How to ascend at 14/15?

Just help a nigga out bro, i want to ensure the best future for my brother so he doesn't end up here and enjoys his teen life w/o the baggage of the blackpill


jk chill :lul:
  • JFL
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Don't roidcel with tren. I can guarantee if you buy tren, it's not completely pure trenbolone. They have made human approved tren in ages.
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Don't listen to any bulking advice and focus more on calisthenics than barbell work.

Calisthenics rewards you for the reasons you get into training.

Anything you recommend for overall growth?

Anything for face?

Where did u see/read/hear this?

Anything else you recommend besides aromasin?
Im on my phone rn but there was a study done on manlets and how AI can usually give you 5-6cm if taken early enough into puberty so your estrogen is curbed
Estradiol (estrogen) is what fuses growth plates, thats why women tend to be taller in early HS than the men but men overtake them, because they have higher estrogen so they peak in height earlier.

AI is a must, @FreakkForLife has good threads on it.
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for what purposes?
Light but glowing skin
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Just help a nigga out bro, i want to ensure the best future for my brother so he doesn't end up here and enjoys his teen life w/o the baggage of the blackpill

Let puberty do the work.. tell him get 8-10 hours of sleep, lift weights, mew, any dentalfacial issues get it checked ASAP, eat hard foods & he'll be good
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Ignore the roids suggestion because it's harmful to health in long run and closes growth plates earlier. HGH and ai or rather specifically igf-1 and ai is the best route. also chewing with good neck posture and mewing to guide the facial growth. Eyebrow and eyelash growth products, skin care, and trendy tiktok perm. Mouth widening with an appliance if his mouth is narrow, EMS for zygomatic definition and tight lower eyelids. Inversion tables with glucosamine to lengthen the spine. Steeve reeves framemaxx method to widen ribcage and clavicle position.

basically this :love:
  • JFL
Reactions: AscendingHero
Are you sure you aren’t the one who’s 14 going on 15?
Light but glowing skin
Yea will add that in there, golden skin tone is ideal and what im trying to get him to achieve.
Desire uber mulatto mogger
Thom strijd insane mogger god tier skin
Insane pic of jeremy meeks runway
Rihanna in motion fogger
Jordan barret red undertones

The tanned golden skin look, with golden undertones with hints of orange/yellow/red, etc?

Any other skin/caramel maxxing tips?
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Oh nvm this an old ass post @AscendingHero lol
  • JFL
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Let puberty do the work.. tell him get 8-10 hours of sleep, lift weights, mew, any dentalfacial issues get it checked ASAP, eat hard foods & he'll be good
Thx dawg🤝(y)
Sick asf dap up handshake
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If he is NT he should have a simple, relatively cheap and safe stack.

I would go with low dose aromasin and mk 677 to encourage ideal development. Possibly some non suppressive prohormone aswell. This obviously wont turn anyone from virgin to chad, but it might verywell make the difference between truecel and ltn if utilized during development.

These all are relatively mild things which are easy to consume and if you dont fuck up bad, they should have minimal side effects. Perfect or NTs

If is he autistic and it becomes a special interest, you might aswell just give him your current best stack + some source of gh, and he will probably improve it even further :feelshmm:.
  • +1
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If he is NT he should have a simple, relatively cheap and safe stack.

I would go with low dose aromasin and mk 677 to encourage ideal development. Possibly some non suppressive prohormone aswell. This obviously wont turn anyone from virgin to chad, but it might verywell make the difference between truecel and ltn if utilized during development.

These all are relatively mild things which are easy to consume and if you dont fuck up bad, they should have minimal side effects. Perfect or NTs

If is he autistic and it becomes a special interest, you might aswell just give him your current best stack + some source of gh, and he will probably improve it even further :feelshmm:.
@AscendingHero this guy is a complete broscientist by the way, i love you @Bitchwhipper2 but the fact you promote the use of mk is retarded
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  • Hmm...
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If he is NT he should have a simple, relatively cheap and safe stack.

I would go with low dose aromasin and mk 677 to encourage ideal development. Possibly some non suppressive prohormone aswell. This obviously wont turn anyone from virgin to chad, but it might verywell make the difference between truecel and ltn if utilized during development.

These all are relatively mild things which are easy to consume and if you dont fuck up bad, they should have minimal side effects. Perfect or NTs

If is he autistic and it becomes a special interest, you might aswell just give him your current best stack + some source of gh, and he will probably improve it even further :feelshmm:.
What is the gh for?

What stack do u recommend if he is truly fucked/non nt (he isn't but yea).

If is he autistic and it becomes a special interest, you might aswell just give him your current best stack + some source of gh, and he will probably improve it even further :feelshmm:.
why, is the reasoning behind this that he can compensate his looks for lack of sociability?
@AscendingHero this guy is a complete broscientist by the way, i love you @Bitchwhipper2 but the fact you promote the use of mk is retarded
True jfl, i wasnt taking any of that shit serisouly.

@TeenAscender bro head to discord
@AscendingHero this guy is a complete broscientist by the way, i love you @Bitchwhipper2 but the fact you promote the use of mk is retarded
Mk is good for normies because of its cheapness and it being easy to use.

Most normies are too high inhib to inject themselves, so they might aswell just take mk.

Hgh is ideal. But just not enough people will be willing to do the investment
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: TeenAscender and AscendingHero
What is the gh for?
Craniofacial development + maybe an inch in height

What stack do u recommend if he is truly fucked/non nt (he isn't but yea).
Not autistic or rich enough to look in to hard stacks, so idk.

why, is the reasoning behind this that he can compensate his looks for lack of sociability?
Autists tend to develop intese interests for specific things/topics they care about. In that way they become learning machines, and can probably do this kind of shit better than NTs
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  • JFL
Reactions: AscendingHero and TeenAscender
@alienmaxxer Help me bro

@Ada Mustang any input?

Tagging other high iq members for their input looksmaxxing wise:

@Prettyboy @volcelfatcel @ForeverRecession @GigaAscender @chinpilled @VeryFuglyNiyguhs @MakinItHappenReturn @Cope @Henry_Gandy @FreakkForLife @2d v2 @Senssei @forwardgrowth @retard @hairyballscel @PubertyMaxxer @Bitchwhipper2 @BearBoy @EverythingMattersCel @Gargantuan @LastHopeForNorman @TheEndHasNoEnd @antiantifa @RecessedPrettyboy @slayer69 @Bewusst @ropemax @imdo
@prettyboislime @Hydroweed @loox @Kingkellz

Help brothers🤝
if ur 14 16, igf-1 will grow your jaw monstrously. If you are older, you can still grow it with IGF-1 by injecting it into the condyles then bone smashing. Sounds idiotic but it's science and the jaw grows pretty symmetrically, unlike the cheekbones, brow ridge, and nose bridge.
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If you are older, you can still grow it with IGF-1 by injecting it into the condyles then bone smashing.
What's the age until i have to start doing this, injecting gh/igf-1 into the condycles?

if ur 14 16, igf-1 will grow your jaw monstrously
Wdym monstrously? how monstrously?
Sounds idiotic but it's science and the jaw grows pretty symmetrically, unlike the cheekbones, brow ridge, and nose bridge.
High IQ what would u say causes growth of nose bridge, cheekbones and browbone? especially nose bridge?
Ensure that his diet is good. Adequate protein in particular is important for growth (height). He should also make use of his young age by developing good tongue posture.
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No one should roid.
It's just not worth it. An aesthetically ideal physique can be achieved without steroids, so why do that to yourself?
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High IQ what would u say causes growth of nose bridge, cheekbones and browbone? especially nose bridge?
It would cause the nose to grow. Idk about the nose bridge, I've been trying to get a greek sort of nose shape by lightly hitting the nose bridge with the rounded end of a metal file.
The result I am going for is this. The bridge has come forward and is wider then it used to be. Wide nose bridge is a game changer and is a trademark of good looking men. dont hit the dorsal hump or it will grow too.

This stuff become asymmetrical so easily, be aware of that. Look at all angles of your face and record your face with camera so you can see the non-mirror(real) view. You might look symmetrical in one but not the other. The goal is symmetrical bone growth in both the camera view and mirror view. Make sure you don't make one eye higher then the other, or make one more forward then the other. And if you do have eyes that are asymmetrical you can fix that with bonesmashing.
Last edited:
It would cause the nose to grow. Idk about the nose bridge, I've been trying to get a greek sort of nose shape by lightly hitting the nose bridge with the rounded end of a metal file.
The result I am going for is this. The bridge has come forward and is wider then it used to be. Wide nose bridge is a game changer and is a trademark of good looking men. dont hit the dorsal hump or it will grow too.
View attachment 1525322
Same I've been trying to also get this masc greek nose straight or slightly upturned.

I need more forward growth of it, i hear it responds well to androgens. @MisterMercedes

Wide nose bridge is a game changer and is a trademark of good looking men. dont hit the dorsal hump or it will grow too.
What do you think causes it?
if ur 14 16, igf-1 will grow your jaw monstrously. If you are older, you can still grow it with IGF-1 by injecting it into the condyles then bone smashing. Sounds idiotic but it's science and the jaw grows pretty symmetrically, unlike the cheekbones, brow ridge, and nose bridge.
So if i give my brother gh/igf-1 his jaw will grow well regardless of where its injecting or does it have to be near the jaw?
Same I've been trying to also get this masc greek nose straight or slightly upturned.

I need more forward growth of it, i hear it responds well to androgens. @MisterMercedes

What do you think causes it?
I think people in ancient societies knew about bonesmashing because they got into fights a lot more, therefore they would have to fix the asymmetries caused by getting punched by evening out the other side of the face.

So then they probably figured out what looked best and went with it, i imagine they bonesmash their kids faces or something. Idk man.

read my edited last post.
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get his hormones checked

make sure he eats tons of protein, at least 100 grams a day, ideally 150+

get him to mew
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Anything you recommend for overall growth?

Anything for face?

Igf1 is the best for overall growth.
Get him igf1 lr3(higher half life) 100 mcg ed from peptide sciences and igf1 des(higher potency) 50 mcg ed.
Don't overdose or he will experience organ growth.
Also,make sure to cycle these substances(take weeks or months off ) and then continue.
For shoulder and clavice growth inject it in his deltoid muscles.
And for mandible growth inject in (i don't know about mandible but u can inject it in masseters?
Aromasin is the best for Androgenicity,dosent shut u down.
Also ,look into HCG as another poster recommended and another thing for test boost is DSIP(Delta sleep injecting peptide).
Aromasin must be your top priority ( it boosts Androgenicity while also contributes heavily to heightmaxxing and framemaxxing).
DHT gel is another for Androgenicity.
Also don't mass tag or the mods will give u warnings ( they did that to me today:feelswhy::feelswhy:)
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Also DSIP(delta sleep inducing peptide) has anti-somatostatin properties(somatostatin is a bitch which stops growth hormone production) it also has anti- cortisol effects (less stress in life and more testosterone as cortisol antagonized test).
So, a good stack is DSIP+aromasin(dosage depends on each individual,the best way to find out dosing is a safe hit and trial method-start from 3.125 mg(break the tablet in 4 then break each broken part into 2,or simply break the whole 25 mg aromasin tablet into 8 parts) check his estrogen levels through blood tests before giving him the dose,and after giving him check again after 12-16 hours (this is the time taken by aromasin to work) now if his estrogen level is 10-15pg/ml ,continue the dose of 3.125 mg every other day or everyday- to find out what to do again do a hot and trial method,give him the dose the next day around the same time as before(alongwith a fatty meal as it helps in aromasin absorption) and then again check his estrogen levels 12-16 hours after the dose,if it isn't below 10-15 pg/ml it's good,now the last part of hit and trial, after this second dose give him the next dose (3rd dose) not on the next day but after 2 days(like if u gave him the 2nd dose on 2nd Jan,give him the 3rd dose on 4th Jan,this is called every other day (EOD)).
Get a blood test again after 12-16 hours of dose.
Now compare the blood test levels of estrogen and testosterone for the 2nd and 3rd dose.
In whichever his Estrogen is lower that method of day dosing is okay.

But if 3.125 mg is not sufficient give him 6.25 mg,up or lower the dose just to reach levels of 10-15pg/ml(12-13 mg on average).

Don't give him the full tablet(25 mg) or he will rope:feelswhy:as his estrogen will crash and it legit gives suicidal thoughts.
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Also make sure he eats a lot of broccoli (good for methylation) and is anti-estrogenic and get his blood tests for Estrogen and test thrice per month(twice if the tests are costly).
Also make sure he avoids soy,estrogen filled food,plastics and make him use non-estorgen/non-estrogen mimetics containing shampoo and soap.
Also filter tap water as it's full of estrogen.
Give him bovine colostrum as it's cheap and a good way of increasing igf1 and melatonin for good sleep
But melatonin can shut down your natural production so don't exceed 2-3 mg and beware.
Also one last thing.
I had a question.
Do u know Henry_gandy(strike Poseidon's) discord username/ID or do u know his discord heightmaxxing groups??
He got banned here and i wanted to discuss with him some stuff about aromasin and ezh2
Also one last thing.
I had a question.
Do u know Henry_gandy(strike Poseidon's) discord username/ID or do u know his discord heightmaxxing groups??
He got banned here and i wanted to discuss with him some stuff about aromasin and ezh2
He invited me to his discord heightmaxxing groups but the stupid mods there banned me as soon as I got in.

His discord, hopefully he's okay with me sharing it. Send me a message in chat.
  • +1
Reactions: futureashtray
Also one last thing.
I had a question.
Do u know Henry_gandy(strike Poseidon's) discord username/ID or do u know his discord heightmaxxing groups??
He got banned here and i wanted to discuss with him some stuff about aromasin and ezh2
He didn't get banned here, he requested a ban to focus on other things. He ascended to chadpreet a while ago and was rarely active here anyways. He helped me a lot in pms though
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Igf1 is the best for overall growth.
Get him igf1 lr3(higher half life) 100 mcg ed from peptide sciences and igf1 des(higher potency) 50 mcg ed.
Don't overdose or he will experience organ growth.
Also,make sure to cycle these substances(take weeks or months off ) and then continue.
For shoulder and clavice growth inject it in his deltoid muscles.
And for mandible growth inject in (i don't know about mandible but u can inject it in masseters?
Aromasin is the best for Androgenicity,dosent shut u down.
Also ,look into HCG as another poster recommended and another thing for test boost is DSIP(Delta sleep injecting peptide).
Aromasin must be your top priority ( it boosts Androgenicity while also contributes heavily to heightmaxxing and framemaxxing).
DHT gel is another for Androgenicity.
Also don't mass tag or the mods will give u warnings ( they did that to me today:feelswhy::feelswhy:)
1. Why would you say IGF-1 is the best for growth?

2. Those dosage numbers you got for igf-1 did u get it from the botb puberty thread? where can i buy igf-1 des?

3) What cycle timeline specifically do you recommend?

4) If I inject igf-1 into the clavicles how much growth could i expect him to have?

5) Nah HCG replaces lh and there's no point combining that with DSIP if there's no gnrh (lh) to work upon

6) How does aromasin contribute to framemaxxing?

7) What dht gel dosage do you recommend? where can i purchase raw androstanlone powder?
Give him bovine colostrum as it's cheap and a good way of increasing igf1 and melatonin for good sleep
Blackpill me on bovine, are there any threads on it? what are the risks and rewards with it? how expensive is it and source?

But melatonin can shut down your natural production so don't exceed 2-3 mg and beware.
will it make him darker? what do u recommend it for sleep? what dosage should he stay in?
  • +1
Reactions: FreakkForLife
1. Why would you say IGF-1 is the best for growth?

2. Those dosage numbers you got for igf-1 did u get it from the botb puberty thread? where can i buy igf-1 des?

3) What cycle timeline specifically do you recommend?

4) If I inject igf-1 into the clavicles how much growth could i expect him to have?

5) Nah HCG replaces lh and there's no point combining that with DSIP if there's no gnrh (lh) to work upon

6) How does aromasin contribute to framemaxxing?

7) What dht gel dosage do you recommend? where can i purchase raw androstanlone powder?
1. Why would you say IGF-1 is the best for growth?

2. Those dosage numbers you got for igf-1 did u get it from the botb puberty thread? where can i buy igf-1 des?

3) What cycle timeline specifically do you recommend?

4) If I inject igf-1 into the clavicles how much growth could i expect him to have?

5) Nah HCG replaces lh and there's no point combining that with DSIP if there's no gnrh (lh) to work upon

6) How does aromasin contribute to framemaxxing?

7) What dht gel dosage do you recommend? where can i purchase raw androstanlone powder?
is sarms a steriod?
YK11 is something in between the two, just like trenbolone.

Other sarms are not steroids afaik
some "sarms" are not even sarms (cardarine, mk677)
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Blackpill me on bovine, are there any threads on it? what are the risks and rewards with it? how expensive is it and source?

will it make him darker? what do u recommend it for sleep? what dosage should he stay in?
Bovine colostrum is the milk produced in early months of when the cow gives birth to a calf.
It is rich in antibodies and also contains growth factors in igf1,many athletes use it for doping.
500mg per day dose is good.i got the info from here

Most of the info on that thread is good except the multivitami dosage,it's overdosed like thiamin ,riboflavin and niacin are good at 40mcg and the dose the doctor has given is 75 mg:lul: it must be a typing error.

2.i don't know why melatonin will make u darker,melanotan and melatonin are different things,melanotan is used for tanning
I think <5 mg is okay, melatonin is the natural sleep hormone we produce while sleeping.
U can nattymaxx for more of it to be released naturally but supplementing it is no problem except u may get addicted to it( i don't know much about it i will have to Do some more info) i recommend it as it increases deep sleep intensity and duration which further maximises natural hgh production
  • +1
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1. Why would you say IGF-1 is the best for growth?

2. Those dosage numbers you got for igf-1 did u get it from the botb puberty thread? where can i buy igf-1 des?

3) What cycle timeline specifically do you recommend?

4) If I inject igf-1 into the clavicles how much growth could i expect him to have?

5) Nah HCG replaces lh and there's no point combining that with DSIP if there's no gnrh (lh) to work upon

6) How does aromasin contribute to framemaxxing?

7) What dht gel dosage do you recommend? where can i purchase raw androstanlone powder?
(1)because hgh works on growth through igf1,hgh synthesises igf1 with the help of insulin and thyroid.
This is why intermittent fasting is bad,it increases hgh but decreases igf1 because there's no insulin and glucose(/glycogen) to make igf1.
So there's no use of intermittent fasting in growth and heightmaxxing.
Read Dyorotic2's pubertymaxxing thread he speaks in detail about igf1,cycles of stacks,hgh and androgens.
I don't know why he deleted his profile,his knowledge was quite good:bigbrain:
(2)i got the dosing amount from Dyorotic2's thread?
Who is botb? I am a greycel so i don't know him.
I think igf1 des must be available on peptidesciences(professional athletes and trainers recommend that site,source:-dyortic2,but i will have to cross check this info,but still I know peptidesceinces is good)
Other sources are swisschems which Derek recommends.

(3) i don't know The specific cycling timeline,your best bet would be to contact Dyorotic2 as he is more knowledgeable about this stuff,another thing u could do is ask this on steroid forums and bodybuilding forums,those guys know a lot about cycling,breaks,dosing,tell them u are above 18 .
(4)clavicles are bones,can igf1 be injected in the bones i don't think so?
Inject them in the clavicles and trapezius muscles for bigger back and shoulder.
The muscles would give a localised effect and most of the igf1 would act on that shoulder-upper back area which would give u gains.
However I am still in the entry level info about these substances ,so i don't know much about how to give an intra muscular injection or will injecting in the muscles be better than injecting in the blood vessels located there?
This is one info i want to know myself.
I got this entire info from @Extra Chromosome stack.

(6)aromasin increases DHT,TEST and makes it own androgen called 17hydroexemestane which is a very potent and Androgenic substance,15% of aromasin converts into this androgen.
I think this is a common info that androgens can affect the bone and frame through androgen receptors.
Also, increased test and DHT would certainly help.
DSIP also increases test and will also increase DHT probably so it can also help.
If u take DSIP then increase the dose of aromasin because more testosterone Means more will try to convert into Estrogen.
One thing that nags me is that do androgens(test,DHT) have a negative impact on heightmaxxing,what I mean is that can they cause bone aging? And senescence? I want to ask Henry Gandy about this as this concerns Me a lot.
So i think u should wait until you are done with heightmaxxingbor until there's a concensus about testosterone action on bone aging and senescenes and then u can take DSIP for testmaxxing.
Until then take aromasin the test and androgen increase from it isn't much to significantly affect bone aging and is much to give frame gains.
(7)DHT gel i don't know about,u can make thread asking about this,many people would know.
See the other looksmaxxing forum **************** the people there have some good threads about DHT gel for dickmaxxing.
Dyorotic2 just said he got raw stanolone powder and will mix it with DMSO
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Lifting weights, bulk with foods high in protein, sat fat, calcium and carbs.

Limit Pufa.

Food should be dairy, meat, fruit/fruit juice, starchy carbs, simple sugars.

20-30 min sun ED.

9-10 hrs of sleep.

prevention of acne.

inject HGH.
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Get him on AI as volcel fatcel said and get regular blood tests for his sex hormones and hgh igf1
For heightmaxxing get his igf1 levels to 800-900 ,this is much higher than boys in puberty.
Get him 25 mg mk677 everyday + somatostatin inhibtor ( i don't know which are the best, people say huperizine A is cope)+ 0.5-1 mg cjc dac 1295 per week.
Run cjc dac for 3 months,then use 5 iu Pharma grade HGH for 3 months.
Do this to avoid peptide desenitization of cjc dac.
All of these compounds have tons of possible side effects which can make him rope.

So beware and research about the side effects and how u can avoid them.
Use ligmaglutaride with mk677 to avoid insulin resistance and diabetes.
UST DHT gel for dick (start at a low dose to prevent balding).
Make him Mew for proper bone development ( i have been doing it works but takes time and effort).
However u would have to do much more research if u want him to ascend and prevent side effects and other disadvantages that come with it.
Do steeve Reeves frame widening exercises for body growth.
And tell him that u are trying in making the best version of him exist.
Dont do retarted shit like bonesmashing and roids and SARMs.
Look into methylation of DNA and how u can do that naturally and give him diet for it.
Make sure he gets 3000 calories per day and 120-140 gram protien minimum.
Also make him stretch like i did and see if he grows.
But the problem is so much work can tire him while he is in school.
So u would have to extend his growth and development window time.
For it look into ezh2 enzyme that strike Poseidon talked about,ezh2 and ezh2 cease to exist when height growth stops in late puberty,but i think caring too much about ezh2/h2 is schizomaxxing
So forget about it just make sure he gets methylation diet and supplements like MSM and SAM-e (can cause Brian mercury poisoning,so beware, however there are methods to prevent it).
Give him folic acid,folinic acid,betaine and methionine for methylation supplements .
For estrogen control take aromasin at low doses and chéck his blood estrogen and i f it stays at 10-15 pg/ml it's good.
ezh2 is legit, directly correlated with Nestin protein and growth plate senescence (one of the ways estrogen ends height growth_
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Reactions: futureashtray, AscendingHero and FreakkForLife
Not necroposting mods but just seeking further insight on how to help my brother.

Tagging new high iq cels that've joined the forum:
@dracoreptile @alienmaxxer @chinpilled @MAG27 @Daenerys @GigaAscender @6foot2_17y0
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This thread is stupid wasnt it the 13 year old attempting to take every supplement in the book?
Any update? How is your brother?

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