How much does MONEY matter in dating for young guys?

Deleted member 5683

Deleted member 5683

Mar 9, 2020
I have a friend that isn't very good looking, brown and short. But he got himself a decent looking white gf (with big tits). He told me it was because of PUA (lmao) but I later found out that he had rich parents. This was in first year of college, but they started dating around 2 years earlier, so around 16-17. My question is: Can you still betabuxx when you're young? I thought money only mattered to girls when they were older and ready to settle down.
not a word because betabuxxing is cucked
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didnt red single pixel keep coping
read pls, he betabuxxed as a teenager, but he said it was all pua game

money is good no matter how old you are jfl, do you think a 10yo would say no to money?
It barely matters. Look at this study. Everything but looks is cope.
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I should've made my text a bit shorter.
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It can probably matter a decent amount. If you have a good car in high school, a lot of flexbility, nearly your own house, or a section of your parents house that you have, etc. Had a friend who's dad had 3-4 houses. He literally just lived in one of them. Slayed hard because of that. It's like he had his own place at 16.

Also being cool, having money etc, is all connected in high school. If you get the best clothes, best shoes, best phone, best laptop or whatever, it can boost your SMV (especially in USA, and especially in Cali). People wanna be around other cool people and people with money.
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It can probably matter a decent amount. If you have a good car in high school, a lot of flexbility, nearly your own house, or a section of your parents house that you have, etc. Had a friend who's dad had 3-4 houses. He literally just lived in one of them. Slayed hard because of that. It's like he had his own place at 16.

Also being cool, having money etc, is all connected in high school. If you get the best clothes, best shoes, best phone, best laptop or whatever, it can boost your SMV (especially in USA, and especially in Cali). People wanna be around other cool people and people with money.
Yeah no excuse to be incel if you have rich parents. I just never see people here talking about that.
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At 15/16 many girls are still under the thumb of their parents. It is possible her parents encouraged the relationship because your friend's parents are rich, not so much the JB was impressed by his parents wealth. By 18 most girls rebel against their parents.
It's the money syndrome, some girls find rich guys cute even though they are ugly
At 15/16 many girls are still under the thumb of their parents. It is possible her parents encouraged the relationship because your friend's parents are rich, not so much the JB was impressed by his parents wealth. By 18 most girls rebel against their parents.
Sounds like blackpilled parents. I also forgot to mention she broke up with him last year and I'm guessing she was 18
It means very little. A lot of young white girls are just mentally fucked and are coerced by the media into thinking they have to be attracted to brown men and feel guilty for not doing so. In the end they cave into the pressure, very sad to see.
It means very little. A lot of young white girls are just mentally fucked and are coerced by the media into thinking they have to be attracted to brown men and feel guilty for not doing so. In the end they cave into the pressure, very sad to see.
i doubt that jfl
JFL, sub 80 IQ if you thought only post wall roasties care about money. All those 18 yr old stacies fuck those old grandpa sugardaddies just because of their amazing personality :soy:
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It means very little. A lot of young white girls are just mentally fucked and are coerced by the media into thinking they have to be attracted to brown men and feel guilty for not doing so. In the end they cave into the pressure, very sad to see.
Very little? Why do people cope so much? Midgets think height doesn't matter. Dicklets think dick doesn't matter, poor think money doesn't matter...
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jfl at the poorcel cope here
the term gold digger doesnt exist for no reason retards
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jfl at the poorcel cope here
the term gold digger doesnt exist for no reason retards
People here are so fucking low iq tbh. Same threads about that retard wheelchair guy and his girlfriend with titles "If this guy can fuck that stacy, so can we all. Develop your personality :soy:" or "Guy from my school whose dad just happens to be a millionaire slays stacies every week. LOOKSTHEORY DEBUNKED. Just be NT :feelsuhh:"
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People here are so fucking low iq tbh. Same threads about that retard wheelchair guy and his girlfriend with titles "If this guy can fuck that stacy, so can we all. Develop your personality :soy:" or "Guy from my school whose dad just happens to be a millionaire slays stacies every week. LOOKSTHEORY DEBUNKED. Just be NT :feelsuhh:"
I was just trying to confirm my suspicions that's all
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Very little? Why do people cope so much? Midgets think height doesn't matter. Dicklets think dick doesn't matter, poor think money doesn't matter...
I fundamentally believe that at that age it doesn’t matter. In later teens / 20s it does of course, but mid teens?
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I fundamentally believe that at that age it doesn’t matter. In later teens / 20s it does of course, but mid teens?
ARE YOU ACTUALLY THIS STUPID? In teens it matters more than any age later in life, because those girls usually have absolute none money due to horrendous spending habits and no income besides allowance and summer jobs, but still need to buy newest iphones and slut jeans.
Stop posing statements you hope would be true as absolute truths.
ARE YOU ACTUALLY THIS STUPID? In teens it matters more than any age later in life, because those girls usually have absolute none money due to horrendous spending habits and no income besides allowance and summer jobs, but still need to buy newest iphones and slut jeans.
Stop posing statements you hope would be true as absolute truths.

no, are YOU this stupid? How many outgoings does a teen have when they’re living AT HOME? They don’t pay rent, don’t pay a mortgage, don’t pay for their own food or electricity or water bills, they don’t pay for pets, they pay for fuck all and aren’t even expected to work most of the time. Money is not needed beyond the occasional pocket money. Their fucking parents buy them iPhones etc

I am late 20s and I have been a richer than average teenager. My parents were in the top 5% income bracket in my country. It didn’t help for shit with women.

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