How to heightmaxx for everyone: the definitive guide. Everyone GTFIH (even closed plate peeps).


Deleted member 30323

May 30, 2023
Our guide will discuss two sects of the population:
1) Openplatecels : People with their spinal growth plates open. (because they are the bones affecting height which stay open the longest.)
2) Oldcels: People with their spinal growth plates fused.

(As always, do an X-ray of your plates and get them checked by a orthopedist before hopping on a stack. If you take the openplatecels stack and your plates are closed, it will do nothing (for your height atleast.))
Heightmaxxing for openplatecels:
a) Essentials:

1) Diet:
  1. Consume high protien diet (2.5g/kg of bodyweight of 1g/lb of bodyweight). Ensure that your protiens are high quality protiens and not incomplete (like pulses). Some examples of high quality protien are: eggs, meat and dairy.
  2. Always maintain a caloric surplus around 300. Overweight people tend to be taller.
  3. Take a basic multivitamin and multimineral to ensure all your micronutrients needs are being met. Refer to this for Daily Values.
  4. Take creatine, one of the best scientifically proven legal supplements to boost Human Growth Hormone and height.
  5. Other legal supplements except creatine, multivitamin and multimineral are all cope and have no evidence backing height growth. Do not fall into the scam.
2) Lifestyle:
  1. Get high quality sleep atleast 9 hours a day. Sleep is essential for HGH production. Use supplements like melatonin an hour before bed, blue light blocking glasses 2 hours before bed, do not eat food 2 hours before bed and do 1 hour of strenuous exercise a day (before 4 hours bed).
  2. Do 1 hours of highly aerobic exercises every day. Some of them include strength training and intense cardio. Proven to raise HGH.
  3. Minimize stress, which reduces cortisol and increases HGH.
b) Stack (extracurricular supplements):
1) Our stack would consist of two parts:

a) Estrogen Eliminator
b) HGH stimulant
a) Estrogen Eliminator:

Reducing estrogen in pre-adolescents has scientifically proven to boost Adult Height significantly.
You can either take an
a) AI (Aromtase Inhibhitor) like letrozole, aromasin
b) SERM a (selective estrogen receptor modulator) like tamoxifen.

What's the difference between an AI and SERM?
Well simply put, the major difference that you should care about is that even if you stop taking a AI for a few days, your estrogen will spike up higher than before, but if you do the same with a SERM, your estrogen will return back to normal levels, not higher than before.
What should I test for? What should be my levels?
You should always test for E2 (Estradiol) levels. The golden range for you levels will be from 8-15. My E2 levels are currently around 8-10.

Side effects?
Yes, a lot. Hot flashes, loss of sex drive, low bone density and sometimes brain fog. Most can be countered by following the essentials.
1.25mg letrozole per day or 30mg tamoxifen per day.

b) HGH stimulant:
HGH injected in pre-adolescents has proven to increase adult height significantly.
You have two options here:
a) Injecting HGH.
b) Taking GHRP + GHRH analogue l CJC 1295 + mk677, CJC 1295 + ipamorelin and more.

Should'nt this list include IGF-1 too?
You do not need IGF-1 if you are already injecting HGH/ GHRP,GHRH combo because release of HGH also stimulates release of IGF-1. I have suprapsychological levels of IGF-1 by injecting GHRH/GHRP alone.

Why GHRP + GHRH and not only one?
Because GHRP and GHRH target two different mechanisms of GH secretion and they work together synergistically.

Difference between HGH and GHRP/GHRH combo?
The major difference is that if HGH disturbs your internal HGH production, so if you stop taking it for a while, your HGH levels will be tanked for a while and will take some time to return back to normal, which could lead to stunted growth. However GHRP/GHRH do not hamper your natural production at all and just boost it, so if you stop taking it for a while, your HGH levels will return to normal.
Some people say HGH is more effective than GHRP/GHRH, but I personally believe this is a myth.

Side effects during usage of HGH/GHRP+GHRH combo?
Some side effects include bloating, increase hunger and the most dangerous, insulin resistance which can cause diabetes.

How to avoid diabetes?
It's simple, monitor your blood glucose every day, the moment it reaches above 120 mg/dl, you hop off the stack. Also follow essentials, they help.

Shouldn't this list contain other more exotic methods like Hypermethylation, cxxc5 inhibhition and vosoritide treatment?
There is little to no scientific evidence backing up these exotic methods and some may even be a precursor for cancer. So this list only contains the scientifically proven and effective methods for increasing height.

Heightmaxxing for closedplatecels:

You have only three methods:
1) Leg Lengthening: Go through a painful leg breaking procedure for 3 inches, very risky and costs upwards of 100k+ dollars for a reputed doctor.

2) Chondroitin + Glucosamine: It has proven to expand your cartilage, helping you maintain your morning height, making your average height look taller throughout the day.

3) Lifts: The easiest way to gain inches. Have three layers of lifts, thick insoles shoes, lifts in shoe and sock lifts. Easy way to get 3-4 inches.

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  • +1
Reactions: bub, mogpending, cell0xide and 1 other person
good thread, studies on creatine?
  • +1
Reactions: vex
Cmon now we need more heightmaxxing for closedplatecels
  • +1
Reactions: IndraBC, vyirus, aesthedick and 7 others
How risky would you say 2 inches, the max that is considered "safe" for LL (and probably the minimum worth doing), actually is? Assuming a good reputable surgeon.
good thread, studies on creatine?
  • +1
Reactions: lowerthirdking
What about relaxin. Studies show it can raise height upto 3 inches?
What is the ideal height for a man according to you? Where halo is at peak and no height dysmorphia
Is there any brand of creative you recommend?
What is the ideal height for a man according to you? Where halo is at peak and no height dysmorphia
Henry Cavill: 6'1
Chris Hemsworth: 6'3
Brad Pitt: 5'11
George Clooney: 5'11
Leonardo DiCaprio: 6'0
Zac Efron: 5'8
Harry Styles: 6'0
Justin Bieber: 5'9
Jake Gyllenhaal: 5'11 ¼
Jamie Dornan (Christian Grey himself): 5'10
Ryan Gosling: 6'0
Ryan Reynolds: 6'2
David Beckham: 6'0
Jon Kortajarena: 6'2
Sean O’Pry: 6'1
David Gandy: 6'2
Every James Bond actor except for Craig: 6'1-6'2

I'd say 6'2-6'4, with 6'4 being the cut-off. Above it you become lanky, disproportionate and it starts to become comical unless you're super genetically gifted. Even at that height you need to work out and manage your posture, look at Alexander Skarsgård when he's not in shape for a role.
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  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: RedPrince, IndraBC, johnrocksaints and 1 other person
Henry Cavill: 6'1
Chris Hemsworth: 6'3
Brad Pitt: 5'11
George Clooney: 5'11
Leonardo DiCaprio: 6'0
Zac Efron: 5'8
Harry Styles: 6'0
Justin Bieber: 5'9
Jake Gyllenhaal: 5'11 ¼
Jamie Dornan (Christian Grey himself): 5'10
Ryan Gosling: 6'0
Ryan Reynolds: 6'2
David Beckham: 6'0
Jon Kortajarena: 6'2
Sean O’Pry: 6'1
David Gandy: 6'2
Every James Bond actor except for Craig: 6'1-6'2

I'd say 6'2-6'4, with 6'4 being the cut-off. Above it you become lanky, disproportionate and it starts to become comical unless you're super genetically gifted. Even at that height you need to work out and manage your posture, look at Alexander Skarsgård when he's not in shape for a role.
So 6'3 is ideal right? But you get height mogged easily at this number. By plenty of people.
What is the ideal height for a man according to you? Where halo is at peak and no height dysmorphia
6'4, ideal enough that you are seen as dominant while still not shortening your lifespan.
So 6'3 is ideal right? But you get height mogged easily at this number. By plenty of people.
Easily and by plenty of people? Where? And you also have to keep in mind by what people you would get mogged. For me 6'5 and above is freak tier unless you have top 1% genetics. If mogging begins at 2 inches of difference, then the only men who mog you at 6'3 are men whose height you wouldn't want to have anyway.
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  • +1
Reactions: aesthedick, johnrocksaints, zura and 1 other person
Easily and by plenty of people? Where? And you also have to keep in mind by what people you would get mogged. For me 6'5 and above is freak tier unless you have top 1% genetics. If mogging begins at 2 inches of difference, then the only men who mog you at 6'3 are men whose height you wouldn't want to have anyway.
This man is 6'1.5 and his frame and proportions look perfect. I agree there is a point of diminishing return but you never know what it is and no man is ever tall enough for a woman


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This man is 6'1.5 and his frame and proportions look perfect. I agree there is a point of diminishing return but you never know what it is and no man is ever tall enough for a woman
Yeah, we can't know those things for certain, but what we can do is look at the heights of the men considered most attractive by society and women. I think that's as objective as it gets. I mean, those men are the gold standard for a looksmax believer no? The physical embodiment of the ideology, the ultimate ideal/goal. If every single Chad celebrity is 6'0-6'3, what more is there to discuss?
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  • +1
Reactions: johnrocksaints
Yeah, we can't know those things for certain, but what we can do is look at the heights of the men considered most attractive by society and women. I think that's as objective as it gets. I mean, those men are the gold standard for a looksmax believer no? The physical embodiment of the ideology, the ultimate ideal/goal. If every single Chad celebrity is 6'0-6'3, what more is there to discuss?
After you cross 6 foot all that matter is face. I agree.


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  • +1
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After you cross 6 foot all that matter is face. I agree.
Yup, physique too, which really isn't discussed here as often as it should. Probably cause of the stigma it gets due to its association with gymcels, and that 1% of cases of guys so ugly that even a good body doesn't make them look good (you know the photos I mean).
Btw, that Cristiano Ronaldo photo: the guy next to him is 4.3 inches taller (5 inches if celebheights is to be believed). He's clearly taller, but the apparent difference is less than I thought it would be for these numbers.
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How risky would you say 2 inches, the max that is considered "safe" for LL (and probably the minimum worth doing), actually is? Assuming a good reputable surgeon.
2 inches won't get ur dick sucked nigger.
2 inches won't get ur dick sucked nigger.
Thanks for the compliment, I agree that I am tall enough that 2 inches wouldn't make a difference, but it would be a nice boost. And calling me "nigger" won't make me any less white or you any less of a street shitter.
  • JFL
Reactions: Deleted member 24347, shahid khan, johnrocksaints and 2 others
Nigger's so fucking offended :lul::lul: literally just telling you that leg-lengthening is fucking useless and not worth it at all. Fucking brain damaged autist go rope already bro:lul::lul::lul:
When your plates close its lver stop giving rhem hope
  • +1
Reactions: Maalik
triple ll or death
Nigger's so fucking offended :lul::lul: literally just telling you that leg-lengthening is fucking useless and not worth it at all. Fucking brain damaged autist go rope already bro:lul::lul::lul:
The thread is basically similar to my original thread, however, the formula he provides is correct. An HGH stimulant + an growth plate closure delayer should = to increased growth
so is the meta to get super fat for like 3 years and build monstrous calves then extreme cut blast roids and go gym?

tamoxifen lowers IGF-1

Kys nigger tamoxifen proven to raise height. Literally kys asap u don't know how hormones work.
Kys nigger tamoxifen proven to raise height. Literally kys asap u don't know how hormones work.
Not to hate, but even the study itself says tamoxifen requires more research and evaluation.
Not to hate, but even the study itself says tamoxifen requires more research and evaluation.
Yes, but it does significantly increase height, argument closed.
  • JFL
Reactions: enchanted_elixir
Yes, but it does significantly increase height, argument closed.
not an argument but more of a fact of the matter!

This is a study showing that tamoxifen impairs height growth in rats.

This study also acknowledges the fact that SERM’s can reduce bone age, while simultaneously increasing growth plate senescence in rabbits.
This study also says that, “Like E2, raloxifene inhibited growth plate function, decreasing the rate of growth plate chondrocyte proliferation and the rate of longitudinal bone growth. Raloxifene also had estrogen-like effects on growth plate structure, decreasing growth plate height, number of proliferative and hypertrophic cells per column, and terminal hypertrophic cell height. Like estrogen, raloxifene also hastened epiphyseal fusion. ”
not an argument but more of a fact of the matter!

This is a study showing that tamoxifen impairs height growth in rats.

This study also acknowledges the fact that SERM’s can reduce bone age, while simultaneously increasing growth plate senescence in rabbits.
This study also says that, “Like E2, raloxifene inhibited growth plate function, decreasing the rate of growth plate chondrocyte proliferation and the rate of longitudinal bone growth. Raloxifene also had estrogen-like effects on growth plate structure, decreasing growth plate height, number of proliferative and hypertrophic cells per column, and terminal hypertrophic cell height. Like estrogen, raloxifene also hastened epiphyseal fusion. ”
Brother, if we were rats we would be overdoing on meclizine to become 9 foot moggers.

SERMs do not reduce bone age, again spreading misinformation like a bitch.
Brother, if we were rats we would be overdoing on meclizine to become 9 foot moggers.

SERMs do not reduce bone age, again spreading misinformation like a bitch.
So what do SERM's do for height if isn't reducing bone age? Just wondering?
So what do SERM's do for height if isn't reducing bone age? Just wondering?
This argument is so dumb that I dont even want to argue with it. Reducing your bone age is impossible unless you time travel, serms just reduce bone age rate.
Kys nigger tamoxifen proven to raise height. Literally kys asap u don't know how hormones work.
That study was conducted on patients suffering from one of the following conditions: ISS (idiopathic short stature), GHD (growth hormone deficiency), CDGP (constitutional delay of growth and puberty) or NSGHD (neurosecretory growth hormone deficiency) and all of the treated children were taking growth hormone. I am not saying it is meaningless but it is not a very clear proof. Especially when you have better studies that where done on boys suffering from gynecomastia who have been treated with tamoxifen like this one
Much better study design for this context imo.
And when it comes to lowering igf1, yes it is true SERMs lower igf1 and they come with a increase risk of blood clots. So if you got tapped might want to stay away from them.

Also I am curios about your letrozole dosage recommendation. You take 1.25mg every day and have 8-10 estradiol? Do you take high dose test? Just seems strange, I tought that high of a dose would crush your e2.
What do u think of hgh / igf / ghrp
3-4 inches with lifts isn't realistically achievable. 6 cm/2.4 is the absolute max that is practical.
Cmon now we need more heightmaxxing for closedplatecels
You could risk it by doing LL bro but lifts are more practical tbh. Also jfl there are Chads that are short too lmao
This man is 6'1.5 and his frame and proportions look perfect. I agree there is a point of diminishing return but you never know what it is and no man is ever tall enough for a woman
How do you not know the Lord you nigger? Praise the Lord Gandy.
Yeah, we can't know those things for certain, but what we can do is look at the heights of the men considered most attractive by society and women. I think that's as objective as it gets. I mean, those men are the gold standard for a looksmax believer no? The physical embodiment of the ideology, the ultimate ideal/goal. If every single Chad celebrity is 6'0-6'3, what more is there to discuss?
I honestly have a lot of doubts about the height x face ratio, which is more important and what would be the ideal height, some say that below 6'3 is not enough but on the other hand I hear about people with 6'5+ who have problems with women so I really don't know. But you raise an interesting point.
I wonder if chris evans is being mogged by shaq

does Chondroitin + Glucosamine to increase cartilage have a permanent effect?
I honestly have a lot of doubts about the height x face ratio, which is more important and what would be the ideal height, some say that below 6'3 is not enough but on the other hand I hear about people with 6'5+ who have problems with women so I really don't know. But you raise an interesting point.
I wonder if chris evans is being mogged by shaq

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What do you mean by height x face ratio? And yeah he is a bit, but it's mostly because of his small frame, lack of build, unconfident expression and nervous body language I'd say. Anyway even if it's height I wouldn't care in this case, I would never want to be 7'1. Personally I use James Bond or Henry Cavill in The Man from UNCLE as my reference for what I want: tall enough to be taller than most guys, aesthetic, proportional, attractive to women etc., but still able to blend in with the crowd and not have my height be the one thing everyone focuses on. So 6'1-6'3, maybe 6'4 but that is the beginning of lanky territory (and hard to build a solid frame there). I don't care about mogging literally every guy in existence and I don't know why so many here have that mentality. Also, anyone who tells you 6'3 is the minimum for women to find you attractive is mentally ill and can safely be ignored. I was arguing with some sperg yesterday who said a lot of women consider 6'2 manlet-tier.
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Our guide will discuss two sects of the population:
1) Openplatecels : People with their spinal growth plates open. (because they are the bones affecting height which stay open the longest.)
2) Oldcels: People with their spinal growth plates fused.

(As always, do an X-ray of your plates and get them checked by a orthopedist before hopping on a stack. If you take the openplatecels stack and your plates are closed, it will do nothing (for your height atleast.))
Heightmaxxing for openplatecels:
a) Essentials:

1) Diet:
  1. Consume high protien diet (2.5g/kg of bodyweight of 1g/lb of bodyweight). Ensure that your protiens are high quality protiens and not incomplete (like pulses). Some examples of high quality protien are: eggs, meat and dairy.
  2. Always maintain a caloric surplus around 300. Overweight people tend to be taller.
  3. Take a basic multivitamin and multimineral to ensure all your micronutrients needs are being met. Refer to this for Daily Values.
  4. Take creatine, one of the best scientifically proven legal supplements to boost Human Growth Hormone and height.
  5. Other legal supplements except creatine, multivitamin and multimineral are all cope and have no evidence backing height growth. Do not fall into the scam.
2) Lifestyle:
  1. Get high quality sleep atleast 9 hours a day. Sleep is essential for HGH production. Use supplements like melatonin an hour before bed, blue light blocking glasses 2 hours before bed, do not eat food 2 hours before bed and do 1 hour of strenuous exercise a day (before 4 hours bed).
  2. Do 1 hours of highly aerobic exercises every day. Some of them include strength training and intense cardio. Proven to raise HGH.
  3. Minimize stress, which reduces cortisol and increases HGH.
b) Stack (extracurricular supplements):
1) Our stack would consist of two parts:

a) Estrogen Eliminator
b) HGH stimulant
a) Estrogen Eliminator:

Reducing estrogen in pre-adolescents has scientifically proven to boost Adult Height significantly.
You can either take an
a) AI (Aromtase Inhibhitor) like letrozole, aromasin
b) SERM a (selective estrogen receptor modulator) like tamoxifen.

What's the difference between an AI and SERM?
Well simply put, the major difference that you should care about is that even if you stop taking a AI for a few days, your estrogen will spike up higher than before, but if you do the same with a SERM, your estrogen will return back to normal levels, not higher than before.
What should I test for? What should be my levels?
You should always test for E2 (Estradiol) levels. The golden range for you levels will be from 8-15. My E2 levels are currently around 8-10.

Side effects?
Yes, a lot. Hot flashes, loss of sex drive, low bone density and sometimes brain fog. Most can be countered by following the essentials.
1.25mg letrozole per day or 30mg tamoxifen per day.

b) HGH stimulant:
HGH injected in pre-adolescents has proven to increase adult height significantly.
You have two options here:
a) Injecting HGH.
b) Taking GHRP + GHRH analogue l CJC 1295 + mk677, CJC 1295 + ipamorelin and more.

Should'nt this list include IGF-1 too?
You do not need IGF-1 if you are already injecting HGH/ GHRP,GHRH combo because release of HGH also stimulates release of IGF-1. I have suprapsychological levels of IGF-1 by injecting GHRH/GHRP alone.

Why GHRP + GHRH and not only one?
Because GHRP and GHRH target two different mechanisms of GH secretion and they work together synergistically.

Difference between HGH and GHRP/GHRH combo?
The major difference is that if HGH disturbs your internal HGH production, so if you stop taking it for a while, your HGH levels will be tanked for a while and will take some time to return back to normal, which could lead to stunted growth. However GHRP/GHRH do not hamper your natural production at all and just boost it, so if you stop taking it for a while, your HGH levels will return to normal.
Some people say HGH is more effective than GHRP/GHRH, but I personally believe this is a myth.

Side effects during usage of HGH/GHRP+GHRH combo?
Some side effects include bloating, increase hunger and the most dangerous, insulin resistance which can cause diabetes.

How to avoid diabetes?
It's simple, monitor your blood glucose every day, the moment it reaches above 120 mg/dl, you hop off the stack. Also follow essentials, they help.

Shouldn't this list contain other more exotic methods like Hypermethylation, cxxc5 inhibhition and vosoritide treatment?
There is little to no scientific evidence backing up these exotic methods and some may even be a precursor for cancer. So this list only contains the scientifically proven and effective methods for increasing height.

Heightmaxxing for closedplatecels:

You have only three methods:
1) Leg Lengthening: Go through a painful leg breaking procedure for 3 inches, very risky and costs upwards of 100k+ dollars for a reputed doctor.

2) Chondroitin + Glucosamine: It has proven to expand your cartilage, helping you maintain your morning height, making your average height look taller throughout the day.

3) Lifts: The easiest way to gain inches. Have three layers of lifts, thick insoles shoes, lifts in shoe and sock lifts. Easy way to get 3-4 inches.

yo bro what’s ur disc? i’m 15 and 5”10 planning to take mk677 and aromasin and i’m trying to figure out how to dose them
What do you mean by height x face ratio? And yeah he is a bit, but it's mostly because of his small frame, lack of build, unconfident expression and nervous body language I'd say. Anyway even if it's height I wouldn't care in this case, I would never want to be 7'1. Personally I use James Bond or Henry Cavill in The Man from UNCLE as my reference for what I want: tall enough to be taller than most guys, aesthetic, proportional, attractive to women etc., but still able to blend in with the crowd and not have my height be the one thing everyone focuses on. So 6'1-6'3, maybe 6'4 but that is the beginning of lanky territory (and hard to build a solid frame there). I don't care about mogging literally every guy in existence and I don't know why so many here have that mentality. Also, anyone who tells you 6'3 is the minimum for women to find you attractive is mentally ill and can safely be ignored. I was arguing with some sperg yesterday who said a lot of women consider 6'2 manlet-tier.
I was trying to ask which is more important and from when a height can be considered enough for a certain type of face or vice versa, in the sense of a general rate, you know?
Like Henry Cavil at 6'1 with the face of ultra giga chad is mogged by The Rock, who has a reasonable face but is 6'5?
I was trying to ask which is more important and from when a height can be considered enough for a certain type of face or vice versa, in the sense of a general rate, you know?
Like Henry Cavil at 6'1 with the face of ultra giga chad is mogged by The Rock, who has a reasonable face but is 6'5?
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According to this American study, the ideal height for women is 6'2, with 5'11 the cut-off below which rejection starts to increase noticeably and 6'5 the point past which a significant number of women start finding you too tall. As for Cavil vs the Rock, who's the sex symbol thirsted over by women? I've never heard women talking about the Rock as hot, he seems more male gaze optimized than anything. Also, according to celebheights he frauds his height and is actually 6'3, and according to the people commenting 6'2.5. Even he doesn't claim 6'5 anymore, now he says 6'4 and possibly wears lifts. Apparently Cavil frauds too, he's actually 6'0.5.
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Our guide will discuss two sects of the population:
1) Openplatecels : People with their spinal growth plates open. (because they are the bones affecting height which stay open the longest.)
2) Oldcels: People with their spinal growth plates fused.

(As always, do an X-ray of your plates and get them checked by a orthopedist before hopping on a stack. If you take the openplatecels stack and your plates are closed, it will do nothing (for your height atleast.))
Heightmaxxing for openplatecels:
a) Essentials:

1) Diet:
  1. Consume high protien diet (2.5g/kg of bodyweight of 1g/lb of bodyweight). Ensure that your protiens are high quality protiens and not incomplete (like pulses). Some examples of high quality protien are: eggs, meat and dairy.
  2. Always maintain a caloric surplus around 300. Overweight people tend to be taller.
  3. Take a basic multivitamin and multimineral to ensure all your micronutrients needs are being met. Refer to this for Daily Values.
  4. Take creatine, one of the best scientifically proven legal supplements to boost Human Growth Hormone and height.
  5. Other legal supplements except creatine, multivitamin and multimineral are all cope and have no evidence backing height growth. Do not fall into the scam.
2) Lifestyle:
  1. Get high quality sleep atleast 9 hours a day. Sleep is essential for HGH production. Use supplements like melatonin an hour before bed, blue light blocking glasses 2 hours before bed, do not eat food 2 hours before bed and do 1 hour of strenuous exercise a day (before 4 hours bed).
  2. Do 1 hours of highly aerobic exercises every day. Some of them include strength training and intense cardio. Proven to raise HGH.
  3. Minimize stress, which reduces cortisol and increases HGH.
b) Stack (extracurricular supplements):
1) Our stack would consist of two parts:

a) Estrogen Eliminator
b) HGH stimulant
a) Estrogen Eliminator:

Reducing estrogen in pre-adolescents has scientifically proven to boost Adult Height significantly.
You can either take an
a) AI (Aromtase Inhibhitor) like letrozole, aromasin
b) SERM a (selective estrogen receptor modulator) like tamoxifen.

What's the difference between an AI and SERM?
Well simply put, the major difference that you should care about is that even if you stop taking a AI for a few days, your estrogen will spike up higher than before, but if you do the same with a SERM, your estrogen will return back to normal levels, not higher than before.
What should I test for? What should be my levels?
You should always test for E2 (Estradiol) levels. The golden range for you levels will be from 8-15. My E2 levels are currently around 8-10.

Side effects?
Yes, a lot. Hot flashes, loss of sex drive, low bone density and sometimes brain fog. Most can be countered by following the essentials.
1.25mg letrozole per day or 30mg tamoxifen per day.

b) HGH stimulant:
HGH injected in pre-adolescents has proven to increase adult height significantly.
You have two options here:
a) Injecting HGH.
b) Taking GHRP + GHRH analogue l CJC 1295 + mk677, CJC 1295 + ipamorelin and more.

Should'nt this list include IGF-1 too?
You do not need IGF-1 if you are already injecting HGH/ GHRP,GHRH combo because release of HGH also stimulates release of IGF-1. I have suprapsychological levels of IGF-1 by injecting GHRH/GHRP alone.

Why GHRP + GHRH and not only one?
Because GHRP and GHRH target two different mechanisms of GH secretion and they work together synergistically.

Difference between HGH and GHRP/GHRH combo?
The major difference is that if HGH disturbs your internal HGH production, so if you stop taking it for a while, your HGH levels will be tanked for a while and will take some time to return back to normal, which could lead to stunted growth. However GHRP/GHRH do not hamper your natural production at all and just boost it, so if you stop taking it for a while, your HGH levels will return to normal.
Some people say HGH is more effective than GHRP/GHRH, but I personally believe this is a myth.

Side effects during usage of HGH/GHRP+GHRH combo?
Some side effects include bloating, increase hunger and the most dangerous, insulin resistance which can cause diabetes.

How to avoid diabetes?
It's simple, monitor your blood glucose every day, the moment it reaches above 120 mg/dl, you hop off the stack. Also follow essentials, they help.

Shouldn't this list contain other more exotic methods like Hypermethylation, cxxc5 inhibhition and vosoritide treatment?
There is little to no scientific evidence backing up these exotic methods and some may even be a precursor for cancer. So this list only contains the scientifically proven and effective methods for increasing height.

Heightmaxxing for closedplatecels:

You have only three methods:
1) Leg Lengthening: Go through a painful leg breaking procedure for 3 inches, very risky and costs upwards of 100k+ dollars for a reputed doctor.

2) Chondroitin + Glucosamine: It has proven to expand your cartilage, helping you maintain your morning height, making your average height look taller throughout the day.

3) Lifts: The easiest way to gain inches. Have three layers of lifts, thick insoles shoes, lifts in shoe and sock lifts. Easy way to get 3-4 inches.

can you bonesmash the spine for more height increase ?
Henry Cavill: 6'1
Chris Hemsworth: 6'3
Brad Pitt: 5'11
George Clooney: 5'11
Leonardo DiCaprio: 6'0
Zac Efron: 5'8
Harry Styles: 6'0
Justin Bieber: 5'9
Jake Gyllenhaal: 5'11 ¼
Jamie Dornan (Christian Grey himself): 5'10
Ryan Gosling: 6'0
Ryan Reynolds: 6'2
David Beckham: 6'0
Jon Kortajarena: 6'2
Sean O’Pry: 6'1
David Gandy: 6'2
Every James Bond actor except for Craig: 6'1-6'2

I'd say 6'2-6'4, with 6'4 being the cut-off. Above it you become lanky, disproportionate and it starts to become comical unless you're super genetically gifted. Even at that height you need to work out and manage your posture, look at Alexander Skarsgård when he's not in shape for a role.
most of those are inflated heights and they r shorter irl, but i agree, if i was to choose my height it would be 6 2 or 6 3
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Dosages for ghrp and ghrh?

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