How To Get The Balls To Cold-Approach On The Street?



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Oct 15, 2019
Inb4 cope... Cold-approach is still infinitely better than Online

The opportunities for warm-approaching are extremely rare ( for me like twice a year) and the opportunities for hot-approaching ( a female colleague or friend) don't exist

Today i could have done it twice ( in small towns and especially your neighbourhood cold-approaching is kind of warm-approaching) but i didn't have the balls and also don't know what to say.

To avoid a friendzone, interest should be expressed very fast.

But as a blackpilled person it's so fucking hard to compliment a foid. I simply can't utter Those words without dying inside, because i just gave a foid IRL validation. :feelswah:
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be good looking , trust me you'll have the balls
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But as a blackpilled person it's so fucking hard to compliment a foid. I simply can't utter Those words without dying inside, because i just gave a foid IRL validation. :feelswah:
Keep gaslighting yourself that this is the reason for your lack of balls
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What does it mean that you get 2 chances a year to warm approach? If you mean that you get so rare ioi's, it will be hard to get success with cold approaching (you are not attractive)
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lol I feel you bro

there's no much to say, you go to a girl, say hi, say you find her cute, small talk, ask for number or to do something if she's vibing.

but bro I can assure you cold approach is the hardest thing I ever tried to do. It's a fucking emotional roller coaster, some days I feel like a total pussy, somedays I'm confident, some days I want to hide in my room.

the price you have to pay to get pussy while not chad.
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Cold approach is a coin toss. Say you are decently attractive to don't be rejected by your looks, then the woman in particular needs to be mentally open to give you her number, meeting with you or fuck. You need to spam it if you want to extract some success from there. Sometimes it will go smooth others will be cringe. Better ways to do things IMO.
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>Watch some motivational video
>Don't talk with her in public
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What does it mean that you get 2 chances a year to warm approach? If you mean that you get so rare ioi's, it will be hard to get success with cold approaching (you are not attractive)
Firstly i live in a old Boomer land

My target age range makes up less than 2% of the towns population and spends most of its time indoors online.

Then for instance a public space with many people isn't suitable. Women feel more comfortable in places where there are no people so that the approach can't be registered by anyone and she can't be judged.

But even then the situation can vary. If she has friends with her it's bad. If she's only watching her phone or walking fast etc it's not suitable.
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Cold approach is a coin toss. Say you are decently attractive to don't be rejected by your looks, then the woman in particular needs to be mentally open to give you her number, meeting with you or fuck. You need to spam it if you want to extract some success from there. Sometimes it will go smooth others will be cringe.
Once i approached a girl in my own street where i live, and i asked her whether knew x and she was irritated and annoyed. 2 hours later i saw her with a boy, presumably boyfriend. She recognized me. It was extremely cringe.
Better ways to do things IMO.
Online is not an option for normies
Instagram and Tiktok are Chadlite+ only.

What better ways exist for normies than Cold/Warm Approach on the Street?
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cold approaching only works if you are 7/10 and even then ull get rejected like 9/10 times
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Inb4 cope... Cold-approach is still infinitely better than Online

The opportunities for warm-approaching are extremely rare ( for me like twice a year) and the opportunities for hot-approaching ( a female colleague or friend) don't exist

Today i could have done it twice ( in small towns and especially your neighbourhood cold-approaching is kind of warm-approaching) but i didn't have the balls and also don't know what to say.

To avoid a friendzone, interest should be expressed very fast.

But as a blackpilled person it's so fucking hard to compliment a foid. I simply can't utter Those words without dying inside, because i just gave a foid IRL validation. :feelswah:

imagine this but times 10 thats how tren had me feeling, I thought I was the one above all and that they should flock to me, we are all slaves to the pussy bound by the chains of pleasure, you gotta move first brother
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cold approaching only works if you are 7/10 and even then ull get rejected like 9/10 times
So to summarise

Online is for Chads
Cold/Warm Approach is for Chadlites

Hot approach is for normies and they will be betabuxx-friendzoned

No approach, leading to sex, is for sub7 basically, is what you're saying?
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imagine this but times 10 thats how tren had me feeling, I thought I was the one above all and that they should flock to me, we are all slaves to the pussy bound by the chains of pleasure, you gotta move first brother
Yeah men need to initiate. But how to get the balls to initiate?

( high testosterone doesn't seem to work, else i would be able to approach)
jfl at watching motivational videos lmfao
>Watch some motivational video
>Don't talk with her in public
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Lol ive done daygame before you do get a heart attack when its your first few times, its just creating an irl tinder for yourself. If you’re hot enough then its fine. One thing you need to do is do not give them your number, give them your instagram. It allows you to like their story, picture etc and sets you apart if you have good photos.

As long as your above average in looks, act confident and they’re actually sexually available / single you can get their ig’s pretty well and set up dates
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Reactions: eduardkoopman, Deleted member 19995 and PubertyMaxxer
Lol ive done daygame before you do get a heart attack when its your first few times, its just creating an irl tinder for yourself. If you’re hot enough then its fine. One thing you need to do is do not give them your number, give them your instagram. It allows you to like their story, picture etc and sets you apart if you have good photos.

As long as your above average in looks, act confident and they’re actually sexually available / single you can get their ig’s pretty well and set up dates
Agree except i would give them the number instead on Instagram, why?

Instagram is again too inpersonal, the next Chad is 1 dm further. Also the majority of men have a Instagram following and setup that will actually failo them.
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Once i approached a girl in my own street where i live, and i asked her whether knew x and she was irritated and annoyed. 2 hours later i saw her with a boy, presumably boyfriend. She recognized me. It was extremely cringe.

Online is not an option for normies
Instagram and Tiktok are Chadlite+ only.

What better ways exist for normies than Cold/Warm Approach on the Street?
Dude obviously it takes TWO to be smooth, it's not your own responsability. I don't know how you look, but as long as you look above average (HTN) you will have success in all forms of dating. Cold/warm approach works during day, but you NEED to hit the numbers game. Night game is much more expected, lower inhibition for everyone works in your favor, you can try that, but still, numbers game. OLD is harder yeah, but you can manage to pull from that, but it will mostly be under your looksmatch.

Every man who has success knows that fucking bitches IS A NUMBERS GAME. Even for chads. Don't take rejection too seriously (unless you look deformed or normies), it's not your problem.
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you give them your number, not the other way around
Ashwa helped with my confidence
Noopept made me more verbally articulate and aware but a bit chaotic
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Yeah men need to initiate. But how to get the balls to initiate?

( high testosterone doesn't seem to work, else i would be able to approach)

for me it was an ego thing like "I built an insane physique" so she needs to get to my level because makeup and fashion can be stripped from her leaving her looking basic but that was just terrible behaviour from my part, you have to initiate the chase, cold approaching works better in a gym or on nights out rather than during the day in the street
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I reckon I'll need 0.25g of coke before I will ever do a daytime street approach
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for me it was an ego thing like "I built an insane physique" so she needs to get to my level because makeup and fashion can be stripped from her leaving her looking basic but that was just terrible behaviour from my part, you have to initiate the chase, cold approaching works better in a gym or on nights out rather than during the day in the street

got approached today in the gym by some hot girl, im a regular btw and so is she but didnt shoot a shot as I was on 3hrs sleep, next time ill shoot the shot, might be able to crack it this week and update brah, the reason im okay with intiating might be because i dont have tren in me and it isnt causing me brain damage lmao
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Megadose Lyrica on an empty stomach with caffeine. You'll be able to talk to any girl easily.

Also take Nardil until you can maintain 60mg a day.
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Inb4 cope... Cold-approach is still infinitely better than Online

The opportunities for warm-approaching are extremely rare ( for me like twice a year) and the opportunities for hot-approaching ( a female colleague or friend) don't exist

Today i could have done it twice ( in small towns and especially your neighbourhood cold-approaching is kind of warm-approaching) but i didn't have the balls and also don't know what to say.

To avoid a friendzone, interest should be expressed very fast.

But as a blackpilled person it's so fucking hard to compliment a foid. I simply can't utter Those words without dying inside, because i just gave a foid IRL validation. :feelswah:
Dude just go up and say your name. If you’re awkward, fix it by apologizing b4 u ask for their snap/social. U will fail sometimes, but that’s just the way life is.
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  • Start off with making small talk with strangers on the street.
  • Have a phone call with a friend before you cold approach a girl in order to get yourself in a social mood.
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need motivation

imagine all the ethnic males approaching white women while u sit back and watch
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Travel to a different city, so you hopefully won't see them again when they reject you. It's a numbers game. If chadlite or better, approach only girls who give IOIs. If you aren't good-looking, then you will have to approach girls who don't give IOIs, because girls simply don't give you any IOIs. It's hard then.

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How is warm approach different from cold approach
Inb4 cope... Cold-approach is still infinitely better than Online

The opportunities for warm-approaching are extremely rare ( for me like twice a year) and the opportunities for hot-approaching ( a female colleague or friend) don't exist

Today i could have done it twice ( in small towns and especially your neighbourhood cold-approaching is kind of warm-approaching) but i didn't have the balls and also don't know what to say.

To avoid a friendzone, interest should be expressed very fast.

But as a blackpilled person it's so fucking hard to compliment a foid. I simply can't utter Those words without dying inside, because i just gave a foid IRL validation. :feelswah:
Practice and mentality. That's it. I had a guy show up to meet me IRL who had been on one date in his life and talked to less than a handful of girls in his life in a non-professional setting. He had mentally decided to make changes. The first day he did less than 10 cold approaches with me and he bombed them. The first time his heart rate spiked over 160 and he was shitting bricks. The next day he did over 30. It took me forcing him to do it over and over and breaking down his resistance. Within a few days he was able to walk away from me without saying anything and do an approach. Two weeks together and he approached well over 300 women, got numbers/instagrams, and got dates.

He was a 4/10 at best and 5'5" with long hair down to his ass, dressed terrible and basically refused to change it, and slightly overweight.

It is purely a numbers game. If you live in a smaller town where there aren't many opportunities then you need to take every single chance you see anywhere. Otherwise you need to reassess your priorities and consider moving (especially overseas if you can).

Cold approach is terrifying for the first 100, and depending on your personality, it may never get much better. I advise dudes to just turn off their brain and do it. Then do it some more. Then keep doing it every single chance and go places that give you more chances to do it. Day off work? Set a realistic goal of 10-30 and go outside and do it, and then just keep doing if you hit your goal.

If you simply just can't do it, best thing is to sit a friend down, explain you need help getting pushed into approaching women, and he should not accept no as an answer. Have him make you do it. This is by far the best thing an IRL coach can do for you.

Then also realize, they are foids. Depending on how bad you look, you will often destroy her self-esteem when you approach her and she rejects you. When she sees you, a hypothetical 4, approaching her, a 9, she often will question her self worth/looks, because she's so far out of your league you're invisible to her. The rejection may sting you, but she'll be back home in the mirror questioning herself.

My absolute favorite thing to do with a friend is go out together and do cold approaches. When a woman is non-responsive to him and just ignores him or keeps walking, I'll say extra loudly, "man, don't worry about it, she's clearly an absolute fucking cunt or a dyke" so she can hear it. I almost always provoke a reaction from them and it's hilarious. Then we just laugh at her until she fucks off.

Moral of the story is, WHY DO YOU CARE WHAT SHE THINKS? You shouldn't. And anyone who witnesses your approach is going to forget about it by tomorrow, so why do you give a single fuck? You don't. Once you realize you no longer give a fuck what she thinks, or anyone else, the approach anxiety will fade.
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Travel to a different city, so you hopefully won't see them again when they reject you. It's a numbers game. If chadlite or better, approach only girls who give IOIs. If you aren't good-looking, then you will have to approach girls who don't give IOIs, because girls simply don't give you any IOIs. It's hard then.

I doubt approaching without IOI makes sense tbh
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It's a numbers game in that situation.
my mental health would be break down if I'd got so many rejections, over. That's the reason why I don't cold approach
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my mental health would be break down if I'd got so many rejections, over. That's the reason why I don't cold approach
@eduardkoopman knows about numbers.

I won't approach withouth clear IOIs
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How is warm approach different from cold approach
You just intuitively know which applies in that situation

Warm approach always has a context and good environment
  • Hmm...
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You just intuitively know which applies in that situation

Warm approach always has a context and good environment
so warm approach is when you know the person and the approach is smoother
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Alcohol + Kratom = Lower-Inhibition
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