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Yeah, I've got to do more reading up on fascism myself. I'm currently finishing up on Nietzsche and intend on reading Spengler next. Any recommendations?

btw I still run into the same problem with Spengler...I get the gist of what he means but he's very unreadable

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I know of these guys, they were booted off bandcamp because the cucks there told them to "tone it down"

have a proggy easter!
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wasn't Michel hated by universally everyone? he was hated because he told the truth.

Houellebecq is actually quite popular; one of the few contemporary novelists who's written enduring work. He gets a lot of praise by most people who aren't pozzed scolds. To the last point however, he's still a very controversial figure given the context. He's written against Islam, in tacit support of sex tourism (the subject of Platform), and gave an honest portrait of involuntary celibacy as a form of material poverty 25 years ago (original title of Whatever was Extension du domaine de la lutte - Extension of the Domain of Struggle - from economic to sexual). His first two books have a lot of great quotes about sexual liberalization making "layyyyyyyy count" the necessary gauge of status; physical appeal, not moral character or anything lie that, (+ the agepill, very heavy presence in his books) as the decisive criterion for admiration and success in modern life; social and metaphysical atomization and the ultimate transitory emptiness of hedonism.

Fontaine used to post about him a good deal.

a lot of people went soy around here so they blackballed me out of the scene for not being conformist.

but I thought the idea of non-conformity was punk rock....I guess not....hmmmmm

"Non-conformity" wherein the system presents soy punks a neat list of "conformisms" to "rebel" against. These people are too stupid to see their pet causes being handed to them right off an assembly line.

Funny how things like this work

"Anti-sexism", "anti-racism", "anti-xenophobia", "anti-transphobia" are legitimate "rebellions". I can tell because universities teach classes about it, popular figures mouth it, and anything against it is vigorously stubbed out of the public sphere (because it's self-evidently ridiculous so who cares teehee). The force of consensus married with (sub)human cowardice and stupidity is powerful, so people only ever end up "standing behind" things that are already well-reinforced.

I was talking about Schopenhauer earlier. he had a famous quote, and I see it play out the past five or so years

"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident."

in many different forms. btw how does this disagree with Hegel's dialectical system. Schope and Hegel hated each other but for what reason?
Spengler to me is pure historicism. its not a bad tendency but it makes his point draw out too far.

Yeah, that's a famous one from him.

He was opposed to most of the post-Kant idealists, like Fichte and Hegel, yeah. I don't recall the fundamental issues he had, but he tended to deride them as bombastic manglers of philosophy, who weaved incoherence out of tangled and sloppy logic. I haven't read Hegel, so I can't say anything as to the worth of this estimation.


The will to Power and thus spoke Zarathustra. Might read beyond good and evil and the antichrist too (real life friend who's an openly self identifying National Socialist recommended the latter to me)

Yeah, I need to read Twilight of the Idols, Human, All Too Human, and Thoughts Out of Season. In the proper translations as well. Avoid modern, post-WWII translations, as many (Kaufmann notoriously) have truncated, reshaped, and "interpreted" elements of his philosophy into docility in order to rehabilitate his work. This is one of the reasons his work found such a strange audience in the faget Post-Structuralists and Gender Theorists of the 60s and 70s. I've heard good things about Ludovici's translations.

I'm not the fondest of Nietzsche but he has his place.

Carl Schmidt is also a good read

also, look at the author's name. and at the end you can tell he's scurred
Foucault was great even though Tumblrinas like to tout him. strange thing is, so do Nazbols.

Nietzsche has a tendency to bloviate toward soaring heights. He's something of an Incel Tom as well (all the talk of "higher man" with his escortcelling, congenital defects, and indispositions - though to be fair he spoke of spirit and not mere physicality - not the case with some of his faggot acolytes like George Bernard Shaw, who wrote Man and Superman effectively on the idea of the "wisdom" of sexual selection - Spengler kicks his ass in Untergang des Abendlandes @DeformAspergerCel - I used to have it as my sig here). Nietzsche's pretty good, but Nietzscheans are often huge dorks, whether they're fruity, arrogant classicists (read: buttfuckers) on the Right or incontinent, defective relativists on the Left. Schopenhauer is the opposite, a man who had occasional affairs, but who hated cunts and even pushed one down a flight of stairs. A man who knew profoundly the pain of worldly desire.

I want to read Schmitt soon. I've heard very good things. I'll be getting ahold of a copy of The Concept of the Political soon hopefully. Very insightful opponent of "yuman rights"

The concept of humanity is an especially useful ideological instrument of imperialist expansion, and in its ethical-humanitarian form it is a specific vehicle of economic imperialism. Here one is reminded of a somewhat modified expression of Proudhon’s: whoever invokes humanity wants to cheat. To confiscate the word humanity, to invoke and monopolize such a term probably has certain incalculable effects, such as denying the enemy the quality of being human and declaring him to be an outlaw of humanity; and a war can thereby be driven to the most extreme inhumanity.

Peste Noire is always great. As far as French Black Metal goes, this remains at the top for me

btw I still run into the same problem with Spengler...I get the gist of what he means but he's very unreadable

I know of these guys, they were booted off bandcamp because the cucks there told them to "tone it down"

have a proggy easter!

Spengler takes some deliberation to understand at times, but it's very worth it in the end. Untergang/Decline is one of the best things I've ever read.

Bandcuck is one of the leaders in the ideological wagon-circling of modern "extreme music". Buying downloads is gay anyways. Much better to get a stack of old CDs for $20. "Supporting artists" is not a consideration when you're just paying for the fruits of some Redditor's weekend hobby so he can buy a new delay pedal.

I've been enjoying these lately:

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Make her cry, cry, cry, she need a tissue
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no music for face
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Ah Season To Risk is great, used to listen to them a lot @Ledgemund might go pick up some of their stuff again. I use a git hub piracy app for bandcuck because Fuck giving them money

lately a lot of grind

Also a lot of other stuff, ranging from deathcore/tech metalcore stuff like The Red Chord and Whitechapel, to industrial weirdness like Vox Populi!, Storm Bugs, Notstandskomitee, Zombies Under Stress to indie rock noise like Shellac and The Jesus Lizard
and yeah Nietszcheans I've encountered, whether left or right tend to be fedora tippers.

people who like Schopenhauer are less common but often found in the men's rights community. Nietzsche was an escortcel, but Schopenhauer was more like me, had relationships, lots of troublesome ones, and just like me, has done dastardly things to foids.
no music for face

obviously but as many of the philosophers we spoke about here would say its "the highest of copes, the spirit of human innovation"
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Good shit

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the woman in your pfp is ideally one of my types. she just has to stop acting like a nigger then we'd be ok. unless she's going for that sk8er girl then fine.
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Hit the scene NLE Choppa
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David Lynch fans should be sure to investigate this guy's work. Even the songs that don't appear in his films ('Wicked Game') end up sounding like them:

Ah Season To Risk is great, used to listen to them a lot @Ledgemund might go pick up some of their stuff again. I use a git hub piracy app for bandcuck because Fuck giving them money

Season to Risk is definitely great, very underrated. They take a while to grow, but there's really something singular in their music. I really like the first album (self-titled), while most people don't think too highly of it. It's superficially Alt-Rock with many of the sonic hallmarks of the 90s, but there's an abrasiveness to it that sets it apart from anything else. It's like Grunge with band saw sharpness and stumbling dissonance. Similar in a sense to that Quicksand album, which I just discovered.

In a Perfect World moves over into full bore Noise Rock and it's probably their best album. It gets better every time I listen to it.

(free him)

The next two albums are a step down and sound a little too much like bouncing Post-Hardcore. I don't like those nearly as much.

lately a lot of grind

I would always see a Rot album for sale at a record store I used to go to. Never picked it up though.

Also a lot of other stuff, ranging from deathcore/tech metalcore stuff like The Red Chord and Whitechapel, to industrial weirdness like Vox Populi!, Storm Bugs, Notstandskomitee, Zombies Under Stress to indie rock noise like Shellac and The Jesus Lizard

The Jesus Lizard are great, always forget just how much until I remember to listen to them.

I just picked up an album from this band; I've been listening to a lot of Tech Death too

and yeah Nietszcheans I've encountered, whether left or right tend to be fedora tippers.

people who like Schopenhauer are less common but often found in the men's rights community. Nietzsche was an escortcel, but Schopenhauer was more like me, had relationships, lots of troublesome ones, and just like me, has done dastardly things to foids.

Lot of people tout Schopenhauer, but I don't think they've actually read him. He's a popular "neo-stoic" type in the redpilk community, yeah. Presumably the depth of appreciation here is, "it's like S says, women are eternal children bro. I just pump and dump nahmsayin, I don't care about them - they can't resist me by the way. If you have any doubts about the status I'd like to fabricate, remember that."

I've only read the essays and bits of The World as Will and Representation. I just started making my way through the latter in full, about halfway done with the first volume. His particular form of division between appearance and thing an sich is an interesting way to challenge the bugman's phenomenal determinism.
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Rot is good if you like Poltical grind, they're like Cripple Bastards if they were crustier and had more low grunts instead of high screams. Sort of like Agathocles but way dirtier.

I wish Season To Risk had a decent place to download their albums and I wouldn't have to pay much of any thing if possible. I had to pirate one of their records.

I feel asleep listening to Georges Sorel's Reflections On Violence, decent book but next time I should be awake instead. Also the narrator was some shit kid hired by Libravox.

I came across this one philosopher who took equal measure from Wittgenstein, Schmitt and Foucault at the same time. It's a tough read. Tell me what you think

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Celtic bm because I'm a potato nigger and proud of it


btw invite Legionarvs here, the gang's all here now
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praise be upon lord meeks
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lots of punk/hc lately

and this gem of a band, weird gorenoise influenced death/doom metal

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sounds me
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Loving this
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from osrs (try it)
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Green Day desu ne. Used to hate this band back when I was a child.

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In a good mood ngl
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Stan her!
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from osrs (try it)
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from osrs (try it)
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Been listening to this on loop for the past 2 hours and questioning my sanity tbh
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listening to this at night in the dark
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mogs every modern pop artist tbh

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from osrs (try it)
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