How To Get The Balls To Cold-Approach On The Street?

double ll gets one 5-6 inches
5 inches realistically 6 is too risky
5 inches is pushing it? And double LL? Are you nuts? That is way too risky. Best approach is to get LL to 5'8" and liftfraud to 5'10".
Search more on this ll has a very low chance of crippling you at early 20's. For you going from 5'5 / 5'7 to 5'10/6'0 would fix so many problems in your life man.
Not that much tbh. He would still have a bad pheno. Also, I think some of his appeal is due to him having a cute appearance due to his size. Maybe, he might lose that if he becomes taller.
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Being 5’7 would probably let me live a normal life tbh

Yeah dead serious I was a bit taken aback too, but the girls weren’t hot or anything. All chubby LTB white girls
Fuck. That is lifefuel. It is hard to believe. But my sister is going out with some 2.5 PSL pakistani guy. He is also an ultimate povertycel making 1k a month. She is not ugly either like MTB-HTB who has white skin.
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5 inches is pushing it? And double LL? Are you nuts? That is way too risky. Best approach is to get LL to 5'8" and liftfraud to 5'10".

Not that much tbh. He would still have a bad pheno. Also, I think some of his appeal is due to him having a cute appearance due to his size. Maybe, he might lose that if he becomes taller.
It would be less risky to get double ll of 2 - 2.5 inches in both limbs than to get ll of 3 inches in one limb.

It wouldn't make him attractive, but it will push his value considerably higher than where it is now.
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@LooksOrDeath check @forevergymcelling's thread where he talks about his experience going to a pub with another PSLer. He saw manlets and deformed looking niggas with becky tier gfs.
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Fuck. That is lifefuel. It is hard to believe. But my sister is going out with some 2.5 PSL pakistani guy. He is also an ultimate povertycel making 1k a month. She is not ugly either like MTB-HTB who has white skin.
Dead serious, I asked how they met and it was via social circle (unsurprisingly) their gfs were giving me IOIs too, some girls legit don’t mind curry failio. But these girls aren’t stacies or even attractive lol
It would be less risky to get double ll of 2 - 2.5 inches in both limbs than to get ll of 3 inches in one limb.
He would need like 40-50k pounds to get that in turkey. Also, at least a year of recovery. It is not practical at all.

You are a bit deluded about how much people can make even in careers like IT. Most are not making 100k pounds even as senior level developers. Like other UKcels, they are trapped in a cycle of povertyceldom.
It wouldn't make him attractive, but it will push his value considerably higher than where it is now.
Dead serious, I asked how they met and it was via social circle (unsurprisingly) their gfs were giving me IOIs too, some girls legit don’t mind curry failio. But these girls aren’t stacies or even attractive lol
Were they like this:

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He would need like 40-50k pounds to get that in turkey. Also, at least a year of recovery. It is not practical at all.
Not at most, majority of people recover in a year
You are a bit deluded about how much people can make even in careers like IT. Most are not making 100k pounds even as senior level developers. Like other UKcels, they are trapped in a cycle of povertyceldom.

cost is a big factor ofc,
Not at most, majority of people recover in a year

cost is a big factor ofc,
Many UKcels are struggling to pay their bills and living paycheck to paycheck:

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Fuck. This is lifefuel tbh. But social circle is key.
I had met gf through social circle bhai. I’ll be honest @Chinacurry is pretty spot on about oofy doofy, it seems to fit my experience dating.

Put me in a group of LTB white girls, and after a year one of them will want to date me. Unironically whenever I spend enough time with a group of women, one of them ends up liking me because of personality.
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I had met gf through social circle bhai. I’ll be honest @Chinacurry is pretty spot on about oofy doofy, it seems to fit my experience dating.

Put me in a group of LTB white girls, and after a year one of them will want to date me. Unironically whenever I spend enough time with a group of women, one of them ends up liking me because of personality.
Yep can believe, pretty sure I will soon see u walking around streets of London with a LTB, slightly fat, plain Jane white girl a year from now
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Yep can believe, pretty sure I will soon see u walking around streets of London with a LTB, slightly fat, plain Jane white girl a year from now
If I gymcel will the girl not be fat? And do you think oofy doofy will work with curry foids?
UK wages are way too low relative to CoL
Exactly. Especially in London. But UKcels still cope with 'muh NHS' and 'muh extra holidays' when in many jobs in the US, you get paid double and get health insurance with almost the same number of holidays. Also, better weather in many states.
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UK wages are way too low relative to CoL
That is because the UK is poor compared to Canada and the US. Even in countries like germany, it seems like the average person is richer.
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Yep can believe, pretty sure I will soon see u walking around streets of London with a LTB, slightly fat, plain Jane white girl a year from now
But @FailedNormieManlet NTmogs 99% of this site.
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Exactly. Especially in London. But UKcels still cope with 'muh NHS' and 'muh extra holidays' when in many jobs in the US, you get paid double and get health insurance with almost the same number of holidays. Also, better weather in many states.
why I want to move to the US after studying in the UK ^
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But @FailedNormieManlet NTmogs 99% of this site.
I’m 5’5 Dravidian curry bhai, I won’t be slaying HTBs or stacies. @Chinacurry is legit, the type of girl he describes is the sort who would fall for me via social circle lol
why I want to move to the US after studying in the UK ^
Same here boyo. But my parents won't let me. Best thing is a remote job paying in dollars.
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Same here boyo. But my parents won't let me. Best thing is a remote job paying in dollars.
You can’t do that anyway. US immigration laws are one of the strictest in the world
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Same here boyo. But my parents won't let me. Best thing is a remote job paying in dollars.
My parents just want me to go wherever i can make more shekel
my mental health would be break down if I'd got so many rejections, over. That's the reason why I don't cold approach
You're mentally approaching it wrong. Do you break down when you fill out a job application and don't get the job? Doubt it. Using the job example, you're interviewing HER for the position of laying on her back. You have a spot to fill and she has a hole that needs filling. At least you recognize the problem is you, mentally. Until you decide to change your mentality you will remain a failure. It's as simple as NOT GIVING A FUCK.
Inb4 cope... Cold-approach is still infinitely better than Online
Define 'better'.
Online moggs for Chads, I think. For the rest of guys, it's bad odds online, because online there are more men than women, and most men swipe yes on most women. Good thing, about online, is that it is not brutals rejections IN YOUR FACE.

Chatting up randoms, I would estimate to mogg in results. When a dude meets the loosk treshold. But it will be mostly rejections/objections in your face. So, it's not better, in the sense that it is pretty bruatls.
To avoid a friendzone, interest should be expressed very fast.
cope-lite. Because women decide you for the friendzone based on looks mostly, not on words comming out of your mouth.
But as a blackpilled person it's so fucking hard to compliment a foid. I simply can't utter Those words without dying inside, because i just gave a foid IRL validation. :feelswah:
unfortunately, most guys chat of randoms women. With a compliment comment. It's not a bad way to start a convo, I guess.
there's no much to say, you go to a girl, say hi, say you find her cute, small talk, ask for number or to do something if she's vibing.

but bro I can assure you cold approach is the hardest thing I ever tried to do. It's a fucking emotional roller coaster, some days I feel like a total pussy, somedays I'm confident, some days I want to hide in my room.

the price you have to pay to get pussy while not chad.
My experience also. It sucks, and it's brutals, and it's rough. In general.
Good luck staying positive and feeling good; when 6 women in a row tell you: No, ignore, i have a bf, some lame excuse, cold/uniterested vibe.

Cold/Warm Approach is for Chadlites
Hot approach is for normies and they will be betabuxx-friendzoned
wtf, the difference between warm approach and hot appraoch?

cold approaching only works if you are 7/10 and even then ull get rejected like 9/10 times
Mention if exist an alternative, where this 7/10 guy can have a good stream of new women with better success ratio?

@eduardkoopman knows about numbers.

Name dudePaul Janka (psl 5.5 to 6-)eduardkoopman (psl 3.5)@mikeock (psl 6)@Tenshi
(PSL 4. 5'7 latino)
@OCDMaxxing (PSL ?)
(random) chatted up women100/100100/100100/100100/100100/100
convo (wanted to talk)35/10050/100??
telephone numbers15/10045/10032/100?
non-flaky telephone numbers13/10022/100??
Sex4.4% -> 4/1001/1005/1001/1000.75 / 100
It's a numbers game in that situation.
are the odds much batter, when waiting for IOI"s??

What your statts, based around chatting up women after you got an IOI?
The Best way to cold approach women.
Be a Chad or Chadlite.


The Worst way to cold approach women???
Be pushy, not accepting the rejection, keep going when she wants you gone, etc...

The example starts at 7:20
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Cold approach is a coin toss. Say you are decently attractive to don't be rejected by your looks, then the woman in particular needs to be mentally open to give you her number, meeting with you or fuck. You need to spam it if you want to extract some success from there. Sometimes it will go smooth others will be cringe. Better ways to do things IMO.
Cold approach spammaxxing
You're mentally approaching it wrong. Do you break down when you fill out a job application and don't get the job? Doubt it.
rejected for your skills (work) vs. rejected for your genes (dating).

The last one, feels a bit worse. But a level of pararels also.
Using the job example, you're interviewing HER for the position of laying on her back. You have a spot to fill and she has a hole that needs filling.
It's double sided.
you interview her, if she good enough for you. Yet, at the same time, she also interview you, if you good enough for her.
It's as simple as NOT GIVING A FUCK.
Kinda cope. because one needs a personality disrorder, to be able to give nothing about the opinion of other peoples.
overly carring, is not good. Having no care for anything or anyone = personality disorder.
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rejected for your skills (work) vs. rejected for your genes (dating).

The last one, feels a bit worse. But a level of pararels also.

It's double sided.
you interview her, if she good enough for you. Yet, at the same time, she also interview you, if you good enough for her.

Kinda cope. because one needs a personality disrorder, to be able to give nothing about the opinion of other peoples.
overly carring, is not good. Having no care for anything or anyone = personality disorder.
it's definitely possible but it's a long way until you get there, you need to face a lot of humiliating shit until you get desensitized and go "idgaf" mode.

I wish I was at that point tbh

I can talk to virtually any girl in the perfect situation. What blocks me most is simply other people, bystanders, peers etc.

If you take my rate of 1 lay per 100 girls, I could probably talk to 10 girls a day if only I didn't pussy out on the majority I pass, which would make me, theorically, get 1 lay every two weeks purely from cold approach
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it's definitely possible but it's a long way until you get there, you need to face a lot of humiliating shit until you get desensitized and go "idgaf" mode.

I wish I was at that point tbh
I agree. I experienced the idgaf state of mind a few occassional times. When being totally drained and tired basically.
I can talk to virtually any girl in the perfect situation. What blocks me most is simply other people, bystanders, peers etc.
I can get that. groups add another level of discomfort
If you take my rate of 1 lay per 100 girls, I could probably talk to 10 girls a day if only I didn't pussy out on the majority I pass, which would make me, theorically, get 1 lay every two weeks purely from cold approach
It's 100% normal. EVEN as pro-active dude. To let pass 95+% of the possible opportunities for a chat up.
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I agree. I experienced the idgaf state of mind a few occassional times. When being totally drained and tired basically.

I can get that. groups add another level of discomfort

It's 100% normal. EVEN as pro-active dude. To let pass 95+% of the possible opportunities for a chat up.
exactly but if fucking sucks, I feel like this giga pussy for not being able to go talk to a girl

when this builds up and I get frustrated or sick of it I go into idgaf mode as well. How long have you been doing this cold approach thing btw?
. How long have you been doing this cold approach thing btw?
Only from like 2007 till 2011 orso. In 2011 a LTR started. I was pua from like 2007 till 2010 orso. Than I hated pua.
Only after I started to chat up women, that were my looksmatch or lower, did stuff happen. I was hitting out of my league way to much, in thes start, because a combo of "looks don't matter, it's all about confidence" and due to over-estimated my league/looks level.
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Even Tyrone, gets rejected most of the time.

what guys don't get is that most girls will always be unavailable, for a myriad of reasons

when a girl say she has a bf I don't even question that, it is most likely true. I'm not the only guy who thought she was attractive, those girls are being watched, and they don't stay single or available for much long.

When it's not a bf, she's not available for other things, breakups, some crush she has on a guy, she's a dyke, or she simply don't feel comfortable going out with a stranger (many girls have that due to feminist propaganda)

the difference between chads and normies is really seen in the ratios tbh

Only from like 2007 till 2011 orso. In 2011 a LTR started. I was pua from like 2007 till 2010 orso. Than I hated pua.
Only after I started to chat up women, that were my looksmatch or lower, did stuff happen. I was hitting out of my league way to much, in thes start, because a combo of "looks don't matter, it's all about confidence" and due to over-estimated my league/looks level.
Like stacies or HTBs? I guess we all had higher expectations when it comes to that. Real dimes are hard, in the end.

So you're now in a LTR?
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what guys don't get is that most girls will always be unavailable, for a myriad of reasons
when a girl say she has a bf I don't even question that, it is most likely true.
Depending on age and environment. But for sure between 20% - 60% will be in a relationship already.
Still plenty women would trade/upgrade; BUT that mostly only happens in social type of contexts, where she knows "for sure" you mogg her current bf on more levels.
When it's not a bf, she's not available for other things, breakups, some crush she has on a guy, she's a dyke, or she simply don't feel comfortable
yeah. shitton of reasons, make always 50+% of women be plain unavailable. AT THAT MOMENT you chat her up.
Like stacies or HTBs? I guess we all had higher expectations when it comes to that. Real dimes are hard, in the end.
I was a normie at best back than.
And I was hitting on women that were like 70+ percentile. I beleived myself to be a 7.5/10; back than. Delusional basically. Stacies are rare to come across, I may have chatted up a few Stacies, But i for sure got rejected by all.
Only when I started chatting with normie to below average ranged women, did I start to get better dates ratio and managing to occassionally it leading to sex/fling and so on.
So you're now in a LTR?
No, that ended.
I may in the near future, retry again. aka 10 years later. to talk with randoms women, to see what happens this time around.
I was a normie at best back than.
And I was hitting on women that were like 70+ percentile. I beleived myself to be a 7.5/10; back than. Delusional basically. Stacies are rare to come across, I may have chatted up a few Stacies, But i for sure got rejected by all.
Only when I started chatting with normie to below average ranged women, did I start to get better dates ratio and managing to occassionally it leading to sex/fling and so on.
I see, yeah in the end you can only go so far with this, not such a thing as a 3 psl banging multiple stacies or something. Can relate.

No, that ended.
I may in the near future, retry again. aka 10 years later. to talk with randoms women, to see what happens this time around.
You should. Idk how things were back then but nowadays most guys are either socialcirclemaxxing or pathetically trying on OLD
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You should. Idk how things were back then
You gotta be a bit older than (y)
but nowadays most guys are either socialcirclemaxxing or pathetically trying on OLD
you think it's: "better", "worse", or roughly "equal" now compared to 10 years ago? Which location (country) in the world you base this on?
You gotta be a bit older than (y)

you think it's: "better", "worse", or roughly "equal" now compared to 10 years ago? Which location (country) in the world you base this on?
I live in south america so I believe the bar is set a little bit lower, although men are more "simpy" in a way so it kinda counterbalances itself. People here are also more NT compared to let's say western countries imo so there are still guys who approach, albeit few.

From what I observe, nowadays the average guy is much more meek, relying on online dating/social media or lame attempts at approaching once in a blue moon at a bar, usually under the influence. Even fewer guys approach during the day

so theres much less competition, but also since we living in woke times men should be cautious when dealing with women this way. So it's hard to tell, I guess the lack of competition itself already helps a bit to make it better.
Inb4 cope... Cold-approach is still infinitely better than Online

The opportunities for warm-approaching are extremely rare ( for me like twice a year) and the opportunities for hot-approaching ( a female colleague or friend) don't exist

Today i could have done it twice ( in small towns and especially your neighbourhood cold-approaching is kind of warm-approaching) but i didn't have the balls and also don't know what to say.

To avoid a friendzone, interest should be expressed very fast.

But as a blackpilled person it's so fucking hard to compliment a foid. I simply can't utter Those words without dying inside, because i just gave a foid IRL validation. :feelswah:
Imma be honest

If you are like a 5/6 minimum, you will be able to get pussy if you are not autistic

But in order to have the confidence you need to cold approach and get girl's on the spot, you need to be objectively good looking, like a 7,8 or higher
Inb4 cope... Cold-approach is still infinitely better than Online

The opportunities for warm-approaching are extremely rare ( for me like twice a year) and the opportunities for hot-approaching ( a female colleague or friend) don't exist

Today i could have done it twice ( in small towns and especially your neighbourhood cold-approaching is kind of warm-approaching) but i didn't have the balls and also don't know what to say.

To avoid a friendzone, interest should be expressed very fast.

But as a blackpilled person it's so fucking hard to compliment a foid. I simply can't utter Those words without dying inside, because i just gave a foid IRL validation. :feelswah:
Cold approach doesnt work.
EVEN CHADS have it hard with cold approach..

you know why?

because women never ever would give a stranger their number.. even when you talk to them like 5 or 10 minutes
they wouldnt give their number to you
I'm 6'1, 3/4 white, Gymcelled AF, MTN-HTN and this is my looksmatch in 2022 lol
You are probably HTN overall while she is HTB range. What more do you expect? I would be pretty content with that if I were you.
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