How to leanmaxx without fucking up height?

enjoy your lethargy, weakness and erectile dysfunction
there is a reason roidcels always have a test base in their cycles
Roidcels use a test base so they can still have optimal hormones when their balls shutdown from the compounds they are using. Normal people who aren't using compounds don't have to deal with that so they don't need a test base.
Roidcels use a test base so they can still have optimal hormones when their balls shutdown from the compounds they are using. Normal people who aren't using compounds don't have to deal with that so they don't need a test base.
The point i´m trying to make is that roidcels use a test base in order to not get low estrogen sides, because some users in this thread are not even aware of the fact that low E sides exist because they apparently think that estrogen=bad.
Yes, I agree but I don't think you understand that the vast majority of people will never "nuke" their estrogen. I don't think you understand how hard it is to do so, you'd have to take advanced breast cancer-stage doses of Arimidex (10 mg) to nuke E2. The reason why is that you still have test and e2 being produced from your balls, so you will always have some level of estrogen in your body. Toppling that with the fact that Aromasin and Arimidex, only reduce E2 by 38% and 54% respectively, the majority of people's E2 levels will never reach "nuked" status. The only people you'll see having their E2 in the single digits are those on TRT who have stopped the production of Test and E2 from their balls. They no longer have any E2 and Test in their balls so they only have what's left in their tissues, but when they use an AI, it'll actually nuke their E2.
If you want to you can take HGH/GHRHs/GHRPs/IGF-1 and AIs in small to moderate dosages.
By small to moderate dosages i mean about 0,25-0,5mg of aromasin eod for example. I am not against the usage of AIs at all. What i am against is starving yourself to 6% bodyfat in order to grow taller. THAT will nuke your E2 and cause a myriad of health issues.
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The point i´m trying to make is that roidcels use a test base in order to not get low estrogen sides, because some users in this thread are not even aware of the fact that low E sides exist because they apparently think that estrogen=bad.

By small to moderate dosages i mean about 0,25-0,5mg of aromasin eod for example. I am not against the usage of AIs at all. What i am against is starving yourself to 6% bodyfat in order to grow taller. THAT will nuke your E2 and cause a myriad of health issues.
Yea starving yourself will cause that and you will prolly grow less due to that, however, you need higher Aromasin doses for it to be effective at all.
nuked estrogenic signalling through starvation or AI/SERM abuse = decreased bone growth/decreased muscle growth/decreased collagen/decreased sex drive/heightend cortisol/fucked up immune system/tanked igf-1 = okay for heightmaxxing if you want to look like a medivial eunuch but not safe for anything else faggot

estrogen between 15-30 pg/ml = optimal for height maxxing in the vast majority of people
end of.

only up to the lower end of your "set point" where you still have enough body fat/enough E2/enough leptin/normal endocrine function etc.


Fasting and being hungry also correlates with increased igf-1 levels because of decreased insulin and increased ghrelin.
Dirty bulking for height doesn't work either.

Here is what you can actually do:

Eat micronutrient dense, low calorie dense whole foods, with ~1g/pound of bodyweight highly bioavailable protein in them. Eat enough monounsaturated and saturated fats, don't be afraid of cholesterol and animal fat, but avoid refined plant oils like the plague. Avoid refined carbohydrates as much as possible.
Track your calories if you need to, but focus more on what you eat than on how much you eat. Eat when you feel hungry, but don't become a fatass.

Do some weight training and cardio, BUT DON'T OVERTRAIN!
Sleep for at least eight hours a day.

If you want to you can take HGH/GHRHs/GHRPs/IGF-1 and AIs in small to moderate dosages.
This is not a recommendation btw. Do your own research first.
Mf you gave me a whole ass guide ty. I did cut the volume of training i did, am now at a comfy 15 sets x4 days a week, and i have good bodybuilding genes, so i already look ottermode-kinda.

Sleep is about 10 hours in bed with 9 hours and 15 mins of sleep (biphasic). Protein intake is hitting, on creatine and soon ashwagandha. Avoided plant oils except for olive oil, is that passable or should i just stick to butter for cooking?
Mf you gave me a whole ass guide ty. I did cut the volume of training i did, am now at a comfy 15 sets x4 days a week, and i have good bodybuilding genes, so i already look ottermode-kinda.

Sleep is about 10 hours in bed with 9 hours and 15 mins of sleep (biphasic). Protein intake is hitting, on creatine and soon ashwagandha. Avoided plant oils except for olive oil, is that passable or should i just stick to butter for cooking?
ofc its okay. food is food at the end of the day. unless ur some fatass eating kfc and mcdonalds everyday which youre obviously not.
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Youngcel here, how the fuck do i leanmaxx without fucking up my hormones, and the chance to grow tall? 5'7, open plates and a year or 2 away from HGH.

It's a genuine question, i fear losing any cm or mm of height i can get my hands on, but if im too fat, then at some point it starts to fuck up my testosterone n hormones, and while it will not affect as much my height, i will end up looking like an indian because of 0 sensitivity (L-carnatine), estrogen from fat, and overall feel like shit.

Yes i am gymcelling, my BMI is a little low (barely 60kg at 5'7) but i do NOT want to miss the chance to grow to 5'11 (where i am this is incredibly good height). Father was 5'9, mother was 5'3. How to? Should i keep bulking and just get a healthy bmi and hope to grow and fuck up my hormones or get lean and possibly fuck up a few mm-cm of height?
Being fat is going to stunt you more than a caloric deficit in the long run.

What I did after my bulk is a bit different than an approach you may have to take but leanmaxxing is pretty easy.
Step 1: Find how much you are eating per day for a week, most people track calories for a singular day then use that one number to dictate how to diet. Unless you are eating the same thing with the same portions every day then you will need to find the average calories eaten in a day in a week period.

Step 2: Remove 250 calories. I personally removed another 100 calories if I did not lose at least an ounce of bodyweight by the end of the next week. Yes, the process sounds really slow but it's better to take a safe approach than just crash diet.

Step 3: Keep doing the same process over and over again and cutting 100-150 calories from your diet.

Measuring your weight: I measure as soon as I wake up after I piss and shit. Track the weight in a notebook to keep track.

I am 17, dk how old you are but some of my friends younger than me have taken this approach and it works. I have also grown an inch in between my peak bulk and where I am now.

If you really want to go above and beyond, I would get a full metabolic profile blood test. It tells you where you may be lacking in terms of nutrients and a testosterone test to see how your hormones are. But this really is not necessary, only if you really want to.

Also, some proof that this works)
Jfl at my torn pants from being fat
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Being fat is going to stunt you more than a caloric deficit in the long run.

What I did after my bulk is a bit different than an approach you may have to take but leanmaxxing is pretty easy.
Step 1: Find how much you are eating per day for a week, most people track calories for a singular day then use that one number to dictate how to diet. Unless you are eating the same thing with the same portions every day then you will need to find the average calories eaten in a day in a week period.

Step 2: Remove 250 calories. I personally removed another 100 calories if I did not lose at least an ounce of bodyweight by the end of the next week. Yes, the process sounds really slow but it's better to take a safe approach than just crash diet.

Step 3: Keep doing the same process over and over again and cutting 100-150 calories from your diet.

Measuring your weight: I measure as soon as I wake up after I piss and shit. Track the weight in a notebook to keep track.

I am 17, dk how old you are but some of my friends younger than me have taken this approach and it works. I have also grown an inch in between my peak bulk and where I am now.

If you really want to go above and beyond, I would get a full metabolic profile blood test. It tells you where you may be lacking in terms of nutrients and a testosterone test to see how your hormones are. But this really is not necessary, only if you really want to.

Also, some proof that this works)
Jfl at my torn pants from being fat
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Slow leanmaxx after a slow lean bulk seems to be the way, i don't know my bf% rn, will take the tests you suggested, but i think im gonna stick fully to a slow bulk and track my weight more accurately, and if i get to 5'10, i'll leanmaxx, i still lose fat from time to time because of noobie gains, but now that that's running out, i dont think i have much option other than to keep in a surplus while taking care of the quality of calories (mainly getting them from carbs, will switch to more-fat based diet rn) , im gonna buy some calipers and update or make a thread whenever.

Thanks for the tips tho. Sick back. Pic rel is me at 60kg, relaxed. TLDR; Need to measure every single inch of my body and get accurate results tand decide from there. OK.


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Slow leanmaxx after a slow lean bulk seems to be the way, i don't know my bf% rn, will take the tests you suggested, but i think im gonna stick fully to a slow bulk and track my weight more accurately, and if i get to 5'10, i'll leanmaxx, i still lose fat from time to time because of noobie gains, but now that that's running out, i dont think i have much option other than to keep in a surplus while taking care of the quality of calories (mainly getting them from carbs, will switch to more-fat based diet rn) , im gonna buy some calipers and update or make a thread whenever.

Thanks for the tips tho. Sick back. Pic rel is me at 60kg, relaxed. TLDR; Need to measure every single inch of my body and get accurate results tand decide from there. OK.
Lots of work can be done to improve, good base, you will get there with some dedication. You seem very invested in it so seems like you will stick with it.

I would be interested to see an update, just from eyeing it I would guess 15% bodyfat with some unfortunate fat distribution in the pecs. But the shoulder definition mogs.
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Lots of work can be done to improve, good base, you will get there with some dedication. You seem very invested in it so seems like you will stick with it.

I would be interested to see an update, just from eyeing it I would guess 15% bodyfat with some unfortunate fat distribution in the pecs. But the shoulder definition mogs.
Lel, you're right about the fat distribution, but its more of the fact that i literally dont have any upper chest, because i sperged out on calisthenics and haven't touched a bench in my life. WHat do ya do for your upper chest if you were in my situation (latinofag=poor)
Lel, you're right about the fat distribution, but its more of the fact that i literally dont have any upper chest, because i sperged out on calisthenics and haven't touched a bench in my life. WHat do ya do for your upper chest if you were in my situation (latinofag=poor)
I don’t really workout anymore but I would do decline push-ups. Built a pretty solid physique with it. May just be my inserts but calisthenics can get you a full chest/plate of armor look. Gym is good but calisthenics can get it done
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I don’t really workout anymore but I would do decline push-ups. Built a pretty solid physique with it. May just be my inserts but calisthenics can get you a full chest/plate of armor look. Gym is good but calisthenics can get it done
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How the fuck are you an incel go out holy shit. Mirin' bone structure n' shoulders. Get off this damn website and go to a sports club or smth.
probably the best way is to eat at matinence and get your deficit thru excercise. But eating less won't affect your genetic potential unles you are literally starving, look at richard rameriz
How the fuck are you an incel go out holy shit. Mirin' bone structure n' shoulders. Get off this damn website and go to a sports club or smth.
How the fuck are you an incel go out holy shit. Mirin' bone structure n' shoulders. Get off this damn website and go to a sports club or smth.
No matter how much sex I have I will still be an incel on the inside

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