How to get dopamine from being a tallcel?



30:30:40 Facial thirds Pill
Jul 12, 2019
aside from posting to a forum of apsies to remind people that you're a tallcel

Now that my face is maxxed out and my physique has returned to a respectable level (aka not failo level) I have no other "distractions" in terms of lagging physical attributes as to why I may have a lack of success with foids, so I may as well switch my focus back to my one mogger trait and just assume that my remaining traits may be sufficient enough to get a slay over the line with a decent looking foid.

I dont live near a city any more but if I did I would have more motivation now to go outside and just hang around in public since I'm in the middle of my looks peak window.
I have been questioning how I may rekindle the joy from heightmogging because when you aren't slaying and have effectively been incel for 4 years, it just doesn't feel as joyful as it used to.

The novelty for heightmogging started for me around 18. At 17 I never thought about it because my face was too subpar for my height to have any value, I was relatively surprised upon google searching that it seemed women were attracted to tall males since I was a firm believer in face law since day 1 and literally every tall male in my school was an ogre so I never witnessed the power of a tall face mogger.

Transforming from a lanklet kisser of club foids to a 95kg+ slayer of club foids gave me my second dose of novelty with regards height mogging because now the height felt more meaningful because I had an adequate frame which garnered more respect.

My slaying prime came and went, then I lost my muscle from lack of lifting in lockdown and quitting roids
I became a fulltime workcel and the opportunities to height mog became fewer and fewer
I remember in the tesco I used to go to, when queuing up for the checkout you could see the reflections in the window of everyone queueing up so it gave me some frame of reference for just how hard I heightmog the average male which is a 40 year old tesco shopper and the heighmog is indeed so significant that it doesn't provide any feeling of value or any dopamine spike.
I couldn't help but mutter internally: are you niggers even trying, where can i go to find some competition?
I sometimes woke up from sleeping at 7pm and went immediately to tesco meaning I had an extra cm of height compared to if I went a couple of hours after getting out of bed. I felt like that extra cm was wasted on mogging 5'8 manlets.
Also in 2022 when I no longer workcelled and pretty much only left my house to walk to lidl, I felt like my heightmogs were wasted on oldcels and ethnics since I was in an ethnic dense area. I might have seen a cute white foid once per month

My main ventures out of my basement these days are days spent hanging around in airports and even after a day of heightmogging I'm left unfulfilled because there is no sense that a slay could just happen out of the blue, whereas when you're still in uni or working a nightlife job, you think any interaction you have could lead you on the pathway to your next slay.

To fully enjoy heightmogging after the novelty has worn off I think you have to have some belief in the back of your mind that there's a prospect of you slaying a cute girl via familiarity game.
When that's not the case you're just heightmogging subhuman drones for absolutely no reason, the only joy that can be taken from it is if you're in close proximity to some chav with his foid and she cant help but recognize just how tiny her boyfriend is by comparison to a reasonable sized male

One negative of aging as a tallcel that doesn't get spoken about is that you are seen as someone who somehow failed at sports despite having a perceived advantage.
When younger I always had the cope that I would return to playing rugby after I filled out my frame and it would allow me to dominate.
I also had plans to do athletics thinking I could get to a respectable level in my 20s but imagine having your athletic prime of your 20s pass you by and not spending a single minute of it achieving anything in the sporting realm as a tallcel, it's actually quite a big failo if you encounter a girl who expects you to have achieved something sport wise but you haven't a single picture on your instagram of you playing sports.

One strategy I have to try to regain dopamine from heighmogging is by clothesmaxxing since I was wearing cheap clothes for years but recently updated my warddrobe.
I swear nearly ever tall guy dresses like absolute shit, they're just so low in awareness and lacking in style/fuckboy inclination but most of them just get girlfriends while being awkwardly dressed skinnyfatcels so they never have any reason to care about "drip"
I have 3 pairs of decently flamoyant trainers right now, 2 of them being airmaxxes which I may start wearing although airmax on a tallcel is overkill but I just want those damn stylepoints.
I also want to leave the door open for that 1/1,000,000 chance that a foid wants to approach me and having some peacocking clothes gives her an easy reason to by commenting on my item of clothing.

I might spend some time in the Netherlands again just for the sake of getting heightmogged semi regularly in order to feel something again.
It actually feels like you're joining some exclusive society by being surrounded by other heighmoggers for a while so you can share the burden of being that guy people hate with other ascended beings who can relate to you.
I refer to "being the guy people hate" in the sense that when manlets are being passive aggressive in your presence, you just sense they're thinking "that height is wasted on him, it should've been distributed to me, if only I had it then I'd be a perfect 10/10 male" not realizing that if they morphed their height for tinder pics and set their bio to 6'4 they'd see a negligable difference in results since most foids are mentally ill manlet fuckers with only a tiny portion of foids ONLY opening their legs for tallcels, probably less that 1% of women have only had sexual partner(s) of 6'+ nevermind two standard deviations of height (6'4)
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  • JFL
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Mentally ill mfer
  • JFL
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Reactions: LooksOrDeath, Deleted member 23558, Deleted member 52452 and 19 others
Nigga everyone here claims they’re 6’5 what dopamine do u get from posting about it when every curry does the same
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 23558, staton, horizontallytall and 14 others
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  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 52452, mike21, Manletmachine and 3 others
6'4 on the internet means you are 6'1 barefoot irl
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  • JFL
Reactions: LooksOrDeath, Deleted member 52452, bululu_87 and 10 others
Walk barefooted IRL if 6’4 and above
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 52452, pppokerface, socialcel and 2 others
aside from posting to a forum of apsies to remind people that you're a tallcel

Now that my face is maxxed out and my physique has returned to a respectable level (aka not failo level) I have no other "distractions" in terms of lagging physical attributes as to why I may have a lack of success with foids, so I may as well switch my focus back to my one mogger trait and just assume that my remaining traits may be sufficient enough to get a slay over the line with a decent looking foid.

I dont live near a city any more but if I did I would have more motivation now to go outside and just hang around in public since I'm in the middle of my looks peak window.
I have been questioning how I may rekindle the joy from heightmogging because when you aren't slaying and have effectively been incel for 4 years, it just doesn't feel as joyful as it used to.

The novelty for heightmogging started for me around 18. At 17 I never thought about it because my face was too subpar for my height to have any value, I was relatively surprised upon google searching that it seemed women were attracted to tall males since I was a firm believer in face law since day 1 and literally every tall male in my school was an ogre so I never witnessed the power of a tall face mogger.

Transforming from a lanklet kisser of club foids to a 95kg+ slayer of club foids gave me my second dose of novelty with regards height mogging because now the height felt more meaningful because I had an adequate frame which garnered more respect.

My slaying prime came and went, then I lost my muscle from lack of lifting in lockdown and quitting roids
I became a fulltime workcel and the opportunities to height mog became fewer and fewer
I remember in the tesco I used to go to, when queuing up for the checkout you could see the reflections in the window of everyone queueing up so it gave me some frame of reference for just how hard I heightmog the average male which is a 40 year old tesco shopper and the heighmog is indeed so significant that it doesn't provide any feeling of value or any dopamine spike.
I couldn't help but mutter internally: are you niggers even trying, where can i go to find some competition?
I sometimes woke up from sleeping at 7pm and went immediately to tesco meaning I had an extra cm of height compared to if I went a couple of hours after getting out of bed. I felt like that extra cm was wasted on mogging 5'8 manlets.
Also in 2022 when I no longer workcelled and pretty much only left my house to walk to lidl, I felt like my heightmogs were wasted on oldcels and ethnics since I was in an ethnic dense area. I might have seen a cute white foid once per month

My main ventures out of my basement these days are days spent hanging around in airports and even after a day of heightmogging I'm left unfulfilled because there is no sense that a slay could just happen out of the blue, whereas when you're still in uni or working a nightlife job, you think any interaction you have could lead you on the pathway to your next slay.

To fully enjoy heightmogging after the novelty has worn off I think you have to have some belief in the back of your mind that there's a prospect of you slaying a cute girl via familiarity game.
When that's not the case you're just heightmogging subhuman drones for absolutely no reason, the only joy that can be taken from it is if you're in close proximity to some chav with his foid and she cant help but recognize just how tiny her boyfriend is by comparison to a reasonable sized male

One negative of aging as a tallcel that doesn't get spoken about is that you are seen as someone who somehow failed at sports despite having a perceived advantage.
When younger I always had the cope that I would return to playing rugby after I filled out my frame and it would allow me to dominate.
I also had plans to do athletics thinking I could get to a respectable level in my 20s but imagine having your athletic prime of your 20s pass you by and not spending a single minute of it achieving anything in the sporting realm as a tallcel, it's actually quite a big failo if you encounter a girl who expects you to have achieved something sport wise but you haven't a single picture on your instagram of you playing sports.

One strategy I have to try to regain dopamine from heighmogging is by clothesmaxxing since I was wearing cheap clothes for years but recently updated my warddrobe.
I swear nearly ever tall guy dresses like absolute shit, they're just so low in awareness and lacking in style/fuckboy inclination but most of them just get girlfriends while being awkwardly dressed skinnyfatcels so they never have any reason to care about "drip"
I have 3 pairs of decently flamoyant trainers right now, 2 of them being airmaxxes which I may start wearing although airmax on a tallcel is overkill but I just want those damn stylepoints.
I also want to leave the door open for that 1/1,000,000 chance that a foid wants to approach me and having some peacocking clothes gives her an easy reason to by commenting on my item of clothing.

I might spend some time in the Netherlands again just for the sake of getting heightmogged semi regularly in order to feel something again.
It actually feels like you're joining some exclusive society by being surrounded by other heighmoggers for a while so you can share the burden of being that guy people hate with other ascended beings who can relate to you.
I refer to "being the guy people hate" in the sense that when manlets are being passive aggressive in your presence, you just sense they're thinking "that height is wasted on him, it should've been distributed to me, if only I had it then I'd be a perfect 10/10 male" not realizing that if they morphed their height for tinder pics and set their bio to 6'4 they'd see a negligable difference in results since most foids are mentally ill manlet fuckers with only a tiny portion of foids ONLY opening their legs for tallcels, probably less that 1% of women have only had sexual partner(s) of 6'+ nevermind two standard deviations of height (6'4)
Nigga wrote a whole book to distract him from the fact height didn’t do shit for him and he has to write essays on .org to feel anything
  • JFL
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  • Hmm...
Reactions: tombradylover, Deleted member 52452, Deleted member 66436 and 11 others
Nigga wrote a whole book to distract him from the fact height didn’t do shit for him and he has to write essays on .org to feel anything
The richest men built statues to attest to their glory.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 52452, poopoohead and iam good boy
The richest men built statues to attest to their glory.
Comparing wasting ur time writing idiotic Indian blabber essays no one will ever read to paying a few hundred thousand for a golden statue
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: LooksOrDeath, Deleted member 52452 and iam good boy
Comparing wasting ur time writing idiotic Indian blabber essays no one will ever read to paying a few hundred thousand for a golden statue
Doesnt matter its all about the moment. I bet OP felt like a million bucks when he wrote it and images of him showing manlets their inferiority flashed in his mind
  • JFL
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Reactions: Deleted member 52452, Mewton, Manletmachine and 2 others
Doesnt matter its all about the moment. I bet OP felt like a million bucks when he wrote it and images of him showing manlets their inferiority flashed in his mind
The inferior manlets he says fucks his oneitis while he tears up writing fanfiction on .org, really showed em
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: LooksOrDeath, Deleted member 52452 and Skywalker
The inferior manlets he says fucks his oneitis while he tears up writing fanfiction on .org, really showed em
OP is a slayer i think fucked 100 women. If he was a manlet hed have prolly roped
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 52452
Doesnt matter its all about the moment. I bet OP felt like a million bucks when he wrote it and images of him showing manlets their inferiority flashed in his mind
High T brahmin
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 52452 and Deleted member 23558
OP is a slayer i think fucked 100 women. If he was a manlet hed have prolly roped
Really? He seems adamant about manlets fucking his women or whatever, some kind of cuckold fetish
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 52452, Skywalker and Manletmachine
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Reactions: Deleted member 52452
No one is gonna pay attention to ur thread!
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 52452
Nigga everyone here claims they’re 6’5 what dopamine do u get from posting about it when every curry does the same
Yeah but some of us actually are 6’4 +
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Reactions: tallnegga
I'm 6'3, I would kill for being 6'4 (my cousing is 6'4 and mogs me hard in family pictures)

edit: over
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: LooksOrDeath and Deleted member 52452
I'm 6'3, I would kill for being 6'4 (my cousing is 6'4 and mogs me hard in family pictures)

edit: over
“I’m 6”3” = 5”11 barefoot
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: LooksOrDeath, Deleted member 52452, Aesthetic.pilled and 4 others
“I’m 6”3” = 5”11 barefoot
:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: I bet normally it is like that but I would be incel if not for my height (hate being mogged by my cousin)
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Reactions: Deleted member 52452
Take roids and wear timbs to exacerbate the height size mogginess
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Reactions: Deleted member 52452 and Skywalker
Embracing one's height as a tallcel can boost dopamine by cultivating self-confidence and positive self-image. Focus on personal strengths, engage in activities that showcase your uniqueness, and surround yourself with supportive individuals. Celebrate the advantages of being tall, fostering a mindset that promotes happiness and fulfillment.
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: LooksOrDeath, Soychadcell, Deleted member 52452 and 3 others
Just go out Jfl
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 52452
aside from posting to a forum of apsies to remind people that you're a tallcel

Now that my face is maxxed out and my physique has returned to a respectable level (aka not failo level) I have no other "distractions" in terms of lagging physical attributes as to why I may have a lack of success with foids, so I may as well switch my focus back to my one mogger trait and just assume that my remaining traits may be sufficient enough to get a slay over the line with a decent looking foid.

I dont live near a city any more but if I did I would have more motivation now to go outside and just hang around in public since I'm in the middle of my looks peak window.
I have been questioning how I may rekindle the joy from heightmogging because when you aren't slaying and have effectively been incel for 4 years, it just doesn't feel as joyful as it used to.

The novelty for heightmogging started for me around 18. At 17 I never thought about it because my face was too subpar for my height to have any value, I was relatively surprised upon google searching that it seemed women were attracted to tall males since I was a firm believer in face law since day 1 and literally every tall male in my school was an ogre so I never witnessed the power of a tall face mogger.

Transforming from a lanklet kisser of club foids to a 95kg+ slayer of club foids gave me my second dose of novelty with regards height mogging because now the height felt more meaningful because I had an adequate frame which garnered more respect.

My slaying prime came and went, then I lost my muscle from lack of lifting in lockdown and quitting roids
I became a fulltime workcel and the opportunities to height mog became fewer and fewer
I remember in the tesco I used to go to, when queuing up for the checkout you could see the reflections in the window of everyone queueing up so it gave me some frame of reference for just how hard I heightmog the average male which is a 40 year old tesco shopper and the heighmog is indeed so significant that it doesn't provide any feeling of value or any dopamine spike.
I couldn't help but mutter internally: are you niggers even trying, where can i go to find some competition?
I sometimes woke up from sleeping at 7pm and went immediately to tesco meaning I had an extra cm of height compared to if I went a couple of hours after getting out of bed. I felt like that extra cm was wasted on mogging 5'8 manlets.
Also in 2022 when I no longer workcelled and pretty much only left my house to walk to lidl, I felt like my heightmogs were wasted on oldcels and ethnics since I was in an ethnic dense area. I might have seen a cute white foid once per month

My main ventures out of my basement these days are days spent hanging around in airports and even after a day of heightmogging I'm left unfulfilled because there is no sense that a slay could just happen out of the blue, whereas when you're still in uni or working a nightlife job, you think any interaction you have could lead you on the pathway to your next slay.

To fully enjoy heightmogging after the novelty has worn off I think you have to have some belief in the back of your mind that there's a prospect of you slaying a cute girl via familiarity game.
When that's not the case you're just heightmogging subhuman drones for absolutely no reason, the only joy that can be taken from it is if you're in close proximity to some chav with his foid and she cant help but recognize just how tiny her boyfriend is by comparison to a reasonable sized male

One negative of aging as a tallcel that doesn't get spoken about is that you are seen as someone who somehow failed at sports despite having a perceived advantage.
When younger I always had the cope that I would return to playing rugby after I filled out my frame and it would allow me to dominate.
I also had plans to do athletics thinking I could get to a respectable level in my 20s but imagine having your athletic prime of your 20s pass you by and not spending a single minute of it achieving anything in the sporting realm as a tallcel, it's actually quite a big failo if you encounter a girl who expects you to have achieved something sport wise but you haven't a single picture on your instagram of you playing sports.

One strategy I have to try to regain dopamine from heighmogging is by clothesmaxxing since I was wearing cheap clothes for years but recently updated my warddrobe.
I swear nearly ever tall guy dresses like absolute shit, they're just so low in awareness and lacking in style/fuckboy inclination but most of them just get girlfriends while being awkwardly dressed skinnyfatcels so they never have any reason to care about "drip"
I have 3 pairs of decently flamoyant trainers right now, 2 of them being airmaxxes which I may start wearing although airmax on a tallcel is overkill but I just want those damn stylepoints.
I also want to leave the door open for that 1/1,000,000 chance that a foid wants to approach me and having some peacocking clothes gives her an easy reason to by commenting on my item of clothing.

I might spend some time in the Netherlands again just for the sake of getting heightmogged semi regularly in order to feel something again.
It actually feels like you're joining some exclusive society by being surrounded by other heighmoggers for a while so you can share the burden of being that guy people hate with other ascended beings who can relate to you.
I refer to "being the guy people hate" in the sense that when manlets are being passive aggressive in your presence, you just sense they're thinking "that height is wasted on him, it should've been distributed to me, if only I had it then I'd be a perfect 10/10 male" not realizing that if they morphed their height for tinder pics and set their bio to 6'4 they'd see a negligable difference in results since most foids are mentally ill manlet fuckers with only a tiny portion of foids ONLY opening their legs for tallcels, probably less that 1% of women have only had sexual partner(s) of 6'+ nevermind two standard deviations of height (6'4)
35656012 982C 483E B850 B10BA53A4D5B
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 52452 and Deleted member 26642
Nigga wrote a whole book to distract him from the fact height didn’t do shit for him and he has to write essays on .org to feel anything
I do the same
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 52452
Nigga everyone here claims they’re 6’5 what dopamine do u get from posting about it when every curry does the same
he is going more insane by the day, it seems like :smonk:
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 52452, Deleted member 51465, 6ft4 and 1 other person
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 52452 and staton
Average narcy
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Reactions: Deleted member 52452
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 52452
even less......OP is prolly 5'10" IRL, @BrendioEEE :feelskek:
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 52452
aside from posting to a forum of apsies to remind people that you're a tallcel

Now that my face is maxxed out and my physique has returned to a respectable level (aka not failo level) I have no other "distractions" in terms of lagging physical attributes as to why I may have a lack of success with foids, so I may as well switch my focus back to my one mogger trait and just assume that my remaining traits may be sufficient enough to get a slay over the line with a decent looking foid.

I dont live near a city any more but if I did I would have more motivation now to go outside and just hang around in public since I'm in the middle of my looks peak window.
I have been questioning how I may rekindle the joy from heightmogging because when you aren't slaying and have effectively been incel for 4 years, it just doesn't feel as joyful as it used to.

The novelty for heightmogging started for me around 18. At 17 I never thought about it because my face was too subpar for my height to have any value, I was relatively surprised upon google searching that it seemed women were attracted to tall males since I was a firm believer in face law since day 1 and literally every tall male in my school was an ogre so I never witnessed the power of a tall face mogger.

Transforming from a lanklet kisser of club foids to a 95kg+ slayer of club foids gave me my second dose of novelty with regards height mogging because now the height felt more meaningful because I had an adequate frame which garnered more respect.

My slaying prime came and went, then I lost my muscle from lack of lifting in lockdown and quitting roids
I became a fulltime workcel and the opportunities to height mog became fewer and fewer
I remember in the tesco I used to go to, when queuing up for the checkout you could see the reflections in the window of everyone queueing up so it gave me some frame of reference for just how hard I heightmog the average male which is a 40 year old tesco shopper and the heighmog is indeed so significant that it doesn't provide any feeling of value or any dopamine spike.
I couldn't help but mutter internally: are you niggers even trying, where can i go to find some competition?
I sometimes woke up from sleeping at 7pm and went immediately to tesco meaning I had an extra cm of height compared to if I went a couple of hours after getting out of bed. I felt like that extra cm was wasted on mogging 5'8 manlets.
Also in 2022 when I no longer workcelled and pretty much only left my house to walk to lidl, I felt like my heightmogs were wasted on oldcels and ethnics since I was in an ethnic dense area. I might have seen a cute white foid once per month

My main ventures out of my basement these days are days spent hanging around in airports and even after a day of heightmogging I'm left unfulfilled because there is no sense that a slay could just happen out of the blue, whereas when you're still in uni or working a nightlife job, you think any interaction you have could lead you on the pathway to your next slay.

To fully enjoy heightmogging after the novelty has worn off I think you have to have some belief in the back of your mind that there's a prospect of you slaying a cute girl via familiarity game.
When that's not the case you're just heightmogging subhuman drones for absolutely no reason, the only joy that can be taken from it is if you're in close proximity to some chav with his foid and she cant help but recognize just how tiny her boyfriend is by comparison to a reasonable sized male

One negative of aging as a tallcel that doesn't get spoken about is that you are seen as someone who somehow failed at sports despite having a perceived advantage.
When younger I always had the cope that I would return to playing rugby after I filled out my frame and it would allow me to dominate.
I also had plans to do athletics thinking I could get to a respectable level in my 20s but imagine having your athletic prime of your 20s pass you by and not spending a single minute of it achieving anything in the sporting realm as a tallcel, it's actually quite a big failo if you encounter a girl who expects you to have achieved something sport wise but you haven't a single picture on your instagram of you playing sports.

One strategy I have to try to regain dopamine from heighmogging is by clothesmaxxing since I was wearing cheap clothes for years but recently updated my warddrobe.
I swear nearly ever tall guy dresses like absolute shit, they're just so low in awareness and lacking in style/fuckboy inclination but most of them just get girlfriends while being awkwardly dressed skinnyfatcels so they never have any reason to care about "drip"
I have 3 pairs of decently flamoyant trainers right now, 2 of them being airmaxxes which I may start wearing although airmax on a tallcel is overkill but I just want those damn stylepoints.
I also want to leave the door open for that 1/1,000,000 chance that a foid wants to approach me and having some peacocking clothes gives her an easy reason to by commenting on my item of clothing.

I might spend some time in the Netherlands again just for the sake of getting heightmogged semi regularly in order to feel something again.
It actually feels like you're joining some exclusive society by being surrounded by other heighmoggers for a while so you can share the burden of being that guy people hate with other ascended beings who can relate to you.
I refer to "being the guy people hate" in the sense that when manlets are being passive aggressive in your presence, you just sense they're thinking "that height is wasted on him, it should've been distributed to me, if only I had it then I'd be a perfect 10/10 male" not realizing that if they morphed their height for tinder pics and set their bio to 6'4 they'd see a negligable difference in results since most foids are mentally ill manlet fuckers with only a tiny portion of foids ONLY opening their legs for tallcels, probably less that 1% of women have only had sexual partner(s) of 6'+ nevermind two standard deviations of height (6'4)
Wrote a fucking novel but nice writing
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 52452 and 6ft4
aside from posting to a forum of apsies to remind people that you're a tallcel

Now that my face is maxxed out and my physique has returned to a respectable level (aka not failo level) I have no other "distractions" in terms of lagging physical attributes as to why I may have a lack of success with foids, so I may as well switch my focus back to my one mogger trait and just assume that my remaining traits may be sufficient enough to get a slay over the line with a decent looking foid.

I dont live near a city any more but if I did I would have more motivation now to go outside and just hang around in public since I'm in the middle of my looks peak window.
I have been questioning how I may rekindle the joy from heightmogging because when you aren't slaying and have effectively been incel for 4 years, it just doesn't feel as joyful as it used to.

The novelty for heightmogging started for me around 18. At 17 I never thought about it because my face was too subpar for my height to have any value, I was relatively surprised upon google searching that it seemed women were attracted to tall males since I was a firm believer in face law since day 1 and literally every tall male in my school was an ogre so I never witnessed the power of a tall face mogger.

Transforming from a lanklet kisser of club foids to a 95kg+ slayer of club foids gave me my second dose of novelty with regards height mogging because now the height felt more meaningful because I had an adequate frame which garnered more respect.

My slaying prime came and went, then I lost my muscle from lack of lifting in lockdown and quitting roids
I became a fulltime workcel and the opportunities to height mog became fewer and fewer
I remember in the tesco I used to go to, when queuing up for the checkout you could see the reflections in the window of everyone queueing up so it gave me some frame of reference for just how hard I heightmog the average male which is a 40 year old tesco shopper and the heighmog is indeed so significant that it doesn't provide any feeling of value or any dopamine spike.
I couldn't help but mutter internally: are you niggers even trying, where can i go to find some competition?
I sometimes woke up from sleeping at 7pm and went immediately to tesco meaning I had an extra cm of height compared to if I went a couple of hours after getting out of bed. I felt like that extra cm was wasted on mogging 5'8 manlets.
Also in 2022 when I no longer workcelled and pretty much only left my house to walk to lidl, I felt like my heightmogs were wasted on oldcels and ethnics since I was in an ethnic dense area. I might have seen a cute white foid once per month

My main ventures out of my basement these days are days spent hanging around in airports and even after a day of heightmogging I'm left unfulfilled because there is no sense that a slay could just happen out of the blue, whereas when you're still in uni or working a nightlife job, you think any interaction you have could lead you on the pathway to your next slay.

To fully enjoy heightmogging after the novelty has worn off I think you have to have some belief in the back of your mind that there's a prospect of you slaying a cute girl via familiarity game.
When that's not the case you're just heightmogging subhuman drones for absolutely no reason, the only joy that can be taken from it is if you're in close proximity to some chav with his foid and she cant help but recognize just how tiny her boyfriend is by comparison to a reasonable sized male

One negative of aging as a tallcel that doesn't get spoken about is that you are seen as someone who somehow failed at sports despite having a perceived advantage.
When younger I always had the cope that I would return to playing rugby after I filled out my frame and it would allow me to dominate.
I also had plans to do athletics thinking I could get to a respectable level in my 20s but imagine having your athletic prime of your 20s pass you by and not spending a single minute of it achieving anything in the sporting realm as a tallcel, it's actually quite a big failo if you encounter a girl who expects you to have achieved something sport wise but you haven't a single picture on your instagram of you playing sports.

One strategy I have to try to regain dopamine from heighmogging is by clothesmaxxing since I was wearing cheap clothes for years but recently updated my warddrobe.
I swear nearly ever tall guy dresses like absolute shit, they're just so low in awareness and lacking in style/fuckboy inclination but most of them just get girlfriends while being awkwardly dressed skinnyfatcels so they never have any reason to care about "drip"
I have 3 pairs of decently flamoyant trainers right now, 2 of them being airmaxxes which I may start wearing although airmax on a tallcel is overkill but I just want those damn stylepoints.
I also want to leave the door open for that 1/1,000,000 chance that a foid wants to approach me and having some peacocking clothes gives her an easy reason to by commenting on my item of clothing.

I might spend some time in the Netherlands again just for the sake of getting heightmogged semi regularly in order to feel something again.
It actually feels like you're joining some exclusive society by being surrounded by other heighmoggers for a while so you can share the burden of being that guy people hate with other ascended beings who can relate to you.
I refer to "being the guy people hate" in the sense that when manlets are being passive aggressive in your presence, you just sense they're thinking "that height is wasted on him, it should've been distributed to me, if only I had it then I'd be a perfect 10/10 male" not realizing that if they morphed their height for tinder pics and set their bio to 6'4 they'd see a negligable difference in results since most foids are mentally ill manlet fuckers with only a tiny portion of foids ONLY opening their legs for tallcels, probably less that 1% of women have only had sexual partner(s) of 6'+ nevermind two standard deviations of height (6'4)
Didn’t read
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 52452
aside from posting to a forum of apsies to remind people that you're a tallcel

Now that my face is maxxed out and my physique has returned to a respectable level (aka not failo level) I have no other "distractions" in terms of lagging physical attributes as to why I may have a lack of success with foids, so I may as well switch my focus back to my one mogger trait and just assume that my remaining traits may be sufficient enough to get a slay over the line with a decent looking foid.

I dont live near a city any more but if I did I would have more motivation now to go outside and just hang around in public since I'm in the middle of my looks peak window.
I have been questioning how I may rekindle the joy from heightmogging because when you aren't slaying and have effectively been incel for 4 years, it just doesn't feel as joyful as it used to.

The novelty for heightmogging started for me around 18. At 17 I never thought about it because my face was too subpar for my height to have any value, I was relatively surprised upon google searching that it seemed women were attracted to tall males since I was a firm believer in face law since day 1 and literally every tall male in my school was an ogre so I never witnessed the power of a tall face mogger.

Transforming from a lanklet kisser of club foids to a 95kg+ slayer of club foids gave me my second dose of novelty with regards height mogging because now the height felt more meaningful because I had an adequate frame which garnered more respect.

My slaying prime came and went, then I lost my muscle from lack of lifting in lockdown and quitting roids
I became a fulltime workcel and the opportunities to height mog became fewer and fewer
I remember in the tesco I used to go to, when queuing up for the checkout you could see the reflections in the window of everyone queueing up so it gave me some frame of reference for just how hard I heightmog the average male which is a 40 year old tesco shopper and the heighmog is indeed so significant that it doesn't provide any feeling of value or any dopamine spike.
I couldn't help but mutter internally: are you niggers even trying, where can i go to find some competition?
I sometimes woke up from sleeping at 7pm and went immediately to tesco meaning I had an extra cm of height compared to if I went a couple of hours after getting out of bed. I felt like that extra cm was wasted on mogging 5'8 manlets.
Also in 2022 when I no longer workcelled and pretty much only left my house to walk to lidl, I felt like my heightmogs were wasted on oldcels and ethnics since I was in an ethnic dense area. I might have seen a cute white foid once per month

My main ventures out of my basement these days are days spent hanging around in airports and even after a day of heightmogging I'm left unfulfilled because there is no sense that a slay could just happen out of the blue, whereas when you're still in uni or working a nightlife job, you think any interaction you have could lead you on the pathway to your next slay.

To fully enjoy heightmogging after the novelty has worn off I think you have to have some belief in the back of your mind that there's a prospect of you slaying a cute girl via familiarity game.
When that's not the case you're just heightmogging subhuman drones for absolutely no reason, the only joy that can be taken from it is if you're in close proximity to some chav with his foid and she cant help but recognize just how tiny her boyfriend is by comparison to a reasonable sized male

One negative of aging as a tallcel that doesn't get spoken about is that you are seen as someone who somehow failed at sports despite having a perceived advantage.
When younger I always had the cope that I would return to playing rugby after I filled out my frame and it would allow me to dominate.
I also had plans to do athletics thinking I could get to a respectable level in my 20s but imagine having your athletic prime of your 20s pass you by and not spending a single minute of it achieving anything in the sporting realm as a tallcel, it's actually quite a big failo if you encounter a girl who expects you to have achieved something sport wise but you haven't a single picture on your instagram of you playing sports.

One strategy I have to try to regain dopamine from heighmogging is by clothesmaxxing since I was wearing cheap clothes for years but recently updated my warddrobe.
I swear nearly ever tall guy dresses like absolute shit, they're just so low in awareness and lacking in style/fuckboy inclination but most of them just get girlfriends while being awkwardly dressed skinnyfatcels so they never have any reason to care about "drip"
I have 3 pairs of decently flamoyant trainers right now, 2 of them being airmaxxes which I may start wearing although airmax on a tallcel is overkill but I just want those damn stylepoints.
I also want to leave the door open for that 1/1,000,000 chance that a foid wants to approach me and having some peacocking clothes gives her an easy reason to by commenting on my item of clothing.

I might spend some time in the Netherlands again just for the sake of getting heightmogged semi regularly in order to feel something again.
It actually feels like you're joining some exclusive society by being surrounded by other heighmoggers for a while so you can share the burden of being that guy people hate with other ascended beings who can relate to you.
I refer to "being the guy people hate" in the sense that when manlets are being passive aggressive in your presence, you just sense they're thinking "that height is wasted on him, it should've been distributed to me, if only I had it then I'd be a perfect 10/10 male" not realizing that if they morphed their height for tinder pics and set their bio to 6'4 they'd see a negligable difference in results since most foids are mentally ill manlet fuckers with only a tiny portion of foids ONLY opening their legs for tallcels, probably less that 1% of women have only had sexual partner(s) of 6'+ nevermind two standard deviations of height (6'4)
height mogging 40 year old niggers in tesco is my favourite pass time
  • +1
Reactions: 6ft4 and Deleted member 52452
Do trampolining :feelsthink:
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 52452
aside from posting to a forum of apsies to remind people that you're a tallcel

Now that my face is maxxed out and my physique has returned to a respectable level (aka not failo level) I have no other "distractions" in terms of lagging physical attributes as to why I may have a lack of success with foids, so I may as well switch my focus back to my one mogger trait and just assume that my remaining traits may be sufficient enough to get a slay over the line with a decent looking foid.

I dont live near a city any more but if I did I would have more motivation now to go outside and just hang around in public since I'm in the middle of my looks peak window.
I have been questioning how I may rekindle the joy from heightmogging because when you aren't slaying and have effectively been incel for 4 years, it just doesn't feel as joyful as it used to.

The novelty for heightmogging started for me around 18. At 17 I never thought about it because my face was too subpar for my height to have any value, I was relatively surprised upon google searching that it seemed women were attracted to tall males since I was a firm believer in face law since day 1 and literally every tall male in my school was an ogre so I never witnessed the power of a tall face mogger.

Transforming from a lanklet kisser of club foids to a 95kg+ slayer of club foids gave me my second dose of novelty with regards height mogging because now the height felt more meaningful because I had an adequate frame which garnered more respect.

My slaying prime came and went, then I lost my muscle from lack of lifting in lockdown and quitting roids
I became a fulltime workcel and the opportunities to height mog became fewer and fewer
I remember in the tesco I used to go to, when queuing up for the checkout you could see the reflections in the window of everyone queueing up so it gave me some frame of reference for just how hard I heightmog the average male which is a 40 year old tesco shopper and the heighmog is indeed so significant that it doesn't provide any feeling of value or any dopamine spike.
I couldn't help but mutter internally: are you niggers even trying, where can i go to find some competition?
I sometimes woke up from sleeping at 7pm and went immediately to tesco meaning I had an extra cm of height compared to if I went a couple of hours after getting out of bed. I felt like that extra cm was wasted on mogging 5'8 manlets.
Also in 2022 when I no longer workcelled and pretty much only left my house to walk to lidl, I felt like my heightmogs were wasted on oldcels and ethnics since I was in an ethnic dense area. I might have seen a cute white foid once per month

My main ventures out of my basement these days are days spent hanging around in airports and even after a day of heightmogging I'm left unfulfilled because there is no sense that a slay could just happen out of the blue, whereas when you're still in uni or working a nightlife job, you think any interaction you have could lead you on the pathway to your next slay.

To fully enjoy heightmogging after the novelty has worn off I think you have to have some belief in the back of your mind that there's a prospect of you slaying a cute girl via familiarity game.
When that's not the case you're just heightmogging subhuman drones for absolutely no reason, the only joy that can be taken from it is if you're in close proximity to some chav with his foid and she cant help but recognize just how tiny her boyfriend is by comparison to a reasonable sized male

One negative of aging as a tallcel that doesn't get spoken about is that you are seen as someone who somehow failed at sports despite having a perceived advantage.
When younger I always had the cope that I would return to playing rugby after I filled out my frame and it would allow me to dominate.
I also had plans to do athletics thinking I could get to a respectable level in my 20s but imagine having your athletic prime of your 20s pass you by and not spending a single minute of it achieving anything in the sporting realm as a tallcel, it's actually quite a big failo if you encounter a girl who expects you to have achieved something sport wise but you haven't a single picture on your instagram of you playing sports.

One strategy I have to try to regain dopamine from heighmogging is by clothesmaxxing since I was wearing cheap clothes for years but recently updated my warddrobe.
I swear nearly ever tall guy dresses like absolute shit, they're just so low in awareness and lacking in style/fuckboy inclination but most of them just get girlfriends while being awkwardly dressed skinnyfatcels so they never have any reason to care about "drip"
I have 3 pairs of decently flamoyant trainers right now, 2 of them being airmaxxes which I may start wearing although airmax on a tallcel is overkill but I just want those damn stylepoints.
I also want to leave the door open for that 1/1,000,000 chance that a foid wants to approach me and having some peacocking clothes gives her an easy reason to by commenting on my item of clothing.

I might spend some time in the Netherlands again just for the sake of getting heightmogged semi regularly in order to feel something again.
It actually feels like you're joining some exclusive society by being surrounded by other heighmoggers for a while so you can share the burden of being that guy people hate with other ascended beings who can relate to you.
I refer to "being the guy people hate" in the sense that when manlets are being passive aggressive in your presence, you just sense they're thinking "that height is wasted on him, it should've been distributed to me, if only I had it then I'd be a perfect 10/10 male" not realizing that if they morphed their height for tinder pics and set their bio to 6'4 they'd see a negligable difference in results since most foids are mentally ill manlet fuckers with only a tiny portion of foids ONLY opening their legs for tallcels, probably less that 1% of women have only had sexual partner(s) of 6'+ nevermind two standard deviations of height (6'4)
It sounds like you've put a lot of thought into your journey and how height has played a role in your experiences with relationships and self-perception. It's understandable that over time, the novelty of heightmogging may fade, especially if it doesn't lead to the desired outcomes. Exploring new avenues like clothesmaxxing and seeking environments where you feel more appreciated for your height could bring back some excitement. And while height may be a significant factor for some, it's just one aspect of a person's attractiveness. Confidence, personality, and other qualities also play crucial roles in forming connections with others.
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 52452
aside from posting to a forum of apsies to remind people that you're a tallcel

Now that my face is maxxed out and my physique has returned to a respectable level (aka not failo level) I have no other "distractions" in terms of lagging physical attributes as to why I may have a lack of success with foids, so I may as well switch my focus back to my one mogger trait and just assume that my remaining traits may be sufficient enough to get a slay over the line with a decent looking foid.

I dont live near a city any more but if I did I would have more motivation now to go outside and just hang around in public since I'm in the middle of my looks peak window.
I have been questioning how I may rekindle the joy from heightmogging because when you aren't slaying and have effectively been incel for 4 years, it just doesn't feel as joyful as it used to.

The novelty for heightmogging started for me around 18. At 17 I never thought about it because my face was too subpar for my height to have any value, I was relatively surprised upon google searching that it seemed women were attracted to tall males since I was a firm believer in face law since day 1 and literally every tall male in my school was an ogre so I never witnessed the power of a tall face mogger.

Transforming from a lanklet kisser of club foids to a 95kg+ slayer of club foids gave me my second dose of novelty with regards height mogging because now the height felt more meaningful because I had an adequate frame which garnered more respect.

My slaying prime came and went, then I lost my muscle from lack of lifting in lockdown and quitting roids
I became a fulltime workcel and the opportunities to height mog became fewer and fewer
I remember in the tesco I used to go to, when queuing up for the checkout you could see the reflections in the window of everyone queueing up so it gave me some frame of reference for just how hard I heightmog the average male which is a 40 year old tesco shopper and the heighmog is indeed so significant that it doesn't provide any feeling of value or any dopamine spike.
I couldn't help but mutter internally: are you niggers even trying, where can i go to find some competition?
I sometimes woke up from sleeping at 7pm and went immediately to tesco meaning I had an extra cm of height compared to if I went a couple of hours after getting out of bed. I felt like that extra cm was wasted on mogging 5'8 manlets.
Also in 2022 when I no longer workcelled and pretty much only left my house to walk to lidl, I felt like my heightmogs were wasted on oldcels and ethnics since I was in an ethnic dense area. I might have seen a cute white foid once per month

My main ventures out of my basement these days are days spent hanging around in airports and even after a day of heightmogging I'm left unfulfilled because there is no sense that a slay could just happen out of the blue, whereas when you're still in uni or working a nightlife job, you think any interaction you have could lead you on the pathway to your next slay.

To fully enjoy heightmogging after the novelty has worn off I think you have to have some belief in the back of your mind that there's a prospect of you slaying a cute girl via familiarity game.
When that's not the case you're just heightmogging subhuman drones for absolutely no reason, the only joy that can be taken from it is if you're in close proximity to some chav with his foid and she cant help but recognize just how tiny her boyfriend is by comparison to a reasonable sized male

One negative of aging as a tallcel that doesn't get spoken about is that you are seen as someone who somehow failed at sports despite having a perceived advantage.
When younger I always had the cope that I would return to playing rugby after I filled out my frame and it would allow me to dominate.
I also had plans to do athletics thinking I could get to a respectable level in my 20s but imagine having your athletic prime of your 20s pass you by and not spending a single minute of it achieving anything in the sporting realm as a tallcel, it's actually quite a big failo if you encounter a girl who expects you to have achieved something sport wise but you haven't a single picture on your instagram of you playing sports.

One strategy I have to try to regain dopamine from heighmogging is by clothesmaxxing since I was wearing cheap clothes for years but recently updated my warddrobe.
I swear nearly ever tall guy dresses like absolute shit, they're just so low in awareness and lacking in style/fuckboy inclination but most of them just get girlfriends while being awkwardly dressed skinnyfatcels so they never have any reason to care about "drip"
I have 3 pairs of decently flamoyant trainers right now, 2 of them being airmaxxes which I may start wearing although airmax on a tallcel is overkill but I just want those damn stylepoints.
I also want to leave the door open for that 1/1,000,000 chance that a foid wants to approach me and having some peacocking clothes gives her an easy reason to by commenting on my item of clothing.

I might spend some time in the Netherlands again just for the sake of getting heightmogged semi regularly in order to feel something again.
It actually feels like you're joining some exclusive society by being surrounded by other heighmoggers for a while so you can share the burden of being that guy people hate with other ascended beings who can relate to you.
I refer to "being the guy people hate" in the sense that when manlets are being passive aggressive in your presence, you just sense they're thinking "that height is wasted on him, it should've been distributed to me, if only I had it then I'd be a perfect 10/10 male" not realizing that if they morphed their height for tinder pics and set their bio to 6'4 they'd see a negligable difference in results since most foids are mentally ill manlet fuckers with only a tiny portion of foids ONLY opening their legs for tallcels, probably less that 1% of women have only had sexual partner(s) of 6'+ nevermind two standard deviations of height (6'4)
this is so funny even though i know its not a joke
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 52452
Face> height is bullshit it isn't that linear. They are incomplete without the other. A Chad face + 5'4-5'7 is in no way a Chad but htn + 6'2+ is absolutely a Chad smv wise
  • +1
Reactions: Deleted member 23558 and Deleted member 52452
aside from posting to a forum of apsies to remind people that you're a tallcel

Now that my face is maxxed out and my physique has returned to a respectable level (aka not failo level) I have no other "distractions" in terms of lagging physical attributes as to why I may have a lack of success with foids, so I may as well switch my focus back to my one mogger trait and just assume that my remaining traits may be sufficient enough to get a slay over the line with a decent looking foid.

I dont live near a city any more but if I did I would have more motivation now to go outside and just hang around in public since I'm in the middle of my looks peak window.
I have been questioning how I may rekindle the joy from heightmogging because when you aren't slaying and have effectively been incel for 4 years, it just doesn't feel as joyful as it used to.

The novelty for heightmogging started for me around 18. At 17 I never thought about it because my face was too subpar for my height to have any value, I was relatively surprised upon google searching that it seemed women were attracted to tall males since I was a firm believer in face law since day 1 and literally every tall male in my school was an ogre so I never witnessed the power of a tall face mogger.

Transforming from a lanklet kisser of club foids to a 95kg+ slayer of club foids gave me my second dose of novelty with regards height mogging because now the height felt more meaningful because I had an adequate frame which garnered more respect.

My slaying prime came and went, then I lost my muscle from lack of lifting in lockdown and quitting roids
I became a fulltime workcel and the opportunities to height mog became fewer and fewer
I remember in the tesco I used to go to, when queuing up for the checkout you could see the reflections in the window of everyone queueing up so it gave me some frame of reference for just how hard I heightmog the average male which is a 40 year old tesco shopper and the heighmog is indeed so significant that it doesn't provide any feeling of value or any dopamine spike.
I couldn't help but mutter internally: are you niggers even trying, where can i go to find some competition?
I sometimes woke up from sleeping at 7pm and went immediately to tesco meaning I had an extra cm of height compared to if I went a couple of hours after getting out of bed. I felt like that extra cm was wasted on mogging 5'8 manlets.
Also in 2022 when I no longer workcelled and pretty much only left my house to walk to lidl, I felt like my heightmogs were wasted on oldcels and ethnics since I was in an ethnic dense area. I might have seen a cute white foid once per month

My main ventures out of my basement these days are days spent hanging around in airports and even after a day of heightmogging I'm left unfulfilled because there is no sense that a slay could just happen out of the blue, whereas when you're still in uni or working a nightlife job, you think any interaction you have could lead you on the pathway to your next slay.

To fully enjoy heightmogging after the novelty has worn off I think you have to have some belief in the back of your mind that there's a prospect of you slaying a cute girl via familiarity game.
When that's not the case you're just heightmogging subhuman drones for absolutely no reason, the only joy that can be taken from it is if you're in close proximity to some chav with his foid and she cant help but recognize just how tiny her boyfriend is by comparison to a reasonable sized male

One negative of aging as a tallcel that doesn't get spoken about is that you are seen as someone who somehow failed at sports despite having a perceived advantage.
When younger I always had the cope that I would return to playing rugby after I filled out my frame and it would allow me to dominate.
I also had plans to do athletics thinking I could get to a respectable level in my 20s but imagine having your athletic prime of your 20s pass you by and not spending a single minute of it achieving anything in the sporting realm as a tallcel, it's actually quite a big failo if you encounter a girl who expects you to have achieved something sport wise but you haven't a single picture on your instagram of you playing sports.

One strategy I have to try to regain dopamine from heighmogging is by clothesmaxxing since I was wearing cheap clothes for years but recently updated my warddrobe.
I swear nearly ever tall guy dresses like absolute shit, they're just so low in awareness and lacking in style/fuckboy inclination but most of them just get girlfriends while being awkwardly dressed skinnyfatcels so they never have any reason to care about "drip"
I have 3 pairs of decently flamoyant trainers right now, 2 of them being airmaxxes which I may start wearing although airmax on a tallcel is overkill but I just want those damn stylepoints.
I also want to leave the door open for that 1/1,000,000 chance that a foid wants to approach me and having some peacocking clothes gives her an easy reason to by commenting on my item of clothing.

I might spend some time in the Netherlands again just for the sake of getting heightmogged semi regularly in order to feel something again.
It actually feels like you're joining some exclusive society by being surrounded by other heighmoggers for a while so you can share the burden of being that guy people hate with other ascended beings who can relate to you.
I refer to "being the guy people hate" in the sense that when manlets are being passive aggressive in your presence, you just sense they're thinking "that height is wasted on him, it should've been distributed to me, if only I had it then I'd be a perfect 10/10 male" not realizing that if they morphed their height for tinder pics and set their bio to 6'4 they'd see a negligable difference in results since most foids are mentally ill manlet fuckers with only a tiny portion of foids ONLY opening their legs for tallcels, probably less that 1% of women have only had sexual partner(s) of 6'+ nevermind two standard deviations of height (6'4)
I am 6.6ft and still can't pull
6’4 isn’t tall

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