Holy shit orgasm is so punishing



Gymceling everyday
Mar 28, 2020
IMG 1354

Prolactin continues to be released in surges for up to TWO WEEKS after an orgasm!

You will have dopamine flatline for the time being as well.

Ngl I have experimented just yesterday now today I still feel the prolactin effect despite having 10h of sleep and high protein diets.


Now try to rationalize it in scientific thought pattern.

How can someone be energetic after ejaculation when the hormones Prolactin, Oxytocin, Vasopressin being released?
Because my prolactin gets suppressed immediately as my thyroid is running in full flow with low serotonin and estrogen meaning dopamine will quickly take over and suppress the elevate prl while my sex steroids get increased because my thyroid is high. So not only do I get mood boost from fapping I also dump excess phosphate in my blood serum in the semen enabling me to age slower. for incels its the opposite as prl stays elevated for upto 48 hours

By that definition, shouldn’t ray peat/50g of salt diet increases metabolic rate and thyroid hormones as well. There is a study on that.

Regarding about longevity and ejaculation there’s a school of thoughts called disposable soma theory of aging

I subscribed to DST until i realised it was based on flawed notions of entropy and had carrover from the Calvinist doctrines. Yes salt coffee sugar etc increase metabolic rate but I just take thyroid as its faster and is a more fundamental source of energy
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@Xangsane @pneumocystosis @BrahminBoss @andy9432 @Iasacrko @HarrierDuBois @Krakowski @MoggerGaston @Krakowski @shabby890 @Eli @Jungcuck @Gonthar @mbolo @Filosephario @wsada
Orgasm gives me a zeal for life lol
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Orgasm gives me a zeal for life lol

Now try to rationalize it in scientific thought pattern.

How can someone be energetic after ejaculation when the hormones Prolactin, Oxytocin, Vasopressin being released?
I feel good cooming 5 times a day
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Now try to rationalize it in scientific thought pattern.

How can someone be energetic after ejaculation when the hormones Prolactin, Oxytocin, Vasopressin being released?
Because my prolactin gets suppressed immediately as my thyroid is running in full flow with low serotonin and estrogen meaning dopamine will quickly take over and suppress the elevate prl while my sex steroids get increased because my thyroid is high. So not only do I get mood boost from fapping I also dump excess phosphate in my blood serum in the semen enabling me to age slower. for incels its the opposite as prl stays elevated for upto 48 hours
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Because my prolactin gets suppressed immediately as my thyroid is running in full flow with low serotonin and estrogen meaning dopamine will quickly take over and suppress the elevate prl while my sex steroids get increased because my thyroid is high. So not only do I get mood boost from fapping I also dump excess phosphate in my blood serum in the semen enabling me to age slower. for incels its the opposite as prl stays elevated for upto 48 hours
What do you use for libido?
What do you use for libido?
Nothing. I fap when I want to or when I feel a bit stressed , fapping brings me back to the relaxed chilll state then I drink some coffee
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Because my prolactin gets suppressed immediately as my thyroid is running in full flow with low serotonin and estrogen meaning dopamine will quickly take over and suppress the elevate prl while my sex steroids get increased because my thyroid is high. So not only do I get mood boost from fapping I also dump excess phosphate in my blood serum in the semen enabling me to age slower. for incels its the opposite as prl stays elevated for upto 48 hours
By that definition, shouldn’t ray peat/50g of salt diet increases metabolic rate and thyroid hormones as well. There is a study on that.

Regarding about longevity and ejaculation there’s a school of thoughts called disposable soma theory of aging.
IMG 1355

@Jungcuck @andy9432
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Because my prolactin gets suppressed immediately as my thyroid is running in full flow with low serotonin and estrogen meaning dopamine will quickly take over and suppress the elevate prl while my sex steroids get increased because my thyroid is high. So not only do I get mood boost from fapping I also dump excess phosphate in my blood serum in the semen enabling me to age slower. for incels its the opposite as prl stays elevated for upto 48 hours
What did you do for this if you don't mind sharing?
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Nothing. I fap when I want to or when I feel a bit stressed , fapping brings me back to the relaxed chilll state then I drink some coffee
What are your t3 t4 hormones parameters?
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View attachment 2598236

Prolactin continues to be released in surges for up to TWO WEEKS after an orgasm!

You will have dopamine flatline for the time being as well.

Ngl I have experimented just yesterday now today I still feel the prolactin effect despite having 10h of sleep and high protein diets.
Yeah I have low energy and libido after being a coomer
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  • JFL
Reactions: datboijj, Deleted member 29747 and ๕ඞChick3ncu1ry
By that definition, shouldn’t ray peat/50g of salt diet increases metabolic rate and thyroid hormones as well. There is a study on that.

Regarding about longevity and ejaculation there’s a school of thoughts called disposable soma theory of aging.
View attachment 2598252

@Jungcuck @andy9432
I subscribed to DST until i realised it was based on flawed notions of entropy and had carrover from the Calvinist doctrines. Yes salt coffee sugar etc increase metabolic rate but I just take thyroid as its faster and is a more fundamental source of energy
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I subscribed to DST until i realised it was based on flawed notions of entropy and had carrover from the Calvinist doctrines. Yes salt coffee sugar etc increase metabolic rate but I just take thyroid as its faster and is a more fundamental source of energy
But wouldn’t sugar give you systemic inflammation and diabetes type 2 insulin resistance and reactive hypoglycaemia?
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I subscribed to DST until i realised it was based on flawed notions of entropy and had carrover from the Calvinist doctrines. Yes salt coffee sugar etc increase metabolic rate but I just take thyroid as its faster and is a more fundamental source of energy
Also wouldn’t increase in metabolism mean short life span?

Since you are increasing the turnovers rate of every cells in a finite quantities, Id assume there are many cells that only rely on stem cells cloning so each turnover would mean the closer to its end.
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@Ascend ㅤ why u laughing blud
Also wouldn’t increase in metabolism mean short life span?

Since you are increasing the turnovers rate of every cells in a finite quantities, Id assume there are many cells that only rely on stem cells cloning so each turnover would mean the closer to its end.
No. The telomere stuff and the comparison of the human organism and life to a second hand Toyoya is misleading and there is not even a shred of evidence for any of it. In fact the opposite is true high metabolism leads to slower aging or even complete cessation of aging like bonobos or spider monkeys whose metabolism remains high until they die but they retain youthful characterestics the longest amongst the monkeys
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With supplements or literally just the diet?
supplements. I took progesterone and thyroid thiamin aspirin and magnesium . Everything else the diet provides
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No. The telomere stuff and the comparison of the human organism and life to a second hand Toyoya is misleading and there is not even a shred of evidence for any of it. In fact the opposite is true high metabolism leads to slower aging or even complete cessation of aging like bonobos or spider monkeys whose metabolism remains high until they die but they retain youthful characterestics the longest amongst the monkeys
supplements. I took progesterone and thyroid thiamin aspirin and magnesium . Everything else the diet provides
Ive heard zinc supplement decrease prolactin
Ive heard zinc supplement decrease prolactin
They have a chance of decreasing copper stores in the body which is not good. Id only take them after you ejaculate or before to restore prolactin back to normal
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supplements. I took progesterone and thyroid thiamin aspirin and magnesium . Everything else the diet provides
Doesn't taking thyroid fuck your natural one up (and maybe has some other sides)?
Because my prolactin gets suppressed immediately as my thyroid is running in full flow with low serotonin and estrogen meaning dopamine will quickly take over and suppress the elevate prl while my sex steroids get increased because my thyroid is high. So not only do I get mood boost from fapping I also dump excess phosphate in my blood serum in the semen enabling me to age slower. for incels its the opposite as prl stays elevated for upto 48 hours
How come you don’t get hyperthyroidism from taking exogenous T4?
Doesn't taking thyroid fuck your natural one up (and maybe with some other sides)?

not sure maybe not significant enough, it would take a month to restore back to the baseline production.
  • Hmm...
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not real

I took t4 and t3 taking t4 alone can actually make you even more hypo
You sure you won’t get osteoporosis, mood irritibility and insomnia?

Interesting I am gonna researches on increasing thyroid hormones naturally.
You sure you won’t get osteoporosis, mood irritibility and insomnia?
If you dose all at once and continue eating low carb yes
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Interesting I am gonna researches on increasing thyroid hormones naturally.
Why do you gotta take thyroid to have a good one nowadays I don't fully get it jfl, is it just because of our lack of nutrients in modern food with chemicals in the air messing with it and such?
Why do you gotta take thyroid to have a good one nowadays I don't fully get it jfl, is it just because of our lack of nutrients in modern food with chemicals in the air messing with it and such?
Genetic predisposition
Why do you gotta take thyroid to have a good one nowadays I don't fully get it jfl, is it just because of our lack of nutrients in modern food with chemicals in the air messing with it and such?
Too much PUFA in our meals, we dont get enough sunlight, our parents were already somewhat hypo and this affected foetal thyroid hormone baseline, micronutrient deficiencies, we dont eat the thyroid gland of the animal which our ancestors ate etc
in gnostic sexual alchemy, which goes back two thousand years, they talk about how busting is bad and that you'll lose your "creative, divine, vital energy". the dudes back then already knew about this.
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in gnostic sexual alchemy, which goes back two thousand years, they talk about how busting is bad and that you'll lose your "creative, divine, vital energy". the dudes back then already knew about this.

I believe them, starting nofap again
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No. The telomere stuff and the comparison of the human organism and life to a second hand Toyoya is misleading and there is not even a shred of evidence for any of it. In fact the opposite is true high metabolism leads to slower aging or even complete cessation of aging like bonobos or spider monkeys whose metabolism remains high until they die but they retain youthful characterestics the longest amongst the monkeys
So fapping like bonobo in puberty = prettyboy

Makes some sense

This is why I ended up with such a huge unneotenous midface and general face, I did 180 days NoFap when I was 14

And this is why also prehistoric people and people who lived more than one century ago were so fucking ugly and ogre, they didnt release their seed enough. And this is why nowadays we have the prettiest generation ever, girls get vibrators at 13 and rub their clit 10 timmes a day and guys fap and watch pornography whenever they are alone
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So fapping like bonobo in puberty = prettyboy

Makes some sense

This is why I ended up with such a huge unneotenous midface and general face, I did 180 days NoFap when I was 14

And this is why also prehistoric people and people who lived more than one century ago were so fucking ugly and ogre, they didnt release their seed enough. And this is why nowadays we have the prettiest generation ever, girls get vibrators at 13 and rub their clit 10 timmes a day and guys fap and watch pornography whenever they are alone
Fapping has nothing to do with aging . Not fapping may extend lifespan in accomplished yogis as their nutritional food source is extremely low and they basically claim they survive on air ( co2 saturation is extremely high among them) and conserving semen. Compulsive urge to fap is actually a symptom of high estrogen. I don’t think people have become any better looking they just learnt how to fraud
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Prolactin blockers?

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