How I saved myself from becoming a Manlet (Heightmaxxing)


Deleted member 44779

Sep 15, 2023
Hello dear people today I will be explaining how I saved myself from becoming a manlet, this thread will be based on a little bit of studies and a bit of my own opinions. This will be a low effort thread i cant bother to link studies etc.

To start off with my height I was 5’10 when I was 16 now I am 17.5 and 6’4. 5’10 father and a 5’7 mother

U may wonder how I grew 6 inches in the span of 1.5 years and thats what I will be explaining:

Weightlifting: I was a gymcel when i was 14, I started lifting heavy eating alot mainly protein because thats what I heard helps height growth, I did no cardio only eat, lift weights and sleep, I was like 5’8 when I was 14 and felt extremely short because i live in northern europe and I knew I would be fucked if I never grew after lifting weights, fast forward to age 16 I finally stopped lifting and caring about muscles, standing at 5’10 I got depressed (Still am) started starving myself to lose weight started smoking cigarettes and thats when I started growing JFL. So at all costs avoid lifting heavy during puberty and dont listen to those fuckers in social media that says it has no impact on growth they want your ass fucked nobody wants u to be better.

Weightlifting impact on height (COPE)—> Study

Sugar is very important for growth, children and teenagers crave sugar because its needed for growth, when im talking about growth im not only talking about height but also bone growth. Some faggots on social media just talks without knowing shit.

Sugar —-> Study

Diet: during puberty you should not diet, especially having a protein focused diet is not gonna benefit you, in my opinion and experience you should eat everything you crave just dont become a oily fat fuck keep that in mind.

Geographical location: Now this is an important factor, I live in northern europe and ive been seeing alot of 6’7 asians recently thats born here, for example im from the mediterraneans and there is literally nobody in my family from my home country thats over 6ft, only me my brother and my cousin thats born in northern europe and he is 6’7. and the reason is not «Quality food» but geographical location, the more northern u live the taller the human body will be.

—> Study

Activity: Stay active do some type of sports, avoid wrestling, I did wrestling when i was 16 and the only benefit i got from it is a 18.5 inch neck and sleep problems.

Sleep: In my opinion sleep is cope, i slept so much less than i did during my younger years and i grew alot fucking more, its still important tho. 7-9 hours is ideal too much will disrupt ur sleep schedule, and make sure to sleep before 11, I had months when I would sleep during the day instead of night and that shit was rough i was losing it + i didnt grow alot.

Most importantly GENETICS: I have to say genetics is important yes but the reason why u might be short is because you listen to what some retard says on tiktok about height growth like eating protein sleeping and staying active whilst ur genetics allows u to grow if u maybe eat a lot of bullshit, do drugs smoke cigarettes or just dont sleep alot, call me a lunatic but thats my opinion.

And the less you give a fuck about height is when you actually grow, you will never see a height obsessed tall dude that eats high protein diet to grow alot😂 Always the dudes that gives zero fuck about diet training and sleep that is the tallest.
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  • JFL
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you didn't save yourself you just got lucky. clickbait title!
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Your mothers' father or fathers' farther or fathers mothers side of the family or whatever had the tall gene.

If you can eliminate any one in your family tree that is 6'1+ I'll buy this otherwise it's nothing but confirmation bias
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Same thing happened to me Except my dad is 6' and mom is 5'8 so my brother and I ended up 6'5"
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Sugar is very important for growth, children and teenagers crave sugar because its needed for growth, when im talking about growth im not only talking about height but also bone growth. Some faggots on social media just talks without knowing shit.

Sugar —-> Study
so many brainwashed retards just cant get this no matter what
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Your mothers' father or fathers' farther or fathers mothers side of the family or whatever had the tall gene.

If you can eliminate any one in your family tree that is 6'1+ I'll buy this otherwise it's nothing but confirmation bias
As I said this is based on my beliefs not on studies or facts, i dont know my whole family trees height but I know that everyone in my family is average height to short, except the ones born in northern europe.
either you got extremely lucky with a bone age of like 14 or this is the biggest larp of the century
Hello dear people today I will be explaining how I saved myself from becoming a manlet, this thread will be based on a little bit of studies and a bit of my own opinions. This will be a low effort thread i cant bother to link studies etc.

To start off with my height I was 5’10 when I was 16 now I am 17.5 and 6’4. 5’10 father and a 5’7 mother

U may wonder how I grew 6 inches in the span of 1.5 years and thats what I will be explaining:

Weightlifting: I was a gymcel when i was 14, I started lifting heavy eating alot mainly protein because thats what I heard helps height growth, I did no cardio only eat, lift weights and sleep, I was like 5’8 when I was 14 and felt extremely short because i live in northern europe and I knew I would be fucked if I never grew after lifting weights, fast forward to age 16 I finally stopped lifting and caring about muscles, standing at 5’10 I got depressed (Still am) started starving myself to lose weight started smoking cigarettes and thats when I started growing JFL. So at all costs avoid lifting heavy during puberty and dont listen to those fuckers in social media that says it has no impact on growth they want your ass fucked nobody wants u to be better.

Weightlifting impact on height (COPE)—> Study

Sugar is very important for growth, children and teenagers crave sugar because its needed for growth, when im talking about growth im not only talking about height but also bone growth. Some faggots on social media just talks without knowing shit.

Sugar —-> Study

Diet: during puberty you should not diet, especially having a protein focused diet is not gonna benefit you, in my opinion and experience you should eat everything you crave just dont become a oily fat fuck keep that in mind.

Geographical location: Now this is an important factor, I live in northern europe and ive been seeing alot of 6’7 asians recently thats born here, for example im from the mediterraneans and there is literally nobody in my family from my home country thats over 6ft, only me my brother and my cousin thats born in northern europe and he is 6’7. and the reason is not «Quality food» but geographical location, the more northern u live the taller the human body will be.

—> Study

Activity: Stay active do some type of sports, avoid wrestling, I did wrestling when i was 16 and the only benefit i got from it is a 18.5 inch neck and sleep problems.

Sleep: In my opinion sleep is cope, i slept so much less than i did during my younger years and i grew alot fucking more, its still important tho. 7-9 hours is ideal too much will disrupt ur sleep schedule, and make sure to sleep before 11, I had months when I would sleep during the day instead of night and that shit was rough i was losing it + i didnt grow alot.

Most importantly GENETICS: I have to say genetics is important yes but the reason why u might be short is because you listen to what some retard says on tiktok about height growth like eating protein sleeping and staying active whilst ur genetics allows u to grow if u maybe eat a lot of bullshit, do drugs smoke cigarettes or just dont sleep alot, call me a lunatic but thats my opinion.

And the less you give a fuck about height is when you actually grow, you will never see a height obsessed tall dude that eats high protein diet to grow alot😂 Always the dudes that gives zero fuck about diet training and sleep that is the tallest.
5’7 mother 5’10 father,you were destined to be 6’2+
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Weightlifting: I was a gymcel when i was 14, I started lifting heavy eating alot mainly protein because thats what I heard helps height growth, I did no cardio only eat, lift weights and sleep, I was like 5’8 when I was 14 and felt extremely short because i live in northern europe and I knew I would be fucked if I never grew after lifting weights, fast forward to age 16 I finally stopped lifting and caring about muscles, standing at 5’10 I got depressed (Still am) started starving myself to lose weight started smoking cigarettes and thats when I started growing JFL. So at all costs avoid lifting heavy during puberty and dont listen to those fuckers in social media that says it has no impact on growth they want your ass fucked nobody wants u to be better.

Weightlifting impact on height (COPE)—> Study

very true. JFL at the 15 year old 5'7 highschoolers training deadlifts to failure.
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Reactions: aber and Deleted member 44779
No larp 5’7 mother give birth to 6’1+ kids
bro, my mother is 5'8, father is 6'0, how the fuck am I a measly 177cm at 15.5. Kids my age have manlet parents and are 5'11-6'+
5’7 mother 5’10 father,you were destined to be 6’2+
my father had 2 more wifes before my mother, 3 children from them 2 girls 1 boy, the 2 girls are like 5’3 and the boy is 5’9 maybe less
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Reactions: NoseProphecy
bro, my mother is 5'8, father is 6'0, how the fuck am I a measly 177cm at 15.5. Kids my age have manlet parents and are 5'11-6'+
Play sports and eat foods,eat fast food lol they have growth hormones in their meat. FYI my dad is 5’8 my mom is 5’0 ,I was 165cm at 15 now I’m 180cm.
As I said this is based on my beliefs not on studies or facts, i dont know my whole family trees height but I know that everyone in my family is average height to short, except the ones born in northern europe.

Who are the ones born in Northern Europe? How are they related to you?
my father had 2 more wifes before my mother, 3 children from them 2 girls 1 boy, the 2 girls are like 5’3 and the boy is 5’9 maybe less
So is your mother 5’7 or not?
Play sports and eat foods,eat fast food lol they have growth hormones in their meat. FYI my dad is 5’8 my mom is 5’0 ,I was 165cm at 15 now I’m 180cm.
I'll aim to eat high insulin diets with sugar tbh, protein too. I'm taking arimidex at the moment to prevent growth plate closure. Also my father said he was way shorter at my age, is this nigga larping or something lmaoo
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I'll aim to eat high insulin diets with sugar tbh, protein too. I'm taking arimidex at the moment to prevent growth plate closure
Mirin Bhai do whatever you can. I wish I had this knowledge when I was younger
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Play sports and eat foods,eat fast food lol they have growth hormones in their meat. FYI my dad is 5’8 my mom is 5’0 ,I was 165cm at 15 now I’m 180cm.

I ate amazing and play intense sport 3-4 times a week and grew to 5ft8

Genetic hereditary is the base
  • So Sad
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I ate amazing and play intense sport 3-4 times a week and grew to 5ft8

Genetic hereditary is the base
genetics are weird tbh, it's one thing having bad looking parents and being subhuman as a result, but having gl parents/siblings and still being ugly due to recombination is utter suifuel
  • +1
  • So Sad
Reactions: Pandora, Van and NoseProphecy
Who are the ones born in Northern Europe? How are they related to you?
2 of my cousins from my fathers side and my siblings, 5’9.5 sister 5’7 sister 6ft brother 5’10 girl cousin and 6’7 male cousin
Sugar is very important for growth, children and teenagers crave sugar because its needed for growth, when im talking about growth im not only talking about height but also bone growth. Some faggots on social media just talks without knowing shit.
This is true, but the only sugar you should get has to be from fruits, raw honey, raw milk, and the deserts made in your own kitchen using cane sugar and/or honey and not jew syrups.
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I ate amazing and play intense sport 3-4 times a week and grew to 5ft8

Genetic hereditary is the base
how amazing did u see rly eat? its hard to judge ourselves while coping with unchangeable reality.
This is true, but the only sugar you should get has to be from fruits, raw honey, raw milk, and the deserts made in your own kitchen using cane sugar and/or honey and not jew syrups.
Kind of true sugar is sugar in my opinion doesnt matter the source unless its synthetically made.
Kind of true sugar is sugar in my opinion doesnt matter the source unless its synthetically made.
also the study you linked about sugar is very interesting
also the study you linked about sugar is very interesting
Theres several studies on it, i just read fast through it and linked it just for a source, u can search it up for urself if u want
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Reactions: wastedspermcel
Hello dear people today I will be explaining how I saved myself from becoming a manlet, this thread will be based on a little bit of studies and a bit of my own opinions. This will be a low effort thread i cant bother to link studies etc.

To start off with my height I was 5’10 when I was 16 now I am 17.5 and 6’4. 5’10 father and a 5’7 mother

U may wonder how I grew 6 inches in the span of 1.5 years and thats what I will be explaining:

Weightlifting: I was a gymcel when i was 14, I started lifting heavy eating alot mainly protein because thats what I heard helps height growth, I did no cardio only eat, lift weights and sleep, I was like 5’8 when I was 14 and felt extremely short because i live in northern europe and I knew I would be fucked if I never grew after lifting weights, fast forward to age 16 I finally stopped lifting and caring about muscles, standing at 5’10 I got depressed (Still am) started starving myself to lose weight started smoking cigarettes and thats when I started growing JFL. So at all costs avoid lifting heavy during puberty and dont listen to those fuckers in social media that says it has no impact on growth they want your ass fucked nobody wants u to be better.

Weightlifting impact on height (COPE)—> Study

Sugar is very important for growth, children and teenagers crave sugar because its needed for growth, when im talking about growth im not only talking about height but also bone growth. Some faggots on social media just talks without knowing shit.

Sugar —-> Study

Diet: during puberty you should not diet, especially having a protein focused diet is not gonna benefit you, in my opinion and experience you should eat everything you crave just dont become a oily fat fuck keep that in mind.

Geographical location: Now this is an important factor, I live in northern europe and ive been seeing alot of 6’7 asians recently thats born here, for example im from the mediterraneans and there is literally nobody in my family from my home country thats over 6ft, only me my brother and my cousin thats born in northern europe and he is 6’7. and the reason is not «Quality food» but geographical location, the more northern u live the taller the human body will be.

—> Study

Activity: Stay active do some type of sports, avoid wrestling, I did wrestling when i was 16 and the only benefit i got from it is a 18.5 inch neck and sleep problems.

Sleep: In my opinion sleep is cope, i slept so much less than i did during my younger years and i grew alot fucking more, its still important tho. 7-9 hours is ideal too much will disrupt ur sleep schedule, and make sure to sleep before 11, I had months when I would sleep during the day instead of night and that shit was rough i was losing it + i didnt grow alot.

Most importantly GENETICS: I have to say genetics is important yes but the reason why u might be short is because you listen to what some retard says on tiktok about height growth like eating protein sleeping and staying active whilst ur genetics allows u to grow if u maybe eat a lot of bullshit, do drugs smoke cigarettes or just dont sleep alot, call me a lunatic but thats my opinion.

And the less you give a fuck about height is when you actually grow, you will never see a height obsessed tall dude that eats high protein diet to grow alot😂 Always the dudes that gives zero fuck about diet training and sleep that is the tallest.
cope lifting doesnt stunt growth
genetics are weird tbh, it's one thing having bad looking parents and being subhuman as a result, but having gl parents/siblings and still being ugly due to recombination is utter suifuel

Is this really what happened to you?
2 of my cousins from my fathers side and my siblings, 5’9.5 sister 5’7 sister 6ft brother 5’10 girl cousin and 6’7 male cousin

6'7 cousin

How is he your cousn
cope lifting doesnt stunt growth
It does i have experienced it myself and i have seen other people experience it, dont come at me with the genetic bullshit, you can lift 1-2 times a week with low weights but lifting like a powerlifter or bodybuilder will fuck u up
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It does i have experienced it myself and i have seen other people experience it, dont come at me with the genetic bullshit, you can lift 1-2 times a week with low weights but lifting like a powerlifter or bodybuilder will fuck u up
is 3-4 times a week with low weights good?

Ye even if u do 1 sets of bicep curls or bench press you will still gain muscle ur in puberty
ok where i can find a routine like this
ok where i can find a routine like this
Experiment urself and make a routine urself, focus on shoulders back arms and abit chest all u need to look good tbh the other muscle groups are genetics/not important
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Weightlifting: I was a gymcel when i was 14, I started lifting heavy eating alot mainly protein because thats what I heard helps height growth, I did no cardio only eat, lift weights and sleep, I was like 5’8 when I was 14 and felt extremely short because i live in northern europe and I knew I would be fucked if I never grew after lifting weights, fast forward to age 16 I finally stopped lifting and caring about muscles, standing at 5’10 I got depressed (Still am) started starving myself to lose weight started smoking cigarettes and thats when I started growing JFL. So at all costs avoid lifting heavy during puberty and dont listen to those fuckers in social media that says it has no impact on growth they want your ass fucked nobody wants u to be better.

Weightlifting impact on height (COPE)—> Study
I 100% relate to this, do not build muscle in puberty.
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Play sports and eat foods,eat fast food lol they have growth hormones in their meat. FYI my dad is 5’8 my mom is 5’0 ,I was 165cm at 15 now I’m 180cm.
Your parents are same height as me and I'm 165cm, but 17...

Any chance I can still grow?
  • So Sad
  • JFL
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Reactions: SteveLorde, HTN_Mentalcel and NoseProphecy
Your parents are same height as me and I'm 165cm, but 17...

Any chance I can still grow?
Idk bro I didn’t grow smudge after 17. My brother is the same height as u. But it depends,how deep are u in puberty? Blast mk667

elaborate please and cite sources
First of all of my personal experience and you can also see it you look at teenager bodybuilder, they are all shorter than the average

Excessive physical activity during childhood and adolescence may negatively affect body growth and adolescent development. Excessive exercise is associated with delayed pubertal changes. Sports that emphasize strict weight control in the setting of high-energy output are of particular concern.

Studies of male scholastic wrestlers have shown decreased linear growth during the sports season with catch-up growth during the postseason.

Studies of elite female gymnasts and dancers have likewise demonstrated delayed growth and pubertal maturation during periods of intense training
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2.good economy growing up
Same thing happened to me Except my dad is 6' and mom is 5'8 so my brother and I ended up 6'5"
same parents but a 15yo manlet, fuck this shit someone must've cursed me
@tempelcat4 what do you think of OP's story overall?
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@tempelcat4 what do you think of OP's story overall?
I think he got lucky, I dont know how excessive his gym career was, but it certainly stunned his growth, he's lucky that his growth plates remained open and his body was able to catch up on growth

For diet, he probably lives in a first world country where its overall true that you can eat whatever since the quality is always good enough for the body to grow as long as you dont as he mentioned overdo it with fast food, sweets and get fat

Sleep is very important and not cope, especially the sleep hours before midnight
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Reactions: Pandora, SteveLorde and wastedspermcel
I think he got lucky, I dont know how excessive his gym career was, but it certainly stunned his growth, he's lucky that his growth plates remained open and his body was able to catch up on growth

For diet, he probably lives in a first world country where its overall true that you can eat whatever since the quality is always good enough for the body to grow as long as you dont as he mentioned overdo it with fast food, sweets and get fat

Sleep is very important and not cope, especially the sleep hours before midnight
Yeah, although it's interesting to see what happened to him, a lot of people his age and height will be misleaded into believing that they will achieve what he has. It doesn't mean it's impossible but it's unlikely without the genetic base and necessary bone age.

With diet I'm trying to research as much as possible about effects of sugar and fast food (or anything that increases insulin) as there seems to be a correlation with high insulin diets and height, I could be wrong however and it might be coincidence.
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Reactions: Pandora and tempelcat4
First of all of my personal experience and you can also see it you look at teenager bodybuilder, they are all shorter than the average

Excessive physical activity during childhood and adolescence may negatively affect body growth and adolescent development. Excessive exercise is associated with delayed pubertal changes. Sports that emphasize strict weight control in the setting of high-energy output are of particular concern.

Studies of male scholastic wrestlers have shown decreased linear growth during the sports season with catch-up growth during the postseason.

Studies of elite female gymnasts and dancers have likewise demonstrated delayed growth and pubertal maturation during periods of intense training
So is it fine if I workout while injecting gh? Surely my growth wouldn’t be stunted then. Do you think taking rad 140 or similar stuff would stunt my growth? While on a gh cycle
So is it fine if I workout while injecting gh? Surely my growth wouldn’t be stunted then. Do you think taking rad 140 or similar stuff would stunt my growth? While on a gh cycle
work out 1x a week more is not needed if your on gh, youll get lean and defined just from the gh alone
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