How many times have you been approached/gotten IOI/complimented (Share your stories, please add your PSL rating)

Dont think it was IOI. They could be making fun of you. I had one situation when two girls were walking towards me and before they came closer they stopped talking, and after passing by me they bursted out laughing - which was most likely a mockery.

They could be making fun of you or just acting like retards. But I wouldn't call it IOI.
hes 6psl 6ft surrfer pheno chad
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No idiot
Youre a fakecel get off this site and be normal
Nigga ive been on these sites since middle school i aint leaving until i get my surgeries
  • +1
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Youre an idiot for not acting sooner. Legit cuddle for no reason wtf are fucking chads here doing fucking slayers
foids hug normies if they know them
  • +1
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Of course landwhales aren’t gonna look at you. Unattractive girls don’t give out IOIs as much as stacies do. They probably have an incel Becky mindset too. The IOIs I have gotten are all from above average or attractive girls. Ugly girls do not dare to make eye contact with me.

Just go to community college or get an easy job bro. Do something that is not stressful but gets you out of the house with minimal effort. Your life will improve a lot. And don’t take anything from these online incel forums as gospel because a lot of it is coming from autists who bring other people down because they’re hateful.
Chubby girl is mega NT outgoing. Landwhale has pics from clubs so she is NT too. Im in high school first year at 23.
Nigga ive been on these sites since middle school i aint leaving until i get my surgeries
You got hugged thats like something that never happened to me how can you even still be here.
foids hug normies if they know them
Too many fakecel mentalcels here with their iois and hugs
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Chubby girl is mega NT outgoing. Landwhale has pics from clubs so she is NT too. Im in high school first year at 23.
Outgoing or NT doesn’t mean anything. A lot of incels I know are outgoing too. They could still feel unattractive everyone has insecurities especially women these days.
  • +1
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Outgoing or NT doesn’t mean anything. A lot of incels I know are outgoing too. They could still feel unattractive everyone has insecurities especially women these days.

Then every woman that ever been in close proximity to me mustve been insecure.
  • +1
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Then every woman that ever been in close proximity to me mustve been insecure.
Probably tbh. Every woman is insecure. And if you do act autistic or non-NT she will probably be insecure and be wary of you. Not always about attraction just a general feel. Remember women have to beat off hundreds of guys and they are generally weaker so they will not feel as secure as men.
  • +1
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Probably tbh. Every woman is insecure. And if you do act autistic or non-NT she will probably be insecure and be wary of you. Not always about attraction just a general feel. Remember women have to beat off hundreds of guys and they are generally weaker so they will not feel as secure as men.
I was being sarcastic man. It is not possible and I'd be coping if I thought that.
I also have one girl with incel tier chin in class and one cute small petite oneitislite that I really like. None of them notice my presence.
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I once heard a Stacy tier girl in my class at school say that I was the best looking kid in class behind my back
  • Love it
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I was being sarcastic man. It is not possible and I'd be coping if I thought that.
I also have one girl with incel tier chin in class and one cute small petite oneitislite that I really like. None of them notice my presence.
I know you were being sarcastic. But it could be true tbh I’m not joking. Autistic men are the most likely to make girls insecure/uncomfortable not ugly NT dudes. Girls are VERY comfortable around ugly NT guys. Maybe you should just try talking to them or checking them out while you still can before you graduate. What do you have to lose anyway. Looking out for IOIs is feminine incel behaviour. Chads give out IOIs they do not look for them.
  • +1
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I know you were being sarcastic. But it could be true tbh I’m not joking. Autistic men are the most likely to make girls insecure/uncomfortable not ugly NT dudes. Girls are VERY comfortable around ugly NT guys. Maybe you should just try talking to them or checking them out while you still can before you graduate. What do you have to lose anyway. Looking out for IOIs is feminine incel behaviour. Chads give out IOIs they do not look for them.
We will see after pandemy, when my school returns because that's only when i am around girls my age.
  • +1
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We will see after pandemy, when my school returns because that's only when i am around girls my age.
Alright man good luck
  • +1
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Been approached dozens of times in High School and a few times since.
Best ones were, 3 stacy foids hugging me when I joined new high school and chilling after school with 2 of them.
Coworker foid sitting on my lap.
3 JBs playing with my hair on school bus.

I'm only 5'10 and 4.5-5psl at best so idk how people can claim they have never gotten IOI
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Zero (0)
  • +1
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Been approached dozens of times in High School and a few times since.
Best ones were, 3 stacy foids hugging me when I joined new high school and chilling after school with 2 of them.
Coworker foid sitting on my lap.
3 JBs playing with my hair on school bus.

I'm only 5'10 and 4.5-5psl at best so idk how people can claim they have never gotten IOI
Insane slayer. Wtf
  • JFL
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I'm psl 3. Mixed race, average height, good frame
Once a girl asked to be my gf in hs, but it was after i got My gov grades as the best of the school. So i don't know. I was Autistic and said no. Girl legit was mixed race Becky. She does not respond My fb messages. Fuck.
  • +1
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1st approach:
age: 16
location: school
looks: 7-8/10 libanese girl
said i was very good looking and if i want to walk to the bus with her

2nd approach:
age: 21
location: festival in city
looks: was dark but think like 6/10
girl screamed "can i have your number??" i said "yes" and kept walking

3rd approach:
age: 21
location: beach
looks: unknown, her friend asked
girl ran behind me and my mate, said her friend wants my number. told her "no im alright got a gf"

4th approach:
age: 21
location: city
looks: 8/10
walked past a bar with 5-6 mates and said "lets go drink a beer boyos", girl sitting in front of bar said "buflek?" (my mates said my name), "i would drink with you". told her nah im alright, maybe tomorrow

5th approach:
age: 21
location: festival
looks: 7 and 8/10
2 russian girls approached me at a festival asking if i can buy them drinks, told them "i wont buy you shit" and they said "why not are you gay?"

6th approach:
age: 21
location: small festival in village
looks: hard to tell cuz it was dark but probably like 6/10's
2 girls sat at some bench and asked if i want to eat popcorn with them, told them "no thanks" and kept walking

7th approach:
age: 21
location: random bench in midnight
looks: both 5/10
sat outside a party cuz headache and 2 random girls passed me asking how im doing, how old iam etc. later they hang out with me and my mates

8th approach:
age: 21
location: park
looks: hard to tell but shes hot as fuck imo like a 8/10 with makeup
met her through a mate. she gave iois all the time and asked for snapchat/instagram. gave her my snap and 3-4 weeks later she asked if i want to fuck her

this are the ones that are still in my head, a few more but i dont remember too well how they were
  • +1
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I'm 8PSL but I have 0 iois (women dont like me because low sex appeal @OwlGod @Xander578)
  • JFL
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(but had much higher sex appeal).
Did the tan + hair color really make that much of sex appeal difference? Aren't you still slightly tanned with some hint of blonde hair?
I'm 8PSL but I have 0 iois (women dont like me because low sex appeal @OwlGod @Xander578)
Bro I'm telling you it's 9 PSL or death.
5th approach:
age: 21
location: festival
looks: 7 and 8/10
2 russian girls approached me at a festival asking if i can buy them drinks, told them "i wont buy you shit" and they said "why not are you gay?"
I would've smacked them across the face JFL, "are u gay? U don't wanna betabuxx for me? U gay or something?"
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  • +1
  • So Sad
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Did the tan + hair color really make that much of sex appeal difference? Aren't you still slightly tanned with some hint of blonde hair?

Bro I'm telling you it's 9 PSL or death.

I would've smacked them across the face JFL, "are u gay? U don't wanna betabuxx for me? U gay or something?"
yeah it does imo. being tan is a night and day difference for me. and yeah, correct.
  • +1
  • Woah
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I'm psl 3. Mixed race, average height, good frame
Once a girl asked to be my gf in hs, but it was after i got My gov grades as the best of the school. So i don't know. I was Autistic and said no. Girl legit was mixed race Becky. She does not respond My fb messages. Fuck.
Great another fakecel slayer
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I get ioi's on a weekly basis. Sometimes a flirty compliment, but mostly in a friendly/inviting way. I am not used to women being friendly to me, but now that I got better looking I get it a lot more. It makes me feel like if I started a chat, we clicked, and I asked her out for a date there's a decent chance she would say yes. Or in some cases with drunk girls/at parties I couldve probably escalated on the spot.

For example, last week I took a train, there was a girl sitting at the station on a bench as the train was about to leave. I smiled to her, she smiled back, and we both laughed as the train left the station. Probably an ioi, nothing i couldve done though.

Week before that I was skateboarding through the city centre at 3AM (couldnt sleep) and 2 drunk girls were walking through the streets, 1 shouted heyyy! and I shouted heyyy back and kept on going. Could've been an ioi, couldve been just drunk girls shouting random shit to ppl on the streets.

Yesterday I went to the grocery store to buy ice-cream, female cashier told me I had 'good taste and thats her favourite aswell'. I said hell yeah and went home. Could've been an ioi.

I went on a short citytrip to barcelona a few months ago, was walking through the streets with a few friends and talking to them in dutch. Random girl walked up to me and asked me if I was german (in english) while smiling in a cute way. I said no and walked on. Could've been an ioi.

At a Carnaval party a few weeks ago, a girl came up to me and stole my wig, giving it to one of her female friends. Then talking to me like:' what u gonna do to get it back huh'. I was annoyed by her and just wanted my wig back so ignored her bs, but it was probably an ioi.

At another Carnaval party I was wearing a shitton of cologne as part of my costume. 2 girls started intensely smelling me and said I 'smelled sexy'. I agreed and moved on. Probably an ioi.

idk its just random shit like this. I see most of it as something like: 'I like the way you look, chat with me. Maybe something can happen if we click'. Which is nice, but usually not enough for me to bother going out of my way with whatever I was doing.

If I wasn't ugly asf in my youth and more used to stuff like this, less skeptical, less anxious, I could've had a great dating/sex-life tbh. My first mental response to flirty behavior like this, is a defensive one due to my past.

In any case, PSL5 seems to be enough to do the job.

(Also yeah, a part of these girls were meh looking, but an ioi is an ioi tbh.)
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  • +1
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1st approach:
age: 16
location: school
looks: 7-8/10 libanese girl
said i was very good looking and if i want to walk to the bus with her

2nd approach:
age: 21
location: festival in city
looks: was dark but think like 6/10
girl screamed "can i have your number??" i said "yes" and kept walking

3rd approach:
age: 21
location: beach
looks: unknown, her friend asked
girl ran behind me and my mate, said her friend wants my number. told her "no im alright got a gf"

4th approach:
age: 21
location: city
looks: 8/10
walked past a bar with 5-6 mates and said "lets go drink a beer boyos", girl sitting in front of bar said "buflek?" (my mates said my name), "i would drink with you". told her nah im alright, maybe tomorrow

5th approach:
age: 21
location: festival
looks: 7 and 8/10
2 russian girls approached me at a festival asking if i can buy them drinks, told them "i wont buy you shit" and they said "why not are you gay?"

6th approach:
age: 21
location: small festival in village
looks: hard to tell cuz it was dark but probably like 6/10's
2 girls sat at some bench and asked if i want to eat popcorn with them, told them "no thanks" and kept walking

7th approach:
age: 21
location: random bench in midnight
looks: both 5/10
sat outside a party cuz headache and 2 random girls passed me asking how im doing, how old iam etc. later they hang out with me and my mates

8th approach:
age: 21
location: park
looks: hard to tell but shes hot as fuck imo like a 8/10 with makeup
met her through a mate. she gave iois all the time and asked for snapchat/instagram. gave her my snap and 3-4 weeks later she asked if i want to fuck her

this are the ones that are still in my head, a few more but i dont remember too well how they were
What's your PSL
  • +1
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Yesterday I went to the grocery store to buy ice-cream, female cashier told me I had 'good taste and thats her favourite aswell'. I said hell yeah and went home.

things like this are difficult to interpret. more often than not it seems to just be them being friendly
  • +1
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Here’s my story I was walking home from the shops and a girl called me saying that she I was good looking I pretended to not hear her and walked off I did that because she was ugly asf and I’m not a novel I’m not going to simply to took sum bitch I’ve never met just because they thought I was good looking ( I would rate my self 5 pal)
  • +1
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approached: 6 times
psl: 2
  • +1
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What's your PSL
idk since theres no proper PSL ratings and it keeps changing (people dont even know if its 1.25 or 1.5 * psl score for IRL score) ill just say about a 7-7.5/10 face with good body

got rated between psl 5.5 and 6 in my 2 rate threads
  • +1
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0 approaches
1000s of IOI.
- Consisting on cashiers playing with their hair, girls eyefucking me...

On a 10 scale I'd rate myself a solid 7 with good frame.

BTW only started getting serious IOI when I turned 19 onwards or so, that was when most of my jaw developed.
  • +1
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Did the tan + hair color really make that much of sex appeal difference? Aren't you still slightly tanned with some hint of blonde hair?

Bro I'm telling you it's 9 PSL or death.

I would've smacked them across the face JFL, "are u gay? U don't wanna betabuxx for me? U gay or something?"
im not sure if they would've actually done more with me. why would she assume that im gay? like did they legit hit on me and when i reject they think im gay? or did she just want to insult me? i have no idea. i was suspicious cuz they were like 1-2 years older than me
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  • +1
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i've discovered first hand that this is cope after i got BLOCKED
yeah man, some days I feel like a slayer and others like an incel lmao. I don't know what my SMV is to women, maybe I'm deluding myself.
  • +1
  • So Sad
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  • So Sad
  • +1
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I get ioi's on a weekly basis. Sometimes a flirty compliment, but mostly in a friendly/inviting way. I am not used to women being friendly to me, but now that I got better looking I get it a lot more. It makes me feel like if I started a chat, we clicked, and I asked her out for a date there's a decent chance she would say yes. Or in some cases with drunk girls/at parties I couldve probably escalated on the spot.

For example, last week I took a train, there was a girl sitting at the station on a bench as the train was about to leave. I smiled to her, she smiled back, and we both laughed as the train left the station. Probably an ioi, nothing i couldve done though.

Week before that I was skateboarding through the city centre at 3AM (couldnt sleep) and 2 drunk girls were walking through the streets, 1 shouted heyyy! and I shouted heyyy back and kept on going. Could've been an ioi, couldve been just drunk girls shouting random shit to ppl on the streets.

Yesterday I went to the grocery store to buy ice-cream, female cashier told me I had 'good taste and thats her favourite aswell'. I said hell yeah and went home. Could've been an ioi.

I went on a short citytrip to barcelona a few months ago, was walking through the streets with a few friends and talking to them in dutch. Random girl walked up to me and asked me if I was german (in english) while smiling in a cute way. I said no and walked on. Could've been an ioi.

At a Carnaval party a few weeks ago, a girl came up to me and stole my wig, giving it to one of her female friends. Then talking to me like:' what u gonna do to get it back huh'. I was annoyed by her and just wanted my wig back so ignored her bs, but it was probably an ioi.

At another Carnaval party I was wearing a shitton of cologne as part of my costume. 2 girls started intensely smelling me and said I 'smelled sexy'. I agreed and moved on. Probably an ioi.

idk its just random shit like this. I see most of it as something like: 'I like the way you look, chat with me. Maybe something can happen if we click'. Which is nice, but usually not enough for me to bother going out of my way with whatever I was doing.

If I wasn't ugly asf in my youth and more used to stuff like this, less skeptical, less anxious, I could've had a great dating/sex-life tbh. My first mental response to flirty behavior like this, is a defensive one due to my past.

In any case, PSL5 seems to be enough to do the job.

(Also yeah, a part of these girls were meh looking, but an ioi is an ioi tbh.)
I like how you ignored every bitch JFL keep doing it and crush their confidence every time say something semi-mean
  • JFL
  • +1
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Great another fakecel slayer

Legit is all location and shit if i was in a non ethnic country i would be a legit truecel. I wish i was a slayer bro :'(.
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im not sure if they would've actually done more with me. why would she assume that im gay? like did they legit hit on me and when i reject they think im gay? or did she just want to insult me? i have no idea. i was suspicious cuz they were like 1-2 years older than me
She was mad obviously. I'd like to see her face, ego crushed. Sometimes I want to be Gigamogger just to crush these whores and call them ugly on spot and keep moving.
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things like this are difficult to interpret. more often than not it seems to just be them being friendly
Yeah, could be. But it's at least a 50/50. Young women in general aren't friendly to young men they don't know unless it is sexual interest.
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  • +1
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You got hugged thats like something that never happened to me how can you even still be here.
im still a khv loser bro
  • +1
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im not sure if they would've actually done more with me. why would she assume that im gay? like did they legit hit on me and when i reject they think im gay? or did she just want to insult me? i have no idea. i was suspicious cuz they were like 1-2 years older than me
They expected u to be a betabuxx cuck, because u didnt bend over backwards for them they called you gay.
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I love how you state that Family member females dont count :lul::lul::lul:

check my sign son
  • Hmm...
  • +1
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My favourite IOIs in high school:
"my friend thinks ur hot"
  • Woah
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I want to see how often does it happen.

  • Family member females dont count
  • If you can, specify your PSL rating (rated by others or by yourself, be realistic please)
  • If you can, describe the experience and in what social setting did it happen
I will start with all my IOI/approach stories:
Ok, so my whore ex was the first one to approach me and ask me out. Back then I didn't hit puberty when i was 14-15. SO i guess that was the biggest IOI of my life. Secondly she was the one to dump me later on:feelswah:. It was a long distance relationship. There was really no intamcy tbh but status wise she called me her boyfriend in front of others.

Another one is when I was approached by another girl back in high school (in India).
There were guys and girls making fun of me for it. I thought she was just trolling so I told her to f off and never talk to me. Then a few girls from her friend group seriously told me she likes me, but now she hates me so much. I didn't give a shit about it back then (7th grade). But now, if you ask me, i feel like a retard. I wouldn't have been on this forum.

In terms of physical compliments, i got many about my height and teeth, but i never kept count of it. I've even had few girls telling me i have a good personality, but you know... that's a meme.

I'm PSL 4, curry, 6'1".
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  • +1
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I want to see how often does it happen.

  • Family member females dont count
  • If you can, specify your PSL rating (rated by others or by yourself, be realistic please)
  • If you can, describe the experience and in what social setting did it happen
I will start with all my IOI/approach stories:
Bro you will just get suifuel why ask tbh
  • +1
  • So Sad
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I belive everything is ioi but every girl i have asked out that gave ioi said no. So 0 ioi
  • +1
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3-4 times getting approached. A few compliments here and there nothing out of the ordinary . I don't count it as an ioi when women look at me only p in v
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Ive gotten 2 iois, one from a fat girl and one from a mullatto chick.

PSL 4.5
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  • +1
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Bro you will just get suifuel why ask tbh
I feel shit for making this thread. It's insane how many Chad are here
Ok, so my whore ex was the first one to approach me and ask me out. Back then I didn't hit puberty when i was 14-15. SO i guess that was the biggest IOI of my life. Secondly she was the one to dump me later on:feelswah:. It was a long distance relationship. There was really no intamcy tbh but status wise she called me her boyfriend in fron of others.

Another one is when I was approached by another girl back in high school (in India).
There were guys and girls making fun of me for it. I thought she was just trolling so I told her to f off and never talk to me. Then a few girls from her friend group seriously told me she likes me, but now she hates me so much. I didn't give a shit about it back then (7th grade). But now, if you ask me, i feel like a retard. I wouldn't have been on this forum.

In terms of physical compliments, i got many about my height and teeth, but i never kept count of it. I've even had few girls telling me i have a good personality, but you know... that's a meme.

I'm PSL 4, curry, 6'1".
You're PSL5 + in eyes of women then
  • +1
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