How HGH will change your life for the better



5' 13" Pharma HGHcel
Nov 11, 2019
First yes I am a chink. I understand asians aren't desired like whites or gorillas.
Here is how hgh and peptide changed my life and how it will change yours.

1. AMAZING sleep. Had the most amazing fucking sleep ever. Had my first dream (REM/Deep sleep) in years. It's called beauty sleep for a reason
2. IMPROVED personality As a chink I don't get that much attention from girls, but at swim team several friends that are girls noticeably commented "Wow you look like you're in a great mood" "You look joyful today what's going on"
3. Unlimited ENERGY Normally I drink redbull or some tea / energy pills. Never needed since starting HGH.
4.Testosterone INCREASE I get random rock hard boners (even at most inconvenient times like in a speedo in front of girls). Definite blood pressure increase and fat loss. I lost fat in my "love handles" in just a few weeks. Wrists definite thick I can feed really hard cartilage building on the sides.
5. HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT I was 5'11 cel a month ago but now I am 5'12" cel. HGH combined with a shit load of dairy has given me an inch in 6 weeks. (Mostly in spine and femurs).
6. FRAME AND VOICE My voice got noticeably deeper, mainly more "full' and projecting. Wrists hands and nose slightly bigger.
7. FACE FACE FACE Before I literally didn't even have any jaw. Now my jaw is widening and my cheek bones also widening. ZYGOS MAXXXX. BIG SKULL BIG JAW = GOOD FACE

In conclusion:
HGH will give you so many benefits in everyway. Literally no downside except it's a few hundred a month.

Thanks to
@JustTrynaGrow @Dyorotic2
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  • Woah
Reactions: mvp2v1, AscendingHero, Deleted member 5818 and 11 others
I’m assuming you’re young and still in puberty
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Reactions: Deleted member 8758, noorwoodinfinite and GoMadAndSTFU
Brb using imagination
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Reactions: Deleted member 3323 and balding17yomanletcel
fuck why is human growth hormone so damn expensive fucking christ
hgh = life
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  • +1
Reactions: JoChico
Where do you get your hgh from? Good thread gook
Is this cope post puberty? Would this work great with MSE and MSDO
what's mse and msdo
absolutely not a cope. even if you're done growing it will give you huge hands wrists dick and massive skull and jaw. also make you lose fast insanely fast and gain muscle same time.
Even steroids can't get you a body this good. Just the shear amount of individual muscle size and definition can only be achieved by hgh due to igf preventing muscle wasting
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero and GetThatBread
goddamnit i want human growth hormone so bad
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero, Deleted member 4946 and ChaddeusPeuterschmit
hey bro you got a source bro? give me the source bro, i want the source, i cannot source my own hgh i need your source, hey bro did I mention that I need a source, pm me bro.
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Ugh..
Reactions: AscendingHero, Highrise, aspieSavage and 11 others
  • Woah
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  • JFL
Reactions: AscendingHero, MentalistKebab, Deleted member 9355 and 7 others
Where did you get it from? link
  • Woah
Reactions: ChaddeusPeuterschmit
what's mse and msdo
absolutely not a cope. even if you're done growing it will give you huge hands wrists dick and massive skull and jaw. also make you lose fast insanely fast and gain muscle same time.
View attachment 284468Even steroids can't get you a body this good. Just the shear amount of individual muscle size and definition can only be achieved by hgh due to igf preventing muscle wasting
LifeFuel are you trolling though? I need my jaw to widen and zygos also.

hey bro source bro, give me a source bro, you got the source bro?
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero, Almu, KrissKross and 2 others
LifeFuel are you trolling though? I need my jaw to widen and zygos also.
nope. if you look up acromelagy (too much hgh for too long) literally bunch of gigachads with massive jaws and brow ridge
  • JFL
Reactions: It'snotover
How much have you spent so far and how much are you using?
  • +1
Reactions: randomguyonthenet.
How much have you spent so far and how much are you using?
$200 per month
Mod GRF 10MG
Ipamorelin 10MG
3 * 100 mcg each per day
Add and rotate weekly 5mg ghrp 2 and/or
or 2 mg ghrp 6 for extra
  • +1
Reactions: FreakkForLife and Justttt
$200 per month
Mod GRF 10MG
Ipamorelin 10MG
3 * 100 mcg each per day
Add and rotate weekly 5mg ghrp 2 and/or
or 2 mg ghrp 6 for extra
Is this legit? Any chemistrycels can vouch?
nope. if you look up acromelagy (too much hgh for too long) literally bunch of gigachads with massive jaws and brow ridge View attachment 284475

you could never replicate the serum GH levels that have been tested in patients with acromegaly. You'd need to be injecting anywhere near 20-30iu's daily to even come close to what they produce. Acromegaly patients have IGF-1 scoring upwards of 1500ng/ml, which absurdly high.
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero
nope. if you look up acromelagy (too much hgh for too long) literally bunch of gigachads with massive jaws and brow ridge View attachment 284475

what's mse and msdo
absolutely not a cope. even if you're done growing it will give you huge hands wrists dick and massive skull and jaw. also make you lose fast insanely fast and gain muscle same time.
View attachment 284468Even steroids can't get you a body this good. Just the shear amount of individual muscle size and definition can only be achieved by hgh due to igf preventing muscle wasting
Also look that Gut, it's called HGH gut, basically this thing makes your organs,intestine,stomach i.e EVERYTHING grows.
Say goodbye to V-taper waist never again
  • +1
Reactions: Highrise and IndianJock
Wish I knew what any of this shit meant and where to get it
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Reactions: Deleted member 2597
jfl not even indian but srs ur not using hgh?
I am but looking for another source

you could never replicate the serum GH levels that have been tested in patients with acromegaly. You'd need to be injecting anywhere near 20-30iu's daily to even come close to what they produce. Acromegaly patients have IGF-1 scoring upwards of 1500ng/ml, which absurdly high.
better ogre than incel
literally watch SHREK
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Equilibrium and Jamal2222
hgh itself is a peptide
Do I have to inject this shit or can I just pop a pill like MK677
fuck everyone on HGH all of a sudden makes me wanna use it.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Jamal2222, Gaia262, Chadelite and 1 other person
How the fuck do I get HGH, I'd definitely grown to above 6ft if I start taking it by 16. But I'm poor af, and don't know were to get it.
  • +1
Reactions: Jamal2222
How the fuck do I get HGH, I'd definitely grown to above 6ft if I start taking it by 16. But I'm poor af, and don't know were to get it.
you can buy it at a local supplement shop, it's pretty cheap, just ask for HGH.
  • +1
Reactions: Equilibrium, AscendingHero, karbo and 5 others
Nofap is rumoured to increase HGH
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Reactions: randomguyonthenet.
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Reactions: JimmyDreamsOfZygos, AscendingHero, Deleted member 6512 and 1 other person
i'm trying to get to 6'2
Nigga how did you buy it without your parents knowing? I wanna get some as well but i cant think of a way of buying hgh without them noticing.
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite
How the fuck do I get HGH, I'd definitely grown to above 6ft if I start taking it by 16. But I'm poor af, and don't know were to get it.


pubertal growth spurt finishes around 14 for most people, contrary to what normies think. There are such a thing as late bloomers, but unless you're short for your age, you probably aint one of them! When HGH is given to short cunt kids, treatment starts at about age 9 or 10. Its markedly less effective the longer they wait. IOW: yeah, nah, probably not.
  • Ugh..
Reactions: FreakkForLife
Were can you get it?
You have to get a prescription from a doctor for pharma grade HGH (This costs a fortune and you won’t be able to afford it)

Or, you can buy generic HGH online with no prescription needed. There’s multiple sites you can buy it from. The ones that users recommend here is Ironlionlabs (Generic HGH is much cheaper than pharma grade HGH but is still expensive.)
  • +1
Reactions: 6’1Chink, Chadelite, GoMadAndSTFU and 1 other person
How the fuck do I get HGH, I'd definitely grown to above 6ft if I start taking it by 16. But I'm poor af, and don't know were to get it.
there's a reason it's banned
  • +1
Reactions: Chadelite and Deleted member 2597
ive got friend who injected that shit, its gross, we were in macedonia for some preparations few y ago, he injected every night
now he is chad whos not mewing,cant fucking believe it
  • +1
Reactions: Highrise, TheEndHasNoEnd, Deleted member 6401 and 2 others
ive got friend who injected that shit, its gross, we were in macedonia for some preparations few y ago, he injected every night
now he is chad whos not mewing,cant fucking believe it

What was his age when he did it ?
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401 and Chadelite
  • +1
Reactions: TheEndHasNoEnd, Deleted member 6401 and Chadelite
Have you seen any improvement in your skin, like tightness or glow?
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Reactions: Deleted member 6401
bump for HGH chads, where to get?
In low doses it does seem to be a wonder drug.

I think people just abuse it hence the enlarged heads, heart , hgh gut. Noses get larger etc.

I was thinking of hgh just injecting 1iu or 2iu a day max. For the lipolysis and skin benefits

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