How to judge whether or not you should take advice from forum members

This seems to be a real issue with the influx of members, and the old simple way of name coloring indicating newfaggotry doesn't seem to do the trick anymore, as some newfags have been on here enough to be blue, etc.
Anyways, like a plague of locusts, newfags have infiltrated the forum posting either water information 24/7 or just plain wrong or stupid information.
Here is a good example of dogshit newfaggotry:
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Seriously, I find it incredible people with such low IQ managed to create an account.

Anyways, back to the guide.
1: Join Date
First of all, the best teller is their join date. If the join date is after mid-march 2023 DO NOT LISTEN TO THEIR ADVICE. Seriously. Chances are it's either wrong or water-tier knowledge. March 2023 the forum blew up on TikTok and ever since the forum has had a large influx of TikTok immigrants who rape the forum. So, if the join date is after the middle of March 2023, the rule of thumb is to take their word with a grain of salt. Another good way to tell if they're faking non-newfaggotry is if they say they were on lookism but just joined in March. Bullshit.

2: Grammar and Linguistics
This is another good one. Usually high IQ threads are put together nicely, and use proper grammar and punctuation.
I'll take a random thread from BOTB as an example.
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On the contrary, here is a good example on why we should require verbal IQ tests to sign up on the forum and how low linguistic skill can be used to judge the value of a post.
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(seriously, this guy is fucking retarded)
3: Using Lingo Wrong or Poorly
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(seriously, this guy is a perfect example for the worst kind of forum user)
Here, he refers as somebody who doesn't know how to steal as a "steal-cel" whereas the suffix "cel" refers to somebody who's defining feature of inceldom, or just a main feature in general is the prefix (ie, stealcel would refer to somebody who knows how to steal, not someone who doesn't know how to steal)
Ok, now that I have that out the way, you might be asking, what should I do when I see these people?

1: Do not bump their threads. Keep it as dead as possible
2: Ignore.

If you don't know how to ignore (newfag alert) this is how.
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Hover your cursor over their profile, click ignore and boom! You will no longer see any more of their posts.

3: Remember that even though they might not have good information, you shouldn't also be toxic assholes (well, maybe not every time).
This is true. Just like how Evola writes about how Jews can have the souls of Aryans and Aryans can have the souls of Jews, it is the same with forum members. Normies can have the souls of truecels, and truecels can have the souls of normies. Also, a lot of newfags can be chill a lot of the time. However, if they're just annoying and a newfag, bully them into submission.

I'd say no because I think this is common sense. All it really takes is to read a few good threads to be able to know this, I can't promote this because of that.
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This is After Removing Spelling Suggestions For Truecel, Inceldom and Newfaggotry.

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