How I lost my virginity finally @21

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It's not that hard dude. He's not using tinder right if those are his matches, or hes mind numbingly ugly

Are you in the US @CupOfCoffee? Someone just did a Tinder experiment earlier today using two of my recent post-surgery photos (I had custom midface and chin implants placed back in March), and literally every single one of my matches save for one was subhuman or worse (and this in spite of the fact that they morphed my eye area to look normal-ish). See below for thread (scroll down for pics of my matches as well as those of myself that were used):

I never had any delusions about becoming a Chad or an MM, but damn, I didn't know it was this over for me.
Are you in the US @CupOfCoffee? Someone just did a Tinder experiment earlier today using two of my recent post-surgery photos (I had custom midface and chin implants placed back in March), and literally every single one of my matches save for one was subhuman or worse (and this in spite of the fact that they morphed my eye area to look normal-ish). See below for thread (scroll down for pics of my matches as well as those of myself that were used):
Yes most of them are subhuman. The ones I put effort into are the decent looking ones. Especially if they have big titties or are short and thin etc. Isn't it better than being incel because they aren't psl6+?
I also lost it at 21 and also had porn induced ED. Fuck porn, legit dick killer. And take cialis aswell. Twins
How can you have porn induced ED? I simply can't understand. If a girl touched my p, then I'd probably instantly get rock hard.
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How can you have porn induced ED? I simply can't understand. If a girl touched my p, then I'd probably instantly get rock hard.
Yea I get rock hard but the moment I put it in is like putting my dick in water. Its loose and I lose erection instantly. Virgin wall s or death
How can you have porn induced ED? I simply can't understand. If a girl touched my p, then I'd probably instantly get rock hard.
Cuz with porn you start getting into weird ass fetishes and normal sex acts become non-exciting in your head
Cuz with porn you start getting into weird ass fetishes and normal sex acts become non-exciting in your head
Idk man. I'm so deprived of physical touch that I think it alone is enough to make me hard.
Idk man. I'm so deprived of physical touch that I think it alone is enough to make me hard.
I thought that would be the case but no. I get super hard when first kissing and rubbing a bit but it's like my brain got bored. Porn is a fucking death sentence
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Not tales from the basement and I didn’t rope. I’ve been going hard on Tinder for the past month, basically meeting a new girl every other day. My issues in the past have always been anxiety-related, afraid that I was too nervous, too ugly, too boring etc.

First of all, I don’t even have good pictures on Tinder, no front photos, just ones that show that I’m doing something interesting or that show my shoulders. Obviously this isn’t ideal for matching with the best looking girls, but whatever I’m subhuman so why show my full face. I fucked 3 girls, 1 ugly fat one, and 2 roughly looksmatched. One of them is a short blonde submissive girl with big tits so the sex is insane, she still wants to see me again…

Second, you want to use good openers but not ones that look retarded and soyboy. I actually reuse the same openers usually so I'm not gonna share that shit or show screenshots. Figure this out on your own.

The most important thing I did was use chemicals to ease my anxiety and ensure good erections. This is what I used:

1. Xanax: Only used once. I stole 5mg from my uncle and used it before a date. Unfortunately the girl had a panic attack and escaped before we met. We met the next day though and fucked so 😊

2. Phenibut: Most important drug I used, this stuff is insanely useful when used sparingly. First couple times I used it, I shit you not there was zero anxiety at all, I was saying whatever the fuck I wanted and things went much better than normal. I easily escalated sexually with the girls without worrying I was doing the wrong thing. You should NOT use this stuff too much, you will stop feeling it. Once a week, twice MAX is good. You may eventually require up to 2grams or more, start lower @500mg. Combine this with caffeine before meeting the girls or else you might be too tired and too sedated.

3. Cialias: When I was 19 I had serious performance anxiety and couldn’t stay hard when naked in front of a girl, so I didn’t want to risk that again. You gotta take this (or Viagra) if you want to have the best experience. I actually overdosed the first time, took 60mg cuz I was stupid and desperate, and got serious side effects (couldn’t lose erection for 3 hours, painful cumming, back pain, sore throat the next day, and extreme light-headedness). Start with 10mg honestly, NEVER go over 30mg it’s a fucking nightmare. This stuff made me get an erection just from seeing the girl in clothes jfl, I measured my dick and it was a bit bigger as well (went from 6.2x5.5 to 6.4x5.7 bonepressed). Don’t skip this dudes.

4. L-Theanine and Ashwagandha: I took this shit at high doses on days where I didn’t use anything else, I think it helped but not nearly like phenibut.

5. Testosterone. I’m on 500mg test E weekly, it’s making me not be able to focus on school or work anymore, so if that matters to you a lot you might have trouble in other aspects of life (idk if other people have the same issue but i do). All I can think of is meeting girls and fapping etc. tbh. A lot of the girls compliment me on my muscles so it definitely helps in that way. I don't believe my ED at 19 had to do with testosterone because I always had strong morning wood, it was almost certainly porn-induced, anxiety-related, or both.

Obviously, there are other anxiolytics you can try and I might experiment a bit (suggestions if you have any), but this definitely worked for me.

Tip: Don’t act asexual. Once you’re sitting with the girl, slowly get sexual if the topic arises. Talk about nipples, hard-ons, make up stories about ridiculous dates you’ve had in the past. Touch them when you can, if she’s resisting it, then it probably won’t go anywhere so just cut it short if you can.

Another tip: If a girl acts overly disagreeable with you, it’s not going to work. Leave her asap and don’t waste your time.

Another tip: Don’t invite yourself to her place. If she wants to fuck you then she will usually make it clear and invite you in.

Another tip: If you live with your parents you need to make up an excuse why you can’t bring them to your place. I just tell them my family is still visiting me and they’ll be gone in a few weeks and we own a house here etc. Make up some good reasons and if they wanna fuck you they’ll usually invite you to their place. Trust me lol.

Another tip: Some girls actually don’t fuck on the first date, a lot of them seem to religiously follow the third date rule, so if you want to feel those sugar walls then you might have to wait a week or so.
Thanks, for the the thread very informational bro.
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Yes most of them are subhuman. The ones I put effort into are the decent looking ones. Especially if they have big titties or are short and thin etc. Isn't it better than being incel because they aren't psl6+?

TBH, even though I never expected supermodel chicks to be attracted to me, I never thought I'd have to settle for literal subhuman girls. My issue is that I'm simply not attracted to girls who are below a certain looks threshold. To put it simply, if they're ugly, I'm just not attracted to them. It's like trying to force myself to be gay. I just can't do it. If the girls in the Tinder experiment really are an accurate representation of what I'm capable of attracting, then I'm either going to simply escortcel or rope at some point.
TBH, even though I never expected supermodel chicks to be attracted to me, I never thought I'd have to settle for literal subhuman girls. My issue is that I'm simply not attracted to girls who are below a certain looks threshold. To put it simply, if they're ugly, I'm just not attracted to them. It's like trying to force myself to be gay. I just can't do it. If the girls in the Tinder experiment really are an accurate representation of what I'm capable of attracting, then I'm either going to simply escortcel or rope at some point.
Your dopamine receptors are probably fucked. Stop watching porn, I swear to god it's the reason you feel unwilling to fuck lower than your loomsmatch. I mean, sooner or later youll probably fuck looksmatch or better but your young brain needs validation and physical intimacy, and you need experience anyways.
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Your dopamine receptors are probably fucked. Stop watching porn, I swear to god it's the reason you feel unwilling to fuck lower than your loomsmatch. I mean, sooner or later youll probably fuck looksmatch or better but your young brain needs validation and physical intimacy, and you need experience anyways.

Young brain? I wish... I'm in my early thirties. :/
First of all, I don’t even have good pictures on Tinder, no front photos, just ones that show that I’m doing something interesting or that show my shoulders. Obviously this isn’t ideal for matching with the best looking girls, but whatever I’m subhuman so why show my full face. I fucked 3 girls, 1 ugly fat one, and 2 roughly looksmatched. One of them is a short blonde submissive girl with big tits so the sex is insane, she still wants to see me again…
Cope. You can't be subhuman and get laid that often.
lifefuel. im also 21 and am going to try to not be a virgin anymore via tinder. but im scared.
Young brain? I wish... I'm in my early thirties. :/
i looked at the tinder thread and i feel if you took better pics you would get attractive matches. wear nice clothes and maybe position your phone eye-level. i always look more human when i take pics eye level instead of from below.
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if the girls arent gl you can.
False. Looksmatch theory is a myth. Ugly women will still go for Chad or the best looking guys they can get.
Are you in the US @CupOfCoffee? Someone just did a Tinder experiment earlier today using two of my recent post-surgery photos (I had custom midface and chin implants placed back in March), and literally every single one of my matches save for one was subhuman or worse (and this in spite of the fact that they morphed my eye area to look normal-ish). See below for thread (scroll down for pics of my matches as well as those of myself that were used):

I never had any delusions about becoming a Chad or an MM, but damn, I didn't know it was this over for me.

lol your unnecessarily worrying too much about a tinder expirement made for fun. I already pointed out the numerous flaws within it.

also if you plan on roping, im down to join you for sure 100 percent.

op can you post your tinder matches btw? Im curious to see how subhuman they area, As I recal you are pretty subhuman yourself so Im curious to what extent these girls are subhuaman @CupOfCoffee
lifefuel. im also 21 and am going to try to not be a virgin anymore via tinder. but im scared.

i looked at the tinder thread and i feel if you took better pics you would get attractive matches. wear nice clothes and maybe position your phone eye-level. i always look more human when i take pics eye level instead of from below.

Yeah, those photos were originally taken at work with the goal of simply capturing the changes that my custom midface/chin implants have created now that pretty much all the swelling has gone away. It was actually another member who conducted the Tinder experiment as a surprise, LOL. I really hope that getting my eye area overhauled will make a big difference to my overall attractiveness.
lol your unnecessarily worrying too much about a tinder expirement made for fun. I already pointed out the numerous flaws within it.

also if you plan on roping, im down to join you for sure 100 percent.

op can you post your tinder matches btw? Im curious to see how subhuman they area, As I recal you are pretty subhuman yourself so Im curious to what extent these girls are subhuaman @CupOfCoffee

No concrete plans yet but I will probably use a shotgun instead of roping if I do decide to do it (I own a 12-gauge). TBH if I do it, it will probably be an impulse decision from out of nowhere. (At least in the past, my previous close calls where I came close to doing it were like that)
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Not tales from the basement and I didn’t rope. I’ve been going hard on Tinder for the past month, basically meeting a new girl every other day. My issues in the past have always been anxiety-related, afraid that I was too nervous, too ugly, too boring etc.

First of all, I don’t even have good pictures on Tinder, no front photos, just ones that show that I’m doing something interesting or that show my shoulders. Obviously this isn’t ideal for matching with the best looking girls, but whatever I’m subhuman so why show my full face. I fucked 3 girls, 1 ugly fat one, and 2 roughly looksmatched. One of them is a short blonde submissive girl with big tits so the sex is insane, she still wants to see me again…

Second, you want to use good openers but not ones that look retarded and soyboy. I actually reuse the same openers usually so I'm not gonna share that shit or show screenshots. Figure this out on your own.

The most important thing I did was use chemicals to ease my anxiety and ensure good erections. This is what I used:

1. Xanax: Only used once. I stole 5mg from my uncle and used it before a date. Unfortunately the girl had a panic attack and escaped before we met. We met the next day though and fucked so 😊

2. Phenibut: Most important drug I used, this stuff is insanely useful when used sparingly. First couple times I used it, I shit you not there was zero anxiety at all, I was saying whatever the fuck I wanted and things went much better than normal. I easily escalated sexually with the girls without worrying I was doing the wrong thing. You should NOT use this stuff too much, you will stop feeling it. Once a week, twice MAX is good. You may eventually require up to 2grams or more, start lower @500mg. Combine this with caffeine before meeting the girls or else you might be too tired and too sedated.

3. Cialias: When I was 19 I had serious performance anxiety and couldn’t stay hard when naked in front of a girl, so I didn’t want to risk that again. You gotta take this (or Viagra) if you want to have the best experience. I actually overdosed the first time, took 60mg cuz I was stupid and desperate, and got serious side effects (couldn’t lose erection for 3 hours, painful cumming, back pain, sore throat the next day, and extreme light-headedness). Start with 10mg honestly, NEVER go over 30mg it’s a fucking nightmare. This stuff made me get an erection just from seeing the girl in clothes jfl, I measured my dick and it was a bit bigger as well (went from 6.2x5.5 to 6.4x5.7 bonepressed). Don’t skip this dudes.

4. L-Theanine and Ashwagandha: I took this shit at high doses on days where I didn’t use anything else, I think it helped but not nearly like phenibut.

5. Testosterone. I’m on 500mg test E weekly, it’s making me not be able to focus on school or work anymore, so if that matters to you a lot you might have trouble in other aspects of life (idk if other people have the same issue but i do). All I can think of is meeting girls and fapping etc. tbh. A lot of the girls compliment me on my muscles so it definitely helps in that way. I don't believe my ED at 19 had to do with testosterone because I always had strong morning wood, it was almost certainly porn-induced, anxiety-related, or both.

Obviously, there are other anxiolytics you can try and I might experiment a bit (suggestions if you have any), but this definitely worked for me.

Tip: Don’t act asexual. Once you’re sitting with the girl, slowly get sexual if the topic arises. Talk about nipples, hard-ons, make up stories about ridiculous dates you’ve had in the past. Touch them when you can, if she’s resisting it, then it probably won’t go anywhere so just cut it short if you can.

Another tip: If a girl acts overly disagreeable with you, it’s not going to work. Leave her asap and don’t waste your time.

Another tip: Don’t invite yourself to her place. If she wants to fuck you then she will usually make it clear and invite you in.

Another tip: If you live with your parents you need to make up an excuse why you can’t bring them to your place. I just tell them my family is still visiting me and they’ll be gone in a few weeks and we own a house here etc. Make up some good reasons and if they wanna fuck you they’ll usually invite you to their place. Trust me lol.

Another tip: Some girls actually don’t fuck on the first date, a lot of them seem to religiously follow the third date rule, so if you want to feel those sugar walls then you might have to wait a week or so.
Every word have been single red.
Hopefully I'll have similar sucsses to you. Although I dont get matches on tinder :feelswhy: .
Not tales from the basement and I didn’t rope. I’ve been going hard on Tinder for the past month, basically meeting a new girl every other day. My issues in the past have always been anxiety-related, afraid that I was too nervous, too ugly, too boring etc.

First of all, I don’t even have good pictures on Tinder, no front photos, just ones that show that I’m doing something interesting or that show my shoulders. Obviously this isn’t ideal for matching with the best looking girls, but whatever I’m subhuman so why show my full face. I fucked 3 girls, 1 ugly fat one, and 2 roughly looksmatched. One of them is a short blonde submissive girl with big tits so the sex is insane, she still wants to see me again…

Second, you want to use good openers but not ones that look retarded and soyboy. I actually reuse the same openers usually so I'm not gonna share that shit or show screenshots. Figure this out on your own.

The most important thing I did was use chemicals to ease my anxiety and ensure good erections. This is what I used:

1. Xanax: Only used once. I stole 5mg from my uncle and used it before a date. Unfortunately the girl had a panic attack and escaped before we met. We met the next day though and fucked so 😊

2. Phenibut: Most important drug I used, this stuff is insanely useful when used sparingly. First couple times I used it, I shit you not there was zero anxiety at all, I was saying whatever the fuck I wanted and things went much better than normal. I easily escalated sexually with the girls without worrying I was doing the wrong thing. You should NOT use this stuff too much, you will stop feeling it. Once a week, twice MAX is good. You may eventually require up to 2grams or more, start lower @500mg. Combine this with caffeine before meeting the girls or else you might be too tired and too sedated.

3. Cialias: When I was 19 I had serious performance anxiety and couldn’t stay hard when naked in front of a girl, so I didn’t want to risk that again. You gotta take this (or Viagra) if you want to have the best experience. I actually overdosed the first time, took 60mg cuz I was stupid and desperate, and got serious side effects (couldn’t lose erection for 3 hours, painful cumming, back pain, sore throat the next day, and extreme light-headedness). Start with 10mg honestly, NEVER go over 30mg it’s a fucking nightmare. This stuff made me get an erection just from seeing the girl in clothes jfl, I measured my dick and it was a bit bigger as well (went from 6.2x5.5 to 6.4x5.7 bonepressed). Don’t skip this dudes.

4. L-Theanine and Ashwagandha: I took this shit at high doses on days where I didn’t use anything else, I think it helped but not nearly like phenibut.

5. Testosterone. I’m on 500mg test E weekly, it’s making me not be able to focus on school or work anymore, so if that matters to you a lot you might have trouble in other aspects of life (idk if other people have the same issue but i do). All I can think of is meeting girls and fapping etc. tbh. A lot of the girls compliment me on my muscles so it definitely helps in that way. I don't believe my ED at 19 had to do with testosterone because I always had strong morning wood, it was almost certainly porn-induced, anxiety-related, or both.

Obviously, there are other anxiolytics you can try and I might experiment a bit (suggestions if you have any), but this definitely worked for me.

Tip: Don’t act asexual. Once you’re sitting with the girl, slowly get sexual if the topic arises. Talk about nipples, hard-ons, make up stories about ridiculous dates you’ve had in the past. Touch them when you can, if she’s resisting it, then it probably won’t go anywhere so just cut it short if you can.

Another tip: If a girl acts overly disagreeable with you, it’s not going to work. Leave her asap and don’t waste your time.

Another tip: Don’t invite yourself to her place. If she wants to fuck you then she will usually make it clear and invite you in.

Another tip: If you live with your parents you need to make up an excuse why you can’t bring them to your place. I just tell them my family is still visiting me and they’ll be gone in a few weeks and we own a house here etc. Make up some good reasons and if they wanna fuck you they’ll usually invite you to their place. Trust me lol.

Another tip: Some girls actually don’t fuck on the first date, a lot of them seem to religiously follow the third date rule, so if you want to feel those sugar walls then you might have to wait a week or so.
gj niggre

when did you take pheni (time) also how long does it take the effect to kick in, how long does it last
op can you post your tinder matches btw? Im curious to see how subhuman they area, As I recal you are pretty subhuman yourself so Im curious to what extent these girls are subhuaman @CupOfCoffee
You don't recall shit bitch. I'm about 4.5psl but tend to have an easier time with girls who like ogre traits like hairiness, deep voice, wide face, frame etc. And no I don't wanna have anything posted come back and bite me.

gj niggre

when did you take pheni (time) also how long does it take the effect to kick in, how long does it last
I take it 3.5 hours from when I plan on meeting a girl, on empty stomach. If things are going well I've taken a second dose just to extend the calmness through the night and into the next day. Peak effects usually last like 3 hours but it does keep me relaxed into the next morning
2. Phenibut: Most important drug I used, this stuff is insanely useful when used sparingly. First couple times I used it, I shit you not there was zero anxiety at all, I was saying whatever the fuck I wanted and things went much better than normal. I easily escalated sexually with the girls without worrying I was doing the wrong thing. You should NOT use this stuff too much, you will stop feeling it. Once a week, twice MAX is good. You may eventually require up to 2grams or more, start lower @500mg. Combine this with caffeine before meeting the girls or else you might be too tired and too sedated.
Nice to hear this, I'll be getting Phenibut as well soon :feelsyay:
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