How to have a beautiful child ?

Deleted member 2378

Deleted member 2378

Jul 14, 2019
Im just watching a tv show and a dad who looks like a subhuman iranian , no jaw, no forward growth, no cheeks, balding, normal eyes and his son is fucking 9 or something like that and he have perfect gonial angles with a big jaw and big cheekbones, nice eyes, good hair, white like the snow

Looks like all Chad in american teenage movies
Even the puberty can't make him ugly is born to be handsome

How can we have a Chad or a Stacy child ?
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genetic engineering
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There's some threads in this site that makes you think you're around a bunch of autistic retards srsly.

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- Have sex with a good looking woman
- Make sure that your kid has proper tongue posture during their youth, make them begin mewing by the time they’re a toddler
- Make sure that they get a good amount of hard foods in their diet, raising them on soft foods will give them a lower chance of having a good jaw
- Get your child to fully chew their food before swallowing, this will engage their masseter muscles more, especially if they are eating harder, more chewy food like meat
- Make sure that the kid sleeps on their back, not on their side. Sleeping on their side can create unequal zygo growth
- Pack their diet full of vitamins, especially ones like Vitamin D3 + K2
- Make them play sports and get used to athletic activities (boosts testosterone I heard)

That’s all I got.
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This guy's wife probably cheated on him with a Chad and made him believe it was his child. Happens very often. Other than that: Be born beautiful yourself and have kids with a beautiful woman lol. This question answers itself really.
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This guy's wife probably cheated on him with a Chad and made him believe it was his child. Happens very often. Other than that: Be born beautiful yourself and have kids with a beautiful woman lol. This question answers itself really.
i wish i was better looking than i am, now i have to compensate more to have better chances to have gl kids. Like kids is not smth that you can have for fun : you need to have the best for them, and the look is important.
Raw meat
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don't have kids, simple
Im just watching a tv show and a dad who looks like a subhuman iranian , no jaw, no forward growth, no cheeks, balding, normal eyes and his son is fucking 9 or something like that and he have perfect gonial angles with a big jaw and big cheekbones, nice eyes, good hair, white like the snow

Looks like all Chad in american teenage movies
Even the puberty can't make him ugly is born to be handsome

How can we have a Chad or a Stacy child ?
do thumb pulling while they are young
Mostly Genetic engineering, but if you want to kidmaxx do as follows (ASPIE inc)

- Epigenetics matter, what you do now onl has veeeeery minor impact on your genes, but if done frequently, it could have an impact on genes (for example antioxidants)
-Life a very healthy lifestyle and diet (Yes, even now)
- get a high E and T wife, choose a pheno which would combine well with yours, do bloodwork on her
-force her to also life your lifestyle/diet
-make her pregnate during ovulation and make sure you bust big, to maximize the chances to get a son (or do it in a lab)
-if bloodwork said low T, you use Libigel for hormonal exposure
-directly at birth you can see now, if it already looks good (he is healthy but doesnt look like that he becomes chad? Not that bad, we still have a chance)
- force him to breathe through nose(to prevent a strong developement of sinus; a sign of bad growth), do bloodwork and get rid off any disease early
- if he gets a stuffed nose often, amke sure to clear the nose asap, also watch if he mouth breathes during sleep (get him a "pacifier" so he doesnt open the mouth or sth)
- make sure he doesnt get pillows, but not a hard surface either, you could minimize a strong growth of the occupit, which makes you look Alien easily
-make sure he is breastfed for 2-3 years (sounds long, it is; do it as long, until he can chew; you can use something else where he sucks into (not your dick))
-when he can chew, make sure he gets strong teeth and masetters quickly, and do progressive overload on food he can chew (and make sure he chews)
-he has to be on high nutrients and on caloric surplus, always, and it would also be beneficial to avoid any sugar/carbs (fructose and lactose is ok to an extent)
-get him into sports early, a team sport and javelin throwing/rowing/swiming (all if possible)
- get him on a HGH therapy, if the bluepilled doc says, he is average on HGH and doesn't need it, seek a private Doc, because he has to be above "the cucked average"
- get him on a T treatment also
- make sure he does skincare early on, if you Pheno doesnt match your climate in the area
-if he avoided carbs and did chewing, he probably doesnt need to go to the Orthodontist, but if it is necessary, then get him a Herbst appliance or sth, but not for too long

Additional steps:
-wait for CRISPR also
-get him surgeries

and IMO
he should be a leader and dominant, should go hunting/fishing and low inhib, prevent that he gets into the Normie NPC mindset (either Chad or Autistic dark triad imo)

This is Aspiemaxxed, but aren't we all here ?
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Im just watching a tv show and a dad who looks like a subhuman iranian , no jaw, no forward growth, no cheeks, balding, normal eyes and his son is fucking 9 or something like that and he have perfect gonial angles with a big jaw and big cheekbones, nice eyes, good hair, white like the snow

Looks like all Chad in american teenage movies
Even the puberty can't make him ugly is born to be handsome

How can we have a Chad or a Stacy child ?

Is lucky, nothing more, but a woman with big bones can increase the chance of beautiful son.
1)Get 10 surrogate mothers from Russia or Ukraine.
2)Genetically engineer your sperm
3)Inject testosterone into womb of mother
4)Abort female infants
5)Get children. Sell the ugly ones to slavery.
6)Keep the chad kids
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Reactions: HighIQcel, Gebirgscel and Deleted member 2756
1)Get 10 surrogate mothers from Russia or Ukraine.
2)Genetically engineer your sperm
3)Inject testosterone into womb of mother
4)Abort female infants
5)Get children. Sell the ugly ones to slavery.
6)Keep the chad kids
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His mother cheated or he will lose his looks like his father relatively soon. I know many teenage chads who became 3-4 PSL in their twenties and normie teens who raised up instead.
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Will bookmark this for my son or daughter
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Mostly Genetic engineering, but if you want to kidmaxx do as follows (ASPIE inc)

- Epigenetics matter, what you do now onl has veeeeery minor impact on your genes, but if done frequently, it could have an impact on genes (for example antioxidants)
-Life a very healthy lifestyle and diet (Yes, even now)
- get a high E and T wife, choose a pheno which would combine well with yours, do bloodwork on her
-force her to also life your lifestyle/diet
-make her pregnate during ovulation and make sure you bust big, to maximize the chances to get a son (or do it in a lab)
-if bloodwork said low T, you use Libigel for hormonal exposure
-directly at birth you can see now, if it already looks good (he is healthy but doesnt look like that he becomes chad? Not that bad, we still have a chance)
- force him to breathe through nose(to prevent a strong developement of sinus; a sign of bad growth), do bloodwork and get rid off any disease early
- if he gets a stuffed nose often, amke sure to clear the nose asap, also watch if he mouth breathes during sleep (get him a "pacifier" so he doesnt open the mouth or sth)
- make sure he doesnt get pillows, but not a hard surface either, you could minimize a strong growth of the occupit, which makes you look Alien easily
-make sure he is breastfed for 2-3 years (sounds long, it is; do it as long, until he can chew; you can use something else where he sucks into (not your dick))
-when he can chew, make sure he gets strong teeth and masetters quickly, and do progressive overload on food he can chew (and make sure he chews)
-he has to be on high nutrients and on caloric surplus, always, and it would also be beneficial to avoid any sugar/carbs (fructose and lactose is ok to an extent)
-get him into sports early, a team sport and javelin throwing/rowing/swiming (all if possible)
- get him on a HGH therapy, if the bluepilled doc says, he is average on HGH and doesn't need it, seek a private Doc, because he has to be above "the cucked average"
- get him on a T treatment also
- make sure he does skincare early on, if you Pheno doesnt match your climate in the area
-if he avoided carbs and did chewing, he probably doesnt need to go to the Orthodontist, but if it is necessary, then get him a Herbst appliance or sth, but not for too long

Additional steps:
-wait for CRISPR also
-get him surgeries

and IMO
he should be a leader and dominant, should go hunting/fishing and low inhib, prevent that he gets into the Normie NPC mindset (either Chad or Autistic dark triad imo)

This is Aspiemaxxed, but aren't we all here ?
No doc will prescribe HGH without deficiency not even private docs
do bloodwork on her
"Honey I just need to get you to do some blood work, I need to make sure that you're high T so our baby will look attractive later in life!" imagine dude.
-he has to be on high nutrients and on caloric surplus, always, and it would also be beneficial to avoid any sugar/carbs (fructose and lactose is ok to an extent)
carbs aren't bad you fucking moron.
get him on a T treatment also
you're joking right? HGH and T treatment for a kid? how about he goes though a natural puberty ffs.
also op, the most important thing is having your breastfeeding wife eat a shit tonne of foods high in DHA, ALA, and EPA. Also IODINE. You're guaranteed that the kid will be hyper-intelligent if you do this. Also breastfeed for as long as possible, two years is best.
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You mean when Chad did your wife like this ?

Apart from this, my wife often says that our daughters are beautiful and are the results of "Love".
I just laughed hard at her.
No, stupid female, it's just that you were in "love" because of attractiveness and that both attractive man & woman will have attractive children...
"The apple doesn't fall far from the tree"
"Honey I just need to get you to do some blood work, I need to make sure that you're high T so our baby will look attractive later in life!" imagine dude.

carbs aren't bad you fucking moron.

you're joking right? HGH and T treatment for a kid? how about he goes though a natural puberty ffs.
carbs =sugar = higher chance of caries and other disease, I said, it would be beneficial but not necessary

You can just tell your wife if she gets sick some time to get a hormone check, I said it was going to be Aspie

HGH and T is good
12-14 years of age is ideal
HGH release is biggest in childhood and decreases until end of puberty, T production is low to non-existent in childhood but peaks in puberty
the time, where both of them are high is around 12-14
a T therapy and injecting a bit of HGH makes sense to get a bit of dimorphism and some minor acromegaly (growth,obv)

combined with prenat. Tmaxxing and diet, it is the best you can do for growth outside of genetics
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- Have sex with a good looking woman
- Make sure that your kid has proper tongue posture during their youth, make them begin mewing by the time they’re a toddler
- Make sure that they get a good amount of hard foods in their diet, raising them on soft foods will give them a lower chance of having a good jaw
- Get your child to fully chew their food before swallowing, this will engage their masseter muscles more, especially if they are eating harder, more chewy food like meat
- Make sure that the kid sleeps on their back, not on their side. Sleeping on their side can create unequal zygo growth
- Pack their diet full of vitamins, especially ones like Vitamin D3 + K2
- Make them play sports and get used to athletic activities (boosts testosterone I heard)

That’s all I got.
No braces until 16 yo.
Swim for men until 18 yo then work out.
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i wish i was better looking than i am, now i have to compensate more to have better chances to have gl kids. Like kids is not smth that you can have for fun : you need to have the best for them, and the look is important.
You are gl bro.
Just leanmaxx and slay.
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