How to ascend at 14/15?

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which roids jfl, also what abt his health in the long term?

Are there any guides here on bonesmashing? Has anyone noticed good results from it?

Why these two?
not roids wtf SARMS + HGH + if you want a AI + MEW MEW MEW
My brother is 14 going on 15, what can I do to help him ascend facially, frame wise, everything bascially.

Tagging high iq cels

@Grimba @Selinity @retard @Chintuck22 @Kingkellz @africancel @betamanlet @Babushkacatlady @RecessedPrettyboy @Callooh_Calais @fag112 @Andrew91
@TheEndHasNoEnd @tincelw @hairyballscel @Felix97 @the next o'pry @PrestonYnot @SubhumanCurrycel @MisterMercedes @þeepþeep @varbrah @Celexawer @loox @Lorsss @reptiles @africancel @Blackout.xl @gymislife

Pls give serious high iq responses guys.
Honestly, have him do sports regularly, in order for him to get his necessary exercise. They’re also fun, so that’s a plus. He’s more likely to be consistent as well.

Another thing is his diet, now, at his age it’ll be practically to expect him to adhere to a completely healthy diet so just have him restrict his intake of high-sugar, trans fat, processed food. Make him eat more protein as well, perhaps a protein shake if necessary.

Lastly, sleep, have him sleep at least 8 hours every day, as for how...No idea, tbh. I don’t see how you’d get him to sleep in early every day but it’s necessary for ideal development. I’d suggest giving him melatonin if it weren’t for the fact it’s not a good idea to have him get depended on those to make him feel sleepy on time.

I could expand a lot more, go into detail with this and tell you he should be doing this & that and should avoid this or that but it would most likely be too complex thus less effective, redundant and a waste of time.

Giving you simple yet important advice like this will also give you the freedom to do it in the way you think will be best for him, since you know him, after all. It’s also because I’m just lazy.
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is sarms a steriod?
yes kind of but it has little to no long term side effects please only use mk677 + cardarine for no sides that will ruin your hormones
I could expand a lot more, go into detail with this and tell you he should be doing this & that and should avoid this or that but it would most likely be too complex thus less effective, redundant and a waste of time.
Go into detail, i'll read it
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Go into detail, i'll read it
I’m lazy as shit man ngl. Just do the stuff I told you and your brother will be fine.

If he’s already ugly, odds are most of the stuff the guys here tell you won’t make him much better looking in the end.

If he is, you might as well start teaching him how to moneymaxx so he can afford his surgeries in the future tbh. :blackpill:
which roids jfl, also what abt his health in the long term?

Are there any guides here on bonesmashing? Has anyone noticed good results from it?

Why these two?
Honest to God tho, how on earth are you gonna convince your 14 year old brother to start injecting shit just because some guys on an obscure forum told you so?
Honest to God tho, how on earth are you gonna convince your 14 year old brother to start injecting shit just because some guys on an obscure forum told you so?
ofc im not going to tell him to inject jfl

also would u recommend taking DHT gel, IGF-1, and AI? Are those roids?
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ofc im not going to tell him to inject jfl

also would u recommend taking DHT gel, IGF-1, and AI? Are those roids?
They’re not, Igf-1 is a peptide hormone though which I’m pretty sure one has to inject, if you want to raise your levels efficiently anyway.

DHT-gel is for dickmaxxing if I remember correctly but might make him bald earlier than he would otherwise.

IGF-1 & AI probs for frame and heightmaxxing, it’s alright for framemaxxing I guess but he probably has to inject.
(Heightmaxxing is most likely a meme but I’m not gonna go into detail since lots of people have done so before me)

Also, an AI could fuck him up real bad if it lowers his E levels too much
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They’re not, Igf-1 is a peptide hormone though which I’m pretty sure one has to inject, if you want to raise your levels efficiently anyway.

DHT-gel is for dickmaxxing if I remember correctly but might make him bald earlier than he would otherwise.

IGF-1 & AI probs for frame and heightmaxxing, it’s alright for framemaxxing I guess but he probably has to inject.
(Heightmaxxing is most likely a meme but I’m not gonna go into detail since lots of people have done so before me)

Also, an AI could fuck him up real bad if it lowers his E levels too much
Do u recommend any hormones, peptides?

Thoughts on IGF-1, do you recommend it?
@ovosoundszn @Kingkellz @the next o'pry @Chintuck22 @betamanlet anything u guys want to add?
sure bro, basically don't over look the simple shit. Make sure your body and oral posture is correct, and make sure you swallow food correctly (nothing new). You still have alot of facial growth to capitalize on. Also I had some freak asymmetrical temple recession at that age, so make sure your monitoring your hairline so shit like that doesn't sneak up on you.
Don't fuck around with DHT at all, it's like poking a sleeping bear

Train him for football
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Don't fuck around with DHT at all, it's like poking a sleeping bear

Train him for football
what else u got?
  • +1
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what else u got?
Everything else everyone said sums it up, I get/got the same advice last year

Simply optimize his growth via nutrition, sleep, lifting

And optimize his softmaxxes with skincare, haircare, clothes, etc.

At the end of the day it's his life, just try and get rid of shit foods in the house
Okay if i could go back to being 14/15 (I'm 16 and 6"6 on roids/an ai/mk677 aka labrat nutter) i would do this,
first I would go on mk677 for 3 months on one month off and repeat this, I would also low dose an ai, this will keep his bone age low and will boost his test up because of his lowered estrogen, do not put him on letrozole, I would look into arimistane as it is a suicidal inhibitor, is otc and would still lower his estrogen until he gets older and can tolerate aromasin. arimistane at 75mg eod or aromasin 6.5mg twice weekly would effectively lower his estrogen. don't put him on roids. the mk677 is gonna make him eat like fuck, he needs to stay skinny and low height for beneficial height growth. multivitamins and supplementing calcium, zinc, all that good shit is very important, make him drink a lot of milk also.
cope dont take multi vitamins they are toxic as fuck and literally dont even work (post a study if you can prove me otherwise).

supplements he should take: 10k IU of Vit d3 (insanely important).

make sure its 10kiu minimum. dont be scared of an overdose, its literally impossible to get a toxic reaction from too much vitamine d3, unless you take 50k/100k daily. the vit d3 might have more impact then all that shit he just listed above. some guys doubled their natural T levels just by increasing their vit d3.
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yes kind of but it has little to no long term side effects please only use mk677 + cardarine for no sides that will ruin your hormones


its retarded as fuck if you take sarms. i dont even understand how this retard could recommend them to your little brother.
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also if you really have a big budget: eat everything organically. a lot of recession in people comes from eating improperly. i have a big thread about it, but TLDR: pesticides fuck up your hormones and its why most people arent growing correctly. this of course mixed with the lack of animal nutrition.

also im upset people on this board are still posting low IQ advise
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its retarded as fuck if you take sarms. i dont even understand how this retard could recommend them to your little brother.
mk677 n cardarine arent even sarms do ur research
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cope dont take multi vitamins they are toxic as fuck and literally dont even work (post a study if you can prove me otherwise).

supplements he should take: 10k IU of Vit d3 (insanely important).

make sure its 10kiu minimum. dont be scared of an overdose, its literally impossible to get a toxic reaction from too much vitamine d3, unless you take 50k/100k daily. the vit d3 might have more impact then all that shit he just listed above. some guys doubled their natural T levels just by increasing their vit d3.
i litterally just take a like vegetable multivitamin thingy and calcium, zinc, magnesium, b6, b3, d3, k2 and that's it
Stay at %15 bf dont smoke, dont drink sleep 8 hours u will be fine
I love u man, I fucking love u man no homo. I'm writing down notes as we speak.

Btw are there any foods that contrain AI and IGF-1?

What's EMS?

And what's an inversion table.
nigga you ask soo much questions omg:feelswhy:
  • JFL
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what are steeve reeve's methods?

Are there any guides on here abt them?

Where can I learn about this stuff?

what appliances do u recommend?

Are there any guides on here abt this stuff?
nigga stfu already
Good brother
Not necroposting mods but just seeking further insight on how to help my brother.

Tagging new high iq cels that've joined the forum:
@dracoreptile @alienmaxxer @chinpilled @MAG27 @Daenerys @GigaAscender @6foot2_17y0
Not necroposting mods but just seeking further insight on how to help my brother.

Tagging new high iq cels that've joined the forum:
@dracoreptile @alienmaxxer @chinpilled @MAG27 @Daenerys @GigaAscender @6foot2_17y0

lol chippillwd is a massive retard who circle jerks a stress hormone. He’s mid 20s and about to turn into a ugly jabba the hut incel with a moon face

reminder this faggot got a botched genio where his chin doesn’t even move properly anymore :lul:
  • JFL
Reactions: AscendingHero
lol chippillwd is a massive retard who circle jerks a stress hormone. He’s mid 20s and about to turn into a ugly jabba the hut incel with a moon face

reminder this faggot got a botched genio where his chin doesn’t even move properly anymore :lul:
One of the funniest eviscerations i've seen in awhile.

@chinpilled what's ur comeback bro?:rolleyes:
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 16834
. He’s mid 20s and about to turn into a ugly jabba the hut incel with a moon face
HGH maxxing is over, even dyro hgh himself, admitted this, past puberty the ball game is different. He's coping with geting splanchocranium gains post puberty with it. Which is possible but at the risk of so much.

Just get implants/surgeries gymcell, learn some frauding, do all the basic softmaxxes and call it day. Hopefully his base isn't fucked.

@Amnesia 's ascencion is a good example of ascending post puberty, he also has a good base though.
  • +1
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HGH maxxing is over, even dyro hgh himself, admitted this, past puberty the ball game is different. He's coping with geting splanchocranium gains post puberty with it. Which is possible but at the risk of so much.

Just get implants/surgeries gymcell, learn some frauding, do all the basic softmaxxes and call it day. Hopefully his base isn't fucked.

@Amnesia 's ascencion is a good example of ascending post puberty, he also has a good base though.

amnesia has a botched pinched nose 👃 it looks pukeworthy ngl. He needs another 10k and a Turkroach surgeon to ascend him to chadhood
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amnesia has a botched pinched nose 👃 it looks pukeworthy ngl. He needs another 10k and a Turkroach surgeon to ascend him to chadhood
He's definently chad, rhino is one of those shitty female based surgeries than can be easily botched @garoutheincel (R.I.P.)


@Amnesia post your best photos
Not necroposting mods but just seeking further insight on how to help my brother.

Tagging new high iq cels that've joined the forum:
@dracoreptile @alienmaxxer @chinpilled @MAG27 @Daenerys @GigaAscender @6foot2_17y0
people that i've tagged and @alienmaxxer , help me with OP, i want to ascend my brother to gigachad, Help me, he's just turned 14.
He's definently chad, rhino is one of those shitty female based surgeries than can be easily botched @garoutheincel (R.I.P.)

View attachment 1524609

@Amnesia post your best photos

he isn’t chad in candids. Both left pics he looks like a unstriking high tier normie.

hoodie pic creates better hollowing of the jaw
Top right pic is lighting halo
  • JFL
Reactions: AscendingHero
he isn’t chad in candids. Both left pics he looks like a unstriking high tier normie.

hoodie pic creates better hollowing of the jaw
Top right pic is lighting halo
All of those are candidds, wdym. All of them are Shitty selfies jfl.

Rate him after some softmaxxing and minor lookmsaxing on the left:


Tan for color vs my natural pale white color
Chin filler for chin width
Hairstyle to hide my naturally high forehead
Clean shaven to show off hollow cheeks
Dedicated isolation neck training 3-4 times a week
Leaner by 10 pounds between the two pictures"
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 16834
All of those are candidds, wdym. All of them are Shitty selfies jfl.

Rate him after some softmaxxing and minor lookmsaxing on the left:
View attachment 1524620


Tan for color vs my natural pale white color
Chin filler for chin width
Hairstyle to hide my naturally high forehead
Clean shaven to show off hollow cheeks
Dedicated isolation neck training 3-4 times a week
Leaner by 10 pounds between the two pictures"

yeah chin filler ascends him and gives him more angularity and hollowing from stretched soft tissue

the tan/lighting combo is hiding his pinched nose falio tho.

chad with fillers tbh
  • +1
Reactions: AscendingHero
My brother is 14 going on 15, what can I do to help him ascend facially, frame wise, everything bascially.

Tagging high iq cels

@Grimba @Selinity @retard @Chintuck22 @Kingkellz @africancel @betamanlet @Babushkacatlady @RecessedPrettyboy @Callooh_Calais @fag112 @Andrew91
@TheEndHasNoEnd @tincelw @hairyballscel @Felix97 @the next o'pry @PrestonYnot @SubhumanCurrycel @MisterMercedes @þeepþeep @varbrah @Celexawer @loox @Lorsss @reptiles @africancel @Blackout.xl @gymislife

Pls give serious high iq responses guys.
@alienmaxxer Help me bro

@Ada Mustang any input?

Tagging other high iq members for their input looksmaxxing wise:

@Prettyboy @volcelfatcel @ForeverRecession @GigaAscender @chinpilled @VeryFuglyNiyguhs @MakinItHappenReturn @Cope @Henry_Gandy @FreakkForLife @2d v2 @Senssei @forwardgrowth @retard @hairyballscel @PubertyMaxxer @Bitchwhipper2 @BearBoy @EverythingMattersCel @Gargantuan @LastHopeForNorman @TheEndHasNoEnd @antiantifa @RecessedPrettyboy @slayer69 @Bewusst @ropemax @imdo
@prettyboislime @Hydroweed @loox @Kingkellz

Help brothers🤝
Last edited:
Aromasin 6.25mg each week
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My brother is 14 going on 15, what can I do to help him ascend facially, frame wise, everything bascially.

Tagging high iq cels

@Grimba @Selinity @retard @Chintuck22 @Kingkellz @africancel @betamanlet @Babushkacatlady @RecessedPrettyboy @Callooh_Calais @fag112 @Andrew91
@TheEndHasNoEnd @tincelw @hairyballscel @Felix97 @the next o'pry @PrestonYnot @SubhumanCurrycel @MisterMercedes @þeepþeep @varbrah @Celexawer @loox @Lorsss @reptiles @africancel @Blackout.xl @gymislife

Pls give serious high iq responses guys.
Don't listen to any bulking advice and focus more on calisthenics than barbell work.

Calisthenics rewards you for the reasons you get into training.
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@alienmaxxer Help me bro

@Ada Mustang any input?

Tagging other high iq members for their input looksmaxxing wise:

@Prettyboy @volcelfatcel @ForeverRecession @GigaAscender @chinpilled @VeryFuglyNiyguhs @MakinItHappenReturn @Cope @Henry_Gandy @FreakkForLife @2d v2 @Senssei @forwardgrowth @retard @hairyballscel @PubertyMaxxer @Bitchwhipper2 @BearBoy @EverythingMattersCel @Gargantuan @LastHopeForNorman @TheEndHasNoEnd @antiantifa @RecessedPrettyboy

Help brothers🤝

reported :hnghn:
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Just help a nigga out bro, i want to ensure the best future for my brother so he doesn't end up here and enjoys his teen life w/o the baggage of the blackpill

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Mirin, 2-4 inches would be appreciated, he'll be 6'3.
yeah, just get him on AI it slows growth plate closure in general, meaning his frame could be wider, taller. Just watch how he reacts tho there's side effects like some joint pain but usually most people gain 5-6cm
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