How to build facial bone, guide to forward craniofacial growth, and bone remodelling. My hypothesis.'

Deleted member 2756

Deleted member 2756

Übermensch oder der tod.
Aug 10, 2019
here's my hypothesis for inducing forward craniofacial growth. Not a single soul will read though :feelswhy:

first, we need to understand the process of bone metabolism. Bone remodeling (or bone metabolism) is a lifelong process where the mature bone tissue is removed from the skeleton (a process called bone resorption) and new bone tissue is formed. these processes also control the reshaping or replacement of bone following injuries like fractures but also micro-damage, which occurs during normal activity. Remodeling responds also to the functional demands of mechanical loading. Two main cells are responsible for bone remodeling, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts. Osteoblasts secrete new bone, osteoclasts break down old bone.

Our goal is to enhance the process of bone remodeling by altering the osteoblast and osteoclast function, this will only work during puberty, whilst the body is in a state of susceptibility to growth factors. This guide is gonna basically me regurgitating all of my research into one thread, it won't be structured well but take what you can from it.

Okay, firstly, don't fast, restrict caloric intake or eat a shit diet whilst in the midst of pubertal growth. You want to follow a diet high in cholesterol, saturated fats, moderate amounts of protein (animal sourced), and most importantly, high carbohydrate. Eat well above 2500kcal daily, you want to be in a constant state of anabolism, you want your metabolism to be firing, without a functioning thyroid none of what I'm about to tell you will work. you'll need to be constantly eating, specifically carbohydrates like potatoes, tubers, and white rice, don't eat any other source of carbohydrates, stick to tubers and vegetables, involve high amounts of cholesterol from eggs and butter, don't consume polyunsaturated fats at all, they will oxidize in the blood and become free radicals, damaging the Leydig cells and lowering steroid hormone levels within the body. Consume fruits like apples and oranges, eat red meats, specifically beef, some fish here and there. Mainly focus on eating as much cholesterol from eggs and consuming large amounts of carbohydrates from the correct sources before you sleep, don't pig out on high-glycemic carbs, that isn't what I'm suggesting, I'll go into more detail later.

don't restrict calories or fast, this will lower the activity of the mTOR/pi3k/ATK pathways as insulin is vital for the activation of these pathways, fasting and lowering caloric intake will also decrease both insulin and leptin within the body, leptin is the hormone that is released when you have eaten past the point of satiation, my findings suggest that leptin is a potent agonist to osteogenic genotypes, essentially it induces bone formation, remodeling, and mineral disposition, it also increases IGF-1 levels, which is what we want. I can't stress how much eating is necessary for bone remodeling. Correcting your diet is step one, following the diet that I have written above will guarantee that you're inducing a constant state of anabolism, insulin will be released when you consume food, your metabolism with increase, in turn producing t3 and t4, both these thyroid hormones will convert somatropin into IGF-1, IGF-1 and insulin will then stimulate the mTOR1-2/pi3k/ATK pathways, in turn inducing hyperplasia, cell proliferation, hypertrophy and increased level of protein synthesis. Basically through the activation of these pathways, your body will be in a constant state of anabolism.

Pi3k is necessary to promote growth and proliferation over the differentiation of adult stem cells It is the difficulty in finding an appropriate amount of proliferation versus differentiation that researchers are trying to determine in order to utilize this balance in the development of various therapies. The constant spike of insulin and IGF-1 is what keeps these pathways active during adolescence, specifically insulin. To keep it simple, I'd say using exogenous forms of either GH or IGF-1 is enough to enhance the mTOR/pi3k pathways, but if you really want to induce growth. Your best bet is to use experimental chemicals that are known as pi3k agonists/activators. Agonists such as 740-Y-P can be used, these will have a potent stimulatory effect on the anabolic pathways, in combination with constant insulin secretion and high IGF-1, and GH levels, you will experience growth like none other, although I don't recommend the usage of these experimental 'pathway agonists' as they are not researched extensively and can possibly cause cancer due to chronic cell proliferation.

constantly activating the mTOR/pi3k/ATK pathways is vital, keeping these anabolic pathways firing during puberty is important for growth, don't fast and don't restrict calories, keep insulin up, keep metabolism firing and get plenty of deep sleep with the correct circadian rhythms, after puberty you can focus on autophagy and anti-aging protocols.

cortisol is a negative hormone, we don't want it. Glucocorticoids will suppress bone formation via the inhibition of osteoclasts, meaning it'll stop the process of the bone breaking down. We want osteoblasts and osteoclasts to be in a state of equilibrium or homeostasis for better words, we want them to be functioning together, but we want them to be functioning at a higher rate than the normal person. the usage of delta sleep-inducing peptide will block corticotropin from synthesizing cortisol, DSIP will also block somatostatin and upregulate the release of gonadotropin, in turn amplifying the release of luteinizing hormone. This peptide is a must in any protocol, due to the blockage of somatostatin and corticotropin.

dihydrotestosterone and E2 are both needed for bone remodeling, testosterone not so much. Estrogen maintains adult bone mass by inhibiting bone resorption and osteoclast activity, which in theory isn't what we want, again we want homeostasis between osteoblast and osteoclast, both estrogen and cortisol block osteoclast activity and bone resorption from occurring, this is the reason estrogen is promoted as necessary for bone health, if you can't make up for the bone resorption with sufficient bone formation than problems occur. Theoretically, if you wanted to reshape your bones, the best method would be to nuke your estrogen with letrozole, this would decrease osteoclast activity substantially, to the point where bone resorption would be almost impossible, it would also exasperate the effects of osteoblast activity, again we don't want this, we want equilibrium between the two, estrogen is needed in keeping homeostasis between the osteoblasts and osteoclasts, dihydrotestosterone increases osteocalcin activity, in turn inducing bone formation and increasing bone mineral deposition, dihydrotestosterone and estrogen together synergize nicely, DHT will decrease the level of estrogen within the body, but not enough to the point where osteoclast activity is altered, we want bone resorption to occur, so that dht can begin the formation of new bone cells. The problem with administrating DHT alone is that at the dosages that we need to be working with in order to increase osteocalcin and osteoblast activity would nuke our estradiol, so the usage of human-chorionic-gonadotropin should be used in order to increase intra-testicular estrogen and aromatase activity. Keep in mind this is all theoretical, but I'm sure that estrogen and dht synergize when it comes to bone metabolism and remodeling.

again, let me just explain, osteoblasts promote the proliferation of bone cells and the growth of bone, whereas osteoclasts promote resorption of the bone cells, essentially osteoclasts are there to renew the bone by metabolizing bone cells, allowing for new bone to form via osteocytes, osteocalcin, and osteoblast activity. Estrogen effectively inhibits osteoclast activity from occurring, this is why post-menopausal women experience BMD issues as osteoclast activity is at an all-time high due to the lack of estrogen in the women's bodies, osteoclasts are high and osteoblasts are low, meaning constant bone metabolism and no new bone cell proliferation and growth. We don't want to nuke our estrogen as we need it to keep homeostasis

I hypothesize that we need high activity of both osteoclast and osteoblast for bone substantial bone growth, others debate that reshaping the bone requires an overabundance of osteoclast activity and less osteoblast, others debate that osteoblasts should be promoted and osteoclasts should be inhibited. Vitamin K2 has agonistic properties on the nuclear factor-kB signaling pathway. Nf-kB agonists have potent pro-anabolic and anti-catabolic effects on bone cells, essentially when this pathway is activated it decreases bone resorption and upregulates osteoblast activity. vitamin K2 action on osteoblast and osteoclast formation and activity is accomplished by down-regulating basal and cytokine-induced NF-kB activation, by increasing IkB mRNA, Furthermore, vitamin K2 prevents repression by tumor necrosis factor-a (TNFa) of SMAD signaling induced by either transforming growth factor B (TGFB) or bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2). This is why menopausal women who take vitamin K2 experience great results when it comes to BMD, due to there lowered estrogen activity osteoclasts are high, when MK4 is introduced osteoclast are somewhat inhibited and osteoblast activity is increased, countering the effects of low estradiol.

for a protocol, I'd suggest either 5-7.5iu of growth hormone daily, along with IGF-1 Lr3 50-100mcg daily, add in some Mk4 at 100-200mg daily (you can buy pure powder and just wing the dosage, mk4 isn't toxic, just don't go over 500mg). IGF-1 Lr3 would work great, it has a low affinity to bind to IGFBP3 and a higher affinity to the IGFR1-2, it's basically IGF-1 on roids. Most importantly, eat. Leptin and Insulin are the most important hormones for growth, keep that in mind.

again, this is all hypothetical, so take what you can from it. Also for those wanting sources, I have a couple of HGH sources, but I don't have sources for IGF-1LR3. I'd LIKE SOME HIGH IQCELLS TO DISCUSS THIS WITH ME.

@JustTrynaGrow @Slyfex8 @draco @Don't Forget to mew @Tom2004 @Crazzen8 @ht-normie-ascending @Dr Shekelberg @forwardgrowth @maxmendietta @PubertyMaxxer @apollothegun @KKK @EthnicelAscension @PrettyBoyMaxxing @Goblin @Alexanderr @Test @RAITEIII @Mateusz74 @DianabolDownie
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Hgh and steroids might grow your bones

But its more about positioning of the bones,
And harmony

The only way youll position your bones forward and upward is via mewing, chewing, appliances, and osteotomies. Everything else is cope.

If you have the perfect positioning of your facial bones, have a straight nose and wide palate, youre set. Just hghmax and take roids and train your neck, do some bonesmashing on chin and zygos, and get some implants.
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mewing, chewing,
oh yes goy, mew and chew.

mewing doesn't do fuck all, it's utter cope.

even if mewing was legit, your results would be dependent on the plasticity of your bones, which is regulated via osteoclasts.
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Great thread. Could you give me the HGH sources?
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I guess I’ll be getting creatine
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i will read later tbh
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oh yes goy, mew and chew.

mewing doesn't do fuck all, it's utter cope.

even if mewing was legit, your results would be dependent on the plasticity of your bones, which is regulated via osteoclasts.


Even if it doesnt do anything

It doesnt make you more recessed
What dont you understand

Are you utterly thick or disabled?

Mewing is the natural human posture, without it at any age youre going to get recessed, even its by 1mm

Not having posture = recessed face

Fucking hope you die faggot such a low iq incel
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ion want to bald tho >:(
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@Goblin What's so funny, goyim?
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how do you know this much about this,shit lmao.
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Very good post imo (did read). I've been looking into this quite a bit since I am cursed with the long face death sentence. I remember reading a few papers on pathways of bone remodeling and how to augment them. I'll try to look for them again but your post seems to be in line in what I was reading previously (roles of igf1, E2, etc). I think one thing you should mention is that you should be including a fairly high amount of bone comprising minerals (basically calcium, boron, etc) that are incorporated into the "newly-formed" bone. When you have a large amount of osteoclast activity, increasing the amount of ingredients which are used to remake new bone is probably good (harmless either way).

Btw tag me when u make threads like this, I'm very interested in modifying craniofacial growth.
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Even if it doesnt do anything

It doesnt make you more recessed
What dont you understand

Are you utterly thick or disabled?

Mewing is the natural human posture, without it at any age youre going to get recessed, even its by 1mm

Not having posture = recessed face

Fucking hope you die faggot such a low iq incel
jesus christ did I hit a nerve or some shit?

mewing is the biggest lookism cope to ever surface, your face is the same from birth, the only difference is it grows, you were recessed from birth if you are recessed in adulthood. Plenty of the most forward grown chad's I know mouth breathe 24/7 with there jaws dropped to the floor
and it doesn't prevent a recession, you were born to be recessed.
how do you know this much about this,shit lmao.
bit of research, plus I want a degree in biomedicine, it's kind of a passion of mine.
Very good post imo (did read). I've been looking into this quite a bit since I am cursed with the long face death sentence. I remember reading a few papers on pathways of bone remodeling and how to augment them. I'll try to look for them again but your post seems to be in line in what I was reading previously (roles of igf1, E2, etc). I think one thing you should mention is that you should be including a fairly high amount of bone comprising minerals (basically calcium, boron, etc) that are incorporated into the "newly-formed" bone. When you have a large amount of osteoclast activity, increasing the amount of ingredients which are used to remake new bone is probably good (harmless either way).

Btw tag me when u make threads like this, I'm very interested in modifying craniofacial growth.
thank you, and yes you should look into it more.

how old are you?
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Reactions: Lynxress, Soychadcell, ALittleBitRacist and 14 others
Ive resorted to asking my sister for a loan for peptides, pathetic

If i can convince my grandmother to drive me to work I can probably pay for actual HGH
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jesus christ did I hit a nerve or some shit?

mewing is the biggest lookism cope to ever surface, your face is the same from birth, the only difference is it grows, you were recessed from birth if you are recessed in adulthood. Plenty of the most forward grown chad's I know mouth breathe 24/7 with there jaws dropped to the floor
and it doesn't prevent a recession, you were born to be recessed.

bit of research, plus I want a degree in biomedicine, it's kind of a passion of mine.

thank you, and yes you should look into it more.

how old are you?
Ban this faggot

Thinks mouthbreathing doesnt affect facial growth

Even if you think mewing is cope, thinking mouth breathing doesnt effect facial growth makes me want to beat the shit out of you
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thank you, and yes you should look into it more.

how old are you?

17 (gonna be 18 soon fuck). Biochemically, this should speed up results from bone anchored facepulling, MSE, MSDO, and any type of distraction based devices (@Elias this is literally the most fucking useful thing you can do if ur recessed). I do disagree with the premise that improper oral posture doesn't have effects (seen in myself).

@Gudru gtfih might save us
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changing my diet asap lol
If you combine this with MSE + MSDO + facepuller you'll get insane results.
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oh yes goy, mew and chew.

mewing doesn't do fuck all, it's utter cope.

even if mewing was legit, your results would be dependent on the plasticity of your bones, which is regulated via osteoclasts.
Calcium stimulates the release of PTH which in turn increases number/activity of osteoclasts. (Ideal in growing years)

Another thing is Ghrelin which is a osteoblast mitogen.

Long story short it is released when in a fasted state.
When Ghrelin lvls elevate it can result in higher levels of bone turnover.

Fasting is key. A fasted state in combination with exercise....I wonder if you can artificially increase Ghrelin lvls
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Calcium stimulates the release of PTH which in turn increases number/activity of osteoclasts. (Ideal in growing years)

Another thing is Ghrelin which is a osteoblast mitogen.

Long story short it is released when in a fasted state.
When Ghrelin lvls elevate it can result in higher levels of bone turnover.

Fasting is key. A fasted state in combination with exercise....I wonder if you can artificially increase Ghrelin lvls

Isn't Ghrelin only significant because it's elevated presence leads to a release of igf? Or does it have its own role in osteoblast regulation?
Calcium stimulates the release of PTH which in turn increases number/activity of osteoclasts. (Ideal in growing years)

Another thing is Ghrelin which is a osteoblast mitogen.

Long story short it is released when in a fasted state.
When Ghrelin lvls elevate it can result in higher levels of bone turnover.

Fasting is key. A fasted state in combination with exercise....I wonder if you can artificially increase Ghrelin lvls
great, thanks for this information.

I knew about parathyroid, but I didn't know tha ghrelin had an effect on osteoblasts.
Ban this faggot

Thinks mouthbreathing doesnt affect facial growth

Even if you think mewing is cope, thinking mouth breathing doesnt effect facial growth makes me want to beat the shit out of you
you couldn't do shit you little faggot.

keep running your little recessed mouth you faggot, mewing is cope, move on.
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Ive resorted to asking my sister for a loan for peptides, pathetic

If i can convince my grandmother to drive me to work I can probably pay for actual HGH
Start trapping son, get dat bread
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Did not read a single motherfucking word
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no worries bro.

you were gonna be a recessed framelet jew regardless.
You know you were just mentally masturbating while writing this wall of text.
Genetics or death, surgery or death. Accept it
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You know you were just mentally masturbating while writing this wall of text.
Genetics or death, surgery or death. Accept it
I guess you're dying then.

and now this isn't really coping. An ugly kid can go through puberty and come out 6.5psl.
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great, thanks for this information.

I knew about parathyroid, but I didn't know tha ghrelin had an effect on osteoblasts.

you couldn't do shit you little faggot.

keep running your little recessed mouth you faggot, mewing is cope, move on.

Im not recessed faggot

Shut the fuck up before i bash your head in and shove some diuretics up your hairy ass
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Did read
Super interesting stuff, would love to be tagged in such threads, how much per month are we speaking? And is it worth it at all?
Also does that IGF-1LR3 stuff exist at all? Like, could you theoretically get it from a doctor or a laboratory?
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Im not recessed faggot

Shut the fuck up before i bash your head in and shove some diuretics up your hairy ass
acting all shit isn't high test you twat, it's the utter opposite. Close your recessed mouth and fuck off.

why are you so hurt? did I make fun of your pathetic copes, keep pushing your tongue against your palate as hard as you can goyem!
do some bonesmashing on chin and zygos,
holy fuck just realised that you wrote this, caging hard, the fact that you have the audacity to call what I wrote cope, but you think smashing your bones with a hammer will make you chad, cage cage cage.
this is info that goyims like astrojew will steal. death to all lurkers.
6F6E77D5 B8C5 4A77 AD99 F8A54DE88C51
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Vitamin D nukes cortisol and helps increasing androgens and lowering estrogen, vitamin E and calcium do the same and calcium can mimick some of the K2 effects if dosage are high enough (more than 1g)
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Which age is too late considering puberty?


can one revamp “puberty” Mode, and cant health issues stop puberty?
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Vitamin D nukes cortisol and helps increasing androgens and lowering estrogen, vitamin E and calcium do the same and calcium can mimick some of the K2 effects if dosage are high enough (more than 1g)

Don't take calcium or high levels of vit D without K2. K2 redirects some of the calcium depositing to the bone and if that doesn't happen, you may have risks of accumulating in vessels (obviously this won't matter unless its years of high doses but still worth knowing).
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@Dyorotic2 I wrote the following post about following a diet the ensures you meet all the recommended dietary allowances set by the Institute of Medicine, can you give me your thoughts on it?
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Ban this faggot

Thinks mouthbreathing doesnt affect facial growth

Even if you think mewing is cope, thinking mouth breathing doesnt effect facial growth makes me want to beat the shit out of you
LOL relax
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Can't the staff make it so unregistered users can't see threads? I bet AstroSky is reading this as we breath.
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I think mouthbreathing is not cope at all.
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Isn't Ghrelin only significant because it's elevated presence leads to a release of igf? Or does it have its own role in osteoblast regulation?
Based on my understanding Ghrelin regulates bone formation (won't go into detail rn)

Yes ghrelin increases the amount of circulating GH by 60% and igf-1 by 190% I believe

But I do believe it has its own role because it is a direct regulator in forming bone.

Some studies show GH/igf-1 have a negative feedback on Ghrelin secretion.

I think leptin also hinders it too. Because it decreases appetite while Ghrelin increases appetite.

Some studies are conflicting and have not established set results or varying correlations.

@Dyorotic2 might know better than me. Correct me if I'm wrong on any of the info bro. Add on as well if u want
Can't the staff make it so unregistered users can't see threads? I bet AstroSky is reading this as we breath.
Don't worry his iq does not permit him to understand such information
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Based on my understanding Ghrelin regulates bone formation (won't go into detail rn)

Yes ghrelin increases the amount of circulating GH by 60% and igf-1 by 190% I believe

But I do believe it has its own role because it is a direct regulator in forming bone.

Some studies show GH/igf-1 have a negative feedback on Ghrelin secretion.

I think leptin also hinders it too. Because it decreases appetite while Ghrelin increases appetite.

Some studies are conflicting and have not established set results or varying correlations.

@Dyorotic2 might now better than me. Correct me if I'm wrong on any of the info bro. Add on as well if u want

Don't worry his iq does not permit him to understand such information
well considering mk677 is a ghrelin agonist, it does make sense.

but you're going to get far better results by just injecting growth hormone and IGF-1.
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Thx will read properly later
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I’m not going to doubt that you are much more knowledgable on me in this subject but you’re saying we can induce craniofacial changes after puberty is done?
Why is it that these theories are only found in these types of forums and a scientific group/body has not commented on it?
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I’m not going to doubt that you are much more knowledgable on me in this subject but you’re saying we can induce craniofacial changes after puberty is done?
Why is it that these theories are only found in these types of forums and a scientific group/body has not commented on it?
I stated that it will only work in puberty.

after puberty, you should be saving for surgeries.
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What is your thoughts on osteogenesis procedures such as MSDO? Where they cut the mandible in half and expand the lower jaw to a certain MM or CM point. Now it’ll take about 90 days for new bone growth to consolidate, would it be smart if you use your protocol during the consolidation healing period? Or it’ll cause unwanted unnatural growth of the jaw. I’m going to hard Mew while my suture is healing post and during MSE treatment for forward growth movement. I think this is needed post puberty. I honestly could’ve been slaying like crazy had I not mouth breathed and taken advantage of puberty
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What is your thoughts on osteogenesis procedures such as MSDO? Where they cut the mandible in half and expand the lower jaw to a certain MM or CM point. Now it’ll take about 90 days for new bone growth to consolidate, would it be smart if you use your protocol during the consolidation healing period? Or it’ll cause unwanted unnatural growth of the jaw. I’m going to hard Mew while my suture is healing post and during MSE treatment for forward growth movement. I think this is needed post puberty. I honestly could’ve been slaying like crazy had I not mouth breathed and taken advantage of puberty
for a protocol, I'd suggest either 5-7.5iu of growth hormone daily, along with IGF-1 Lr3 50-100mcg daily, add in some Mk4 at 100-200mg daily (you can buy pure powder and just wing the dosage, mk4 isn't toxic, just don't go over 500mg). IGF-1 Lr3 would work great, it has a low affinity to bind to IGFBP3 and a higher affinity to the IGFR1-2, it's basically IGF-1 on roids. Most importantly, eat. Leptin and Insulin are the most important hormones for growth, keep that in mind.

This protocol daily during the 90 consolidation period of MSE + MSDO
409B3E72 EC02 4837 9B0D 91E36E446095
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What is your thoughts on osteogenesis procedures such as MSDO? Where they cut the mandible in half and expand the lower jaw to a certain MM or CM point. Now it’ll take about 90 days for new bone growth to consolidate, would it be smart if you use your protocol during the consolidation healing period? Or it’ll cause unwanted unnatural growth of the jaw. I’m going to hard Mew while my suture is healing post and during MSE treatment for forward growth movement. I think this is needed post puberty. I honestly could’ve been slaying like crazy had I not mouth breathed and taken advantage of puberty
if you're going to do MSDO, than I'd suggest taking Mk4 and growth hormone.
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