

Dec 22, 2022
Title. How do natural levels of the above affect growth of height, body and facial features?

Also, how do they affect collagen? Do they have a negative effect or no?

Height and body growth are very important to me but face (including hair and collagen) are equally imo, so i would like to know whether it would be worth maximising natural test and dht levels or if it would fuck my collagen or other things.
dht is useless after puberty, only has negative impact on skin and hair
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  • JFL
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dht is useless after puberty, only has negative impact on skin and hair
i’m 15, what benefits could i gain from maximising it and what would the drawbacks be
i’m 15, what benefits could i gain from maximising it and what would the drawbacks be
Dont go overboard trying to maximize anything, just eat healthy and lift and have a consistent routine with good sleep. Having a natural balance of hormones is key to good growth
Dont go overboard trying to maximize anything, just eat healthy and lift and have a consistent routine with good sleep. Having a natural balance of hormones is key to good growth
i appreciate that but tbh looksmaxxing isn’t really about having normal and average balances of hormones, it is literally about maxing them. obviously i know maximising them as much as possible probably isn’t a great idea but i’d like to get into the optimal ranges of everything
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Dont go overboard trying to maximize anything, just eat healthy and lift and have a consistent routine with good sleep. Having a natural balance of hormones is key to good growth
shit advice. its like saying:
dont have maximal facial aesthetic appeal, be average or dont be 6'6, be 5'8
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  • JFL
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Title. How do natural levels of the above affect growth of height, body and facial features?

Also, how do they affect collagen? Do they have a negative effect or no?

Height and body growth are very important to me but face (including hair and collagen) are equally imo, so i would like to know whether it would be worth maximising natural test and dht levels or if it would fuck my collagen or other things.
i find risky to play with hormones during puberty but i dont have much knowledge on that so maybe other ppl can answer better
i find risky to play with hormones during puberty but i dont have much knowledge on that so maybe other ppl can answer better
i’m looking to increase these levels naturally (eg through stacks like zinc + boron + vit D + ashwagandha etc) so i doubt there are huge risks
Title. How do natural levels of the above affect growth of height, body and facial features?

Also, how do they affect collagen? Do they have a negative effect or no?

Height and body growth are very important to me but face (including hair and collagen) are equally imo, so i would like to know whether it would be worth maximising natural test and dht levels or if it would fuck my collagen or other things.
Are you indian by any chance?
dht is useless after puberty, only has negative impact on skin and hair
It's kind of like hgh, that you naturally stop producing with age, but you keep producing dht as some form of male-exclusive acromegaly.
i’m 15, what benefits could i gain from maximising it and what would the drawbacks be
trust me im 14 rn take some mk 677 creatine and just eat healthy and train
trust me im 14 rn take some mk 677 creatine and just eat healthy and train
If you are prone to male pattern baldness I would avoid creatine until you finish your puberty and can start using fin/dut, but yeah eating healthy and getting LOTS of quality sleep is more important than anything to pubertymaxx and not get cucked out of your height potential.
trust me im 14 rn take some mk 677 creatine and just eat healthy and train
i’m on mk but i’ve heard about creatine causing balding so i might avoid it tbh
  • JFL
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The only thing high testosterone gave me is a receding hairline, big nose and shit collagen I'm 14 and people say i look like I'm 18-19. I do have very good forward growth but i think it's just genetics
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The only thing high testosterone gave me is a receding hairline, big nose and shit collagen I'm 14 and people say i look like I'm 18-19. I do have very good forward growth but i think it's just genetics
do you know if it was specifically testosterone levels that did this
bro can someone actually answer the title
bro can someone actually answer the title
You as a man should always steive for a higher testosterone and dehydratestosterone as they are the core. The absolute fundamentals of looks maxxing is dht and test and without them you will never get to become a real looksmaxxer
You as a man should always steive for a higher testosterone and dehydratestosterone as they are the core. The absolute fundamentals of looks maxxing is dht and test and without them you will never get to become a real looksmaxxer
bruh thats great but what do they actually do other than make you bald 😭
bro can someone actually answer the title
The benefits of test and dht out way the side effects of everything and to not promote balding just hair maxx it’s not hard (organic don’t use the Jew shit) Anyways also growthplates don’t close early if you have too much test or dht
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bruh thats great but what do they actually do other than make you bald 😭
destroy erectile dysfunction
inhuman libido
alot more hair 😱
bigger dick
more muscle
better bone density
Makes you like 10 times smarter

they are much more benefits as well low prolactin high igf 1 and hgh high protein = no hair loss using dht
nd if you increase it naturally just hair maxx and you’ll be fine
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Basically eat good food and a lot of protein and hgh and igf 1 and don’t fap = no issues with dht
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destroy erectile dysfunction
inhuman libido
alot more hair 😱
bigger dick
more muscle
better bone density
Makes you like 10 times smarter

they are much more benefits as well low prolactin high igf 1 and hgh high protein = no hair loss using dht
nd if you increase it naturally just hair maxx and you’ll be fine
fr more hair?
also where did you see that prolactin igf hgh etc levels can prevent hair loss
fr more hair?
also where did you see that prolactin igf hgh etc levels can prevent hair loss
Very simple alought I want to point out is that you don’t want to have nba 10 ft levels of igf 1
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You just want igf 1 and hgh to be higher than dht but not by too much
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fr more hair?
also where did you see that prolactin igf hgh etc levels can prevent hair loss
if you don’t want to lose your hair it’s. Well known fact that increase in test causes increase in hair everywhere in the body as well as dht except in the head if you have some sort of issues I guess but estrogen as well causes hair increase as well the thyroids to t4 and T3 as well hgh and igf 1
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Dht causing hair loss is real but people are lazy though so taking dht or increasing it naturally and increase the other hormones as well through injects or naturally will not cause your any damage to your hair and hair maxxing but this is for people usually in puberty or mid 20s after that I guess you need to go to the doctor not only that but I forgot that the cortisol can cause hair shredding and don’t worry rn about hair shredding as your in puberty and if you Lose like 300 hairs that normal for a average man not even in puberty
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if you don’t want to lose your hair it’s. Well known fact that increase in test causes increase in hair everywhere in the body as well as dht except in the head if you have some sort of issues I guess but estrogen as well causes hair increase as well the thyroids to t4 and T3 as well hgh and igf 1
do you know if test and dht have any effect on collagen
Imbalanced thyroid hormone can cause hair loss as well and if your going to take steroids it can cause your hair to shreds as well not only that but I am pretty sure that tgf peptide can cause hair loss and pgd2 as well
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do you know if test and dht have any effect on collagens
test increases collagen I think and dht does the opposite and is bad for collagen but it isnt going to make you look dead it’s just a slight effect and you can take collagen anyways so it doesn’t matter 💀
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@looksmidder do you need to ask anything else
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I think the only way to get a bigger nose is your injure it lmao nosemashing 💀 and for a smaller nose I guess it’s lose fat and do nose poster technique and breath from your nose but it doesn’t really make it smaller just makes it look maybe smaller or surgery
I think I have a guide for the nose wait
The only thing high testosterone gave me is a receding hairline, big nose and shit collagen I'm 14 and people say i look like I'm 18-19. I do have very good forward growth but i think it's just genetics
bro im the same, im extremely hairy and have a full beard. i stopped growing at age 13 and my dht is so fucking high that i have a maturing hairline (norwood 0.5, hasnt recveded since 14) and severe retrograde alopecia all over my nape and sides. i used minox for 1 year and it fucked up my coillagen and did jack shit for my hair so im risking 0.025% topical fin at age 16. my dick is fully developed to begin with so theres legit nothing that lowering my dht can do, if i get a rapid rise on estrogen levels due to higher free t ill just get an estrogen blocker and pop one every 3 or so days

i got told i look fucking 20 years old but with a baby face (but thats moreso on my high bodyfat% since im a retard who starved myself from 95kg to 58kg rather than going gym)
bro im the same, im extremely hairy and have a full beard. i stopped growing at age 13 and my dht is so fucking high that i have a maturing hairline (norwood 0.5, hasnt recveded since 14) and severe retrograde alopecia all over my nape and sides. i used minox for 1 year and it fucked up my coillagen and did jack shit for my hair so im risking 0.025% topical fin at age 16. my dick is fully developed to begin with so theres legit nothing that lowering my dht can do, if i get a rapid rise on estrogen levels due to higher free t ill just get an estrogen blocker and pop one every 3 or so days

i got told i look fucking 20 years old but with a baby face (but thats moreso on my high bodyfat% since im a retard who starved myself from 95kg to 58kg rather than going gym)
How big is your dick rn and when did you feel that your dick stopped growing
Title. How do natural levels of the above affect growth of height, body and facial features?

Also, how do they affect collagen? Do they have a negative effect or no?

Height and body growth are very important to me but face (including hair and collagen) are equally imo, so i would like to know whether it would be worth maximising natural test and dht levels or if it would fuck my collagen or other things.
DHT increases body hair rapidly, base on your voice, facial hair, and height growth rate. But since it doesn't aromatize into E2, it can be leveraged pretty well for short-term height growth, but it won't bring your height above the genetic setpoint.

DHT causes more rapid hair loss. So if you were to lose hair at 30, and you took DHT for like a year at 15, maybe you'll begin losing at 24-28 instead. Your hair follicles will always be miniaturizing as long as you have average DHT levels in your body, however, it just depends how much your hair follicles react to that DHT and what age it can no longer withstand it.

DHT effects on collagen and skin give or take, but with the increased bodily hair, and possible hairloss, you'll look older on high levels of DHT sometimes.

However, taking DHT now doesn't mean you'll begin balding immediately or something, it'll give you all the benefits if you take it younger. It's just that the older you get, the worst the effects become!
bro im the same, im extremely hairy and have a full beard. i stopped growing at age 13 and my dht is so fucking high that i have a maturing hairline (norwood 0.5, hasnt recveded since 14) and severe retrograde alopecia all over my nape and sides. i used minox for 1 year and it fucked up my coillagen and did jack shit for my hair so im risking 0.025% topical fin at age 16. my dick is fully developed to begin with so theres legit nothing that lowering my dht can do, if i get a rapid rise on estrogen levels due to higher free t ill just get an estrogen blocker and pop one every 3 or so days

i got told i look fucking 20 years old but with a baby face (but thats moreso on my high bodyfat% since im a retard who starved myself from 95kg to 58kg rather than going gym)
Be careful, no long-term studies have been done with finasteride. And most of the things you list are genetic and you would've probably already noticed a pattern in your family. The issue with E2 blocker is that it also raises DHT at certain doses, so speak with the doctor first.
yeh do you know if t and dht can affect the size of the nose
Possibly, increased T leads to elevated IGF-1 levels, and big noses are linked to higher test levels but that's once again give or take. But most likely, the only part of your nose that will be increased is the hair.
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How big is your dick rn and when did you feel that your dick stopped growing
6.2 inches, dont know what my girth is since i dont have the tape thingy but it doesnt look small. i measured my dick from age 13 to now and it rapidly grew from 13 to 14.5 than suddenly stopped. i hit puberty really fucking early (had a full neckbeard + sideburns at age 13 and went from 5 foot to 5"9 and up to feet size 11inch in a matter of 1.5 year) which all stopped around age 14. i also have a very monotone voice. compared to my family, im at the estimated height. im only 2 inches shorter than my dad who himself is one of the tallest in his family and im one of the tallest in my mums side (her family is full of guys around 5"3 to 5"6 and im not sure if my mum is even 5 foot lmao)

the only thing i havent caught up to is my dads abnormally large hands wrists and shoulders which mog my small hands and small wrists, however the men in my mums side are the same as me and i have the exact same body proprotion phenotype as my granpa so i got fucked geentically. thankfully my shoulders are still broad compared to my body but as a whole i have a genetic small frame

both my parents had a very early puberty, so i dont think i will develop much more. hgh and free test should do the remaining 10% growth i have and plus 0.025% topical fin only reduces dht by 20% according to studies which is why i take it since im scared to go any further, as retarded as that may seem
Be careful, no long-term studies have been done with finasteride. And most of the things you list are genetic and you would've probably already noticed a pattern in your family. The issue with E2 blocker is that it also raises DHT at certain doses, so speak with the doctor first.
noted, but when you are 16 with 1/3rd of your hair gone and transplant not being an option since its the donor hairs that are affected, alongside the fact you have the worst faceshape for short hair let alone being bald makes you risk some stuff
6.2 inches, dont know what my girth is since i dont have the tape thingy but it doesnt look small. i measured my dick from age 13 to now and it rapidly grew from 13 to 14.5 than suddenly stopped. i hit puberty really fucking early (had a full neckbeard + sideburns at age 13 and went from 5 foot to 5"9 and up to feet size 11inch in a matter of 1.5 year) which all stopped around age 14. i also have a very monotone voice. compared to my family, im at the estimated height. im only 2 inches shorter than my dad who himself is one of the tallest in his family and im one of the tallest in my mums side (her family is full of guys around 5"3 to 5"6 and im not sure if my mum is even 5 foot lmao)

the only thing i havent caught up to is my dads abnormally large hands wrists and shoulders which mog my small hands and small wrists, however the men in my mums side are the same as me and i have the exact same body proprotion phenotype as my granpa so i got fucked geentically. thankfully my shoulders are still broad compared to my body but as a whole i have a genetic small frame

both my parents had a very early puberty, so i dont think i will develop much more. hgh and free test should do the remaining 10% growth i have and plus 0.025% topical fin only reduces dht by 20% according to studies which is why i take it since im scared to go any further, as retarded as that may seem
Your prob going to reach 6 foot 1 or 6 foot and your dick will grow Dw just practice pe and you should be fine but tbh I think you should get on peptides like igf1 anyways
Your prob going to reach 6 foot 1 or 6 foot and your dick will grow Dw just practice pe and you should be fine but tbh I think you should get on peptides like igf1 anyways
thanks for the positivity but im not gonna be 6"1, im 99% at my adult height. if i do somehow grow it will be very minor like 1 or 2 inches. ive been stretching and eating a healthy diet for 3 years now

plus i cant get igf1 in the UK easily

ill take a blood test with a private doctor after my exams in june with a full profile (DHT E2 HGH etc) alongside nutrients (vitamin D etc) and ill take my course of action from there, i have a longass 3 months of summer to focus purely on looksmaxxing
thanks for the positivity but im not gonna be 6"1, im 99% at my adult height. if i do somehow grow it will be very minor like 1 or 2 inches. ive been stretching and eating a healthy diet for 3 years now

plus i cant get igf1 in the UK easily

ill take a blood test with a private doctor after my exams in june with a full profile (DHT E2 HGH etc) alongside nutrients (vitamin D etc) and ill take my course of action from there, i have a longass 3 months of summer to focus purely on looksmaxxing
Peptide sciences as well just go on a carnivore 80 to 20 percent diet and take a good amount of supps and you said your 5’11 and predicted height can be very heavily incorrect and if you do grow a inch or that that means your 6 foot or 6foot 1
Peptide sciences as well just go on a carnivore 80 to 20 percent diet and take a good amount of supps and you said your 5’11 and predicted height can be very heavily incorrect and if you do grow a inch or that that means your 6 foot or 6foot 1
im not 5"11 im 5"9, my dad was 5"11 in his prime before the scoliosis demon pelted his back into a parallelogram
im not 5"11 im 5"9, my dad was 5"11 in his prime before the scoliosis demon pelted his back into a parallelogram
protien hyper dose
hit gym
swim alot
igf 1 injections and your going to reach 6 foot
It’s going to close you like 200 dollars as well if you can take aromasin or letrezole and mk677 which overall cost you 300 dollars a month and the average supps will prob cost you another 100 so I guess if you spend like. 400 dollars a month I think you can reach 6 foot +

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