History of Looksmax.org: DNA Hypermethylation Growth Method

It was posted here I think. Do you want to talk to strike or something? Realistically for height without growth plates there isn't anything you can do well there is but its expensive upwards to 10k I estimate
sam e gives serotonin syndrome. take msm instead
DNA hypermethylation is a theory that states that if you increase the levels of DNA methylation in your cells, you will never stop growing taller
I immediately swallowed 12.5mg of mk677 after reading that
Table of Contents:
  • Introduction
  • What is DNA Hypermethylation?
  • What was Strike Posidon Stack?
  • Is There Clinical Proof of DNA Hyperethylation's Efficacy?​

  • The Major Problems with DNA Hypermethylation
  • Conclusion


During the winter of 2020, a 17-year-old boy named Dyrotic released a legendary thread called, “The Ultimate pubertymaxxing guide, an introduction into androgens and growth factors, and how to apply them.” I believe it’s the most-viewed thread of all time at 106K views and it’s not for no reason. Dyrotic goes super in-depth into all things pubertymaxxing and the thread even holds up today despite it being three years old and introducing many new concepts into the heightmaxxing community.

Interestingly. in this thread, a 15-year-old boy named Strike Poisdon brings up and showcases a theory he discovered on another forum that’s called DNA hypermethylation and he convinces many people on this thread of the validity of it and to run a protocol to maximize it.

Today, we’ll be analyzing what DNA hypermethylation is, what Strike’s Poisidon stack for it was, if there is any clinical proof that it works, and the major problems with it.

DISCLAIMER: Strike Poisdon has already come out and said all the stuff he said in 2020-2021 about DNA hypermethylation wasn’t true but I just thought it would be cool to make a comprehensive thread on it

What is DNA hypermethylation?:

DNA hypermethylation is a theory that states that if you increase the levels of DNA methylation in your cells, you will never stop growing taller because growth plate closure (senescence) is associated with a loss/reduction of methylation in your cells.

When you lose methylation in your DNA, it’s associated with the activation of genes, and in the case of height growth, it causes the activation of genes that stop height growth. If your DNA is highly methylated, it’s associated with the deactivation of genes, so in this case, it lets your growth plates never close, similar to how aromatase-deficient men’s growth plates never close.

What was Strike Poisdon’s Stack?:

Strike Poisdon had made a stack for people to follow based on DNA hypermethylation principles. From my research, I believe the stack’s main compounds were for hypermethylation:

  • SAM-E
  • Folic Acid
  • Folinic Acid

The reason why Strike used SAM-E in his stack was that he thought due to the fact that methionine (SAM-e) is a precursor to the entire methylation cycle, it would result in more methyl groups being added around the body and ultimately higher DNA methylation levels.
Strike included folic and folinic acid in his stack because, in a clinical trial run by a proclaimed biochemist, people didn’t see any gains when SAM-E was used alone, only when combined with folic acid.

View attachment 2424951

DISCLAIMER: I know there was much more to the stack than just those 4 supplements, but the rest didn’t have a lot to do with DNA hypermethylation, the thing that Strike spoke and promoted the most.

Is There Clinical Proof of DNA Methylation's Efficacy?

While Strike Poisdon used anecdotal evidence from users on old heightmaxxing forums and using the same protocol as Strike’s and gaining height as proof that DNA methylation increased height growth, I don’t think that’s useful anyway since we can’t verify the validity of the users accounts.

Luckily, I was able to find a clinical trial where they tested Vitamin B12 and folic acid’s long-term effects on young children, starting from the mean age of 6-30 months, and following up with them at 6-9 years old. Vitamin B12 and folic acid are known for their ability to influence and increase DNA methylation levels in the body and are also precursors to SAM-E, making this a decent study to see if Strike Poisdon was right.

In the trial, they gave 2x the recommended daily dose for kids of folic acid and Vitamin B12 to the children and discovered that Vitamin B12 supplementation leads to an insignificant increase in linear height growth and that folic acid has no effect on linear height growth. Vitamin B12 supplementation only showed significant height growth results in children who were deficient and folic acid wasn’t a growth-limiting factor in either deficient or non-deficient children in this study.

View attachment 2424949
View attachment 2424950

The study even acknowledges the fact that despite Vitamin B12 being very important for DNA methylation and DNA methylation being very important to avoiding early growth plate closure, it still didn’t cause linear height growth.

View attachment 2424948

While I do acknowledge there were issues with the study that could’ve potentially caused this, like the duration being too short or dosages being too small, it still reveals the problem with DNA hypermethylation.

The Major Problems with DNA Hypermethylation

There are many issues with DNA hypermethylation and being a viable heightmax. The first problem is that similar to aromatase inhibitors, DNA hypermethylation has no effect on linear height growth and can potentially significantly reduce height growth velocity.

While yes, loss of methylation is associated with the activation of genes and can lead to the activation of the genes that cause growth plate closure, it also applies in reverse. Highly methylated DNA leads to the silencing and deactivation of genes, meaning that while it can deactivate the genes that lead to growth plate closure, it can also deactivate the genes that are related to height growth and increasing height.

The second problem is that there is actually no clinically proven or efficient way to increase DNA methylation. While there are drugs that can be used to decrease it, there isn’t any way to really increase it significantly for the purpose of height. growth as proven in the study.
This is because DNA methylation is a highly regulated process that actually requires a balance of methyl donors (things that supplement like B12 and folic acid can increase) and enzymes to increase methylation levels. If there isn’t a balance (you have too many methyl donors via diet and supplementation), enzymes have built-in controls to prevent over-methylation, which prevents us from reaching DNA hypermethylation. The only way for us to experience controlled DNA hypermethylation would be if there was a drug targeted that could increase our methyl donors and bypass enzyme regulation like there is for DNA demethylation.

The third problem is that even if we are somehow successful at achieving DNA hypermethylation, we would likely contract a disease before growing to our desired height. Since we can’t specifically target the hypermethylation to only deactivate our growth plate fusion genes, that means it can also deactivate our tumor-suppressing genes, and our cardioprotective genes, and possibly lead to cancer.


In conclusion, while it was very impressive that a young 15-year-old boy even understood this information, Strike’s constant praising and promotion of DNA hypermethylation was very ill-informed, as, in the end, it just ended up with nobody on the forum getting any results from it and wasting 100s of dollars. DNA hypermethylation is essentially an over-glorified Aromatase Inhibitor that can potentially reduce height growth velocity and cause the creation of diseases.

However, if you are still interested in DNA hypermethylation, you would have to take the upper limit of tolerable doses of Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2, Folic Acid, SAM-E, betaine, zinc, and magnesium. You can also megadose a methylation-support drug and pray to whoever you believe that all of this is strong enough to overwhelm your enzymes and increase methylation. And you have to do this for at least 2-3 years consistently and it’s impossible to tell if it’s working unless you get an x-ray of your bones and see that your bone age has halted.
As far as my knowledge goes as of November 21, 2023, Methylation does have its place in heightmaxing by delaying senescence, therefore increase cell visions and ultimately height potential.

As you said, hypermethylation probably wouldn't be a good idea since you'd even be blocking genes that would help you grow taller.
Also, did Strike Poseidon say methylation in general is cope or hypermethylation specifically?
As far as my knowledge goes as of November 21, 2023, Methylation does have its place in heightmaxing by delaying senescence, therefore increase cell visions and ultimately height potential.

As you said, hypermethylation probably wouldn't be a good idea since you'd even be blocking genes that would help you grow taller.
Also, did Strike Poseidon say methylation in general is cope or hypermethylation specifically?
Well, his theory was based on hypermethylation so I’d assume he was referring to that.

Methylation and having it to a good degree is good for heightmaxxing but its impossible to gauge if its working and AI imo is the simpler option
  • +1
Reactions: enchanted_elixir
Well, his theory was based on hypermethylation so I’d assume he was referring to that.

Methylation and having it to a good degree is good for heightmaxxing but its impossible to gauge if its working and AI imo is the simpler option
There was a thread posted by this user.

The PhD they were talking about said that chondroprogenitors had a limited division count and the division count is the real ceiling to height growth.

I've been doing some research and found that DNA methylation does play a role in how many times cells can divide before reaching senescence. This applies to chondrocytes/chondroprogenitors.

You are right though that over-methylation is detrimental since it could silence the activation of desirable genes like IGF-1, etc.
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The other secret shit that he's talking about was Bmn111 (vosotoride) And cGMP agonist and ky19382, a cxxc5 Inhibitor,
cGMP agonist?

Which one?
The other secret shit that he's talking about was Bmn111 (vosotoride) And cGMP agonist and ky19382, a cxxc5 Inhibitor,
Where to buy?
@Osie such high quality threads why is your reputation not higher?
Cope really,

You would have much better luck by inhibiting the cxxc5 gene, which have studies to back up the claim.

Although the drug to do that is very exotic and expensive.
Which drug?
As far as current research goes, any attempt to try to delay replicative senescence for height increases cancer risk.
Cancer is when bad cells have no replication and proliferation limit. Trying to inhibit limits on cellular replication and proliferation for height is a risk.
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makes no sense why he would give us a theory that makes total sense with a bunch of scientific articles and etc, saying that he was reviving this info that was in other heightmaxx forums more than a decade ago. it all maked sense then randomly he says it doesnt with no proof?

Should i even be interested in this shit at 6 1 jfl i need something for the jaws but no 1 is ever talking about the mandible
As far as current research goes, any attempt to try to delay replicative senescence for height increases cancer risk.
Cancer is when bad cells have no replication and proliferation limit. Trying to inhibit limits on cellular replication and proliferation for height is a risk.

so does this mean i'm more likely to get cancer because i'm 61 and not 5 9 ?
Should i even be interested in this shit at 6 1 jfl i need something for the jaws but no 1 is ever talking about the mandible
fuk da mandible. Get some surgery or fukin chew rocks or something

Just imagine being 6”4-6. You literally intimidated everyone and it’s just perfect
fuk da mandible. Get some surgery or fukin chew rocks or something

Just imagine being 6”4-6. You literally intimidated everyone and it’s just perfect

i'm alr at my height my jaw is subhuman man i want a chad jaw and if there is anything akin to hgh for the mandible it would be god tier
so does this mean i'm more likely to get cancer because i'm 61 and not 5 9 ?
doesn’t matter. The risk is relatively low. just think about the cancer risk people who are 7”+ have.

It’s higher but not life threatening. It’s just logical. The more your cells reproduce, the bigger chance of some genetic mutation of some sorts
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i'm alr at my height my jaw is subhuman man i want a chad jaw and if there is anything akin to hgh for the mandible it would be god tier
surgery or sum
so does this mean i'm more likely to get cancer because i'm 61 and not 5 9 ?
Pretty much
so does this mean i'm more likely to get cancer because i'm 61 and not 5 9 ?
Yes, but it's insignificant. You won' just randomly get cancer because you are 4 inches above average height
someone said that they ran strike's stack for 5 weeks and grew 4cm at 25 years old,

@Henry_Gandy , @AscendingHero, and some others have a private discord server where they probably have the newest and best stack to date.

that guy strike is a one of a kind tbh, he knows information that could change my life but you could tell that he changed from telling everyone that dna hypermethylation increased height growth 100% nomatter what to fully gatekeeping it

i would also do the same. but damn, im pretty sure people like freakforlife, extrachromosome, madness, wincels, and all the other people who have given very good and well writen information on how to "heightmaxx" are in that discord.

And it will probably stay private forever since everyone will believe forever that peptides are the lowest of the iceberg in heightmaxxing while everyone in that discord server will just laugh:feelswah:. and since all that info that strike talked about is hidden deep in that pubertymaxx post. its impossible for this to get out to the whole world.

This just shows that very intelligent people will always gatekeep information no matter what.

a very good example of this is @brolic12 on instagram. his information was so good for looksmaxxing and health in general but alot of normies would try to correct him or werent as smart as him and said things that were low iq and etc.

brolic slowly went from telling everything in his posts to telling people to research by themselves the topics and he would give them scientific articles for them to connect pieces, then later on he just disabled the ability to comment on his posts and closed his dms.
then he even stopped giving people the articles for them to research by themselves in future posts and then ultimately he stopped poosting all together, his information really changed my life since it made me go deeper into the blackpill rabbit hole.

even one of the most mainstream people right now who talk about heightmaxxing admitted to gatekeeping info😕

heres the link

crazy how if i maybe could have stumbled upon this forum a couple years earlier i could probably be taller and not such the manlet i am right now.

at first it was just things on tiktok. back in 2022 fall about self improvement, gym, nofap, cold showers. then heightmaxx, then looksmaxx with guasha etc. i was pretty active in the instagram blackpill/looksmax community. then a month ago when the ************* drama happened i decided to make an account on looksmax.org

i have found good information but ultimately came to the conclusion that all of the best info is gatekeeped. this forum is polluted with trolls and subhumans who call everything cope. and because of that the subforum "offtopic" has way more posts that "looksmaxxing"

welp maybe i can just cope with aromasin, dht gel, testoserone, and igf1 lr3, then maybe some parathyoid or sum. also maybe cope even more with wollfs law and maybe just maybe grasp a few more cm or maybe none.

what was strike's stack? sam e ,folinic acid and folic acid? that stack?
As far as my knowledge goes as of November 21, 2023, Methylation does have its place in heightmaxing by delaying senescence, therefore increase cell visions and ultimately height potential.

As you said, hypermethylation probably wouldn't be a good idea since you'd even be blocking genes that would help you grow taller.
Also, did Strike Poseidon say methylation in general is cope or hypermethylation specifically?
What do you think ? @Rigged
What do you think ? @Rigged
dnr read yet will read after saying this wasnt strike the guy who lied about stuff for people to test his theorys?
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He is asking if he was strike poseidon a teenager who compiled a stack with the original idea of inducing hypermethylation to induce super natural growth. Which he was
Pretty sure the whole strike saga could be summed up to a naive teenager with some biochemical knowledge who believed theories from old heightmaxxing sites primarily dealing with hyper methylation among other things eventually he was kicked out of the height server for being dumb (i assume some more knowledge members called out holes in his theories) and eventually said his theory was cope and didn't believe in increasing height post growth plate fusion
Also I think at least when you still have growth plates methylation is not cope (but what isn't) also their are better chemicals for delaying growth plate senescence than inducing hypermethylation
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Also I think at least when you still have growth plates methylation is not cope (but what isn't) also their are better chemicals for delaying growth plate senescence than inducing hypermethylation
Thank you. What do you think about when you say "their are better chemicals for delaying growth plate senescence"? I am very intrested
Well the only feasible thing to get is the CXXC5 inhibitor ky19382
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The only thing I don't know is the dosage should be less than 10mg according to some user that posted some information about it
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