How much would you pay for course & 1on1 mentorship in a new niche that has the potential to Make you over 1 M per yr or and little skills/$ required

How do we get started?
Did you read the post? This is a hypothetical question the future.

I want to build something that can help out others on here. Most of my wealth is from investing and renting out things. I can tell people how to do those things 100 plus times and it only helps one out of a million people.

Amit will take me time to build up something from scratch and I'm going to use very little money and little daily time so it's repeatable and affordable.

What's your current situation? I might be able to help you at least in the short term.

Job status
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Ive already posted many posts on making money on here. From what I can tell people want something as easy as possible, low effort, low skill, little to no money investment, minimal time investment and passive income.

They want something that brings in six figures a month.

They want all this but they want a step by step process and someone to walk them through the process to all but guarantee their success. They want it in a new niche and online so they can scale the business and work remotely and not worry about the business being over Saturated.

If I could start from scratch with no money or a small amount, maybe four hours a day in time and build something up to six figures a day and celebrate a detailed course on how to do it and walk you through the process step by step after you complete the course, what would you be willing to pay for this. I would provide all the proof you need of the pay I received.

Say I offer 1 course and one month of mentorship for 1 hour 2x per week.


After the business is running smoothly, then what would you pay to have a course show you how to turn that business into a lifetime guaranteed income stream that protects you from taxes, inflation, and creditors or the IRS?


Lastly what would you pay me to offer you a spot in my community that's off grid and self sufficient with food, water, electricity, filtration, etc all taken care of. No taxes no eminent domain? You receive a plot of land, lifetime home, and access to the community food and garden that we all work together?
No work is required as everything is ready. The house is a boxabl home and each person has about 3 acres for themselves plus access to the community garden.

This is basically lifetime freedom of no payments bills or taxes forever with a helpfully community.

As of now I have only allowed family and friends but after the reset I will be expanding by a hundred acres.

1 mil

What is i set up the business for you and all the processes and procedures are in place and I give you the keys and all you have to do is drive it? This is a business already making six figures.


What if I just gave you the course but no mentorship on earning a 6 figure a month business?


What about those who are teenagers and have no money at all to offer ?

Id extend an internship for four weeks of unpaid training. You are working in the business that's already bringing in millions and learning for free. Or I could give you the keys to a business already bringing in bank if you prove after 3 months you can successfully run the business. Then I hand the business to you at no cost but I make a lifetime percentage from you.

If I have enough legit interested people I'll do this and start from scratch with no money or little money and little time, no connections and nothing outside of a laptop and internet .

Also the business will be legal, online , tax free, a new niche, can be sold, required no ads, no social media, no website of your own, no collabs with other people, no social skills, no advanced tech skills and very small amount of overhead.

Again, I'll send you proof of income generated.

Financing possible
Free Mastermind group access
One on one mentorship
Blud is trying to scam people like Hamza or Tate JFL :lul:
Did you read the post? This is a hypothetical question the future.

I want to build something that can help out others on here. Most of my wealth is from investing and renting out things. I can tell people how to do those things 100 plus times and it only helps one out of a million people.

Amit will take me time to build up something from scratch and I'm going to use very little money and little daily time so it's repeatable and affordable.

What's your current situation? I might be able to help you at least in the short term.

Job status
- Netherlands
- Currently unemployed
- yes, i need money
  • +1
Reactions: King Solomon
- Netherlands
- Currently unemployed
- yes, i need money
Are you not on unemployment? Do you have a house to live, how to you get food?

Id highly recommend getting a tech certification. These can be obtained for free or at minimal cost . Google, MIT, IBM, offer certs and there are many cert bootcamps online.

First find out which tech position you would enjoy and can work remotely and pays decent.

Then look for remote jobs. Call the companies to see what certifications the hold in highest regards.

Then select the certification that majority of companies accept.

Then, if the certification does cost money, see if you can get it paid for by the federal, state or local government. If not then see if there are no profit organizations that can assist you. There is also a local library can help you as well. Worst case scenario is you'll either have to work a part time job or loan to finance it. I highly recommend not using a loan and do whatever it takes to get it for free ..

Then apply for paid internships that can lead to a job.

Some of the highest paying tech jobs that take less than 9 months to complete your degree includes blockchain developer, data engineer , data scientist cyber security analyst, machine learning engineer.

I should post the requirements for achieving eternal salvation on here. It's more than just belief in Jesus Christ as the Messiah as many churches tell the masses. If you are not a born again follower of Jesus that's the first step. Next would be to develop a life long relationship with God through prayer fasting and reading the Bible. Also keep the commandments and repent. Don't take the mark of the beast or worship the beast. Don't commit the sin of blasphemy of the holy Spirit. Do good works according to the will of the father, love your neighbor as you would have them love you, love your God with all your mind heart soul body and spirit. Have no doubt that Jesus can and will save you. Cast out all demons or generational curses from yourself and your home.

Where do you live ? There are communities that you speak of like the Mennonites, Amish and mine but only has 10 families. If you are Caucasian and Christian you may be able to join. I have attended their churches, shopped from their stores and stayed with them wo work in their farms or businesses as a kid. They are great people.
I'm muslim actually but I respect what you do.
  • +1
Reactions: King Solomon
fucking lol

how old are you and what is your net worth? (i'll pretend offering online courses and guides that will make you rich isn't something only retarded, unoriginal scammers desperate for money do)
btw ... I'm willing to pay 10k EUR instantly, but under the condition that we sign an enforceable contract first, in which you oblige yourself to pay me 50k back if my business fails despite me following your instructions (considering you seem to guarantee success).

I can transfer you the money from my bank account immediately, and it will take me 15-20 minutes to draft the contract. also, i'll need your location to check your local jurisdiction (google it)
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  • +1
Reactions: HTN_When_Lean
Ive already posted many posts on making money on here. From what I can tell people want something as easy as possible, low effort, low skill, little to no money investment, minimal time investment and passive income.

They want something that brings in six figures a month.

They want all this but they want a step by step process and someone to walk them through the process to all but guarantee their success. They want it in a new niche and online so they can scale the business and work remotely and not worry about the business being over Saturated.

If I could start from scratch with no money or a small amount, maybe four hours a day in time and build something up to six figures a day and celebrate a detailed course on how to do it and walk you through the process step by step after you complete the course, what would you be willing to pay for this. I would provide all the proof you need of the pay I received.

Say I offer 1 course and one month of mentorship for 1 hour 2x per week.


After the business is running smoothly, then what would you pay to have a course show you how to turn that business into a lifetime guaranteed income stream that protects you from taxes, inflation, and creditors or the IRS?


Lastly what would you pay me to offer you a spot in my community that's off grid and self sufficient with food, water, electricity, filtration, etc all taken care of. No taxes no eminent domain? You receive a plot of land, lifetime home, and access to the community food and garden that we all work together?
No work is required as everything is ready. The house is a boxabl home and each person has about 3 acres for themselves plus access to the community garden.

This is basically lifetime freedom of no payments bills or taxes forever with a helpfully community.

As of now I have only allowed family and friends but after the reset I will be expanding by a hundred acres.

1 mil

What is i set up the business for you and all the processes and procedures are in place and I give you the keys and all you have to do is drive it? This is a business already making six figures.


What if I just gave you the course but no mentorship on earning a 6 figure a month business?


What about those who are teenagers and have no money at all to offer ?

Id extend an internship for four weeks of unpaid training. You are working in the business that's already bringing in millions and learning for free. Or I could give you the keys to a business already bringing in bank if you prove after 3 months you can successfully run the business. Then I hand the business to you at no cost but I make a lifetime percentage from you.

If I have enough legit interested people I'll do this and start from scratch with no money or little money and little time, no connections and nothing outside of a laptop and internet .

Also the business will be legal, online , tax free, a new niche, can be sold, required no ads, no social media, no website of your own, no collabs with other people, no social skills, no advanced tech skills and very small amount of overhead.

Again, I'll send you proof of income generated.

Financing possible
Free Mastermind group access
One on one mentorship
If you make a legit course with 1 on 1 mentorship/coaching I would probably pay no more than 500$, reason being that I live in a relatively poor country and this money is already a substantial sum to me.

Also I’d appreciate if you give me some advice or direction on how you would approach things with your train of thought in my current situation.

Age: 18
Nationality: Bulgarian
Education: last year in hs (little over 2 months until graduation)
Occupation: Unemployed
  • +1
Reactions: King Solomon
btw ... I'm willing to pay 10k EUR instantly, but under the condition that we sign an enforceable contract first, in which you oblige yourself to pay me 50k back if my business fails despite me following your instructions (considering you seem to guarantee success).

I can transfer you the money from my bank account immediately, and it will take me 15-20 minutes to draft the contract. also, i'll need your location to check your local jurisdiction (google it)
You appear to be confused.

1. This is a hypothetical, to see if anything can motivate people to take action.

I can give everything for free as I have for 6 years on here (has another account) but clearly that doesn't work.

2. No company on earth would ever pay you back 50k. If you fail to land a job in your field after accepting the terms and conditions for a 100k loan from the bank, they won't pay you back 500k for your failure. You will have to probably claim bankruptcy depending on how large the loan was or how big the interest rate is
The college won't pay you back that money. A vast majority of people that get a degree, fail to get a job in their field and make less money than they should be making. Now take that same energy and go protest all colleges on earth.

3. Im not part of the American cooperation. I am my own bank. I do not participate in digital illusions of wealth at this time.

4. There are no guarantees in life, except death. There are certainly no guarantees and business. Now if I were to set this up I would do the best I can to ensure everyone has all the tools and resources to be successful but I won't do it for them. I can lead the horse to water but I can't make him drink.

So your terms are rejected. No money back of you fail. You will have to contact local Charity organizations.

If any business operated like this, they would fail quickly. No person who ever created a course would do that either. They would laugh at you and ignore you.
If you make a legit course with 1 on 1 mentorship/coaching I would probably pay no more than 500$, reason being that I live in a relatively poor country and this money is already a substantial sum to me.

Also I’d appreciate if you give me some advice or direction on how you would approach things with your train of thought in my current situation.

Age: 18
Nationality: Bulgarian
Education: last year in hs (little over 2 months until graduation)
Occupation: Unemployed
I couldn't accept your money if you need that money for living expenses.

I can however give you free advice for your situation. The main thing is to get a high paying remote job ASAP. check if there are any American companies willing to hire remote workers from your area and if so what jobs are they hiring.

Your greatest advantage is youth and living in an affordable country.

Id highly recommend reviewing all of my other threads on this money making board.

I also recently created a top 10 Highest paying remote jobs list on this board also.

Here's some advice I gave a 16 year old in a similar situation to yourself.
Nhigh iq response - how should i go about implementing this into my own life if im 16?
It's over. It's too late for you. JK JK

I'd same the same strategy as I laid out. Do whatever you can to test out as early as possible. Use the summer to study and test out of your last 2 years if possible. If you fail join a program that enables you to take college for free while in high school. Then you can take an extra class per quarter and during the summer take clwpa which are free or 20 bucks per test. You should be able to graduate with an associates and high school diploma. It's not necessary but a solid backup to fall back on.

Then id take all the certifications you can and do your research to get as many tech certifications I recommended. Coding cloud engineer IT, ethical hacker, blockchain developer,coding etc. once you have found one you really like then hyper focus on that one. See if you can find paid for training or a paid for internship with a potential job at the end.

Now, if you select one that you can be a freelancer and or start your own business that's even better. Obviously the higher the pay the better in the short term.

Cloud architect makes up to 200k a year and can be a freelancer. Starting your own business is possible also. Blockchain developer makes 180k per year, you can be a freelancer and you can start your own business.

Taking many of the top certs gives you diversification. In case you are fired you can fall back on your other certs in case one job is just not hiring.

Business ideas

If it's in blockchain developing you can easily build your own crypto. But I would start one that's not like any on the market. Perhaps one that gives you crypto for bonuses for good habits. Perhaps one that allows you to invest in crypto that's based off country names or people's names or rewards for holding for a long time. Maybe a crypto that allows people to borrow against their crypto. IDK in sure all those ideas have already happened but I'm sure you understand. Your creativity in this area is more important than your IQ. Another business idea could be building a platform that allows people to buy and sell crypto without registering with a name social security card etc. I would sell e gift cards at 100to 1k and up to 5 gift cards at a time. Id take a 20 percent cut. Now the reason people would pay an outrageous 20% cut is animity is the name of the game and in the back end they can sell their crypto or transfer it foe silver.

To build in this business you can build a physical crypto wallet like the nano x. Then you can build your own silver bullion platform to allow these members to trade for silver on the back end tax free.

To advertise the business you can actually run a YouTube channel training people investing in crypto, how to become a developer, and how to do things anonymously and tax free. Then you can sell courses on udemy or Coursera for cheap all from your YT, Facebook groups and all other social media platforms to those courses. Once they complete the basic course have an upsell opportunity and funnel them into your own website to offer them more advanced courses. Then after completing 2 to three of your courses they have an opportunity for private paid for mentorship for one month. The end game is you offer job opportunities to join your team for your developing projects to build an online empire.

1. 16-18 graduate HS and associates ASAP. Take all the tech courses possible. Pass as many free exams as possible to graduate faster if you fail to pass the last 2 grades
2. 17-19 : take as many tech certs in the various fields as possible in the fields I recommended. Take the ones that lead to jobs and do your best to get them for free or discounted.
3. 19-21 internships, then a full time job in the field you select. Hopefully a field where you can become a freelancer the. Develop your own business.
4. 21-22 shift to freelancing, start a YouTube channel on the side giving free advice helping people get into the tech fields for jobs and free lancing.
5. 22-25: build up the social media and add in the various platforms. Start offering courses on Coursera and udemy. Send them to you private site for high cost courses, mentoring and a potential job opportunity maybe internships for free workers.
6. Have these big fans build your empire with many different projects for example you could have 4 projects that all work together to grow together with the platform that allows you to buy crypto for tax free and no registration, a crypto offering to those who buy through you, a wallet for them to store the crypto safely and anonymously, then on the back end when they are ready to sell their crypto, you jave a silver and gold bullion online business to enable them to transfer their crypto tax free. Then you can offer storage for their silver and opportunities to borrow against their silver as well as insurance .
Also each part of the business you offer discounts on the crypto aka developer crypto. You could offer payment to your employees partly in crypto as a bonus.

Now to cut costs to run your business tax free you have two options, you can become an American State National and or use an unreliable living trust. This Allows you to operate tax free.
Also, this is one of the courses you can offer employees so they can become tax free. Allow all of them to claim exemptions for income taxes, SSI and Medicare or simply become an American State National . I have a post on how to become tax free on here.

7. Develop your generational wealth nest egg.

Feel free to check out my post on how to swing trade asset classes to grow generational wealth and retire in less than 10 years with outrageous levels of wealth.

You can technically start this now. If possible through your parents. Tell them to invest in a revocable living trust until you turn 18 years old . You can use it for your courses or use it for investing into assets as I demonstrate in the post on asset investing and long term swing reading.
8. Build up your personal credit starting now. Have your parents get you a secured card. You can then use a secured personal loan for your courses. Then start accumulating as many high max cards while trying to push the credit max higher each year. Always payoff in full on time every time. Once you start your own business then start building up your business credit. This is where you can access loans over a million at low to no interest for your business.

9. Pension plans

See my post on developing your retirement with lifetime income.

A. So you want to start acquiring rental properties in high end military housing ASAP. Each rental should give u 4k per month minimum. Look into boxable homes as they are self sufficient and built to last over r 100 years and under 70k per home.

B. Buy up small businesses. You want businesses that are profitable and ones that have thrives for a long time. These are already operating on autopilot so you just optimize them grow them and buy up the next one.

C. Whole universal company life insurance plan.
Now to use the power of compound interest and the power of many people investing into one thing you can create a life insurance policy for the team to combined and not individual. This means an average person can grow their life insurance from 18 to 60;at 200 bucks a month to 1 mil. If you combine 10 or say 100 or maybe even 1000 people then they get exponential growth.

Benefits are this thing can grow to a a million in less than a year 10 mil in under a couple years 100 mil in 5 years a billion in 10 years.

People get vested after being in the company for at least 10!years. So the guys who quit or you fire get nothing. The longer they work for you, the more they get back in a percentage. Max out is 30 years and payouts start at 60 years old.

People can borrow against the policy after being vested in the business at a low interest rates at ten percent of their worth in the insurance plan. Top employees can be vested after 5 years and have even lower interest rates.

It's a lifetime payout.

10. Retire at 35

11. Build up an off grid community tax free self sufficient community. No bills no taxes no need to buy anything every again. You start living like the Amish.

Let me know if u need help finding any of these posts on the various topics.
  • +1
Reactions: Van
hey op, are you some kind of finance/career guru? care enough to listen to my story?
hey op, are you some kind of finance/career guru? care enough to listen to my story?
Technically no because I've never charged a dime for advice. Sure let's hear it
  • +1
Reactions: emdeplam
Technically no because I've never charged a dime for advice. Sure let's hear it
thanks, I appreciate it. I've already pour my entire mind out in some other thread. it's about the topic of MMO but there are enough general information.

tldr basically: 24yo NEETcel, clean slate with nearly zero starting power. Not only that but bottom tier life experience, network and social skills as you would expect from a typical rotter. All I got are novice level of english and a tendency to navigate the internet all day long.

I know - it looks hopeless.

I cry today man. I'm living with my parents, they are working out there everyday just for me to finally learn something to become able to survive on my own. Here in my third world country, 300$ is the typical salary for a recent grad bloke and it barely pays for food and rent. And if you don't have a promising career path to advance, then you would be ditched somewhere around 30-35 for the new kids to enter the race. Then you are destined for a life of suffering.

Everyone I know will be very disappointed...
I have to do something now to crawl out of this hell man. But I'm clueless...

P/S about IT/computer science/coding in general:
Here in my country, that field already boomed in the 2010s, and now it's overstaturated and continuously on a downtrend since 2023. Every boys and their grandmother know how to code. The typical 18yo is a kid who's good at math and science subjects, and they have no real life experience/career direction at all so they all got in the only familiar thing, computers. Years later they've got their degree but they couldnt get any decent jobs, so I heard many of them are doing delivery nowadays. But I have my parents buying me time so I don't need to do that to survive.

No. I think what would work for me is on the internet, but it's not old familiar things like tech/coding. That's why I'm on the MMO subforum typing all these.
If I can just find an edge to start with... Last year, the play was memecoins. Some trenchers and ruggers made it.
I believe Im suited for that kind of work, but I have to learn something to get a foot in the field or I will just get rekt.

Also, how about AI, is it the play? To front run the upcoming AI era?
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Technically no because I've never charged a dime for advice. Sure let's hear it
I can pay the 10k too for your thing; can you DM me to discuss this further?
Thanks in advance…
  • +1
Reactions: King Solomon
I can pay the 10k too for your thing; can you DM me to discuss this further?
Thanks in advance…
This is a hypothetical scenario. All my businesses are offline and unregistered and the basics of doing these things have already been put out on these boards for free. Now if you were to want to do one of the strategies I've implemented and need more information then I'd be happy to help.

Do you have a job and able to comfortably live for now? Is your goal to be financially free and to become self sufficient and off grid?
Do you want multiple lifetime streams of income for your retirement?
  • +1
Reactions: HTN_When_Lean
This is a hypothetical scenario. All my businesses are offline and unregistered and the basics of doing these things have already been put out on these boards for free. Now if you were to want to do one of the strategies I've implemented and need more information then I'd be happy to help.

Do you have a job and able to comfortably live for now? Is your goal to be financially free and to become self sufficient and off grid?
Do you want multiple lifetime streams of income for your retirement?
Yes to everything; can you DM me?
I wouldn’t pay anytome anything unless I was TOTALLY SURE they would make me money. Or id pay 5 to see some progress (real cash) and pay more and more if it keeps working

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