How to be more low inhib?

Basically just behave like a violent and impulsive gang member or criminal. Not gonna deny that it works for pussy but jfl at sinking so low for pussy, I'm not saying you should be an overly nice low T weak faggot who doesn't stand up for himself but if you lose basic decency and morality to come across as a dark triad thugmaxxed bad boy you are a retard.
Who cares what other people think bruh?
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high dose testosterone
a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, along with with L-dopa and a DOPA decarboxylase inhibitor.
or alternatively a dopamine agonist like bromocriptine or pramipexole.

dopamine + androgens = sex god.
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penibut was pretty useless on me

Why can't you get GHB? I bought some a few weeks back

And Why steroids? you think it effects inhibitions much? Most people i've spoken too who juice don't notice a difference in anxiety/inhibitions etc

Hormones affect me a lot personally. A shit load of testosterone will make me feel like a million bucks.

Ghb has gotten harder to get. I used to buy GBL in Europe which is the precursor to ghb and more powerful. Incredible stuff. I went through periods where I consumed a litre a month. What an incredible drug.
1. Become big and tall
2. Carry a weapon
3. Take certain drugs, as mentioned above
4. Get rich and a small social circle full of people that have the same mindset as you, so you don't feel the need to be likes by others, because your animal brain thinks it's safe as it already has a group.
High inhib is basically the fear of getting beat up/killed (so #1 and 2) and the fear of being alone (#4).
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Honestly IMO you can't do this. If you didn't have the necessary experiences in your formative years, largely due to genetics or bad parenting, then you can't ever get there.
I wouldn't bother, just go cope with something else
Hormones affect me a lot personally. A shit load of testosterone will make me feel like a million bucks.

Ghb has gotten harder to get. I used to buy GBL in Europe which is the precursor to ghb and more powerful. Incredible stuff. I went through periods where I consumed a litre a month. What an incredible drug.
What does GHB do??
1. only talk to people that aren't your GOOD FRIENDS if you need them for something(money,sex)
2. never listen to what regular people have to say
3. go to clubs/bars at 3 am and try to pick up drunk sluts if you want to get laid easy
4. NEVER try to appease to others and NEVER act submissive. If ppl don't like you just treat them as dogs.
5. threaten or abuse anybody that tries to disrespect or belittle you. goes without saying. If somebody subtly mentions you are short, wait untill you have a good moment and just destroy them as hard as you can in any way
6.never be seen talking to ugly people or low status people
7.use laws of power to dominate others in social situations
8. only use bitches for pussy and validation, NEVER spent any money unless you are getting pussy
9. think rational and be calculating at all times stoic at all times, dont even respond to betas trying to say something
11. NEVER do feminine shit like smiling to look like a little happy faggot or acting fake upbeat.
12. never act nervous or shy or just become a fucking tranny already
13. never get mad quickly or respond to little beta wasps, plan your rebuttal in advance with rationality and destroy them after
14. don't use pathetic words and phrases like swag, yolo, amazing, delicious etc things that retarded females who watch celebrity news and go to starbucks would say basically, have masculine tonality and word usage
15.don't spend time making yourself up like a faggot, looksmaxing is beneficial for your goals(getting sex) but buying faggy designer clothes and styling your hair is pathetic, FERTILE females HATE metrosexual males. You can take 1 minute to style your hair MAX
16.get on test, train your neck and body
17. if you don't like a person just fucking tell them instead of trying to please everyone
18. always just state your fucking opinion unless it might impact your business/money plans(aka just say you hate ethnics to normalfags)
19.take action with boldness so if you are gonna do something just man up and do it. dont say you're going to fuck somebody up if you aren't prepared to take a baseball bat and beat the shit out of them
20: if you get into a fight and you're not sure you can win run away untill later. find out where that person is going to be one night and beat the shit out of them with something like a baseball bat
21:if you want to fuck a girl who is within your looks range call her a stupid ugly bitch, then find her again once shes drunk and fake apologize while holding her. proceed to fuck her.
22: if you want somebody out of your social circle find out what their insecurities are. then start a running joke about it and keep repeating it. talk shit and make things up about them to the other people while that person isn't around. the final blow is to invite everybody(but that person) somewhere and then post it on facebook or something.
23: if you dislike a person but you cannot do much to them(you will get suspended. etc) just walk up to them and whisper in their ears that you will kill them if they fuck with you
24: if you are getting ganged up by ethnics about to get beat up just whip out your cock and start shitting/pissing/masturbating and act crazy
25: if you want to get rich you need to manipulate, lie and steal from people
26: never tell the truth if it makes you look bad, always lie to look better
27:never put effort into befriending people, if you are cool enough they should come to you, else just go by yourself, your true goals are pussy and money
28:never admit to weakness
29: lie pretty much at all times, dont admit to crucial details about yourself because it can be used against you later. for example if you had a surgery dont admit to it or talk about it
30: act like everybody comes easy to you this ties into point 29. if you studied for 5 hours just claim you studied for like 30 minutes. if you got 10 surgeries to look good claim you were born like this. if you got 3 HTS to go to norwood 0 and somebody asks you why your hair is so nice say good genetics. if you go to the gym 5 times a week and somebody asks you about it say you do pushups and pullups sometimes.
31:dont tell people how much money you make(not even friends or family), just say you make 'enough' because they will ask for money favors later otherwise
32:dont buy into mindless consumerism and dont buy shit you dont need
33:dont be caught dead with losers or ugly chicks
34: dont even look at people that are below you, ignore their existance( just like sluts do to 80% of men btw)
35: don't be politically correct if you are sitting with some people you just met and there are ethnics just say you hate immigration and say you dont like muslims(for example), who cares if they dont like you
36: your goals are in order 1. money. 2.knowledge 3.looking good and masculine 4. pussy
37:dont let other people make decisions for you
38: dont give other people power over you, keep your autonomy
39:dont wear gay clothes with gay colors, wear darker colors no gay shit thats it
40:dont worry about gay feminine things like: - social circle - amount of followers on ig - being popular - social media in general - what betas and wks think - celebrity news - what shoes you should buy
41 dont laugh for no reason like beta cuckboys do to appease to others and look 'positive'
42.dont bother with unattractive females, fucking them is not worth it
43.if you are unfixable ugly dont bother with looks andjust focus 100% effort on money
44.if you get a chance to get away with something illegal that benefits you do it
45.its not illegal if you dont get caught
46. dont workcel for small money, its better to get welfare then be a workcel cuck who earns 40k per year, preferably dont workcel at all
47.dont fake reactions to people. if you thought a story was unfunny say it was shit and if you thought a joke wasnt funny say thats stupid. onc eagain NEVER appease to others its a power play that others do
48:be aware of social dynamics and power plays of people. somebody might tell you to get something while you have no reason to do so, like for somebody that didnt help you/isnt a friend(people will try to AMOG you subtly A LOT if they think you are inferior)
49: never be emotional in public, dont complain, dont admit to being anything but doing well
50:dont spend time cutting coupons or trying to get the cheapest product like coffee etc. its a waste of time and you;re better off investing your time to earn money/knowledge instead
Holy shit

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