How to tell if someone has a low IQ...............................................

I agree on the delusion part, but delusion can also be largely psychological, i.e how highly someone scores on measures of narcissism or psychoticism. It's hereditary stuff in a lot of people's situations, coming down to genetics - SNPs. I'd say it's two-pronged in that regard, either psychological or culturally instilled (i.e some countries having a messiah complex, being chauvinist, or individuals of a specific subculture considering themselves bigger of a deal than they really are).

For the same reason that deviations and exceptions happen in any other facet of reality - even if we don't go into genetic recombination, which you mention below (and which is a valid principle, btw), it's just a rule of thumb in statistics that there will always be the extremes relative to the norm. Nothing in this world is fully uniformized/standardized. We don't even really need a more specific rule to explain this, it's self-evident that reality functions this way.

Mathematics and physics and intelligence are indeed a solid way of assessing intelligence, but intelligence doesn't just manifest in the quant sense, but also in the verbal sense; at very high levels of intelligence, people will typically be specialised towards one or the other. So, yeah, you're right in that regard, but your observation does nothing to disprove 'authoritarian science' (whatever you mean by that), because IQ tests measure for dimensionality of verbal vs quant too.

I know you will claim that g factor takes into account all of my aforementioned reasons [...]

Which it does. Plenty of data to back it up. I quote:

View attachment 1923537
The correlation between total brain volume and IQ is +0.40, based on the use of high quality IQ tests. Until recently we did not interpret the basic reason for this correlation. The usual guess was that there were simply more neurons. While this may be true, we now know that the primary reason is that larger brains have lower neurite density, which enables the neurons to form connections that are more efficient. When the volumes of the 14 Brodmann Areas that relate to g are summed, the correlation is much higher ( + 0.70 ) Source of the figure above: Diffusion markers of dendritic density and arborization in gray matter predict differences in intelligence; Erhan Genç, Christoph Fraenz, Caroline Schlüter, Patrick Friedrich, Rüdiger Hossiep, Manuel C. Voelkle, Josef M. Ling, Onur Güntürkün, & Rex E. Jung; NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2018) 9:1905

There is more, but I don't feel like scouring all my saved information for it currently.

of what purpose is g when it tells you nothing?

What it tells us is that there are correlations between various cognitive testing methodologies, which indicates that 1) intelligence goes deeper than just cultural expectations and 2) intelligence is holistic, as opposed to modular. In telling us these things, it sets a precedent for establishing what other things go beyond culture, and manifest holistically as far as intellect is concerned. So, it tells us quite a bit. Refer to this video for some introductory, but still very useful facts regarding intelligence and g. Professor Plomin is highly esteemed in the field of intelligence research and behavioural genetics:

Genetic recombination does not disallow anything, if it's a legitimate principle it promptly shuts down the discussion because nothing else needs to be said. Occam's razor, right? If the shoe fits, wear it; if it ain't broke, don't fix it, etc. Why complicate ourselves when we have a simple and well-backed principle explaining these anomalies?
And, no, you misunderstand genetic recombination. It's not just a fuzzy concept meant to brush aside any opposition, it's literally an essential component of how genetics get spread down the line. It's got nothing to do with entropy, it's a mechanism that incentivizes the expansion of RNA and the shuffling of genetics in novel ways, thereby incentivizing evolution, which is the phenomenon that propels us all. However, we can't predict exactly how and when it will happen, but that doesn't mean we haven't observed it. It's just like climate change - just because it's still debated in science the exact causes and effects of it, doesn't mean it's not real and happening, and those who use it for rhetorical or political purposes don't take away from the fact that it happens. People misusing the concept =/= the concept being invalid.

And regarding neuroticism, yeah, that's literally the first point I made when I quoted you. I agree with you.

I disagree with about 90% of what you said but if I were to argue against I would have to introduce you to a whole new world view which would take too long tbh.
  • +1
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I disagree with about 90% of what you said but if I were to argue against I would have to introduce you to a whole new world view which would take too long tbh.
Fair enough. If you ever feel like walking me thru it lemme know - tag me, PM me etc. Curious to hear you out
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im convined nt high iq people are just robots destined to become phd scientists or excel spreadsheet writers, literal human calculators
whereas people who are genuinely creative and invent things outside the box are neurodivergent + high iq
Jfl at being british
Imagine scoring being white but having the shittiest inbred-tier phenotypes ever

Pretty much see this as absolutely spot-on. Anyone disagree?

That guy turned into a conspiratard 😭
Explain how neuro divergent thinking, the ability to perceive reality differently from your usual person, is intelligent?

I want a good argument.
I think it takes a "high IQ" person to be a creative genius. You can't come up with good ideas if you're dumb.

I don't think Kanye is dumb. I think he thinks in a very dumb manner.
"Blacks are the Jews in the Bible" 🤡
That guy turned into a conspiratard 😭
I think it takes a "high IQ" person to be a creative genius. You can't come up with good ideas if you're dumb.

I don't think Kanye is dumb. I think he thinks in a very dumb manner.
"Blacks are the Jews in the Bible" 🤡
Yeah his Bipolar outbursts always lead to him being misunderstood, he has an intelligent thinking process but he allows him to be misinterpreted easily.
Mass media wouldn’t be able to demonize him if he was able to explain that it’s dangerous for a very small percent of the population to influence a society on a mass scale.

The cognitive dissonance in normies is so insane though, white men are criticized for creating a power structure where they’re able to influence society as a whole for their benefit, but when being up anything about Jews being able to do the same thing due to the influence they hold any critical discussion is shut down and it defaults to “anti-semitism”
Yeah his Bipolar outbursts always lead to him being misunderstood, he has an intelligent thinking process but he allows him to be misinterpreted easily.
He doesn't have an intelligent thinking process whatsoever, as I said earlier

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