How HGH will change your life for the better

Is there any good benefit-to-cost ratio to use that shit for someone way past puberty (I'm 27) ?

Obviously I won't grow taller, but give me bigger hands and jaw any day
First yes I am a chink. I understand asians aren't desired like whites or gorillas.
Here is how hgh and peptide changed my life and how it will change yours.

1. AMAZING sleep. Had the most amazing fucking sleep ever. Had my first dream (REM/Deep sleep) in years. It's called beauty sleep for a reason
2. IMPROVED personality As a chink I don't get that much attention from girls, but at swim team several friends that are girls noticeably commented "Wow you look like you're in a great mood" "You look joyful today what's going on"
3. Unlimited ENERGY Normally I drink redbull or some tea / energy pills. Never needed since starting HGH.
4.Testosterone INCREASE I get random rock hard boners (even at most inconvenient times like in a speedo in front of girls). Definite blood pressure increase and fat loss. I lost fat in my "love handles" in just a few weeks. Wrists definite thick I can feed really hard cartilage building on the sides.
5. HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT I was 5'11 cel a month ago but now I am 5'12" cel. HGH combined with a shit load of dairy has given me an inch in 6 weeks. (Mostly in spine and femurs).
6. FRAME AND VOICE My voice got noticeably deeper, mainly more "full' and projecting. Wrists hands and nose slightly bigger.
7. FACE FACE FACE Before I literally didn't even have any jaw. Now my jaw is widening and my cheek bones also widening. ZYGOS MAXXXX. BIG SKULL BIG JAW = GOOD FACE

In conclusion:
HGH will give you so many benefits in everyway. Literally no downside except it's a few hundred a month.

Thanks to
@JustTrynaGrow @Dyorotic2
"nose bigger" stopped right there
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First yes I am a chink. I understand asians aren't desired like whites or gorillas.
Here is how hgh and peptide changed my life and how it will change yours.

1. AMAZING sleep. Had the most amazing fucking sleep ever. Had my first dream (REM/Deep sleep) in years. It's called beauty sleep for a reason
2. IMPROVED personality As a chink I don't get that much attention from girls, but at swim team several friends that are girls noticeably commented "Wow you look like you're in a great mood" "You look joyful today what's going on"
3. Unlimited ENERGY Normally I drink redbull or some tea / energy pills. Never needed since starting HGH.
4.Testosterone INCREASE I get random rock hard boners (even at most inconvenient times like in a speedo in front of girls). Definite blood pressure increase and fat loss. I lost fat in my "love handles" in just a few weeks. Wrists definite thick I can feed really hard cartilage building on the sides.
5. HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT I was 5'11 cel a month ago but now I am 5'12" cel. HGH combined with a shit load of dairy has given me an inch in 6 weeks. (Mostly in spine and femurs).
6. FRAME AND VOICE My voice got noticeably deeper, mainly more "full' and projecting. Wrists hands and nose slightly bigger.
7. FACE FACE FACE Before I literally didn't even have any jaw. Now my jaw is widening and my cheek bones also widening. ZYGOS MAXXXX. BIG SKULL BIG JAW = GOOD FACE

In conclusion:
HGH will give you so many benefits in everyway. Literally no downside except it's a few hundred a month.

Thanks to
@JustTrynaGrow @Dyorotic2
And how did u get ur hgh up
It’s going to permanently fuck up your hormones. Stupid to use under like age 35.
great thread, but only works if you're in puberty
First yes I am a chink. I understand asians aren't desired like whites or gorillas.
Here is how hgh and peptide changed my life and how it will change yours.

1. AMAZING sleep. Had the most amazing fucking sleep ever. Had my first dream (REM/Deep sleep) in years. It's called beauty sleep for a reason
2. IMPROVED personality As a chink I don't get that much attention from girls, but at swim team several friends that are girls noticeably commented "Wow you look like you're in a great mood" "You look joyful today what's going on"
3. Unlimited ENERGY Normally I drink redbull or some tea / energy pills. Never needed since starting HGH.
4.Testosterone INCREASE I get random rock hard boners (even at most inconvenient times like in a speedo in front of girls). Definite blood pressure increase and fat loss. I lost fat in my "love handles" in just a few weeks. Wrists definite thick I can feed really hard cartilage building on the sides.
5. HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT I was 5'11 cel a month ago but now I am 5'12" cel. HGH combined with a shit load of dairy has given me an inch in 6 weeks. (Mostly in spine and femurs).
6. FRAME AND VOICE My voice got noticeably deeper, mainly more "full' and projecting. Wrists hands and nose slightly bigger.
7. FACE FACE FACE Before I literally didn't even have any jaw. Now my jaw is widening and my cheek bones also widening. ZYGOS MAXXXX. BIG SKULL BIG JAW = GOOD FACE

In conclusion:
HGH will give you so many benefits in everyway. Literally no downside except it's a few hundred a month.

Thanks to
@JustTrynaGrow @Dyorotic2
I don’t want my jaw to widen to much
First yes I am a chink. I understand asians aren't desired like whites or gorillas.
Here is how hgh and peptide changed my life and how it will change yours.

1. AMAZING sleep. Had the most amazing fucking sleep ever. Had my first dream (REM/Deep sleep) in years. It's called beauty sleep for a reason
2. IMPROVED personality As a chink I don't get that much attention from girls, but at swim team several friends that are girls noticeably commented "Wow you look like you're in a great mood" "You look joyful today what's going on"
3. Unlimited ENERGY Normally I drink redbull or some tea / energy pills. Never needed since starting HGH.
4.Testosterone INCREASE I get random rock hard boners (even at most inconvenient times like in a speedo in front of girls). Definite blood pressure increase and fat loss. I lost fat in my "love handles" in just a few weeks. Wrists definite thick I can feed really hard cartilage building on the sides.
5. HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT I was 5'11 cel a month ago but now I am 5'12" cel. HGH combined with a shit load of dairy has given me an inch in 6 weeks. (Mostly in spine and femurs).
6. FRAME AND VOICE My voice got noticeably deeper, mainly more "full' and projecting. Wrists hands and nose slightly bigger.
7. FACE FACE FACE Before I literally didn't even have any jaw. Now my jaw is widening and my cheek bones also widening. ZYGOS MAXXXX. BIG SKULL BIG JAW = GOOD FACE

In conclusion:
HGH will give you so many benefits in everyway. Literally no downside except it's a few hundred a month.

Thanks to
@JustTrynaGrow @Dyorotic2
where did you get your hgh????
I take mk677 (some of you may say that it is a cope) and i have those amazing and ridiculous dreams after 30 mg dosage.
First yes I am a chink. I understand asians aren't desired like whites or gorillas.
Here is how hgh and peptide changed my life and how it will change yours.

1. AMAZING sleep. Had the most amazing fucking sleep ever. Had my first dream (REM/Deep sleep) in years. It's called beauty sleep for a reason
2. IMPROVED personality As a chink I don't get that much attention from girls, but at swim team several friends that are girls noticeably commented "Wow you look like you're in a great mood" "You look joyful today what's going on"
3. Unlimited ENERGY Normally I drink redbull or some tea / energy pills. Never needed since starting HGH.
4.Testosterone INCREASE I get random rock hard boners (even at most inconvenient times like in a speedo in front of girls). Definite blood pressure increase and fat loss. I lost fat in my "love handles" in just a few weeks. Wrists definite thick I can feed really hard cartilage building on the sides.
5. HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT I was 5'11 cel a month ago but now I am 5'12" cel. HGH combined with a shit load of dairy has given me an inch in 6 weeks. (Mostly in spine and femurs).
6. FRAME AND VOICE My voice got noticeably deeper, mainly more "full' and projecting. Wrists hands and nose slightly bigger.
7. FACE FACE FACE Before I literally didn't even have any jaw. Now my jaw is widening and my cheek bones also widening. ZYGOS MAXXXX. BIG SKULL BIG JAW = GOOD FACE

In conclusion:
HGH will give you so many benefits in everyway. Literally no downside except it's a few hundred a month.

Thanks to
@JustTrynaGrow @Dyorotic2
@Strike_Poseidon thoughts? :lul:
Guys I'm glad this post is getting more attention, I have continued to use HGH since this post and will be posting a lot of updates shortly. I have switched my HGH-releasing peptide cope for Pharmaceutical grade German HGH
Guys I'm glad this post is getting more attention, I have continued to use HGH since this post and will be posting a lot of updates shortly. I have switched my HGH-releasing peptide cope for Pharmaceutical grade German HGH
Following for the post now.
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ive got friend who injected that shit, its gross, we were in macedonia for some preparations few y ago, he injected every night
now he is chad whos not mewing,cant fucking believe it
How much height and frame did he gain?
Sorry, I don't want my alien forehead skull to grow even bigger.
get deported
Stay mad, Chong.
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I wonder how much I could benefit from peptides. Mostly mega height cope before I finally give up and start mentalhealthmaxxing. I'm 22, my current IGF-1 levels were tested at 301mcg/L. I'm considering going on GHRP-2 + Mod-GRF(1-29) (saturation dose x 3). Apparently X-Peptides is a solid source, but to get a decent deal I gotta buy in bulk, at least half a years worth of this stuff which pushes me back around $500USD without alcohol pads, BAC water and syringes. This source has 3rd-party lab tests that shows 98%+ purity, but I'm not low-inhib enough to just say fuck it and buy it right now. In the long run it won't really matter that I dumped 500 bucks, and I've done worse things. I've spent a couple thousands on fixing up a rust bucket POS car when I was 19 when I could've used it on heightmaxxing.
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I wonder how much I could benefit from peptides. Mostly mega height cope before I finally give up and start mentalhealthmaxxing. I'm 22, my current IGF-1 levels were tested at 301mcg/L. I'm considering going on GHRP-2 + Mod-GRF(1-29) (saturation dose x 3). Apparently X-Peptides is a solid source, but to get a decent deal I gotta buy in bulk, at least half a years worth of this stuff which pushes me back around $500USD without alcohol pads, BAC water and syringes. This source has 3rd-party lab tests that shows 98%+ purity, but I'm not low-inhib enough to just say fuck it and buy it right now. In the long run it won't really matter that I dumped 500 bucks, and I've done worse things. I've spent a couple thousands on fixing up a rust bucket POS car when I was 19 when I could've used it on heightmaxxing.
DUDE, you’re 22. stop coping
Stop acting like coping is a bad thing. It's kind of my only choice right now.
Did you even have growth plate X-ray? I was at risser sign grade 5 at age 18
Maxresdefault 2
Did you even have growth plate X-ray? I was at risser sign grade 5 at age 18
My doctor's IQ must have not been high enough, or he knowingly didn't do that for me because he's a manlet himself and wanted more manlets in this world. He gave me a wrist X-ray that showed closing growth plates.
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My doctor's IQ must have not been high enough, or he knowingly didn't do that for me because he's a manlet himself and wanted more manlets in this world. He gave me a wrist X-ray that showed closing growth plates.
Your wrist growth plates are only closing now at 22?
No it was a few years ago. And regardless, it isn't a good way to tell.
Growth plates close from extremities (legs, arms) to core (spine). My core growth plates (pelvic bone) were closed at age 18 and a half. That’s when I knew it was over as fk
Growth plates close from extremities (legs, arms) to core (spine). My core growth plates (pelvic bone) were closed at age 18 and a half. That’s when I knew it was over as fk
I know. It's fair to say mine are closed now too given that I haven't grown in years. Just sucks that I didn't get my pelvis x-rayed, I would've done anything to heightmaxx then if I found it's still open. Regardless, let a nigga cope.
I know. It's fair to say mine are closed now too given that I haven't grown in years. Just sucks that I didn't get my pelvis x-rayed, I would've done anything to heightmaxx then if I found it's still open. Regardless, let a nigga cope.
How tall are you?
First yes I am a chink. I understand asians aren't desired like whites or gorillas.
Here is how hgh and peptide changed my life and how it will change yours.

1. AMAZING sleep. Had the most amazing fucking sleep ever. Had my first dream (REM/Deep sleep) in years. It's called beauty sleep for a reason
2. IMPROVED personality As a chink I don't get that much attention from girls, but at swim team several friends that are girls noticeably commented "Wow you look like you're in a great mood" "You look joyful today what's going on"
3. Unlimited ENERGY Normally I drink redbull or some tea / energy pills. Never needed since starting HGH.
4.Testosterone INCREASE I get random rock hard boners (even at most inconvenient times like in a speedo in front of girls). Definite blood pressure increase and fat loss. I lost fat in my "love handles" in just a few weeks. Wrists definite thick I can feed really hard cartilage building on the sides.
5. HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT I was 5'11 cel a month ago but now I am 5'12" cel. HGH combined with a shit load of dairy has given me an inch in 6 weeks. (Mostly in spine and femurs).
6. FRAME AND VOICE My voice got noticeably deeper, mainly more "full' and projecting. Wrists hands and nose slightly bigger.
7. FACE FACE FACE Before I literally didn't even have any jaw. Now my jaw is widening and my cheek bones also widening. ZYGOS MAXXXX. BIG SKULL BIG JAW = GOOD FACE

In conclusion:
HGH will give you so many benefits in everyway. Literally no downside except it's a few hundred a month.

Thanks to
@JustTrynaGrow @Dyorotic2
Unless HGH can change my gook face IDGAF
5'1.5 and 5'9.5. It's fucked because all the males in both sides of my family are taller than me, at least by an inch.
Are you otherwise masculine? I know you don’t want to hear it but I know some guys your height who have no problems getting hot girls lol
Are you otherwise masculine? I know you don’t want to hear it but I know some guys your height who have no problems getting hot girls lol
Yes I'm high T, probably the most compared to all males in my family. I have a theory that this is why I'm short; more test means more aromatization to estrogen.
For my height I do well with girls, but deep inside I still hate being this height. I don't want to be taller to attract more women or get more respect, I just want to look in the mirror and feel adequate. If I woke up tomorrow and I was 5'8 I'd never complain again.
What was your progress like before ?And are you doing the max price/performance stack or are you just running aromasin and 7 ius of hgh a day
Where to import this sgit
First yes I am a chink. I understand asians aren't desired like whites or gorillas.
Here is how hgh and peptide changed my life and how it will change yours.

1. AMAZING sleep. Had the most amazing fucking sleep ever. Had my first dream (REM/Deep sleep) in years. It's called beauty sleep for a reason
2. IMPROVED personality As a chink I don't get that much attention from girls, but at swim team several friends that are girls noticeably commented "Wow you look like you're in a great mood" "You look joyful today what's going on"
3. Unlimited ENERGY Normally I drink redbull or some tea / energy pills. Never needed since starting HGH.
4.Testosterone INCREASE I get random rock hard boners (even at most inconvenient times like in a speedo in front of girls). Definite blood pressure increase and fat loss. I lost fat in my "love handles" in just a few weeks. Wrists definite thick I can feed really hard cartilage building on the sides.
5. HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT HEIGHT I was 5'11 cel a month ago but now I am 5'12" cel. HGH combined with a shit load of dairy has given me an inch in 6 weeks. (Mostly in spine and femurs).
6. FRAME AND VOICE My voice got noticeably deeper, mainly more "full' and projecting. Wrists hands and nose slightly bigger.
7. FACE FACE FACE Before I literally didn't even have any jaw. Now my jaw is widening and my cheek bones also widening. ZYGOS MAXXXX. BIG SKULL BIG JAW = GOOD FACE

In conclusion:
HGH will give you so many benefits in everyway. Literally no downside except it's a few hundred a month.

Thanks to
@JustTrynaGrow @Dyorotic2
What peptide did you buy?

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