
4. Blue Ape.
And many many more ridiculous shit.
  • JFL
Reactions: JasGews69x
God did not come to Muhammad. He sent his book to him by an angel. You are not bright my freind.

Sending an angel to do His bidding is also a form of communication.

How did the angel know what to do? Because Allah supposedly transferred the knowledge of the Quran to the angel which was then passed on to Muhammad.

So He was operating within the framework of spacetime.
Bye, I'm not going to argue with a polytheist anymore.
Sending an angel to do His bidding is also a form of communication.

How did the angel know what to do? Because Allah supposedly transferred the knowledge of the Quran to the angel which was then passed on to Muhammad.

So He was operating within the framework of spacetime.
He operates within space time as in sending a flood. But he is still outside of it. He does not enter space time. He communicated with men and angels, he was still outside of creation.
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That's your opinion. You believe in a hindu God, with 33 million forms/images. Some of them being
1. cows
2. elephant head boy who got his real head cut off by another God.
3. Many handed monster with her tongue out.
4. Blue Ape.
And many many more ridiculous shit.

If God can manifest His wisdom through His Omniscience in the form of the Quran.(which was revealed at a particular time at a particular place). Why can't He also manifest Himself in a form?
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  • JFL
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My phone is about to die, and you are a polytheism defender. So I'm just gonna pass.
Think about my arguments. They answer your every question.
If God can manifest His wisdom through His Omniscience in the form of the Quran.(which was revealed at a particular time at a particular place). Why can't He also manifest Himself in a form?

It is against God's nature. And God does not contridict his nature.
For example, lying is not in God's nature, so he does not lie. Similarly, taking a form is against God's nature, so he does not.
@PrinceLuenLeoncur what do u think about this :feelshah:
He operates within space time as in sending a flood. But he is still outside of it. He does not enter space time. He communicated with men and angels, he was still outside of creation.

God is not outside of creation, He Sustains the universe as long as He wants it to exist and not Destroy it and controls all the events that happens within it. He is simultaneously within and without.

From His perspective He existed before creation as the Creator and afterwards as the Destroyer. But the fact remains that He Sustains it. After He destroys this universe, the fact that He created and sustained this universe exists in His Omniscience.

Hinduism is much deeper and richer than Islam.
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God is not outside of creation, He Sustains the universe as long as He wants it to exist and not Destroy it and controls all the events that happens within it. He is simultaneously within and without.

From His perspective He existed before creation as the Creator and afterwards as the Destroyer. But the fact remains that He Sustains it. After He destroys this universe, the fact that He created and sustained this universe exists in His Omniscience.

Hinduism is much deeper and richer than Islam.
  • JFL
Reactions: JasGews69x
I think that you are suffering from inferiority complex as a Muslim. You must definitely be Pakistani. So much of hatred.

Atleast we both can agree that God is One with Multiple attributes
Agree to disagree. God Is One tho.
And to your statement, no I am not from Pakistan. But had God made a Pakistani, I would still have the same exact views. I think it is you who deems our brothers in Pakistan as inferior. Which is no good.
  • JFL
Reactions: JasGews69x
Agree to disagree. God Is One tho.
And to your statement, no I am not from Pakistan. But had God made a Pakistani, I would still have the same exact views. I think it is you who deems our brothers in Pakistan as inferior. Which is no good.

I never said Pakistanis are inferior?

I want a Muslim to give me good arguments that God cannot assume forms and how it's theologically illogical.
Nigga you actually high iq
Btw indra mogs i worship him and give animal sacrifices time to time
  • JFL
Reactions: 2025cel
Nigga you actually high iq
Btw indra mogs i worship him and give animal sacrifices time to time

Orthodox Hindu theology is a matter of logic and esoteric understandings coming from the soul. I pray to God alot, hence the wisdom and understanding.
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If you read the Vedas you will realize that Indra is the aspect of God as the Controller. While Varuna is the aspect of God as the All-Knowing. That's why Indra and Varuna are mostly paired together. Indra/Controller and Varuna/All-Knowing is the Omnipotence and Omniscience of God, respectively.

Vedic niggas used to pray to God for rain. Therefore God intervening/answering prayers = Indra; the God of rain. While Varuna is the God of the oceans, representing the Unlimited vastness of God's knowledge of His own creation.
Even though both Christians and us Hindus believe that God can incarnate.

But Christians believe in a Triune God (which is sheer Polytheism). They belittle God as weak and powerless by saying that He died on a cross which is completely unacceptable to us Hindus.

Us Hindus reject that the Gospels are revelations from Almighty Allah/Ishvara/God. As well as the Quran.

We do not believe that Muhammad was a legitimate Prophet of Allah/Ishvara.

But we both Muslims and Hindus believe that God has many attributes.🤝

Al-Wahhab = Lakshmi (The Giver)
Al-Fattah = Ganesha (The Opener/Remover of Obstacles)
Al-Khaliq = Brahma (The Creator)
Ar-Razzaq = Vishnu (The Sustainer)
Al-Waliy = Skanda (The Protector)

Muslim niggas here should study Hinduism/Vedanta.

Further reading on concepts of God in Hinduism:

Yeah you stay with Hindus lol

Triune god “TRI” “UNE” “TRI UNITY”

One god, United 3 persons for they come from the fathers nature it’s that simple and thus share in the same nature as the father the same way you share in the nature of humanity given to you from your father which you proceeded from and your mother which begot you.

Difference is humans instantiate this nature individually but not the case with god so it makes god (the father son and spirit) in a matter of speech share the same indivisible nature of god. It’s not complicated there is one god that has one action one mind one will and one purpose that is the trinity 3 united as one, there isn’t 3 gods as that would imply the Son and Spirit having their own nature action will and purpose, the Son is the expression of the fathers will made manifest the son is the perfected image of the father with his arrived and characteristics in every word he is the manifestation and thus is the voice of God his Divine word through which all comes to be.
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@Swarthy Knight yeah both Islam and Hinduism are retarded so at least Muslims and them have that to dance with :forcedsmile::forcedsmile::forcedsmile:

Also aren’t Hindus literal polytheists? Christian’s aren’t polytheists (read my comment above for proof)
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I have a donkey God. The donkey God is a symbol of God because it works hard in the call centers. He has large ears to hear the "customers". And his mount is @GuyFromSingapore because a donkey must ride something more stupied than himself.
@SecularIslamist @Numb The Pain @shia.jihadist @JeanneDArcAlter @JasGews69x you heard it here today Islam and Hinduism are the same :love::love::love: Takbir shins Jaani Allah

May you both rejoice in you both being pagan religions according to Hinduism and in line with them :love: I honestly hope Islam and Hinduism can become brothers
  • Hmm...
  • JFL
Reactions: JasGews69x, JeanneDArcAlter and terrorblade
Even though both Christians and us Hindus believe that God can incarnate.

But Christians believe in a Triune God (which is sheer Polytheism). They belittle God as weak and powerless by saying that He died on a cross which is completely unacceptable to us Hindus.

Us Hindus reject that the Gospels are revelations from Almighty Allah/Ishvara/God. As well as the Quran.

We do not believe that Muhammad was a legitimate Prophet of Allah/Ishvara.

But we both Muslims and Hindus believe that God has many attributes.🤝

Al-Wahhab = Lakshmi (The Giver)
Al-Fattah = Ganesha (The Opener/Remover of Obstacles)
Al-Khaliq = Brahma (The Creator)
Ar-Razzaq = Vishnu (The Sustainer)
Al-Waliy = Skanda (The Protector)

Muslim niggas here should study Hinduism/Vedanta.

Further reading on concepts of God in Hinduism:

Neither are anywhere near Islam
@SecularIslamist @Numb The Pain @shia.jihadist @JeanneDArcAlter @JasGews69x you heard it here today Islam and Hinduism are the same :love::love::love: Takbir shins Jaani Allah

May you both rejoice in you both being pagan religions according to Hinduism and in line with them :love: I honestly hope Islam and Hinduism can become brothers
You’re 26
  • JFL
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@SecularIslamist @Numb The Pain @shia.jihadist @JeanneDArcAlter @JasGews69x you heard it here today Islam and Hinduism are the same :love::love::love: Takbir shins Jaani Allah

May you both rejoice in you both being pagan religions according to Hinduism and in line with them :love: I honestly hope Islam and Hinduism can become brothers
Rejoice in the mighty Donkey, for it is the superior of all hindu idols. All Hail Donkey
You’re 26
Ok and? :lul:Hindus are your brothers inshallah :love::love:
Rejoice in the mighty Donkey, for it is the superior of all hindu idols. All Hail Donkey
Ironically the romans used to mock ancient Christian’s and Jews with the “donkey” head I forgot the reason for it but it was a symbol of Jewish religion

Just thought I’d let you know this as Islam is a fanfiction work of Christianity and Judaism so the nuances are lost on you lot especially as ancient Judaism is literally leads to Christianity and even rabbinic Judaism but Islam has no continuity with this :lul::lul::lul:

What I’m saying is there’s 2 Jewish religions, rabbinical Judaism and Christianity Islam is not one of these religions but is a fan work
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Ok and? :lul:Hindus are your brothers inshallah :love::love:

Ironically the romans used to mock ancient Christian’s and Jews with the “donkey” head I forgot the reason for it but it was a symbol of Jewish religion

Just thought I’d let you know this as Islam is a fanfiction work of Christianity and Judaism so the nuances are lost on you lot especially as ancient Judaism is literally leads to Christianity and even rabbinic Judaism but Islam has no continuity with this :lul::lul::lul:

What I’m saying is there’s 2 Jewish religions, rabbinical Judaism and Christianity Islam is not one of these religions but is a fan work
Nice, I'm sure the ancient Israelites worshiped The 3 in 1 ahh god but just felt lazy so they didn't record it. 😴
Neither are anywhere near Islam
Hinduism is.

But Christianity isn’t for sure. We worship god you worship Baal like the Hindus
Nice, I'm sure the ancient Israelites worshiped The 3 in 1 ahh god but just felt lazy so they didn't record it. 😴
Pagan stop crying, your like a Hindu as your Hindu brother said a fellow Pagan like you.

They did record it in the Bible want me to show you?

Even modern Jews today are finally admitting that Binitarianism (belief in god being 2 persons and more) wasn’t an uncommon nor a blasphemous belief. Sommer even mentions this in his dissertation and reaswrxh (he’s a Jew btw) and admits Jews have no right to hate on Christian’s for this and that Christianity is unironically as Jewish as ancient temple Judaism where Binitarianism was the norm

So never ever was the view of one personal god a thing beloved by anybody other then Pisslam more proof that your religion is a false demonic corruption of Abraham’s covenant may you filthy Muslims be disgusted and ashamed up to me I’d slap you filthy blasphemers for even claiming our beloved prophets you filthy pagan cunts
  • JFL
Reactions: terrorblade
@SecularIslamist @Numb The Pain @shia.jihadist @JeanneDArcAlter @JasGews69x you heard it here today Islam and Hinduism are the same :love::love::love: Takbir shins Jaani Allah

May you both rejoice in you both being pagan religions according to Hinduism and in line with them :love: I honestly hope Islam and Hinduism can become brothers
  • So Sad
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