How to escape from the insufferable pain of being an incel?



Oct 12, 2023
Ok I have a theory. We all know how being an incel is brutal.

Not only cuz you can't get foids, but also cuz of how you get mogged, treated like a subhuman, and how nobody cares about you, and wishes you were dead.

Natural selection will always do it's thing and kill off weak sperm like us. Incels are genetically inferior, and as such deserve to die under natural law. Or do they?

Humans invented all this shit for years, and yet there is a thing that never found a cure.


Stoicism says to only focus on what you can control, which is the right approach. So then the question comes, how would you escape genetic inferiority?

If you are in deep pain every single fucking day, how would you escape it? How can you reach freedom so you can finally feel like a human for the first time in your life?

Here are all the current known methods of "escaping" inceldom.

First of all, i will lay down the known solutions based on your attractivness.


SUB 5 = Over 90% of the time. For the truecel's (bottom 20%) it's genuinely over and none of the above will work except Rope, Cope, ER, or Spiritual Ascension.


> Pros:
* You end your suffering forever and ever. If you leave something behind, it will have increased value now due to you being dead (brutal blackpill)
* Could potentially reincarnate as Chad or Stacy in the next life, if you believe in that.

> Cons:
* Your ending your life and it will hurt you alot, and also others around you.
* You will not be alive anymore so you can't reach anything in life. It's basically over.
* You can't spread your seed so your (inferior) genetics will never be repeated again in existence.

2# ER
> Pros:
* Nothing except fullfilling your desire of revenge at the expense of other people's lives.
* You drag other people down with you on your demise.

> Cons:
* Life in prison.
* Suffering for all your life if alive, you will get raped by Tyrone in prison.
* If you Rope which is first 1# option, then the result is still the same. Except in this case you leave your family and everyone in an even worse place.
* Be humiliated even after death for being known as the "virgin killer".

> Pros:
* You will at least be treated better (if done right) so less pain and suffering.
* Potential to ascend to Normie tier (rare)
* Potential to get a Low Tier Becky after surgery.

> Cons:
* Requires alot of money.
* Potential to look worse or have side effects.
* If you do manage to breed, your children will inheret your original genetics, meaning you will birth future incels who will share the same fate as you.

> Pros:
* Treated better.
* Easier time to obtain sex.
* If you have money and surgerymaxx, you could sucessfully escape inceldom.
* Happier and higher life quality knowing you are (somewhat more) valuable to some Asian foids.
* Potential for Long Term Relationship although rare.

> Cons:
* Requires alot of money.
* Requires to learn a bit of another language.
* If you breed your child will likely be an incel (in the West).

5# STATUSMAXXING (moneymaxxing & thugmaxxing included):
> Pros:
* Easily obtain sex by paying.
* Easily obtain Long Term Relationship by betabuxxing.
* You can reproduce.
* Treated way way better then when you were a nobody.
* Higher quality of life.
* Can live and enjoy life due to having abundant resources.
* Will be loved by some people due to your status.
* Will die having been known for something.
* Potential to date higher then your genetic limit, and even reproduce with a more attractive woman (then yourself) .
* Undoubtely the best option for sub5's, and if combined with surgerymaxxing and geomaxxing, you are no longer an incel.

> Cons:
* Extremely hard to achieve for the average Sub5
* Skill, talent, or being High IQ is required.
* Status carries your life, so if it's gone, you're done for.
* People still don't physically like you. But people like your status and money.
* Wife will most likely cuck you or divorce you.
* Still can't compete with a HighTierNormie or Chad.

> Pros:
* You can live in constant short-term pleasure.
* You can escape to a fantasy world where you are the Chad fucking Stacies left and right.
* You can numb yourself and forget about your existence.
* You can live a life that doesn't reflect your genetic fate, i.e even tho your a sub5 genetic defect incel, you can still live in constant pleasure and live a "pleasurable" life.
* You can SUCESSFULLY trick your brain with illusions that you are a sucess in life. For this reason it's often presented as the solution to #1 ROPE.
* Could potentially make connections with others due to sharing the same cope (i.e making gamer friends, or making smoking buddies).

> Cons:
* Cope - your still denying reality which will eventually catch up to you. Often times creating a cycle of considering ROPING and then going back to COPING.
* Coping will eventually desensitize you so it won't work anymore. You will be left with PAIN.
* You will lower your attractiveness, since most Copes are unhealthy.
* In reality does not help you escape inceldom and as such it's a flawed solution.

Side Note:
The incel loop starts as such. Your a sub5, and you get treated badly everytime you go outside and interact with others. Then the brain makes this association:

Outside = Pain

And as such it avoids going Outside. But since you are FORCED to go outside everyday, that means you are FORCED to feel PAIN every single day.

So then the question comes? How to fix this? There are three solutions.

1# Ascend (most likely failed for most of us here)
2# Rope
3# Cope

Most incels get exposed to "Ascension" as the solution. Which only works for a few percent, and ignores the rest that fail. Survival bais at it's finest.

If it works, then the Incel in question escapes Inceldom and the loop.

If it doesn't, however, something interesting happens. Only two solutions are left. Either Rope or Cope.

So that's when the loop starts. Those who choose to Rope are no longer with us. Those who choose "Cope" however, are stuck in an infinite loop.

The loop is:
You feel pain cuz you're a sub5, you cope all day long. You feel pleasure while coping.

When the cope finally runs out (it isn't infinite unless some VR shit) then you come back to reality, but this time around you can't escape since the Cope ran out.

So then you consider Roping, you are in constant pain and considering Roping until you are able to Cope again.

As such you are stuck in the loop of Coping and considering Roping for years upon years. Some people are stuck on this loop till the day they die as genetic failures.

Others finally give in and Rope once and for all. And others will try some of the other methods, which if they fail to accomplish, will lead straight back into the deadly loop.

Despite all of the other solutions, spiritual ascension is a possible thing. If you can make a close connection with God or the Divine, you can potentially live a life of happiness, even as a sub5 or an incel.

This is basically "Monk Mode" as some call it. You live like a monk, and just get pleasure and happiness from the little things in life.

However i know of very few people who can reach this "state" where even getting cucked or mogged doesn't bother them.

It's practically impossible if you have mental illnesses like depression or ADHD.

But maybe it will work for someone out there, most likely not for the rest of us.


NORMIE = High chance of getting success with the before mentioned methods. Only outliers being:

1# Neurotypicality
2# IQ
3# Inhibition
4# Enviornment

If one if these variables are not ideal or subpar, you will fail as a normie, thus falling into Inceldom.

To not drag this any longer, i'm just gonna talk about the most common problem Normie Incels face. That being the concept of the Mentalcel. This is probably the case for around of 80% of "Failed Normies".

MENTALCEL - A person (usually a Normie) who fails in dating because of mental illness, high-inhibition and being non-neurotypical.

There might have been instances where a woman might have shown interest in the Normie, but since he is a Mentalcel, he couldn't obtain sex (despite the fact that the woman was attracted to him physically).

The NTpill is very imprortant and proven to be true. "Personality" is a bluepilled concept, because it assumes personality can be changed. Meanwhile Neurotypicality can't be changed.

Ok so how to fix this? Well it's very very hard to change, almost impossible to change. Only two methods are tested to work to some degree:

If you are a mentalcel, taking drugs could work very well. Or very badly too.

Drugs have the potential to make you lower-inhib and more social.

For some (like me) it's our only option. But since i haven't explored drugs i can't say anything beyond that.

And this leads us to a paradox. How would you obtain affection from others, when your an incel?

Especially when receiving support and affection by others is exactly what you need to STOP being an incel? Quite the paradox.

And that's why humans created "therapy sessions" (scam sessions) to give you (false) affection so you don't rope yourself.

For some, getting (fake) affection by a therapist might fool them into believing they are truly loved. And maybe it will help their mental illness.

But the true way to get affection is to ascend and then afterward you will get positive feedback (instead of PAIN as we talked about in the Incel Loop) and as such, that will create a positive feedback loop that will make you more social and more NT.


CHAD = Can easily obtain sex.

The dilemma here becomes, how to obtain high quality women? How to breed children that are a genetic success? And of course, Chad still "has" to live life, except that he is living in easy difficulity.

With minimal effort he can pretty much reach maximum happiness in life and also become a reproductive success.

But fuck Chad what do we care about him. If you are a "Chad" and are staying here, log out and don't make yourself more of an autist.




If everything fails, but you still haven't had sex. Then you can either:
*Grape a woman (instant jail)
*Escortmaxx (legal version of the above)
If you really want sex then hire an escort, and be done with that hoe. Simple as that.

> Pros:
* Finally get to have sex.
* No longer virgin by definition.
* Pleasure of sex for the time of your session.
* You can finally "escape" the mental torture of "I never had sex".
* Males don't feel much connection with the woman after sex, so you get sex but no need to commit.

* Whore doesn't give a single fuck about your incel ass.
* You're still an incel and a sub5.
* Could get STD's and other shit.
* You were NOT a reproductive success, in fact this is another Cope and illusion, because you did not reproduce.

Side note: If you are both a Sub5 and a mentalcel, i feel sorry for you but it's beyond over. You can never live as a full human. In that case try to enjoy life as much as you can with whatever you have, because it OVER!


So last notes. Some things might be incorrect and ofc yall might have opposing theories that you can write down in the comments.

In the end, even if you are an incel and sub5, all that matters is your emotional state.

I am sure that if all of us were feeling estatic levels of pleasure all day (without effort) then we wouldn't complain about "muh women, muh i can't get a girlfriend".

Cuz like what are you getting a girlfriend for? For the feeling it gives you, feelings of pleasure. And if we could feel that 24/7 without needing to do anything, our life would be ideal.

But your brain is programmed to give you pain because of rejection, loneliness, and social isolation. It's all because of Pain that we want to escape this situation.

If we were happy all the time, we wouldn't be bothered by the fact that women have rejected us.

But life is cruel. So we must suffer. And we must feel pain.

Will salvation ever be an option for us? Will God save us from suffering or has he abandoned us and left us to live a life worse then Hell? Will we ever find happiness?

I guess we will never know.

P.S those who read it all, tell me in the comments so i can filter yall out.
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  • JFL
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Ask God

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Ok I have a theory. We all know how being an incel is brutal.

Not only cuz you can't get foids, but also cuz of how you get mogged, treated like a subhuman, and how nobody cares about you, and wishes you were dead.

Natural selection will always do it's thing and kill off weak sperm like us. Incels are genetically inferior, and as such deserve to die under natural law. Or do they?

Humans invented all this shit for years, and yet there is a thing that never found a cure.


Stoicism says to only focus on what you can control, which is the right approach. So then the question comes, how would you escape genetic inferiority?

If you are in deep pain every single fucking day, how would you escape it? How can you reach freedom so you can finally feel like a human for the first time in your life?

Here are all the current known methods of "escaping" inceldom.

First of all, i will lay down the known solutions based on your attractivness.


SUB 5 = Over 90% of the time. For the truecel's (bottom 20%) it's genuinely over and none of the above will work except Rope, Cope, ER, or Spiritual Ascension.


> Pros:
* You end your suffering forever and ever. If you leave something behind, it will have increased value now due to you being dead (brutal blackpill)
* Could potentially reincarnate as Chad or Stacy in the next life, if you believe in that.

> Cons:
* Your ending your life and it will hurt you alot, and also others around you.
* You will not be alive anymore so you can't reach anything in life. It's basically over.
* You can't spread your seed so your (inferior) genetics will never be repeated again in existence.

2# ER
> Pros:
* Nothing except fullfilling your desire of revenge at the expense of other people's lives.
* You drag other people down with you on your demise.

> Cons:
* Life in prison.
* Suffering for all your life if alive, you will get raped by Tyrone in prison.
* If you Rope which is first 1# option, then the result is still the same. Except in this case you leave your family and everyone in an even worse place.
* Be humiliated even after death for being known as the "virgin killer".

> Pros:
* You will at least be treated better (if done right) so less pain and suffering.
* Potential to ascend to Normie tier (rare)
* Potential to get a Low Tier Becky after surgery.

> Cons:
* Requires alot of money.
* Potential to look worse or have side effects.
* If you do manage to breed, your children will inheret your original genetics, meaning you will birth future incels who will share the same fate as you.

> Pros:
* Treated better.
* Easier time to obtain sex.
* If you have money and surgerymaxx, you could sucessfully escape inceldom.
* Happier and higher life quality knowing you are (somewhat more) valuable to some Asian foids.
* Potential for Long Term Relationship although rare.

> Cons:
* Requires alot of money.
* Requires to learn a bit of another language.
* If you breed your child will likely be an incel (in the West).

5# STATUSMAXXING (moneymaxxing & thugmaxxing included):
> Pros:
* Easily obtain sex by paying.
* Easily obtain Long Term Relationship by betabuxxing.
* You can reproduce.
* Treated way way better then when you were a nobody.
* Higher quality of life.
* Can live and enjoy life due to having abundant resources.
* Will be loved by some people due to your status.
* Will die having been known for something.
* Potential to date higher then your genetic limit, and even reproduce with a more attractive woman (then yourself) .
* Undoubtely the best option for sub5's, and if combined with surgerymaxxing and geomaxxing, you are no longer an incel.

> Cons:
* Extremely hard to achieve for the average Sub5
* Skill, talent, or being High IQ is required.
* Status carries your life, so if it's gone, you're done for.
* People still don't physically like you. But people like your status and money.
* Wife will most likely cuck you or divorce you.
* Still can't compete with a HighTierNormie or Chad.

> Pros:
* You can live in constant short-term pleasure.
* You can escape to a fantasy world where you are the Chad fucking Stacies left and right.
* You can numb yourself and forget about your existence.
* You can live a life that doesn't reflect your genetic fate, i.e even tho your a sub5 genetic defect incel, you can still live in constant pleasure and live a "pleasurable" life.
* You can SUCESSFULLY trick your brain with illusions that you are a sucess in life. For this reason it's often presented as the solution to #1 ROPE.
* Could potentially make connections with others due to sharing the same cope (i.e making gamer friends, or making smoking buddies).

> Cons:
* Cope - your still denying reality which will eventually catch up to you. Often times creating a cycle of considering ROPING and then going back to COPING.
* Coping will eventually desensitize you so it won't work anymore. You will be left with PAIN.
* You will lower your attractiveness, since most Copes are unhealthy.
* In reality does not help you escape inceldom and as such it's a flawed solution.

Side Note:
The incel loop starts as such. Your a sub5, and you get treated badly everytime you go outside and interact with others. Then the brain makes this association:

Outside = Pain

And as such it avoids going Outside. But since you are FORCED to go outside everyday, that means you are FORCED to feel PAIN every single day.

So then the question comes? How to fix this? There are three solutions.

1# Ascend (most likely failed for most of us here)
2# Rope
3# Cope

Most incels get exposed to "Ascension" as the solution. Which only works for a few percent, and ignores the rest that fail. Survival bais at it's finest.

If it works, then the Incel in question escapes Inceldom and the loop.

If it doesn't, however, something interesting happens. Only two solutions are left. Either Rope or Cope.

So that's when the loop starts. Those who choose to Rope are no longer with us. Those who choose "Cope" however, are stuck in an infinite loop.

The loop is:
You feel pain cuz you're a sub5, you cope all day long. You feel pleasure while coping.

When the cope finally runs out (it isn't infinite unless some VR shit) then you come back to reality, but this time around you can't escape since the Cope ran out.

So then you consider Roping, you are in constant pain and considering Roping until you are able to Cope again.

As such you are stuck in the loop of Coping and considering Roping for years upon years. Some people are stuck on this loop till the day they die as genetic failures.

Others finally give in and Rope once and for all. And others will try some of the other methods, which if they fail to accomplish, will lead straight back into the deadly loop.

Despite all of the other solutions, spiritual ascension is a possible thing. If you can make a close connection with God or the Divine, you can potentially live a life of happiness, even as a sub5 or an incel.

This is basically "Monk Mode" as some call it. You live like a monk, and just get pleasure and happiness from the little things in life.

However i know of very few people who can reach this "state" where even getting cucked or mogged doesn't bother them.

It's practically impossible if you have mental illnesses like depression or ADHD.

But maybe it will work for someone out there, most likely not for the rest of us.


NORMIE = High chance of getting success with the before mentioned methods. Only outliers being:

1# Neurotypicality
2# IQ
3# Inhibition
4# Enviornment

If one if these variables are not ideal or subpar, you will fail as a normie, thus falling into Inceldom.

To not drag this any longer, i'm just gonna talk about the most common problem Normie Incels face. That being the concept of the Mentalcel. This is probably the case for around of 80% of "Failed Normies".

MENTALCEL - A person (usually a Normie) who fails in dating because of mental illness, high-inhibition and being non-neurotypical.

There might have been instances where a woman might have shown interest in the Normie, but since he is a Mentalcel, he couldn't obtain sex (despite the fact that the woman was attracted to him physically).

The NTpill is very imprortant and proven to be true. "Personality" is a bluepilled concept, because it assumes personality can be changed. Meanwhile Neurotypicality can't be changed.

Ok so how to fix this? Well it's very very hard to change, almost impossible to change. Only two methods are tested to work to some degree:

If you are a mentalcel, taking drugs could work very well. Or very badly too.

Drugs have the potential to make you lower-inhib and more social.

For some (like me) it's our only option. But since i haven't explored drugs i can't say anything beyond that.

And this leads us to a paradox. How would you obtain affection from others, when your an incel?

Especially when receiving support and affection by others is exactly what you need to STOP being an incel? Quite the paradox.

And that's why humans created "therapy sessions" (scam sessions) to give you (false) affection so you don't rope yourself.

For some, getting (fake) affection by a therapist might fool them into believing they are truly loved. And maybe it will help their mental illness.

But the true way to get affection is to ascend and then afterward you will get positive feedback (instead of PAIN as we talked about in the Incel Loop) and as such, that will create a positive feedback loop that will make you more social and more NT.


CHAD = Can easily obtain sex.

The dilemma here becomes, how to obtain high quality women? How to breed children that are a genetic success? And of course, Chad still "has" to live life, except that he is living in easy difficulity.

With minimal effort he can pretty much reach maximum happiness in life and also become a reproductive success.

But fuck Chad what do we care about him. If you are a "Chad" and are staying here, log out and don't make yourself more of an autist.




If everything fails, but you still haven't had sex. Then you can either:
*Grape a woman (instant jail)
*Escortmaxx (legal version of the above)
If you really want sex then hire an escort, and be done with that hoe. Simple as that.

> Pros:
* Finally get to have sex.
* No longer virgin by definition.
* Pleasure of sex for the time of your session.
* You can finally "escape" the mental torture of "I never had sex".
* Males don't feel much connection with the woman after sex, so you get sex but no need to commit.

* Whore doesn't give a single fuck about your incel ass.
* You're still an incel and a sub5.
* Could get STD's and other shit.
* You were NOT a reproductive success, in fact this is another Cope and illusion, because you did not reproduce.

Side note: If you are both a Sub5 and a mentalcel, i feel sorry for you but it's beyond over. You can never live as a full human. In that case try to enjoy life as much as you can with whatever you have, because it OVER!


So last notes. Some things might be incorrect and ofc yall might have opposing theories that you can write down in the comments.

In the end, even if you are an incel and sub5, all that matters is your emotional state.

I am sure that if all of us were feeling estatic levels of pleasure all day (without effort) then we wouldn't complain about "muh women, muh i can't get a girlfriend".

Cuz like what are you getting a girlfriend for? For the feeling it gives you, feelings of pleasure. And if we could feel that 24/7 without needing to do anything, our life would be ideal.

But your brain is programmed to give you pain because of rejection, loneliness, and social isolation. It's all because of Pain that we want to escape this situation.

If we were happy all the time, we wouldn't be bothered by the fact that women have rejected us.

But life is cruel. So we must suffer. And we must feel pain.

Will salvation ever be an option for us? Will God save us from suffering or has he abandoned us and left us to live a life worse then Hell? Will we ever find happiness?

I guess we will never know.

P.S those who read it all, tell me in the comments so i can filter yall out.
whats your profile pic from
  • JFL
Reactions: hydraiskami and lookism
DNRD but if you want sex that bad just get an escort its not that serious
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: aleksander, Skywalker, Nick.Harte and 2 others
Ok I have a theory. We all know how being an incel is brutal.

Not only cuz you can't get foids, but also cuz of how you get mogged, treated like a subhuman, and how nobody cares about you, and wishes you were dead.

Natural selection will always do it's thing and kill off weak sperm like us. Incels are genetically inferior, and as such deserve to die under natural law. Or do they?

Humans invented all this shit for years, and yet there is a thing that never found a cure.


Stoicism says to only focus on what you can control, which is the right approach. So then the question comes, how would you escape genetic inferiority?

If you are in deep pain every single fucking day, how would you escape it? How can you reach freedom so you can finally feel like a human for the first time in your life?

Here are all the current known methods of "escaping" inceldom.

First of all, i will lay down the known solutions based on your attractivness.


SUB 5 = Over 90% of the time. For the truecel's (bottom 20%) it's genuinely over and none of the above will work except Rope, Cope, ER, or Spiritual Ascension.


> Pros:
* You end your suffering forever and ever. If you leave something behind, it will have increased value now due to you being dead (brutal blackpill)
* Could potentially reincarnate as Chad or Stacy in the next life, if you believe in that.

> Cons:
* Your ending your life and it will hurt you alot, and also others around you.
* You will not be alive anymore so you can't reach anything in life. It's basically over.
* You can't spread your seed so your (inferior) genetics will never be repeated again in existence.

2# ER
> Pros:
* Nothing except fullfilling your desire of revenge at the expense of other people's lives.
* You drag other people down with you on your demise.

> Cons:
* Life in prison.
* Suffering for all your life if alive, you will get raped by Tyrone in prison.
* If you Rope which is first 1# option, then the result is still the same. Except in this case you leave your family and everyone in an even worse place.
* Be humiliated even after death for being known as the "virgin killer".

> Pros:
* You will at least be treated better (if done right) so less pain and suffering.
* Potential to ascend to Normie tier (rare)
* Potential to get a Low Tier Becky after surgery.

> Cons:
* Requires alot of money.
* Potential to look worse or have side effects.
* If you do manage to breed, your children will inheret your original genetics, meaning you will birth future incels who will share the same fate as you.

> Pros:
* Treated better.
* Easier time to obtain sex.
* If you have money and surgerymaxx, you could sucessfully escape inceldom.
* Happier and higher life quality knowing you are (somewhat more) valuable to some Asian foids.
* Potential for Long Term Relationship although rare.

> Cons:
* Requires alot of money.
* Requires to learn a bit of another language.
* If you breed your child will likely be an incel (in the West).

5# STATUSMAXXING (moneymaxxing & thugmaxxing included):
> Pros:
* Easily obtain sex by paying.
* Easily obtain Long Term Relationship by betabuxxing.
* You can reproduce.
* Treated way way better then when you were a nobody.
* Higher quality of life.
* Can live and enjoy life due to having abundant resources.
* Will be loved by some people due to your status.
* Will die having been known for something.
* Potential to date higher then your genetic limit, and even reproduce with a more attractive woman (then yourself) .
* Undoubtely the best option for sub5's, and if combined with surgerymaxxing and geomaxxing, you are no longer an incel.

> Cons:
* Extremely hard to achieve for the average Sub5
* Skill, talent, or being High IQ is required.
* Status carries your life, so if it's gone, you're done for.
* People still don't physically like you. But people like your status and money.
* Wife will most likely cuck you or divorce you.
* Still can't compete with a HighTierNormie or Chad.

> Pros:
* You can live in constant short-term pleasure.
* You can escape to a fantasy world where you are the Chad fucking Stacies left and right.
* You can numb yourself and forget about your existence.
* You can live a life that doesn't reflect your genetic fate, i.e even tho your a sub5 genetic defect incel, you can still live in constant pleasure and live a "pleasurable" life.
* You can SUCESSFULLY trick your brain with illusions that you are a sucess in life. For this reason it's often presented as the solution to #1 ROPE.
* Could potentially make connections with others due to sharing the same cope (i.e making gamer friends, or making smoking buddies).

> Cons:
* Cope - your still denying reality which will eventually catch up to you. Often times creating a cycle of considering ROPING and then going back to COPING.
* Coping will eventually desensitize you so it won't work anymore. You will be left with PAIN.
* You will lower your attractiveness, since most Copes are unhealthy.
* In reality does not help you escape inceldom and as such it's a flawed solution.

Side Note:
The incel loop starts as such. Your a sub5, and you get treated badly everytime you go outside and interact with others. Then the brain makes this association:

Outside = Pain

And as such it avoids going Outside. But since you are FORCED to go outside everyday, that means you are FORCED to feel PAIN every single day.

So then the question comes? How to fix this? There are three solutions.

1# Ascend (most likely failed for most of us here)
2# Rope
3# Cope

Most incels get exposed to "Ascension" as the solution. Which only works for a few percent, and ignores the rest that fail. Survival bais at it's finest.

If it works, then the Incel in question escapes Inceldom and the loop.

If it doesn't, however, something interesting happens. Only two solutions are left. Either Rope or Cope.

So that's when the loop starts. Those who choose to Rope are no longer with us. Those who choose "Cope" however, are stuck in an infinite loop.

The loop is:
You feel pain cuz you're a sub5, you cope all day long. You feel pleasure while coping.

When the cope finally runs out (it isn't infinite unless some VR shit) then you come back to reality, but this time around you can't escape since the Cope ran out.

So then you consider Roping, you are in constant pain and considering Roping until you are able to Cope again.

As such you are stuck in the loop of Coping and considering Roping for years upon years. Some people are stuck on this loop till the day they die as genetic failures.

Others finally give in and Rope once and for all. And others will try some of the other methods, which if they fail to accomplish, will lead straight back into the deadly loop.

Despite all of the other solutions, spiritual ascension is a possible thing. If you can make a close connection with God or the Divine, you can potentially live a life of happiness, even as a sub5 or an incel.

This is basically "Monk Mode" as some call it. You live like a monk, and just get pleasure and happiness from the little things in life.

However i know of very few people who can reach this "state" where even getting cucked or mogged doesn't bother them.

It's practically impossible if you have mental illnesses like depression or ADHD.

But maybe it will work for someone out there, most likely not for the rest of us.


NORMIE = High chance of getting success with the before mentioned methods. Only outliers being:

1# Neurotypicality
2# IQ
3# Inhibition
4# Enviornment

If one if these variables are not ideal or subpar, you will fail as a normie, thus falling into Inceldom.

To not drag this any longer, i'm just gonna talk about the most common problem Normie Incels face. That being the concept of the Mentalcel. This is probably the case for around of 80% of "Failed Normies".

MENTALCEL - A person (usually a Normie) who fails in dating because of mental illness, high-inhibition and being non-neurotypical.

There might have been instances where a woman might have shown interest in the Normie, but since he is a Mentalcel, he couldn't obtain sex (despite the fact that the woman was attracted to him physically).

The NTpill is very imprortant and proven to be true. "Personality" is a bluepilled concept, because it assumes personality can be changed. Meanwhile Neurotypicality can't be changed.

Ok so how to fix this? Well it's very very hard to change, almost impossible to change. Only two methods are tested to work to some degree:

If you are a mentalcel, taking drugs could work very well. Or very badly too.

Drugs have the potential to make you lower-inhib and more social.

For some (like me) it's our only option. But since i haven't explored drugs i can't say anything beyond that.

And this leads us to a paradox. How would you obtain affection from others, when your an incel?

Especially when receiving support and affection by others is exactly what you need to STOP being an incel? Quite the paradox.

And that's why humans created "therapy sessions" (scam sessions) to give you (false) affection so you don't rope yourself.

For some, getting (fake) affection by a therapist might fool them into believing they are truly loved. And maybe it will help their mental illness.

But the true way to get affection is to ascend and then afterward you will get positive feedback (instead of PAIN as we talked about in the Incel Loop) and as such, that will create a positive feedback loop that will make you more social and more NT.


CHAD = Can easily obtain sex.

The dilemma here becomes, how to obtain high quality women? How to breed children that are a genetic success? And of course, Chad still "has" to live life, except that he is living in easy difficulity.

With minimal effort he can pretty much reach maximum happiness in life and also become a reproductive success.

But fuck Chad what do we care about him. If you are a "Chad" and are staying here, log out and don't make yourself more of an autist.




If everything fails, but you still haven't had sex. Then you can either:
*Grape a woman (instant jail)
*Escortmaxx (legal version of the above)
If you really want sex then hire an escort, and be done with that hoe. Simple as that.

> Pros:
* Finally get to have sex.
* No longer virgin by definition.
* Pleasure of sex for the time of your session.
* You can finally "escape" the mental torture of "I never had sex".
* Males don't feel much connection with the woman after sex, so you get sex but no need to commit.

* Whore doesn't give a single fuck about your incel ass.
* You're still an incel and a sub5.
* Could get STD's and other shit.
* You were NOT a reproductive success, in fact this is another Cope and illusion, because you did not reproduce.

Side note: If you are both a Sub5 and a mentalcel, i feel sorry for you but it's beyond over. You can never live as a full human. In that case try to enjoy life as much as you can with whatever you have, because it OVER!


So last notes. Some things might be incorrect and ofc yall might have opposing theories that you can write down in the comments.

In the end, even if you are an incel and sub5, all that matters is your emotional state.

I am sure that if all of us were feeling estatic levels of pleasure all day (without effort) then we wouldn't complain about "muh women, muh i can't get a girlfriend".

Cuz like what are you getting a girlfriend for? For the feeling it gives you, feelings of pleasure. And if we could feel that 24/7 without needing to do anything, our life would be ideal.

But your brain is programmed to give you pain because of rejection, loneliness, and social isolation. It's all because of Pain that we want to escape this situation.

If we were happy all the time, we wouldn't be bothered by the fact that women have rejected us.

But life is cruel. So we must suffer. And we must feel pain.

Will salvation ever be an option for us? Will God save us from suffering or has he abandoned us and left us to live a life worse then Hell? Will we ever find happiness?

I guess we will never know.

P.S those who read it all, tell me in the comments so i can filter yall out.
Found the incel
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 22888, Nick.Harte, Codeinlover and 1 other person
You put all this effort into writing this huge essay when you could have just said "be indian"
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 22888, Codeinlover, Deleted member 23472 and 2 others
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: 𝔻𝔸𝕎ℕ 𝕆𝔽 𝕂ℍ𝔸L, lookism and Deleted member 11126
Goodnight punpun the same manga I told you about the abused dog becoming a bad guy
I don't need to read it bro its literally my life
  • JFL
Reactions: lookism and Deleted member 21345
whats your profile pic from
Punpun, the manga for Incels.

This is what every Incel here wishes he could have while he rots in his basement.


  • 20230524_205752.jpg
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Mewton, vermillioncorefan, lookism and 1 other person
Punpun, the manga for Incels.

This is what every Incel here wishes he could have while he rots in his basement.
Should I read this tonight? Btw thanks for following me bro I have a thread you might find helpful it touches on your thread
  • JFL
Reactions: lookism
Should I read this tonight? Btw thanks for following me bro I have a thread you might find helpful it touches on your thread
I wanted to your read your posts cuz they lowkey interesting but i couldn't view them. Maybe it's fixed now.

Also yeah it has 100 chapters it took me 2 days to read. The only manga that i read 70 chapters in a day, ever.

Basically the average life of an incel, but with top tier art. Somehow the more brutal it is the more you wanna read it (incel trait)

Tbh the author himself is an incel sub5, got divorced by his wife JFL.
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: TILETY and lookism
Should I read this tonight? Btw thanks for following me bro I have a thread you might find helpful it touches on your thread
Dude wtf is this bullshit i can't view your profile JFL.

Getting rejected even in an incel forum is crazy, next level of subhumanity.


  • Screenshot_20231129_044209_Chrome.jpg
    68.3 KB · Views: 0
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Mewton, Deleted member 23472, lookism and 1 other person
Dude wtf is this bullshit i can't view your profile JFL.

Getting rejected even in an incel forum is crazy, next level of subhumanity.
idk how to turn it off but I don't like people I don't know viewing my profile
  • JFL
Reactions: lookism
idk how to turn it off but I don't like people I don't know viewing my profile
Allow it for me (trust) i got some some shit to spit let me cook.


  • RDT_20230923_0045305086812923067284411.jpg
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  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: lookism and Deleted member 11126
Allow it for me (trust) i got some some shit to spit let me cook.

This was the thread btw
  • JFL
Reactions: lookism
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: lookism and Deleted member 11126
DNRD but if you want sex that bad just get an escort its not that serious
This was more for the mfs with mental illness. Which goes beyond sex.
  • +1
  • JFL
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Deleted member 16275, lookism and Deleted member 48871
You put all this effort into writing this huge essay when you could have just said "be indian"
Indians still fuck indian hoes sub5 or not, those mfs stick their dick in whatever moves.

Incels like me wish to be low-inhib Indian.
  • JFL
Reactions: lookism
I will fuck u so ur no longer incel bhai
  • +1
Reactions: NewGenDoomer
fuck being an incel
why is rope #2 and cope #3 :lul:
You can only cope to an extent, eventually the horrifying reality sets in and all you can do is stare at the abyss which is staring right back at you.
  • +1
Reactions: Mewton, Deleted member 23472, greywind and 2 others
fuck a sheboon... no such thing as a incel
  • +1
Reactions: NewGenDoomer
it's looksmaxxing or rope imo
  • +1
Reactions: NewGenDoomer
Dnr cuz ima trucel
  • +1
Reactions: NewGenDoomer
Spiritual ascension is ideal
  • +1
Reactions: autistic_tendencies
Ok I have a theory. We all know how being an incel is brutal.

Not only cuz you can't get foids, but also cuz of how you get mogged, treated like a subhuman, and how nobody cares about you, and wishes you were dead.

Natural selection will always do it's thing and kill off weak sperm like us. Incels are genetically inferior, and as such deserve to die under natural law. Or do they?

Humans invented all this shit for years, and yet there is a thing that never found a cure.


Stoicism says to only focus on what you can control, which is the right approach. So then the question comes, how would you escape genetic inferiority?

If you are in deep pain every single fucking day, how would you escape it? How can you reach freedom so you can finally feel like a human for the first time in your life?

Here are all the current known methods of "escaping" inceldom.

First of all, i will lay down the known solutions based on your attractivness.


SUB 5 = Over 90% of the time. For the truecel's (bottom 20%) it's genuinely over and none of the above will work except Rope, Cope, ER, or Spiritual Ascension.


> Pros:
* You end your suffering forever and ever. If you leave something behind, it will have increased value now due to you being dead (brutal blackpill)
* Could potentially reincarnate as Chad or Stacy in the next life, if you believe in that.

> Cons:
* Your ending your life and it will hurt you alot, and also others around you.
* You will not be alive anymore so you can't reach anything in life. It's basically over.
* You can't spread your seed so your (inferior) genetics will never be repeated again in existence.

2# ER
> Pros:
* Nothing except fullfilling your desire of revenge at the expense of other people's lives.
* You drag other people down with you on your demise.

> Cons:
* Life in prison.
* Suffering for all your life if alive, you will get raped by Tyrone in prison.
* If you Rope which is first 1# option, then the result is still the same. Except in this case you leave your family and everyone in an even worse place.
* Be humiliated even after death for being known as the "virgin killer".

> Pros:
* You will at least be treated better (if done right) so less pain and suffering.
* Potential to ascend to Normie tier (rare)
* Potential to get a Low Tier Becky after surgery.

> Cons:
* Requires alot of money.
* Potential to look worse or have side effects.
* If you do manage to breed, your children will inheret your original genetics, meaning you will birth future incels who will share the same fate as you.

> Pros:
* Treated better.
* Easier time to obtain sex.
* If you have money and surgerymaxx, you could sucessfully escape inceldom.
* Happier and higher life quality knowing you are (somewhat more) valuable to some Asian foids.
* Potential for Long Term Relationship although rare.

> Cons:
* Requires alot of money.
* Requires to learn a bit of another language.
* If you breed your child will likely be an incel (in the West).

5# STATUSMAXXING (moneymaxxing & thugmaxxing included):
> Pros:
* Easily obtain sex by paying.
* Easily obtain Long Term Relationship by betabuxxing.
* You can reproduce.
* Treated way way better then when you were a nobody.
* Higher quality of life.
* Can live and enjoy life due to having abundant resources.
* Will be loved by some people due to your status.
* Will die having been known for something.
* Potential to date higher then your genetic limit, and even reproduce with a more attractive woman (then yourself) .
* Undoubtely the best option for sub5's, and if combined with surgerymaxxing and geomaxxing, you are no longer an incel.

> Cons:
* Extremely hard to achieve for the average Sub5
* Skill, talent, or being High IQ is required.
* Status carries your life, so if it's gone, you're done for.
* People still don't physically like you. But people like your status and money.
* Wife will most likely cuck you or divorce you.
* Still can't compete with a HighTierNormie or Chad.

> Pros:
* You can live in constant short-term pleasure.
* You can escape to a fantasy world where you are the Chad fucking Stacies left and right.
* You can numb yourself and forget about your existence.
* You can live a life that doesn't reflect your genetic fate, i.e even tho your a sub5 genetic defect incel, you can still live in constant pleasure and live a "pleasurable" life.
* You can SUCESSFULLY trick your brain with illusions that you are a sucess in life. For this reason it's often presented as the solution to #1 ROPE.
* Could potentially make connections with others due to sharing the same cope (i.e making gamer friends, or making smoking buddies).

> Cons:
* Cope - your still denying reality which will eventually catch up to you. Often times creating a cycle of considering ROPING and then going back to COPING.
* Coping will eventually desensitize you so it won't work anymore. You will be left with PAIN.
* You will lower your attractiveness, since most Copes are unhealthy.
* In reality does not help you escape inceldom and as such it's a flawed solution.

Side Note:
The incel loop starts as such. Your a sub5, and you get treated badly everytime you go outside and interact with others. Then the brain makes this association:

Outside = Pain

And as such it avoids going Outside. But since you are FORCED to go outside everyday, that means you are FORCED to feel PAIN every single day.

So then the question comes? How to fix this? There are three solutions.

1# Ascend (most likely failed for most of us here)
2# Rope
3# Cope

Most incels get exposed to "Ascension" as the solution. Which only works for a few percent, and ignores the rest that fail. Survival bais at it's finest.

If it works, then the Incel in question escapes Inceldom and the loop.

If it doesn't, however, something interesting happens. Only two solutions are left. Either Rope or Cope.

So that's when the loop starts. Those who choose to Rope are no longer with us. Those who choose "Cope" however, are stuck in an infinite loop.

The loop is:
You feel pain cuz you're a sub5, you cope all day long. You feel pleasure while coping.

When the cope finally runs out (it isn't infinite unless some VR shit) then you come back to reality, but this time around you can't escape since the Cope ran out.

So then you consider Roping, you are in constant pain and considering Roping until you are able to Cope again.

As such you are stuck in the loop of Coping and considering Roping for years upon years. Some people are stuck on this loop till the day they die as genetic failures.

Others finally give in and Rope once and for all. And others will try some of the other methods, which if they fail to accomplish, will lead straight back into the deadly loop.

Despite all of the other solutions, spiritual ascension is a possible thing. If you can make a close connection with God or the Divine, you can potentially live a life of happiness, even as a sub5 or an incel.

This is basically "Monk Mode" as some call it. You live like a monk, and just get pleasure and happiness from the little things in life.

However i know of very few people who can reach this "state" where even getting cucked or mogged doesn't bother them.

It's practically impossible if you have mental illnesses like depression or ADHD.

But maybe it will work for someone out there, most likely not for the rest of us.


NORMIE = High chance of getting success with the before mentioned methods. Only outliers being:

1# Neurotypicality
2# IQ
3# Inhibition
4# Enviornment

If one if these variables are not ideal or subpar, you will fail as a normie, thus falling into Inceldom.

To not drag this any longer, i'm just gonna talk about the most common problem Normie Incels face. That being the concept of the Mentalcel. This is probably the case for around of 80% of "Failed Normies".

MENTALCEL - A person (usually a Normie) who fails in dating because of mental illness, high-inhibition and being non-neurotypical.

There might have been instances where a woman might have shown interest in the Normie, but since he is a Mentalcel, he couldn't obtain sex (despite the fact that the woman was attracted to him physically).

The NTpill is very imprortant and proven to be true. "Personality" is a bluepilled concept, because it assumes personality can be changed. Meanwhile Neurotypicality can't be changed.

Ok so how to fix this? Well it's very very hard to change, almost impossible to change. Only two methods are tested to work to some degree:

If you are a mentalcel, taking drugs could work very well. Or very badly too.

Drugs have the potential to make you lower-inhib and more social.

For some (like me) it's our only option. But since i haven't explored drugs i can't say anything beyond that.

And this leads us to a paradox. How would you obtain affection from others, when your an incel?

Especially when receiving support and affection by others is exactly what you need to STOP being an incel? Quite the paradox.

And that's why humans created "therapy sessions" (scam sessions) to give you (false) affection so you don't rope yourself.

For some, getting (fake) affection by a therapist might fool them into believing they are truly loved. And maybe it will help their mental illness.

But the true way to get affection is to ascend and then afterward you will get positive feedback (instead of PAIN as we talked about in the Incel Loop) and as such, that will create a positive feedback loop that will make you more social and more NT.


CHAD = Can easily obtain sex.

The dilemma here becomes, how to obtain high quality women? How to breed children that are a genetic success? And of course, Chad still "has" to live life, except that he is living in easy difficulity.

With minimal effort he can pretty much reach maximum happiness in life and also become a reproductive success.

But fuck Chad what do we care about him. If you are a "Chad" and are staying here, log out and don't make yourself more of an autist.




If everything fails, but you still haven't had sex. Then you can either:
*Grape a woman (instant jail)
*Escortmaxx (legal version of the above)
If you really want sex then hire an escort, and be done with that hoe. Simple as that.

> Pros:
* Finally get to have sex.
* No longer virgin by definition.
* Pleasure of sex for the time of your session.
* You can finally "escape" the mental torture of "I never had sex".
* Males don't feel much connection with the woman after sex, so you get sex but no need to commit.

* Whore doesn't give a single fuck about your incel ass.
* You're still an incel and a sub5.
* Could get STD's and other shit.
* You were NOT a reproductive success, in fact this is another Cope and illusion, because you did not reproduce.

Side note: If you are both a Sub5 and a mentalcel, i feel sorry for you but it's beyond over. You can never live as a full human. In that case try to enjoy life as much as you can with whatever you have, because it OVER!


So last notes. Some things might be incorrect and ofc yall might have opposing theories that you can write down in the comments.

In the end, even if you are an incel and sub5, all that matters is your emotional state.

I am sure that if all of us were feeling estatic levels of pleasure all day (without effort) then we wouldn't complain about "muh women, muh i can't get a girlfriend".

Cuz like what are you getting a girlfriend for? For the feeling it gives you, feelings of pleasure. And if we could feel that 24/7 without needing to do anything, our life would be ideal.

But your brain is programmed to give you pain because of rejection, loneliness, and social isolation. It's all because of Pain that we want to escape this situation.

If we were happy all the time, we wouldn't be bothered by the fact that women have rejected us.

But life is cruel. So we must suffer. And we must feel pain.

Will salvation ever be an option for us? Will God save us from suffering or has he abandoned us and left us to live a life worse then Hell? Will we ever find happiness?

I guess we will never know.

P.S those who read it all, tell me in the comments so i can filter yall out.


  • Screenshot 2023-12-06 233911.png
    Screenshot 2023-12-06 233911.png
    65 KB · Views: 0
Ok I have a theory. We all know how being an incel is brutal.

Not only cuz you can't get foids, but also cuz of how you get mogged, treated like a subhuman, and how nobody cares about you, and wishes you were dead.

Natural selection will always do it's thing and kill off weak sperm like us. Incels are genetically inferior, and as such deserve to die under natural law. Or do they?

Humans invented all this shit for years, and yet there is a thing that never found a cure.


Stoicism says to only focus on what you can control, which is the right approach. So then the question comes, how would you escape genetic inferiority?

If you are in deep pain every single fucking day, how would you escape it? How can you reach freedom so you can finally feel like a human for the first time in your life?

Here are all the current known methods of "escaping" inceldom.

First of all, i will lay down the known solutions based on your attractivness.


SUB 5 = Over 90% of the time. For the truecel's (bottom 20%) it's genuinely over and none of the above will work except Rope, Cope, ER, or Spiritual Ascension.


> Pros:
* You end your suffering forever and ever. If you leave something behind, it will have increased value now due to you being dead (brutal blackpill)
* Could potentially reincarnate as Chad or Stacy in the next life, if you believe in that.

> Cons:
* Your ending your life and it will hurt you alot, and also others around you.
* You will not be alive anymore so you can't reach anything in life. It's basically over.
* You can't spread your seed so your (inferior) genetics will never be repeated again in existence.

2# ER
> Pros:
* Nothing except fullfilling your desire of revenge at the expense of other people's lives.
* You drag other people down with you on your demise.

> Cons:
* Life in prison.
* Suffering for all your life if alive, you will get raped by Tyrone in prison.
* If you Rope which is first 1# option, then the result is still the same. Except in this case you leave your family and everyone in an even worse place.
* Be humiliated even after death for being known as the "virgin killer".

> Pros:
* You will at least be treated better (if done right) so less pain and suffering.
* Potential to ascend to Normie tier (rare)
* Potential to get a Low Tier Becky after surgery.

> Cons:
* Requires alot of money.
* Potential to look worse or have side effects.
* If you do manage to breed, your children will inheret your original genetics, meaning you will birth future incels who will share the same fate as you.

> Pros:
* Treated better.
* Easier time to obtain sex.
* If you have money and surgerymaxx, you could sucessfully escape inceldom.
* Happier and higher life quality knowing you are (somewhat more) valuable to some Asian foids.
* Potential for Long Term Relationship although rare.

> Cons:
* Requires alot of money.
* Requires to learn a bit of another language.
* If you breed your child will likely be an incel (in the West).

5# STATUSMAXXING (moneymaxxing & thugmaxxing included):
> Pros:
* Easily obtain sex by paying.
* Easily obtain Long Term Relationship by betabuxxing.
* You can reproduce.
* Treated way way better then when you were a nobody.
* Higher quality of life.
* Can live and enjoy life due to having abundant resources.
* Will be loved by some people due to your status.
* Will die having been known for something.
* Potential to date higher then your genetic limit, and even reproduce with a more attractive woman (then yourself) .
* Undoubtely the best option for sub5's, and if combined with surgerymaxxing and geomaxxing, you are no longer an incel.

> Cons:
* Extremely hard to achieve for the average Sub5
* Skill, talent, or being High IQ is required.
* Status carries your life, so if it's gone, you're done for.
* People still don't physically like you. But people like your status and money.
* Wife will most likely cuck you or divorce you.
* Still can't compete with a HighTierNormie or Chad.

> Pros:
* You can live in constant short-term pleasure.
* You can escape to a fantasy world where you are the Chad fucking Stacies left and right.
* You can numb yourself and forget about your existence.
* You can live a life that doesn't reflect your genetic fate, i.e even tho your a sub5 genetic defect incel, you can still live in constant pleasure and live a "pleasurable" life.
* You can SUCESSFULLY trick your brain with illusions that you are a sucess in life. For this reason it's often presented as the solution to #1 ROPE.
* Could potentially make connections with others due to sharing the same cope (i.e making gamer friends, or making smoking buddies).

> Cons:
* Cope - your still denying reality which will eventually catch up to you. Often times creating a cycle of considering ROPING and then going back to COPING.
* Coping will eventually desensitize you so it won't work anymore. You will be left with PAIN.
* You will lower your attractiveness, since most Copes are unhealthy.
* In reality does not help you escape inceldom and as such it's a flawed solution.

Side Note:
The incel loop starts as such. Your a sub5, and you get treated badly everytime you go outside and interact with others. Then the brain makes this association:

Outside = Pain

And as such it avoids going Outside. But since you are FORCED to go outside everyday, that means you are FORCED to feel PAIN every single day.

So then the question comes? How to fix this? There are three solutions.

1# Ascend (most likely failed for most of us here)
2# Rope
3# Cope

Most incels get exposed to "Ascension" as the solution. Which only works for a few percent, and ignores the rest that fail. Survival bais at it's finest.

If it works, then the Incel in question escapes Inceldom and the loop.

If it doesn't, however, something interesting happens. Only two solutions are left. Either Rope or Cope.

So that's when the loop starts. Those who choose to Rope are no longer with us. Those who choose "Cope" however, are stuck in an infinite loop.

The loop is:
You feel pain cuz you're a sub5, you cope all day long. You feel pleasure while coping.

When the cope finally runs out (it isn't infinite unless some VR shit) then you come back to reality, but this time around you can't escape since the Cope ran out.

So then you consider Roping, you are in constant pain and considering Roping until you are able to Cope again.

As such you are stuck in the loop of Coping and considering Roping for years upon years. Some people are stuck on this loop till the day they die as genetic failures.

Others finally give in and Rope once and for all. And others will try some of the other methods, which if they fail to accomplish, will lead straight back into the deadly loop.

Despite all of the other solutions, spiritual ascension is a possible thing. If you can make a close connection with God or the Divine, you can potentially live a life of happiness, even as a sub5 or an incel.

This is basically "Monk Mode" as some call it. You live like a monk, and just get pleasure and happiness from the little things in life.

However i know of very few people who can reach this "state" where even getting cucked or mogged doesn't bother them.

It's practically impossible if you have mental illnesses like depression or ADHD.

But maybe it will work for someone out there, most likely not for the rest of us.


NORMIE = High chance of getting success with the before mentioned methods. Only outliers being:

1# Neurotypicality
2# IQ
3# Inhibition
4# Enviornment

If one if these variables are not ideal or subpar, you will fail as a normie, thus falling into Inceldom.

To not drag this any longer, i'm just gonna talk about the most common problem Normie Incels face. That being the concept of the Mentalcel. This is probably the case for around of 80% of "Failed Normies".

MENTALCEL - A person (usually a Normie) who fails in dating because of mental illness, high-inhibition and being non-neurotypical.

There might have been instances where a woman might have shown interest in the Normie, but since he is a Mentalcel, he couldn't obtain sex (despite the fact that the woman was attracted to him physically).

The NTpill is very imprortant and proven to be true. "Personality" is a bluepilled concept, because it assumes personality can be changed. Meanwhile Neurotypicality can't be changed.

Ok so how to fix this? Well it's very very hard to change, almost impossible to change. Only two methods are tested to work to some degree:

If you are a mentalcel, taking drugs could work very well. Or very badly too.

Drugs have the potential to make you lower-inhib and more social.

For some (like me) it's our only option. But since i haven't explored drugs i can't say anything beyond that.

And this leads us to a paradox. How would you obtain affection from others, when your an incel?

Especially when receiving support and affection by others is exactly what you need to STOP being an incel? Quite the paradox.

And that's why humans created "therapy sessions" (scam sessions) to give you (false) affection so you don't rope yourself.

For some, getting (fake) affection by a therapist might fool them into believing they are truly loved. And maybe it will help their mental illness.

But the true way to get affection is to ascend and then afterward you will get positive feedback (instead of PAIN as we talked about in the Incel Loop) and as such, that will create a positive feedback loop that will make you more social and more NT.


CHAD = Can easily obtain sex.

The dilemma here becomes, how to obtain high quality women? How to breed children that are a genetic success? And of course, Chad still "has" to live life, except that he is living in easy difficulity.

With minimal effort he can pretty much reach maximum happiness in life and also become a reproductive success.

But fuck Chad what do we care about him. If you are a "Chad" and are staying here, log out and don't make yourself more of an autist.




If everything fails, but you still haven't had sex. Then you can either:
*Grape a woman (instant jail)
*Escortmaxx (legal version of the above)
If you really want sex then hire an escort, and be done with that hoe. Simple as that.

> Pros:
* Finally get to have sex.
* No longer virgin by definition.
* Pleasure of sex for the time of your session.
* You can finally "escape" the mental torture of "I never had sex".
* Males don't feel much connection with the woman after sex, so you get sex but no need to commit.

* Whore doesn't give a single fuck about your incel ass.
* You're still an incel and a sub5.
* Could get STD's and other shit.
* You were NOT a reproductive success, in fact this is another Cope and illusion, because you did not reproduce.

Side note: If you are both a Sub5 and a mentalcel, i feel sorry for you but it's beyond over. You can never live as a full human. In that case try to enjoy life as much as you can with whatever you have, because it OVER!


So last notes. Some things might be incorrect and ofc yall might have opposing theories that you can write down in the comments.

In the end, even if you are an incel and sub5, all that matters is your emotional state.

I am sure that if all of us were feeling estatic levels of pleasure all day (without effort) then we wouldn't complain about "muh women, muh i can't get a girlfriend".

Cuz like what are you getting a girlfriend for? For the feeling it gives you, feelings of pleasure. And if we could feel that 24/7 without needing to do anything, our life would be ideal.

But your brain is programmed to give you pain because of rejection, loneliness, and social isolation. It's all because of Pain that we want to escape this situation.

If we were happy all the time, we wouldn't be bothered by the fact that women have rejected us.

But life is cruel. So we must suffer. And we must feel pain.

Will salvation ever be an option for us? Will God save us from suffering or has he abandoned us and left us to live a life worse then Hell? Will we ever find happiness?

I guess we will never know.

P.S those who read it all, tell me in the comments so i can filter yall out.
You think anyone read this US constitution
You can only cope to an extent, eventually the horrifying reality sets in and all you can do is stare at the abyss which is staring right back at you.
right only way out of this suffering is killing yourself, cant deny it
Just look avg and be NT. You can date ltbs
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 23472
dn rd but the most foolproof path is suicide
just do everything to change your looks theory
  • +1
Reactions: NewGenDoomer
Ok I have a theory. We all know how being an incel is brutal.

Not only cuz you can't get foids, but also cuz of how you get mogged, treated like a subhuman, and how nobody cares about you, and wishes you were dead.

Natural selection will always do it's thing and kill off weak sperm like us. Incels are genetically inferior, and as such deserve to die under natural law. Or do they?

Humans invented all this shit for years, and yet there is a thing that never found a cure.


Stoicism says to only focus on what you can control, which is the right approach. So then the question comes, how would you escape genetic inferiority?

If you are in deep pain every single fucking day, how would you escape it? How can you reach freedom so you can finally feel like a human for the first time in your life?

Here are all the current known methods of "escaping" inceldom.

First of all, i will lay down the known solutions based on your attractivness.


SUB 5 = Over 90% of the time. For the truecel's (bottom 20%) it's genuinely over and none of the above will work except Rope, Cope, ER, or Spiritual Ascension.


> Pros:
* You end your suffering forever and ever. If you leave something behind, it will have increased value now due to you being dead (brutal blackpill)
* Could potentially reincarnate as Chad or Stacy in the next life, if you believe in that.

> Cons:
* Your ending your life and it will hurt you alot, and also others around you.
* You will not be alive anymore so you can't reach anything in life. It's basically over.
* You can't spread your seed so your (inferior) genetics will never be repeated again in existence.

2# ER
> Pros:
* Nothing except fullfilling your desire of revenge at the expense of other people's lives.
* You drag other people down with you on your demise.

> Cons:
* Life in prison.
* Suffering for all your life if alive, you will get raped by Tyrone in prison.
* If you Rope which is first 1# option, then the result is still the same. Except in this case you leave your family and everyone in an even worse place.
* Be humiliated even after death for being known as the "virgin killer".

> Pros:
* You will at least be treated better (if done right) so less pain and suffering.
* Potential to ascend to Normie tier (rare)
* Potential to get a Low Tier Becky after surgery.

> Cons:
* Requires alot of money.
* Potential to look worse or have side effects.
* If you do manage to breed, your children will inheret your original genetics, meaning you will birth future incels who will share the same fate as you.

> Pros:
* Treated better.
* Easier time to obtain sex.
* If you have money and surgerymaxx, you could sucessfully escape inceldom.
* Happier and higher life quality knowing you are (somewhat more) valuable to some Asian foids.
* Potential for Long Term Relationship although rare.

> Cons:
* Requires alot of money.
* Requires to learn a bit of another language.
* If you breed your child will likely be an incel (in the West).

5# STATUSMAXXING (moneymaxxing & thugmaxxing included):
> Pros:
* Easily obtain sex by paying.
* Easily obtain Long Term Relationship by betabuxxing.
* You can reproduce.
* Treated way way better then when you were a nobody.
* Higher quality of life.
* Can live and enjoy life due to having abundant resources.
* Will be loved by some people due to your status.
* Will die having been known for something.
* Potential to date higher then your genetic limit, and even reproduce with a more attractive woman (then yourself) .
* Undoubtely the best option for sub5's, and if combined with surgerymaxxing and geomaxxing, you are no longer an incel.

> Cons:
* Extremely hard to achieve for the average Sub5
* Skill, talent, or being High IQ is required.
* Status carries your life, so if it's gone, you're done for.
* People still don't physically like you. But people like your status and money.
* Wife will most likely cuck you or divorce you.
* Still can't compete with a HighTierNormie or Chad.

> Pros:
* You can live in constant short-term pleasure.
* You can escape to a fantasy world where you are the Chad fucking Stacies left and right.
* You can numb yourself and forget about your existence.
* You can live a life that doesn't reflect your genetic fate, i.e even tho your a sub5 genetic defect incel, you can still live in constant pleasure and live a "pleasurable" life.
* You can SUCESSFULLY trick your brain with illusions that you are a sucess in life. For this reason it's often presented as the solution to #1 ROPE.
* Could potentially make connections with others due to sharing the same cope (i.e making gamer friends, or making smoking buddies).

> Cons:
* Cope - your still denying reality which will eventually catch up to you. Often times creating a cycle of considering ROPING and then going back to COPING.
* Coping will eventually desensitize you so it won't work anymore. You will be left with PAIN.
* You will lower your attractiveness, since most Copes are unhealthy.
* In reality does not help you escape inceldom and as such it's a flawed solution.

Side Note:
The incel loop starts as such. Your a sub5, and you get treated badly everytime you go outside and interact with others. Then the brain makes this association:

Outside = Pain

And as such it avoids going Outside. But since you are FORCED to go outside everyday, that means you are FORCED to feel PAIN every single day.

So then the question comes? How to fix this? There are three solutions.

1# Ascend (most likely failed for most of us here)
2# Rope
3# Cope

Most incels get exposed to "Ascension" as the solution. Which only works for a few percent, and ignores the rest that fail. Survival bais at it's finest.

If it works, then the Incel in question escapes Inceldom and the loop.

If it doesn't, however, something interesting happens. Only two solutions are left. Either Rope or Cope.

So that's when the loop starts. Those who choose to Rope are no longer with us. Those who choose "Cope" however, are stuck in an infinite loop.

The loop is:
You feel pain cuz you're a sub5, you cope all day long. You feel pleasure while coping.

When the cope finally runs out (it isn't infinite unless some VR shit) then you come back to reality, but this time around you can't escape since the Cope ran out.

So then you consider Roping, you are in constant pain and considering Roping until you are able to Cope again.

As such you are stuck in the loop of Coping and considering Roping for years upon years. Some people are stuck on this loop till the day they die as genetic failures.

Others finally give in and Rope once and for all. And others will try some of the other methods, which if they fail to accomplish, will lead straight back into the deadly loop.

Despite all of the other solutions, spiritual ascension is a possible thing. If you can make a close connection with God or the Divine, you can potentially live a life of happiness, even as a sub5 or an incel.

This is basically "Monk Mode" as some call it. You live like a monk, and just get pleasure and happiness from the little things in life.

However i know of very few people who can reach this "state" where even getting cucked or mogged doesn't bother them.

It's practically impossible if you have mental illnesses like depression or ADHD.

But maybe it will work for someone out there, most likely not for the rest of us.


NORMIE = High chance of getting success with the before mentioned methods. Only outliers being:

1# Neurotypicality
2# IQ
3# Inhibition
4# Enviornment

If one if these variables are not ideal or subpar, you will fail as a normie, thus falling into Inceldom.

To not drag this any longer, i'm just gonna talk about the most common problem Normie Incels face. That being the concept of the Mentalcel. This is probably the case for around of 80% of "Failed Normies".

MENTALCEL - A person (usually a Normie) who fails in dating because of mental illness, high-inhibition and being non-neurotypical.

There might have been instances where a woman might have shown interest in the Normie, but since he is a Mentalcel, he couldn't obtain sex (despite the fact that the woman was attracted to him physically).

The NTpill is very imprortant and proven to be true. "Personality" is a bluepilled concept, because it assumes personality can be changed. Meanwhile Neurotypicality can't be changed.

Ok so how to fix this? Well it's very very hard to change, almost impossible to change. Only two methods are tested to work to some degree:

If you are a mentalcel, taking drugs could work very well. Or very badly too.

Drugs have the potential to make you lower-inhib and more social.

For some (like me) it's our only option. But since i haven't explored drugs i can't say anything beyond that.

And this leads us to a paradox. How would you obtain affection from others, when your an incel?

Especially when receiving support and affection by others is exactly what you need to STOP being an incel? Quite the paradox.

And that's why humans created "therapy sessions" (scam sessions) to give you (false) affection so you don't rope yourself.

For some, getting (fake) affection by a therapist might fool them into believing they are truly loved. And maybe it will help their mental illness.

But the true way to get affection is to ascend and then afterward you will get positive feedback (instead of PAIN as we talked about in the Incel Loop) and as such, that will create a positive feedback loop that will make you more social and more NT.


CHAD = Can easily obtain sex.

The dilemma here becomes, how to obtain high quality women? How to breed children that are a genetic success? And of course, Chad still "has" to live life, except that he is living in easy difficulity.

With minimal effort he can pretty much reach maximum happiness in life and also become a reproductive success.

But fuck Chad what do we care about him. If you are a "Chad" and are staying here, log out and don't make yourself more of an autist.




If everything fails, but you still haven't had sex. Then you can either:
*Grape a woman (instant jail)
*Escortmaxx (legal version of the above)
If you really want sex then hire an escort, and be done with that hoe. Simple as that.

> Pros:
* Finally get to have sex.
* No longer virgin by definition.
* Pleasure of sex for the time of your session.
* You can finally "escape" the mental torture of "I never had sex".
* Males don't feel much connection with the woman after sex, so you get sex but no need to commit.

* Whore doesn't give a single fuck about your incel ass.
* You're still an incel and a sub5.
* Could get STD's and other shit.
* You were NOT a reproductive success, in fact this is another Cope and illusion, because you did not reproduce.

Side note: If you are both a Sub5 and a mentalcel, i feel sorry for you but it's beyond over. You can never live as a full human. In that case try to enjoy life as much as you can with whatever you have, because it OVER!


So last notes. Some things might be incorrect and ofc yall might have opposing theories that you can write down in the comments.

In the end, even if you are an incel and sub5, all that matters is your emotional state.

I am sure that if all of us were feeling estatic levels of pleasure all day (without effort) then we wouldn't complain about "muh women, muh i can't get a girlfriend".

Cuz like what are you getting a girlfriend for? For the feeling it gives you, feelings of pleasure. And if we could feel that 24/7 without needing to do anything, our life would be ideal.

But your brain is programmed to give you pain because of rejection, loneliness, and social isolation. It's all because of Pain that we want to escape this situation.

If we were happy all the time, we wouldn't be bothered by the fact that women have rejected us.

But life is cruel. So we must suffer. And we must feel pain.

Will salvation ever be an option for us? Will God save us from suffering or has he abandoned us and left us to live a life worse then Hell? Will we ever find happiness?

I guess we will never know.

P.S those who read it all, tell me in the comments so i can filter yall out.
Very interesting
  • +1
Reactions: NewGenDoomer
you learn how to embrace it
  • +1
Reactions: NewGenDoomer
Ok I have a theory. We all know how being an incel is brutal.

Not only cuz you can't get foids, but also cuz of how you get mogged, treated like a subhuman, and how nobody cares about you, and wishes you were dead.

Natural selection will always do it's thing and kill off weak sperm like us. Incels are genetically inferior, and as such deserve to die under natural law. Or do they?

Humans invented all this shit for years, and yet there is a thing that never found a cure.


Stoicism says to only focus on what you can control, which is the right approach. So then the question comes, how would you escape genetic inferiority?

If you are in deep pain every single fucking day, how would you escape it? How can you reach freedom so you can finally feel like a human for the first time in your life?

Here are all the current known methods of "escaping" inceldom.

First of all, i will lay down the known solutions based on your attractivness.


SUB 5 = Over 90% of the time. For the truecel's (bottom 20%) it's genuinely over and none of the above will work except Rope, Cope, ER, or Spiritual Ascension.


> Pros:
* You end your suffering forever and ever. If you leave something behind, it will have increased value now due to you being dead (brutal blackpill)
* Could potentially reincarnate as Chad or Stacy in the next life, if you believe in that.

> Cons:
* Your ending your life and it will hurt you alot, and also others around you.
* You will not be alive anymore so you can't reach anything in life. It's basically over.
* You can't spread your seed so your (inferior) genetics will never be repeated again in existence.

2# ER
> Pros:
* Nothing except fullfilling your desire of revenge at the expense of other people's lives.
* You drag other people down with you on your demise.

> Cons:
* Life in prison.
* Suffering for all your life if alive, you will get raped by Tyrone in prison.
* If you Rope which is first 1# option, then the result is still the same. Except in this case you leave your family and everyone in an even worse place.
* Be humiliated even after death for being known as the "virgin killer".

> Pros:
* You will at least be treated better (if done right) so less pain and suffering.
* Potential to ascend to Normie tier (rare)
* Potential to get a Low Tier Becky after surgery.

> Cons:
* Requires alot of money.
* Potential to look worse or have side effects.
* If you do manage to breed, your children will inheret your original genetics, meaning you will birth future incels who will share the same fate as you.

> Pros:
* Treated better.
* Easier time to obtain sex.
* If you have money and surgerymaxx, you could sucessfully escape inceldom.
* Happier and higher life quality knowing you are (somewhat more) valuable to some Asian foids.
* Potential for Long Term Relationship although rare.

> Cons:
* Requires alot of money.
* Requires to learn a bit of another language.
* If you breed your child will likely be an incel (in the West).

5# STATUSMAXXING (moneymaxxing & thugmaxxing included):
> Pros:
* Easily obtain sex by paying.
* Easily obtain Long Term Relationship by betabuxxing.
* You can reproduce.
* Treated way way better then when you were a nobody.
* Higher quality of life.
* Can live and enjoy life due to having abundant resources.
* Will be loved by some people due to your status.
* Will die having been known for something.
* Potential to date higher then your genetic limit, and even reproduce with a more attractive woman (then yourself) .
* Undoubtely the best option for sub5's, and if combined with surgerymaxxing and geomaxxing, you are no longer an incel.

> Cons:
* Extremely hard to achieve for the average Sub5
* Skill, talent, or being High IQ is required.
* Status carries your life, so if it's gone, you're done for.
* People still don't physically like you. But people like your status and money.
* Wife will most likely cuck you or divorce you.
* Still can't compete with a HighTierNormie or Chad.

> Pros:
* You can live in constant short-term pleasure.
* You can escape to a fantasy world where you are the Chad fucking Stacies left and right.
* You can numb yourself and forget about your existence.
* You can live a life that doesn't reflect your genetic fate, i.e even tho your a sub5 genetic defect incel, you can still live in constant pleasure and live a "pleasurable" life.
* You can SUCESSFULLY trick your brain with illusions that you are a sucess in life. For this reason it's often presented as the solution to #1 ROPE.
* Could potentially make connections with others due to sharing the same cope (i.e making gamer friends, or making smoking buddies).

> Cons:
* Cope - your still denying reality which will eventually catch up to you. Often times creating a cycle of considering ROPING and then going back to COPING.
* Coping will eventually desensitize you so it won't work anymore. You will be left with PAIN.
* You will lower your attractiveness, since most Copes are unhealthy.
* In reality does not help you escape inceldom and as such it's a flawed solution.

Side Note:
The incel loop starts as such. Your a sub5, and you get treated badly everytime you go outside and interact with others. Then the brain makes this association:

Outside = Pain

And as such it avoids going Outside. But since you are FORCED to go outside everyday, that means you are FORCED to feel PAIN every single day.

So then the question comes? How to fix this? There are three solutions.

1# Ascend (most likely failed for most of us here)
2# Rope
3# Cope

Most incels get exposed to "Ascension" as the solution. Which only works for a few percent, and ignores the rest that fail. Survival bais at it's finest.

If it works, then the Incel in question escapes Inceldom and the loop.

If it doesn't, however, something interesting happens. Only two solutions are left. Either Rope or Cope.

So that's when the loop starts. Those who choose to Rope are no longer with us. Those who choose "Cope" however, are stuck in an infinite loop.

The loop is:
You feel pain cuz you're a sub5, you cope all day long. You feel pleasure while coping.

When the cope finally runs out (it isn't infinite unless some VR shit) then you come back to reality, but this time around you can't escape since the Cope ran out.

So then you consider Roping, you are in constant pain and considering Roping until you are able to Cope again.

As such you are stuck in the loop of Coping and considering Roping for years upon years. Some people are stuck on this loop till the day they die as genetic failures.

Others finally give in and Rope once and for all. And others will try some of the other methods, which if they fail to accomplish, will lead straight back into the deadly loop.

Despite all of the other solutions, spiritual ascension is a possible thing. If you can make a close connection with God or the Divine, you can potentially live a life of happiness, even as a sub5 or an incel.

This is basically "Monk Mode" as some call it. You live like a monk, and just get pleasure and happiness from the little things in life.

However i know of very few people who can reach this "state" where even getting cucked or mogged doesn't bother them.

It's practically impossible if you have mental illnesses like depression or ADHD.

But maybe it will work for someone out there, most likely not for the rest of us.


NORMIE = High chance of getting success with the before mentioned methods. Only outliers being:

1# Neurotypicality
2# IQ
3# Inhibition
4# Enviornment

If one if these variables are not ideal or subpar, you will fail as a normie, thus falling into Inceldom.

To not drag this any longer, i'm just gonna talk about the most common problem Normie Incels face. That being the concept of the Mentalcel. This is probably the case for around of 80% of "Failed Normies".

MENTALCEL - A person (usually a Normie) who fails in dating because of mental illness, high-inhibition and being non-neurotypical.

There might have been instances where a woman might have shown interest in the Normie, but since he is a Mentalcel, he couldn't obtain sex (despite the fact that the woman was attracted to him physically).

The NTpill is very imprortant and proven to be true. "Personality" is a bluepilled concept, because it assumes personality can be changed. Meanwhile Neurotypicality can't be changed.

Ok so how to fix this? Well it's very very hard to change, almost impossible to change. Only two methods are tested to work to some degree:

If you are a mentalcel, taking drugs could work very well. Or very badly too.

Drugs have the potential to make you lower-inhib and more social.

For some (like me) it's our only option. But since i haven't explored drugs i can't say anything beyond that.

And this leads us to a paradox. How would you obtain affection from others, when your an incel?

Especially when receiving support and affection by others is exactly what you need to STOP being an incel? Quite the paradox.

And that's why humans created "therapy sessions" (scam sessions) to give you (false) affection so you don't rope yourself.

For some, getting (fake) affection by a therapist might fool them into believing they are truly loved. And maybe it will help their mental illness.

But the true way to get affection is to ascend and then afterward you will get positive feedback (instead of PAIN as we talked about in the Incel Loop) and as such, that will create a positive feedback loop that will make you more social and more NT.


CHAD = Can easily obtain sex.

The dilemma here becomes, how to obtain high quality women? How to breed children that are a genetic success? And of course, Chad still "has" to live life, except that he is living in easy difficulity.

With minimal effort he can pretty much reach maximum happiness in life and also become a reproductive success.

But fuck Chad what do we care about him. If you are a "Chad" and are staying here, log out and don't make yourself more of an autist.




If everything fails, but you still haven't had sex. Then you can either:
*Grape a woman (instant jail)
*Escortmaxx (legal version of the above)
If you really want sex then hire an escort, and be done with that hoe. Simple as that.

> Pros:
* Finally get to have sex.
* No longer virgin by definition.
* Pleasure of sex for the time of your session.
* You can finally "escape" the mental torture of "I never had sex".
* Males don't feel much connection with the woman after sex, so you get sex but no need to commit.

* Whore doesn't give a single fuck about your incel ass.
* You're still an incel and a sub5.
* Could get STD's and other shit.
* You were NOT a reproductive success, in fact this is another Cope and illusion, because you did not reproduce.

Side note: If you are both a Sub5 and a mentalcel, i feel sorry for you but it's beyond over. You can never live as a full human. In that case try to enjoy life as much as you can with whatever you have, because it OVER!


So last notes. Some things might be incorrect and ofc yall might have opposing theories that you can write down in the comments.

In the end, even if you are an incel and sub5, all that matters is your emotional state.

I am sure that if all of us were feeling estatic levels of pleasure all day (without effort) then we wouldn't complain about "muh women, muh i can't get a girlfriend".

Cuz like what are you getting a girlfriend for? For the feeling it gives you, feelings of pleasure. And if we could feel that 24/7 without needing to do anything, our life would be ideal.

But your brain is programmed to give you pain because of rejection, loneliness, and social isolation. It's all because of Pain that we want to escape this situation.

If we were happy all the time, we wouldn't be bothered by the fact that women have rejected us.

But life is cruel. So we must suffer. And we must feel pain.

Will salvation ever be an option for us? Will God save us from suffering or has he abandoned us and left us to live a life worse then Hell? Will we ever find happiness?

I guess we will never know.

P.S those who read it all, tell me in the comments so i can filter yall out.
Nature and watch scott primal incel can live in heaven
* Extremely hard to achieve for the average Sub5
what does money or status have to do with being sub 5 retard lmao?
the thing that gives you money/ status is HIGH IQ, mostly
  • +1
Reactions: 𝔻𝔸𝕎ℕ 𝕆𝔽 𝕂ℍ𝔸L
what does money or status have to do with being sub 5 retard lmao?
the thing that gives you money/ status is HIGH IQ, mostly
lol if you are sub5 you won't even be accepted for a job cuz of your looks, cuz you look so ugly they would rather choose a lower IQ and better looking guy
  • Hmm...
Reactions: Skywalker
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 6583 and NewGenDoomer
Read every word
Ok I have a theory. We all know how being an incel is brutal.

Not only cuz you can't get foids, but also cuz of how you get mogged, treated like a subhuman, and how nobody cares about you, and wishes you were dead.

Natural selection will always do it's thing and kill off weak sperm like us. Incels are genetically inferior, and as such deserve to die under natural law. Or do they?

Humans invented all this shit for years, and yet there is a thing that never found a cure.


Stoicism says to only focus on what you can control, which is the right approach. So then the question comes, how would you escape genetic inferiority?

If you are in deep pain every single fucking day, how would you escape it? How can you reach freedom so you can finally feel like a human for the first time in your life?

Here are all the current known methods of "escaping" inceldom.

First of all, i will lay down the known solutions based on your attractivness.


SUB 5 = Over 90% of the time. For the truecel's (bottom 20%) it's genuinely over and none of the above will work except Rope, Cope, ER, or Spiritual Ascension.


> Pros:
* You end your suffering forever and ever. If you leave something behind, it will have increased value now due to you being dead (brutal blackpill)
* Could potentially reincarnate as Chad or Stacy in the next life, if you believe in that.

> Cons:
* Your ending your life and it will hurt you alot, and also others around you.
* You will not be alive anymore so you can't reach anything in life. It's basically over.
* You can't spread your seed so your (inferior) genetics will never be repeated again in existence.

2# ER
> Pros:
* Nothing except fullfilling your desire of revenge at the expense of other people's lives.
* You drag other people down with you on your demise.

> Cons:
* Life in prison.
* Suffering for all your life if alive, you will get raped by Tyrone in prison.
* If you Rope which is first 1# option, then the result is still the same. Except in this case you leave your family and everyone in an even worse place.
* Be humiliated even after death for being known as the "virgin killer".

> Pros:
* You will at least be treated better (if done right) so less pain and suffering.
* Potential to ascend to Normie tier (rare)
* Potential to get a Low Tier Becky after surgery.

> Cons:
* Requires alot of money.
* Potential to look worse or have side effects.
* If you do manage to breed, your children will inheret your original genetics, meaning you will birth future incels who will share the same fate as you.

> Pros:
* Treated better.
* Easier time to obtain sex.
* If you have money and surgerymaxx, you could sucessfully escape inceldom.
* Happier and higher life quality knowing you are (somewhat more) valuable to some Asian foids.
* Potential for Long Term Relationship although rare.

> Cons:
* Requires alot of money.
* Requires to learn a bit of another language.
* If you breed your child will likely be an incel (in the West).

5# STATUSMAXXING (moneymaxxing & thugmaxxing included):
> Pros:
* Easily obtain sex by paying.
* Easily obtain Long Term Relationship by betabuxxing.
* You can reproduce.
* Treated way way better then when you were a nobody.
* Higher quality of life.
* Can live and enjoy life due to having abundant resources.
* Will be loved by some people due to your status.
* Will die having been known for something.
* Potential to date higher then your genetic limit, and even reproduce with a more attractive woman (then yourself) .
* Undoubtely the best option for sub5's, and if combined with surgerymaxxing and geomaxxing, you are no longer an incel.

> Cons:
* Extremely hard to achieve for the average Sub5
* Skill, talent, or being High IQ is required.
* Status carries your life, so if it's gone, you're done for.
* People still don't physically like you. But people like your status and money.
* Wife will most likely cuck you or divorce you.
* Still can't compete with a HighTierNormie or Chad.

> Pros:
* You can live in constant short-term pleasure.
* You can escape to a fantasy world where you are the Chad fucking Stacies left and right.
* You can numb yourself and forget about your existence.
* You can live a life that doesn't reflect your genetic fate, i.e even tho your a sub5 genetic defect incel, you can still live in constant pleasure and live a "pleasurable" life.
* You can SUCESSFULLY trick your brain with illusions that you are a sucess in life. For this reason it's often presented as the solution to #1 ROPE.
* Could potentially make connections with others due to sharing the same cope (i.e making gamer friends, or making smoking buddies).

> Cons:
* Cope - your still denying reality which will eventually catch up to you. Often times creating a cycle of considering ROPING and then going back to COPING.
* Coping will eventually desensitize you so it won't work anymore. You will be left with PAIN.
* You will lower your attractiveness, since most Copes are unhealthy.
* In reality does not help you escape inceldom and as such it's a flawed solution.

Side Note:
The incel loop starts as such. Your a sub5, and you get treated badly everytime you go outside and interact with others. Then the brain makes this association:

Outside = Pain

And as such it avoids going Outside. But since you are FORCED to go outside everyday, that means you are FORCED to feel PAIN every single day.

So then the question comes? How to fix this? There are three solutions.

1# Ascend (most likely failed for most of us here)
2# Rope
3# Cope

Most incels get exposed to "Ascension" as the solution. Which only works for a few percent, and ignores the rest that fail. Survival bais at it's finest.

If it works, then the Incel in question escapes Inceldom and the loop.

If it doesn't, however, something interesting happens. Only two solutions are left. Either Rope or Cope.

So that's when the loop starts. Those who choose to Rope are no longer with us. Those who choose "Cope" however, are stuck in an infinite loop.

The loop is:
You feel pain cuz you're a sub5, you cope all day long. You feel pleasure while coping.

When the cope finally runs out (it isn't infinite unless some VR shit) then you come back to reality, but this time around you can't escape since the Cope ran out.

So then you consider Roping, you are in constant pain and considering Roping until you are able to Cope again.

As such you are stuck in the loop of Coping and considering Roping for years upon years. Some people are stuck on this loop till the day they die as genetic failures.

Others finally give in and Rope once and for all. And others will try some of the other methods, which if they fail to accomplish, will lead straight back into the deadly loop.

Despite all of the other solutions, spiritual ascension is a possible thing. If you can make a close connection with God or the Divine, you can potentially live a life of happiness, even as a sub5 or an incel.

This is basically "Monk Mode" as some call it. You live like a monk, and just get pleasure and happiness from the little things in life.

However i know of very few people who can reach this "state" where even getting cucked or mogged doesn't bother them.

It's practically impossible if you have mental illnesses like depression or ADHD.

But maybe it will work for someone out there, most likely not for the rest of us.


NORMIE = High chance of getting success with the before mentioned methods. Only outliers being:

1# Neurotypicality
2# IQ
3# Inhibition
4# Enviornment

If one if these variables are not ideal or subpar, you will fail as a normie, thus falling into Inceldom.

To not drag this any longer, i'm just gonna talk about the most common problem Normie Incels face. That being the concept of the Mentalcel. This is probably the case for around of 80% of "Failed Normies".

MENTALCEL - A person (usually a Normie) who fails in dating because of mental illness, high-inhibition and being non-neurotypical.

There might have been instances where a woman might have shown interest in the Normie, but since he is a Mentalcel, he couldn't obtain sex (despite the fact that the woman was attracted to him physically).

The NTpill is very imprortant and proven to be true. "Personality" is a bluepilled concept, because it assumes personality can be changed. Meanwhile Neurotypicality can't be changed.

Ok so how to fix this? Well it's very very hard to change, almost impossible to change. Only two methods are tested to work to some degree:

If you are a mentalcel, taking drugs could work very well. Or very badly too.

Drugs have the potential to make you lower-inhib and more social.

For some (like me) it's our only option. But since i haven't explored drugs i can't say anything beyond that.

And this leads us to a paradox. How would you obtain affection from others, when your an incel?

Especially when receiving support and affection by others is exactly what you need to STOP being an incel? Quite the paradox.

And that's why humans created "therapy sessions" (scam sessions) to give you (false) affection so you don't rope yourself.

For some, getting (fake) affection by a therapist might fool them into believing they are truly loved. And maybe it will help their mental illness.

But the true way to get affection is to ascend and then afterward you will get positive feedback (instead of PAIN as we talked about in the Incel Loop) and as such, that will create a positive feedback loop that will make you more social and more NT.


CHAD = Can easily obtain sex.

The dilemma here becomes, how to obtain high quality women? How to breed children that are a genetic success? And of course, Chad still "has" to live life, except that he is living in easy difficulity.

With minimal effort he can pretty much reach maximum happiness in life and also become a reproductive success.

But fuck Chad what do we care about him. If you are a "Chad" and are staying here, log out and don't make yourself more of an autist.




If everything fails, but you still haven't had sex. Then you can either:
*Grape a woman (instant jail)
*Escortmaxx (legal version of the above)
If you really want sex then hire an escort, and be done with that hoe. Simple as that.

> Pros:
* Finally get to have sex.
* No longer virgin by definition.
* Pleasure of sex for the time of your session.
* You can finally "escape" the mental torture of "I never had sex".
* Males don't feel much connection with the woman after sex, so you get sex but no need to commit.

* Whore doesn't give a single fuck about your incel ass.
* You're still an incel and a sub5.
* Could get STD's and other shit.
* You were NOT a reproductive success, in fact this is another Cope and illusion, because you did not reproduce.

Side note: If you are both a Sub5 and a mentalcel, i feel sorry for you but it's beyond over. You can never live as a full human. In that case try to enjoy life as much as you can with whatever you have, because it OVER!


So last notes. Some things might be incorrect and ofc yall might have opposing theories that you can write down in the comments.

In the end, even if you are an incel and sub5, all that matters is your emotional state.

I am sure that if all of us were feeling estatic levels of pleasure all day (without effort) then we wouldn't complain about "muh women, muh i can't get a girlfriend".

Cuz like what are you getting a girlfriend for? For the feeling it gives you, feelings of pleasure. And if we could feel that 24/7 without needing to do anything, our life would be ideal.

But your brain is programmed to give you pain because of rejection, loneliness, and social isolation. It's all because of Pain that we want to escape this situation.

If we were happy all the time, we wouldn't be bothered by the fact that women have rejected us.

But life is cruel. So we must suffer. And we must feel pain.

Will salvation ever be an option for us? Will God save us from suffering or has he abandoned us and left us to live a life worse then Hell? Will we ever find happiness?

I guess we will never know.

P.S those who read it all, tell me in the comments so i can filter yall out.
Most insane thing ive ever read. fuck an escort and get money pulling a woman is possible by literally anybody (disabled, retarded, burn victim) happiness exists purely as a chemical within your own head. being genetic garbage doesn't completely hold you back from happiness. don't expect people to feel sorry for you that is the most unreliable form of comfort.

P.S you might be a (broke) mental cell
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