How to Medmaxx for next year’s summer COMPLETE GUIDE (Ethnics GTFIH)



Flippin Savauge
Oct 29, 2022
What does it exactly mean to be Med?

1. What actually counts as Med? If women are referring to “Med” guys they mean: Romeo, Lorenzo, Diego etc
Not: Fazal, Abdul, Ali etc

This means guys who are from Mediterranean Europe not North Africa. HOWEVER, of course there are some passable as “Med” but at a less percentage than what the average ethnic looks like. MENA countries where it’s possible for guys to pass as Med from most to least:


- Turkish (Includes cyprus)
- Syrian
- Lebanese
- Iranian
- Jordanian
- Moroccan
- Iraqi
- Palestinian
- Egyptian
- Tunisian
- Libyan
- Algerian
- Saudi Arabia
- Kuwait
- Qatar
- Yemen
- Oman


What are some photo examples of what you could potentially be aiming for?

- Clear skin (I am not covering skin whitening because it’s a bit vague)
- Prettyboy haircut with a fade
- Leptorrhine nose
- Dark hair + eyes
- Sharp jaw where you can cut diamonds
- Full lips
- Nt cold looks


IMG 2664
IMG 2670
IMG 2671
IMG 2265
IMG 2672

The core principle of Medmaxxing is to achieve the dream and fulthilment of what stacies look for especially in North Western European countries where darker men are typically more desirable:

IMG 2673

Female sex tourism:

IMG 2674

2. Have a good phenotype: Make sure you can pull off a “gracile Medditerranid” of course not everyone else has it but there are some guys who can be considered passable.

This phenotype’s description:

Mediterranid proper, smaller than other Mediterranids: the most gracile type of Europe. Appears first in Mesolithic groups of Palestine (Natufians). Common in Iberia, Southern Italy, Mediterranean islands, Western France, Southern Greece, Northern Tunisia. In low frequencies across Europe, e.g. Western Germany (esp. Rhineland-Palatinate), Ireland, Wales, Southern Bulgaria to the Black Sea and the Levant.

Physical Traits:​

Light brown skin, straight to wavy, rarely curly, usually abundant brown to brown-black hair. Rather short, meso- sometimes macroskelic, ectomorph with gracile bodily proportions, rather wide hips in women. Mesocephalic, chamaecranic with a protruding occiput. Oval, narrow face with refined and gracile features. Straight, hyperleptorrhine, not very long nose. Mildly rounded forehead.

IMG 2675

Here are the 7 aspects and steps to possibly attain Med prettyboy looks:


To understand how to get clear skin fast and how to keep skin clear, it's important to understand what causes skin to be unclear. We’ve highlighted some reasons as to why your skin might not be clear at the moment:

  1. Hormones can cause an overproduction of sebum in the skin glands which can lead to clogged pores
  2. Stress can trigger hormonal changes in people prone to breakouts
  3. Harsh ingredients, or ingredients that simply don’t agree with your skin, can result in skin that is not clear
  4. Not washing your make-up brushes - dirty brushes are a breeding ground for bacteria that can be linked to breakouts. By not cleaning make-up brushes regularly, you are essentially sweeping bacteria across your face
  5. Using too many products - finding the right balance of products with active ingredients is an essential step in how to get clear skin. Stick to a simple beauty regime that works for you.

1. Be gentle with your skin. Wash it thoroughly with a hydrating, ethyl alcohol-free cleanser like our Foaming Face Wash morning and night to remove impurities, naturally cleanse and work as a gentle antibacterial for your skin.

2. Drink plenty of filtered water throughout the day.Water helps to detoxify your system, keeping your digestive system working efficiently to remove toxins that could otherwise try to escape through your skin as spots.

3. Target blemishes. If you want to target specific spots or areas of your face, use a small amount of Oy Clear Skin Purifying Serum directly over the spot to deliver an instant antibacterial action. This naturally effective organic serum contains Black Willow Bark, one of nature’s most powerful antibacterial ingredients, that works wonders to naturally clear your skin.

4. Always remove make-up before you go to sleep.Even people who usually have very clear skin may experience breakouts if make-up is left on overnight. When left on your skin for too long, make-up can block your pores just like excess sebum, trapping bacteria and developing into bumps, blackheads and whiteheads.

5. Ditch the cleansing wipes! Although they are convenient to use, cleansing wipes only remove impurities from the skin’s surface, leaving a build up of grime in your pores that can develop into spots. Wipes also contain an array of nasty, skin-irritating ingredients which have no benefit other than helping to preserve the wipes themselves.

6. Don’t squeeze spots and try to avoid touching your face too often. Both of these things help to spread bacteria and won’t help to clear your skin. Although it may be tempting to pick a spot or squeeze a whitehead – this will only cause the infection to spread to other areas of your face and result in more spots.

Make sure to ask your barber to give you a decent haircut by telling him: Cut the sides and back starting from number 1. Leave the top or ask the barber to cut the top slightly but not too much.

IMG 2676

Warning: Cutting your hair too short may make you end up looking low class and terrible. This includes having bad bones:

IMG 2677

It would be quite hard to pull of med looks because your nose might not fit in with guys who typically have a normal to small nose. The 3 types of noses:

The leptorrhine (“tall and thin”) nose is associated with Caucasian or Indo-European descent. Includes Middle Eastern and North African descent

The platyrrhine (“broad and flat”) nose is associated with African origins. Which includes aboriginals.

And the mesorrhine (“intermediate”) nose has features intermediate between the leptorrhine nose and the platyrrhine nose.

IMG 2678

IMG 2679
IMG 2680

If you feel the need to shorten your nose consider rhinoplasty to make the cartilage and nostrils more narrow.

It all comes down to dark traid looks. There has been a common perception that lighter eyes and hair make someone more “light traid” and less aggressive.

Hair should be black or dark brunette

In terms of eye color you should technically be aiming for the bottom row:

IMG 2683

Richard Ramirez is a good example:

IMG 2681

On the other hand, someone who is light traid would be this guy:

IMG 2682

When that bone has a prominent angle visible around below the ear, a visible curving, thats a strong jawline. It's the natural bone structure of humans and varies in shape from person to person. For e.g. Celebrity Angelina Jolie or Henry Cavil has a strong jawline. It makes a person's face appear slimmer and more chiselled.

IMG 2684

Humans are meant to have fuller lips than apes due to evolution. Remember, a prettyboy is balanced with masc and feminine looks which puts them on the female gaze.


IMG 2686

Human-like (slightly bigger lips than the average male is ideal):

IMG 2685

Ngl even the man above has bigger lips than the female below sorry about that this was the only example I could find:

IMG 2687

If you are not a shredded prettyboy then why do you wanna medmax?

Have visible veins, abs, good amount of muscles, good frame etc

Kaden hammond is a good example:

IMG 2689

Muscle groups women find the most attractive:

- Delts
- Lats
- Traps
- Biceps
- Abs

Make sure to build these up.

Act like a teenager if your not
Have good social skills
Do drugs
Drink alcohol
Get face tats
Get into rap music
Disrespect women
Fight random people
Spend most of your life shirtless
  • +1
Reactions: shizuku11111, Ryldoo IS COPING, Jonas2k7 and 4 others
can you show examples of abdul and shit and or north africans that wont pass as med and why exactly
  • +1
Reactions: ominion, Jonas2k7 and flippasav
What does it exactly mean to be Med?

1. What actually counts as Med? If women are referring to “Med” guys they mean: Romeo, Lorenzo, Diego etc
Not: Fazal, Abdul, Ali etc

This means guys who are from Mediterranean Europe not North Africa. HOWEVER, of course there are some passable as “Med” but at a less percentage than what the average ethnic looks like. MENA countries where it’s possible for guys to pass as Med from most to least:


- Turkish (Includes cyprus)
- Syrian
- Lebanese
- Iranian
- Jordanian
- Moroccan
- Iraqi
- Palestinian
- Egyptian
- Tunisian
- Libyan
- Algerian
- Saudi Arabia
- Kuwait
- Qatar
- Yemen
- Oman


What are some photo examples of what you could potentially be aiming for?

- Clear skin (I am not covering skin whitening because it’s a bit vague)
- Prettyboy haircut with a fade
- Leptorrhine nose
- Dark hair + eyes
- Sharp jaw where you can cut diamonds
- Full lips
- Nt cold looks


View attachment 3221492View attachment 3221493View attachment 3221494View attachment 3221495View attachment 3221496

The core principle of Medmaxxing is to achieve the dream and fulthilment of what stacies look for especially in North Western European countries where darker men are typically more desirable:

View attachment 3221504

Female sex tourism:

View attachment 3221505

2. Have a good phenotype: Make sure you can pull off a “gracile Medditerranid” of course not everyone else has it but there are some guys who can be considered passable.

This phenotype’s description:

Mediterranid proper, smaller than other Mediterranids: the most gracile type of Europe. Appears first in Mesolithic groups of Palestine (Natufians). Common in Iberia, Southern Italy, Mediterranean islands, Western France, Southern Greece, Northern Tunisia. In low frequencies across Europe, e.g. Western Germany (esp. Rhineland-Palatinate), Ireland, Wales, Southern Bulgaria to the Black Sea and the Levant.

Physical Traits:​

Light brown skin, straight to wavy, rarely curly, usually abundant brown to brown-black hair. Rather short, meso- sometimes macroskelic, ectomorph with gracile bodily proportions, rather wide hips in women. Mesocephalic, chamaecranic with a protruding occiput. Oval, narrow face with refined and gracile features. Straight, hyperleptorrhine, not very long nose. Mildly rounded forehead.

View attachment 3221512

Here are the 7 aspects and steps to possibly attain Med prettyboy looks:


To understand how to get clear skin fast and how to keep skin clear, it's important to understand what causes skin to be unclear. We’ve highlighted some reasons as to why your skin might not be clear at the moment:

  1. Hormones can cause an overproduction of sebum in the skin glands which can lead to clogged pores
  2. Stress can trigger hormonal changes in people prone to breakouts
  3. Harsh ingredients, or ingredients that simply don’t agree with your skin, can result in skin that is not clear
  4. Not washing your make-up brushes - dirty brushes are a breeding ground for bacteria that can be linked to breakouts. By not cleaning make-up brushes regularly, you are essentially sweeping bacteria across your face
  5. Using too many products - finding the right balance of products with active ingredients is an essential step in how to get clear skin. Stick to a simple beauty regime that works for you.

1. Be gentle with your skin. Wash it thoroughly with a hydrating, ethyl alcohol-free cleanser like our Foaming Face Wash morning and night to remove impurities, naturally cleanse and work as a gentle antibacterial for your skin.

2. Drink plenty of filtered water throughout the day.Water helps to detoxify your system, keeping your digestive system working efficiently to remove toxins that could otherwise try to escape through your skin as spots.

3. Target blemishes. If you want to target specific spots or areas of your face, use a small amount of Oy Clear Skin Purifying Serum directly over the spot to deliver an instant antibacterial action. This naturally effective organic serum contains Black Willow Bark, one of nature’s most powerful antibacterial ingredients, that works wonders to naturally clear your skin.

4. Always remove make-up before you go to sleep.Even people who usually have very clear skin may experience breakouts if make-up is left on overnight. When left on your skin for too long, make-up can block your pores just like excess sebum, trapping bacteria and developing into bumps, blackheads and whiteheads.

5. Ditch the cleansing wipes! Although they are convenient to use, cleansing wipes only remove impurities from the skin’s surface, leaving a build up of grime in your pores that can develop into spots. Wipes also contain an array of nasty, skin-irritating ingredients which have no benefit other than helping to preserve the wipes themselves.

6. Don’t squeeze spots and try to avoid touching your face too often. Both of these things help to spread bacteria and won’t help to clear your skin. Although it may be tempting to pick a spot or squeeze a whitehead – this will only cause the infection to spread to other areas of your face and result in more spots.

Make sure to ask your barber to give you a decent haircut by telling him: Cut the sides and back starting from number 1. Leave the top or ask the barber to cut the top slightly but not too much.

View attachment 3221520

Warning: Cutting your hair too short may make you end up looking low class and terrible. This includes having bad bones:

View attachment 3221525

It would be quite hard to pull of med looks because your nose might not fit in with guys who typically have a normal to small nose. The 3 types of noses:

The leptorrhine (“tall and thin”) nose is associated with Caucasian or Indo-European descent. Includes Middle Eastern and North African descent

The platyrrhine (“broad and flat”) nose is associated with African origins. Which includes aboriginals.

And the mesorrhine (“intermediate”) nose has features intermediate between the leptorrhine nose and the platyrrhine nose.

View attachment 3221532
View attachment 3221534View attachment 3221535

If you feel the need to shorten your nose consider rhinoplasty to make the cartilage and nostrils more narrow.

It all comes down to dark traid looks. There has been a common perception that lighter eyes and hair make someone more “light traid” and less aggressive.

Hair should be black or dark brunette

In terms of eye color you should technically be aiming for the bottom row:

View attachment 3221541

Richard Ramirez is a good example:

View attachment 3221538

On the other hand, someone who is light traid would be this guy:

View attachment 3221539

When that bone has a prominent angle visible around below the ear, a visible curving, thats a strong jawline. It's the natural bone structure of humans and varies in shape from person to person. For e.g. Celebrity Angelina Jolie or Henry Cavil has a strong jawline. It makes a person's face appear slimmer and more chiselled.

View attachment 3221547

Humans are meant to have fuller lips than apes due to evolution. Remember, a prettyboy is balanced with masc and feminine looks which puts them on the female gaze.


View attachment 3221573

Human-like (slightly bigger lips than the average male is ideal):

View attachment 3221571

Ngl even the man above has bigger lips than the female below sorry about that this was the only example I could find:

View attachment 3221576

If you are not a shredded prettyboy then why do you wanna medmax?

Have visible veins, abs, good amount of muscles, good frame etc

Kaden hammond is a good example:

View attachment 3221603

Muscle groups women find the most attractive:

- Delts
- Lats
- Traps
- Biceps
- Abs

Make sure to build these up.

Act like a teenager if your not
Have good social skills
Do drugs
Drink alcohol
Get face tats
Get into rap music
Disrespect women
Fight random people
Spend most of your life shirtless
You've forgotten the entire south asian subcontinent
  • JFL
Reactions: sayi and Jonas2k7
can you show examples of abdul and shit and or north africans that wont pass as med and why exactly
Something that alienates you from the Medditerrnean: Which is basically natufian looks

IMG 2690
IMG 2691
IMG 2692
  • +1
  • JFL
Reactions: vernier, NZb6Air, MA_ascender and 1 other person

@alurmo @Gengar @Gargantuan @MA_ascender @Debetro @Pakicel @SecularIslamist @Kaari @Latinolooksmaxxer @thebuffdon690 @try2beme @TechnoBoss @halloweed @hopecel @Outerz14 @billymidnight @truthhurts @moreplatesmoreweigh @wsada @Darkeningstar @Curryascender @Shogun @forevergymcelling @anthony111553
@the BULL
  • +1
Reactions: MA_ascender and alurmo
@Autismcel @Mewton @shizuku11111 @exo
  • Hmm...
  • Ugh..
Reactions: exo and Mewton
Which countries have Abdul pheno bhaj
  • +1
Reactions: ryuken and flippasav
Which countries have Abdul pheno bhaj
Anywhere spanning from Morroco to Kazakhstan I believe. Some are just unlucky to have it whereas some can look white passing. I would say mostly in the Arabian Peninsula tho

What ethnicity are you?
  • +1
Reactions: MA_ascender
Anywhere spanning from Morroco to Kazakhstan I believe. Some are just unlucky to have it whereas some can look white passing. I would say mostly in the Arabian Peninsula tho

What ethnicity are you?
Moroccan sar
  • +1
  • Woah
Reactions: ryuken, Jonas2k7 and flippasav
I doubt you guys look Dalit. I would rather be North African than from the Arabian Peninsula
It's a very diverse country

However I think tretinoin and actually using strong sunscreen thos summet has helped me a lot, my face is noticeably whiter than my body cause of the tret
  • +1
Reactions: flippasav
im asking u what's the difference exactly
Ethnics mostly have: Large forehead, raised eyebrows, dense eyebrows, deep set almond eyes, intense stare, prominent nose, puffy/bloated face, ogre lower third and round chin which actual Meds lack.
  • Hmm...
Reactions: NZb6Air
It's a very diverse country

However I think tretinoin and actually using strong sunscreen thos summet has helped me a lot, my face is noticeably whiter than my body cause of the tret
Ethnics mostly have: Large forehead, raised eyebrows, dense eyebrows, deep set almond eyes, intense stare, prominent nose, puffy/bloated face, ogre lower third and round chin which actual Meds lack.
  • +1
Reactions: MA_ascender
Yea thank god I have good eyebrows tbh
Some ethnics can have nigger pheno like: Raised eyebrows, short fleshy/bulbous nose, short face, big lips and bloated face
  • +1
Reactions: MA_ascender
Ethnics mostly have: Large forehead, raised eyebrows, dense eyebrows, deep set almond eyes, intense stare, prominent nose, puffy/bloated face, ogre lower third and round chin which actual Meds lack.
bro what
  • JFL
Reactions: flippasav
How do u not get it??
Large forehead
diff hair/temple hair
raised eyebrows
less prominent brow ridge?
dense eyebrows
could be just black color i.e. perceived density

deep set almond eyes
? doesnt make sense since u high set eyebrows

intense stare, prominent nose
dk waht this means
puffy/bloated face
how is this genotypical

ogre lower third and round chin
dk what this means
  • JFL
  • +1
Reactions: Jonas2k7 and flippasav
Images 3

How can u forget real med countries from South Asia?
diff hair/temple hair
less prominent brow ridge
could be just black color i.e. perceived density
? doesnt make sense since u high set eyebrows
dk waht this means
how is this genotypical
dk what this means
Honestly don’t know what to say
  • Hmm...
Reactions: NZb6Air
Do I look like a med prettyboy? (Moroccan living in Spain)


  • 1000026843.jpg
    583.6 KB · Views: 0
  • +1
Reactions: flippasav
i'm already a spartan warrior, don't tag me again
Most grateful user
Also was I meant to know that you are a “spartan warrior?” Thanks for reminding me
What does it exactly mean to be Med?

1. What actually counts as Med? If women are referring to “Med” guys they mean: Romeo, Lorenzo, Diego etc
Not: Fazal, Abdul, Ali etc

This means guys who are from Mediterranean Europe not North Africa. HOWEVER, of course there are some passable as “Med” but at a less percentage than what the average ethnic looks like. MENA countries where it’s possible for guys to pass as Med from most to least:


- Turkish (Includes cyprus)
- Syrian
- Lebanese
- Iranian
- Jordanian
- Moroccan
- Iraqi
- Palestinian
- Egyptian
- Tunisian
- Libyan
- Algerian
- Saudi Arabia
- Kuwait
- Qatar
- Yemen
- Oman


What are some photo examples of what you could potentially be aiming for?

- Clear skin (I am not covering skin whitening because it’s a bit vague)
- Prettyboy haircut with a fade
- Leptorrhine nose
- Dark hair + eyes
- Sharp jaw where you can cut diamonds
- Full lips
- Nt cold looks


View attachment 3221492View attachment 3221493View attachment 3221494View attachment 3221495View attachment 3221496

The core principle of Medmaxxing is to achieve the dream and fulthilment of what stacies look for especially in North Western European countries where darker men are typically more desirable:

View attachment 3221504

Female sex tourism:

View attachment 3221505

2. Have a good phenotype: Make sure you can pull off a “gracile Medditerranid” of course not everyone else has it but there are some guys who can be considered passable.

This phenotype’s description:

Mediterranid proper, smaller than other Mediterranids: the most gracile type of Europe. Appears first in Mesolithic groups of Palestine (Natufians). Common in Iberia, Southern Italy, Mediterranean islands, Western France, Southern Greece, Northern Tunisia. In low frequencies across Europe, e.g. Western Germany (esp. Rhineland-Palatinate), Ireland, Wales, Southern Bulgaria to the Black Sea and the Levant.

Physical Traits:​

Light brown skin, straight to wavy, rarely curly, usually abundant brown to brown-black hair. Rather short, meso- sometimes macroskelic, ectomorph with gracile bodily proportions, rather wide hips in women. Mesocephalic, chamaecranic with a protruding occiput. Oval, narrow face with refined and gracile features. Straight, hyperleptorrhine, not very long nose. Mildly rounded forehead.

View attachment 3221512

Here are the 7 aspects and steps to possibly attain Med prettyboy looks:


To understand how to get clear skin fast and how to keep skin clear, it's important to understand what causes skin to be unclear. We’ve highlighted some reasons as to why your skin might not be clear at the moment:

  1. Hormones can cause an overproduction of sebum in the skin glands which can lead to clogged pores
  2. Stress can trigger hormonal changes in people prone to breakouts
  3. Harsh ingredients, or ingredients that simply don’t agree with your skin, can result in skin that is not clear
  4. Not washing your make-up brushes - dirty brushes are a breeding ground for bacteria that can be linked to breakouts. By not cleaning make-up brushes regularly, you are essentially sweeping bacteria across your face
  5. Using too many products - finding the right balance of products with active ingredients is an essential step in how to get clear skin. Stick to a simple beauty regime that works for you.

1. Be gentle with your skin. Wash it thoroughly with a hydrating, ethyl alcohol-free cleanser like our Foaming Face Wash morning and night to remove impurities, naturally cleanse and work as a gentle antibacterial for your skin.

2. Drink plenty of filtered water throughout the day.Water helps to detoxify your system, keeping your digestive system working efficiently to remove toxins that could otherwise try to escape through your skin as spots.

3. Target blemishes. If you want to target specific spots or areas of your face, use a small amount of Oy Clear Skin Purifying Serum directly over the spot to deliver an instant antibacterial action. This naturally effective organic serum contains Black Willow Bark, one of nature’s most powerful antibacterial ingredients, that works wonders to naturally clear your skin.

4. Always remove make-up before you go to sleep.Even people who usually have very clear skin may experience breakouts if make-up is left on overnight. When left on your skin for too long, make-up can block your pores just like excess sebum, trapping bacteria and developing into bumps, blackheads and whiteheads.

5. Ditch the cleansing wipes! Although they are convenient to use, cleansing wipes only remove impurities from the skin’s surface, leaving a build up of grime in your pores that can develop into spots. Wipes also contain an array of nasty, skin-irritating ingredients which have no benefit other than helping to preserve the wipes themselves.

6. Don’t squeeze spots and try to avoid touching your face too often. Both of these things help to spread bacteria and won’t help to clear your skin. Although it may be tempting to pick a spot or squeeze a whitehead – this will only cause the infection to spread to other areas of your face and result in more spots.

Make sure to ask your barber to give you a decent haircut by telling him: Cut the sides and back starting from number 1. Leave the top or ask the barber to cut the top slightly but not too much.

View attachment 3221520

Warning: Cutting your hair too short may make you end up looking low class and terrible. This includes having bad bones:

View attachment 3221525

It would be quite hard to pull of med looks because your nose might not fit in with guys who typically have a normal to small nose. The 3 types of noses:

The leptorrhine (“tall and thin”) nose is associated with Caucasian or Indo-European descent. Includes Middle Eastern and North African descent

The platyrrhine (“broad and flat”) nose is associated with African origins. Which includes aboriginals.

And the mesorrhine (“intermediate”) nose has features intermediate between the leptorrhine nose and the platyrrhine nose.

View attachment 3221532
View attachment 3221534View attachment 3221535

If you feel the need to shorten your nose consider rhinoplasty to make the cartilage and nostrils more narrow.

It all comes down to dark traid looks. There has been a common perception that lighter eyes and hair make someone more “light traid” and less aggressive.

Hair should be black or dark brunette

In terms of eye color you should technically be aiming for the bottom row:

View attachment 3221541

Richard Ramirez is a good example:

View attachment 3221538

On the other hand, someone who is light traid would be this guy:

View attachment 3221539

When that bone has a prominent angle visible around below the ear, a visible curving, thats a strong jawline. It's the natural bone structure of humans and varies in shape from person to person. For e.g. Celebrity Angelina Jolie or Henry Cavil has a strong jawline. It makes a person's face appear slimmer and more chiselled.

View attachment 3221547

Humans are meant to have fuller lips than apes due to evolution. Remember, a prettyboy is balanced with masc and feminine looks which puts them on the female gaze.


View attachment 3221573

Human-like (slightly bigger lips than the average male is ideal):

View attachment 3221571

Ngl even the man above has bigger lips than the female below sorry about that this was the only example I could find:

View attachment 3221576

If you are not a shredded prettyboy then why do you wanna medmax?

Have visible veins, abs, good amount of muscles, good frame etc

Kaden hammond is a good example:

View attachment 3221603

Muscle groups women find the most attractive:

- Delts
- Lats
- Traps
- Biceps
- Abs

Make sure to build these up.

Act like a teenager if your not
Have good social skills
Do drugs
Drink alcohol
Get face tats
Get into rap music
Disrespect women
Fight random people
Spend most of your life shirtless
So basically the whole opposite of me. Cooked

IMG 2524
IMG 3044
What does it exactly mean to be Med?

1. What actually counts as Med? If women are referring to “Med” guys they mean: Romeo, Lorenzo, Diego etc
Not: Fazal, Abdul, Ali etc

This means guys who are from Mediterranean Europe not North Africa. HOWEVER, of course there are some passable as “Med” but at a less percentage than what the average ethnic looks like. MENA countries where it’s possible for guys to pass as Med from most to least:


- Turkish (Includes cyprus)
- Syrian
- Lebanese
- Iranian
- Jordanian
- Moroccan
- Iraqi
- Palestinian
- Egyptian
- Tunisian
- Libyan
- Algerian
- Saudi Arabia
- Kuwait
- Qatar
- Yemen
- Oman


What are some photo examples of what you could potentially be aiming for?

- Clear skin (I am not covering skin whitening because it’s a bit vague)
- Prettyboy haircut with a fade
- Leptorrhine nose
- Dark hair + eyes
- Sharp jaw where you can cut diamonds
- Full lips
- Nt cold looks


View attachment 3221492View attachment 3221493View attachment 3221494View attachment 3221495View attachment 3221496

The core principle of Medmaxxing is to achieve the dream and fulthilment of what stacies look for especially in North Western European countries where darker men are typically more desirable:

View attachment 3221504

Female sex tourism:

View attachment 3221505

2. Have a good phenotype: Make sure you can pull off a “gracile Medditerranid” of course not everyone else has it but there are some guys who can be considered passable.

This phenotype’s description:

Mediterranid proper, smaller than other Mediterranids: the most gracile type of Europe. Appears first in Mesolithic groups of Palestine (Natufians). Common in Iberia, Southern Italy, Mediterranean islands, Western France, Southern Greece, Northern Tunisia. In low frequencies across Europe, e.g. Western Germany (esp. Rhineland-Palatinate), Ireland, Wales, Southern Bulgaria to the Black Sea and the Levant.

Physical Traits:​

Light brown skin, straight to wavy, rarely curly, usually abundant brown to brown-black hair. Rather short, meso- sometimes macroskelic, ectomorph with gracile bodily proportions, rather wide hips in women. Mesocephalic, chamaecranic with a protruding occiput. Oval, narrow face with refined and gracile features. Straight, hyperleptorrhine, not very long nose. Mildly rounded forehead.

View attachment 3221512

Here are the 7 aspects and steps to possibly attain Med prettyboy looks:


To understand how to get clear skin fast and how to keep skin clear, it's important to understand what causes skin to be unclear. We’ve highlighted some reasons as to why your skin might not be clear at the moment:

  1. Hormones can cause an overproduction of sebum in the skin glands which can lead to clogged pores
  2. Stress can trigger hormonal changes in people prone to breakouts
  3. Harsh ingredients, or ingredients that simply don’t agree with your skin, can result in skin that is not clear
  4. Not washing your make-up brushes - dirty brushes are a breeding ground for bacteria that can be linked to breakouts. By not cleaning make-up brushes regularly, you are essentially sweeping bacteria across your face
  5. Using too many products - finding the right balance of products with active ingredients is an essential step in how to get clear skin. Stick to a simple beauty regime that works for you.

1. Be gentle with your skin. Wash it thoroughly with a hydrating, ethyl alcohol-free cleanser like our Foaming Face Wash morning and night to remove impurities, naturally cleanse and work as a gentle antibacterial for your skin.

2. Drink plenty of filtered water throughout the day.Water helps to detoxify your system, keeping your digestive system working efficiently to remove toxins that could otherwise try to escape through your skin as spots.

3. Target blemishes. If you want to target specific spots or areas of your face, use a small amount of Oy Clear Skin Purifying Serum directly over the spot to deliver an instant antibacterial action. This naturally effective organic serum contains Black Willow Bark, one of nature’s most powerful antibacterial ingredients, that works wonders to naturally clear your skin.

4. Always remove make-up before you go to sleep.Even people who usually have very clear skin may experience breakouts if make-up is left on overnight. When left on your skin for too long, make-up can block your pores just like excess sebum, trapping bacteria and developing into bumps, blackheads and whiteheads.

5. Ditch the cleansing wipes! Although they are convenient to use, cleansing wipes only remove impurities from the skin’s surface, leaving a build up of grime in your pores that can develop into spots. Wipes also contain an array of nasty, skin-irritating ingredients which have no benefit other than helping to preserve the wipes themselves.

6. Don’t squeeze spots and try to avoid touching your face too often. Both of these things help to spread bacteria and won’t help to clear your skin. Although it may be tempting to pick a spot or squeeze a whitehead – this will only cause the infection to spread to other areas of your face and result in more spots.

Make sure to ask your barber to give you a decent haircut by telling him: Cut the sides and back starting from number 1. Leave the top or ask the barber to cut the top slightly but not too much.

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Warning: Cutting your hair too short may make you end up looking low class and terrible. This includes having bad bones:

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It would be quite hard to pull of med looks because your nose might not fit in with guys who typically have a normal to small nose. The 3 types of noses:

The leptorrhine (“tall and thin”) nose is associated with Caucasian or Indo-European descent. Includes Middle Eastern and North African descent

The platyrrhine (“broad and flat”) nose is associated with African origins. Which includes aboriginals.

And the mesorrhine (“intermediate”) nose has features intermediate between the leptorrhine nose and the platyrrhine nose.

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If you feel the need to shorten your nose consider rhinoplasty to make the cartilage and nostrils more narrow.

It all comes down to dark traid looks. There has been a common perception that lighter eyes and hair make someone more “light traid” and less aggressive.

Hair should be black or dark brunette

In terms of eye color you should technically be aiming for the bottom row:

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Richard Ramirez is a good example:

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On the other hand, someone who is light traid would be this guy:

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When that bone has a prominent angle visible around below the ear, a visible curving, thats a strong jawline. It's the natural bone structure of humans and varies in shape from person to person. For e.g. Celebrity Angelina Jolie or Henry Cavil has a strong jawline. It makes a person's face appear slimmer and more chiselled.

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Humans are meant to have fuller lips than apes due to evolution. Remember, a prettyboy is balanced with masc and feminine looks which puts them on the female gaze.


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Human-like (slightly bigger lips than the average male is ideal):

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Ngl even the man above has bigger lips than the female below sorry about that this was the only example I could find:

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If you are not a shredded prettyboy then why do you wanna medmax?

Have visible veins, abs, good amount of muscles, good frame etc

Kaden hammond is a good example:

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Muscle groups women find the most attractive:

- Delts
- Lats
- Traps
- Biceps
- Abs

Make sure to build these up.

Act like a teenager if your not
Have good social skills
Do drugs
Drink alcohol
Get face tats
Get into rap music
Disrespect women
Fight random people
Spend most of your life shirtless
Isn’t med ideal like light eyes ?

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