How long does it take to see results from testosterone?



Feb 24, 2020
Not injectable testosterone I mean high T levels in general, I was going to the gym last year June through the autumn months and all I got was more muscular, lower inhib, and more horny , no bone changes as a lot of people here claim, this was in conjunction with other T boosting supplements that raised my testosterone levels significantly.

Also would it be a good idea to start inejcting testosterone vials into your ass at 18 1/2? I asked here if I should inejct T at 16 and all I got was discouragement.
not to long would go against it but im a pussy to scared to inject
start off with mk677 and the lesser damaging ones
IDK but I remember users on here advising against mk677 I remember one specific post where someone said to never take mk677 and they provided valid reasons, cant provide the thread tho
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IDK but I remember users on here advising against mk677 I remember one specific post where someone said to never mk677 and they provided valid reasons, cant provide the thread tho
then get bloowork while taking it you are either 90 percent of the population who can take it or the 10 percent who cant also jfl at being scared of mk677 but not test
IDK but I remember users on here advising against mk677 I remember one specific post where someone said to never take mk677 and they provided valid reasons, cant provide the thread tho
mk can make you diabetic and its honestly shit
test will stunt your growth unless you controll your estrogen perfectly, i would wait until you are sure that your growth plates are closed and only if you have low t body,frame,face. test can ascend many but it can also descend you

i think that loox would get better looking even without the help of only testosterone, most of it was puberty doing it's work ´
start out with 20mg of rad140 daily. don't roid right away but skip the meme sarms
Not injectable testosterone I mean high T levels in general, I was going to the gym last year June through the autumn months and all I got was more muscular, lower inhib, and more horny , no bone changes as a lot of people here claim, this was in conjunction with other T boosting supplements that raised my testosterone levels significantly.

Also would it be a good idea to start inejcting testosterone vials into your ass at 18 1/2? I asked here if I should inejct T at 16 and all I got was discouragement.
Testosterone boosters are shit tbh - especially if you're healthy.

What you need is just take a good stack vitamins, take care of your health, etc. - numbers on the paper after you do your blood test not always represent the state that would nudge your body and mind into greatness.

What you may look into is if your Testosterone is low, you can try some natural supplements to increase it - like extract from some roots, etc. It nice when you get older and it falls down.

Or you may supplement Testosterone itself - gel, pills, oil injections.

Gel and pills are often discarded.

Gel - it aromatizes very much i.e. it converts taken testosterone into estradiol. Another issue is that it's expensive per dosage.
And what you need to keep in mind when using gel - no woman can touch you in the place where you've put the gel. It can fuck their hormone system easily.
However, the application is very easy - you put it on your belly or shoulder and let it dry and voila.

Pills - like all the pills, they are expensive, dosage is so-so and aromatizes a lot. And you need to take them quite frequently.

Oil injection - basically the best value in terms of quality, and it's fairly cheap. However, application is terrible - you need to inject it in your ass, or actually someone has to do it for you. Or you can do it alone on the side of your leg. You need to avoid injecting into a vein (very important or you may end up 2m below the ground).

if you're already for at least a year on gym with good techniques and thinking about it - you can think of such thing once you're at least 20~24 y.o.

Testosterone mix or Cypionate (single ester).
Mix is 300mg, single esters are 250mg.

You can inject 1ml of Mix once a week or single ester(3-4days) on 0.5ml twice a week at the beginning.

Hormone tests every 2-3 months - must have
HCG - basically must have or your balls may start getting athrophy (there are several benefits on taking HCG) - it depends how quickly LH drops to complete zero
Inhibitors - only in cases where your estradiol grows way too much (you need to remember that it grows in parallel with your test level, but it needs to be balanced). Same for Prolactin in case it'll start getting wild.
Diet - no alcohol, just F'ing no
Training - obvious thing

Remember also, that human body is in phase of "getting younger" until age 25~26.

Basically what you'd want is to play such cards when your body is in phase of "getting older" i.e. after age of 26.
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